#//he alone is the dripless one
cvrseduser-a · 7 months
continued from @parieha
Suguru is no stranger to Satoru's... antics ; he's used to having his space invaded by him, which really isn't an invasion if it's a welcomed thing, so he doesn't resist the pull as much as he can't help a defeated sigh. He didn't even put up a fight.
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The blank stare comes not from annoyance but genuine cluelessness. He's met with the reflection of his own amber gaze staring back instead of azure, and despite the wall of dark, thick glass protecting the most gorgeous orbs capable of seeing it all, he knows Satoru is staring back just as blankly. Expectantly, as though he should know what he's going on about.
He doesn't. That's when he puts up a fight.
Suguru doesn't budge. He stares, quirks an eyebrow, and soon enough there it is.
He takes in a breath to respond ; everything is alright and sounds good to him, up until the taller boy rambles about how honoured he should be. Suguru closes his mouth.
« I didn't know babysitting was so highly regarded, » he says with a teasing lilt and a sigh. But he knows Satoru like the back of his hand, notices the smallest twitches and the tension in his shoulders, the nerves in his voice.
« Depends, » he adds about turning him down. He has absolutely no intention to, but he has a façade to keep, no matter how much Satoru's very Satoru-esque way of asking him on a date makes his chest feel all warm and fuzzy.
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« I might if you go dressed like that. »
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pitty-aegis-parlor · 8 months
Thoughts on:
Ooc: these are all the player characters besides Red and Leaf
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Uuuuhhh that’s a lot of people… dunno if I’ll be able to give my opinions on them all… let alone the others also joining in on their opinions.
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I play Pokémon and watch the anime, should I give my opinions?
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Oh, yes please Mythra!
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‘Kay then, let’s begin the experiment subjective opinions.
Ethan: Uhh I guess cool?
Kris: Has badass drip. Damn shame she didn’t come back in the remakes.
Lyra: Pretty cool despite her replacing Kris. She looks similar to Mario in terms of clothing.
Brendan: Who?
May: Yooo it’s her, the absolute character ever! Loved her in the anime!
Lucas: Has the same name as the kid I really feel bad for. Read the manga so I know he’s very chill and as gluttonous as a Munchlax.
Dawn: Her sibling-like friendship dynamic with Ash is really cool, and I love that she has a subplot separate from him with multiple, distinct rivals of hers to challenge.
Hilbert: His name is just… I dunno why his name is really lame! His character design on the other hand looks really cool.
Hilda: The pink-haired, axe-wielding girl from Fodlan who just loaf’s around all day? Just kidding I’m talking about another Hilda. Don’t have much strong feelings on this one though, outside of the fact her jackets cool.
Nate: I read Big Nate. That’s all I have to say really.
Calem: Imagine existing in the same region as Serena and expecting to be even a quarter as popular as her?
Serena: Yooo it’s her, the extremely popular gal everyone loves! She’s pretty cool and nice, she reminds me heavily of my sis. And yes, I ship her with Ash!
Elio: Silly dude who just want’s to chill out in Alola. Can you blame him?
Selene: Taking away her glove world hat is one of the gravest among many sins committed by the USUM games! 🖕
Victor: Why do I have a felling that when I have a kid with Rex, our child will end up looking like him?
Gloria: Literally me, and I mean that in her canon and fanon depictions of her.
Florian and Juliana: I don’t play barely finished, glitchy messes of games. They are also completely dripless.
Ash: The most guy ever. Proud of him for finally becoming world champion!
Liko and Roy: Absolute goobers who don’t deserve even a quarter of the hate they get.
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Anyway’s that my opinions on all the Mc’s of Pokemon, I hope you enjoyed that.
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