#//have a lil boyd for anderson
ghoulphile · 4 months
here, queer, a lil stoned, and with ghoul rot q/a
do you lean more towards the ghoul be fuckin head cannon or the 200 years of celibacy head cannon? personally i like both but in my opinion post war coop is low key a slut.
if the tv show ever ends up with a season in the commonwealth/goodnieghbor do you think we'd get a live action John Hancock? who's your dream hancock actor? (if you have one)
fav ghoul/coop headcannon?
ps im glad you and your wifey are ok! i really hope yall were able to still enjoy the long weekend!
──★ ˙🍓 ̟
do you lean more towards the ghoul be fuckin head cannon or the 200 years of celibacy head cannon? personally i like both but in my opinion post war coop is low key a slut.
i like both and i def see the thoughts of celibacy (man was in a hole in the ground for some odd years lol) but i do lean more towards him fuckin.
now there's no tender kisses or sweet nothings. just a quick and dirty tumble that leaves you soaked in sweat (maybeeee some regret) as he satisfies urges and nothing more. it would take a whole lot more than that to get him to open up.
if the tv show ever ends up with a season in the commonwealth/goodnieghbor do you think we'd get a live action John Hancock? who's your dream hancock actor? (if you have one)
as much as i would love-love-love to see a live action hancock!!!! i don't know if we will :/
i remember reading somewhere that bethesda has been approached many times to make a live-action fallout and they were never satisfied with the ideas pitched to them.
what made this time around different is that it was a fresh idea set in the same universe which tells me they prefer to have an original story opposed to a re-hash of one that's already been told.
that said, i think it would be amazing to have cameos from the games and i think a lot of people would love it too so i hope they consider throwing us a bone lol.
you know i've never thought about it before, but off the top of my head, i think tom hardy, sam reid or jacob anderson (do not look @ me rn i am going thru it with interview with the vampire ok?!? but they are both fantastic actors), boyd holbrook, james mcavoy or oscar isaac.
there are some others but i cannot for the life of me think of their names rn 💀
any faves for you??
fav ghoul/coop headcannon?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔
there’s a lot but ig one of my personal coop hcs (that kind of relates to barb) is that he’s more in love with barb than she is him — not that she doesn’t love him or rather didn’t at one point in time!! but more so she fell out of love with him while he was away at war and by the time he came home, she had already mourned him and moved on. (i.e. the convo where she talks about how she waited every night for news on whether he was alive or not, how she always seems startled by him touching her, how she hesitates to kiss him back etc etc)
and as fallout is based off the 50s divorce was a big no no, so have a baby bc that’ll make everything better (it doesn’t).
another hc attached to that is coop was injured at the battle of anchorage (his talks with bud about the power armor etc also i think i read somewhere that he was honorably discharged too but idk if that’s canon-canon) and was possibly even MIA for a bit which forced her to mourn him and their relationship. only to then be faced with him coming back home very much alive… and she’s not in love with him anymore but can’t leave so she has to make do.
because that man is in love with her so much it’s sickening!!! heart eyes!!! touch is his love language!!! he’s willing and ready to drop everything as soon as he sees her. whereas the first time i was introduced to them as a couple in that scene by the crafts table, and it was revealed that they were married i went oh, he’s into her more than she is him. here he is loving on her and she kind of pauses, hesitates as she decides what to do before ultimately leaning in to give him a quick peck back. and from there on out he’s the one initiating the intimacy. reaching out. and she always seems so thrown off by it when he CLEARLY loves her. idk i’m rambling sorry this got so long lmao.
anywayyyy thank you!! she ended up pinching a nerve in her lower back while riding her motorcycle and couldn’t walk 💀 but the er got her sorted so we were able to relax today 🥰
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 6 years
I’m dehydrated and you’re one of my faves. Where did ya go?!
been here, falling hopelessly behind on posts, both my own n others. i did just do a bden’s booty post with brallon, vices era that’s quite…uh…educational. yeah, educational.
i’ve been reading on orgasm gap research between het women, bi women, lesbians, gay men, bi men, straight men too. you know something is profoundly wrong with our (cultural) definition of sex when researchers and laypeople can say straights have more sex than lesbians, who supposedly have the least, but straight women only average 7 orgasms a *month* while lesbians average 55 monthly, more than anyone else. *x-files music with gillian anderson quoting some piv & porn-critique*
i wondered something the other day: imagine if only people who really liked women and wanted to just show people having a great time sexually made sexual material? bc most porn is so clearly “women are trash/cum dumpsters/whores/cunts so let’s hurt and humilate them” i’m astonished most people can’t see it. (it’s amazing how common women’s faces are visibly distressed, in pain, etc, and this is either irrelevant or the whole damn point.)
i’ve also had so many dirty thoughts about b i can’t even… like outercourse/tribadism/frottage are criminally underrated–been thinking lots lately about that with b (not that i don’t do that usually haha). am also working on a part two of bden’s tongue–that man’s so oral n his mouth generally is just… so sexy n ridiculous at the same time? how does he manage to get me thinking these filthy thoughts about his mouth on me, esp on my vulva, when being a complete goober with his lips and/or tongue? fucking houdini. (he’s my favouriteeee. precious lil boob) also, how is my life now in significant part “contemplating” him having a smaller than average dick. (bden has a small peepee ok peeps? on what planet does he have a bigger than average one? bc it ain’t earth.) god, i wanna touch that man’s dick, feel it in my hands n in my mouth n between my thighs n between my labia n on my clit n dsfkldfskl;dfskl;dsf
i’ve also been thinking of doing an imagine with a trans character, esp since it’s been requested a couple times, but was thinking of doing one with one who was starting to desist/recently desisted. i don’t consider myself a desister bc i never took steps to transition medically, and was never publicly socially out, due in large part to my environment (structural feminism, livejournal vs tumblr, my mom & her own history, knowing my brother had also been trans when younger than me for a few years and desisted, eg he used to steal my underwear n menstrual pads to wear them, wished he was female, wished there was a magic way to become one), but from 12-16 i was trans (intensely wished i was a gay man, contemplated medical transition sometimes, had a vivid fantasy life of being a gay man, wrote about being a gay man, i still to this damn day get dysphoric/anxious/panicked/distressed at the idea of wearing a dress or skirt in spite of my trying to rationalize it away, etc). given tumblr, being born later in the age of lupron for preadolescents n medically transitioning adolescents, no radical and other structural feminism (eg shere hite, kate millett, audre lorde, dworkin, alice walker) my life would’ve turned out very different. 
i would be super interested in talking with someone(s) who wanted to look at ideas around an imagine with bxreader with that, like struggling with seeing one’s body as female, having genitalia being called vulva/cunt/pussy/etc, wondering how to be seen as a person while being female during sex–i think a lot of what drives the fact that 70-80% of young trans are females who identify as male/nonbinary/etc, and what drove it in part for me, was rejection of porn culture/pornification/women being seen as holes for males, and not wanting to be treated like women in porn & mainstream culture (which is pretty much the current softcore porn and softcore virtually isn’t actually made anymore by pornographers) are treated, combined with how completely Barbified teen girls, 20something and 30something women in mainstream culture are, with a few rare exceptions for older women like Ellen (who are generally not seen as sexual but only funny, talented, etc). (asperger’s, anxiety & depression, eating disorders/disordered eating (anxiety n disordered eating also played a role for me), same sex attraction & lesbians being seen as boring and so last century at best, and evil oppressors at worst who are treated incredibly poorly by others, inc "the queer community" or being redefined out of existence are some other issues at play.) i’d love to hear from desisters and people contemplating desisting in particular, but others are welcome to chime in around these themes.
bden’s own history with “crossdressing” and the dress-up box (from about 6 on thru adulthood–he’s spoken repeatedly about wearing his mom’s clothes n heels n his sister’s cheerleader uniform, would wear his mom’s jeans all the time from 13 on, and even in fever era wore whole outfits from the women’s section), wrapping curtains around his waist to be a dress at 5, playing female roles in family plays, wanting to sound like female singers like gwen stefani, carly simon n beyonce n not like a man, etc could also be interesting to look at. b’s family being strict/traditional mormons kind of boggles my mind, bc they seemed to have left him to it, n he was (and still is) a big momma’s boy. like you can tell boyd loves his son but have you seen that man’s political views on twitter? omfg. i imagine he bit his tongue a lot around his youngest, and i wonder if b’s gender nonconformity played a role in b’s brothers coming to live with them (b, his 2 sisters, mom, dad) when he was 8. i bet grace (mom) stood up for him a lot, n that b was more feminine than his sisters (altho for sure there’d be a lot of shared interests with plays, the dress up box, n such).
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feelingsdusk-writes · 6 years
Runes and all kinds of things
Chapter 10
“Skurwiel!“ Stiles curses loudly as he shoots from his chair.
He runs to the closet, where he keeps his emergency stash of mountain ash. Some leaks out from the bag in his hurry, making Peter back off hastily, but the teen calls it before it can reach him. Without a word, Peter follows him downstairs and then towards the jeep, and Stiles frowns, filing that little detail for later. He hits speed dial as he climbs into the car. Scott hangs again.
“Skurwysyn!” he snarls through clenched teeth and hits another speed dial.
Stiles is halfway to the bank, Peter a silent presence on the passenger’s seat, when he starts questioning his own actions. Why the hell is he even doing this? Why is he rushing to the rescue? But just like with Jackson back in second grade, he doesn’t have a clue.
It’s not a secret that Stiles and Jackson have never been friends. In fact, their relationship has never ever even encroached the territory of tolerance, let alone cordiality. Stiles has always liked to say that he could spot the asshole in Jackson even in kindergarten. Scott always rolled his eyes at that one and accused him of exaggerating.
He sure as hell isn't exaggerating but it's true that they haven't always been so openly hostile towards each other. Back then, they used to try to stay out of each other’s ways at the very least. Oh, they clashed, of course, because Stiles, even before his mother’s decline, was never one to cater to anyone’s whims, and Jackson never took it well when things didn’t go his way.
And then The Event happened.
Ms. Marple, their teacher from second grade, still gives Stiles narrow-eyed looks over the rim of her glasses whenever they cross paths. No matter where they bump into each other, she will actually stop whatever she's doing to stare fixedly at Stiles and monitor what he's up to. She’s, what, like eighty years old now? And it's been almost ten years too! It was that bad.
As for Aaron McKinney, he still crosses the street when he spots Stiles or, if he can’t do that, he averts his eyes. Or if he hasn't noticed him and suddenly he raises his eyes and finds Stiles there, he will visibly flinch and subconsciously his eyes will look for an escape very obviously. It was that bad.
So the thing is that back then Aaron used to be a bully of the worst kind. He continuously went after the younger years and tormented them while the teachers turned a blind eye. One day, oh lil’ Jackson and Stiles were in the middle of one of their clashes, when the older boy went after Jackson because, quote, his whiny baby voice was pissing him off. When Jackson went down, Stiles reacted without thinking.
They had to take the three of them to the hospital that day. Aaron with a bad concussion and a broken leg, Stiles with a broken wrist and Jackson with a nearly shut closed black eye and with what they thought was a broken nose but wasn’t in the end.
Stiles’ father still uses the his face broke my wrist as a private joke at the station. Anderson, his dad’s partner at the time and now retired from the force, still cracks up every single time, just like the very first day Stiles chirped it at the hospital when Aaron’s father tried to pin all the blame on him. Rookies never get the myriad of puns it has generated over the years.
Jackson took offense upon being called the rescued princess in the situation by a classmate and tried to convey his displeasure to Stiles by stealing his best friend’s inhaler. Stiles took offense to that and made him regret it. Jackson’s nose ended up well and truly broken among other things and Stiles sprained the wrist that wasn't broken as well as earning himself a black eye. The feud of The Offended is a vicious circle still going strong nowadays.
But back to what's important about the story, to this day, he still doesn’t know why he rushed to Jackson’s rescue in the first place. And it seems that Stiles hasn't changed much in all these years, because he doesn't know why he's doing the same with the Dumb Alliance right now either.
Derek is a dick with a lot of baggage and self loathing that he inflicts on others as much as on himself; Isaac is following in his alpha’s footsteps nicely in terms of attitude and shitton of unresolved issues (plus the unwillingness to work on them); Scott has obviously cut his ties and moved on to the sunset of denial, self-assuredness and many other things that start with self; and don’t get him started on Boyd and Erica, both of whom left him to die, or that mystery woman he doesn’t know or care about. So why?
Everyone he cares for, directly or indirectly (because, admittedly, he doesn’t care about papa Argent at the moment beyond his association to Ally’s continued happiness), was safe and secure before he convened the cavalry. So why the hell? He doesn’t owe them a thing! Right now he has nothing to gain and everything to lose because the alphas aren’t inside the vault anymore, so he won’t even be eliminating a present threat or ensuring their safety down the road in any way. It’s utterly and irrevocably pointless.
Damn Scott for not picking up the fucking phone. Damn himself because he knows he would have if the situations were reversed. Because he’s smart enough to recognize that, with the situation as it is between them, he would only call in case of an emergency. Damn him because he still cares.
It’s obvious Scott doesn’t. And it wouldn’t be the first time he doesn’t pick up his phone when Stiles needs him to, to be honest. He hates to even consider it, but maybe that’s a sign of him having never really cared beyond the quid pro quo? And now that he has outlived his usefulness… He shakes his head. He doubts Scott is that calculating, it’s probably more a case of him being a self-centered shit and abusing their friendship… and Stiles being too stupidly loyal.
He hates himself quite a bit at the moment for letting Scott have that on him anyway. What was the saying? Fool him once, shame on them; fool him twice…
He should really step on the brakes and turn around.
He curses in polish and steps on the gas instead, turning to take a secondary street because he has known the police patrol’s schedule like the back of his hand since even before he hit thirteen and, rescue or not, he's not going to get caught speeding well beyond the limit and bring more filth onto his dad's reputation.
He curses again. His fury has been rising with every passing minute and his tattoos are swirling on his skin, matching his mood. Peter is eyeing him and the swirling ash with a mixture of fascination and hunger, Stiles’ laptop closed on his lap. The feed went dark the moment Derek and company entered the bank about two minutes ago, rendering their only advantage useless, so the alphas must have cut the electricity.
They screech to a halt in front of the bank almost at the same time as Allison’s exiting her father’s SUV. Chris nods at Stiles darkly as he takes his gun out, already looking around for any immediate threat. Maybe he’s still smarting from the verbal flaying Stiles gave him when the man tried the retired bullshit again, but Stiles doesn't really give a damn about the man's sensibilities. Peter, who was privy to the entire conversation, smirks at his side and Chris cocks his gun pointedly. Stiles wants to roll his eyes badly at the posturing.
When Allison takes the taser out to strap it to her waist, Chris takes it from her hands, ignoring her protests, and replaces it with another one. “Use this one,” he says gruffly. “It has more voltage than yours so don’t use it on a human unless you intend to kill, okay?”
“Really?” she inquires looking at it skeptically. It looks identical to the other one. “How much more?”
“More,” Chris deadpans.
“Eloquent,” Peter sniffs.
“You want me to elaborate? It works wonders with mutts, keeping them from transforming. If they are weakened it may even kill them. I'm open to doing demonstrations, if you're the type that needs visual expositions,” Chris insinuates with a sharp smile, eyes fixed on him.
Peter flashes him his fangs, opening his mouth to retaliate with something that will probably flay the hunter alive verbally and Stiles intervenes before things degenerate. He gets in the middle, facing Chris and with one hand on Peter’s chest.
“Oookay," he drags the word as he nods towards the entrance. "Let's move on the show, shall we? You can have your slumber party and declare your mutual love later.”
Stiles sends his ash through the cracks around the door first, just in case, even though Peter had been controlling the feed on the laptop the whole way in the car until it went dark and there was no sign of the alphas minutes ago. Peter doesn't detect any fresh scent (only lingering ones) or noise coming from the inside, but since Derek, Scott and everyone else is supposedly inside and he can't hear them either, it's not a reliable indicator.
Stiles tells him to keep paying attention anyway as he pushes on the door. Besides what little light comes from the outside, the bank is in complete darkness. Stiles has come prepared, though, so he turns on his flashlight, copied by Chris and Allison. They scope out the first floor quickly before advancing inside silently. It looks deserted, but Stiles expected that because they kept Erica, Boyd and the mystery girl in the vault below.
Stiles is the one that has been watching the feed the most, so he guides them towards the access to stairs that lead to the vault's floor. They provide cover for each other as they quickly cross through the darkened first floor. Nothing much remains save for the furniture but it's enough that anyone could use it as a hiding spot, so Stiles tries to direct his ash there as they advance. It's nerve-wracking but they make it to the door and the stairs without a hitch.
The vault's floor is definitely soundproofed like the files said, because the moment they open the door after the stairs, they get assaulted by the snarls and the sounds of a fight. A thundering crash echoes and they rush to the vault with Chris still covering their backs.
The vault is a little lighter but not by much, and what they can glimpse under the moonlight and the flashlights is horrible. Chris aims but Stiles stops him, backed by Allison. It would be almost impossible to tell them apart even under the proper lighting because everyone is wolfed out and moving at impossible speeds. They are even in number, but even at first glance Stiles can tell that Derek, Isaac and Scott are pulling their punches while their opponents are going for the kill, crazed out of their minds. A lot of blood is sprayed everywhere on the ground and covering them. Stiles shudders when his sneakered feet almost slip on it and only a timely catch from Peter saves him.
Stiles stops Allison and Peter with a hand in the air as he steps on something. He forcefully pulls Chris back, out of the way of a swiping claw and outside of the mountain ash line he’s found keeping them all together inside the vault. He ignores the man's snipped protests and studies the situation hastily, his mind going a mile a minute. There’s no way he can use it to trap the feral wolves, they’re moving faster than he can direct the ash to move at and he can’t even see properly. And if they shoot they’ll have the same problem. He suddenly gets an idea and whistles loudly. When shifted, a werewolf’s hearing capacity doubles after all.
“Get away from them!” he shouts when the action seems to halt momentarily. He empties his bag of mountain ash, commanding it to start spreading over the vault. “Push them together!”
“Get the hell out, Stiles!” Scott roars, fending off Erica.
Derek doesn’t even bother responding and keeps on fighting the mystery woman. He grabs her and tries to immobilize her against the wall. She snarls and pushes against him, sending him flying and into Scott, who manages to disentangle from him just in time to avoid Erica's claws to the face.
“Genius idea! Hadn’t thought of it!” Isaac snarks as he swipes at Boyd. He gets pushed to the ground and manages to roll away by a hair's breadth.
“Don’t be stupid, do as he says!” Allison shouts, getting his idea almost instantly. “Push them under the moonlight so he can see!”
“You brought Allison?!” Scott yells, getting distracted. Erica rakes her nails over his arm and he screams in pain. He grabs her and throws her against the wall. She snarls in pain and charges again.
Something snaps in Stiles at that and his temper ignites again. Well, let it not be said he didn’t try. And it’s not like it’s going to kill them in any case.
Probably not.
Okay, possibly not.
He mentally shrugs and stops Chris another time from taking a shot. He ignores the man’s menacing scowl and stops Peter from getting into it with the hunter too. Might as well get something out of this mess, he thinks. He’s been waiting for this epic pun since forever, after all, and what better moment than this? He just has to concentrate on keeping the amps controlled... He makes the ash of his own tattoos join the one in the air.
“Pikachu, thunder!” he crows almost vindictively when it's in place.
The vault lightens abruptly. They can’t even scream, it’s all very anticlimactic. The light is gone almost as fast as it came and they drop like sacks of potatoes where they stand, twitching pitifully on the ground.
Chris gapes, arms going lax to his sides; Allison eyes her bow and throwing knifes mournfully and, resigned, comments about the beautiful silvery blue the electricity had taken this time instead of the normal golden one; and Peter laughs his ass off delightedly at the slight smell of burned hair that permeates the air.
They end up having to call Deaton for medical assistance because Stiles still needs more practice and may have overdone it a little. Stiles doesn’t trust him, so he doesn’t tell him exactly how the situation they are in came to be, but he gets the feeling the druid knows anyway. He doesn’t like the way the man looks at him. Peter, Allison and, strangely, Chris seem to concur, because they don’t leave his side.
Peter can’t keep his eyes from the formerly mysterious woman, now the previously thought dead Cora Hale.
Later, after they finally get to Deaton's clinic, they settle in to wait for the werewolves to regain consciousness. Sitting on a chair feels like the best thing any of them has done in hours.
“If another hunter was in town,” Stiles mutters softly when Deaton finally leaves to rest for a bit, “would they tell you?”
“It’s the thing to do in another hunter’s territory,” Chris answers tiredly. It’s almost six in the morning they are still awake. “But it’s not always a sure thing,” he finally admits after a skeptical look from Stiles. “Why?”
“The mountain ash line.”
“I thought that was yours?” Allison asks through a yawn, making Stiles yawn too.
"I added mine to zap them all," Stiles explains as he shakes his head, "but there was already a line there keeping them trapped inside the vault."
“There’s someone else involved in this,” Chris sighs, tapping his fingers against his knee.
“Exactly,” Stiles nods, leaning back on his chair and trying to work out a kink in his neck.
“Rogue or not, no hunter would work with the likes of the alpha pack,” Chris points out frowning.
“More like the alpha pack would never work with hunters after what your daddy dearest did to their leader,“ Peter interjects snidely.
Stiles rubs his face and shares an exasperated look with Allison as they go at it again. None of the werewolves has even stirred yet, it's going to be a long wait. Both sigh in unison.
“Hi, dad!” Stiles chirps tiredly when he takes his father’s videocall, hours later but still painfully awake.
“Your school called,” John says as a greeting. “I told them you weren’t there because you had pulled your wound. Tell me it’s not actually that and that you’re just skipping so I can ground you and move on?“ he finishes drolly but with an edge of worry. He seems to be in some kind of diner having breakfast with Collins, if the decor and the other man’s audible snickers at his dad’s words are anything to go by. His father looks at Stiles' face closely and then turns to look to his right. “Get me another coffee, will you? I think I’m going to need it.“
“I didn’t pull the wound and I’m skipping,” Stiles answers dutifully, lips twitching.
“Stiles… “
“But,” he barrels on, “well…” And then, ascribing to the picture better than words adage, he turns the camera to show him the rest of the room. Chris nods tiredly from one corner, Allison is still asleep sprawled on one of the chairs beside her dad and Peter is as poised as ever, to his right. There's no hiding the blood on their clothes... And then there's the six unconscious shifted werewolves on the stretchers, three of whom are contained with mountain ash. “This kind of happened?“
John is speechless for a second. “Are you hurt? Any immediate danger?” Stiles denies both. “Where are you?”
“I assume you’re going to be there for a while?” He nods this time. “Collins is coming back. I’ll be back in two hours or so. I’ll bring you a change of clothes and something to eat, and then you can explain.“
“Can you bring enough for four? And pick something for Ally to wear too from her drawer? If you think you can handle the terrible vision of a girl’s undies?” He waggles his eyebrows for effect and John snorts.
“Brat. Can do. Call if anything happens, ok?“
“Ooookay,” he singsongs tiredly. “Love you.”
“Love you too, kiddo.“
Allison snorts herself awake adorably half an hour later and Stiles snickers, earning a dirty look from her. She feels observed and shifts her gaze. True enough, she finds herself under the intense scrutiny of Scott, who is, apparently, being checked by Deaton. She forces herself to ignore him to survey the room. From what she can see, none of the other werewolves have woken up yet. Sure enough he’s still watching her when she turns to look at her slumbering dad. She has to admit it’s a little creepy and that those cow eyes are getting on her nerves.
Then again, she’s certainly not feeling very tolerant at the moment, to be honest. She moves on the chair and grimaces at the sound she makes as she unsticks from it. Oh, what she would give for clean clothes… She doesn’t care about her appearance much per se, but she’s downright uncomfortable right now. She’s bloody from helping carry the werewolves to the SUV and tired from sleeping only a couple of hours, her neck and back unbelievably stiff and sore because of that.
“Ally,” Stiles draws her attention softly. “I have a bag with my lacrosse things in the trunk. They’re clean if you want them? I’ll change when my father gets here,“ he adds before she can protest.
“Oh my God,” she sighs gratefully. “Love you so much, ducky!” She adopts a falsetto voice and he cracks, throwing her his car keys as he mouths the term of endearment, incredulous. “Tell me you have some Ibuprofen too?”
“Glove box.”
She almost sprints to his jeep, the possibility of clean clothes almost too good to be true. Normally she wouldn’t care, but being on her period is making her feel extra filthy and uncomfortable.
Allison picks the sports bag from the trunk first, before going to get the ibuprofen. She gapes at what she finds. Beautiful, beautiful Stiles. In the glove box she finds a compact box filled with three tampons and Midol. She doesn’t even know why she is surprised. She snorts amused. He probably has researched the hell out of what a girl needs when on their period. It can’t have been especially pleasant for him, but by now she knows very well that he is the type of friend that commits to the end, not giving two shits about what people may think of him for that. She knows he used to keep an inhaler both in his glove box and on himself for Scott. She grins fondly. He probably hasn’t put a plastic bag with spare panties in the emergency kit because he thought it would be too forward and she wouldn’t like it. As if she wasn’t forward herself when she left tampons and the like in his house. She snorts.
Allison enters the clinic with a spring in her step and, when she passes Stiles, he’s sporting a hesitant expression that shows he's questioning whether he overstepped or not. It makes her want to rip a new one to anyone who ever ridiculed him for the way he is because what he has done is one of the sweetest things a friend has ever done for her. No friend has ever been this thoughtful, so she detours to plant a kiss on his cheek.
“Thanks, ducky,” she says with a playful smile. Killing two birds with one stone and all that, because God, does she love trolling people. Scott growls and she ignores him.
“You know I’d do anything for you, snuggleduck,” he answers in a saccharin tone. She almost cackles.
“Is it okay if I add some things to it?”
“Sure,” he grins delighted. “I have one in my school bag if you want to add to it too?”
She laughs happily and continues to the toilet. Beautiful, beautiful Stiles. If this is what karma is giving her after so much shit… Things are looking up, finally.
Almost an hour later, Stiles is gaping at the seer absurdity of the situation. Okay, he didn’t expect gratitude (after all, he did electrocute them all), but he certainly didn’t expect this level of open hostility.
Chris is decidedly unimpressed and Allison looks ready to murder someone. She has her taser out and, the moment he’s spotted it, Scott has backed off from the argument as if burned. Isaac has cleverly taken a page from his book too and is observing the proceedings from a corner, keeping a healthy distance between her taser and himself (it's really funny that he prefers to be closer to Peter or Chris than to her, to be honest). Peter is alternately goading and placating his nephew, very subtly keeping Stiles at least partially covered (don’t think he hasn’t noticed the positioning, though, because he has). Derek, as usual, is spewing crap from his mouth about humans and danger, among all the recriminations he's throwing at him about hurting his baby sister.
And then, in the middle of it, Derek does what he always does when he’s frustrated or doesn't know what to do: he tries to use brute force, or in this case, his alpha powers to end the discussion. He flashes his red eyes and, when it doesn’t work, he physically tries to get Peter out of the way along with a hurtful remark about family loyalty that makes Stiles cringe.
