#//knock knock jokes and a faked accent who
clocks-are-round · 5 months
thinking about my wyoming headcanon again
he was born and raised in the u s of a, but heard that the code names were u.s. states and thought it would be hilarious to pretend to be british. he committed to the bit so hard that most of the freelancers believed him.
it helped that most of THEM were american born and raised— meaning they would probably hear an australian and ask if they’re from england or vice versa, while also fully believing british solely means someone from england (im american too, i know us, that’s most of us)— so they hear him talk about tea and crumpets and throw in some slang he learned from doctor who and sherlock, go “yeah sounds about right” and never question him.
then after the brain damage with gary, reggie ALSO fully believed the bit, so for all intents and purposes his reality is that he IS from england. after reconvening with wyoming and realizing this, gary absolutely has a ‘well fuck’ moment but yknow what can he do about it now lol guess that’s just life for ya just gotta keep goin and not think about it woo oh hey alpha’s back let the fuckery commence
meme of hands shaking. gary and omalley, ‘ah shit fucking around in somebody’s brain had consequences’
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kjupchurch-xx · 13 days
The Getaway/Premiere - Tumblr Req. Part One.
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*This WILL be a TWO part chapter. This one got pretty long, yet there's more I still need to cover. Chapter two should be up once I knock a few more requests out of the way.*
I walked along the red carpet, smiling for the cameras, waving towards the sea of fans and paparazzi. I finally reached the center, where there were huge movie posters of the new Deadpool & Wolverine movie lining the walkway. I stopped, posing in front of them in my yellow tight dress, that had blue accents matching Wolverine's infamous yellow suit. 
I stood there and noticed Ryan and Blake in the distance heading towards me, but no sign of Hugh. Blake had worn a red and black dress, a nod to Deadpool's red and black suit, while I went with the dress to match the Wolverine suit. Hugh was running fashionably late, which was a bit unusual for him. Ryan and Blake stopped, posing for photos for the paparazzi. I smiled as one approached me with a microphone. 
"Kaitlyn! How're you doing tonight?" She asked enthusiastically. 
I smiled, "I'm great! I'm excited for you guys to see the movie. We worked super hard on it, and I know we've got a few cameos that we're still surprised weren't ever leaked." I chuckled. 
The interviewer smiled, "Will we see a Jean Gray cameo?" She asked. 
I shrugged with a smile, "I dunno. You'll have to wait and see." 
While the interviewer and I continued making small talk about the film, I felt a hand snake its way around my hip. The interview's eyes widened and a blush appeared on her face. I looked up to see Hugh, looking dapper as ever in his black suit. 
"If it isn't Mr. Hugh Jackman, Wolverine himself." The interviewer gushed, causing he and I both to laugh. 
He smiled at me, "Good to be here, but let's talk about this one right here, in the Wolverine suit colored dress." He smirked, taking a step back and pointing towards my dress as I playfully did a 360 spin. 
We continued to make small talk with the interviewer as she concluded her interview and went to interview Shawn Levy, who was standing a few feet away. As she walked off, Hugh pulled me close to him for photos as we posed together, smiling. He leaned close to my ear and began to whisper, "Those colors really suit you." 
I chuckled, "Where were you? We all beat you here." I said lowly back. 
"Had to take care of something." He responded, nonchalantly. 
I nodded, as we went back to posing for the photos, continuing to answer mindless questions from numerous interviewers. We eventually met up with Ryan, Blake and Shaw Levy to pose together for group photos. 
Ryan looked at me, "Well, well, look who finally decided to show up." He said sarcastically, shooting Hugh a glare, "You made this hot little number have to walk the red carpet by herself." He teased Hugh. 
Little did I know...Ryan knew where Hugh was and knew exactly why Hugh was late to the event. 
Hugh's eyes widened, mouthing to Ryan, "Shut up." Before turning to me, "Hot little number, do you think you could forgive me?" He asked, giving me fake puppy dog eyes. 
I pursed my lips as if I were debating on it, "Hmm... I dunno." I said, shrugging my shoulders. "Should I?" I asked Ryan playfully. 
Ryan shook his head, "I think he needs to make this one up to you." Ryan joked. 
I looked back at Hugh, pretending to have a stern expression, "I do too." 
Hugh chuckled at me, "And how would I do that?" He asked. 
Ryan and I looked at one another before looking back at Hugh. We had all planned a weekend get away to celebrate the movie's release and to get some much needed relaxation after the work we'd put in while filming this movie. The only issue was that Hugh claimed he was unable to go. When this trip was planned, I had a boyfriend who would be tagging along. Hugh also had a wife. During filming, Hugh separated from his wife. Shortly after that, our chemistry began to grow and I started to notice it growing a little too much on his end. 
I would be lying to you if I said it hadn't on my end. My relationship was...not the best. My boyfriend was a cheater, a liar and a master manipulator. I'm still not 100% convinced he wasn't with me just for money and fame. Three months ago, I decided to end things with him and move on with my life. To aid the heartbreak, I'd started playfully flirting with Hugh on set. Ryan enjoyed every minute of my boldness, which seemed to sometimes take Hugh by surprise but would cause everyone on the crew to die laughing at our banter. 
I shrugged playfully again, "Ryan, I think if he truly wants to make up for making me walk the carpet by myself, he should go on vacation with us." I said assertively. 
Ryan nodded, "I agree. Peanut here needs to get his pampered little perfect ass on the plane with us in the morning." He said as he pointed to Hugh, looking at him with a smirk. 
Hugh rolled his eyes, throwing his hands up in defeat, "Alright, alright. I'll go, but you're buying all my drinks." He said towards Ryan. 
The remainder of the premiere was spent with Hugh holding me close to his side. I could feel his gaze on me every time I walked off for a second to take a photo or meet a fan. Though, I still wondered what had him held up and caused him to be late getting to the event. Hugh was extremely punctual, very professional and never late to anything. The photographers and everyone at the event noticed Hugh's reactions towards me and had a field day on social media, including Ryan, who sneakily snapped photos for Instagram. 
"@vancityreynolds: Peanut can't take his eyes off of her. I think I know why." The Instagram caption read, with a photo of Hugh smiling at my dress with a side-by-side comparison of Hugh in the yellow Wolverine suit.
I laughed as I scrolled through some of the comments, reading them. 
"@wolviesgirl: I wish he'd look at me like that." "@HughJackmanLover62: UGH, so jealous. He wants her so bad." 
"@EducatedWish92: I wish they'd stop denying their chemistry. They'd be the IT couple of 2024." 
The next morning, we all met up at the LAX airport to board a private plane to Tahiti. It was my first time leaving the country. I was nervous, but incredibly excited to see another country and to see blue water for the first time. Although, flying over the ocean made me a bit uneasy. I brought my earbuds and chromebook to keep me entertained for the flight. 
As Shawn Levy, Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman and I boarded the smaller private jet, I sat near a window seat towards the back of the plane. Ryan and Blake sat towards the middle and Shawn sat near Hugh towards the cockpit. We made small talk as we boarded. Once we all got seated, I pulled out my earbuds and put them in, searching for a song to listen to. I went to my 'serenity song', which was...don't judge me, Unwritten by Natasha Beddingfield. 
I felt a tap on my shoulder, "You okay?" Hugh mouthed. 
I nodded, removing one of my earbuds, "I'm okay, just a bit nervous about flying over an ocean." I chuckled. 
He took the seat beside me, "It's exactly like any other flight you've been on. Just a nicer view." He said, trying to ease my anxiety. 
I looked over and noticed Ryan snapping a photo, "This is goin' on the gram." He announced, causing us to laugh. 
I laughed as I grabbed my own phone, taking a photograph of him acting as if he were the paps. I quickly posted it on Instagram with the caption, "When Disney decides to replace you as Deadpool so being the paparazzi is the only thing keeping you relevant." I made sure I tagged him. He instantly saw the post and burst into fits of laughter. "You wish, peanut!" He declared before turning his attention to his phone as one of his daughters began FaceTiming he and Blake. 
As we began to hit turbulence, I could feel my anxiety rising. It felt like I was going to puke. "It's only some turbulence, love. It's okay." Hugh said softly in my ear as he protectively put his arm behind me, over my shoulders. 
I sighed, gripping onto his side. "I know, but it's scarier when it's happening and you're literally over a fucking body of water." 
He chuckled softly before realizing I was literally on the verge of a panic attack.  "Hey? Look at me." He said, his tone softening. 
I looked up at him as he continued, "Tell me three things you can see."
I looked around, almost frantically. "Um... I see you, I see the leather seats of the plane... I see... the snacks over there on the table." I stammered. 
"Good." He smiled, "Tell me three things you can hear." He said as he caressed my shoulder. 
I closed my eyes, "I can hear you talking... I can hear myself talking. I hear music playing. And I hear that dick head over there stammering on about why Welshpool was the best variant." I said with a slight giggle. 
Hugh chuckled, "Good, good. Move three things for me." He said as he pulled away, allowing me to use my other arm. 
I opened my eyes and began moving my drink, my phone and my chromebook. I almost instantly felt my anxiety ease off as the panic attack seized. 
"Thank you." I simply said, as I gave him a half smile. 
He smiled, caressing my shoulder again, "Anytime, love. I'll stay here until we land." He said sweetly as he put his arm back around me, and lifted the arm rest that was separating us, allowing me to scoot a little closer towards him. 
Before I'd known it, I'd fallen asleep on his shoulder and slept the remainder of the flight. As we landed, my phone had been going insane with notifications, which told me the Ryan Paparazzi had struck again. I woke up, seeing Hugh smiling down at me, "We're in Tahiti, sleeping beauty." He teased as I sat up, grabbing my phone. 
As we all grabbed our belongings and exited the plane, getting into the rental car, I finally had a second to look at the post Ryan had made. It was a picture of Hugh and I, me sleeping on his shoulder as he played on his phone. The caption read, "Pap Reynolds, STILL Deadpool by the way, has struck again. I remember when I used to nap on those beautiful veins of his." 
I shook my head, laughing as I placed my phone back in my pocket. Ryan looked over at me, "How were the vein pillows?" He asked, straight faced. 
I chuckled, rolling my eyes as Hugh laughed, "How far are we from the AirBnB?" I asked, completely avoiding Ryan's question. 
Blake looked at the maps on her phone, "It says we're about 5 minutes out." She said as she continued to look at Maps on her iPhone while Ryan flipped through annoying TikTok videos. Levy was reading reviews from Deadpool and Wolverine. Hugh was sitting beside me scrolling through his Instagram and posting behind the scenes photos from filming. 
5-10 minutes later, we pulled up to our AirBnB. It was a beautiful 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath oceanfront beach house. The ocean was a beautiful turquoise blue, you could literally see the bottom of it. The sand was a beautiful white color. I'd only ever seen this in photos. I was in awe as we were unloading the Uber and ushering our things inside. When we entered the home, everything had been fully stocked, including the mini bar, coffee bar and snack area. 
Ryan looked at Blake, as he pointed to numerous surfaces in the house, "We're going to fornicate here. Here. Here. Maybe here. Fuck yes, definitely there." He told her as she snickered. 
I laughed as I made my way down the hall, finding one of the rooms with the ocean view window, claiming it for my own. Hugh was behind me, picking the next room right down the hall from mine that also had its own ocean view. I laid my bags down as I plopped onto the bed and began connecting my phone to the WiFi.
"Guys, come in here for a second!" I heard Levy yell from the mini bar area. 
I got up and made my way into the kitchen, where the mini bar was located as Hugh followed behind. Blake and Ryan coming into the room after both of us. Levy was standing with 5 shot glasses that he'd filled with a Tahitian vodka. 
Levy smiled, holding his shot glass looking at us, "I just want to say, I am incredibly proud of the people in this room. Including you, Blake." He chuckled, "We made one hell of a movie, guys. It's time for us to relax, have some fun and celebrate." He said as he used his other hand to slide each of us a shot glass. 
We all smiled, grabbing the shot glasses. "Let's fuckin' go on three." He announced as he held his shot glass up to cheers us. "1...2..." He counted as the rest of us followed in, "Let's fuckin' go!" We shouted as we downed the shots. 
