#//hopefully we can return to Ordell shenanigans soon
mpc-unofficial · 10 months
Pelipper mail: Mx. Kalani.
They're barely conscious-- strange, perfectly circular bruises dot their arms, and a slightly older one blossoms in the crook of their elbow. Hair askew, rashes on their skin from the abrasion of tiny hooks on the skin of the malamar, bound hand and foot with tape and curled into a rather uncomfortable position.
But they're here.
A video is attached:
[It shows Irene in her room with Byte, typing something onto her computer. A knocking sounds from the door. Irene sighs, before getting up and opening the door.
“Yes, I’m alive.” Irene says to the person behind the door. “You know, you don’t need to keep checking in on me.”
“After what you’ve pulled yesterday? Forgive me if I’m a tad bit paranoid. Also I’ve uh… brought food, if you want some.”
“Thanks, and yea, sorry about that.” Irene allows the person in, it’s the same guy seen in the last mysterious camera video. He’s holding two packets of bread, alongside a cup of coffee. He sets the coffee down on the table, before passing Irene one of the two packets of bread.
“It’s not your fault, though I have to admit that I’ve been a bit jumpy since…”
It was then Byte made a noise of concern. A portal appears out of nowhere, a pelipper flying out and dropping Kalani on the floor before disappearing.
The two (conscious) people in the room scream.
“BUT YOU ARE A MEDIC?!” The other guy in the room looked absolutely terrified.
“Right! Right, I’m on it!” Irene rushes over to Kalani to give them a basic check up. Byte flies over as well, a slight whirling noise could be heard as the porygon2 started up a couple of scanners.
“Was… was that pelipper mail?! It could do that?!” The guy looks over, still panicking and clearly at a loss.
“Yes, be it fortunate or not, this is the reason they’ve been missing from the center for the past couple of days.” Irene checks in on the scans, letting out a sigh of relief. “Thank god, they aren’t in any critical condition.”
“Wait a second, I thought them being missing was due to the whole shadow exploration business?”
“Oh,” Irene looked genuinely taken aback by that.
“Oh shit, I completely forgot about that part… Cover our backs if a supervisor asks?”
The other guy’s eyes widened. He was rendered speechless for a second before finally being able to force a couple of words out.
“O-of course I will! But would you mind explaining all this,” he gestures to the room. “To me later? I wouldn’t tell, I promise.”
Irene takes in a deep breath. “Sure, ok. At this point I’m pretty sure I owe you quite some for all this… bullshit.”
“Alright, cool, now uh… medical attention?” The guy asks, eyeing Kalani.
Irene nods, taking in another deep breath. “Medical attention, after I switch off the account’s pelipper mail.”
“You could have switched it off this entire time and you didn’t?!”
“Look, Kalani needed a way back, and none of us had any idea that this would happen. Heck pelipper mail even saved their life once.” Irene quickly punches in a couple of commands into the computer as Byte shapeshifts themself into a stretcher of sorts.
“I have way too many questions, but I suppose those would have to wait.” The guy was already trying to gently move Kalani onto Btye.
“Alright, done.” Irene pulls back from the computer before helping the guy move Kalani onto her pokemon.
Byte lifts off the ground as soon as they were done, floating between them.
“If anyone asks, say a shadow did it.” Irene grabs ahold of a handle her pokemon has provided her with.
“You got it.” The other nods before they move out of the room.]
The video ends there.
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