#//hope this is alright!
sillymuses · 2 months
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"Do you need a hand with that? I can help." Even before a response is given her little hands were helping to lift the heavy object in question.
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championsofthegate · 6 months
@arcanecast liked for a starter! (Cietan+Caleb)
Cietan studied the wizard, watching him with almost detached curiosity. The other wizard was... different, from Gale. More reserved. Less given to verbosity. And certainly dirtier. But his face lit up the same way when books were mentioned, in a way Cietan had learned was joy.
He made his way over to the wizard, holding out a book he had picked up while they were out. "Here. Thought you might like this."
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queenofgone · 1 year
🖤┊ ❝ @copiious gets a plotted starter (here we go again) ❞┊ 🖤
They say time heals all wounds. While Nattie wasn’t the firmest believer in that statement time turned out to be the only remedy in bringing her and Colby back together. They had more marriage counseling sessions, they were more amicable around Lillie, learned how to communicate better again. Despite all that, however, it didn’t change the fact he will eventually have a child with a woman that wasn’t with his wife. Every day since the bombshell was dropped he vowed to make things right for the sake of not only their daughter but Nattie as well and not once had he walked away or gave up on her.
It was hours before a R.aw live show, the two of them walking into the arena with Lillie in the middle holding one of their hands. Today was the first time their daughter would be backstage for the very first time so Nattie was excited in watching Lillie soak everything in: the atmosphere, seeing other wrestlers as well as see her parents wrestle in person. Colby was the champion so it was a given he’d be there. Nattie on the other hand, was told she would have a match later tonight so she was more motivated to be there than usual. “Are you happy to see Mommy and Daddy wrestle tonight?” she asked Lillie. “Yeah! I can’t wait!”
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dshret · 1 month
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"how peculiar," he muttered as the surrounding area had been glanced over at least a singular time. The last occasion that he had visited so far in was ... well never. On the times Ares had decided to visit his children, further away from all others within the camp was more preferred for everyone's sake. But it did seem none were present here. As he was just about to wander elsewhere, the brief sight of an armoury caught his attention. Perhaps, even as one of the Gods of War, he was rather easily distracted when it came to weapons but that had been accepted as one of his more easily to deal with quirks. The bloodlust was much more difficult to look over.
A couple steps forward as he looked around briefly but quickly stopped and focused on the person nearby. How he failed to noticed prior to now was a matter he refused to ponder over too much.
"fair greetings. Given your presence, I should make the request to view your armoury. I am rather intrigued.. whom may you be?" Surely his children could eventually gather where he was.
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dead-or-lie · 10 months
As she leaned against the wall, her eyes were laser focused on her game she was playing. She was extremely focused before huffing in slight annoyance. “Stupid glitches…oh well..”
She yawns a bit as she finally looks up before noticing a certain someone. She quickly smiles and decides to go say hello to them.
“Hello there….Good morning
Starter for @91cmspoilers
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9-1-1--lonestar · 8 months
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@parameddic: "I'm awake." He was so totally not awake. Judd had woken him by thudding his gear on the same table TK had drifted off on, lightly drooling on his forearm, wrists folded into a pillow - but TK jerked up, now, voice rough with an edge of sleep, "I wasn't sleeping." He was sooooo sleeping. He rubbed the heel of one hand into one eye, squinting againt the light with the other. "When did you get back?"
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" Yeah, I bet you was just fixin' to. " God those Strand boys were as the same as they could POSSIBLY be. Hell, TK couldn't even let someone know he was catching a couple minutes in down time. Were all New Yorkers like this? Judd had to assume so. Not like he had ANY PLANS on finding out.
Judd pulled the chair out from the table that sat across from Strand, hands folded in front of him, fingers laced together. Looking back at TK, his first reaction when it came to him and his dad had become looking them over for anything that might be wrong. The question of when they had gotten back pulled his attention over his shoulder to the ENGINE BAY.
" Bout ten minutes ago. You uh . . . Checkin your eyelids for blemishes or somethin? " By now, the way he talked about how prissy he found Strand and his kid had become more akin to a gesture of affection. Or at least, as far as Judd got to doing so.
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hailmarymachine · 1 year
He could always count on some multiverse issue to ruin his weekend plans (like he HAD any outside of himself and his couch). No, this time it was tracking down a criminal causing issues in the city - big ones - that was causing unwanted mutations in civilians. The nasty kind of trouble that left him working overtime and hoping he didn't also get any nudges to leave the planet for an even bigger crisis. Flash wished that was the case now - having some portal that seemed to break (perfect hail mary play, Thompson).
Now his symbiote was anxious - not quite conveying what the issue was. That had him nervous. Only a simple feeling rushed through Flash to give him a hint of what might be the issue ; there was another one somewhere, and god only knew if it was going to be a catastrophe on his hands.
Get to a subtle place (yeah, right between two shops in downtown NYC was real subtle) and have his symbiote shift from the armor to clothes. "We need to keep to ourselves until we can get home V," he tried to reassure - because this wasn't shit either of them needed right now.