I cringed and squinted my face as the burn of the vodka hit the back of my throat, as did everyone else. "I'm going to walk the beach." I said as I sat my shot glass down and walked towards the door of the AirBnB. 
"Hey, I'm comin' with ya." Hugh said as he walked towards the door. 
"Get her, tiger." Ryan smirked towards Hugh, causing Hugh to laugh and shake his head at his bold friend. 
I rolled the legs of my pants up around my knees as I took my shoes and socks off, leaving them on the balcony. "You coming to keep me company, Tiger?" I teased Hugh as I noticed him also taking his shoes and socks off. 
He laughed as he grabbed my hand and led me to the shore, "I figured I'd come make sure you don't get abducted." He teased back. 
I giggled, "And if I did... What would you do exactly?" I asked him. 
He shrugged, "I didn't get that far. It sounded good in my head." He giggled as we walked the shore. 
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yesbutmakeitgay · 4 months
Once Upon A Time I Used To Know A Girl
Chapter 16
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Carol Danvers x Reader
Masterlist | This work's masterlist | AO3
Summary: Upon Fury's request, Carol comes to you with a proposal you can't morally refuse.
Angst, Slow Burn, Amnesia.
Word count: 981
A/N: I really like this chapter and I hope you do too!
Tailored By The Stars
You're in your room minding your business when someone knocks on your door. Your tactical brain starts going through all the possibilities, it can't be Kamala, because she would just walk in, it's not Valkyrie, because she wouldn't wait for an answer after she knocks, Fury doesn't seem to bother with the stairs, you conveniently run out of options and decide to ignore it, but the knocks persist, so you get up to answer them.
You find Carol standing firmly, holding out a card for you, "What's this?" you question.
"An invitation to the next Stark gala." Her expression is flat.
You refuse to take it, "No, thanks."
"We have to go."
"We? Why's that?"
"We already RSVP'd, before the whole-" she doesn't finish her sentence.
"I'll just go on my own."
"Everyone over 18 has to bring a date." She came prepared for your lack of cooperation.
"I'll take Val, then."
"She will out shine you no matter what you decide to wear." You hate to admit it, but she's right so you pull out your ace of spades.
"And why exactly would I go with you?"
"Because I already found the perfect dress to match your favorite suit," she states, matter of factly, "I'll pick you up at 8." And just like that, you run out of options, again.
It's the night of the gala and you're already late getting dressed. You put on your favorite tux, freshly pressed, and manage to get your bow tie right on the fifth try. As much as you're dreading tonight, you do enjoy dressing up.
Right as you finish tying your shoes you hear a knock, this time you know who it is. You open the door to see Carol wearing a long, slender green gown with black accents that hugs her figure flawlessly, she wears her hair down, beautifully styled, and her nails are manicured to perfection.
You stare at her in awe with your mouth open, she says something, but you can't even process it, "Huh?" you ask her to repeat herself.
"I said, are you ready to go?" You simply nod in response. She's fully aware of the effect she has on you, especially since she did it on purpose.
Tonight is gonna be interesting.
You make it to the party with Carol by your side, you see Tony and go greet him against your will. The place looks impeccable, like all the amount of money and effort that went into it could have definitely been put to better use, but you're not about to say that to Mr. Stark and ruin Carol's reputation.
For the next hour you get caught up next to Carol talking to random people, some that you remember and some you can't tell if you've actually met before. It's a lot of fake smiles and playing pretend, but you do it for the woman you got by your side. After one too many conversations, The Captain decides to take a break and go get a snack.
"I can't believe you're making me suck up to the Avengers," you joke.
"What's all that about? You didn't hate them so much when I knew you." Her tone is lighthearted, unaware of the heaviness of her statement.
'Knew,' past tense. It feels a little insulting coming from the person who can read your every move before even you do, the one who can quote back your strongest opinions about menial things, the person who seems to know, with precision, what it is that makes you tick and how to use it against you, "I have to go," you mumble as you make a quick exit.
You leave to the backyard, away from the noise and the people. You find yourself looking up at the stars, they give you a sense of peace and calmness, one that could maybe help you understand how you managed to live in a spaceship for so long.
Spending some time alone allows you to remember the reason why you didn't want to be here in the first place. These events are all about fabricated glamor, about looking good to the outside world when really you're all depressed and traumatized inside.
It starts to get chilly so you go back to the party and stand in a corner hoping no one approaches you. You strongly consider getting a drink, but then think Kamala would be disappointed if she knew you had alcohol with your meds so you settle for a mock-tail.
You spot the girl in the distance, gushing over some hero or another and, after a while, you see Valkyrie arriving fashionably late with Thor by her side, both of them looking marvelous in a way that would have definitely made you look bad if you had walked in with them. Needless to say, you're now having a terrible time, but you don't actually want anyone to make it better, you just want to leave.
You walk to the entrance as you're finishing your fourth fruity drink when you hear Stark yelling over the crowd, "Who's in charge of Danvers?" Your ears perk up and you curse in your head.
You turn back and scan the room to find the culprit, leaning against Valkyrie, clearly way over her limit. You make your way towards them, "I believe you have something of mine," you say to Val in a slightly annoyed tone, not paying attention to Carol.
The King looks at you amused, "Is she now?" she takes a big gulp of the bottle she's holding.
You're not in the mood for this, "Shut up, hand her over, and enjoy the rest of your night." You grab the Captain's arm and pull her towards you, she seems completely disoriented.
"Play nice," Val warns you, with a teasing smirk.
"I’m always nice." You shoot her a fake smile and go on your way.
Chapter 17
We're getting to the good part!!!
Tags: @graniairish @carols-photonblast @thelittleliars @unicorniusfallapatorius @prplepeony @eringranola
Let me know if you wanna be tagged :)
This is the dress I imagine Carol wearing to the gala, you're welcome.
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evita-shelby · 1 month
What happens in Vegas
Chapter 2
@justrainandcoffee @zablife @thegreatdragonfruta
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To sell the ruse that they have always been dating, Jack takes her home for Christmas. A trial by fire before they set off to Mexico before New Years because of course Katie and Colin are tying the knot on fucking New Year’s Eve.
God, his sister and her fiancé were so cheesy. Jack’s never gonna be like that when his time comes.
His sister likes her already, Eva was amazingly easy to like. Friendly and fun and good at lying.
Like saying that they had been dating since October, but not wanting to jinx it so they kept it a secret until her aunt found out two weeks ago. It was easy to lie when they have proof something did go on, that they have gone on ‘dates’ and have an easy time with public displays of affection.
Jack had no trouble in greeting his fake girlfriend with a peck in the mouth when they had coffee with Katie before class.
He had solicited Katie’s help with it, and Katherine had delivered. Chicks like Eva love antiquing and the perfect gift for her would be found there. And she’d been right, the old jewelry was definitively something Evie wore, and his gift was gonna knock her socks off.
Even better, it was found in the first shop his sister had taken him to because Jack has no patience for anything let alone shopping.
A locket with a black anatomically correct heart with flowers carved into it because he knows Eva loves that shit. The picture inside ---because Katie demanded a picture when he asked for her help--- even made them look like a couple. Him with his arm around her shoulders and kissing Eva as they won yet another round of craps at the casino they met.
“She doesn’t mention you on her Instagram.” Katie points out as she snoops on Eva’s social media to call their bluff. He’d taken his phone from her when the next item in the album ended up being a series of nudes taken during their crazy hook up in Vegas and now entertained herself with Eva’s Instagram.
“Wants privacy, her family is a big deal in Mexico. Like the Koch Family except left wing and as crazy as the Kardashians.” Jack knew enough about Eva to answer these questions with ease. Her family was obscenely rich, too much in the limelight and that always made her relationships go to hell.
Her last breakup had ended with paparazzi outing her as a lesbian despite being bisexual causing a whole shit show that ended with her leaving the country for good and meeting him in Vegas.
Their arrangement worked for her because no one knew who she was seeing, so they didn’t bother either of them, and Jack really enjoyed having a great excuse as to why he never became serious about the other women he fooled around with.
They were friends who partnered together often and enjoyed fucking each other without all the messiness of relationships while focusing on their studies.
“It’s why I like being with you, I get to be just Eva with you, dark_avenger69.” She had said leaning her head against his chest and teasing him over his short ---but unsurprisingly lucrative--- time as the American camboy with the realistic fake Australian Accent when he studied in Melbourne during undergrad.
Only she knew about it beyond Katie, the moment he returned to the states he had closed the account for good, went to Vegas to keep his mother from assuming he’d gone back to the gang that had him hiding out in Australia for two years and invested in stocks that Eva had recommended for him.
They were a match made in heaven, or so Katie had said.
Maybe this trip to Mexico could let them see where it goes. It wouldn’t be that different to make the jump from friends with benefits to real boyfriend and girlfriend.
“Was afraid you’d forgotten I can’t drive.” Eva jokes as he opened the door to his car for her. She is dressed to the nines like always, but this outfit was picked out to match his on purpose not accidentally like the other times they’ve ended up matching.
“I’d be a shitty boyfriend to forget that, doll.” He smiles and hopes his corny ass sister put the mistletoe on the doorway for the third year in a row.
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His family is nice.
Her family is nice too, but Eva’s not ashamed to say they are a lot.
Her mother was spending it in New York after dropping her latest gigolo in wherever the fuck she was this time. Eva just didn’t feel like seeing her and pretending she’s fine despite the fact that she abandoned her when she was a kid because Isabel Riley was “just not cut out to be a mother”.
But Eva’s issues with her mother and her slight nerves at making a bad impression on Jack’s mother are forgotten when out of nowhere Jack dips her and kisses her like people do in movies. He could be thoughtful and romantic when he cared about his significant others, never seen more than Jack carrying his exes’ books or lying about the nature of his relationship with Eva.
She kisses back ---obviously--- and looked forward to more kissing outside of sex. If his mom hadn’t opened the door, Eva knows neither would’ve stopped.
“What? Just introducing my girlfriend to American Christmas traditions.” He jokes with his mother before introducing them like the good boyfriend he is pretending to be. “Mom, this is my girlfriend, Eva. Eva this is my mom, Rosemary.”
Eva’s first words to Jack’s mother are an apology for making out with her son at her doorstep, and yet it all went pretty well. Hell, the woman even got her a gift and a tres leches cakes from a local Mexican bakery.
Eva had not come empty handed, with good wine and gifts a bit too grand for the occasion that could make her come across as the out-of-touch rich girl she doesn’t want to be, but the whole thing was depending on them falling for their lies.
If they weren’t too busy with school and setting up their future businesses, they could give this a real and honest try. They like each other, they are sexually compatible, and Jack is not weird about her being bi and having dated women.
“So did you get your wonderful girlfriend anything?” she asks him once his family is out of earshot. It’s a small gathering, Rosemary’s mother and brother had only come for a short while and Jack’s paternal family still lived in Ireland, Katie and Colin had brought one of his siblings visiting from England and for now it’s just the two of them cuddling on a couch.
Jack was a different guy than he appeared, one look at him and you’d think he’s a stereotypical fratbro who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. She knew that already; it was just seeing more of that secret softy side was really making it difficult for her not to get the wrong idea about him. He probably doesn’t want her that way and Eva’s just imagining things because he’s putting several of her former lovers to shame tonight.
“It’s not a thong if that’s why you’re asking.” He pulls out a small gift wrapped in a black bow from his coat pocket.
Eva knows its jewelry and yet when she finds the heart carved locket with a hint of wear and opens it to find that picture of the two of them together in Vegas, she is so touched that her heart skips a beat and knows her gasp has been heard by everyone there.
“It’s beautiful.” She touches it feeling a great deal of emotion with a heady sense of déjà vu. She believed in magic, had a touch of it and yet this felt wonderfully different.
The locket even had their initials carved on the back.
Despite how often they have touched each other since they met, Jack putting the locket on her feels different. More intimate than any caress during sex, more heartfelt than anything they’ve had, and Eva would be lying if she claimed she didn’t want it to happen again.