Now, it’s been a long, long sleepless night, so Stiles has been thinking a lot.
Peter can be smarmy, witty, sarcastic and trying on a good day, and a twisted cruel scheming bastard on his bad days. That, he knows. However, whatever happened between them or how difficult Peter may be, Stiles has never liked the way Derek takes out his frustrations on him. He doesn’t think that Derek’s a bad person per se, but in a way he’s like Scott, because he can’t acknowledge his part of the blame for what happened with Peter, as if his uncle killing Laura negates the fact that they abandoned a pack member when he needed them the most, leaving him unprotected and condemning him to become an omega trapped in his own mind.
Bottom line, Derek can’t berate anyone about family loyalty. More so if you take into account the missing Cora, whom they left behind too, unknowingly or not. And especially so because Stiles has seen the police reports and he can connect the dots. On the day of the fire, the rest of the family was drugged and there was evidence all over the place of Peter dragging them to the basement, where their emergency secret exit was. Peter tried to save them all, showing more than enough family loyalty.
And the fire may have twisted him, maybe damaged him, leaving but a shadow of what he was, but some things remain untouched and others have sharpened to a dangerous degree. Peter, as he’s been trying to prove to him since he got shot, can also be loyal and protective in his own vicious way.
Like Stiles.
He reacts without thinking and fries Derek again before he can manhandle Peter.
Well, he supposes the decision is made. And he never does anything by halves. He’s willing to give him a chance and if he betrays him… well, he’s killed him before, he can do it again.
“Stiles, what the hell are you doing?” Scott bellows wide-eyed and Isaac hovers, unsure of what to do.
“Back the hell off!” Stiles shouts as he reaches for Peter and pulls him out of a groaning Derek’s reach.
Derek snarls at Stiles. Peter, just for a nanosecond before he covers it, sports a shocked expression, as if he’s surprised about Stiles actually defending him, even if this is exactly what he’s been working to achieve. As if someone sticking by him is a novel occurrence. Stiles doesn’t like what it implies. The spark snarls back at Derek.
“What the hell is going on here?” John demands appearing at the door, Deaton a silent presence behind him.
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2018 Grammys: Biggest Winners and Losers full list
The 2018 Grammys saw Bruno Mars and Kendrick Lamar walk away with the bulk of awards expected for Jay Z. Alessia Carr surprised some by walking away with the Best New Artist award which many thought would go to SZA. You can see the top moments from the 60th Annual Grammy Awards show here. Bruce Springsteen took a backseat to Carrie Fisher for the spoken word category while Leonard Cohen beat out Chris Cornell in best rock performance category. Many expected the posthumous entrant Cornell to take that award. The best speeches of the night are just below:
Bruno Mars Accepts Album of the Year
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Logic Goes In On Trump, Abusers After His Big Performance
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Chappelle's Show Against the System
In winning best comedy album, Dave Chappelle’s acceptance speech was a little anti-climactic. He thanked his family, then left us with a quick, "See you on Monday.” Fortunately, the legendary comic had dropped some crucial soundbites earlier in the evening. In introducing the nominees for best rap album, Chappelle shouted out the members of his beloved Tribe Called Quest (along with an “R.I.P. Phife Dawg”), perhaps nodding to Q-Tip’s annoyance at being snubbed in this year’s nominees. And to kick off the night, Chappelle interjected Kendrick Lamar’s fiery opening performance with some scathing spoken word jabs. Most notably: “I just wanted to remind the audience that the only thing more frightening than watching a black man be honest in America… is being an honest black man in America.”
& 3. Kendrick Lamar
Many hoped the 2018 Grammys wound end with Kendrick Lamar giving a cathartic speech in accepting album of the year. At the very end, things didn’t go his way, but he did provide the MSG audience with a pair of deeply meaningful speeches early on, in winning best rap/sung performance (alongside Rihanna) and best rap album. He shouted out his heroes -- JAY-Z, Nas, and Puff Daddy -- as well as Rihanna’s star power. Watch clips of both below.
Janelle Monáe Introduces Kesha
Kesha's rousing 2017 gospel-pop track "Praying" got a spellbinding performance from Cyndi Lauper, Camila Cabello, Andra Day, Julia Michaels, and Kesha Rose herself. And it also got a monster of an introduction from Janelle Monáe, who saluted the #MeToo and Time's Up movements, recognizing Kesha's career-risking defiance in helping to spark both back in 2014: "To those who would dare silence us, we offer you two words: Time's up... We have the power to undo the culture that does not serve us well. Let's work together, women and men, committed to creating safer work environments and equal pay."
Camila Cabello Salutes the DREAMers
Camila Cabello introduced U2’s Statue of Liberty performance in dramatic fashion. She shouted out America's immigrants, specifically those in the country under the DREAM Act. With the status of DREAMers under siege by the Trump administration, the Cuban-born artist -- who emigrated to America at age five -- did her best to make Lady Liberty's meaning especially clear: "These kids can't be forgotten and are worth fighting for." 2018 60th Annual Grammy Awards Complete List of Winners GENERAL FIELD Album of the Year: "Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino 4:44 — Jay-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Melodrama — Lorde 24K Magic — Bruno Mars -- WINNER Record of the Year: "Redbone" — Childish Gambino "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee featuring Justin Bieber "The Story Of O.J." — Jay-Z "HUMBLE." — Kendrick Lamar "24K Magic" — Bruno Mars -- WINNER Song of the Year: "Despacito" — Ramón Ayala, Justin Bieber, Jason "Poo Bear" Boyd, Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi & Marty James Garton, songwriters (Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber) "4:44" — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (Jay-Z) "Issues" — Benny Blanco, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Julia Michaels & Justin Drew Tranter, songwriters (Julia Michaels) "1-800-273-8255" — Alessia Caracciolo, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, Arjun Ivatury & Khalid Robinson, songwriters (Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid) "That’s What I Like" — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars) -- WINNER Best New Artist: Alessia Cara -- WINNER Khalid Lil Uzi Vert Julia Michaels SZA POP FIELD  Best Pop Solo Performance: "Love So Soft" — Kelly Clarkson "Praying" — Kesha "Million Reasons" — Lady Gaga "What About Us" — P!nk "Shape Of You" — Ed Sheeran -- WINNER Best Pop Duo/Group Performance: "Something Just Like This" — The Chainsmokers & Coldplay "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber "Thunder" — Imagine Dragons "Feel It Still" — Portugal. The Man -- WINNER "Stay" — Zedd & Alessia Cara Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: Nobody But Me (Deluxe Version) — Michael Bublé Triplicate — Bob Dylan In Full Swing — Seth MacFarlane Wonderland — Sarah McLachlan Tony Bennett Celebrates 90 — (Various Artists) Dae Bennett, Producer -- WINNER Best Pop Vocal Album: Kaleidoscope EP — Coldplay Lust for Life — Lana Del Rey Evolve — Imagine Dragons Rainbow — Kesha Joanne — Lady Gaga ÷ (Divide) — Ed Sheeran -- WINNER DANCE/ELECTRONIC FIELD  Best Dance Recording: "Bambro Koyo Ganda" — Bonobo Featuring Innov Gnawa "Cola" — Camelphat & Elderbrook "Andromeda" — Gorillaz Featuring DRAM "Tonite" — LCD Soundsystem -- WINNER "Line Of Sight" — Odesza Featuring WYNNE & Mansionair Best Dance/Electronic Album: Migration — Bonobo 3-D The Catalogue — Kraftwerk -- WINNER Mura Masa — Mura Masa A Moment Apart — Odesza What Now — Sylvan Esso CONTEMPORARY INSTRUMENTAL FIELD  Best Contemporary Instrumental Album: What If — The Jerry Douglas Band Spirit — Alex Han Mount Royal — Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge Prototype — Jeff Lorber Fusion -- WINNER Bad Hombre — Antonio Sanchez ROCK FIELD Best Rock Performance: "You Want It Darker" — Leonard Cohen -- WINNER "The Promise" — Chris Cornell "Run" — Foo Fighters "No Good" — Kaleo "Go To War" — Nothing More Best Metal Performance: "Invisible Enemy" — August Burns Red "Black Hoodie" — Body Count "Forever" — Code Orange "Sultan’s Curse" — Mastodon -- WINNER "Clockworks" — Meshuggah Best Rock Song: "Atlas, Rise!" — James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, songwriters (Metallica) "Blood In The Cut" — JT Daly & Kristine Flaherty, songwriters (K.Flay) "Go To War" — Ben Anderson, Jonny Hawkins, Will Hoffman, Daniel Oliver, David Pramik & Mark Vollelunga, songwriters (Nothing More) "Run" — Foo Fighters, songwriters (Foo Fighters) -- WINNER "The Stage" — Zachary Baker, Brian Haner, Matthew Sanders, Jonathan Seward & Brooks Wackerman, songwriters (Avenged Sevenfold) Best Rock Album: Emperor Of Sand — Mastodon Hardwired…To Self-Destruct — Metallica The Stories We Tell Ourselves — Nothing More Villains — Queens Of the Stone Age A Deeper Understanding — The War On Drugs -- WINNER ALTERNATIVE FIELD Best Alternative Music Album: Everything Now — Arcade Fire Humanz — Gorillaz American Dream — LCD Soundsystem Pure Comedy — Father John Misty Sleep Well Beast — The National -- WINNER R&B FIELD  Best R&B Performance: "Get You" — Daniel Caesar Featuring Kali Uchis "Distraction" — Kehlani "High" — Ledisi "That’s What I Like" — Bruno Mars -- WINNER "The Weekend" — SZA Best Traditional R&B Performance: "Laugh And Move On" — The Baylor Project "Redbone" — Childish Gambino -- WINNER "What I’m Feelin'" — Anthony Hamilton Featuring The Hamiltones| "All The Way" — Ledisi "Still" — Mali Music Best R&B Song: "First Began" — PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton) "Location" — Alfredo Gonzalez, Olatunji Ige, Samuel David Jiminez, Christopher McClenney, Khalid Robinson & Joshua Scruggs, songwriters (Khalid) "Redbone" — Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson, songwriters (Childish Gambino) "Supermodel" — Tyran Donaldson, Terrence Henderson, Greg Landfair Jr., Solana Rowe & Pharrell Williams, songwriters (SZA) "That’s What I Like" — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars) -- WINNER Best Urban Contemporary Album: Free 6LACK — 6LACK "Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino American Teen — Khalid Ctrl — SZA Starboy — The Weeknd -- WINNER Best R&B Album: Freudian — Daniel Caesar Let Love Rule — Ledisi 24K Magic — Bruno Mars -- WINNER Gumbo — PJ Morton Feel the Real –Musiq Soulchild RAP FIELD  Best Rap Performance: "Bounce Back" — Big Sean "Bodak Yellow" — Cardi B "4:44" — Jay-Z "HUMBLE." — Kendrick Lamar -- WINNER "Bad And Boujee" — Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert Best Rap/Sung Performance: "PRBLMS" — 6LACK "Crew" — Goldlink Featuring Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy "Family Feud" — Jay-Z Featuring Beyoncé "LOYALTY." — Kendrick Lamar Featuring Rihanna -- WINNER "Love Galore" — SZA Featuring Travis Scott Best Rap Song: "Bodak Yellow" — Dieuson Octave, Klenord Raphael, Shaftizm, Jordan Thorpe, Washpoppin & J White, songwriters (Cardi B) "Chase Me" — Judah Bauer, Brian Burton, Hector Delgado, Jaime Meline, Antwan Patton, Michael Render, Russell Simins & Jon Spencer, songwriters (Danger Mouse Featuring Run The Jewels & Big Boi) "HUMBLE." — Duckworth, Asheton Hogan & M. Williams II, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar) -- WINNER "Sassy" — Gabouer & M. Evans, songwriters (Rapsody) "The Story Of O.J." — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (Jay-Z) Best Rap Album: 4:44 — Jay-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar -- WINNER Culture — Migos Laila’s Wisdom — Rapsody Flower Boy — Tyler, The Creator COUNTRY FIELD Best Country Solo Performance: "Body Like A Back Road" — Sam Hunt "Losing You: –Alison Krauss "Tin Man" — Miranda Lambert "I Could Use A Love Song" — Maren Morris "Either Way" — Chris Stapleton -- WINNER Best Country Duo/Group Performance: "It Ain’t My Fault" — Brothers Osborne "My Old Man" — Zac Brown Band "You Look Good" — Lady Antebellum "Better Man" — Little Big Town -- WINNER "Drinkin’ Problem" — Midland Best Country Song: "Better Man" — Taylor Swift, songwriter (Little Big Town) "Body Like A Back Road" — Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, Shane McAnally & Josh Osborne, songwriters (Sam Hunt) "Broken Halos" — Mike Henderson & Chris Stapleton, songwriters (Chris Stapleton) -- WINNER "Drinkin’ Problem" — Jess Carson, Cameron Duddy, Shane McAnally, Josh Osborne & Mark Wystrach, songwriters (Midland) "Tin Man" — Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert & Jon Randall, songwriters (Miranda Lambert) Best Country Album: Cosmic Hallelujah — Kenny Chesney Heart Break — Lady Antebellum The Breaker — Little Big Town Life Changes — Thomas Rhett From a Room: Volume 1 — Chris Stapleton -- WINNER NEW AGE FIELD Best New Age Album: Reflection — Brian Eno SongVersation: Medicine — India.Arie Dancing On Water — Peter Kater -- WINNER Sacred Journey Of Ku-Kai, Volume 5 — Kitaro Spiral Revelation — Steve Roach JAZZ FIELD Best Improvised Jazz Solo: "Can’t Remember Why" — Sara Caswell, soloist "Dance Of Shiva" — Billy Childs, soloist "Whisper Not" — Fred Hersch, soloist "Miles Beyond" — John McLaughlin, soloist -- WINNER "Ilimba" — Chris Potter, soloist Best Jazz Vocal Album: The Journey — The Baylor Project A Social Call — Jazzmeia Horn Bad Ass and Blind — Raul Midón Porter Plays Porter — Randy Porter Trio With Nancy King Dreams and Daggers — Cécile McLorin Salvant -- WINNER Best Jazz Instrumental Album: Uptown, Downtown — Bill Charlap Trio Rebirth — Billy Childs -- WINNER Project Freedom –Joey DeFrancesco & The People Open Book — Fred Hersch The Dreamer Is the Dream — Chris Potter Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album: MONK’estra Vol. 2 — John Beasley Jigsaw — Alan Ferber Big Band Bringin’ It — Christian McBride Big Band -- WINNER Homecoming — Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne Whispers on the Wind — Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge Best Latin Jazz Album: Hybrido – From Rio To Wayne Shorter — Antonio Adolfo Oddara — Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Outra Coisa – The Music Of Moacir Santos — Anat Cohen & Marcello Gonçalves Típico — Miguel Zenón Jazz Tango — Pablo Ziegler Trio -- WINNER GOSPEL/ CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC FIELD Best Gospel Performance/Song: "Too Hard Not To" — Tina Campbell "You Deserve It" — JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise Featuring Bishop Cortez Vaughn "Better Days" — Le’Andria "My Life" — The Walls Group "Never Have To Be Alone" — CeCe Winans -- WINNER Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song: "Oh My Soul" — Casting Crowns "Clean" — Natalie Grant "What A Beautiful Name" — Hillsong Worship -- WINNER "Even If" — MercyMe "Hills And Valleys" — Tauren Wells Best Gospel Album: Crossover: Live From Music City — Travis Greene Bigger Than Me — Le’Andria Close — Marvin Sapp Sunday Song — Anita Wilson Let Them Fall in Love — CeCe Winans -- WINNER Best Contemporary Christian Music Album: Rise — Danny Gokey Echoes (Deluxe Edition) — Matt Maher Lifer — MercyMe Hills and Valleys — Tauren Wells Chain Breaker — Zach Williams -- WINNER Best Roots Gospel Album: The Best Of the Collingsworth Family – Volume 1 — The Collingsworth Family Give Me Jesus — Larry Cordle Resurrection — Joseph Habedank Sing It Now: Songs of Faith & Hope — Reba McEntire -- WINNER Hope for All Nations — Karen Peck & New River LATIN FIELD  Best Latin Pop Album: Lo Único Constante — Alex Cuba Mis Planes Son Amarte — Juanes Amar Y Vivir En Vivo Desde La Ciudad De México, 2017 — La Santa Cecilia Musas (Un Homenaje Al Folclore Latinoamericano En Manos De Los Macorinos) — Natalia Lafourcade El Dorado — Shakira -- WINNER Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album: Ayo — Bomba Estéreo Pa’ Fuera — C4 Trío & Desorden Público Salvavidas De Hielo — Jorge Drexler El Paradise — Los Amigos Invisibles Residente — Residente -- WINNER Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano): Ni Diablo Ni Santo — Julión Álvarez Y Su Norteño Banda Ayer Y Hoy — Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizárraga Momentos — Alex Campos Arriero Somos Versiones Acústicas — Aida Cuevas -- WINNER Zapateando En El Norte — Humberto Novoa, producer (Various Artists) Best Tropical Latin Album: Albita — Albita Art of the Arrangement — Doug Beavers Salsa Big Band — Rubén Blades Con Roberto Delgado & Orquesta -- WINNER Gente Valiente — Silvestre Dangond Indestructible — Diego El Cigala AMERICAN ROOTS MUSIC FIELD Best American Roots Performance: Killer Diller Blues — Alabama Shakes -- WINNER Let My Mother Live — Blind Boys Of Alabama Arkansas Farmboy — Glen Campbell Steer Your Way — Leonard Cohen I Never Cared For You — Alison Krauss Best American Roots Song: "Cumberland Gap" — David Rawlings "I Wish You Well" — The Mavericks "If We Were Vampires" — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit -- WINNER "It Ain’t Over Yet" — Rodney Crowell Featuring Rosanne Cash & John Paul White "My Only True Friend" –Gregg Allman Best Americana Album: Southern Blood — Gregg Allman Shine On Rainy Day — Brent Cobb Beast Epic — Iron & Wine The Nashville Sound — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit -- WINNER Brand New Day — The Mavericks Best Bluegrass Album: Fiddler’s Dream — Michael Cleveland Laws Of Gravity — The Infamous Stringdusters -- WINNER (TIE) Original — Bobby Osborne Universal Favorite — Noam Pikelny All The Rage – In Concert Volume One [Live] — Rhonda Vincent And The Rage -- WINNER (TIE) Best Traditional Blues Album: Migration Blues — Eric Bibb Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio — Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio Roll And Tumble — R.L. Boyce Sonny & Brownie’s Last Train — Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi Blue & Lonesome — The Rolling Stones -- WINNER Best Contemporary Blues Album: Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm — Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm Recorded Live In Lafayette — Sonny Landreth TajMo — Taj Mahal and Keb' Mo' -- WINNER Got Soul — Robert Randolph & The Family Band Live From The Fox Oakland — Tedeschi Trucks Band Best Folk Album: Mental Illness — Aimee Mann -- WINNER Semper Femina — Laura Marling The Queen Of Hearts — Offa Rex You Don’t Own Me Anymore — The Secret Sisters The Laughing Apple — Yusuf / Cat Stevens Best Regional Roots Music Album: Top Of the Mountain — Dwayne Dopsie And The Zydeco Hellraisers Ho’okena 3.0 — Ho’okena Kalenda — Lost Bayou Ramblers -- WINNER Miyo Kekisepa, Make A Stand [Live] — Northern Cree Pua Kiele — Josh Tatofi REGGAE FIELD  Best Reggae Album: Chronology — Chronixx Lost In Paradise — Common Kings Wash House Ting — J Boog Stony Hill — Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley -- WINNER Avrakedabra — Morgan Heritage WORLD MUSIC FIELD  Best World Music Album: Memoria De Los Sentidos — Vicente Amigo Para Mi — Buika Rosa Dos Ventos — Anat Cohen & Trio Brasileiro Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration — Ladysmith Black Mambazo -- WINNER Elwan — Tinariwen CHILDREN’S FIELD Best Children’s Album: Brighter Side — Gustafer Yellowgold Feel What U Feel — Lisa Loeb -- WINNER Lemonade — Justin Roberts Rise Shine #Woke — Alphabet Rockers Songs Of Peace & Love For Kids & Parents Around The World — Ladysmith Black Mambazo SPOKEN WORD FIELD  Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling): Astrophysics For People In A Hurry — Neil Degrasse Tyson Born To Run — Bruce Springsteen Confessions Of A Serial Songwriter — Shelly Peiken Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In (Bernie Sanders) — Bernie Sanders And Mark Ruffalo The Princess Diarist — Carrie Fisher -- WINNER COMEDY FIELD  Best Comedy Album: The Age Of Spin & Deep In The Heart Of Texas — Dave Chappelle -- WINNER Cinco — Jim Gaffigan Jerry Before Seinfeld — Jerry Seinfeld A Speck Of Dust — Sarah Silverman What Now? — Kevin Hart MUSICAL THEATER FIELD Best Musical Theater Album: Come From Away — Ian Eisendrath, August Eriksmoen, David Hein, David Lai & Irene Sankoff, producers; David Hein & Irene Sankoff, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Dear Evan Hansen — Ben Platt, principal soloist; Alex Lacamoire, Stacey Mindich, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, producers; Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) -- WINNER Hello, Dolly! — Bette Midler, principal soloist; Steven Epstein, producer (Jerry Herman, composer & lyricist) (New Broadway Cast Recording) MUSIC FOR VISUAL MEDIA FIELD  Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media: Baby Driver — (Various Artists) Guardians Of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 — (Various Artists) Hidden Figures: The Album — (Various Artists) La La Land — (Various Artists) -- WINNER Moana: The Songs — (Various Artists) Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media: Arrival — Jóhann Jóhannsson, composer Dunkirk — Hans Zimmer, composer Game Of Thrones: Season 7 — Ramin Djawadi, composer Hidden Figures — Benjamin Wallfisch, Pharrell Williams & Hans Zimmer, composers La La Land — Justin Hurwitz, composer -- WINNER Best Song Written For Visual Media: "City Of Stars" — Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone) "How Far I’ll Go" — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Auli’i Cravalho) -- WINNER "I Don’t Wanna Live Forever (‘Fifty Shades Darker’)" — Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Zayn & Taylor Swift) "Never Give Up" — Sia Furler & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Sia) "Stand Up For Something" — Common & Diane Warren, songwriters (Andra Day Featuring Common) COMPOSING/ ARRANGING FIELD Best Instrumental Composition: "Alkaline" — Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Le Boeuf Brothers & JACK Quartet) "Choros #3" — Vince Mendoza, composer (Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne) "Home Free (For Peter Joe)" — Nate Smith, composer (Nate Smith) "Three Revolutions" — Arturo O’Farrill, composer (Arturo O’Farrill & Chucho Valdés) -- WINNER "Warped Cowboy" — Chuck Owen, composer (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella: "All Hat, No Saddle" — Chuck Owen, arranger (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) "Escapades For Alto Saxophone And Orchestra From Catch Me If You Can" — John Williams, arranger (John Williams) -- WINNER "Home Free (For Peter Joe)" — Nate Smith, arranger (Nate Smith) "Ugly Beauty/Pannonica" — John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) "White Christmas" — Chris Walden, arranger (Herb Alpert) Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals: "Another Day Of Sun" — Justin Hurwitz, arranger (La La Land Cast) "Every Time We Say Goodbye" — Jorge Calandrelli, arranger (Clint Holmes Featuring Jane Monheit) "I Like Myself" — Joel McNeely, arranger (Seth MacFarlane) "I Loves You Porgy/There’s A Boat That’s Leavin’ Soon For New York" — Shelly Berg, Gregg Field, Gordon Goodwin & Clint Holmes, arrangers (Clint Holmes Featuring Dee Dee Bridgewater And The Count Basie Orchestra) "Putin" — Randy Newman, arranger (Randy Newman) -- WINNER PACKAGE FIELD  Best Recording Package: El Orisha De La Rosa — Claudio Roncoli & Cactus Taller, art directors (Magín Díaz) -- WINNER (TIE) Mura Masa — Alex Crossan & Matt De Jong, art directors (Mura Masa) Pure Comedy (Deluxe Edition) — Sasha Barr, Ed Steed & Josh Tillman, art directors (Father John Misty) -- WINNER (TIE) Sleep Well Beast — Elyanna Blaser-Gould, Luke Hayman & Andrea Trabucco-Campos, art directors (The National) Solid State — Gail Marowitz, art director (Jonathan Coulton) Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package: Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque In Upper Volta — Tim Breen, art director (Various Artists) Lovely Creatures: The Best Of Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds (1984 – 2014) — Tom Hingston, art director (Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds) May 1977: Get Shown The Light — Masaki Koike, art director (Grateful Dead) The Voyager Golden Record: 40th Anniversary Edition — Lawrence Azerrad, Timothy Daly & David Pescovitz, art directors (Various Artists) -- WINNER Warfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares — Tim Breen, Benjamin Marra & Ken Shipley, art directors (Various Artists) NOTES FIELD  Best Album Notes: Arthur Q. Smith: The Trouble With The Truth — Wayne Bledsoe & Bradley Reeves, album notes writers (Various Artists) Big Bend Killing: The Appalachian Ballad Tradition — Ted Olson, album notes writer (Various Artists) The Complete Piano Works Of Scott Joplin — Bryan S. Wright, album notes writer (Richard Dowling) Edouard-Léon Scott De Martinville, Inventor Of Sound Recording: A Bicentennial Tribute— David Giovannoni, album notes writer (Various Artists) Live At The Whisky A Go Go: The Complete Recordings — Lynell George, album notes writer (Otis Redding) -- WINNER Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams — Michael Corcoran, album notes writer (Washington Phillips) HISTORICAL FIELD  Best Historical Album: Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque In Upper Volta — Jon Kirby, Florent Mazzoleni, Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) The Goldberg Variations – The Complete Unreleased Recording Sessions June 1955 — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Matthias Erb, Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Glenn Gould) Leonard Bernstein – The Composer — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Leonard Bernstein) - WINNER Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes From The Horn Of Africa — Nicolas Sheikholeslami & Vik Sohonie, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists) Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams — Michael Corcoran, April G. Ledbetter & Steven Lance Ledbetter, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Washington Phillips) PRODUCTION, NON-CLASSICAL FIELD  Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical: Every Where Is Some Where — Brent Arrowood, Miles Comaskey, JT Daly, Tommy English, Kristine Flaherty, Adam Hawkins, Chad Howat & Tony Maserati, engineers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer (K.Flay) Is This The Life We Really Want? — Nigel Godrich, Sam Petts-Davies & Darrell Thorp, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Roger Waters) Natural Conclusion — Ryan Freeland, engineer; Joao Carvalho, mastering engineer (Rose Cousins) No Shape — Shawn Everett & Joseph Lorge, engineers; Patricia Sullivan, mastering engineer (Perfume Genius) 24K Magic — Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer (Bruno Mars) -- WINNER Producer Of the Year, Non-Classical: Calvin Harris Greg Kurstin -- WINNER Blake Mills No I.D. The Stereotypes Best Remixed Recording: "Can’t Let You Go (Louie Vega Roots Mix)" — Louie Vega, remixer (Loleatta Holloway) "Funk O’ De Funk (SMLE Remix)" — SMLE, remixers (Bobby Rush) "Undercover (Adventure Club Remix)" — Leighton James & Christian Srigley, remixers (Kehlani) "A Violent Noise (Four Tet Remix)" — Four Tet, remixer (The xx) "You Move (Latroit Remix)" — Dennis White, remixer (Depeche Mode) -- WINNER SURROUND SOUND FIELD Best Surround Sound Album: Early Americans — Jim Anderson, surround mix engineer; Darcy Proper, surround mastering engineer; Jim Anderson & Jane Ira Bloom, surround producers (Jane Ira Bloom) -- WINNER Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra And Choir) So Is My Love — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) 3-D The Catalogue — Fritz Hilpert, surround mix engineer; Tom Ammermann, surround mastering engineer; Fritz Hilpert, surround producer (Kraftwerk) Tyberg: Masses — Jesse Brayman, surround mix engineer; Jesse Brayman, surround mastering engineer; Blanton Alspaugh, surround producer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale) PRODUCTION, CLASSICAL FIELD  Best Engineered Album, Classical: Danielpour: Songs Of Solitude & War Songs — Gary Call, engineer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man — Morten Lindberg, engineer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) Schoenberg, Adam: American Symphony; Finding Rothko; Picture Studies — Keith O. Johnson & Sean Royce Martin, engineers (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5; Barber: Adagio — Mark Donahue, engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) -- WINNER Tyberg: Masses — John Newton, engineer; Jesse Brayman, mastering engineer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale) Producer Of the Year, Classical: Blanton Alspaugh Manfred Eicher David Frost -- WINNER Morten Lindberg Judith Sherman CLASSICAL FIELD  Best Orchestral Performance: Concertos For Orchestra — Louis Langrée, conductor (Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) Copland: Symphony No. 3; Three Latin American Sketches — Leonard Slatkin, conductor (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) Debussy: Images; Jeux & La Plus Que Lente — Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) Mahler: Symphony No. 5 — Osmo Vänskä, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra) Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5; Barber: Adagio — Manfred Honeck, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) -- WINNER Best Opera Recording: Berg: Lulu — Lothar Koenigs, conductor; Daniel Brenna, Marlis Petersen & Johan Reuter; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) Berg: Wozzeck — Hans Graf, conductor; Anne Schwanewilms & Roman Trekel; Hans Graf, producer (Houston Symphony; Chorus Of Students And Alumni, Shepherd School Of Music, Rice University & Houston Grand Opera Children’s Chorus) -- WINNER Bizet: Les Pêcheurs De Perles — Gianandrea Noseda, conductor; Diana Damrau, Mariusz Kwiecień, Matthew Polenzani & Nicolas Testé; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) Handel: Ottone — George Petrou, conductor; Max Emanuel Cencic & Lauren Snouffer; Jacob Händel, producer (Il Pomo D’Oro) Rimsky-Korsakov: The Golden Cockerel — Valery Gergiev, conductor; Vladimir Feliauer, Aida Garifullina & Kira Loginova; Ilya Petrov, producer (Mariinsky Orchestra; Mariinsky Chorus) Best Choral Performance: Bryars: The Fifth Century — Donald Nally, conductor (PRISM Quartet; The Crossing) -- WINNER Handel: Messiah — Andrew Davis, conductor; Noel Edison, chorus master (Elizabeth DeShong, John Relyea, Andrew Staples & Erin Wall; Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir) Mansurian: Requiem — Alexander Liebreich, conductor; Florian Helgath, chorus master (Anja Petersen & Andrew Redmond; Münchener Kammerorchester; RIAS Kammerchor) Music Of the Spheres — Nigel Short, conductor (Tenebrae) Tyberg: Masses — Brian A. Schmidt, conductor (Christopher Jacobson; South Dakota Chorale) Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance: Buxtehude: Trio Sonatas, Op. 1 — Arcangelo Death & The Maiden — Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra -- WINNER Divine Theatre – Sacred Motets By Giaches De Wert — Stile Antico Franck, Kurtág, Previn & Schumann — Joyce Yang & Augustin Hadelich Martha Argerich & Friends – Live From Lugano 2016 — Martha Argerich & Various Artists Best Classical Instrumental Solo: Bach: The French Suites — Murray Perahia Haydn: Cello Concertos — Steven Isserlis; Florian Donderer, conductor (The Deutsch Kammerphilharmonie Bremen) Levina: The Piano Concertos — Maria Lettberg; Ariane Matiakh, conductor (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin) Shostakovich: Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 — Frank Peter Zimmermann; Alan Gilbert, conductor (NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester) Transcendental — Daniil Trifonov -- WINNER Best Classical Solo Vocal Album: Bach & Telemann: Sacred Cantatas — Philippe Jaroussky; Petra Müllejans, conductor (Ann-Kathrin Brüggemann & Juan de la Rubia; Freiburger Barockorchester) Crazy Girl Crazy – Music By Gershwin, Berg & Berio — Barbara Hannigan (Orchestra Ludwig) -- WINNER Gods & Monsters — Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, accompanist In War & Peace – Harmony Through Music — Joyce DiDonato; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D’Oro) Sviridov: Russia Cast Adrift — Dmitri Hvorostovsky; Constantine Orbelian, conductor (St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra & Style Of Five Ensemble) Best Classical Compendium: Barbara — Alexandre Tharaud; Cécile Lenoir, producer Higdon: All Things Majestic, Viola Concerto & Oboe Concerto — Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer -- WINNER Kurtág: Complete Works For Ensemble & Choir — Reinbert de Leeuw, conductor; Guido Tichelman, producer Les Routes De L’Esclavage — Jordi Savall, conductor; Benjamin Bleton, producer Mademoiselle: Première Audience – Unknown Music Of Nadia Boulanger — Lucy Mauro; Lucy Mauro, producer Best Contemporary Classical Composition: Danielpour: Songs Of Solitude — Richard Danielpour, composer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Higdon: Viola Concerto — Jennifer Higdon, composer (Roberto Díaz, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) -- WINNER Mansurian: Requiem — Tigran Mansurian, composer (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) Schoenberg, Adam: Picture Studies — Adam Schoenberg, composer (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) Zhou Tian: Concerto For Orchestra — Zhou Tian, composer (Louis Langrée & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) MUSIC VIDEO/FILM FIELD  Best Music Video: "Up All Night" — Beck "Makeba" — Jain "The Story Of O.J." — Jay-Z "Humble." — Kendrick Lamar -- WINNER "1-800-273-8255" — Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid Best Music Film: One More Time With Feeling — Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Long Strange Trip — (The Grateful Dead) The Defiant Ones — (Various Artists) -- WINNER Soundbreaking — (Various Artists) Two Trains Runnin' — (Various Artists)
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junker-town · 7 years
The Bengals sent the Bills to the playoffs, plus 6 things we loved from Week 17 in the NFL
A lot of players got hit in the face.
