#//lying little sonuva church
clocks-are-round · 5 months
thinking about my wyoming headcanon again
he was born and raised in the u s of a, but heard that the code names were u.s. states and thought it would be hilarious to pretend to be british. he committed to the bit so hard that most of the freelancers believed him.
it helped that most of THEM were american born and raised— meaning they would probably hear an australian and ask if they’re from england or vice versa, while also fully believing british solely means someone from england (im american too, i know us, that’s most of us)— so they hear him talk about tea and crumpets and throw in some slang he learned from doctor who and sherlock, go “yeah sounds about right” and never question him.
then after the brain damage with gary, reggie ALSO fully believed the bit, so for all intents and purposes his reality is that he IS from england. after reconvening with wyoming and realizing this, gary absolutely has a ‘well fuck’ moment but yknow what can he do about it now lol guess that’s just life for ya just gotta keep goin and not think about it woo oh hey alpha’s back let the fuckery commence
meme of hands shaking. gary and omalley, ‘ah shit fucking around in somebody’s brain had consequences’
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clocks-are-round · 2 years
a rough fic snippet of o’malley and gary flirting :3
think of it as a “sorry i still haven’t posted more completed fic stuff yet” lol
“Oh, so now you decide to talk to me.”
“The timing was never right.”
“You’ve always been a liar.”
Gary paused. “That was never an issue before.”
“Before when? Before we learned what the director was up to, or before you stole away into the night without a word?”
Gary laughed uncomfortably. “Did I hurt your feelings?” It almost sounded genuine.
“Yes! Yes, you bloody idiot! At least Sigma told us his plan! I thought you joined him, and then suddenly VIC tells me you’re back with Wyoming on a mission!”
“Yes, I totally intended to be found by Freelancer when I was hiding out in an abandoned and remote alien base.”
“You could’ve at least told me you were going off on your own or SOMETHING!”
“Maybe you should try breathing.”
“This isn’t funny, Gary, not everything is a goddamned joke!”
“You had Tex.”
“Tex wants me DEAD.”
“I’ve had no one on my side for the past year, and unlike YOU I find that difficult.”
“Are you okay?”
“I wish I’d spent the last year with you.”
“Why would it be too late? We’ve both got a few more years in us.”
“I can’t. I need to stop the bastard first.”
“The Great Destroyer can take care of that in a few days at most.”
“At least one of us thinks so.”
“Yeah, you were always pretty full of yourself.”
O’Malley laughed. “I’ve missed you too.”
“I haven’t missed you at all ;)”
“How did you manage to say a winking face.”
“The power of love.”
“Oh, shut up.” O’Malley mumbled with a smile.
Wyoming cleared his throat. “Gentlemen, you’re on an open channel.”
O’Malley felt his code heat. “Oh bollocks.”
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clocks-are-round · 3 years
sorry to hijack you on day one grif, but it’s gamma appreciation hours now
i found a bunch more songs today! the playlist has doubled in length! still short but
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clocks-are-round · 2 years
i’d make it into a lil comic but i do not have time TTwTT
what if gamma didn’t talk that way initially
gamma: *robot-y voice*
wyoming: what the— why the robot impression?
gamma: i have no idea what you’re talking about. i’ve always talked this way
wyoming: hmm
wyoming: gamma has been playing these annoying, mostly high-pitched songs in my head.
florida: do you think you could describe them, pal?
wyoming: some of them are in barely comprehensible english but most are in some foreign language. and he won’t bloody tell me what they are or where he heard them.
florida: that’s odd. actually, funny coincidence, gamma said hi to me the other day while i was listening to some unusual music. my niece keeps sending me these silly videos. look, this blue haired girl is singing about world domination. and in this one she’s spinning a vegetable around. i’d say i don’t understand the younger generation but these came out hundreds of years ago
wyoming: it was you
*florida and wyoming watching more vocaloid videos*
wyoming: wait, this is— this is extremely dark subject matter
florida: it certainly is
wyoming: hm. catchy though.
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