“Katie helped me find it, first thing I saw, and I knew you’d like it. The previous owners were also called Jack and Eva weird enough.” He doesn’t believe in magic or soulmates, and yet he because he knows she does, Jack had bought it for her.
She kisses him again in thanks, a sweet kiss that doesn’t go very far, but shares that vibe of ‘different’ as everything that’s happened tonight so far.
Eva’s afraid to admit it, she might have fallen for Jack.
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The locket is from this story where Jack and Eva are soulmates in three universes
The Koch Family is the third richest family in the US and notorious for buying politicians, the level of wealth and power is just a reference to how the Rileys would be in the modern era. Just as the Kardashians are a reference as to how batshit insane they are without the restrictions of 1920s limitations.
Dark_Avenger69 is the name James Frecheville has in the Omeleto shortfilm on YouTube where he is the camboy the housewife is getting off too in Homebodies.
This may be too obvious, but James Frecheville is actually Australian lol
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scrapsovereign · 4 months
Fic idea: Isekai BG3 AU where Ascended Astarion and Gale try to kidnap Tav in an interesting setting to bring her back…but were off by about 100 years.
If you liked country, maybe you could write a song about the week you’ve had.
Starting Sunday, you cried all the way home from the vet and all night after you put down your very sick 21 year old cat, went in Monday to find you’ve been let go from your job at the Box of Human Suffering, and came back to your apartment early to find your partner in bed with their coworker.
You make it to your bestie’s place and crashed in their spare room- you’re still invited to Ren Faire if you want to go. It’ll be fun! You can stress shop, get trashed, be hungover in the hot, hot sun…
Feeling like shit outdoors in the beautiful cottage core fever dream that is the PNW summer is better than feeling like shit at your apartment around your now ex-boyfriend. Besides, there’s no cell phone signal at site so you can avoid the inevitable garbage fire that is the social media fallout.
The night before you make your way to Ren Faire you can’t sleep. Stupid global warming. The open window in your friends’ guest bedroom helps to cool off the room some but it’s still pretty warm. Eventually, you fall asleep…with your phone on your face.
A slender, pale hand picks it up, puts it aside on the table next to you, and smooths back your hair. That feels really nice. You hum out in bliss, a peaceful smile on your lips.
“Soon, we shall be reunited at long last, my treasure.”
That voice. You’ve heard it before in dreams just like this one.
What happens next is something that you’re sure there’s a million Labyrinth fanfics about. Damn, that’s a spicy dream- you had to fake it with your ex but this guy? You have 3 orgasms! In an hour! That’s more than you had in your whole 2 year relationship that just ended!
The next morning, you make it to the event with your friends and are setting up when you hear the couple in the site next to you bickering. You poke your head around to look at the corner to see an Astarion and a Gale cosplayer arguing with each other. They’re so in character it hurts. “Astarion” looks like he’s about to stab “Gale” with a tent pole before you intervene and offer your help.
Turns out they’ve never been to one of these things before! You laugh darkly at the situation of your new thirst trap friends. Two hot guys with British accents at REN FAIRE of all places is like dumping a bucket of blood in shark-infested waters.
And YOU get to be their guide.
You learn a little more about them, but it doesn’t add up. “Greg” teaches computer science but doesn’t say where and looks at you weird when you crack a joke about the internet being a series of tubes. “Ryan” says he’s a lawyer who works in downtown Seattle but won’t tell you what flavor of lawyer he is and he’s never heard of Jeff Bezos’ Balls.
Ryan is super excited to learn about and partake of all the drunken debauchery that happens after dark, so you drag your new friends to all the different camps and make sure they know some of the rules before you let them loose.
You knock back some blue pixie stick and cackle at Ryan when he does a spit-take from the sweetness of the drink. Greg (who ignored your warning about not eating more than one atomic cherry because he wanted to show off how well he could tie a knot with the stem) gets into a very spirited debate with your DnD buddies on the nature of “The Weave”. While he’s distracted, Ryan drags you away from site, away from the event, far beyond the parking lot.
He looks down at you with adoring eyes, your hands held delicately in his, his silver hair positively glowing in the moonlight. He begins to lean down toward you- oh shit, is he going to kiss you?!
“Uhhh…I’m fresh out of a breakup, this probably isn’t a great idea if you’re looking for something that isn’t casual- and I don’t want to come between whatever’s going on with you and Greg.”
He barks out a laugh. A wicked smile spreads across his face, displaying that really great pair of fake teeth. You make a mental note to ask him later where on Etsy he got them from.
“It’s time to go home, Octavia. You can abandon this little charade of yours.”
You stare up at him blankly, feeling uneasy all of a sudden.
Why is he calling you by your middle name? That you never gave to him? Which is also your grandmother’s first name? Your grandmother, (who you bear an uncanny resemblance to), who died more than a decade ago?
You ask him as such. His lips curl in to a snarl, his hands tighten painfully around yours.
“Don’t be stupid, pet. Do you know what we’ve had to go through to find you?! The bloody traffic from that awful place called ‘Renton’ was worse than the ordeal it took to infiltrate the Acquisitions Incorporated Office in Waterdeep. You’ve had your fun, but you’re coming back with us. Tonight.”
Waterdeep, as in Waterdeep in the DnD? What the LARP is he talking about?
You try to tell him that he doesn’t need to be in character, that this isn’t that kind of event when you don’t feel good all of a sudden.
The night swirls around you, wrapping you in a blanket of inky darkness.
You awaken from your dreamless slumber, noticing the softness of real silk sheets beneath you.
Slender fingers lovingly card through your hair. You’re held tenderly in strong arms. You can’t remember the last time you’ve felt so relaxed and comfortable.
Your stomach drops as a familiar voice lilts out above you.
“Welcome home, my darling consort…”
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magicxc · 11 months
Hills and Valleys
Synopsis: Legend has it that Halloween is strictly for the scares. With ghouls and goblins, vampires and werewolves, witches and broomsticks, who could disagree?
However, all this friend group wanted was a little trick or treat. Sprinkle in a few party favors, loud music, and a cabin in the woods, the myth was bound to come true. 
Lurking around the corner is danger like never before, eager to bring this night to a bloody finish. 
So join these friends as they fight to make it through a Halloween they’ll never forget, proving that "the scare" is more than just a fantasy.
Word Count: 1573
Warnings: drowning
Chapter 2 - Julianna’s POV
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Series Masterlist
“Let’s fucking gooooooo,” I yell into the crowd. 
I don’t know what it is about LMFAO that gets me pumped, but they’re definitely a vibe. That group was inescapable in 2012 and then they just fell off the face of the earth, damn. 
But before I can contemplate it any further, a drink is being pushed into my hands by none other than the fender bender himself. Man, I haven’t seen that asshole on tv since adult swim was poppin. 
“Is this that Jekyll and Gin?” I shout over the music. 
“Nah, this that beetlejuice,” they answered. 
Eyeing the cup for potential bugs, I shrug my shoulders and take it to the head cause lets be real, the craziest names yield the best taste. 
Next thing I know is that I’m ass up face down in the middle of the dancefloor bussing the meanest of whines for Freddy Kruger. And if I hear another Megan Thee Stallion song, Imma show him why she really calls us hotties. 
But unfortunately for him, inebriated me has the tendency to fake an accent or two, though I usually don’t know which one will get the chance to shine until the drunk meter hits full. 
“Sacre bleu nigga, Im tryna throw this ass back on youuu. So open your arms wide, bend those knees, and catch it ohh ouiiii.”
“Girl you play too fucking much,” he retorted. 
So apparently the accent of the day is French.
We dance on each other for a few more songs, my ass firmly placed in his hands while his pelvis roughly grinds into me; our bodies cradled together as we move to the rhythm of the beat. Slick comments like “get a room” or “use a condom” get thrown at us and it’s then that I leave for a breather before I fuck him there and then.  
Unwrapping myself from his arms, I get ready to go, promising that I’ll be back while he smacks my ass in return. Deciding on a cup of water before I step outside for some fresh air, I make a beeline for the kitchen damn near knocking over Lynn in the process. 
“Woahhh where’s the fire,” she jokes. 
“In my vagina,” I yell. “Freddy Krugers big dick gave my ass two muthafucking heartbeats bitch.”
“You whore, you smashed on the first night?” 
“No, but I’m about to,” I smirked. 
“Shittt join the team, I smashed the first night and became a girlfriend.”
“Girl when haven't you?”
Shrugging her shoulders, she downs the last of her drink as her beefy military guy comes up and snakes his arms around her waist; an acknowledging nod thrown my way. 
“Jason, right?”
“All day.”
“I’d love to stay and talk, but I’m legit burning from the inside out,” I said, fanning myself. 
“I think Lorenzo left the backdoor open,” Jason pointed out. “I’ve seen people in and out that thing all night.”
“Mhmm, yeah take a breather and air that cat out before you buss it wide open.”
“Fuck you!” I laughed, middle finger high in the air. “Honestly I’m surprised I’ve made it this long at his party as is.”
“At the rate you’re going, we’ll probably have to haul you out of here,” Jason chirped. 
“Y’all aren't still ‘beefing’ are you?”
“You know how he goes Lynn, if Lenny does nothing else he’ll hold a grudge.”
“Just give it some time.” 
About two months ago Lenny threw a surprise party for himself, however the fuck that works, and invited the usual crew and then some. He rented out a party hall because quite frankly we were tired of helping him clean up after his usual weekend shenanigans; and it was his birthday so ideally he wanted to get fucked up without being responsible for any mess he made. 
As the night goes on we’re all chopping it up and getting lit and I spy this gorgeous girl, I’m talking ten out of ten baddie. Now I’m far from shy, especially when it comes to something that I want, so I slid over to her, hit her with some of my best lines and made that shit official like a referee with a whistle. We end up clicking instantly. She’s downing drinks back to back with me, fucking up the dance floor with me, and even tried her hands at skiing the slopes for the first time. 
All in all things are going better than expected, hell I'm starting to think it's my birthday. At some point, we start taking body shots and somehow her trying to wedge the lime from my teeth ends with us liplocking, that slice of citrus long forgotten as it hits the floor. Our makeout session ends abruptly, both of us yanked apart with a fuming Lenny in front of us. 
Apparently she was a coworker of his who he’d been eyeing for a minute and I swooped in and ruined the possibility of something more. But the thing is, he had no chances with this woman in the first place and had he paid close enough attention through those bullshit conversations that he forced on her in the break room, he would’ve realised that sis was gay. 
Truth be told, I bruised his ego more than anything. And the fact that he pulled such a stunt like that, in his drunken state, in front of friends, family and coworkers has him a little more embarrassed than he lets on. 
I think Lenny is the bees knees and I would’ve never approached his crush had I known, but it still stings that he’s essentially beating a dead horse. I feel like he tolerates me these days because of the crew and quite frankly I’m over the silly nonsense. He’s my absolute fave of the bunch, our personalities being so similar and all. But after tonight he’ll hear everything I have to say whether he likes it or not. 
“Anyway I’m off to, as you so eloquently put it, air this cat out,” I joke. “Later sugar.”
“Dammit, is nothing sacred?” She screams. 
Chuckling, I make it to the back door, walking over to one of the nearby trees to light a joint. Bringing it to my lips, I inhale the smoky goodness, eyelids heavy from fun. Swallowing it down, I rest my head against the branch as the crunching of leaves takes me out of my daze. 
Spinning around, a small smile dangles at the corner of my lips as I eye the familiar face. Exhaling, I hand over the joint, a question that doesn’t need to be asked. Hands swiping over mine, the blunt slides from my fingers and between their lips in response; a newfound sense of serenity as we enjoy the low thumping of the music. 
Halloween aside, autumn is my absolute favorite season for the beautiful, warm colors that it produces - from the red tinted leaves, to the orange pumpkins, and the golden sunsets. The air is crispier and the breeze blows a little cooler and the wind tastes a little fresher. I don’t know but it’s something about the way the earth turns on its axis around this time of year that brings a newfound joy to me. 