Happy New Year! The Buffalo Bills are in the postseason.
Last time you, I, or anybody else could say that (1999), life was a lot different. We were still using dial-up internet, Bill Clinton was President, the West Nile Virus first appeared in the United States, and most importantly — the show SpongeBob Squarepants would make its debut in May.
The Bills needed two things to happen on Sunday to break the drought. They had to win — which they got in a 22-16 defeat of the Dolphins. But they also needed the Bengals to beat the Ravens, and for a while it looked like it was going to happen easily when they were up 17-3. Then, the Ravens grabbed a late lead at 27-24.
Faced with a fourth-and-12, Andy Dalton threw a bullet to Tyler Boyd with less than a minute to go. He took it 49 yards to send the Bills to the postseason:
I could try to describe what this means to Bills fans or the city of Buffalo, but that wouldn’t be right. I’ll let their fans do that for me:
Omg. http://pic.twitter.com/LDm7mkSNrT
— Steve Whipple (@S_Whipple) January 1, 2018
If that roar doesn’t send chills down your spine, nothing will. That’s the sweet, sweet song of triumph. That triumph has been held inside for a long time now, and it finally spilled all over the place.
The Ravens have now missed the playoffs for the third consecutive season. All they needed was a win.
Joe Flacco had the worst season of his career since his rookie season, and it wasn’t close. It’s too bad that the Ravens couldn’t give anybody a look to try and salvage the season.
I mean, I guess it’s fine. I really can’t think of another quarterback that could have possibly helped them. Not one. Nope. Zero.
Here’s what else we loved in Week 17.
Man takes pants off on the field of play
If I told you that the NFL season was going to conclude with a 13-2 Eagles team facing an 8-7 Cowboys team, you would have been surprised. You would have been shocked had I told you the Eagles punter was going to take his pants off in the middle of the field.
That’s what Donnie Jones did when he accidentally took the field with just over five minutes to go in the first half to try to pin the Cowboys deep in their own territory.
Not exactly routine stuff here:
It’s not often you get to see somebody take their pants off on the field. Typically when that happens on the field, it’s followed by the police tackling the offender.
The Bears fooled everybody
One of the best plays in football is this trick punt return the Bears pulled off against the Vikings.
Tarik Cohen pretended like the Vikings’ punt was heading his direction, while the ball actually went to Bryce Callahan on the other side of the field. From there, the Bears got the easiest touchdown they had all season:
It would be the Bears’ only touchdown of the afternoon in their 23-10 loss to the Vikings, but when you execute that play so perfectly, it’s worth acknowledging.
Alvin Kamara ran into 2018 before any of us could
Alvin Kamara seems to be the clear pick for the NFL’s Offensive Rookie of the Year, but this special teams play was devastating to the Bucs.
Kamara fielded the football 6 yards in his own end zone, before briefly appearing to walk it out, faking a knee, and taking off for 106 yards and the touchdown:
.@A_kamara6 ... ARE YOU KIDDING? He gone. #GoSaints http://pic.twitter.com/6hoxF4AujU
— NFL (@NFL) December 31, 2017
The Jets didn’t win their game against the Patriots, but they had the best moment.
Robby Anderson spiked the football after a reception, and it just so happened to hit Johnson Bademosi straight in the chin:
Bademosi’s acting job (a bad one) got a lot of laughs, but we can’t let that take away from the perfect spike by Anderson. That’s something that only happens in a cartoon or a bad football comedy movie.
The Chargers were wrapping up their season in Los Angeles against the Raiders with hopes of securing a postseason berth.
Tied at 7-7, the Chargers were looking to take a lead with a field goal, when Nick Rose’s kick went straight into the facemask of Justin Ellis:
That would have been BRUTAL had he been playing back in the day with no facemasks. Just looking at the impact even makes me shiver.
Last week was all about butts, and this week is all about faces.
Butt face.
Tom Brady is wore a scuba suit under his jersey because it was so cold.
NFL players dealt with the cold in different ways.
JuJu Smith-Schuster chucked a snowball at Martavis Bryant.
The Browns gave it their all.
Poor Corey Coleman.
Rob Gronkowski had a Nice Season.
James Harrison had a decent lil debut with the Patriots.
The funniest fumble-6 this season.
Look at how happy the Bills are!
Sunday scores
Cardinals 26, Seahawks 24
Packers 11, Lions 35
Texans 13, Colts 22
Jets 6, Patriots 26
Bengals 31, Ravens 27
Panthers 10, Falcons 22
Bills 22, Dolphins 16
Bears 10, Vikings 23
Washington 10, Giants 18
Cowboys 6, Eagles 0
Browns 24, Steelers 28
Chiefs 27, Broncos 24
Jaguars 10, Titans 15
Wild Card Weekend schedule
No. 5 Titans vs. No. 4 Chiefs, 4:30 p.m. ET ESPN No. 6 Falcons at No. 3 Rams, 8:15 p.m. ET NBC
No. 6 Bills vs. No. 3 Jaguars 1:00 p.m. ET CBS No. 5 Panthers at No. 4 New Orleans, 4:30 p.m. ET FOX
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deafhard-blog · 7 years
Full list of Grammy Awards Nominations 2018, Jay-Z leads!
New Post https://obodoinfo.co/full-list-grammy-awards-nominations-2018-jay-z-leads/
Full list of Grammy Awards Nominations 2018, Jay-Z leads!
We’ve got the full list of Grammy Awards 2018 nominations right… so check through the below list to see if your favourite artistes are placed in a desirable category.
Jay-Z is leading the pack this year as he has scored  8 nominations for the 60th Grammy Awards followed by Kendrick Lamar with seven, Bruno Mars with six; and Childish Gambino (aka actor Donald Glover)SZA and Khalid, and producer 4:44 producer,No I.D. with five each.
Full List below
Record Of The Year: “Redbone” — Childish Gambino “Despacito” — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber “The Story Of O.J.” — Jay-Z “HUMBLE.” — Kendrick Lamar “24K Magic” — Bruno Mars
Album Of The Year: “Awaken, My Love!” — Childish Gambino 4:44 — Jay-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Melodrama — Lorde 24K Magic — Bruno Mars
Song Of The Year: “Despacito” — Ramón Ayala, Justin Bieber, Jason “Poo Bear” Boyd, Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi & Marty James Garton, songwriters (Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber) “4:44” — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (Jay-Z) “Issues” — Benny Blanco, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Julia Michaels & Justin Drew Tranter, songwriters (Julia Michaels) “1-800-273-8255” — Alessia Caracciolo, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, Arjun Ivatury & Khalid Robinson, songwriters (Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid) “That’s What I Like” — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best New Artist: Alessia Cara Khalid Lil Uzi Vert Julia Michaels SZA
Best Pop Solo Performance: “Love So Soft” — Kelly Clarkson “Praying” — Kesha “Million Reasons” — Lady Gaga “What About Us” — P!nk “Shape Of You” — Ed Sheeran
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance: “Something Just Like This” — The Chainsmokers & Coldplay “Despacito” — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber “Thunder” — Imagine Dragons “Feel It Still” — Portugal. The Man “Stay” — Zedd & Alessia Cara
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: Nobody But Me (Deluxe Version) — Michael Bublé Triplicate — Bob Dylan In Full Swing — Seth MacFarlane Wonderland — Sarah McLachlan Tony Bennett Celebrates 90 — (Various Artists) Dae Bennett, Producer
Best Pop Vocal Album: Kaleidoscope EP — Coldplay Lust For Life — Lana Del Rey Evolve — Imagine Dragons Rainbow — Kesha Joanne — Lady Gaga ÷ (Divide) — Ed Sheeran
Best Dance Recording: “Bambro Koyo Ganda” — Bonobo Featuring Innov Gnawa “Cola” — Camelphat & Elderbrook “Andromeda” — Gorillaz Featuring DRAM “Tonite” — LCD Soundsystem “Line Of Sight” — Odesza Featuring WYNNE & Mansionair
Best Dance/Electronic Album: Migration — Bonobo 3-D The Catalogue — Kraftwerk Mura Masa — Mura Masa A Moment Apart — Odesza What Now — Sylvan Esso
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album: What If — The Jerry Douglas Band Spirit — Alex Han Mount Royal — Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge Prototype — Jeff Lorber Fusion Bad Hombre — Antonio Sanchez
Best Rock Performance: “You Want It Darker” — Leonard Cohen “The Promise” — Chris Cornell “Run” — Foo Fighters “No Good” — Kaleo “Go To War” — Nothing More
Best Metal Performance: “Invisible Enemy” — August Burns Red “Black Hoodie” — Body Count “Forever” — Code Orange “Sultan’s Curse” — Mastodon “Clockworks” — Meshuggah
Best Rock Song: “Atlas, Rise!” — James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, songwriters (Metallica) “Blood In The Cut” — JT Daly & Kristine Flaherty, songwriters (K.Flay) “Go To War” — Ben Anderson, Jonny Hawkins, Will Hoffman, Daniel Oliver, David Pramik & Mark Vollelunga, songwriters (Nothing More) “Run” — Foo Fighters, songwriters (Foo Fighters) “The Stage” — Zachary Baker, Brian Haner, Matthew Sanders, Jonathan Seward & Brooks Wackerman, songwriters (Avenged Sevenfold)
Best Rock Album: Emperor Of Sand — Mastodon Hardwired…To Self-Destruct — Metallica The Stories We Tell Ourselves — Nothing More Villains — Queens Of The Stone Age A Deeper Understanding — The War On Drugs
Best Alternative Music Album: Everything Now — Arcade Fire Humanz — Gorillaz American Dream — LCD Soundsystem Pure Comedy — Father John Misty Sleep Well Beast — The National
Best R&B Performance: “Get You” — Daniel Caesar Featuring Kali Uchis “Distraction” — Kehlani “High” — Ledisi “That’s What I Like” — Bruno Mars “The Weekend” — SZA
Best Traditional R&B Performance: “Laugh And Move On” — The Baylor Project “Redbone” — Childish Gambino “What I’m Feelin’” — Anthony Hamilton Featuring The Hamiltones| “All The Way” — Ledisi “Still” — Mali Music
Best R&B Song: “First Began” — PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton) “Location” — Alfredo Gonzalez, Olatunji Ige, Samuel David Jiminez, Christopher McClenney, Khalid Robinson & Joshua Scruggs, songwriters (Khalid) “Redbone” — Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson, songwriters (Childish Gambino) “Supermodel” — Tyran Donaldson, Terrence Henderson, Greg Landfair Jr., Solana Rowe & Pharrell Williams, songwriters (SZA) “That’s What I Like” — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best Urban Contemporary Album: Free 6LACK — 6LACK “Awaken, My Love!” — Childish Gambino American Teen — Khalid Ctrl — SZA Starboy — The Weeknd
Best R&B Album: Freudian — Daniel Caesar Let Love Rule — Ledisi 24K Magic — Bruno Mars Gumbo — PJ Morton Feel The Real –Musiq Soulchild
Best Rap Performance: “Bounce Back” — Big Sean “Bodak Yellow” — Cardi B “4:44” — Jay-Z “HUMBLE.” — Kendrick Lamar “Bad And Boujee” — Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert
Best Rap/Sung Performance: “PRBLMS” — 6LACK “Crew” — Goldlink Featuring Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy “Family Feud” — Jay-Z Featuring Beyoncé “LOYALTY.” — Kendrick Lamar Featuring Rihanna “Love Galore” — SZA Featuring Travis Scott
Best Rap Song: “Bodak Yellow” — Dieuson Octave, Klenord Raphael, Shaftizm, Jordan Thorpe, Washpoppin & J White, songwriters (Cardi B) “Chase Me” — Judah Bauer, Brian Burton, Hector Delgado, Jaime Meline, Antwan Patton, Michael Render, Russell Simins & Jon Spencer, songwriters (Danger Mouse Featuring Run The Jewels & Big Boi) “HUMBLE.” — Duckworth, Asheton Hogan & M. Williams II, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar) “Sassy” — Gabouer & M. Evans, songwriters (Rapsody) “The Story Of O.J.” — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (Jay-Z)
Best Rap Album: 4:44 — Jay-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Culture — Migos Laila’s Wisdom — Rapsody Flower Boy — Tyler, The Creator
Best Country Solo Performance: “Body Like A Back Road” — Sam Hunt “Losing You: –Alison Krauss “Tin Man” — Miranda Lambert “I Could Use A Love Song” — Maren Morris “Either Way” — Chris Stapleton
Best Country Duo/Group Performance: “It Ain’t My Fault” — Brothers Osborne “My Old Man” — Zac Brown Band “You Look Good” — Lady Antebellum “Better Man” — Little Big Town “Drinkin’ Problem” — Midland
Best Country Song: “Better Man” — Taylor Swift, songwriter (Little Big Town) “Body Like A Back Road” — Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, Shane McAnally & Josh Osborne, songwriters (Sam Hunt) “Broken Halos” — Mike Henderson & Chris Stapleton, songwriters (Chris Stapleton) “Drinkin’ Problem” — Jess Carson, Cameron Duddy, Shane McAnally, Josh Osborne & Mark Wystrach, songwriters (Midland) “Tin Man” — Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert & Jon Randall, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
Best Country Album: Cosmic Hallelujah — Kenny Chesney Heart Break — Lady Antebellum The Breaker — Little Big Town Life Changes — Thomas Rhett From A Room: Volume 1 — Chris Stapleton
Best New Age Album: Reflection — Brian Eno SongVersation: Medicine — India.Arie Dancing On Water — Peter Kater Sacred Journey Of Ku-Kai, Volume 5 — Kitaro Spiral Revelation — Steve Roach
Best Improvised Jazz Solo: “Can’t Remember Why” — Sara Caswell, soloist “Dance Of Shiva” — Billy Childs, soloist “Whisper Not” — Fred Hersch, soloist “Miles Beyond” — John McLaughlin, soloist “Ilimba” — Chris Potter, soloist
Best Jazz Vocal Album: The Journey — The Baylor Project A Social Call — Jazzmeia Horn Bad Ass And Blind — Raul Midón Porter Plays Porter — Randy Porter Trio With Nancy King Dreams And Daggers — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Best Jazz Instrumental Album: Uptown, Downtown — Bill Charlap Trio Rebirth — Billy Childs Project Freedom –Joey DeFrancesco & The People Open Book — Fred Hersch The Dreamer Is The Dream — Chris Potter
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album: MONK’estra Vol. 2 — John Beasley Jigsaw — Alan Ferber Big Band Bringin’ It — Christian McBride Big Band Homecoming — Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne Whispers On The Wind — Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge
Best Latin Jazz Album: Hybrido – From Rio To Wayne Shorter — Antonio Adolfo Oddara — Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Outra Coisa – The Music Of Moacir Santos — Anat Cohen & Marcello Gonçalves Típico — Miguel Zenón Jazz Tango — Pablo Ziegler Trio
Best Gospel Performance/Song: “Too Hard Not To” — Tina Campbell “You Deserve It” — JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise Featuring Bishop Cortez Vaughn “Better Days” — Le’Andria “My Life” — The Walls Group “Never Have To Be Alone” — CeCe Winans
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song: “Oh My Soul” — Casting Crowns “Clean” — Natalie Grant “What A Beautiful Name” — Hillsong Worship “Even If” — MercyMe “Hills And Valleys” — Tauren Wells
Best Gospel Album: Crossover: Live From Music City — Travis Greene Bigger Than Me — Le’Andria Close — Marvin Sapp Sunday Song — Anita Wilson Let Them Fall In Love — CeCe Winans
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album: Rise — Danny Gokey Echoes (Deluxe Edition) — Matt Maher Lifer — MercyMe Hills And Valleys — Tauren Wells Chain Breaker — Zach Williams
Best Roots Gospel Album: The Best Of The Collingsworth Family – Volume 1 — The Collingsworth Family Give Me Jesus — Larry Cordle Resurrection — Joseph Habedank Sing It Now: Songs Of Faith & Hope — Reba McEntire Hope For All Nations — Karen Peck & New River
Best Latin Pop Album: Lo Único Constante — Alex Cuba Mis Planes Son Amarte — Juanes Amar Y Vivir En Vivo Desde La Ciudad De México, 2017 — La Santa Cecilia Musas (Un Homenaje Al Folclore Latinoamericano En Manos De Los Macorinos) — Natalia Lafourcade El Dorado — Shakira
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album: Ayo — Bomba Estéreo Pa’ Fuera — C4 Trío & Desorden Público Salvavidas De Hielo — Jorge Drexler El Paradise — Los Amigos Invisibles Residente — Residente
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano): Ni Diablo Ni Santo — Julión Álvarez Y Su Norteño Banda Ayer Y Hoy — Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizárraga Momentos — Alex Campos Arriero Somos Versiones Acústicas — Aida Cuevas Zapateando En El Norte — Humberto Novoa, producer (Various Artists)
Best Tropical Latin Album: Albita — Albita Art Of The Arrangement — Doug Beavers Salsa Big Band — Rubén Blades Con Roberto Delgado & Orquesta Gente Valiente — Silvestre Dangond Indestructible — Diego El Cigala
Best American Roots Performance: Killer Diller Blues — Alabama Shakes Let My Mother Live — Blind Boys Of Alabama Arkansas Farmboy — Glen Campbell Steer Your Way — Leonard Cohen I Never Cared For You — Alison Krauss
Best American Roots Song: “Cumberland Gap” — David Rawlings “I Wish You Well” — The Mavericks “If We Were Vampires” — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit “It Ain’t Over Yet” — Rodney Crowell Featuring Rosanne Cash & John Paul White “My Only True Friend” –Gregg Allman
Best Americana Album: Southern Blood — Gregg Allman Shine On Rainy Day — Brent Cobb Beast Epic — Iron & Wine The Nashville Sound — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit Brand New Day — The Mavericks
Best Bluegrass Album: Fiddler’s Dream — Michael Cleveland Laws Of Gravity — The Infamous Stringdusters Original — Bobby Osborne Universal Favorite — Noam Pikelny All The Rage – In Concert Volume One [Live] — Rhonda Vincent And The Rage
Best Traditional Blues Album: Migration Blues — Eric Bibb Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio — Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio Roll And Tumble — R.L. Boyce Sonny & Brownie’s Last Train — Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi Blue & Lonesome — The Rolling Stones
Best Contemporary Blues Album: Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm — Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm Recorded Live In Lafayette — Sonny Landreth TajMo — Taj Mahal & Keb’ Mo’ Got Soul — Robert Randolph & The Family Band Live From The Fox Oakland — Tedeschi Trucks Band
Best Folk Album: Mental Illness — Aimee Mann Semper Femina — Laura Marling The Queen Of Hearts — Offa Rex You Don’t Own Me Anymore — The Secret Sisters The Laughing Apple — Yusuf / Cat Stevens
Best Regional Roots Music Album: Top Of The Mountain — Dwayne Dopsie And The Zydeco Hellraisers Ho’okena 3.0 — Ho’okena Kalenda — Lost Bayou Ramblers Miyo Kekisepa, Make A Stand [Live] — Northern Cree Pua Kiele — Josh Tatofi
Best Reggae Album: Chronology — Chronixx Lost In Paradise — Common Kings Wash House Ting — J Boog Stony Hill — Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley Avrakedabra — Morgan Heritage
Best World Music Album: Memoria De Los Sentidos — Vicente Amigo Para Mi — Buika Rosa Dos Ventos — Anat Cohen & Trio Brasileiro Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration — Ladysmith Black Mambazo Elwan — Tinariwen
Best Children’s Album: Brighter Side — Gustafer Yellowgold Feel What U Feel — Lisa Loeb Lemonade — Justin Roberts Rise Shine #Woke — Alphabet Rockers Songs Of Peace & Love For Kids & Parents Around The World — Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling): Astrophysics For People In A Hurry — Neil Degrasse Tyson Born To Run — Bruce Springsteen Confessions Of A Serial Songwriter — Shelly Peiken Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In (Bernie Sanders) — Bernie Sanders And Mark Ruffalo The Princess Diarist — Carrie Fisher
Best Comedy Album: The Age Of Spin & Deep In The Heart Of Texas — Dave Chappelle Cinco — Jim Gaffigan Jerry Before Seinfeld — Jerry Seinfeld A Speck Of Dust — Sarah Silverman What Now? — Kevin Hart
Best Musical Theater Album: Come From Away — Ian Eisendrath, August Eriksmoen, David Hein, David Lai & Irene Sankoff, producers; David Hein & Irene Sankoff, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Dear Evan Hansen — Ben Platt, principal soloist; Alex Lacamoire, Stacey Mindich, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, producers; Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Hello, Dolly! — Bette Midler, principal soloist; Steven Epstein, producer (Jerry Herman, composer & lyricist) (New Broadway Cast Recording)
Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media: Baby Driver — (Various Artists) Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 — (Various Artists) Hidden Figures: The Album — (Various Artists) La La Land — (Various Artists) Moana: The Songs — (Various Artists)
Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media: Arrival — Jóhann Jóhannsson, composer Dunkirk — Hans Zimmer, composer Game Of Thrones: Season 7 — Ramin Djawadi, composer Hidden Figures — Benjamin Wallfisch, Pharrell Williams & Hans Zimmer, composers La La Land — Justin Hurwitz, composer
Best Song Written For Visual Media: “City Of Stars” — Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone) “How Far I’ll Go” — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Auli’i Cravalho) “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever (‘Fifty Shades Darker’)” — Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Zayn & Taylor Swift) “Never Give Up” — Sia Furler & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Sia) “Stand Up For Something” — Common & Diane Warren, songwriters (Andra Day Featuring Common)
Best Instrumental Composition: “Alkaline” — Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Le Boeuf Brothers & JACK Quartet) “Choros #3” — Vince Mendoza, composer (Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne) “Home Free (For Peter Joe)” — Nate Smith, composer (Nate Smith) “Three Revolutions” — Arturo O’Farrill, composer (Arturo O’Farrill & Chucho Valdés) “Warped Cowboy” — Chuck Owen, composer (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella: “All Hat, No Saddle” — Chuck Owen, arranger (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) “Escapades For Alto Saxophone And Orchestra From Catch Me If You Can” — John Williams, arranger (John Williams) “Home Free (For Peter Joe)” — Nate Smith, arranger (Nate Smith) “Ugly Beauty/Pannonica” — John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) “White Christmas” — Chris Walden, arranger (Herb Alpert)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals: “Another Day Of Sun” — Justin Hurwitz, arranger (La La Land Cast) “Every Time We Say Goodbye” — Jorge Calandrelli, arranger (Clint Holmes Featuring Jane Monheit) “I Like Myself” — Joel McNeely, arranger (Seth MacFarlane) “I Loves You Porgy/There’s A Boat That’s Leavin’ Soon For New York” — Shelly Berg, Gregg Field, Gordon Goodwin & Clint Holmes, arrangers (Clint Holmes Featuring Dee Dee Bridgewater And The Count Basie Orchestra) “Putin” — Randy Newman, arranger (Randy Newman)
Best Recording Package: El Orisha De La Rosa — Claudio Roncoli & Cactus Taller, art directors (Magín Díaz) Mura Masa — Alex Crossan & Matt De Jong, art directors (Mura Masa) Pure Comedy (Deluxe Edition) — Sasha Barr, Ed Steed & Josh Tillman, art directors (Father John Misty) Sleep Well Beast — Elyanna Blaser-Gould, Luke Hayman & Andrea Trabucco-Campos, art directors (The National) Solid State — Gail Marowitz, art director (Jonathan Coulton)
Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package: Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque In Upper Volta — Tim Breen, art director (Various Artists) Lovely Creatures: The Best Of Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds (1984 – 2014) — Tom Hingston, art director (Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds) May 1977: Get Shown The Light — Masaki Koike, art director (Grateful Dead) The Voyager Golden Record: 40th Anniversary Edition — Lawrence Azerrad, Timothy Daly & David Pescovitz, art directors (Various Artists) Warfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares — Tim Breen, Benjamin Marra & Ken Shipley, art directors (Various Artists)
Best Album Notes: Arthur Q. Smith: The Trouble With The Truth — Wayne Bledsoe & Bradley Reeves, album notes writers (Various Artists) Big Bend Killing: The Appalachian Ballad Tradition — Ted Olson, album notes writer (Various Artists) The Complete Piano Works Of Scott Joplin — Bryan S. Wright, album notes writer (Richard Dowling) Edouard-Léon Scott De Martinville, Inventor Of Sound Recording: A Bicentennial Tribute — David Giovannoni, album notes writer (Various Artists) Live At The Whisky A Go Go: The Complete Recordings — Lynell George, album notes writer (Otis Redding) Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams — Michael Corcoran, album notes writer (Washington Phillips)