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wiredupclown · 1 year
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Another day also meant it was yet another occurrence of the clown becoming bored within the Daycare. It felt too bright and too cheerful given their eerie and unnaturally human appearance so they simply needed a break instead of opting towards causing extreme amounts of trouble for the Attendants, as if Ennard actually cared. They just didn't want to be "fixed".
" . . . . oh it's THESE guys again . . . " Stopping immediately at the mere glance over the minireenas was enough for them to grumble more to themself. It had been a fair while since anything from the old place had been seen. Anywhere. A hand momentarily adjusted the puffy leave tuxedo top. " . . . are you here too, Ballora? . . . if not I can annoy and lose all of these. Little laughing nuisances."
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rngleader · 2 years
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" hey ! VY2 !!" Ever so cheerful as per usual. KAITO really could not help himself at times. It was just the personality that he had managed to develop despite being one of the two elders within the six under the same company. In both hands were two full tubs of ice-cream and on his face was a large grin, him coming to a stop with a slight lean forward. " Would you like some ice-cream? I have plenty around the place and am more than happy to share!!"
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voycurism · 2 years
𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝚃𝙴𝚁 𝙲𝙰𝙻𝙻 !↯ 𝙿𝙴𝚃𝙴 && @taleswritten​​
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The little diner had become something of a sanctuary for the young reaper, offering refuge from the prying eyes of the small town’s residents. It was no fault of theirs, they couldn’t change their nature, for it was simply human folly to question something they did not quite understand. Though in addition to this instilled thirst for answers, he learned from his companions that often, impromptu visitors were seen as an omen of misfortune for the townsfolk. So he understood their unease, especially since he continued to extend his stay.
Though the brief respite wasn’t the only reason Pete chose to spend his fleeting, peaceful moments at the old greasy spoon. Dark eyes turned away from the scrawling of his journal, taking a moment to linger on Jughead​ as he watched his friend work. The reaper had a habit of attracting the misfits and outcasts throughout his lifetime, though that suited him quite fine seeing as he himself fit those very descriptors. Though when it came to Jughead he felt an odd connection to the brooding longer, a sense of kinship, kindred spirits. He had only ever felt such a pull from one other person in his life, how strange it was to feel such a sensation once again in this very lifetime.
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A small hum followed suit, a tick often performed in lieu of clearing his throat,  " I think I require your linguistic expertise " Pete spoke, absentmindedly drumming his pen against the counter as he rested his head against his free hand.  " Give me a word similar to trickster, but something a little more foreboding "
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sweetlesson · 2 years
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✿ @voltagedoubler asked: ✿ ✿ ❝ you look lost, do you need help? ❞ from bonnie ✿
Icebreaker Starters
"Ah, a bit. My apologies, young lady." He could argue that speaking to a stranger out of blue was dangerous, and he certainly believed she should learn that lesson...
But he was also very lost.
After having met a bright young gym leader, Saguaro had determined to take a trip to Kalos at the next available opportunity. The school period was over for the time being so he was finally free to do so and had acted as quickly as he could, but he'd never expected Lumiose to be so big with so many streets to explore. He was sure it was easy to traverse for those that were familiar with the environment, but to someone that was fresh from a plane complete with jet lag it was dizzying in its confusion.
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"I was trying to reach Hotel Richissime, but it seems I'm quite lost." Despite this he held himself as straight and confidently as he could. His only real indication of his state were the bags under his eyes and the way he kept squinting at signs. "Are you familiar with the building I'm searching for perhaps? All I need are directions."
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championsofthegate · 3 months
@caeloservare liked for an Alistair starter!
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Alistair had seen the seeker around Skyhold, in his short time there. He always looked particularly surly, not unlike Morrigan, back in their Blight fighting days. But Alistair had caught him more than once eyeing his Mabari friend, and thought perhaps maybe the other wasn't all bad.
Besides, any Seeker who was on their side was a good thing.
Alistair decided to make his acquaintance while the other was practicing by himself in the sparring ring. Nothing ventured nothing gained, right?
"Looking for a partner?" Alistair asked, leaning his arms on the fence enclosing the area. "Or just hoping to take out some unchecked aggression on the training dummies?"
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starlaslight · 21 days
" Can't sleep?" ( from Edward Elric)
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Holding her knees close to her, Starla nods softly. "I just got a lot on my mind. It's probably insomnia."
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dshret · 5 months
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If not within his own office, then he was within the physnc room somewhere. By some point surely it should just become his office though that was all Pewter's complaints. The engineer was rather slouched in the chair, flicking through one of his novels and occasionally taking a bite out of his food. Even if just for a short while, to have a moment of silence and calmness was quite a relief considering the extreme opposite given his frantic rushing at times. A night at mama's was in order. Though at the exact moment that he recognised footsteps being rather close, he acted quick on putting the book under a binder and leant on it with one arm.
"hello Kimuri. No, I have not seen any other psyncers or Boss...do you need something?"
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Dog Meshi.
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zandraart · 1 year
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