Eyes closed in blissful solace, I listen in as another crunching of the leaves ensues, only this time I’m the reason for the noise. A fist to my jaw has my face slamming against the tree trunk, body tumbling to the ground as I try my best to recover from the force of it all. 
Hands desperately grabbing at the earth, dirt and debris get painfully wedged underneath my fingernails, watching the droplets of blood seep into the soil. 
Trying my best to scramble up off the ground in my drunken state, a kick to my temple makes all my efforts futile, vision blurring as I lose my fight with consciousness. 
My body feels cold and heavy, lungs intensely burning while my head feels an insane amount of pressure. Eyes shooting open, I see what looks to be the moon, a full one at that. Can you imagine, a full moon on Halloween? I see the universe has a sense of humor. 
I feel my body sink further into the cold, wet depths, limbs thrashing against whatever has me restrained and it occurs to me that I may not be able to talk my way out of this one. The more I struggle, the more water pours into my lungs, filling my chest with a fiery ache; salty tears submerged as my nose splatters furious bubbles at my body's pitiful attempt to cough up the water and relieve my chest. 
They say it takes about 40 seconds to drown and though I’ve only been down here for about half that, it feels like twice that time. I’ve always wanted to go in my sleep, peacefully and without a clue. But as I stare up at the hazy moon, surrounded by a deep blue sky, stars sprinkled in between, I figure this isn’t the worst thing to see last. Relaxing into the water, I give up my struggle and take a big gulp, ready to accept my fate. Vision darkening, I look up for a final peek at the starry night in all its blurred glory, or as I’d like to call this one “the party night” and take comfort in the fact that I got to live it up one last time.
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sewerfight · 2 years
I'm in an incredible blockbuster. I make a hell of a lot of money. Crazy money. Fun money. Then one day my agent gives me a scary looking card and says "Meet me at the address on it". I go there. It's every single Elvis impersonator in the world seemingly crammed into one vast expansive parking lot. She says "if you guess which one is the real Elvis by the end of the day, you will inherit Hollywood". I run through the Elvises, meeting many of them and talking to them casually, initially, trying to see which one is the true man himself after all these years and an apparently faked death to take into consideration too. I manage to weed out the younger ones, the more inexperienced, who smile and giggle shyly as I run by, more than happy to blow their cover. But some of the Elvises are rock solid in their act, even threatening to sing to Hound Dog caliber for me. Confused and disorientated, I finally stumble to the sidelines, knocked by a careless impersonator's guitar, like when a ballerina pretends she's dying on stage and shit starts getting brutal. My stumbling pushes me towards an older looking gentleman, standing on the outskirts. Curiously, I engage in conversation with him.
"I no no why I'm here, I confused." He says with a clear, yet indistinguishably vague foreign accent. I chuckle. This man can't be the real Elvis! It isn't worth wasting my time talking to him! And yet... Something about him. I linger for a moment.
"You know, if I can't find the real Elvis by the end of the day, I'm not screwed, but I won't inherit Hollywood". I say, defeated but at an emotional stage where I can accept that, like someone who realizes the IKEA furniture will not, after all, be assembled in a comfortable sweat free afternoon.
"Sorry, I- I no Elvis. Just man who like to dress so. Maybe I tell joke? Cheer you up?" The man says, with a happy twinkle in his eye. A beat. We stare at each other like two gunslingers on a Valentine's Day card about to shoot, but instead of bullets, our guns are packed with hearts. Finally, a rush of delight and surprise, as if I have been greeted by an old friend. I clap him warmly on the shoulders and practically jump for joy. "Andy! You're Andy Kaufman!" A roar goes up among the Elvis impersonators upon hearing this. Kazoos are blown. Confetti rains down from the ceiling. My agent rushes into view, elbowing an impersonator so hard his wig flies off into the Elvis ether.
"Yes! Yes! You did it! There is no real Elvis! Only Andy! And his death was as bullshit as this story!" She proclaims.
I wake up and my eyes are filled with jubilant tears. Turning the pillow over to the cold side and rolling over, forgetting the dream in the small hours of the dawn forever, I promise myself to keep it close all the same.
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littledreamling · 2 years
5! For the author asks :)
#5: What do you wish someone would ask you about [insert fic]? Answer it now!
From this ask game
Thanks for the ask! This is a pretty difficult question to answer (and I’m going to answer it about my published fic, Funeral for a Living Ghost) because I feel like it sums itself up pretty well! Instead, I’ll give you five little tidbits of meta information!
1. I wrote the majority of the first four or so paragraphs while alone in my car, talking out loud to myself in an exaggerated southern accent (so if you want the full author experience, that’s how to achieve it lmao)
2. I had to do a lot of research about Catholic churches, how they’re laid out, the rituals of Catholic Mass and funerals, etc because (as you might’ve guessed, but maybe not) I’m not Catholic and I never have been. I hold a deep respect for religion, though I myself do not practice. My search history and recommended ads will be fucked for a while lol
3. The two characters that Hob mentions during the funeral are named after two members of my family! I didn’t mean for it to happen, because I usually just keyboard smash and edit to get character’s names but my fingers just happened to type those two names and I ran with it (the last names aren’t real, though)
4. The entire fic was inspired by (or definitely heavily influenced by) a friend of mine who died and when all of our friends gathered for the funeral, the running (tear-stained and half-sobbed) joke was that we should keep an eye out because he was the kind of person who would fake his death and show up at the funeral just to see who came to mourn him. It got me thinking about Hob and his habit of faking his death out of necessity but still wanting one last chance to say goodbye and to mourn everything he was leaving behind
5. I had the entire fic finished except for the last sentence, which took me about a week to complete before I posted it. I knew the tone I was trying to go for, but the words weren’t coming to me so it sat unfinished for a while. It took me talking to my best friend and roommate about it (and her basically knocking me over the head with common sense) to finally pull those last few words out of thin air so that I could publish it.
I know this isn’t exactly answering the question you asked but I hope it was enough of an answer for you! I’d love to answer more!
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simpforboys · 3 years
halloween party
she/her pronouns
summary: vinnie and y/n finally let the sexual tension get the best of them
warnings: smut, dirty talk, getting fucked while looking in the mirror (and filming a tik tok), fluff, swear words, drinking
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y/n sat on her phone scrolling through tik tok when a ding made her eyes look towards the top. 
vincent: u tryna match for the halloween party or what?
y/n: what u wanna be?
vinnie: idk look on spirit or we can go
y/n: come pick me up
y/n got out of bed, slipping on her converse and fixing her hair. the hype house was throwing a halloween party this year and y/n was invited. 
she adored everything about halloween and was beyond stoked for the party. 
her and vinnie had been talking for about two months now. they were both aware of the mutual feelings, but decided not to rush anything.
twenty minutes later a knock on the apartment door startled her. peeping through the peephole, y/n opened it to vinnie’s welcoming face.
“hi, y/n.”
“hi, vincent.”
vinnie wrapped his arms around y/n in an embrace that lasted a little longer then it should have. “alright, ready to go?” vinnie finally pulled away (even if it hurt him).
“yep. are you gonna buy us food too? i haven’t eaten yet,” y/n grinned.
“y/n, it’s literally-“
“i haven’t gotten out of bed. let’s get food then go to spirit.”
after a quick stop at in n out, the teenagers left to the halloween shop. “oh my god i’m so excited,” y/n said as they walked in.
vinnie grinned. “we need to think about what we’re gonna be. i don’t want something cliche, because you’re not cliche,” vinnie said.
y/n grinned.
“if we do something sexy then our fans will go crazy,” y/n suggested.
“i think i would go crazy too,” vinnie (half) joked.
y/n and vinnie began wandering around the store. “what about harley quinn and the joker?” vinnie asked.
“do you know how many harley quinn and jokers there are going to be?” y/n raised her eyebrows.
“okay, i have an idea.”
y/n stalked into the party, her high heeled boots clicking against the floor. fishnet tights trailed up her legs, connecting to a tight red velvet skirt. a matching black corset held her breasts up as she clamped down on the fake vampire teeth in her mouth, blood splattered on her lips and face.
vinnie, who was wearing a tight black outfit with red accents, practically felt his stomach drop. “god damn, is that y/n?” he heard jack ask.
“vinnie!” jett snapped the blond out of his trance.
“i think you got a little bit of drool on your lip,” jack teased.
“fuck off,” vinnie rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his modelo beer.
“hey, vin,” y/n came over. vinnie swear he felt something unleash inside of him. she looked beyond stunning even closer.
“hey guys! you look great,” y/n complimented the rest of the boys who dressed up as zombies.
“thanks, y/n! you look so good! definitely showed vinnie up,” jett joked.
“did i? maybe,” y/n grinned, looking at vinnie who was blushing madly.
his blond curls fell neatly on his face, matching blood stains on his chin and plump lips as his vampire teeth stuck out.
“vin, come get a drink with me?” y/n asked, holding out her hand.
vinnie immediately grabbed y/n’s hand. “i’ll see you later,” he nodded towards jack and jett.
“yeah, whatever, simp!” jett called out.
“use protection!” jack teased.
vinnie rolled his eyes, allowing his right hand to connect with y/n’s lower back as he guided her towards the bar.
“you look absolutely stunning, babe,” vinnie whispered in her ear. michael jackson’s thriller blasting throughout the house causing both their ears to almost ache.
“so do you, vincent. practically all the girls here are getting horny looking at you,” y/n joked.
“including me,” she added.
vinnie felt his stomach turn to knots. “as if all the dudes aren’t eye fucking you,” he brought up.
“you included or not?” y/n smirked, feeling vinnie pull her closer.
“hmmm, maybe.”
“you’re cute, vincent,” y/n hummed, their lips practically touching.
“pictures!” kouver yelled, snapping a pic of the teenagers before running off.
“that reminds me, we have to do thirst traps later,” y/n said. vinnie nodded.
“we can go up to my room?”
“and leave so soon? party just started,” y/n teased.
“i’m practically dying to get out of here,” vinnie mumbled.
“lead the way.”
vinnie grabbed y/n’s hand, leading her upstairs. hoping no one was trying to have sex in his room, he was relieved to see hera sleeping peacefully on his bed.
“hera, my baby!” y/n awed quietly. the loud music continued to blast throughout the house, but it wasn’t as miserable with vinnie.
y/n plopped herself down on vinnie’s bed, stroking hera gently while scrolling through tik tok.
“wanna make one?” she asked, showing vinnie her saved audios.
vinnie perked up in his office chair. y/n stood back up, surprising vinnie when she sat on his lap.
he instinctively placed his hands on her thighs, rolling them over to the mirror. after they selected an audio, y/n turned began filming and lip syncing the lyrics.
vinnie followed after she did her transition, trying to distract himself from the hot girl sitting on his lap. unfortunately, his body got the best of him.
however, y/n was practically throbbing. vinnie’s boner pressed directly against her ass leaving her lace panties soaking wet.
vinnie could feel that. so, when y/n saved the tik tok to her drafts, vinnie made a decision.
“hm?” she hummed. the sexual tension was so harsh it was eating them alive.
“can i kiss you?”
“please,” y/n begged, placing her lips on vinnie’s. he hungrily kissed her back, cupping her face as she deepened the kiss.
“fuck,” vinnie groaned when y/n began grinding down on him.
“you’re so fucking hot,” she whispered. her hot breath hit vinnie’s face as he gripped onto her thighs, guiding her on top.
“you show up here in this tight little skirt knowing it’ll get a rise outta me, huh?” vinnie asked.
y/n whimpered as vinnie started rubbing circles on her clit through her panties. “i had to get you to notice me,” y/n replied.
“i’ve noticed you, baby,” vinnie sucked harshly on her neck.
“fuck vinnie, please,” y/n moaned.
“please what, hm?” he hummed, well aware of how she was feeling as she rolled her hips back and forth on his clothed dick.
“fuck me.”
vinnie rolled her skirt up, grabbing her jaw and making her look at them in the mirror.
“watch yourself get fucked by my cock,” he said, freeing his aching dick as he tapped it on her clit.
y/n moaned, her pussy aching as vinnie slid her panties to the side. she watched (and felt) the way vinnie slid into her, both of them whimpering.