Best Historical Album: Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque In Upper Volta — Jon Kirby, Florent Mazzoleni, Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) The Goldberg Variations – The Complete Unreleased Recording Sessions June 1955 — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Matthias Erb, Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Glenn Gould) Leonard Bernstein – The Composer — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Leonard Bernstein) Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes From The Horn Of Africa — Nicolas Sheikholeslami & Vik Sohonie, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists) Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams — Michael Corcoran, April G. Ledbetter & Steven Lance Ledbetter, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Washington Phillips)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical: Every Where Is Some Where — Brent Arrowood, Miles Comaskey, JT Daly, Tommy English, Kristine Flaherty, Adam Hawkins, Chad Howat & Tony Maserati, engineers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer (K.Flay) Is This The Life We Really Want? — Nigel Godrich, Sam Petts-Davies & Darrell Thorp, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Roger Waters) Natural Conclusion — Ryan Freeland, engineer; Joao Carvalho, mastering engineer (Rose Cousins) No Shape — Shawn Everett & Joseph Lorge, engineers; Patricia Sullivan, mastering engineer (Perfume Genius) 24K Magic — Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer (Bruno Mars)
Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical: Calvin Harris Greg Kurstin Blake Mills No I.D. The Stereotypes
Best Remixed Recording: “Can’t Let You Go (Louie Vega Roots Mix)” — Louie Vega, remixer (Loleatta Holloway) “Funk O’ De Funk (SMLE Remix)” — SMLE, remixers (Bobby Rush) “Undercover (Adventure Club Remix)” — Leighton James & Christian Srigley, remixers (Kehlani) “A Violent Noise (Four Tet Remix)” — Four Tet, remixer (The xx) “You Move (Latroit Remix)” — Dennis White, remixer (Depeche Mode)
Best Surround Sound Album: Early Americans — Jim Anderson, surround mix engineer; Darcy Proper, surround mastering engineer; Jim Anderson & Jane Ira Bloom, surround producers (Jane Ira Bloom) Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra And Choir) So Is My Love — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) 3-D The Catalogue — Fritz Hilpert, surround mix engineer; Tom Ammermann, surround mastering engineer; Fritz Hilpert, surround producer (Kraftwerk) Tyberg: Masses — Jesse Brayman, surround mix engineer; Jesse Brayman, surround mastering engineer; Blanton Alspaugh, surround producer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Engineered Album, Classical: Danielpour: Songs Of Solitude & War Songs — Gary Call, engineer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man — Morten Lindberg, engineer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) Schoenberg, Adam: American Symphony; Finding Rothko; Picture Studies — Keith O. Johnson & Sean Royce Martin, engineers (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5; Barber: Adagio — Mark Donahue, engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) Tyberg: Masses — John Newton, engineer; Jesse Brayman, mastering engineer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Producer Of The Year, Classical: Blanton Alspaugh Manfred Eicher David Frost Morten Lindberg Judith Sherman
Best Orchestral Performance: Concertos For Orchestra — Louis Langrée, conductor (Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) Copland: Symphony No. 3; Three Latin American Sketches — Leonard Slatkin, conductor (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) Debussy: Images; Jeux & La Plus Que Lente — Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) Mahler: Symphony No. 5 — Osmo Vänskä, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra) Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5; Barber: Adagio — Manfred Honeck, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Best Opera Recording: Berg: Lulu — Lothar Koenigs, conductor; Daniel Brenna, Marlis Petersen & Johan Reuter; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) Berg: Wozzeck — Hans Graf, conductor; Anne Schwanewilms & Roman Trekel; Hans Graf, producer (Houston Symphony; Chorus Of Students And Alumni, Shepherd School Of Music, Rice University & Houston Grand Opera Children’s Chorus) Bizet: Les Pêcheurs De Perles — Gianandrea Noseda, conductor; Diana Damrau, Mariusz Kwiecie?, Matthew Polenzani & Nicolas Testé; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) Handel: Ottone — George Petrou, conductor; Max Emanuel Cencic & Lauren Snouffer; Jacob Händel, producer (Il Pomo D’Oro) Rimsky-Korsakov: The Golden Cockerel — Valery Gergiev, conductor; Vladimir Feliauer, Aida Garifullina & Kira Loginova; Ilya Petrov, producer (Mariinsky Orchestra; Mariinsky Chorus)
Best Choral Performance: Bryars: The Fifth Century — Donald Nally, conductor (PRISM Quartet; The Crossing) Handel: Messiah — Andrew Davis, conductor; Noel Edison, chorus master (Elizabeth DeShong, John Relyea, Andrew Staples & Erin Wall; Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir) Mansurian: Requiem — Alexander Liebreich, conductor; Florian Helgath, chorus master (Anja Petersen & Andrew Redmond; Münchener Kammerorchester; RIAS Kammerchor) Music Of The Spheres — Nigel Short, conductor (Tenebrae) Tyberg: Masses — Brian A. Schmidt, conductor (Christopher Jacobson; South Dakota Chorale)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance: Buxtehude: Trio Sonatas, Op. 1 — Arcangelo Death & The Maiden — Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Divine Theatre – Sacred Motets By Giaches De Wert — Stile Antico Franck, Kurtág, Previn & Schumann — Joyce Yang & Augustin Hadelich Martha Argerich & Friends – Live From Lugano 2016 — Martha Argerich & Various Artists
Best Classical Instrumental Solo: Bach: The French Suites — Murray Perahia Haydn: Cello Concertos — Steven Isserlis; Florian Donderer, conductor (The Deutsch Kammerphilharmonie Bremen) Levina: The Piano Concertos — Maria Lettberg; Ariane Matiakh, conductor (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin) Shostakovich: Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 — Frank Peter Zimmermann; Alan Gilbert, conductor (NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester) Transcendental — Daniil Trifonov
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album: Bach & Telemann: Sacred Cantatas — Philippe Jaroussky; Petra Müllejans, conductor (Ann-Kathrin Brüggemann & Juan de la Rubia; Freiburger Barockorchester) Crazy Girl Crazy – Music By Gershwin, Berg & Berio — Barbara Hannigan (Orchestra Ludwig) Gods & Monsters — Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, accompanist In War & Peace – Harmony Through Music — Joyce DiDonato; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D’Oro) Sviridov: Russia Cast Adrift — Dmitri Hvorostovsky; Constantine Orbelian, conductor (St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra & Style Of Five Ensemble)
Best Classical Compendium: Barbara — Alexandre Tharaud; Cécile Lenoir, producer Higdon: All Things Majestic, Viola Concerto & Oboe Concerto — Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer Kurtág: Complete Works For Ensemble & Choir — Reinbert de Leeuw, conductor; Guido Tichelman, producer Les Routes De L’Esclavage — Jordi Savall, conductor; Benjamin Bleton, producer Mademoiselle: Première Audience – Unknown Music Of Nadia Boulanger — Lucy Mauro; Lucy Mauro, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition: Danielpour: Songs Of Solitude — Richard Danielpour, composer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Higdon: Viola Concerto — Jennifer Higdon, composer (Roberto Díaz, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Mansurian: Requiem — Tigran Mansurian, composer (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) Schoenberg, Adam: Picture Studies — Adam Schoenberg, composer (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) Zhou Tian: Concerto For Orchestra — Zhou Tian, composer (Louis Langrée & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra)
Best Music Video: “Up All Night” — Beck “Makeba” — Jain “The Story Of O.J.” — Jay-Z “Humble.” — Kendrick Lamar “1-800-273-8255” — Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid
Best Music Film: “One More Time With Feeling” — Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds “Long Strange Trip” — (The Grateful Dead) “The Defiant Ones” — (Various Artists) “Soundbreaking” — (Various Artists) “Two Trains Runnin’” — (Various Artists)
0 notes
The 2018 Grammy Nominations Have Dropped — See The Full List!
people always ask me if I've been getting Botox
Can you believe it's almost time for the Grammys??
On Tuesday, The Recording Academy finally announced their full list of noms, and now we can finally see who will be up for Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Best New Artist.
So, who did get nominated for 2018?? Current frontrunners include JAY-Z, Kendrick Lamar, and Bruno Mars.
Ch-ch-check out the FULL nominations list (below)!
Record of the Year
"Redbone" — Childish Gambino "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber "The Story Of O.J." — JAY-Z "HUMBLE." — Kendrick Lamar "24K Magic" — Bruno Mars
Album of the Year
"Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino 4:44 — JAY-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Melodrama — Lorde 24K Magic — Bruno Mars
Song of the Year
"Despacito" — Ramón Ayala, Justin Bieber, Jason "Poo Bear" Boyd, Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi & Marty James Garton, songwriters (Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber) "4:44" — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (JAY-Z) "Issues" — Benny Blanco, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Julia Michaels & Justin Drew Tranter, songwriters (Julia Michaels) "1-800-273-8255" — Alessia Caracciolo, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, Arjun Ivatury, Khalid Robinson, songwriters (Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid) "That's What I Like" — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best New Artist
Alessia Cara Khalid Lil Uzi Vert Julia Michaels SZA
Best Pop Solo Performance
"Love So Soft" — Kelly Clarkson "Praying" — Kesha "Million Reasons" — Lady Gaga "What About Us" — P!nk "Shape Of You" — Ed Sheeran
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance
"Something Just Like This" ­— The Chainsmokers & Coldplay "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber "Thunder" — Imagine Dragons "Feel It Still" — Portugal. The Man "Stay" — Zedd & Alessia Cara
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album
NOBODY BUT ME (DELUXE VERSION) Michael Bublé TRIPLICATE Bob Dylan IN FULL SWING Seth MacFarlane WONDERLAND Sarah McLachlan TONY BENNETT CELEBRATES 90 (Various Artists) Dae Bennett, Producer
Best Pop Vocal Album
KALEIDOSCOPE EP - Coldplay LUST FOR LIFE - Lana Del Rey EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons RAINBOW - Kesha JOANNE - Lady Gaga ÷ (DIVIDE) - Ed Sheeran
Best Dance Recording
BAMBRO KOYO GANDA - Bonobo Featuring Innov Gnawa, Bonobo, producer; Bonobo, mixer COLA - Camelphat & Elderbrook, Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, producers; Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, mixers ANDROMEDA - Gorillaz Featuring DRAM, Damon Albarn, Jamie Hewlett, Remi Kabaka & Anthony Khan, producers; Stephen Sedgwick, mixer TONITE LCD - Soundsystem, James Murphy, producer; James Murphy, mixer LINE OF SIGHT - Odesza Featuring WYNNE & Mansionair Clayton Knight & Harrison Mills, producers; Eric J Dubowsky, mixer
Best Dance/Electronic Album
Migration — Bonobo 3-D The Catalogue — Kraftwerk Mura Masa — Mura Masa A Moment Apart — Odesza What Now — Sylvan Esso
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album
WHAT IF - The Jerry Douglas Band SPIRIT - Alex Han MOUNT ROYAL - Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge PROTOTYPE - Jeff Lorber Fusion BAD HOMBRE - Antonio Sanchez
Best Rock Performance
"You Want It Darker" — Leonard Cohen "The Promise" — Chris Cornell "Run" — Foo Fighters "No Good" — Kaleo "Go To War" — Nothing More
Best Metal Performance
INVISIBLE ENEMY - August Burns Red BLACK HOODIE - Body Count FOREVER - Code Orange SULTAN'S CURSE - Mastodon CLOCKWORKS - Meshuggah
Best Rock Song
Atlas, Rise! - James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, Songwriters (Metallica) Blood In The Cut - JT Daly & Kristine Flaherty, Songwriters (K.Flay) Go To War - Ben Anderson, Jonny Hawkins, Will Hoffman, Daniel Oliver, David Pramik & Mark Vollelunga, Songwriters (Nothing More) Run - Foo Fighters, Songwriters (Foo Fighters) The Stage - Zachary Baker, Brian Haner, Matthew Sanders, Jonathan Seward & Brooks Wackerman, Songwriters (Avenged Sevenfold
Best Rock Album
Emperor Of Sand - Mastodon Hardwired...To Self-Destruct - Metallica The Stories We Tell Ourselves - Nothing More Villains - Queens Of The Stone Age A Deeper Understanding - The War On Drugs
Best Alternative Music Album
Everything Now - Arcade Fire Humanz - Gorillaz American Dream - LCD Soundsystem Pure Comedy - Father John Misty Sleep Well Beast - The National
Best R&B Performance
Get You - Daniel Caesar Featuring Kali Uchis Distraction - Kehlani High - Ledisi That's What I Like - Bruno Mars The Weekend - Sza
Best Traditional R&B Performance
Laugh And Move On - The Baylor Project Redbone - Childish Gambino What I'm Feelin' - Anthony Hamilton Featuring The Hamiltones All The Way - Ledisi Still - Mali Music
Best R&B Song
First Began - PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton) Location - Alfredo Gonzalez, Olatunji Ige, Samuel David Jiminez, Christopher Mcclenney, Khalid Robinson & Joshua Scruggs, Songwriters (Khalid) Redbone - Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson, Songwriters (Childish Gambino) Supermodel - Tyran Donaldson, Terrence Henderson, Greg Landfair Jr., Solana Rowe & Pharrell Williams, Songwriters (Sza) That's What I Like -Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best Urban Contemporary Album
Free 6lack — 6lack "Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino American Teen — Khalid Ctrl — SZA Starboy — The Weeknd
Best R&B Album
Freudian - Daniel Caesar Let Love Rule - Ledisi 24k Magic - Bruno Mars Gumbo - PJ Morton Feel The Real - Musiq Soulchild
Best Rap Performance
Bounce Back - Big Sean Bodak Yellow -Cardi B 4:44 - Jay-Z Humble. - Kendrick Lamar Bad And Boujee - Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert
Best Rap/Sung Performance
Prblms - 6lack Crew - Goldlink Featuring Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy Family Feud - Jay-Z Featuring Beyoncé Loyalty. - Kendrick Lamar Featuring Rihanna Love Galore - Sza Featuring Travis Scott
Best Rap Song
Bodak Yellow - Dieuson Octave, Klenord Raphael, Shaftizm, Jordan Thorpe, Washpoppin & J White, Songwriters (Cardi B) Chase Me - Judah Bauer, Brian Burton, Hector Delgado, Jaime Meline, Antwan Patton, Michael Render, Russell Simins & Jon Spencer, Songwriters (Danger Mouse Featuring Run The Jewels & Big Boi) Humble. - K. Duckworth, Asheton Hogan & M. Williams Ii, Songwriters (Kendrick Lamar) Sassy - E. Gabouer & M. Evans, Songwriters (Rapsody) The Story Of O.J. - Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, Songwriters (Jay-Z)
Best Rap Album
4:44 — JAY-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Culture — Migos Laila's Wisdom — Rapsody Flower Boy — Tyler, The Creator
Best Country Solo Performance
Body Like A Back Road - Sam Hunt Losing You - Alison Krauss Tin Man - Miranda Lambert I Could Use A Love Song - Maren Morris Either Way - Chris Stapleton
Best Country Duo/Group Performance
It Ain't My Fault - Brothers Osborne My Old Man - Zac Brown Band You Look Good - Lady Antebellum Better Man - Little Big Town Drinkin' Problem - Midland
Best Country Song
Better Man - Taylor Swift, Songwriter (Little Big Town) Body Like A Back Road - Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, Shane Mcanally & Josh Osborne, Songwriters (Sam Hunt) Broken Halos - Mike Henderson & Chris Stapleton, Songwriters (Chris Stapleton) Drinkin' Problem - Jess Carson, Cameron Duddy, Shane Mcanally, Josh Osborne & Mark Wystrach, Songwriters (Midland) Tin Man - Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert & Jon Randall, Songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
Best Country Album
Cosmic Hallelujah — Kenny Chesney Heart Break — Lady Antebellum The Breaker — Little Big Town Life Changes — Thomas Rhett From A Room: Volume 1 — Chris Stapleton
Best Music Video
UP ALL NIGHT Beck Canada, video director; Laura Serra Estorch & Oscar Romagosa, video producers MAKEBA Jain Lionel Hirle & Gregory Ohrel, video directors; Yodelice, video producer THE STORY OF O.J. JAY-Z Shawn Carter & Mark Romanek, video directors; Daniel Midgley, video producer HUMBLE. Kendrick Lamar The Little Homies & Dave Meyers, video directors; Jason Baum, Dave Free, Jamie Rabineau, Nathan K. Scherrer & Anthony Tiffith, video producers 1-800-273-8255 Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid Andy Hines, video director; Andrew Lerios, video producer
Best New Age Album
Reflection - Brian Eno Songversation: Medicine - India.Arie Dancing On Water - Peter Kater Sacred Journey Of Ku-Kai, Volume 5 - Kitaro Spiral Revelation - Steve Roach
Best Improvised Jazz Solo
Can't Remember Why Sara Caswell, Soloist - Track From: Whispers On The Wind (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) Dance Of Shiva Billy Childs, Soloist - Track From: Rebirth Whisper Not - Fred Hersch, Soloist Miles Beyond - John Mclaughlin, Soloist - Track From: Live @ Ronnie Scott's (John Mclaughlin & The 4th Dimension) Ilimba - Chris Potter, Soloist - Track From: The Dreamer Is The Dream
Best Jazz Vocal Album
The Journey — The Baylor Project A Social Call — Jazzmeia Horn Bad Ass And Blind — Raul Midón Porter Plays Porter — Randy Porter Trio With Nancy King Dreams And Daggers — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Best Jazz Instrumental Album
Uptown, Downtown - Bill Charlap Trio Rebirth - Billy Childs Project Freedom - Joey Defrancesco & The People Open Book - Fred Hersch The Dreamer Is The Dream -Chris Potter
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
Monk'estra Vol. 2 - John Beasley Jigsaw - Alan Ferber Big Band Bringin' It - Christian Mcbride Big Band Homecoming - Vince Mendoza & Wdr Big Band Cologne Whispers On The Wind - Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge
Best Latin Jazz Album
Hybrido - From Rio To Wayne Shorter- Antonio Adolfo Oddara - Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Outra Coisa - The Music Of Moacir Santos - Anat Cohen & Marcello Gonçalves Típico - Miguel Zenón Jazz Tango - Pablo Ziegler Trio
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album
Rise — Danny Gokey Echoes (Deluxe Edition) — Matt Maher Lifer — MercyMe Hills And Valleys — Tauren Wells Chain Breaker — Zach Williams
Best Gospel Album
Crossover — Travis Greene Bigger Than Me — Le'Andria Close — Marvin Sapp Sunday Song — Anita Wilson Let Them Fall In Love — Cece Winans
Best Roots Gospel Album
The Best Of The Collingsworth Family - Volume 1 - The Collingsworth Family Give Me Jesus - Larry Cordle Resurrection - Joseph Habedank Sing It Now: Songs Of Faith & Hope - Reba Mcentire Hope For All Nations - Karen Peck & New River
Best Gospel Performance/Song
"Too Hard Not To" - Tina Campbell; Tina Campbell & Warryn Campbell, songwriters "You Deserve It" - JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise Featuring Bishop Cortez Vaughn; David Bloom, JJ Hairston, Phontane Demond Reed & Cortez Vaughn, songwriters "Better Days" - Le'Andria "My Life" - The Walls Group; Warryn Campbell, Eric Dawkins, Damien Farmer, Damon Thomas, Ahjah Walls & Darrel Walls, songwriters "Never Have to Be Alone" - CeCe Winans; Dwan Hill & Alvin Love III, songwriters
Best Latin Pop Album
Lo Único Constante — Alex Cuba Mis Planes Son Amarte — Juanes Amar Y Vivir En Vivo Desde La Cuidad De México, 2017 — La Santa Cecilia Musas (Un Homenaje Al Folclore Latinoamericano En Manos De Los Macorinos) — Natalia Lafourcade El Dorado — Shakira
Best Tropical Latin Album
Albita - Albita Art Of The Arrangement - Doug Beavers Salsa Big Band -Ruben Blades Con Roberto Delgado & Orquesta Gente Valiente -Silvestre Dangond Indestructible -Diego El Cigala
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album
Ayo - Bomba Estereo Pa' Fuera - C4 Trío & Desorden Publico Salvavidas De Hielo - Jorge Drexler El Paradise - Los Amigos Invisibles Residente -Residente
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano)
Ni Diablo Ni Santo - Julion Alvarez Y Su Norteno Banda Ayer Y Hoy - Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizarraga Momentos - Alex Campos Arriero Somos Versiones Acusticas - Aida Cuevas Zapateando En El Norte - Humberto Novoa, Producer (Various Artists)
Best Americana Album
Southern Blood — Gregg Allman Shine On Rainy Day — Brent Cobb Beast Epic — Iron & Wine The Nashville Sound — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit Brand New Day — The Mavericks
Best American Roots Performance
"Killer Diller Blues" - Alabama Shakes "Let My Mother Live" - Blind Boys Of Alabama "Arkansas Farmboy" - Glen Campbell "Steer Your Way" - Leonard Cohen "I Never Cared For You" - Alison Krauss
Best American Roots Song
"Cumberland Gap" - David Rawlings & Gillian Welch, Songwriters (David Rawlings) "I Wish You Well" - Raul Malo & Alan Miller, Songwriters (The Mavericks) "If We Were Vampires" - Jason Isbell, Songwriter (Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit) "It Ain't Over Yet" - Rodney Crowell, Songwriter (Rodney Crowell Featuring Rosanne Cash & John Paul White) "My Only True Friend" - Gregg Allman & Scott Sharrard, Songwriters (Gregg Allman)
Best Children's Album
Brighter Side - Gustafer Yellowgold Feel What U Feel - Lisa Loeb Lemonade - Justin Roberts Rise Shine #Woke - Alphabet Rockers Songs of Peace & Love for Kids & Parents Around the World - Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Best Spoken Word Album
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry - Neil deGrasse Tyson Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen Confessions of a Serial Songwriter - Shelly Peiken Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In (Bernie Sanders) - Bernie Sanders and Mark Ruffalo The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher
Best Comedy Album
The Age Of Spin & Deep In The Heart Of Texas — Dave Chappelle Cinco — Jim Gaffigan Jerry Before Seinfeld — Jerry Seinfeld A Speck Of Dust — Sarah Silverman What Now? — Kevin Hart
Best Musical Theater Album
Come From Away - Ian Eisendrath, August Eriksmoen, David Hein, David Lai & Irene Sankoff, producers; David Hein & Irene Sankoff, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Dear Evan Hansen - Ben Platt, principal soloist; Alex Lacamoire, Stacey Mindich, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, producers; Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Hello, Dolly! - Bette Midler, principal soloist; Steven Epstein, producer (Jerry Herman, composer & lyricist) (New Broadway Cast Recording)
Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
Baby Driver — (Various Artists) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 — (Various Artists) Hidden Figures: The Album — (Various Artists) La La Land — (Various Artists) Moana: The Songs — (Various Artists)
Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media
Arrival — Johann Johannsson (composer) Dunkirk — Hans Zimmer (composer) Game of Thrones: Season 7 — Ramin Djawadi (composer) Hidden Figures — Benjamin Wallfisch, Pharrell Williams & Hans Zimmer (composers) La La Land — Justin Hurwitz (composer)
Best Song Written for Visual Media
"City Of Stars" — Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone), Track from La La Land "How Far I'll Go" — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Auli'i Cravalho), Track from Moana: The Songs "I Don't Wanna Live Forever (Fifty Shades Darker) — Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew & Taylor Swift, songwriters (ZAYN & Taylor Swift), Track from Fifty Shades Darker "Never Give Up" — Sia Furler & Gregg Kurstin, songwriters (Sia), Track from Lion "Stand Up For Something" — Common & Diane Warren, songwriters (Andra Day Featuring Common), Track from Marshall
Best Album Notes
Arthur Q. Smith: The Trouble With the Truth Wayne Bledsoe & Bradley Reeves, album notes writers (Various Artists) Big Bend Killing: The Appalachian Ballad Tradition Ted Olson, album notes writer (Various Artists) The Complete Piano Works of Scott Joplin Bryan S. Wright, album notes writer (Richard Dowling) Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville, Inventor of Sound Recording: A Bicentennial Tribute David Giovannoni, album notes writer (Various Artists) Live at the Whisky a Go Go: The Complete Recordings Lynell George, album notes writer (Otis Redding) Washington Phillips and His Manzarene Dreams Michael Corcoran, album notes writer (Washington Phillips)