“you’re so fucking sexy,” vinnie groaned as y/n started slowly bouncing.
“wait-“ y/n breathed out, grabbing her phone and unlocking it. “are you serious-“
“shhh,” she pressed her lips to his in a heated kiss. clicking on a chase atlantic audio, she moved her skirt.
turning the phone to the mirror, she recorded both of them. “fuck that’s so hot,” vinnie mumbled into her shoulder, his cock twitching at how she began grinding her hips.
“that’s going to my drafts,” she whimpered as vinnie began fucking back into her.
“like the way i fill you up, hm?” he hummed, taking his tattooed hand and bringing it up to her neck.
“vinnie, please-“
“please what? use your words.”
“please let me come,” y/n moaned.
vinnie felt his cock ache at her words. “cum on my cock, baby.”
y/n felt filthy as she came around vinnie’s dick. pornographic moans escaped her mouth as vinnie rubbed circles on her clit.
y/n squeezed her eyes closed, falling back against vinnie as he continued to fuck her through her orgasm.
“good fucking girl,” he whimpered.
“cum inside me, vinnie. please,” y/n begged, her legs aching and sore but she needed vinnie. hearing him being a whimpering mess under her, his head thrown back with his blond curls laid against his forehead, she felt another orgasm quickly approaching.
vinnie shot his cum out feeling y/n’s walls clench around him. “fuck,” the both moaned. vinnie kissed y/n tenderly as they tried to catch their breath.
y/n laid against vinnie, his cock still inside her as they just breathed together. vinnie’s hands were wrapped around y/n’s waist as he held her tightly.
“please be my girlfriend,” vinnie said.
y/n grinned, pushing vinnie’s sweaty hair out of his face. “of course, babe.”
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exodusin · 3 years
𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 | 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭 ✧ ༉
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summary; y/n worked both cleaning the animatronics and stayed up for security night guard. Poor tired girl, what is her withered bunny boyfriend going to do with her.
contains; slightly jealous sex, praise kink, teasing, size kink? fingering, office sex
word count; 2504
fnaf masterlist
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ the year 1987- 10:33 PM "Thank you, Henry, for the extra tip!" you chirped to your boss. Mr. Emily gave you a warm smile and tossed you the keys of the restaurant. "It's yours for tonight. Jeremy seemed to not recover from his shifts but hey you make both a fantastic job at both cleaning the robots and staying up all night. You deserve extra tips." He exclaims as he walks out of the pizzeria. You smiled and sighed, placing your hands on your hips and turning your head to the toy robots who were currently 'asleep'. As soon as they heard the car that belonged to Henry drive off, their eyes sparked open and landed at you. You started to get used to their company, especially a certain purple bunny. "Greetings, L/N." Toy Freddy greets you, "Hey, guys. How's your day!" you asked as you dipped in a fresh dry cloth in a bucket of water filled with soap. "The usual nothing new. But tell us about you, how was your day!" Toy Chica chirps and gets off the stage and sits on it. "Eh well, my friend is going to a concert, she invited me but I'm normally third-wheeling and crap. Not fun..." you sighed annoyingly, you didn't take it by heart, third-wheeling wasn't bad at times but being excluded did seem sad. "Anyways, can you move your leg up, sweetie? I need to remove it so I can clean it," you say as you grabbed a chair from the party tables and sat on it, Toy Chica gave you a small nod and allowed you to remove her leg revealing the leg of her endoskeleton. Minutes passed and you continued cleaning the toy robots, Toy Bonnie and you chatter a bit in the meantime, while in the back of the parts and service room the purple withered bunny's ear twitched at the sound of communication. 'She's chatting with...him?' his broken Australian accent spoke in his 'mind'. He never liked his fake plastic replica, that annoying voice of his, him being all high to himself, and the jokes that knock-off bunny does and makes you laugh. He hated it. It annoyed the hell out of him. Two hours passed and the chimes of the bells were heard across the restaurant. 12:00 AM
The tiny paters of footsteps were heard across the hallway. They were yours.
'Y/N' he says 'mentally'.
You turned on the air conditioner to cool the office from the summer night heat. You began winding up the music box in case Puppet doesn't float here to your office in a grumpy mood.
You heard the ambiance of the hallways which meant an animatronic was near. You flashed the light and the big purple-blueish faceless bunny was there.
"Bonnie, hey! W-what brings you here?" you stammered, a bit startled at his presence. Mechanical footsteps were heard on the glossy floors of the hallways and now your robot mate is in front of your desk.
"Hey, there little one." his available hand reaches to touch your cheek, the cold metal made you shiver but you still smiled. You tried to reach his chin to scratch it but he was insanely tall.
Withered Bonnie seems to recognize your intention and he bends to your level for affection.
'Touch starved furball.' you thought and chuckled. His mechanical ears perked up at the chuckle escaping your lips, "W-Whats s-so funny?" he says, his voice sounding crashed (from how shattered he is of course).
"Oh nothing...just thinking how cute you are~" you teased. You dared to tease. Poor you forgot he hated being teased in any way.
His red eyes seem to glow more at your response, "Oh r-really? T-That wasn't w-what you thought five weeks ago, Y/N..."
You felt your face flush at the memory of the robot going off to you. "I-"
"I m-may add a tini t-tiny thing, you seem to talk to that blue plastic rodent during your early shift. Is he f-funnier? Does he play the guitar better than I can? Is he far more interesting?"
"Answer me, dear..."
You shook your head in disapproval, "No, baby. You are perfect for me. He can't replace you...no one can replace you..." you weren't mad at him for not trusting you with that toy version of him, the poor thing was left to rot in the same room for who knows how long.
That's what he wanted to hear. Although, it wasn't enough.
"I forgive you, however, I need you to show me you mean it..."
Heat began swelling between your legs, he wants to...
"That I-is if—you A-allow me, I won't d-do anything you don't want to." The faceless robot assures you, his glitchy voice gentle and loving.
You looked up to meet his red eyes, you kneeled on top of the desk to get better access at his jaw and torso and began kissing his chest and underneath his chin.
He knew what this meant, it was a yes.
His hand traveled to your shoulder, arms, down your hips, and cupped your ass. You gasped a bit and put your head down in embarrassment.
If Bonnie had his face right now he'd give you a sympathetic look, "Face me, it's only us." he requested, well more like commanded.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, his rich metal hand squeezed your ass which made you let out a high-pitched squeak.
"T-Try t–to K-keep—your noise down. You don't W-want the others seeing you like this or later on naked, don't you, cute stuff?" he says his voice becoming a bit sly.
Withered Bonnie fiddled with the belt of your pants but struggled since he only had one hand, he wanted to so badly rip out all your clothing but he knew better. You don't live here, you had to go eventually.
"Could you be a good girl and take off your belt and pants?" he says looking at your (eye color) eyes. Without hesitation, you did as he told you so only leaving you in your underwear.
You squeezed your thighs together feeling his red gaze looking at your small figure. 'Cute...' he thought. His cold iron hands glide under your lips to your collarbone than your chest. Bonnie's fingers fiddled with buttons of your shirt, "Y/N, b-be a sweetheart a-and r-remove this for me." his metal fingers traced your white button shirt.
Without hesitation, you unbuttoned your shirt and bra leaving your chest exposed to him for the second time.
"So beautiful," the faceless robot says, his red eyes glowing, even more, his hand reaches to tuck your hair behind your ear to get a better look at your face.
His finger traced your jaw, to your neck, your collarbone, down your chest, and circled your left nipple. If he had his other hand, he would've cupped your right breast, wanting to feel the doughy (skin color) flesh.
He stopped circling your nipple and squeezed your breast, you gasped and threw your head back at his action. If he had his face, he'd be smirk devilishly.
"Fuck, B-Bonnie..." you groaned, you grasped his damaged shoulder and rubbed it, wanting to feel his texture. As bold as lightning, he groped your shoulder and pushed you down the desk, showing aside the papers and other useless stuff that's getting in the way between you and him.
When you breathed out his name, he cracked. He let his bottled dominance break and take you. Your mind was trying to process what has just happened when he made that rough action.
"S—say it again...."
"My name—"
He chuckles, "Again I can't hear you."
"Atta girl..." he praises.
He all of the sudden flips you over and you gasped in surprise, "Hey, what is up with you not giving warnings, cottontail—!" you hissed.
He silences you by squeezing both your cheeks to prevent you from moving your lips, "S-Shut it." for payback he teased your nipples with his cold iron fingers, and then later on traced your stomach down to your crotch that's still clothed with your black jeans.
"Please, Bonnie... Please take me, stop fucking teasing." you whimper quietly and his red eyes turn dark with lust, he grinds a bit onto your ass.
"Ask nicely, my dear, and I'll reconsider...maybe heh..."
"Bonnie please, I want you, I need you..."
"Okay. L—Let me do the rest, just relax."
Withered Bonnie draws off your underwear to your knees, the view of your soft lump exposed to him for the second time.
You felt your cheeks burn at the feeling of his gaze looking at your ass. His hand rubs your ass lovingly and carefully inserts his finger onto your moist pussy.
"I see you're all wet for me," he groans and slips a second finger to feel more of your wet warmth. You can't help but moan loudly which you quickly cut off by biting your fist, reminding yourself anyone can come through by the mere sound of your lewd moans across the hallway.
He removed his fingers from your pussy and painted the white thick liquids down your thighs as if he was painting an image without a paintbrush.
"Now, I'm going to enter you, try to keep the noise down, okay little one? If it hurts, remember to use the safeword," he explains as his thumb pressed against your clit.
"Y-yes Bonnie."
He pulls his thumb away from your clit and stares at your silky back, cocking his head to the side like a puppy with his ears plopping to the side as well.
"I love you, do you know that?" He says lovingly, as his rubber member reveals, "Y—You're so gorgeous, s–so cute, yes you are." he cooes.
He intentionally rubs his dick against your entrance as a heads up which made you squeak a bit.
"You're so fucking cute when you make those cute sounds just for me."
He arranges his length inside you which are your (eye color) eyes go wide at the feeling of your walls being stretched out.
"B-Bonnie, Ah-ugh!" you struggle to form sentences while he pleasures you so well, still watching you closely,
"You're taking me so well, doll. Tell me, who's making you feel this way?"
"And who is this 'you', are you referring to?"
"Bonnie, you're making me feel like this!"
He gropes the mounts of the flesh of your ass possessively, "And that fucking bleak plastic rodent could never look, touch, or make you feel good in any form, correct?" his voice goes monstrous.
"N-No, h-he can't! Nothing or anyone can make me feel safe or good, j-just you! O-Only you!"
"Mhm...yes that's right." his hand swats your ass to leave a mark. The bunny thrusts onto and throws his head back, the red dots that exemplified his eyes blinked- flashing on and off like a light switch.
"Y-You're as tight as I remember, dear." his comments made you wetter than before, and he knew it to sense your hole clenched around him.
"Are you going to cum for me, Y/N?" He asks, his hand lightly gripping your throat and moving to hold your cheek so you face him properly. Face his red eyes.
The only response you gave was a nod while your body writhes in ecstasy, unable to do anything but moan his name.
The overwhelming but enjoyable feeling made you forget everything cruel about this world. You love him so much, and he loved you. Maybe a lot more than you can think of.
The way his garnet stare made you feel timid, you loved it.
"Tell me, who's going to make you cum, doll." He states calmly The knot in your midsection tightens at his words, his look radiates pure lust and you moan out for him, getting closer. "You, Bonnie, you're going to make me cum." You grasp the wooden sides of the desk, not caring if you'll have splinters.
"Bonnie! I"m gonna cum!-" Pleasure crams your brain and you cry out, just as it begins, you feel a harsh irritation between your legs and hear Bonnie groan out, his fingers grabbing at your sides.
"Fuck you look so hot, cum on my cock," He moans and his red eyes switching off for a moment, thrusting in and out of you wildly. You ride out your orgasm, his faceless gaze on you hardens and your smirk drives him crazy, aside from his filthy lust he can barely contain the love he has for you, you and him with your bodies touching each other.
In his many years of being trapped and uncared, you exist. And that was enough gratitude.
You were left breathlessly, his hand was insanely big that one swift he pulled you on top of soft tummy. He massaged your thighs and ass lovingly.
"Sorry if I was too rough on ya, doll." Bonnie was pressing what was left of his jaw against your cheek. His approximation of a kiss.
You giggled at this cute action, "it's okay. I like it a lot. Besides it's only 2 AM, we have a few more hours left, just you and me baby..." you whisper the last part close to his bunny ears.
He pulled you closer to feel more of your skin. You held in a gasp when you felt your clit slightly touching his rough torso. Although you were tired, you just kept silent.
Your hands reached to his jaw than to his ears, you began playing with them which made his red eyes go wide. His eyes 'lidded' a bit at this sensation and nuzzled his 'face' onto your chest.
You were intentionally trying to rub his back but you felt something fluffier, who squeezed it trying to figure what it was which made Bonnie jolt out and let out a glitchy "eep."
It was his cottontail. You felt it wag a bit which made you want to stroke it more. "So cute! How come you never told me you had a tail!"
His drooped in embarrassment but also stubbornness, "Don't make it into a huge deal..." he grumbles. You giggled and later on snickered, "Well it's mine, and ill perhaps show you why it belongs to me~ one day."
That state made his tail wag a bit which he hoped he wouldn't find out, "Yeah—s-sure, whatever..." he pulls you onto his chest began petting your hair.
'Stubborn rabbit'
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blueberrypossum · 3 years
A Date Down Under (GN Reader x Leo)
If you guys are wondering where I’ve been I write more on A03 with two original fanfics in the making! But, my tumblr account deserves some love too! This fanfic has been siting in my file for a long while and I originally wanted to post it when I was deep in the ROTTMNT fandom (still love it and miss it man). So, I decided to take out my oc in it and make it a reader fanfic so everyone can enjoy!  @bootyyy-shaker9000 ​ I know how much you love Leo so have some of the wonderful boy in blue!!
When Leo asked you if you wanted to celebrate your Friend Anniversary in the Lost City, you couldn’t refuse. 
 The feelings for the turtle though were getting tougher and tougher to maintain. Leo was always the flirt, and you tried to not let him play with your heartstrings, but now a blush would creep around your face whenever he would fire a one-liner or when he would push the physical contact to the extreme. 
You weren't used to so much affection, nor letting the addiction of being touched take over you like a drug. 
But you have seen the way Leo fake flirts with others, and just believed that he was just doing the same thing to you, because you were just friends, right? 
You were brushing your comb through your hair when your phone started to vibrate on your desk. You brought it up to your ear as you got comfortable in your seat.
“Knock knock.”
“Who’s there?”
There were a few knocks on your bedroom window.
You giggled and walked over to the window and pulled back the blinds to see the one and only Leonardo Hamato, a sly grin on his face as he hung up on the phone. You placed your phone into your pocket and unlocked the window to reveal yourself to him. 
The blue bandana turtle looked a little taken aback as he took in the sight of his best friend. With the season turning colder, you wore something that suited the chilly wind yet sunny season, the cloth clinging to you gently. What caught him off guard the most was the dazzling smile you presented to him, the pure excitement of seeing him causing his bandana to feel tight around his head. 
Leo almost lost his balance as he hopped into your room, sweat growing on him as he tried to find anything else to look at other than you.
“Hey, how's your fever?” He asked, his voice drowned with no confidence, his heart still pounding as he finally glanced over. 
You were picking up your bag and you frowned at the question.
“Hum? What fever?” 
“Oh, yeah, you just look hot to me,” he replied, pressing a confident smile on his lips as he hoped that you didn’t catch him almost slipping up. 
Your cheeks went pink and you playfully slapped his arm.
“Oh hush up and let’s go, we’re burning daylight.”
“That’s not the only thing that’s burning.”
“Oh my gosh, get going, Red Kamon.”
The tall turtle chuckled and pulled out his sword, swiping it around the room until a portal was created. Leo moved to the side and bowed his head towards you. 
“After you,” he purred and you rolled your eyes at him and took a step into the portal and was led right at the center of the Hidden City. The colorful and mysterious city was weird to say the least, nothing but weird creations and magic lingered in the air as yokai walked past you. Leo stepped through the portal and was at your side as you both walked over to the city map. 
Leo used your shoulder as a rest while you gazed over at the map.
“Where do you want to go, shorty?” He asked as your eyes scanned the different areas and pointed towards the Witch Town.
Your mind seemed clouded from the close contact and you pointed to the spa.
“What about here? Sounds interesting.”
“Can’t do. My idiot and less attractive twin got us turtles banned there,” Leo commented and soon his arm snaked around your neck and was completely over your shoulders, bringing you close enough that you could feel his breath over your cheek. 
“What about here?”
“Nope. They banned me there.”
“How did you get banned from a spa?”
“My dashing good looks were just too much for them.”
You let out a gust of air and knew the real reason, Donnie told you the whole funny scenario of Leo needing hair to get into the spa, totally backfired and threw him in jail. 
“What places are you not banned from, blue?” You asked, turning over to him with your arms crossed. 
He gave you his signature smile and leaned down till you were face to face, his beak just a few inches from your nose. 
“Here, just those two places. Your heart? Never.”
“Then what about the Pirate Bazaar?” You mumbled, your heart almost leaping out of your chest as Leo’s eyes widened with excitement.
“Ohhh, I’ve been there! But only for a little bit, let’s go!” He squealed and took your hand and led you through the crowd of animals and other subjects of yokai. His three-fingered hand was cold against your warm one, and you knew Leo and his brothers like closeness to you and April since you were the only warm-blooded creatures; Splinter was too but hugs were hard to get from him. Still, the hand holding made others look over and gush at you two, as if you were a couple. 
If only.
He didn’t let go as he took you into lesser crowds, bringing you closer till your arms were touching. You then realized he wasn’t wearing an outfit, but then remembered most of the yokai’s were clothesless as well. His muscles bounced as he walked and you had to do everything to not wrap your fingers around the growing muscle. 
His thumb started to brush against yours as he turned to you and you swore you saw a red dash against his cheeks, and it wasn’t his stripes.
“You’ve been friends with me for a whole year! Please, do tell how great it must’ve been to be called my best friend,” he said slyly, wiggling his non-existent eyebrows, causing you to laugh. The joyous melody made Leo weak in the knees.
“You mean, me always having to save your shell from dangerous bad guys, having to endure all your jokes, and then the constant-CONSTANT- marathons of Jipiter Jim and Lou Jitsu to the point all I could do was speak quotes from the movies.”
“Oh yeah, may I remind you that you would text me excited about every movie date? Didn’t someone make their signature hot chocolate just for me when I showed this specific someone their now favorite movie? Ring any bells?” He replied back.
“Pffts, you know what? Your one-liners stink.”
The sword yielding turtle let out a gasp and grasped where his heart would be over his plaston as if he had been shot as he looked down at you. 
“My one-liners stink like Raph’s victory stink!”
You laughed and took back his hand and Leo felt his heart flew as your warm hand was gripping onto his cold one. You took the lead and finally made it to the entrance of the pirate grounds. There were booths of stuff that were related to the pirate theme of the area and some were just random selections of things to sell. The smell of seafood and other fried foods drifted into your nose and you led Leo to the entrance. 
After getting Lost City Cash at a money machine, you both took a selfie at the front entrance, Leo bringing you close and him having to lean down due to your height.  
There was a goblin looking woman in the booth at the entrance and the woman took your money and gave each of you a bracelet to get on rides and such. 
“For an extra 20 dollars, you can have a custom pirate outfit that you can switch on and off with ease,” she explained and you and Leo shared the same look, giving the worker a simple nod. She pointed to where single bathrooms were after she got the money.
“Last one there is a rotten turtle egg!”You challenged out as you raced over to the bathroom stalls, the mutant turtle schoffing and charging after you.
With a little bit of magic, you were able to think up your very own pirate outfit with a second band around your wrist so that you could switch it off and on with ease. Leo picked the same outfit he had when he first came to the pirate utopia with Hueso, but didn’t pick an eyepatch this time since he didn’t want to trip in front of you. 
You quickly raced out of the changing room after saying thank you to the worker who helped you and looked around, your eyes trying to find the mutant turtle in the crowd. You spotted the long strands of his bandana and felt yourself shudder at how good he looked in a pirate outfit, how the white shirt clung to him and how he had his sword hung against his side instead of over his back. You swallowed the saliva that was swimming in your mouth and quickly dashed over to him, clearing your throat before you spoke in the worst pirate accent. 
“My, my, isn’t ye the best booty I’ve ever seen in these vast oceans!”
The red slider turtle quickly turned around but you moved out in front of him.
“Aye, wanna shiver me timbers?” You laughed, throwing another one-liner at him and he turned, his eyes going wide as he almost told you that if you were a pirate, you would be the most beautiful treasure that no man or woman could handle or capture. If you were a pirate he could definitely walk the plank. 
“Those jokes are so lame, that they need a peg leg,” he replied, almost hating himself fully for using one of Huesos jokes instead of his own. But you flashed him a smile anyway and motioned him to follow as you made your way through the crowd. 
The teenage turtle felt his heart leap after you and gave chase as you made it to the center of the pirate theme park. 
Once in the middle, you pulled out the map the woman at the booth gave you and started to read over the activities that you could do. 
Leo leaned down close, still a little out of breath, but his confidence had awoken him as he said: “Ya certainly put a shiver in my timber!” he said in a deep pirate accent. You booped his beak away from your face and he blew a raspberry on the index finger.
“So, there is a treasure adventure we can go on, a booth section of stuff to buy, a pirate show of a reenactment of pirate history-Oh! They have timed dances throughout the area! And you can join in!” 
“Are you going to join in?”
“Maybe. I could finally dance with someone who doesn’t only do fortnite dances and dabs.”
“Hey, my moves are almost like a work of a pirate ship.”
“Old and needs remodeling?”
“What?! No! Unique and cool.”
You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arm around Leo’s and led him to the show since it was the closest. 
You stood on the pier as ships and flying creatures dashed by, the glowing lights of the underworld turning into a creamy orange to signify that the day was coming to an end. You leaned your arms over the railing as you scrolled through the photos that had been taken throughout the day. You couldn’t help but smile at seeing your goofy pictures and would scroll past the ones you took specifically of Leo without him knowing. 
Speaking of the turtle, he leaned in close to your shoulder as he noticed that your attention was not on him.
“Whatcha lookin at?” He asked, his head slowly getting closer. You felt your body grow warm and quickly turned your phone. 
“Bruh,” you giggled and he gave a quiet chuckle and tried to snatch the phone. 
“If you’re looking at something, then as your best friend I have a right to see.”
“Fine, hang on.”
You quickly saved the single photos of him into a secret file and moved the phone between them, his head still on your shoulder as he scrolled through the photos, both of you laughing at the one where you fought the pirates and failed. 
“What about you? I know you took photos of today for your social,” you commented as you placed your phone into your bag. 
Leo took out his phone and hid it out of sight since his home screen was a picture of them together at an abandoned skatepark and he had you in a piggyback ride and he just had to capture the moment. He handed his phone without thinking and started to go through your bag due to boredom.
You scrolled through the photos until you stopped at a specific one. You didn’t remember him telling you to pose for this photo; it was when you had stopped to eat dinner and you happened to watch one of the kids getting a fake pirate hook from a vendor. Your head was supported by your hand as a breeze caused your hair to ripple around your face in an alluring photo. A blush rushes to your face as if you had been hit and soon you started to scroll faster and found more photos of just you; of you waiting in line, in your pirate outfit, several were taken of you during the pirate treasure hunting, when you grabbed a candle from one of the booths in excitement, he even got a cliche photo of you holding his hand while you led him through the crowd. 