Best Historical Album
BOBO YEYE: BELLE EPOQUE IN UPPER VOLTA Jon Kirby, Florent Mazzoleni, Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) THE GOLDBERG VARIATIONS - THE COMPLETE UNRELEASED RECORDING SESSIONS JUNE 1955 Robert Russ, compilation producer; Matthias Erb, Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Glenn Gould) LEONARD BERNSTEIN - THE COMPOSER Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Leonard Bernstein) SWEET AS BROKEN DATES: LOST SOMALI TAPES FROM THE HORN OF AFRICA Nicolas Sheikholeslami & Vik Sohonie, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists) WASHINGTON PHILLIPS AND HIS MANZARENE DREAMS Michael Corcoran, April G. Ledbetter & Steven Lance Ledbetter, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Washington Phillips)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
EVERY WHERE IS SOME WHERE Brent Arrowood, Miles Comaskey, JT Daly, Tommy English, Kristine Flaherty, Adam Hawkins, Chad Howat & Tony Maserati, engineers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer (K.Flay) IS THIS THE LIFE WE REALLY WANT? Nigel Godrich, Sam Petts-Davies & Darrell Thorp, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Roger Waters) NATURAL CONCLUSION Ryan Freeland, engineer; Joao Carvalho, mastering engineer (Rose Cousins) NO SHAPE Shawn Everett & Joseph Lorge, engineers; Patricia Sullivan, mastering engineer (Perfume Genius) 24K MAGIC Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer (Bruno Mars)
Producer of the Year — Non-classical
Calvin Harris No I.D. Greg Kurstin Blake Mills The Stereotypes
Producer of the Year - Classical
BLANTON ALSPAUGH • Adamo: Becoming Santa Claus (Emmanuel Villaume, Kevin Burdette, Keith Jameson, Lucy Schaufer, Hila Plitmann, Matt Boehler, Jonathan Blalock, Jennifer Rivera & Dallas Opera Orchestra) • Aldridge: Sister Carrie (William Boggs, Keith Phares, Matt Morgan, Alisa Suzanne Jordheim, Stephen Cunningham, Adriana Zabala, Florentine Opera Chorus & Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra) • Copland: Symphony No. 3; Three Latin American Sketches (Leonard Slatkin & Detroit Symphony Orchestra) • Death & The Maiden (Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra) • Handel: Messiah (Andrew Davis, Noel Edison, Toronto Mendelssohn Choir & Toronto Symphony Orchestra) • Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 53, 64 & 96 (Carlos Kalmar & Oregon Symphony) • Heggie: It's A Wonderful Life (Patrick Summers, William Burden, Talise Trevigne, Andrea Carroll, Rod Gilfry & Houston Grand Opera) • Tyberg: Masses (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale) MANFRED EICHER • Mansurian: Requiem (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) • Monk, M.: On Behalf Of Nature (Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble) • Point & Line - Debussy And Hosokawa (Momo Kodama) • Rímur (Arve Henriksen & Trio Mediaeval) • Silvestrov: Hieroglyphen Der Nacht (Anja Lechner) DAVID FROST • Alma Española (Isabel Leonard) • Amplified Soul (Gabriela Martinez) • Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 6 (Jonathan Biss) • Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) • Garden Of Joys And Sorrows (Hat Trick Trio) • Laks: Chamber Works (ARC Ensemble) • Schoenberg, Adam: American Symphony; Finding Rothko; Picture Studies (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) • Troika (Matt Haimovitz & Christopher O'Riley) • Verdi: Otello (Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Günther Groissböck, Željko Lučić, Dimitri Pittas, Aleksandrs Antonenko, Sonya Yoncheva, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus) MORTEN LINDBERG • Furatus (Ole Edvard Antonsen & Wolfgang Plagge) • Interactions (Bård Monsen & Gunnar Flagstad) • Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) • Minor Major (Oslo String Quartet) • Northern Timbre (Ragnhild Hemsing & Tor Espen Aspaas) • So Is My Love (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) • Thoresen: Sea Of Names (Trond Schau) JUDITH SHERMAN • American Nocturnes (Cecile Licad) • The Birthday Party (Aki Takahashi) • Discovering Bach (Michelle Ross) • Foss: Pieces Of Genius (New York New Music Ensemble) • Secret Alchemy - Chamber Works By Pierre Jalbert (Curtis Macomber & Michael Boriskin) • Sevenfive - The John Corigliano Effect (Gaudette Brass) • Sonic Migrations - Music Of Laurie Altman (Various Artists) • Tribute (Dover Quartet) • 26 (Melia Watras & Michael Jinsoo Lim)
Best Remixed Recording
CAN'T LET YOU GO (LOUIE VEGA ROOTS MIX) Louie Vega, remixer (Loleatta Holloway) FUNK O' DE FUNK (SMLE REMIX) SMLE, remixers (Bobby Rush) UNDERCOVER (ADVENTURE CLUB REMIX) Leighton James & Christian Srigley, remixers (Kehlani) A VIOLENT NOISE (FOUR TET REMIX) Four Tet, remixer (The xx) YOU MOVE (LATROIT REMIX) Dennis White, remixer (Depeche Mode)
Best Orchestral Performance
CONCERTOS FOR ORCHESTRA - Louis Langrée, conductor (Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) COPLAND: SYMPHONY NO. 3; THREE LATIN AMERICAN SKETCHES - Leonard Slatkin, conductor (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) DEBUSSY: IMAGES; JEUX & LA PLUS QUE LENTE - Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) MAHLER: SYMPHONY NO. 5 - Osmo Vänskä, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra) SHOSTAKOVICH: SYMPHONY NO. 5; BARBER: ADAGIO - Manfred Honeck, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Best Surround Sound Album
EARLY AMERICANS Jim Anderson, surround mix engineer; Darcy Proper, surround mastering engineer; Jim Anderson & Jane Ira Bloom, surround producers (Jane Ira Bloom) KLEIBERG: MASS FOR MODERN MAN Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra And Choir) SO IS MY LOVE Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) 3-D THE CATALOGUE Fritz Hilpert, surround mix engineer; Tom Ammermann, surround mastering engineer; Fritz Hilpert, surround producer (Kraftwerk) TYBERG: MASSES Jesse Brayman, surround mix engineer; Jesse Brayman, surround mastering engineer; Blanton Alspaugh, surround producer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Engineered Album, Classical
DANIELPOUR: SONGS OF SOLITUDE & WAR SONGS Gary Call, engineer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) KLEIBERG: MASS FOR MODERN MAN Morten Lindberg, engineer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) SCHOENBERG, ADAM: AMERICAN SYMPHONY; FINDING ROTHKO; PICTURE STUDIES Keith O. Johnson & Sean Royce Martin, engineers (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) SHOSTAKOVICH: SYMPHONY NO. 5; BARBER: ADAGIO Mark Donahue, engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) TYBERG: MASSES John Newton, engineer; Jesse Brayman, mastering engineer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Opera Recording
BERG: LULU Lothar Koenigs, conductor; Daniel Brenna, Marlis Petersen & Johan Reuter; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) BERG: WOZZECK Hans Graf, conductor; Anne Schwanewilms & Roman Trekel; Hans Graf, producer (Houston Symphony; Chorus Of Students And Alumni, Shepherd School Of Music, Rice University & Houston Grand Opera Children's Chorus) BIZET: LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES Gianandrea Noseda, conductor; Diana Damrau, Mariusz Kwiecień, Matthew Polenzani & Nicolas Testé; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) HANDEL: OTTONE George Petrou, conductor; Max Emanuel Cencic & Lauren Snouffer; Jacob Händel, producer (Il Pomo D'Oro) RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: THE GOLDEN COCKEREL Valery Gergiev, conductor; Vladimir Feliauer, Aida Garifullina & Kira Loginova; Ilya Petrov, producer (Mariinsky Orchestra; Mariinsky Chorus)
Best Choral Performance
BRYARS: THE FIFTH CENTURY Donald Nally, conductor (PRISM Quartet; The Crossing) HANDEL: MESSIAH Andrew Davis, conductor; Noel Edison, chorus master (Elizabeth DeShong, John Relyea, Andrew Staples & Erin Wall; Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir) MANSURIAN: REQUIEM Alexander Liebreich, conductor; Florian Helgath, chorus master (Anja Petersen & Andrew Redmond; Münchener Kammerorchester; RIAS Kammerchor) MUSIC OF THE SPHERES Nigel Short, conductor (Tenebrae) TYBERG: MASSES Brian A. Schmidt, conductor (Christopher Jacobson; South Dakota Chorale)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
BUXTEHUDE: TRIO SONATAS, OP. 1 Arcangelo DEATH & THE MAIDEN Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra DIVINE THEATRE - SACRED MOTETS BY GIACHES DE WERT Stile Antico FRANCK, KURTÁG, PREVIN & SCHUMANN Joyce Yang & Augustin Hadelich MARTHA ARGERICH & FRIENDS - LIVE FROM LUGANO 2016 Martha Argerich & Various Artists
Best Classical Instrumental Solo
BACH: THE FRENCH SUITES Murray Perahia HAYDN: CELLO CONCERTOS Steven Isserlis; Florian Donderer, conductor (The Deutsch Kammerphilharmonie Bremen) LEVINA: THE PIANO CONCERTOS Maria Lettberg; Ariane Matiakh, conductor (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin) SHOSTAKOVICH: VIOLIN CONCERTOS NOS. 1 & 2 Frank Peter Zimmermann; Alan Gilbert, conductor (NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester) TRANSCENDENTAL Daniil Trifonov
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album
BACH & TELEMANN: SACRED CANTATAS Philippe Jaroussky; Petra Müllejans, conductor (Ann-Kathrin Brüggemann & Juan de la Rubia; Freiburger Barockorchester) CRAZY GIRL CRAZY - MUSIC BY GERSHWIN, BERG & BERIO Barbara Hannigan (Orchestra Ludwig) GODS & MONSTERS Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, accompanist IN WAR & PEACE - HARMONY THROUGH MUSIC Joyce DiDonato; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D'Oro) SVIRIDOV: RUSSIA CAST ADRIFT Dmitri Hvorostovsky; Constantine Orbelian, conductor (St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra & Style Of Five Ensemble)
Best Classical Compendium
BARBARA Alexandre Tharaud; Cécile Lenoir, producer HIGDON: ALL THINGS MAJESTIC, VIOLA CONCERTO & OBOE CONCERTO Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer KURTÁG: COMPLETE WORKS FOR ENSEMBLE & CHOIR Reinbert de Leeuw, conductor; Guido Tichelman, producer LES ROUTES DE L'ESCLAVAGE Jordi Savall, conductor; Benjamin Bleton, producer MADEMOISELLE: PREMIÈRE AUDIENCE - UNKNOWN MUSIC OF NADIA BOULANGER Lucy Mauro; Lucy Mauro, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition
DANIELPOUR: SONGS OF SOLITUDE Richard Danielpour, composer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) HIGDON: VIOLA CONCERTO Jennifer Higdon, composer (Roberto Díaz, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) MANSURIAN: REQUIEM Tigran Mansurian, composer (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) SCHOENBERG, ADAM: PICTURE STUDIES Adam Schoenberg, composer (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) ZHOU TIAN: CONCERTO FOR ORCHESTRA Zhou Tian, composer (Louis Langrée & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra)
Best Music Film
ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Andrew Dominik, video director; Dulcie Kellett & James Wilson, video producers LONG STRANGE TRIP - (The Grateful Dead) Amir Bar-Lev, video director; Alex Blavatnik, Ken Dornstein, Eric Eisner, Nick Koskoff & Justin Kreutzmann, video producers THE DEFIANT ONES - (Various Artists) Allen Hughes, video director; Sarah Anthony, Fritzi Horstman, Broderick Johnson, Gene Kirkwood, Andrew Kosove, Laura Lancaster, Michael Lombardo, Jerry Longarzo, Doug Pray & Steven Williams, video producers SOUNDBREAKING - (Various Artists) Maro Chermayeff & Jeff Dupre, video directors; Joshua Bennett, Julia Marchesi, Sam Pollard, Sally Rosenthal, Amy Schewel & Warren Zanes, video producers TWO TRAINS RUNNIN' - (Various Artists) Sam Pollard, video director; Benjamin Hedin, video producer
Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque in Upper Volta Tim Breen, art director (Various Artists) Lovely Creatures: The Best of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds (1984 - 2014) Tom Hingston, art director (Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds) May 1977: Get Show The Light Masaki Koike, art director (Grateful Dead) The Voyager Golden Record: 40TH Anniversary Edition Lawrence Azerrad, Timothy Daly & David Pescovitz, art directors (Various Artists) Warfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares Tim Breen, Benjamin Marra & Ken Shipley, art directors (Various Artists)
Best Recording Package
El Orisha de la Rosa -Claudio Roncoli & Cactus Taller, art directors (Magín Díaz) Mura Masa -Alex Crossan & Matt De Jong, art directors (Mura Masa) Pure Comedy (Deluxe Edition) -Sasha Barr, Ed Steed & Josh Tillman, art directors (Father John Misty) Sleep Well Beast -Elyanna Blaser-Gould, Luke Hayman & Andrea Trabucco-Campos, art directors (The National) Solid State - Gail Marowitz, art director (Jonathan Coulton)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental and Vocals
"Another Day of Sun" - Justin Hurwitz, arranger (La La Land Cast) "Every Time We Say Goodbye" - Jorge Calandrelli, arranger (Clint Holmes Featuring Jane Monheit) "I Like Myself" - Joel McNeely, arranger (Seth MacFarlane) "I Loves You Porgy/ There's a Boat That's Leavin' Soon for New York" -Shelly Berg, Gregg Field, Gordon Goodwin & Clint Holmes, arrangers (Clint Holmes Featuring Dee Dee Bridgewater And The Count Basie Orchestra) "Putin" Randy Newman, arranger (Randy Newman)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Capella
"All Hat, No Saddle" - Chuck Owen, arranger (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) "Escapades for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra from Catch Me if You Can" - John Williams, arranger (John Williams) "Home Free (For Peter Joe)" - Nate Smith, arranger (Nate Smith) "Ugly Beauty/Pannonica" - John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) "White Christmas" - Chris Walden, arranger (Herb Alpert)
Best Instrumental Composition
"Alkaline" - Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Le Boeuf Brothers & JACK Quartet) "Choros #3" - Vince Mendoza, composer (Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne) "Home Free (For Peter Joe)"- Nate Smith, composer (Nate Smith) "Three Revolutions" - Arturo O'Farrill, composer (Arturo O'Farrill & Chucho Valdés) "Warped Cowboy" - Chuck Owen, composer (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge)
Best World Music Album
Memoria De Los Sentidos - Vicente Amigo Para Mi - Buika Rosa Dos Ventos - Anat Cohen & Trio Brasileiro Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration - Ladysmith Black Mambazo Elwan - Tinariwen
Best Reggae Album
Chronology - Chronixx Lost In Paradise - Common Kings Wash House Ting - J Boog Stony Hill - Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley Avrakedabra - Morgan Heritage
Best Regional Roots Music Album
Top Of The Mountain - Dwayne Dopsie And The Zydeco Hellraisers Ho'okena 3.0 - Ho'okena Kalenda - Lost Bayou Ramblers Miyo Kekisepa, Make A Stand [Live] - Northern Cree Pua Kiele Josh Tatofi
Best Folk Album
Mental Illness - Aimee Mann Semper Femina - Laura Marling The Queen Of Hearts - Offa Rex You Don't Own Me Anymore - The Secret Sisters The Laughing Apple - Yusuf / Cat Stevens
Best Contemporary Blues Album
Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm - Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm Recorded Live In Lafayette -Sonny Landreth Tajmo - Taj Mahal & Keb' Mo' Got Soul - Robert Randolph & The Family Band Live From The Fox Oakland - Tedeschi Trucks Band
Best Traditional Blues Album
Migration Blues - Eric Bibb Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio - Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio Roll And Tumble - R.L. Boyce Sonny & Brownie's Last Train - Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi Blue & Lonesome - The Rolling Stones
Best Bluegrass Album
Fiddler's Dream - Michael Cleveland Laws Of Gravity - The Infamous Stringdusters Original - Bobby Osborne Universal Favorite - Noam Pikelny All The Rage - In Concert Volume One [Live] - Rhonda Vincent And The Rage
P.S. The Grammys will air live January 28 from New York.
[Image via WENN.]
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The 2018 Grammy Nominations Have Dropped — See The Full List!
Can you believe it's almost time for the Grammys??
On Tuesday, The Recording Academy finally announced their full list of noms, and now we can finally see who will be up for Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Record of the Year, and Best New Artist.
So, who did get nominated for 2018?? Current frontrunners include JAY-Z, Kendrick Lamar, and Bruno Mars.
Ch-ch-check out the FULL nominations list (below)!
Record of the Year
"Redbone" — Childish Gambino "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber "The Story Of O.J." — JAY-Z "HUMBLE." — Kendrick Lamar "24K Magic" — Bruno Mars
Album of the Year
"Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino 4:44 — JAY-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Melodrama — Lorde 24K Magic — Bruno Mars
Song of the Year
"Despacito" — Ramón Ayala, Justin Bieber, Jason "Poo Bear" Boyd, Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi & Marty James Garton, songwriters (Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber) "4:44" — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (JAY-Z) "Issues" — Benny Blanco, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Julia Michaels & Justin Drew Tranter, songwriters (Julia Michaels) "1-800-273-8255" — Alessia Caracciolo, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, Arjun Ivatury, Khalid Robinson, songwriters (Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid) "That's What I Like" — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best New Artist
Alessia Cara Khalid Lil Uzi Vert Julia Michaels SZA
Best Pop Solo Performance
"Love So Soft" — Kelly Clarkson "Praying" — Kesha "Million Reasons" — Lady Gaga "What About Us" — P!nk "Shape Of You" — Ed Sheeran
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance
"Something Just Like This" ­— The Chainsmokers & Coldplay "Despacito" — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber "Thunder" — Imagine Dragons "Feel It Still" — Portugal. The Man "Stay" — Zedd & Alessia Cara
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album
NOBODY BUT ME (DELUXE VERSION) Michael Bublé TRIPLICATE Bob Dylan IN FULL SWING Seth MacFarlane WONDERLAND Sarah McLachlan TONY BENNETT CELEBRATES 90 (Various Artists) Dae Bennett, Producer
Best Pop Vocal Album
KALEIDOSCOPE EP - Coldplay LUST FOR LIFE - Lana Del Rey EVOLVE - Imagine Dragons RAINBOW - Kesha JOANNE - Lady Gaga ÷ (DIVIDE) - Ed Sheeran
Best Dance Recording
BAMBRO KOYO GANDA - Bonobo Featuring Innov Gnawa, Bonobo, producer; Bonobo, mixer COLA - Camelphat & Elderbrook, Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, producers; Mike Di Scala, Elderbrook & David Whelan, mixers ANDROMEDA - Gorillaz Featuring DRAM, Damon Albarn, Jamie Hewlett, Remi Kabaka & Anthony Khan, producers; Stephen Sedgwick, mixer TONITE LCD - Soundsystem, James Murphy, producer; James Murphy, mixer LINE OF SIGHT - Odesza Featuring WYNNE & Mansionair Clayton Knight & Harrison Mills, producers; Eric J Dubowsky, mixer
Best Dance/Electronic Album
Migration — Bonobo 3-D The Catalogue — Kraftwerk Mura Masa — Mura Masa A Moment Apart — Odesza What Now — Sylvan Esso
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album
WHAT IF - The Jerry Douglas Band SPIRIT - Alex Han MOUNT ROYAL - Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge PROTOTYPE - Jeff Lorber Fusion BAD HOMBRE - Antonio Sanchez
Best Rock Performance
"You Want It Darker" — Leonard Cohen "The Promise" — Chris Cornell "Run" — Foo Fighters "No Good" — Kaleo "Go To War" — Nothing More
Best Metal Performance
INVISIBLE ENEMY - August Burns Red BLACK HOODIE - Body Count FOREVER - Code Orange SULTAN'S CURSE - Mastodon CLOCKWORKS - Meshuggah
Best Rock Song
Atlas, Rise! - James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, Songwriters (Metallica) Blood In The Cut - JT Daly & Kristine Flaherty, Songwriters (K.Flay) Go To War - Ben Anderson, Jonny Hawkins, Will Hoffman, Daniel Oliver, David Pramik & Mark Vollelunga, Songwriters (Nothing More) Run - Foo Fighters, Songwriters (Foo Fighters) The Stage - Zachary Baker, Brian Haner, Matthew Sanders, Jonathan Seward & Brooks Wackerman, Songwriters (Avenged Sevenfold
Best Rock Album
Emperor Of Sand - Mastodon Hardwired...To Self-Destruct - Metallica The Stories We Tell Ourselves - Nothing More Villains - Queens Of The Stone Age A Deeper Understanding - The War On Drugs
Best Alternative Music Album
Everything Now - Arcade Fire Humanz - Gorillaz American Dream - LCD Soundsystem Pure Comedy - Father John Misty Sleep Well Beast - The National
Best R&B Performance
Get You - Daniel Caesar Featuring Kali Uchis Distraction - Kehlani High - Ledisi That's What I Like - Bruno Mars The Weekend - Sza
Best Traditional R&B Performance
Laugh And Move On - The Baylor Project Redbone - Childish Gambino What I'm Feelin' - Anthony Hamilton Featuring The Hamiltones All The Way - Ledisi Still - Mali Music
Best R&B Song
First Began - PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton) Location - Alfredo Gonzalez, Olatunji Ige, Samuel David Jiminez, Christopher Mcclenney, Khalid Robinson & Joshua Scruggs, Songwriters (Khalid) Redbone - Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson, Songwriters (Childish Gambino) Supermodel - Tyran Donaldson, Terrence Henderson, Greg Landfair Jr., Solana Rowe & Pharrell Williams, Songwriters (Sza) That's What I Like -Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best Urban Contemporary Album
Free 6lack — 6lack "Awaken, My Love!" — Childish Gambino American Teen — Khalid Ctrl — SZA Starboy — The Weeknd
Best R&B Album
Freudian - Daniel Caesar Let Love Rule - Ledisi 24k Magic - Bruno Mars Gumbo - PJ Morton Feel The Real - Musiq Soulchild
Best Rap Performance
Bounce Back - Big Sean Bodak Yellow -Cardi B 4:44 - Jay-Z Humble. - Kendrick Lamar Bad And Boujee - Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert
Best Rap/Sung Performance
Prblms - 6lack Crew - Goldlink Featuring Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy Family Feud - Jay-Z Featuring Beyoncé Loyalty. - Kendrick Lamar Featuring Rihanna Love Galore - Sza Featuring Travis Scott
Best Rap Song
Bodak Yellow - Dieuson Octave, Klenord Raphael, Shaftizm, Jordan Thorpe, Washpoppin & J White, Songwriters (Cardi B) Chase Me - Judah Bauer, Brian Burton, Hector Delgado, Jaime Meline, Antwan Patton, Michael Render, Russell Simins & Jon Spencer, Songwriters (Danger Mouse Featuring Run The Jewels & Big Boi) Humble. - K. Duckworth, Asheton Hogan & M. Williams Ii, Songwriters (Kendrick Lamar) Sassy - E. Gabouer & M. Evans, Songwriters (Rapsody) The Story Of O.J. - Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, Songwriters (Jay-Z)
Best Rap Album
4:44 — JAY-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Culture — Migos Laila's Wisdom — Rapsody Flower Boy — Tyler, The Creator
Best Country Solo Performance
Body Like A Back Road - Sam Hunt Losing You - Alison Krauss Tin Man - Miranda Lambert I Could Use A Love Song - Maren Morris Either Way - Chris Stapleton
Best Country Duo/Group Performance
It Ain't My Fault - Brothers Osborne My Old Man - Zac Brown Band You Look Good - Lady Antebellum Better Man - Little Big Town Drinkin' Problem - Midland
Best Country Song
Better Man - Taylor Swift, Songwriter (Little Big Town) Body Like A Back Road - Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, Shane Mcanally & Josh Osborne, Songwriters (Sam Hunt) Broken Halos - Mike Henderson & Chris Stapleton, Songwriters (Chris Stapleton) Drinkin' Problem - Jess Carson, Cameron Duddy, Shane Mcanally, Josh Osborne & Mark Wystrach, Songwriters (Midland) Tin Man - Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert & Jon Randall, Songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
Best Country Album
Cosmic Hallelujah — Kenny Chesney Heart Break — Lady Antebellum The Breaker — Little Big Town Life Changes — Thomas Rhett From A Room: Volume 1 — Chris Stapleton
Best Music Video
UP ALL NIGHT Beck Canada, video director; Laura Serra Estorch & Oscar Romagosa, video producers MAKEBA Jain Lionel Hirle & Gregory Ohrel, video directors; Yodelice, video producer THE STORY OF O.J. JAY-Z Shawn Carter & Mark Romanek, video directors; Daniel Midgley, video producer HUMBLE. Kendrick Lamar The Little Homies & Dave Meyers, video directors; Jason Baum, Dave Free, Jamie Rabineau, Nathan K. Scherrer & Anthony Tiffith, video producers 1-800-273-8255 Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid Andy Hines, video director; Andrew Lerios, video producer
Best New Age Album
Reflection - Brian Eno Songversation: Medicine - India.Arie Dancing On Water - Peter Kater Sacred Journey Of Ku-Kai, Volume 5 - Kitaro Spiral Revelation - Steve Roach