You felt your heart stop in your ribcage and looked over at the ninja turtle, who was still looking through your bag as if he was hunting for treasure. You didn’t want to snoop, but you couldn’t help but exit out of his camera roll and looked through his folders on the right side; there was a folder for comic books, shopping, epic moments, even a puns list, then found it at the bottom. It was labeled with a first letter of your name and a heart, and with twitching fingers, you opened it. It wasn’t many photos but enough to where you almost dropped his phone into the water below. There were pictures of you whenever you both hung out, and some he probably got from your social. 
Holy Hot Soup, he liked you.  
“Okay, now you really look like you have a fever,” Leo commented as he reached for his phone, causing you to swallow and quickly turned off the device and handed it back to him.
“But don’t worry, Doctor Neon Leon will help you get all better,” he said in a baby voice and wrapped his arm around you and brought you close. 
“Maybe you need some Vitamin ME,” he whispered and you laughed at yet another ridiculous one-liner made by him. He grinned at the sight of you laughing and rested himself against your side, taking in your scent and warmth. 
“Maybe I do, where do I get my prescription Aka Kamon?” You asked slyly, a shit eating grin on your face as Leo blushed. Whenever you could, you would fire back a one-liner and was overjoyed to see him be the one to get flustered and a stuttering mess. 
“ Oh, um, well,” he stuttered and mentally kicked himself as he couldn’t think of something to say back and then a question he always wanted an answer to.
“Are you ever going to tell me what those words mean?” He asked. 
“Are you ever going to open a book and find out for yourself.”
“Ha! Jokes on you, I don’t know how to read. And also, there are phones now, boomers.”
“Then look it up.”
“JuSt GiVe Me A hInT.”
You released a sigh and gave him a look while he returned to you his huge puppy dog eyes look and placed his hands together as his bottom lip wobbled as if he was trying to get out of trouble. 
“Finnnne, but only because it’s our best friend’s day.”
You poked the red stripe against his face and then pointed upward, a smirk growing on your face as he gave a confused one.
“A pretty good one in my opinion.”
The red slider turtle let out a large groan as he crossed his arms, his face growing tight as he tried to think of what the hint meant. 
“Are you just calling me stripes but in Japanese?” He said with a groan. 
“Leo you insult me, it would be kind of stupid to call you stripes in both English and Japanese.”
He mimicked your talking right as you finished and he received an eye roll as he continued on thinking.
 So, it wasn’t the stripes, maybe the color? Or the shape?
“Man, this is hurting my brain, this best friend day sucks.” He said as he stuck his tongue out at you.
“Okay, okay. The two words are a color and a shape. Is that better?”
“Yes. Yes it is.”
You continued to watch as Leo tried to put the pieces together and you wished you could get this on video, but it would be too obvious, so instead you painted it into your mind. 
“So, the color is totally red, but the shape I’m lost at. Why did you point at the sky? Is that a clue? Why did you make this so difficult?”
“Because I’m a difficult person.”
“I do like a challenge.”
“One more hint, it’s the shape of something in the sky.”
Leo looked up at the fake Lost City sky and squinted as the fake sun started to set and the moon would start to rise. 
“Red Moon?”
“Close. It’s Red Crest.”
The blue bandana turtle searched the horizon for an answer for why you called him that as you looked away due to embarrassment. 
“Why?” He simply asked as he looked over; he could always tell when you were nervous, your eyes would always dart around and your left foot would start to shake. You rose to a tallen stance though and looked over at his hands.
“I just find your marks...alluring. In Japanese culture, the red moon is respected due to its power. I just thought you deserved to have a nickname that represented you.”
Leo felt his face go completely red that it could put Raph’s mask to so much shame that it would go bland. All this time he thought you were just calling him something insulting in Japanese, but it was a nickname that you made up for him. Not like Raph’s, Donnie’s, Mikey’s or April’s, it was one you made up for him and only him. 
“Stop looking at me before I throw you off this dock so I can live the rest of my life without this embarrassment,” you laughed nervously as your fingers combed through your hair and let out a shaky breath. 
Leo started to get his little shakes as he let out a confused laugh. 
“All this time I thought you were calling me a stupid turtle or somethin in Japanese, whoa oh boy was I wrong.”
You both looked away from each other and the atmosphere became heavy. 
Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, I still don’t know, you thought, but then you felt his finger poke your elbow and looked over at him, and the soft expression on his face almost made you melt.
“But how can I stop looking at you?”
Your breathing immediately hitched.
“Are you blushing? It’s a good feeling to know that I do it.”
You could only cover your face as you leaned against the railing on your elbows and looked between your fingers at him. You hated being so flustered up, but with Leo dripping with confidence, it made you want to curl into a muttering mess. 
Leo watched you with amusement and went to touch you, but then fell back. He remembered how he started the physical touch between you two, holding your hand, always leaning on you, every movie night you would be his cushion. But you two couldn’t kiss, couldn’t cudde too close, he couldn’t tell you he loved you more than just a best friend.  
 He hated how the day went by so fast and now he wanted to do what he has wanted to do for months. But he couldn’t work up the courage, he had a ton of one-liners to ask you out, to ask if you returned the feelings, even though he was mutant turtle that lived in the sewer and fought enemies that could destroy the whole world and wholly Ōdachi he can’t ask you to be a part of that life. 
But, the way you would smile at him and how you always gave him credit for the growth into someone you wanted to be. How you saw something in him that he didn’t even see, and he wanted to keep being whatever you saw. 
He just wanted you.
So, he worked up the courage, tried to make the sweat stop rolling down his body, and looked at person he had fallen for
You tensed up, you had never heard Leo sound so serious in his life. 
“With this being.....I mean if I’m wrong. Would you consider this a date-date?” He spilled out, and he wanted to climb into his shell like Mikey and never come out. He let out a gust of air and didn’t look over at you, his fingers messing within each other. It was silent between you, the city life buzzing around them as yokai’s came and went. You wanted to scream out in joy and say yes a hundred times, but you also had to be careful, along with if Leo was being a bubbly mess, you wanted to take advantage of it as long as you could. 
Spotting a red and blue flower with a bright yellow center growing on the side of the deck, you wrapped your fingers around it and pulled it from its roots. To Leo’s surprise, you pushed your way under his arm until it was back over your shoulders. The blush on his face was noticeable and with being against his chest you noticed his uneven breaths. 
“I do. And I would like more of them, if you want to.” You answered and handed him the flower. He shakenly took the flower in his hand and his confidence came crashing back to him, knowing that the feeling was mutual. As quickly as you gave him the flower he leaned over and placed the flower over your ear. Your eyes widened with surprise and quickly averted them away, a nervous but sweet chuckle escaping your lips. But the Red-eared slider never averted his gaze away from you. 
“I would like that too,” he answered back. 
You both stood there for a while, your head curled into Leo’s chest as his own head rested on yours. You were used to being close, but this was different, this filled you up with knowing and it made the physical connection much more warmer and scarier. Little lights started to flicker around as the city started to get dark, even with no sun or moon. Leo brought you closer and buried his face into your hair, a long sigh escaping his lips in content, his mind slowing down for once and just taking in this moment.
 But the moment went quicker than expected as a low yawn escaped your mouth and the red slider turtle remembered that it was getting late. 
“Alright, sleepy head, I think it’s time to raise anchor and set sail for home,” he joked as he lifted himself off of you and then held out his hand. With a roll of your eyes, you gladly took it and let him lead you back to the entrance of the Pirate Bazaar. He could just use his sword, but he wanted to juice out every moment with you.
The hand hold was different in some way, you gripped his hand tighter and when he came to a stop you would use your other hand to lightly touch his biccup before continuing on. 
You gave the booth teller their costume bracelets back and walked a few feet ahead before Leo pulled out his sword and created a portal. 
He once again bowed his head as he moved to the side. 
“After you.”
Through tired eyes she gave him a smirk as she was halfway through the portal. 
“Thank you.” 
He followed you through the portal and took the step onto your apartment’s fire escape, the flashing lights of New York City spilling over your side as you opened your bedroom window;  throwing your bag inside before turning to Leo. You both turned to each other and then quickly averted eye-contact with each other. 
“I had a lot of fun today, Leo. Thanks for being a good fri-” you stopped yourself since you didn’t know if you two were still just friends, or more.
He let out a laugh and rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Yeah, chief, it was,” Leo said  and then let out a groan at the terrible execution.
 You knew that you had to make the first move now or else you both would accidentally place yourselves into the “friend zone”.
 “Leo, can you bend down a little bit?”
“Why? Tired of being the only short one?”
“You can say that.”
He bent down till he was on your level, a smug smile on his lips. You let out your form of a chuckle as you curved your fingers under his chin. The teenage turtle instantly felt weak in the knees and thought that his legs would give out from under him and became a stuttering mess as you both made eye-contact. 
“Um, haha, is it hot or did you know that, uhh,” he mumbled as you tilted his head to the side and placed a small kiss against his red stripe, instantly making his whole body, for once in his life, burning. 
Your lips were soft against his skin and he stood there as you leaned away and climbed back into your room. 
“Goodnight, Leo,”you mumbled, your hands shaking against the window. 
You closed the window and walked away while Leo stood there, his mind racing a hundred miles an hour. He got a kiss from you, from you. He never felt so much adrenaline rush through his body and all he wanted to do was go back in time so he could’ve moved his lips over. 
He took a step towards the window and then took that step back. What should he do? What could he do? Were you both dating now? Or were you two at the very edge of the line of a relationship?
He wanted to call his brothers or April for advice, especially since she would slap some sense into him. His shakes were coming back.
He let out a grunt and rubbed his eyes as he tried to decide what to do. He looked back at the window and saw that you had turned on your lights. He walked up to the window and knocked.
You had just gotten out of the bathroom when you heard the light tap against your window and your heart started to race faster than it already was. You were already shaken up by having enough courage to kiss him but if that was him then what if he didn’t want the kiss?
The knock came again and you took a few deep breaths before you moved the curtain aside and there he was, his face all flustered up as he gave a small wave as she opened the window. 
“Yes?” You questioned as you leaned your hands over the window seal. You hoped that the silky night of the sky hid your flustered face.
“I honestly didn’t think this far ahead,” he spilled out as he let out a nervous laugh as he leaned against the window. 
You looked up at him and Leo blinked several times in wonderment at the startled expression that crossed your face. Leo took a deep breath and gave you his signature shit-eating grin.
“Knock knock.”
“Wow, you’re doing jokes in the same place now are ya?”
“Just do the joke.”
You giggled and fluttered your eyes mockingly at him.
“Can I who?”
“Who’s there?
“Can I?”
“Can I...Can I kiss you?”
Even though it was a terrible joke, you felt like you could throw up all of your guts for how fast your heart rate was. Kissing him on the cheek was a challenge but at least you didn’t have to worry about his lips against yours. Do turtles have lips? Or beaks?
The word yes slipped out before you had a second thought. 
Before you knew it, Leo’s hands were slipping into your own, the tip of your fingers shaking but Leo reinsured you with a stroke of his thumb  You looked up at him and was taken aback at how handsome he was, how his stripes glowed in the moonlight and his blue bandana flew behind him as he leaned down. 
Oh you were glad he didn’t have his lips puckered or drool hanging out of his mouth like in the cartoons. 
Swallowing any other signs of panic that were trying to build in your body as you leaned in. 
The city of New York continued on around you both as the kiss ended; it was soft and sweet, not a full one, but it left both of you speechless. You felt as if your stomach was falling apart and Leo thought he could slip off the stairway. He was still holding your hands before you both departed, but with your free hands, you grabbed his face and brought him in once again. The red slider turtle’s eyes went wide as moons as this kiss much more, more than he could ever dream of. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist and slightly lifted you up, burying his face into yours under the moonlight. He tangled himself around you as your hands wrapped around his neck and Leo felt his stomach flip at the actions. Your shirt was warm against his chest and he tried to focus in on that instead of the worry of messing this up. He leaned more down as his hand slipped into the back of your neck. Due to the lack of experience, the kiss was sloppy and messy and anxiety swam between the connection between the two of you. 
But it was a tender memory of a kiss between the two of you, to remember as your first. 