Best Improvised Jazz Solo
Can't Remember Why Sara Caswell, Soloist - Track From: Whispers On The Wind (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) Dance Of Shiva Billy Childs, Soloist - Track From: Rebirth Whisper Not - Fred Hersch, Soloist Miles Beyond - John Mclaughlin, Soloist - Track From: Live @ Ronnie Scott's (John Mclaughlin & The 4th Dimension) Ilimba - Chris Potter, Soloist - Track From: The Dreamer Is The Dream
Best Jazz Vocal Album
The Journey — The Baylor Project A Social Call — Jazzmeia Horn Bad Ass And Blind — Raul Midón Porter Plays Porter — Randy Porter Trio With Nancy King Dreams And Daggers — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Best Jazz Instrumental Album
Uptown, Downtown - Bill Charlap Trio Rebirth - Billy Childs Project Freedom - Joey Defrancesco & The People Open Book - Fred Hersch The Dreamer Is The Dream -Chris Potter
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album
Monk'estra Vol. 2 - John Beasley Jigsaw - Alan Ferber Big Band Bringin' It - Christian Mcbride Big Band Homecoming - Vince Mendoza & Wdr Big Band Cologne Whispers On The Wind - Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge
Best Latin Jazz Album
Hybrido - From Rio To Wayne Shorter- Antonio Adolfo Oddara - Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Outra Coisa - The Music Of Moacir Santos - Anat Cohen & Marcello Gonçalves Típico - Miguel Zenón Jazz Tango - Pablo Ziegler Trio
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album
Rise — Danny Gokey Echoes (Deluxe Edition) — Matt Maher Lifer — MercyMe Hills And Valleys — Tauren Wells Chain Breaker — Zach Williams
Best Gospel Album
Crossover — Travis Greene Bigger Than Me — Le'Andria Close — Marvin Sapp Sunday Song — Anita Wilson Let Them Fall In Love — Cece Winans
Best Roots Gospel Album
The Best Of The Collingsworth Family - Volume 1 - The Collingsworth Family Give Me Jesus - Larry Cordle Resurrection - Joseph Habedank Sing It Now: Songs Of Faith & Hope - Reba Mcentire Hope For All Nations - Karen Peck & New River
Best Gospel Performance/Song
"Too Hard Not To" - Tina Campbell; Tina Campbell & Warryn Campbell, songwriters "You Deserve It" - JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise Featuring Bishop Cortez Vaughn; David Bloom, JJ Hairston, Phontane Demond Reed & Cortez Vaughn, songwriters "Better Days" - Le'Andria "My Life" - The Walls Group; Warryn Campbell, Eric Dawkins, Damien Farmer, Damon Thomas, Ahjah Walls & Darrel Walls, songwriters "Never Have to Be Alone" - CeCe Winans; Dwan Hill & Alvin Love III, songwriters
Best Latin Pop Album
Lo Único Constante — Alex Cuba Mis Planes Son Amarte — Juanes Amar Y Vivir En Vivo Desde La Cuidad De México, 2017 — La Santa Cecilia Musas (Un Homenaje Al Folclore Latinoamericano En Manos De Los Macorinos) — Natalia Lafourcade El Dorado — Shakira
Best Tropical Latin Album
Albita - Albita Art Of The Arrangement - Doug Beavers Salsa Big Band -Ruben Blades Con Roberto Delgado & Orquesta Gente Valiente -Silvestre Dangond Indestructible -Diego El Cigala
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album
Ayo - Bomba Estereo Pa' Fuera - C4 Trío & Desorden Publico Salvavidas De Hielo - Jorge Drexler El Paradise - Los Amigos Invisibles Residente -Residente
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano)
Ni Diablo Ni Santo - Julion Alvarez Y Su Norteno Banda Ayer Y Hoy - Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizarraga Momentos - Alex Campos Arriero Somos Versiones Acusticas - Aida Cuevas Zapateando En El Norte - Humberto Novoa, Producer (Various Artists)
Best Americana Album
Southern Blood — Gregg Allman Shine On Rainy Day — Brent Cobb Beast Epic — Iron & Wine The Nashville Sound — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit Brand New Day — The Mavericks
Best American Roots Performance
"Killer Diller Blues" - Alabama Shakes "Let My Mother Live" - Blind Boys Of Alabama "Arkansas Farmboy" - Glen Campbell "Steer Your Way" - Leonard Cohen "I Never Cared For You" - Alison Krauss
Best American Roots Song
"Cumberland Gap" - David Rawlings & Gillian Welch, Songwriters (David Rawlings) "I Wish You Well" - Raul Malo & Alan Miller, Songwriters (The Mavericks) "If We Were Vampires" - Jason Isbell, Songwriter (Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit) "It Ain't Over Yet" - Rodney Crowell, Songwriter (Rodney Crowell Featuring Rosanne Cash & John Paul White) "My Only True Friend" - Gregg Allman & Scott Sharrard, Songwriters (Gregg Allman)
Best Children's Album
Brighter Side - Gustafer Yellowgold Feel What U Feel - Lisa Loeb Lemonade - Justin Roberts Rise Shine #Woke - Alphabet Rockers Songs of Peace & Love for Kids & Parents Around the World - Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Best Spoken Word Album
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry - Neil deGrasse Tyson Born to Run - Bruce Springsteen Confessions of a Serial Songwriter - Shelly Peiken Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In (Bernie Sanders) - Bernie Sanders and Mark Ruffalo The Princess Diarist - Carrie Fisher
Best Comedy Album
The Age Of Spin & Deep In The Heart Of Texas — Dave Chappelle Cinco — Jim Gaffigan Jerry Before Seinfeld — Jerry Seinfeld A Speck Of Dust — Sarah Silverman What Now? — Kevin Hart
Best Musical Theater Album
Come From Away - Ian Eisendrath, August Eriksmoen, David Hein, David Lai & Irene Sankoff, producers; David Hein & Irene Sankoff, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Dear Evan Hansen - Ben Platt, principal soloist; Alex Lacamoire, Stacey Mindich, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, producers; Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Hello, Dolly! - Bette Midler, principal soloist; Steven Epstein, producer (Jerry Herman, composer & lyricist) (New Broadway Cast Recording)
Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media
Baby Driver — (Various Artists) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 — (Various Artists) Hidden Figures: The Album — (Various Artists) La La Land — (Various Artists) Moana: The Songs — (Various Artists)
Best Score Soundtrack for Visual Media
Arrival — Johann Johannsson (composer) Dunkirk — Hans Zimmer (composer) Game of Thrones: Season 7 — Ramin Djawadi (composer) Hidden Figures — Benjamin Wallfisch, Pharrell Williams & Hans Zimmer (composers) La La Land — Justin Hurwitz (composer)
Best Song Written for Visual Media
"City Of Stars" — Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone), Track from La La Land "How Far I'll Go" — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Auli'i Cravalho), Track from Moana: The Songs "I Don't Wanna Live Forever (Fifty Shades Darker) — Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew & Taylor Swift, songwriters (ZAYN & Taylor Swift), Track from Fifty Shades Darker "Never Give Up" — Sia Furler & Gregg Kurstin, songwriters (Sia), Track from Lion "Stand Up For Something" — Common & Diane Warren, songwriters (Andra Day Featuring Common), Track from Marshall
Best Album Notes
Arthur Q. Smith: The Trouble With the Truth Wayne Bledsoe & Bradley Reeves, album notes writers (Various Artists) Big Bend Killing: The Appalachian Ballad Tradition Ted Olson, album notes writer (Various Artists) The Complete Piano Works of Scott Joplin Bryan S. Wright, album notes writer (Richard Dowling) Edouard-Leon Scott de Martinville, Inventor of Sound Recording: A Bicentennial Tribute David Giovannoni, album notes writer (Various Artists) Live at the Whisky a Go Go: The Complete Recordings Lynell George, album notes writer (Otis Redding) Washington Phillips and His Manzarene Dreams Michael Corcoran, album notes writer (Washington Phillips)
Best Historical Album
BOBO YEYE: BELLE EPOQUE IN UPPER VOLTA Jon Kirby, Florent Mazzoleni, Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) THE GOLDBERG VARIATIONS - THE COMPLETE UNRELEASED RECORDING SESSIONS JUNE 1955 Robert Russ, compilation producer; Matthias Erb, Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Glenn Gould) LEONARD BERNSTEIN - THE COMPOSER Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Leonard Bernstein) SWEET AS BROKEN DATES: LOST SOMALI TAPES FROM THE HORN OF AFRICA Nicolas Sheikholeslami & Vik Sohonie, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists) WASHINGTON PHILLIPS AND HIS MANZARENE DREAMS Michael Corcoran, April G. Ledbetter & Steven Lance Ledbetter, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Washington Phillips)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
EVERY WHERE IS SOME WHERE Brent Arrowood, Miles Comaskey, JT Daly, Tommy English, Kristine Flaherty, Adam Hawkins, Chad Howat & Tony Maserati, engineers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer (K.Flay) IS THIS THE LIFE WE REALLY WANT? Nigel Godrich, Sam Petts-Davies & Darrell Thorp, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Roger Waters) NATURAL CONCLUSION Ryan Freeland, engineer; Joao Carvalho, mastering engineer (Rose Cousins) NO SHAPE Shawn Everett & Joseph Lorge, engineers; Patricia Sullivan, mastering engineer (Perfume Genius) 24K MAGIC Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer (Bruno Mars)
Producer of the Year — Non-classical
Calvin Harris No I.D. Greg Kurstin Blake Mills The Stereotypes
Producer of the Year - Classical
BLANTON ALSPAUGH • Adamo: Becoming Santa Claus (Emmanuel Villaume, Kevin Burdette, Keith Jameson, Lucy Schaufer, Hila Plitmann, Matt Boehler, Jonathan Blalock, Jennifer Rivera & Dallas Opera Orchestra) • Aldridge: Sister Carrie (William Boggs, Keith Phares, Matt Morgan, Alisa Suzanne Jordheim, Stephen Cunningham, Adriana Zabala, Florentine Opera Chorus & Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra) • Copland: Symphony No. 3; Three Latin American Sketches (Leonard Slatkin & Detroit Symphony Orchestra) • Death & The Maiden (Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra) • Handel: Messiah (Andrew Davis, Noel Edison, Toronto Mendelssohn Choir & Toronto Symphony Orchestra) • Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 53, 64 & 96 (Carlos Kalmar & Oregon Symphony) • Heggie: It's A Wonderful Life (Patrick Summers, William Burden, Talise Trevigne, Andrea Carroll, Rod Gilfry & Houston Grand Opera) • Tyberg: Masses (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale) MANFRED EICHER • Mansurian: Requiem (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) • Monk, M.: On Behalf Of Nature (Meredith Monk & Vocal Ensemble) • Point & Line - Debussy And Hosokawa (Momo Kodama) • Rímur (Arve Henriksen & Trio Mediaeval) • Silvestrov: Hieroglyphen Der Nacht (Anja Lechner) DAVID FROST • Alma Española (Isabel Leonard) • Amplified Soul (Gabriela Martinez) • Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 6 (Jonathan Biss) • Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 (Riccardo Muti & Chicago Symphony Orchestra) • Garden Of Joys And Sorrows (Hat Trick Trio) • Laks: Chamber Works (ARC Ensemble) • Schoenberg, Adam: American Symphony; Finding Rothko; Picture Studies (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) • Troika (Matt Haimovitz & Christopher O'Riley) • Verdi: Otello (Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Günther Groissböck, Željko Lučić, Dimitri Pittas, Aleksandrs Antonenko, Sonya Yoncheva, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus) MORTEN LINDBERG • Furatus (Ole Edvard Antonsen & Wolfgang Plagge) • Interactions (Bård Monsen & Gunnar Flagstad) • Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) • Minor Major (Oslo String Quartet) • Northern Timbre (Ragnhild Hemsing & Tor Espen Aspaas) • So Is My Love (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) • Thoresen: Sea Of Names (Trond Schau) JUDITH SHERMAN • American Nocturnes (Cecile Licad) • The Birthday Party (Aki Takahashi) • Discovering Bach (Michelle Ross) • Foss: Pieces Of Genius (New York New Music Ensemble) • Secret Alchemy - Chamber Works By Pierre Jalbert (Curtis Macomber & Michael Boriskin) • Sevenfive - The John Corigliano Effect (Gaudette Brass) • Sonic Migrations - Music Of Laurie Altman (Various Artists) • Tribute (Dover Quartet) • 26 (Melia Watras & Michael Jinsoo Lim)
Best Remixed Recording
CAN'T LET YOU GO (LOUIE VEGA ROOTS MIX) Louie Vega, remixer (Loleatta Holloway) FUNK O' DE FUNK (SMLE REMIX) SMLE, remixers (Bobby Rush) UNDERCOVER (ADVENTURE CLUB REMIX) Leighton James & Christian Srigley, remixers (Kehlani) A VIOLENT NOISE (FOUR TET REMIX) Four Tet, remixer (The xx) YOU MOVE (LATROIT REMIX) Dennis White, remixer (Depeche Mode)
Best Orchestral Performance
CONCERTOS FOR ORCHESTRA - Louis Langrée, conductor (Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) COPLAND: SYMPHONY NO. 3; THREE LATIN AMERICAN SKETCHES - Leonard Slatkin, conductor (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) DEBUSSY: IMAGES; JEUX & LA PLUS QUE LENTE - Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) MAHLER: SYMPHONY NO. 5 - Osmo Vänskä, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra) SHOSTAKOVICH: SYMPHONY NO. 5; BARBER: ADAGIO - Manfred Honeck, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Best Surround Sound Album
EARLY AMERICANS Jim Anderson, surround mix engineer; Darcy Proper, surround mastering engineer; Jim Anderson & Jane Ira Bloom, surround producers (Jane Ira Bloom) KLEIBERG: MASS FOR MODERN MAN Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra And Choir) SO IS MY LOVE Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) 3-D THE CATALOGUE Fritz Hilpert, surround mix engineer; Tom Ammermann, surround mastering engineer; Fritz Hilpert, surround producer (Kraftwerk) TYBERG: MASSES Jesse Brayman, surround mix engineer; Jesse Brayman, surround mastering engineer; Blanton Alspaugh, surround producer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Engineered Album, Classical
DANIELPOUR: SONGS OF SOLITUDE & WAR SONGS Gary Call, engineer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) KLEIBERG: MASS FOR MODERN MAN Morten Lindberg, engineer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) SCHOENBERG, ADAM: AMERICAN SYMPHONY; FINDING ROTHKO; PICTURE STUDIES Keith O. Johnson & Sean Royce Martin, engineers (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) SHOSTAKOVICH: SYMPHONY NO. 5; BARBER: ADAGIO Mark Donahue, engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) TYBERG: MASSES John Newton, engineer; Jesse Brayman, mastering engineer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Opera Recording
BERG: LULU Lothar Koenigs, conductor; Daniel Brenna, Marlis Petersen & Johan Reuter; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) BERG: WOZZECK Hans Graf, conductor; Anne Schwanewilms & Roman Trekel; Hans Graf, producer (Houston Symphony; Chorus Of Students And Alumni, Shepherd School Of Music, Rice University & Houston Grand Opera Children's Chorus) BIZET: LES PÊCHEURS DE PERLES Gianandrea Noseda, conductor; Diana Damrau, Mariusz Kwiecień, Matthew Polenzani & Nicolas Testé; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) HANDEL: OTTONE George Petrou, conductor; Max Emanuel Cencic & Lauren Snouffer; Jacob Händel, producer (Il Pomo D'Oro) RIMSKY-KORSAKOV: THE GOLDEN COCKEREL Valery Gergiev, conductor; Vladimir Feliauer, Aida Garifullina & Kira Loginova; Ilya Petrov, producer (Mariinsky Orchestra; Mariinsky Chorus)
Best Choral Performance
BRYARS: THE FIFTH CENTURY Donald Nally, conductor (PRISM Quartet; The Crossing) HANDEL: MESSIAH Andrew Davis, conductor; Noel Edison, chorus master (Elizabeth DeShong, John Relyea, Andrew Staples & Erin Wall; Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir) MANSURIAN: REQUIEM Alexander Liebreich, conductor; Florian Helgath, chorus master (Anja Petersen & Andrew Redmond; Münchener Kammerorchester; RIAS Kammerchor) MUSIC OF THE SPHERES Nigel Short, conductor (Tenebrae) TYBERG: MASSES Brian A. Schmidt, conductor (Christopher Jacobson; South Dakota Chorale)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance
BUXTEHUDE: TRIO SONATAS, OP. 1 Arcangelo DEATH & THE MAIDEN Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra DIVINE THEATRE - SACRED MOTETS BY GIACHES DE WERT Stile Antico FRANCK, KURTÁG, PREVIN & SCHUMANN Joyce Yang & Augustin Hadelich MARTHA ARGERICH & FRIENDS - LIVE FROM LUGANO 2016 Martha Argerich & Various Artists
Best Classical Instrumental Solo
BACH: THE FRENCH SUITES Murray Perahia HAYDN: CELLO CONCERTOS Steven Isserlis; Florian Donderer, conductor (The Deutsch Kammerphilharmonie Bremen) LEVINA: THE PIANO CONCERTOS Maria Lettberg; Ariane Matiakh, conductor (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin) SHOSTAKOVICH: VIOLIN CONCERTOS NOS. 1 & 2 Frank Peter Zimmermann; Alan Gilbert, conductor (NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester) TRANSCENDENTAL Daniil Trifonov
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album
BACH & TELEMANN: SACRED CANTATAS Philippe Jaroussky; Petra Müllejans, conductor (Ann-Kathrin Brüggemann & Juan de la Rubia; Freiburger Barockorchester) CRAZY GIRL CRAZY - MUSIC BY GERSHWIN, BERG & BERIO Barbara Hannigan (Orchestra Ludwig) GODS & MONSTERS Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, accompanist IN WAR & PEACE - HARMONY THROUGH MUSIC Joyce DiDonato; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D'Oro) SVIRIDOV: RUSSIA CAST ADRIFT Dmitri Hvorostovsky; Constantine Orbelian, conductor (St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra & Style Of Five Ensemble)
Best Classical Compendium
BARBARA Alexandre Tharaud; Cécile Lenoir, producer HIGDON: ALL THINGS MAJESTIC, VIOLA CONCERTO & OBOE CONCERTO Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer KURTÁG: COMPLETE WORKS FOR ENSEMBLE & CHOIR Reinbert de Leeuw, conductor; Guido Tichelman, producer LES ROUTES DE L'ESCLAVAGE Jordi Savall, conductor; Benjamin Bleton, producer MADEMOISELLE: PREMIÈRE AUDIENCE - UNKNOWN MUSIC OF NADIA BOULANGER Lucy Mauro; Lucy Mauro, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition
DANIELPOUR: SONGS OF SOLITUDE Richard Danielpour, composer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) HIGDON: VIOLA CONCERTO Jennifer Higdon, composer (Roberto Díaz, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) MANSURIAN: REQUIEM Tigran Mansurian, composer (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) SCHOENBERG, ADAM: PICTURE STUDIES Adam Schoenberg, composer (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) ZHOU TIAN: CONCERTO FOR ORCHESTRA Zhou Tian, composer (Louis Langrée & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra)
Best Music Film
ONE MORE TIME WITH FEELING- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Andrew Dominik, video director; Dulcie Kellett & James Wilson, video producers LONG STRANGE TRIP - (The Grateful Dead) Amir Bar-Lev, video director; Alex Blavatnik, Ken Dornstein, Eric Eisner, Nick Koskoff & Justin Kreutzmann, video producers THE DEFIANT ONES - (Various Artists) Allen Hughes, video director; Sarah Anthony, Fritzi Horstman, Broderick Johnson, Gene Kirkwood, Andrew Kosove, Laura Lancaster, Michael Lombardo, Jerry Longarzo, Doug Pray & Steven Williams, video producers SOUNDBREAKING - (Various Artists) Maro Chermayeff & Jeff Dupre, video directors; Joshua Bennett, Julia Marchesi, Sam Pollard, Sally Rosenthal, Amy Schewel & Warren Zanes, video producers TWO TRAINS RUNNIN' - (Various Artists) Sam Pollard, video director; Benjamin Hedin, video producer
Best Boxed or Special Limited Edition Package
Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque in Upper Volta Tim Breen, art director (Various Artists) Lovely Creatures: The Best of Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds (1984 - 2014) Tom Hingston, art director (Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds) May 1977: Get Show The Light Masaki Koike, art director (Grateful Dead) The Voyager Golden Record: 40TH Anniversary Edition Lawrence Azerrad, Timothy Daly & David Pescovitz, art directors (Various Artists) Warfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares Tim Breen, Benjamin Marra & Ken Shipley, art directors (Various Artists)
Best Recording Package
El Orisha de la Rosa -Claudio Roncoli & Cactus Taller, art directors (Magín Díaz) Mura Masa -Alex Crossan & Matt De Jong, art directors (Mura Masa) Pure Comedy (Deluxe Edition) -Sasha Barr, Ed Steed & Josh Tillman, art directors (Father John Misty) Sleep Well Beast -Elyanna Blaser-Gould, Luke Hayman & Andrea Trabucco-Campos, art directors (The National) Solid State - Gail Marowitz, art director (Jonathan Coulton)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental and Vocals
"Another Day of Sun" - Justin Hurwitz, arranger (La La Land Cast) "Every Time We Say Goodbye" - Jorge Calandrelli, arranger (Clint Holmes Featuring Jane Monheit) "I Like Myself" - Joel McNeely, arranger (Seth MacFarlane) "I Loves You Porgy/ There's a Boat That's Leavin' Soon for New York" -Shelly Berg, Gregg Field, Gordon Goodwin & Clint Holmes, arrangers (Clint Holmes Featuring Dee Dee Bridgewater And The Count Basie Orchestra) "Putin" Randy Newman, arranger (Randy Newman)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Capella
"All Hat, No Saddle" - Chuck Owen, arranger (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) "Escapades for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra from Catch Me if You Can" - John Williams, arranger (John Williams) "Home Free (For Peter Joe)" - Nate Smith, arranger (Nate Smith) "Ugly Beauty/Pannonica" - John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) "White Christmas" - Chris Walden, arranger (Herb Alpert)
Best Instrumental Composition
"Alkaline" - Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Le Boeuf Brothers & JACK Quartet) "Choros #3" - Vince Mendoza, composer (Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne) "Home Free (For Peter Joe)"- Nate Smith, composer (Nate Smith) "Three Revolutions" - Arturo O'Farrill, composer (Arturo O'Farrill & Chucho Valdés) "Warped Cowboy" - Chuck Owen, composer (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge)
Best World Music Album
Memoria De Los Sentidos - Vicente Amigo Para Mi - Buika Rosa Dos Ventos - Anat Cohen & Trio Brasileiro Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration - Ladysmith Black Mambazo Elwan - Tinariwen
Best Reggae Album
Chronology - Chronixx Lost In Paradise - Common Kings Wash House Ting - J Boog Stony Hill - Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley Avrakedabra - Morgan Heritage
Best Regional Roots Music Album
Top Of The Mountain - Dwayne Dopsie And The Zydeco Hellraisers Ho'okena 3.0 - Ho'okena Kalenda - Lost Bayou Ramblers Miyo Kekisepa, Make A Stand [Live] - Northern Cree Pua Kiele Josh Tatofi
Best Folk Album
Mental Illness - Aimee Mann Semper Femina - Laura Marling The Queen Of Hearts - Offa Rex You Don't Own Me Anymore - The Secret Sisters The Laughing Apple - Yusuf / Cat Stevens
Best Contemporary Blues Album
Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm - Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm Recorded Live In Lafayette -Sonny Landreth Tajmo - Taj Mahal & Keb' Mo' Got Soul - Robert Randolph & The Family Band Live From The Fox Oakland - Tedeschi Trucks Band
Best Traditional Blues Album
Migration Blues - Eric Bibb Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio - Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio Roll And Tumble - R.L. Boyce Sonny & Brownie's Last Train - Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi Blue & Lonesome - The Rolling Stones
Best Bluegrass Album
Fiddler's Dream - Michael Cleveland Laws Of Gravity - The Infamous Stringdusters Original - Bobby Osborne Universal Favorite - Noam Pikelny All The Rage - In Concert Volume One [Live] - Rhonda Vincent And The Rage
P.S. The Grammys will air live January 28 from New York.
[Image via WENN.]
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar lead with the most 2018 Grammy nominations — here's the complete list of nominees
Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar earned the most 2018 Grammy nominations with eight and seven nods, respectively. 
The two rap greats will compete in top categories, including album of the year and record of the year.
The 60th Grammy Awards show airs live on CBS on January 28. 
Find the complete list of nominees below.
  Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar lead the pack with the most nominations for the 2018 Grammy Awards, with eight and seven nominations, respectively. 
The two rap greats will compete in a number of top categories, including album of the year and record of the year. 
The album of the year nominees include Jay-Z's "4:44," Lamar's "Damn.," Childish Gambino's "Awaken, My Love!,"Lorde's "Melodrama," and Bruno Mars' "24K Magic."
Mars earned the third most nominations with six, while Gambino, the music alter-ego of Donald Glover, earned five nominations.
The 60th Grammy Awards show airs live on CBS on January 28. 
Here is the complete list of nominees:
Album Of The Year: “Awaken, My Love!” — Childish Gambino "4:44" — Jay-Z "DAMN." — Kendrick Lamar "Melodrama" — Lorde "24K Magic" — Bruno Mars
Record Of The Year: “Redbone” — Childish Gambino “Despacito” — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber “The Story Of O.J.” — Jay-Z “HUMBLE.” — Kendrick Lamar “24K Magic” — Bruno Mars
Song Of The Year: “Despacito” — Ramón Ayala, Justin Bieber, Jason “Poo Bear” Boyd, Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi & Marty James Garton, songwriters (Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber) “4:44” — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (Jay-Z) “Issues” — Benny Blanco, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Julia Michaels & Justin Drew Tranter, songwriters (Julia Michaels) “1-800-273-8255” — Alessia Caracciolo, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, Arjun Ivatury & Khalid Robinson, songwriters (Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid) “That’s What I Like” — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best New Artist: Alessia Cara Khalid Lil Uzi Vert Julia Michaels SZA
Best Pop Solo Performance: “Love So Soft” — Kelly Clarkson “Praying” — Kesha “Million Reasons” — Lady Gaga “What About Us” — P!nk “Shape Of You” — Ed Sheeran
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance: “Something Just Like This” — The Chainsmokers & Coldplay “Despacito” — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber “Thunder” — Imagine Dragons “Feel It Still” — Portugal. The Man “Stay” — Zedd & Alessia Cara
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: Nobody But Me (Deluxe Version) — Michael Bublé Triplicate — Bob Dylan In Full Swing — Seth MacFarlane Wonderland — Sarah McLachlan Tony Bennett Celebrates 90 — (Various Artists) Dae Bennett, Producer
Best Pop Vocal Album: Kaleidoscope EP — Coldplay Lust For Life — Lana Del Rey Evolve — Imagine Dragons Rainbow — Kesha Joanne — Lady Gaga ÷ (Divide) — Ed Sheeran
 Best Dance Recording: “Bambro Koyo Ganda” — Bonobo Featuring Innov Gnawa “Cola” — Camelphat & Elderbrook “Andromeda” — Gorillaz Featuring DRAM “Tonite” — LCD Soundsystem “Line Of Sight” — Odesza Featuring WYNNE & Mansionair
Best Dance/Electronic Album: Migration — Bonobo 3-D The Catalogue — Kraftwerk Mura Masa — Mura Masa A Moment Apart — Odesza What Now — Sylvan Esso
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album: What If — The Jerry Douglas Band Spirit — Alex Han Mount Royal — Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge Prototype — Jeff Lorber Fusion Bad Hombre — Antonio Sanchez
Best Rock Performance: “You Want It Darker” — Leonard Cohen “The Promise” — Chris Cornell “Run” — Foo Fighters “No Good” — Kaleo “Go To War” — Nothing More
Best Metal Performance: “Invisible Enemy” — August Burns Red “Black Hoodie” — Body Count “Forever” — Code Orange “Sultan’s Curse” — Mastodon “Clockworks” — Meshuggah
Best Rock Song: “Atlas, Rise!” — James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, songwriters (Metallica) “Blood In The Cut” — JT Daly & Kristine Flaherty, songwriters (K.Flay) “Go To War” — Ben Anderson, Jonny Hawkins, Will Hoffman, Daniel Oliver, David Pramik & Mark Vollelunga, songwriters (Nothing More) “Run” — Foo Fighters, songwriters (Foo Fighters) “The Stage” — Zachary Baker, Brian Haner, Matthew Sanders, Jonathan Seward & Brooks Wackerman, songwriters (Avenged Sevenfold)
Best Rock Album: Emperor Of Sand — Mastodon Hardwired…To Self-Destruct — Metallica The Stories We Tell Ourselves — Nothing More Villains — Queens Of The Stone Age A Deeper Understanding — The War On Drugs
Best Alternative Music Album: Everything Now — Arcade Fire Humanz — Gorillaz American Dream — LCD Soundsystem Pure Comedy — Father John Misty Sleep Well Beast — The National
Best R&B Performance: “Get You” — Daniel Caesar Featuring Kali Uchis “Distraction” — Kehlani “High” — Ledisi “That’s What I Like” — Bruno Mars “The Weekend” — SZA
Best Traditional R&B Performance: “Laugh And Move On” — The Baylor Project “Redbone” — Childish Gambino “What I’m Feelin'” — Anthony Hamilton Featuring The Hamiltones| “All The Way” — Ledisi “Still” — Mali Music
Best R&B Song: “First Began” — PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton) “Location” — Alfredo Gonzalez, Olatunji Ige, Samuel David Jiminez, Christopher McClenney, Khalid Robinson & Joshua Scruggs, songwriters (Khalid) “Redbone” — Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson, songwriters (Childish Gambino) “Supermodel” — Tyran Donaldson, Terrence Henderson, Greg Landfair Jr., Solana Rowe & Pharrell Williams, songwriters (SZA) “That’s What I Like” — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best Urban Contemporary Album: Free 6LACK — 6LACK “Awaken, My Love!” — Childish Gambino American Teen — Khalid Ctrl — SZA Starboy — The Weeknd
Best R&B Album: Freudian — Daniel Caesar Let Love Rule — Ledisi 24K Magic — Bruno Mars Gumbo — PJ Morton Feel The Real –Musiq Soulchild
Best Rap Performance: “Bounce Back” — Big Sean “Bodak Yellow” — Cardi B “4:44” — Jay-Z “HUMBLE.” — Kendrick Lamar “Bad And Boujee” — Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert
Best Rap/Sung Performance: “PRBLMS” — 6LACK “Crew” — Goldlink Featuring Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy “Family Feud” — Jay-Z Featuring Beyoncé “LOYALTY.” — Kendrick Lamar Featuring Rihanna “Love Galore” — SZA Featuring Travis Scott
Best Rap Song: “Bodak Yellow” — Dieuson Octave, Klenord Raphael, Shaftizm, Jordan Thorpe, Washpoppin & J White, songwriters (Cardi B) “Chase Me” — Judah Bauer, Brian Burton, Hector Delgado, Jaime Meline, Antwan Patton, Michael Render, Russell Simins & Jon Spencer, songwriters (Danger Mouse Featuring Run The Jewels & Big Boi) “HUMBLE.” — Duckworth, Asheton Hogan & M. Williams II, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar) “Sassy” — Gabouer & M. Evans, songwriters (Rapsody) “The Story Of O.J.” — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (Jay-Z)
Best Rap Album: 4:44 — Jay-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Culture — Migos Laila’s Wisdom — Rapsody Flower Boy — Tyler, The Creator
Best Country Solo Performance: “Body Like A Back Road” — Sam Hunt “Losing You: –Alison Krauss “Tin Man” — Miranda Lambert “I Could Use A Love Song” — Maren Morris “Either Way” — Chris Stapleton
Best Country Duo/Group Performance: “It Ain’t My Fault” — Brothers Osborne “My Old Man” — Zac Brown Band “You Look Good” — Lady Antebellum “Better Man” — Little Big Town “Drinkin’ Problem” — Midland
Best Country Song: “Better Man” — Taylor Swift, songwriter (Little Big Town) “Body Like A Back Road” — Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, Shane McAnally & Josh Osborne, songwriters (Sam Hunt) “Broken Halos” — Mike Henderson & Chris Stapleton, songwriters (Chris Stapleton) “Drinkin’ Problem” — Jess Carson, Cameron Duddy, Shane McAnally, Josh Osborne & Mark Wystrach, songwriters (Midland) “Tin Man” — Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert & Jon Randall, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
Best Country Album: Cosmic Hallelujah — Kenny Chesney Heart Break — Lady Antebellum The Breaker — Little Big Town Life Changes — Thomas Rhett From A Room: Volume 1 — Chris Stapleton
Best New Age Album: Reflection — Brian Eno SongVersation: Medicine — India.Arie Dancing On Water — Peter Kater Sacred Journey Of Ku-Kai, Volume 5 — Kitaro Spiral Revelation — Steve Roach
Best Improvised Jazz Solo: “Can’t Remember Why” — Sara Caswell, soloist “Dance Of Shiva” — Billy Childs, soloist “Whisper Not” — Fred Hersch, soloist “Miles Beyond” — John McLaughlin, soloist “Ilimba” — Chris Potter, soloist
Best Jazz Vocal Album: The Journey — The Baylor Project A Social Call — Jazzmeia Horn Bad Ass And Blind — Raul Midón Porter Plays Porter — Randy Porter Trio With Nancy King Dreams And Daggers — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Best Jazz Instrumental Album: Uptown, Downtown — Bill Charlap Trio Rebirth — Billy Childs Project Freedom –Joey DeFrancesco & The People Open Book — Fred Hersch The Dreamer Is The Dream — Chris Potter
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album: MONK’estra Vol. 2 — John Beasley Jigsaw — Alan Ferber Big Band Bringin’ It — Christian McBride Big Band Homecoming — Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne Whispers On The Wind — Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge
Best Latin Jazz Album: Hybrido – From Rio To Wayne Shorter — Antonio Adolfo Oddara — Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Outra Coisa – The Music Of Moacir Santos — Anat Cohen & Marcello Gonçalves Típico — Miguel Zenón Jazz Tango — Pablo Ziegler Trio
Best Gospel Performance/Song: “Too Hard Not To” — Tina Campbell “You Deserve It” — JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise Featuring Bishop Cortez Vaughn “Better Days” — Le’Andria “My Life” — The Walls Group “Never Have To Be Alone” — CeCe Winans
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song: “Oh My Soul” — Casting Crowns “Clean” — Natalie Grant “What A Beautiful Name” — Hillsong Worship “Even If” — MercyMe “Hills And Valleys” — Tauren Wells
Best Gospel Album: Crossover: Live From Music City — Travis Greene Bigger Than Me — Le’Andria Close — Marvin Sapp Sunday Song — Anita Wilson Let Them Fall In Love — CeCe Winans
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album: Rise — Danny Gokey Echoes (Deluxe Edition) — Matt Maher Lifer — MercyMe Hills And Valleys — Tauren Wells Chain Breaker — Zach Williams
Best Roots Gospel Album: The Best Of The Collingsworth Family – Volume 1 — The Collingsworth Family Give Me Jesus — Larry Cordle Resurrection — Joseph Habedank Sing It Now: Songs Of Faith & Hope — Reba McEntire Hope For All Nations — Karen Peck & New River
Best Latin Pop Album: Lo Único Constante — Alex Cuba Mis Planes Son Amarte — Juanes Amar Y Vivir En Vivo Desde La Ciudad De México, 2017 — La Santa Cecilia Musas (Un Homenaje Al Folclore Latinoamericano En Manos De Los Macorinos) — Natalia Lafourcade El Dorado — Shakira
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album: Ayo — Bomba Estéreo Pa’ Fuera — C4 Trío & Desorden Público Salvavidas De Hielo — Jorge Drexler El Paradise — Los Amigos Invisibles Residente — Residente
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano): Ni Diablo Ni Santo — Julión Álvarez Y Su Norteño Banda Ayer Y Hoy — Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizárraga Momentos — Alex Campos Arriero Somos Versiones Acústicas — Aida Cuevas Zapateando En El Norte — Humberto Novoa, producer (Various Artists)
Best Tropical Latin Album: Albita — Albita Art Of The Arrangement — Doug Beavers Salsa Big Band — Rubén Blades Con Roberto Delgado & Orquesta Gente Valiente — Silvestre Dangond Indestructible — Diego El Cigala
Best American Roots Performance: Killer Diller Blues — Alabama Shakes Let My Mother Live — Blind Boys Of Alabama Arkansas Farmboy — Glen Campbell Steer Your Way — Leonard Cohen I Never Cared For You — Alison Krauss
Best American Roots Song: “Cumberland Gap” — David Rawlings “I Wish You Well” — The Mavericks “If We Were Vampires” — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit “It Ain’t Over Yet” — Rodney Crowell Featuring Rosanne Cash & John Paul White “My Only True Friend” –Gregg Allman
Best Americana Album: Southern Blood — Gregg Allman Shine On Rainy Day — Brent Cobb Beast Epic — Iron & Wine The Nashville Sound — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit Brand New Day — The Mavericks
Best Bluegrass Album: Fiddler’s Dream — Michael Cleveland Laws Of Gravity — The Infamous Stringdusters Original — Bobby Osborne Universal Favorite — Noam Pikelny All The Rage – In Concert Volume One [Live] — Rhonda Vincent And The Rage
Best Traditional Blues Album: Migration Blues — Eric Bibb Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio — Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio Roll And Tumble — R.L. Boyce Sonny & Brownie’s Last Train — Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi Blue & Lonesome — The Rolling Stones
Best Contemporary Blues Album: Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm — Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm Recorded Live In Lafayette — Sonny Landreth TajMo — Taj Mahal & Keb’ Mo’ Got Soul — Robert Randolph & The Family Band Live From The Fox Oakland — Tedeschi Trucks Band
Best Folk Album: Mental Illness — Aimee Mann Semper Femina — Laura Marling The Queen Of Hearts — Offa Rex You Don’t Own Me Anymore — The Secret Sisters The Laughing Apple — Yusuf / Cat Stevens
Best Regional Roots Music Album: Top Of The Mountain — Dwayne Dopsie And The Zydeco Hellraisers Ho’okena 3.0 — Ho’okena Kalenda — Lost Bayou Ramblers Miyo Kekisepa, Make A Stand [Live] — Northern Cree Pua Kiele — Josh Tatofi
Best Reggae Album: Chronology — Chronixx Lost In Paradise — Common Kings Wash House Ting — J Boog Stony Hill — Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley Avrakedabra — Morgan Heritage
Best World Music Album: Memoria De Los Sentidos — Vicente Amigo Para Mi — Buika Rosa Dos Ventos — Anat Cohen & Trio Brasileiro Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration — Ladysmith Black Mambazo Elwan — Tinariwen
Best Children’s Album: Brighter Side — Gustafer Yellowgold Feel What U Feel — Lisa Loeb Lemonade — Justin Roberts Rise Shine #Woke — Alphabet Rockers Songs Of Peace & Love For Kids & Parents Around The World — Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling): Astrophysics For People In A Hurry — Neil Degrasse Tyson Born To Run — Bruce Springsteen Confessions Of A Serial Songwriter — Shelly Peiken Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In (Bernie Sanders) — Bernie Sanders And Mark Ruffalo The Princess Diarist — Carrie Fisher
Best Comedy Album: The Age Of Spin & Deep In The Heart Of Texas — Dave Chappelle Cinco — Jim Gaffigan Jerry Before Seinfeld — Jerry Seinfeld A Speck Of Dust — Sarah Silverman What Now? — Kevin Hart
Best Musical Theater Album: Come From Away — Ian Eisendrath, August Eriksmoen, David Hein, David Lai & Irene Sankoff, producers; David Hein & Irene Sankoff, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Dear Evan Hansen — Ben Platt, principal soloist; Alex Lacamoire, Stacey Mindich, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, producers; Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Hello, Dolly! — Bette Midler, principal soloist; Steven Epstein, producer (Jerry Herman, composer & lyricist) (New Broadway Cast Recording)
Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media: Baby Driver — (Various Artists) Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 — (Various Artists) Hidden Figures: The Album — (Various Artists) La La Land — (Various Artists) Moana: The Songs — (Various Artists)
Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media: Arrival — Jóhann Jóhannsson, composer Dunkirk — Hans Zimmer, composer Game Of Thrones: Season 7 — Ramin Djawadi, composer Hidden Figures — Benjamin Wallfisch, Pharrell Williams & Hans Zimmer, composers La La Land — Justin Hurwitz, composer
Best Song Written For Visual Media: “City Of Stars” — Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone) “How Far I’ll Go” — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Auli’i Cravalho) “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever (‘Fifty Shades Darker’)” — Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Zayn & Taylor Swift) “Never Give Up” — Sia Furler & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Sia) “Stand Up For Something” — Common & Diane Warren, songwriters (Andra Day Featuring Common)
Best Instrumental Composition: “Alkaline” — Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Le Boeuf Brothers & JACK Quartet) “Choros #3” — Vince Mendoza, composer (Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne) “Home Free (For Peter Joe)” — Nate Smith, composer (Nate Smith) “Three Revolutions” — Arturo O’Farrill, composer (Arturo O’Farrill & Chucho Valdés) “Warped Cowboy” — Chuck Owen, composer (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella: “All Hat, No Saddle” — Chuck Owen, arranger (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) “Escapades For Alto Saxophone And Orchestra From Catch Me If You Can” — John Williams, arranger (John Williams) “Home Free (For Peter Joe)” — Nate Smith, arranger (Nate Smith) “Ugly Beauty/Pannonica” — John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) “White Christmas” — Chris Walden, arranger (Herb Alpert)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals: “Another Day Of Sun” — Justin Hurwitz, arranger (La La Land Cast) “Every Time We Say Goodbye” — Jorge Calandrelli, arranger (Clint Holmes Featuring Jane Monheit) “I Like Myself” — Joel McNeely, arranger (Seth MacFarlane) “I Loves You Porgy/There’s A Boat That’s Leavin’ Soon For New York” — Shelly Berg, Gregg Field, Gordon Goodwin & Clint Holmes, arrangers (Clint Holmes Featuring Dee Dee Bridgewater And The Count Basie Orchestra) “Putin” — Randy Newman, arranger (Randy Newman)
Best Recording Package: El Orisha De La Rosa — Claudio Roncoli & Cactus Taller, art directors (Magín Díaz) Mura Masa — Alex Crossan & Matt De Jong, art directors (Mura Masa) Pure Comedy (Deluxe Edition) — Sasha Barr, Ed Steed & Josh Tillman, art directors (Father John Misty) Sleep Well Beast — Elyanna Blaser-Gould, Luke Hayman & Andrea Trabucco-Campos, art directors (The National) Solid State — Gail Marowitz, art director (Jonathan Coulton)
Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package: Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque In Upper Volta — Tim Breen, art director (Various Artists) Lovely Creatures: The Best Of Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds (1984 – 2014) — Tom Hingston, art director (Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds) May 1977: Get Shown The Light — Masaki Koike, art director (Grateful Dead) The Voyager Golden Record: 40th Anniversary Edition — Lawrence Azerrad, Timothy Daly & David Pescovitz, art directors (Various Artists) Warfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares — Tim Breen, Benjamin Marra & Ken Shipley, art directors (Various Artists)
Best Album Notes: Arthur Q. Smith: The Trouble With The Truth — Wayne Bledsoe & Bradley Reeves, album notes writers (Various Artists) Big Bend Killing: The Appalachian Ballad Tradition — Ted Olson, album notes writer (Various Artists) The Complete Piano Works Of Scott Joplin — Bryan S. Wright, album notes writer (Richard Dowling) Edouard-Léon Scott De Martinville, Inventor Of Sound Recording: A Bicentennial Tribute — David Giovannoni, album notes writer (Various Artists) Live At The Whisky A Go Go: The Complete Recordings — Lynell George, album notes writer (Otis Redding) Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams — Michael Corcoran, album notes writer (Washington Phillips)
Best Historical Album: Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque In Upper Volta — Jon Kirby, Florent Mazzoleni, Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) The Goldberg Variations – The Complete Unreleased Recording Sessions June 1955 — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Matthias Erb, Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Glenn Gould) Leonard Bernstein – The Composer — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Leonard Bernstein) Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes From The Horn Of Africa — Nicolas Sheikholeslami & Vik Sohonie, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists) Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams — Michael Corcoran, April G. Ledbetter & Steven Lance Ledbetter, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Washington Phillips)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical: Every Where Is Some Where — Brent Arrowood, Miles Comaskey, JT Daly, Tommy English, Kristine Flaherty, Adam Hawkins, Chad Howat & Tony Maserati, engineers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer (K.Flay) Is This The Life We Really Want? — Nigel Godrich, Sam Petts-Davies & Darrell Thorp, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Roger Waters) Natural Conclusion — Ryan Freeland, engineer; Joao Carvalho, mastering engineer (Rose Cousins) No Shape — Shawn Everett & Joseph Lorge, engineers; Patricia Sullivan, mastering engineer (Perfume Genius) 24K Magic — Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer (Bruno Mars)
Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical: Calvin Harris Greg Kurstin Blake Mills No I.D. The Stereotypes
Best Remixed Recording: “Can’t Let You Go (Louie Vega Roots Mix)” — Louie Vega, remixer (Loleatta Holloway) “Funk O’ De Funk (SMLE Remix)” — SMLE, remixers (Bobby Rush) “Undercover (Adventure Club Remix)” — Leighton James & Christian Srigley, remixers (Kehlani) “A Violent Noise (Four Tet Remix)” — Four Tet, remixer (The xx) “You Move (Latroit Remix)” — Dennis White, remixer (Depeche Mode)
Best Surround Sound Album: Early Americans — Jim Anderson, surround mix engineer; Darcy Proper, surround mastering engineer; Jim Anderson & Jane Ira Bloom, surround producers (Jane Ira Bloom) Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra And Choir) So Is My Love — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) 3-D The Catalogue — Fritz Hilpert, surround mix engineer; Tom Ammermann, surround mastering engineer; Fritz Hilpert, surround producer (Kraftwerk) Tyberg: Masses — Jesse Brayman, surround mix engineer; Jesse Brayman, surround mastering engineer; Blanton Alspaugh, surround producer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Engineered Album, Classical: Danielpour: Songs Of Solitude & War Songs — Gary Call, engineer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man — Morten Lindberg, engineer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) Schoenberg, Adam: American Symphony; Finding Rothko; Picture Studies — Keith O. Johnson & Sean Royce Martin, engineers (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5; Barber: Adagio — Mark Donahue, engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) Tyberg: Masses — John Newton, engineer; Jesse Brayman, mastering engineer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Producer Of The Year, Classical: Blanton Alspaugh Manfred Eicher David Frost Morten Lindberg Judith Sherman
Best Orchestral Performance: Concertos For Orchestra — Louis Langrée, conductor (Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) Copland: Symphony No. 3; Three Latin American Sketches — Leonard Slatkin, conductor (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) Debussy: Images; Jeux & La Plus Que Lente — Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) Mahler: Symphony No. 5 — Osmo Vänskä, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra) Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5; Barber: Adagio — Manfred Honeck, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Best Opera Recording: Berg: Lulu — Lothar Koenigs, conductor; Daniel Brenna, Marlis Petersen & Johan Reuter; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) Berg: Wozzeck — Hans Graf, conductor; Anne Schwanewilms & Roman Trekel; Hans Graf, producer (Houston Symphony; Chorus Of Students And Alumni, Shepherd School Of Music, Rice University & Houston Grand Opera Children’s Chorus) Bizet: Les Pêcheurs De Perles — Gianandrea Noseda, conductor; Diana Damrau, Mariusz Kwiecień, Matthew Polenzani & Nicolas Testé; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) Handel: Ottone — George Petrou, conductor; Max Emanuel Cencic & Lauren Snouffer; Jacob Händel, producer (Il Pomo D’Oro) Rimsky-Korsakov: The Golden Cockerel — Valery Gergiev, conductor; Vladimir Feliauer, Aida Garifullina & Kira Loginova; Ilya Petrov, producer (Mariinsky Orchestra; Mariinsky Chorus)
Best Choral Performance: Bryars: The Fifth Century — Donald Nally, conductor (PRISM Quartet; The Crossing) Handel: Messiah — Andrew Davis, conductor; Noel Edison, chorus master (Elizabeth DeShong, John Relyea, Andrew Staples & Erin Wall; Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir) Mansurian: Requiem — Alexander Liebreich, conductor; Florian Helgath, chorus master (Anja Petersen & Andrew Redmond; Münchener Kammerorchester; RIAS Kammerchor) Music Of The Spheres — Nigel Short, conductor (Tenebrae) Tyberg: Masses — Brian A. Schmidt, conductor (Christopher Jacobson; South Dakota Chorale)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance: Buxtehude: Trio Sonatas, Op. 1 — Arcangelo Death & The Maiden — Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Divine Theatre – Sacred Motets By Giaches De Wert — Stile Antico Franck, Kurtág, Previn & Schumann — Joyce Yang & Augustin Hadelich Martha Argerich & Friends – Live From Lugano 2016 — Martha Argerich & Various Artists
Best Classical Instrumental Solo: Bach: The French Suites — Murray Perahia Haydn: Cello Concertos — Steven Isserlis; Florian Donderer, conductor (The Deutsch Kammerphilharmonie Bremen) Levina: The Piano Concertos — Maria Lettberg; Ariane Matiakh, conductor (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin) Shostakovich: Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 — Frank Peter Zimmermann; Alan Gilbert, conductor (NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester) Transcendental — Daniil Trifonov
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album: Bach & Telemann: Sacred Cantatas — Philippe Jaroussky; Petra Müllejans, conductor (Ann-Kathrin Brüggemann & Juan de la Rubia; Freiburger Barockorchester) Crazy Girl Crazy – Music By Gershwin, Berg & Berio — Barbara Hannigan (Orchestra Ludwig) Gods & Monsters — Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, accompanist In War & Peace – Harmony Through Music — Joyce DiDonato; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D’Oro) Sviridov: Russia Cast Adrift — Dmitri Hvorostovsky; Constantine Orbelian, conductor (St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra & Style Of Five Ensemble)
Best Classical Compendium: Barbara — Alexandre Tharaud; Cécile Lenoir, producer Higdon: All Things Majestic, Viola Concerto & Oboe Concerto — Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer Kurtág: Complete Works For Ensemble & Choir — Reinbert de Leeuw, conductor; Guido Tichelman, producer Les Routes De L’Esclavage — Jordi Savall, conductor; Benjamin Bleton, producer Mademoiselle: Première Audience – Unknown Music Of Nadia Boulanger — Lucy Mauro; Lucy Mauro, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition: Danielpour: Songs Of Solitude — Richard Danielpour, composer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Higdon: Viola Concerto — Jennifer Higdon, composer (Roberto Díaz, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Mansurian: Requiem — Tigran Mansurian, composer (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) Schoenberg, Adam: Picture Studies — Adam Schoenberg, composer (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) Zhou Tian: Concerto For Orchestra — Zhou Tian, composer (Louis Langrée & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra)
Best Music Video: “Up All Night” — Beck “Makeba” — Jain “The Story Of O.J.” — Jay-Z “Humble.” — Kendrick Lamar “1-800-273-8255” — Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid
Best Music Film: “One More Time With Feeling” — Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds “Long Strange Trip” — (The Grateful Dead) The Defiant Ones — (Various Artists) “Soundbreaking” — (Various Artists) Two Trains Runnin’ — (Various Artists)
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ramialkarmi · 7 years
Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar lead with the most 2018 Grammy nominations — here's the complete list of nominees
Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar earned the most 2018 Grammy nominations with eight and seven nods, respectively. 
The two rap greats will compete in top categories, including album of the year and record of the year.
The 60th Grammy Awards show airs live on CBS on January 28. 
Find the complete list of nominees below.
  Jay-Z and Kendrick Lamar lead the pack with the most nominations for the 2018 Grammy Awards, with eight and seven nominations, respectively. 
The two rap greats will compete in a number of top categories, including album of the year and record of the year. 
The album of the year nominees include Jay-Z's "4:44," Lamar's "Damn.," Childish Gambino's "Awaken, My Love!,"Lorde's "Melodrama," and Bruno Mars' "24K Magic."
Mars earned the third most nominations with six, while Gambino, the music alter-ego of Donald Glover, earned five nominations.
The 60th Grammy Awards show airs live on CBS on January 28. 
Here is the complete list of nominees:
Album Of The Year: “Awaken, My Love!” — Childish Gambino 4:44 — Jay-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Melodrama — Lorde 24K Magic — Bruno Mars
Record Of The Year: “Redbone” — Childish Gambino “Despacito” — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber “The Story Of O.J.” — Jay-Z “HUMBLE.” — Kendrick Lamar “24K Magic” — Bruno Mars
Song Of The Year: “Despacito” — Ramón Ayala, Justin Bieber, Jason “Poo Bear” Boyd, Erika Ender, Luis Fonsi & Marty James Garton, songwriters (Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber) “4:44” — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (Jay-Z) “Issues” — Benny Blanco, Mikkel Storleer Eriksen, Tor Erik Hermansen, Julia Michaels & Justin Drew Tranter, songwriters (Julia Michaels) “1-800-273-8255” — Alessia Caracciolo, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, Arjun Ivatury & Khalid Robinson, songwriters (Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid) “That’s What I Like” — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best New Artist: Alessia Cara Khalid Lil Uzi Vert Julia Michaels SZA
Best Pop Solo Performance: “Love So Soft” — Kelly Clarkson “Praying” — Kesha “Million Reasons” — Lady Gaga “What About Us” — P!nk “Shape Of You” — Ed Sheeran
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance: “Something Just Like This” — The Chainsmokers & Coldplay “Despacito” — Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee Featuring Justin Bieber “Thunder” — Imagine Dragons “Feel It Still” — Portugal. The Man “Stay” — Zedd & Alessia Cara
Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album: Nobody But Me (Deluxe Version) — Michael Bublé Triplicate — Bob Dylan In Full Swing — Seth MacFarlane Wonderland — Sarah McLachlan Tony Bennett Celebrates 90 — (Various Artists) Dae Bennett, Producer
Best Pop Vocal Album: Kaleidoscope EP — Coldplay Lust For Life — Lana Del Rey Evolve — Imagine Dragons Rainbow — Kesha Joanne — Lady Gaga ÷ (Divide) — Ed Sheeran
 Best Dance Recording: “Bambro Koyo Ganda” — Bonobo Featuring Innov Gnawa “Cola” — Camelphat & Elderbrook “Andromeda” — Gorillaz Featuring DRAM “Tonite” — LCD Soundsystem “Line Of Sight” — Odesza Featuring WYNNE & Mansionair
Best Dance/Electronic Album: Migration — Bonobo 3-D The Catalogue — Kraftwerk Mura Masa — Mura Masa A Moment Apart — Odesza What Now — Sylvan Esso
Best Contemporary Instrumental Album: What If — The Jerry Douglas Band Spirit — Alex Han Mount Royal — Julian Lage & Chris Eldridge Prototype — Jeff Lorber Fusion Bad Hombre — Antonio Sanchez
Best Rock Performance: “You Want It Darker” — Leonard Cohen “The Promise” — Chris Cornell “Run” — Foo Fighters “No Good” — Kaleo “Go To War” — Nothing More
Best Metal Performance: “Invisible Enemy” — August Burns Red “Black Hoodie” — Body Count “Forever” — Code Orange “Sultan’s Curse” — Mastodon “Clockworks” — Meshuggah
Best Rock Song: “Atlas, Rise!” — James Hetfield & Lars Ulrich, songwriters (Metallica) “Blood In The Cut” — JT Daly & Kristine Flaherty, songwriters (K.Flay) “Go To War” — Ben Anderson, Jonny Hawkins, Will Hoffman, Daniel Oliver, David Pramik & Mark Vollelunga, songwriters (Nothing More) “Run” — Foo Fighters, songwriters (Foo Fighters) “The Stage” — Zachary Baker, Brian Haner, Matthew Sanders, Jonathan Seward & Brooks Wackerman, songwriters (Avenged Sevenfold)
Best Rock Album: Emperor Of Sand — Mastodon Hardwired…To Self-Destruct — Metallica The Stories We Tell Ourselves — Nothing More Villains — Queens Of The Stone Age A Deeper Understanding — The War On Drugs
Best Alternative Music Album: Everything Now — Arcade Fire Humanz — Gorillaz American Dream — LCD Soundsystem Pure Comedy — Father John Misty Sleep Well Beast — The National
Best R&B Performance: “Get You” — Daniel Caesar Featuring Kali Uchis “Distraction” — Kehlani “High” — Ledisi “That’s What I Like” — Bruno Mars “The Weekend” — SZA
Best Traditional R&B Performance: “Laugh And Move On” — The Baylor Project “Redbone” — Childish Gambino “What I’m Feelin'” — Anthony Hamilton Featuring The Hamiltones| “All The Way” — Ledisi “Still” — Mali Music
Best R&B Song: “First Began” — PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton) “Location” — Alfredo Gonzalez, Olatunji Ige, Samuel David Jiminez, Christopher McClenney, Khalid Robinson & Joshua Scruggs, songwriters (Khalid) “Redbone” — Donald Glover & Ludwig Goransson, songwriters (Childish Gambino) “Supermodel” — Tyran Donaldson, Terrence Henderson, Greg Landfair Jr., Solana Rowe & Pharrell Williams, songwriters (SZA) “That’s What I Like” — Christopher Brody Brown, James Fauntleroy, Philip Lawrence, Bruno Mars, Ray Charles McCullough II, Jeremy Reeves, Ray Romulus & Jonathan Yip, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
Best Urban Contemporary Album: Free 6LACK — 6LACK “Awaken, My Love!” — Childish Gambino American Teen — Khalid Ctrl — SZA Starboy — The Weeknd
Best R&B Album: Freudian — Daniel Caesar Let Love Rule — Ledisi 24K Magic — Bruno Mars Gumbo — PJ Morton Feel The Real –Musiq Soulchild
Best Rap Performance: “Bounce Back” — Big Sean “Bodak Yellow” — Cardi B “4:44” — Jay-Z “HUMBLE.” — Kendrick Lamar “Bad And Boujee” — Migos Featuring Lil Uzi Vert
Best Rap/Sung Performance: “PRBLMS” — 6LACK “Crew” — Goldlink Featuring Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy “Family Feud” — Jay-Z Featuring Beyoncé “LOYALTY.” — Kendrick Lamar Featuring Rihanna “Love Galore” — SZA Featuring Travis Scott
Best Rap Song: “Bodak Yellow” — Dieuson Octave, Klenord Raphael, Shaftizm, Jordan Thorpe, Washpoppin & J White, songwriters (Cardi B) “Chase Me” — Judah Bauer, Brian Burton, Hector Delgado, Jaime Meline, Antwan Patton, Michael Render, Russell Simins & Jon Spencer, songwriters (Danger Mouse Featuring Run The Jewels & Big Boi) “HUMBLE.” — Duckworth, Asheton Hogan & M. Williams II, songwriters (Kendrick Lamar) “Sassy” — Gabouer & M. Evans, songwriters (Rapsody) “The Story Of O.J.” — Shawn Carter & Dion Wilson, songwriters (Jay-Z)
Best Rap Album: 4:44 — Jay-Z DAMN. — Kendrick Lamar Culture — Migos Laila’s Wisdom — Rapsody Flower Boy — Tyler, The Creator
Best Country Solo Performance: “Body Like A Back Road” — Sam Hunt “Losing You: –Alison Krauss “Tin Man” — Miranda Lambert “I Could Use A Love Song” — Maren Morris “Either Way” — Chris Stapleton
Best Country Duo/Group Performance: “It Ain’t My Fault” — Brothers Osborne “My Old Man” — Zac Brown Band “You Look Good” — Lady Antebellum “Better Man” — Little Big Town “Drinkin’ Problem” — Midland
Best Country Song: “Better Man” — Taylor Swift, songwriter (Little Big Town) “Body Like A Back Road” — Zach Crowell, Sam Hunt, Shane McAnally & Josh Osborne, songwriters (Sam Hunt) “Broken Halos” — Mike Henderson & Chris Stapleton, songwriters (Chris Stapleton) “Drinkin’ Problem” — Jess Carson, Cameron Duddy, Shane McAnally, Josh Osborne & Mark Wystrach, songwriters (Midland) “Tin Man” — Jack Ingram, Miranda Lambert & Jon Randall, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
Best Country Album: Cosmic Hallelujah — Kenny Chesney Heart Break — Lady Antebellum The Breaker — Little Big Town Life Changes — Thomas Rhett From A Room: Volume 1 — Chris Stapleton
Best New Age Album: Reflection — Brian Eno SongVersation: Medicine — India.Arie Dancing On Water — Peter Kater Sacred Journey Of Ku-Kai, Volume 5 — Kitaro Spiral Revelation — Steve Roach
Best Improvised Jazz Solo: “Can’t Remember Why” — Sara Caswell, soloist “Dance Of Shiva” — Billy Childs, soloist “Whisper Not” — Fred Hersch, soloist “Miles Beyond” — John McLaughlin, soloist “Ilimba” — Chris Potter, soloist
Best Jazz Vocal Album: The Journey — The Baylor Project A Social Call — Jazzmeia Horn Bad Ass And Blind — Raul Midón Porter Plays Porter — Randy Porter Trio With Nancy King Dreams And Daggers — Cécile McLorin Salvant
Best Jazz Instrumental Album: Uptown, Downtown — Bill Charlap Trio Rebirth — Billy Childs Project Freedom –Joey DeFrancesco & The People Open Book — Fred Hersch The Dreamer Is The Dream — Chris Potter
Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album: MONK’estra Vol. 2 — John Beasley Jigsaw — Alan Ferber Big Band Bringin’ It — Christian McBride Big Band Homecoming — Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne Whispers On The Wind �� Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge
Best Latin Jazz Album: Hybrido – From Rio To Wayne Shorter — Antonio Adolfo Oddara — Jane Bunnett & Maqueque Outra Coisa – The Music Of Moacir Santos — Anat Cohen & Marcello Gonçalves Típico — Miguel Zenón Jazz Tango — Pablo Ziegler Trio
Best Gospel Performance/Song: “Too Hard Not To” — Tina Campbell “You Deserve It” — JJ Hairston & Youthful Praise Featuring Bishop Cortez Vaughn “Better Days” — Le’Andria “My Life” — The Walls Group “Never Have To Be Alone” — CeCe Winans
Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song: “Oh My Soul” — Casting Crowns “Clean” — Natalie Grant “What A Beautiful Name” — Hillsong Worship “Even If” — MercyMe “Hills And Valleys” — Tauren Wells
Best Gospel Album: Crossover: Live From Music City — Travis Greene Bigger Than Me — Le’Andria Close — Marvin Sapp Sunday Song — Anita Wilson Let Them Fall In Love — CeCe Winans
Best Contemporary Christian Music Album: Rise — Danny Gokey Echoes (Deluxe Edition) — Matt Maher Lifer — MercyMe Hills And Valleys — Tauren Wells Chain Breaker — Zach Williams
Best Roots Gospel Album: The Best Of The Collingsworth Family – Volume 1 — The Collingsworth Family Give Me Jesus — Larry Cordle Resurrection — Joseph Habedank Sing It Now: Songs Of Faith & Hope — Reba McEntire Hope For All Nations — Karen Peck & New River
Best Latin Pop Album: Lo Único Constante — Alex Cuba Mis Planes Son Amarte — Juanes Amar Y Vivir En Vivo Desde La Ciudad De México, 2017 — La Santa Cecilia Musas (Un Homenaje Al Folclore Latinoamericano En Manos De Los Macorinos) — Natalia Lafourcade El Dorado — Shakira
Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album: Ayo — Bomba Estéreo Pa’ Fuera — C4 Trío & Desorden Público Salvavidas De Hielo — Jorge Drexler El Paradise — Los Amigos Invisibles Residente — Residente
Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano): Ni Diablo Ni Santo — Julión Álvarez Y Su Norteño Banda Ayer Y Hoy — Banda El Recodo De Cruz Lizárraga Momentos — Alex Campos Arriero Somos Versiones Acústicas — Aida Cuevas Zapateando En El Norte — Humberto Novoa, producer (Various Artists)
Best Tropical Latin Album: Albita — Albita Art Of The Arrangement — Doug Beavers Salsa Big Band — Rubén Blades Con Roberto Delgado & Orquesta Gente Valiente — Silvestre Dangond Indestructible — Diego El Cigala
Best American Roots Performance: Killer Diller Blues — Alabama Shakes Let My Mother Live — Blind Boys Of Alabama Arkansas Farmboy — Glen Campbell Steer Your Way — Leonard Cohen I Never Cared For You — Alison Krauss
Best American Roots Song: “Cumberland Gap” — David Rawlings “I Wish You Well” — The Mavericks “If We Were Vampires” — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit “It Ain’t Over Yet” — Rodney Crowell Featuring Rosanne Cash & John Paul White “My Only True Friend” –Gregg Allman
Best Americana Album: Southern Blood — Gregg Allman Shine On Rainy Day — Brent Cobb Beast Epic — Iron & Wine The Nashville Sound — Jason Isbell And The 400 Unit Brand New Day — The Mavericks
Best Bluegrass Album: Fiddler’s Dream — Michael Cleveland Laws Of Gravity — The Infamous Stringdusters Original — Bobby Osborne Universal Favorite — Noam Pikelny All The Rage – In Concert Volume One [Live] — Rhonda Vincent And The Rage
Best Traditional Blues Album: Migration Blues — Eric Bibb Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio — Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio Roll And Tumble — R.L. Boyce Sonny & Brownie’s Last Train — Guy Davis & Fabrizio Poggi Blue & Lonesome — The Rolling Stones
Best Contemporary Blues Album: Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm — Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm Recorded Live In Lafayette — Sonny Landreth TajMo — Taj Mahal & Keb’ Mo’ Got Soul — Robert Randolph & The Family Band Live From The Fox Oakland — Tedeschi Trucks Band
Best Folk Album: Mental Illness — Aimee Mann Semper Femina — Laura Marling The Queen Of Hearts — Offa Rex You Don’t Own Me Anymore — The Secret Sisters The Laughing Apple — Yusuf / Cat Stevens
Best Regional Roots Music Album: Top Of The Mountain — Dwayne Dopsie And The Zydeco Hellraisers Ho’okena 3.0 — Ho’okena Kalenda — Lost Bayou Ramblers Miyo Kekisepa, Make A Stand [Live] — Northern Cree Pua Kiele — Josh Tatofi
Best Reggae Album: Chronology — Chronixx Lost In Paradise — Common Kings Wash House Ting — J Boog Stony Hill — Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley Avrakedabra — Morgan Heritage
Best World Music Album: Memoria De Los Sentidos — Vicente Amigo Para Mi — Buika Rosa Dos Ventos — Anat Cohen & Trio Brasileiro Shaka Zulu Revisited: 30th Anniversary Celebration — Ladysmith Black Mambazo Elwan — Tinariwen
Best Children’s Album: Brighter Side — Gustafer Yellowgold Feel What U Feel — Lisa Loeb Lemonade — Justin Roberts Rise Shine #Woke — Alphabet Rockers Songs Of Peace & Love For Kids & Parents Around The World — Ladysmith Black Mambazo
Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books & Storytelling): Astrophysics For People In A Hurry — Neil Degrasse Tyson Born To Run — Bruce Springsteen Confessions Of A Serial Songwriter — Shelly Peiken Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In (Bernie Sanders) — Bernie Sanders And Mark Ruffalo The Princess Diarist — Carrie Fisher
Best Comedy Album: The Age Of Spin & Deep In The Heart Of Texas — Dave Chappelle Cinco — Jim Gaffigan Jerry Before Seinfeld — Jerry Seinfeld A Speck Of Dust — Sarah Silverman What Now? — Kevin Hart
Best Musical Theater Album: Come From Away — Ian Eisendrath, August Eriksmoen, David Hein, David Lai & Irene Sankoff, producers; David Hein & Irene Sankoff, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Dear Evan Hansen — Ben Platt, principal soloist; Alex Lacamoire, Stacey Mindich, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, producers; Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, composers/lyricists (Original Broadway Cast Recording) Hello, Dolly! — Bette Midler, principal soloist; Steven Epstein, producer (Jerry Herman, composer & lyricist) (New Broadway Cast Recording)
Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media: Baby Driver — (Various Artists) Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2: Awesome Mix Vol. 2 — (Various Artists) Hidden Figures: The Album — (Various Artists) La La Land — (Various Artists) Moana: The Songs — (Various Artists)
Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media: Arrival — Jóhann Jóhannsson, composer Dunkirk — Hans Zimmer, composer Game Of Thrones: Season 7 — Ramin Djawadi, composer Hidden Figures — Benjamin Wallfisch, Pharrell Williams & Hans Zimmer, composers La La Land — Justin Hurwitz, composer
Best Song Written For Visual Media: “City Of Stars” — Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, songwriters (Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone) “How Far I’ll Go” — Lin-Manuel Miranda, songwriter (Auli’i Cravalho) “I Don’t Wanna Live Forever (‘Fifty Shades Darker’)” — Jack Antonoff, Sam Dew & Taylor Swift, songwriters (Zayn & Taylor Swift) “Never Give Up” — Sia Furler & Greg Kurstin, songwriters (Sia) “Stand Up For Something” — Common & Diane Warren, songwriters (Andra Day Featuring Common)
Best Instrumental Composition: “Alkaline” — Pascal Le Boeuf, composer (Le Boeuf Brothers & JACK Quartet) “Choros #3” — Vince Mendoza, composer (Vince Mendoza & WDR Big Band Cologne) “Home Free (For Peter Joe)” — Nate Smith, composer (Nate Smith) “Three Revolutions” — Arturo O’Farrill, composer (Arturo O’Farrill & Chucho Valdés) “Warped Cowboy” — Chuck Owen, composer (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge)
Best Arrangement, Instrumental or A Cappella: “All Hat, No Saddle” — Chuck Owen, arranger (Chuck Owen And The Jazz Surge) “Escapades For Alto Saxophone And Orchestra From Catch Me If You Can” — John Williams, arranger (John Williams) “Home Free (For Peter Joe)” — Nate Smith, arranger (Nate Smith) “Ugly Beauty/Pannonica” — John Beasley, arranger (John Beasley) “White Christmas” — Chris Walden, arranger (Herb Alpert)
Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals: “Another Day Of Sun” — Justin Hurwitz, arranger (La La Land Cast) “Every Time We Say Goodbye” — Jorge Calandrelli, arranger (Clint Holmes Featuring Jane Monheit) “I Like Myself” — Joel McNeely, arranger (Seth MacFarlane) “I Loves You Porgy/There’s A Boat That’s Leavin’ Soon For New York” — Shelly Berg, Gregg Field, Gordon Goodwin & Clint Holmes, arrangers (Clint Holmes Featuring Dee Dee Bridgewater And The Count Basie Orchestra) “Putin” — Randy Newman, arranger (Randy Newman)
Best Recording Package: El Orisha De La Rosa — Claudio Roncoli & Cactus Taller, art directors (Magín Díaz) Mura Masa — Alex Crossan & Matt De Jong, art directors (Mura Masa) Pure Comedy (Deluxe Edition) — Sasha Barr, Ed Steed & Josh Tillman, art directors (Father John Misty) Sleep Well Beast — Elyanna Blaser-Gould, Luke Hayman & Andrea Trabucco-Campos, art directors (The National) Solid State — Gail Marowitz, art director (Jonathan Coulton)
Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package: Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque In Upper Volta — Tim Breen, art director (Various Artists) Lovely Creatures: The Best Of Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds (1984 – 2014) — Tom Hingston, art director (Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds) May 1977: Get Shown The Light — Masaki Koike, art director (Grateful Dead) The Voyager Golden Record: 40th Anniversary Edition — Lawrence Azerrad, Timothy Daly & David Pescovitz, art directors (Various Artists) Warfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares — Tim Breen, Benjamin Marra & Ken Shipley, art directors (Various Artists)
Best Album Notes: Arthur Q. Smith: The Trouble With The Truth — Wayne Bledsoe & Bradley Reeves, album notes writers (Various Artists) Big Bend Killing: The Appalachian Ballad Tradition — Ted Olson, album notes writer (Various Artists) The Complete Piano Works Of Scott Joplin — Bryan S. Wright, album notes writer (Richard Dowling) Edouard-Léon Scott De Martinville, Inventor Of Sound Recording: A Bicentennial Tribute — David Giovannoni, album notes writer (Various Artists) Live At The Whisky A Go Go: The Complete Recordings — Lynell George, album notes writer (Otis Redding) Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams — Michael Corcoran, album notes writer (Washington Phillips)
Best Historical Album: Bobo Yeye: Belle Epoque In Upper Volta — Jon Kirby, Florent Mazzoleni, Rob Sevier & Ken Shipley, compilation producers; Jeff Lipton & Maria Rice, mastering engineers (Various Artists) The Goldberg Variations – The Complete Unreleased Recording Sessions June 1955 — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Matthias Erb, Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Glenn Gould) Leonard Bernstein – The Composer — Robert Russ, compilation producer; Martin Kistner & Andreas K. Meyer, mastering engineers (Leonard Bernstein) Sweet As Broken Dates: Lost Somali Tapes From The Horn Of Africa — Nicolas Sheikholeslami & Vik Sohonie, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists) Washington Phillips And His Manzarene Dreams — Michael Corcoran, April G. Ledbetter & Steven Lance Ledbetter, compilation producers; Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Washington Phillips)
Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical: Every Where Is Some Where — Brent Arrowood, Miles Comaskey, JT Daly, Tommy English, Kristine Flaherty, Adam Hawkins, Chad Howat & Tony Maserati, engineers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer (K.Flay) Is This The Life We Really Want? — Nigel Godrich, Sam Petts-Davies & Darrell Thorp, engineers; Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Roger Waters) Natural Conclusion — Ryan Freeland, engineer; Joao Carvalho, mastering engineer (Rose Cousins) No Shape — Shawn Everett & Joseph Lorge, engineers; Patricia Sullivan, mastering engineer (Perfume Genius) 24K Magic — Serban Ghenea, John Hanes & Charles Moniz, engineers; Tom Coyne, mastering engineer (Bruno Mars)
Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical: Calvin Harris Greg Kurstin Blake Mills No I.D. The Stereotypes
Best Remixed Recording: “Can’t Let You Go (Louie Vega Roots Mix)” — Louie Vega, remixer (Loleatta Holloway) “Funk O’ De Funk (SMLE Remix)” — SMLE, remixers (Bobby Rush) “Undercover (Adventure Club Remix)” — Leighton James & Christian Srigley, remixers (Kehlani) “A Violent Noise (Four Tet Remix)” — Four Tet, remixer (The xx) “You Move (Latroit Remix)” — Dennis White, remixer (Depeche Mode)
Best Surround Sound Album: Early Americans — Jim Anderson, surround mix engineer; Darcy Proper, surround mastering engineer; Jim Anderson & Jane Ira Bloom, surround producers (Jane Ira Bloom) Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra And Choir) So Is My Love — Morten Lindberg, surround mix engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround mastering engineer; Morten Lindberg, surround producer (Nina T. Karlsen & Ensemble 96) 3-D The Catalogue — Fritz Hilpert, surround mix engineer; Tom Ammermann, surround mastering engineer; Fritz Hilpert, surround producer (Kraftwerk) Tyberg: Masses — Jesse Brayman, surround mix engineer; Jesse Brayman, surround mastering engineer; Blanton Alspaugh, surround producer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Best Engineered Album, Classical: Danielpour: Songs Of Solitude & War Songs — Gary Call, engineer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Kleiberg: Mass For Modern Man — Morten Lindberg, engineer (Eivind Gullberg Jensen, Trondheim Vokalensemble & Trondheim Symphony Orchestra) Schoenberg, Adam: American Symphony; Finding Rothko; Picture Studies — Keith O. Johnson & Sean Royce Martin, engineers (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5; Barber: Adagio — Mark Donahue, engineer (Manfred Honeck & Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra) Tyberg: Masses — John Newton, engineer; Jesse Brayman, mastering engineer (Brian A. Schmidt, Christopher Jacobson & South Dakota Chorale)
Producer Of The Year, Classical: Blanton Alspaugh Manfred Eicher David Frost Morten Lindberg Judith Sherman
Best Orchestral Performance: Concertos For Orchestra — Louis Langrée, conductor (Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra) Copland: Symphony No. 3; Three Latin American Sketches — Leonard Slatkin, conductor (Detroit Symphony Orchestra) Debussy: Images; Jeux & La Plus Que Lente — Michael Tilson Thomas, conductor (San Francisco Symphony) Mahler: Symphony No. 5 — Osmo Vänskä, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra) Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5; Barber: Adagio — Manfred Honeck, conductor (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra)
Best Opera Recording: Berg: Lulu — Lothar Koenigs, conductor; Daniel Brenna, Marlis Petersen & Johan Reuter; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra) Berg: Wozzeck — Hans Graf, conductor; Anne Schwanewilms & Roman Trekel; Hans Graf, producer (Houston Symphony; Chorus Of Students And Alumni, Shepherd School Of Music, Rice University & Houston Grand Opera Children’s Chorus) Bizet: Les Pêcheurs De Perles — Gianandrea Noseda, conductor; Diana Damrau, Mariusz Kwiecień, Matthew Polenzani & Nicolas Testé; Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra; The Metropolitan Opera Chorus) Handel: Ottone — George Petrou, conductor; Max Emanuel Cencic & Lauren Snouffer; Jacob Händel, producer (Il Pomo D’Oro) Rimsky-Korsakov: The Golden Cockerel — Valery Gergiev, conductor; Vladimir Feliauer, Aida Garifullina & Kira Loginova; Ilya Petrov, producer (Mariinsky Orchestra; Mariinsky Chorus)
Best Choral Performance: Bryars: The Fifth Century — Donald Nally, conductor (PRISM Quartet; The Crossing) Handel: Messiah — Andrew Davis, conductor; Noel Edison, chorus master (Elizabeth DeShong, John Relyea, Andrew Staples & Erin Wall; Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir) Mansurian: Requiem — Alexander Liebreich, conductor; Florian Helgath, chorus master (Anja Petersen & Andrew Redmond; Münchener Kammerorchester; RIAS Kammerchor) Music Of The Spheres — Nigel Short, conductor (Tenebrae) Tyberg: Masses — Brian A. Schmidt, conductor (Christopher Jacobson; South Dakota Chorale)
Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance: Buxtehude: Trio Sonatas, Op. 1 — Arcangelo Death & The Maiden — Patricia Kopatchinskaja & The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Divine Theatre – Sacred Motets By Giaches De Wert — Stile Antico Franck, Kurtág, Previn & Schumann — Joyce Yang & Augustin Hadelich Martha Argerich & Friends – Live From Lugano 2016 — Martha Argerich & Various Artists
Best Classical Instrumental Solo: Bach: The French Suites — Murray Perahia Haydn: Cello Concertos — Steven Isserlis; Florian Donderer, conductor (The Deutsch Kammerphilharmonie Bremen) Levina: The Piano Concertos — Maria Lettberg; Ariane Matiakh, conductor (Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin) Shostakovich: Violin Concertos Nos. 1 & 2 — Frank Peter Zimmermann; Alan Gilbert, conductor (NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester) Transcendental — Daniil Trifonov
Best Classical Solo Vocal Album: Bach & Telemann: Sacred Cantatas — Philippe Jaroussky; Petra Müllejans, conductor (Ann-Kathrin Brüggemann & Juan de la Rubia; Freiburger Barockorchester) Crazy Girl Crazy – Music By Gershwin, Berg & Berio — Barbara Hannigan (Orchestra Ludwig) Gods & Monsters — Nicholas Phan; Myra Huang, accompanist In War & Peace – Harmony Through Music — Joyce DiDonato; Maxim Emelyanychev, conductor (Il Pomo D’Oro) Sviridov: Russia Cast Adrift — Dmitri Hvorostovsky; Constantine Orbelian, conductor (St. Petersburg State Symphony Orchestra & Style Of Five Ensemble)
Best Classical Compendium: Barbara — Alexandre Tharaud; Cécile Lenoir, producer Higdon: All Things Majestic, Viola Concerto & Oboe Concerto — Giancarlo Guerrero, conductor; Tim Handley, producer Kurtág: Complete Works For Ensemble & Choir — Reinbert de Leeuw, conductor; Guido Tichelman, producer Les Routes De L’Esclavage — Jordi Savall, conductor; Benjamin Bleton, producer Mademoiselle: Première Audience – Unknown Music Of Nadia Boulanger — Lucy Mauro; Lucy Mauro, producer
Best Contemporary Classical Composition: Danielpour: Songs Of Solitude — Richard Danielpour, composer (Thomas Hampson, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Higdon: Viola Concerto — Jennifer Higdon, composer (Roberto Díaz, Giancarlo Guerrero & Nashville Symphony) Mansurian: Requiem — Tigran Mansurian, composer (Alexander Liebreich, Florian Helgath, RIAS Kammerchor & Münchener Kammerorchester) Schoenberg, Adam: Picture Studies — Adam Schoenberg, composer (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony) Zhou Tian: Concerto For Orchestra — Zhou Tian, composer (Louis Langrée & Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra)
Best Music Video: “Up All Night” — Beck “Makeba” — Jain “The Story Of O.J.” — Jay-Z “Humble.” — Kendrick Lamar “1-800-273-8255” — Logic Featuring Alessia Cara & Khalid
Best Music Film: “One More Time With Feeling” — Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds “Long Strange Trip” — (The Grateful Dead) The Defiant Ones — (Various Artists) “Soundbreaking” — (Various Artists) Two Trains Runnin’ — (Various Artists)
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