You both finally separated, your chest heaving as you tried to get your feelings under control. His arms were still wrapped around you and your hands had slipped down onto his plaston, the hard material rising and falling under your fingers. Leo felt himself lean back, the shock setting in that he just had his first kiss and it was that deep and romantic and that….
The teen turtle felt his shell bump against the railing and you quickly latched onto him to stop him from falling, a horse laugh coming out of your mouth. 
“Guess you can say that you’re falling for me?” You asked, Leo knew now that he had to have a fever for how hot his face felt. He let out a few breathless laughs as he tried to calm himself down, longing and fear still lingering in his heart. 
All he could do was pull you into a hug and whisper out, “I just want to stay here and kiss and hold you and Y/N I can't feel my heart.”
He buried himself into your neck as he once again slightly picked you up, hoping that your warm body would calm him down, but the organ in his chest raced on as you hugged him back, your arms barely going around his shell. 
“Leo, will you be my boyfriend?”
My boyfriend. My boyfriend. My boyfriend. My boyfriend.
The words rang in his head like chimes as he slightly pulled away to look at her, the harsh blush on her face giving him an ego boost as he grinned at her. 
“Being called a boyfriend, eh? Neon Leon already has so many cool names, but boyfriend is probably the best name to be called, especially if it’s only you saying it.”
“Probably? I guess I should just give the boyfriend title to someone else, then.”
“What?! No, no, no. I already called it, I’m your boyfriend capiche? Now come here.” He pulled you into a tight hug and gave you a little spin, a laugh escaping your throat as you held on.
“Leo! We can fall, and my back cannot handle cement like yours!” 
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jlalafics · 3 years
"Photograph"-a Royal!Everlark story
This was inspired by this prompt from @writing-prompt-s:
When you were seven, you held a fake wedding by the swings with a kid you met at the park. You never saw your childhood “spouse” again after that day. Today you received a letter summoning you to a foreign country… where your wedding to the heir to the throne twenty years ago is seen as valid.
This is totally unedited. Thank you to @sparklingdust4612 for bringing this prompt to my attention. Looking forward to everyone else's interpretations along with this one and the story by @jhsgf82!
I actually have more of this but I thought I'd show y'all a little bit of my interpretation of the above prompt.
We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And time's forever frozen, still…
-Ed Sheeran
Katniss Everdeen loved building castles.
In the massive sandbox, she packed another bunch of sand into her bucket before placing it upside down to set. While waiting, Katniss imagined how she would decorate the inside of her palace, a delighted smile growing on her face as she thought of the possibilities.
First, the walls would all be yellow. Not the ugly yellow that looked like snot—but yellow like Prim’s, her baby sister, golden locks.
Yellow meant hope: that’s what Daddy always said.
Knocking on the sides of the bucket to loosen the sand like Mommy showed her, Katniss slowly lifted it revealing a perfect tower for her castle.
“Yes!” she hollered, jumping up in excitement.
Her eyes went to Mommy who was sitting on the bench across the way. She was talking to a pretty, yellow-haired woman with a big tummy. Prim was asleep in her stroller, her binky hanging from her mouth.
“Mommy!” Katniss rushed over, stopping just a scant from toppling over on the concrete. “Look! I’ve made the perfect tower!”
Her mother smiled proudly.
“That’s wonderful, Katniss.” She turned to the woman next to her. “My Katniss is always building and dreaming on how to make her perfect home. Her teachers tell me that she has such a creative mind for a seven-year-old.”
“How absolutely charming,” the woman responded kindly, a smile on her pink lips.
Katniss tilted her head at the sound of her voice. There was something different about the way the lady talked—the dips of it sounded strange—but still nice.
“Why do you sound like that?” she asked bluntly.
Her Mommy frowned. “Katniss Everdeen! Please apologize!” She looked to the woman once more. “I’m so sorry—”
“That’s perfectly alright,” the lady assured her. The pretty woman turned to Katniss. “I have a little bit of an accent because of where I’m from, that’s why my voice sounds different.”
Katniss nodded. “Okay, but it does sound nice…like a song!” She smiled. “What’s your name?”
The woman glowed like an angel. “My name is Marguerite.”
“Hello Miss Marguerite.” Katniss looked to where her sandcastle waited. “I better go before someone takes my stuff! Bye!”
Throwing a wave at the woman, she plopped back down onto her space in the sandbox ready to add some detailing to her newest tower—
The foot crushing her tower landed straight in the middle of it creating a space between each side.
Katniss fumed and her eyes went up to the blond-haired boy with the snooty face.
She stood, her hand slamming into his chest. “Hey! You destroyed my castle!”
The boy stared at her in shock. “No one ever touches me!”
“Until now—”
Katniss was suddenly blocked by another boy, tall and dark-skinned.
“No one touches his royal highness,” he declared, and the blond boy stuck his tongue at her.
Another boy, this one dark-haired and sharp-eyed, approached.
“Prince Peeta has decided that you will be his bride,” he stated with a scowl.
Katniss made a face, crossing her arms to show them how disgusting that sounded. “Gross.”
The so-called Prince Peeta walked over to her.
“As my bride, you can make as many sandcastles as you want,” he explained. “I’ll build a bigger sandbox than this for you!”
Something inside zinged at the thought. “Really?”
The boy shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”
Katniss eyed him suspiciously. “Why would you want to marry me anyway?”
Peeta shifted in his stance, the confidence in his blue eyes suddenly wavering. “I like your eyes.”
“My eyes?”
A rise of pink colored his cheeks. “They’re soft…and pretty.”
That had been it for her.
On that warm afternoon, by the swings of District 12’s only playground, Katniss Everdeen married the so-called Prince Peeta.
“You may now kiss the bride,” Gale, the dark-haired boy, said. He looked at Peeta, a teasing smile on his face. “Go on—kiss her!”
“Close your eyes,” Peeta told her.
Katniss, wearing her paper towel veil courtesy of the park’s public bathroom, did what he said and closed her eyes.
She barely registered being shoved down into the muddy puddle.
Katniss looked up at the sneering boy, feeling the rise of anger in her body.
“That’s what you get for pushing me.”
Twenty years later…
“Katniss.” She looked up from laptop to find Prim at her open doorway. Her sister held out a Fed-Ex envelope. “This just came for you.”
Without even glancing at it, Katniss tossed the envelope on her bed, going back to the open page on her screen.
“Don’t you want to open it?” Prim stepped into the room and plopped onto the bed, picking the post up to examine it. “It looks important.”
“Probably one of those things saying that I’m eligible for another credit card.” Katniss frowned, sitting back, and staring at the blinking cursor. “I’m so stuck on this blog post!”
“Is this the one about kitchen flowers?” her sister asked, and she nodded. “You got some great pictures from Madge’s shop.”
“I know but my writing inspiration is zilch,” Katniss explained. “I need to get this done if I want to post by Mother’s Day.”
“Speaking of Mother’s Day, mom is wondering if you’re bringing anyone to Sunday dinner,” Prim informed her.
“I love our mother but lately every conversation we’ve had is either about my lack of a dating life or my withering eggs,” Katniss said. “Right now, I need to focus on getting more attention on the blog. It’s just gaining momentum!” She rested back and turned to her sister. “This is important to me.”
“I know,” Prim replied. “And you are good at it. I mean, look at what you’ve done to our apartment! To this room!”
Her sister’s bright blue eyes looked around the buttercream room, beautifully decorated with white-washed furniture. The console that her television sat atop was bought at a nearby thrift shop and refurbished by her. Katniss had sanded it down before putting a whitewash over it and adding lacquer to give it a more modern look.
In fact, most of the furniture in her and Prim’s apartment was completely refurbished by her. She had always had an eye for decorating and instead of going to a four-year college, Katniss had opted to go to design school.
Creating something new from what people considered junk gave her a special kind of thrill—almost akin to being in love.
At least that’s what she thought it might feel like.
Katniss whipped over to her sister—who was holding an unfolded paper in her hands.
She stood from her seat and went to Prim. “What?”
Wordlessly, Prim handed the piece to her—it was a letter.
The letter was on marbled paper, an elegant insignia atop it, and she could see that the elegant calligraphy was done by hand:
Dear Miss Everdeen,
You are hereby summoned to the kingdom of Panem to present yourself to His Royal Highness, King Peeta.
Photo documentation has validified that you are the Queen Consort to His Royal Highness.
Attached is my business card, please contact me to arrange your travel to Panem.
The Rt. Hon. Effie Trinket
Private Secretary to His Royal Highness
“This is a joke!” Katniss tossed the letter onto her desk and laughed. “Photo documentation? There is no such thing—”
The laugh fell from her lips as Prim turned the FedEx envelope upside down and a single photo fell onto her bedspread.
“There’s a business card in here, too,” Prim told her carefully.
Walking over, Katniss could see that the photo was facedown.
Trembling, she picked the print up and read the elegant cursive atop it:
‘Peeta and his new bride, Katniss Everdeen!’
Next to the caption was a happy face; it was obvious that this statement was made in jest.
Turning the photograph, a wave of nausea hit seeing the image of her seven-year-old self, a paper towel veil atop her head, joining hands with a blond boy—
Prince Peeta.
Or to be more precise, His Royal Highness King Peeta of Panem.
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auntieclimactic · 2 years
Tagged In the Out of Touch Thursday Tag-Game!
I’ve been tagged! Never could resist a tagging. I’m a filthy tag queen. According to @leupagus, who is my glorious tagger, I’m supposed to share a little something something of the fic I’m working on. In that case, here’s a little snippet from my current fic: Call off Your Ghost. I’m about a third of the way through, and it’s already 12K, which is so out of touch with my actual real life priorities at the moment that it’s not even funny. Enjoy my suffering:
“What can I get you, love?”
“Just the—” Izzy broke off midsentence as he looked up at the server. “Are you fucking joking!”
Stede Bonnet stood in front of him wearing an outlandish wig, fake glasses, and a serving apron over one of his stupid frilly outfits. The very sight of him made Izzy’s molars grind together and his blood pressure spike.
“My good sir,” Bonnet said in a baffling accent that wavered between German and English, “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean. I’m Herr Schmidt, here to deliver drinks and spätzle to tourists and locals alike.”
Izzy stood, as slow and menacing as he knew how, and drew his blade. “I’m going to carve you open,” Izzy promised happily. “Inch by fucking inch.”
He advanced, and Bonnet leaped back yelping, “Plan B! Plan B is in motion!”
Immediately all the sleeping drunks shot to their feet, pulling knives, swords, and guns. Izzy glanced around at the haphazard collection of weapons, analyzing the slipshod stances, sloppy grips, and nervous expressions of Bonnet’s crew, and bared his teeth in a savage smile.
“I’d start working on Plan C, you stupid—”
A hand wrapped around Izzy’s ankle, pulling his legs out from underneath him. Izzy landed hard on his stomach. The air was knocked from his lungs, leaving him momentarily stunned. Lucius, the boy Edward had supposedly killed, was under his table. He smirked at Izzy and waggled his fingers in a haughty hello.
“You little bitch!” Izzy yelled and started pushing himself up, but Bonnet’s crew was on him. They pinned his arms behind his back, and Izzy felt rope dig into his wrists. Izzy thrashed, kicked, and growled threats to no avail. In no time at all he was bound, from foot to chest, to one of Jackie’s sturdy oak chairs.
Izzy squirmed, both in humiliation and in an attempt to wriggle the ropes loose.
“What do you want, Bonnet?” he growled finally, going limp in defeat.
Bonnet pulled up a chair across from him and sat primely, crossing his legs at the ankles and folding his hands in his lap. “This, my dear Mr. Hands, is a hostage exchange.” His face broke out in a broad grin. “Exciting, isn’t it?”
Izzy tipped his head back to stare up at the dingy ceiling, and sighed heavily.
TBC as I slowly slog my way through this epic narrative. In the meantime, I’m tagging @kiraziwrites, @laiqualaurelote, @trinityofone, @nandalorian, and anyone else who wants to play!
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harrysweasleys · 3 years
a little more touch my body // b.b
summary: babie!!! hi!! may i please request a fic based on into you by ariana grande pls? i'll leave the rest up to you, please surprise me (you can also choose if you want to write it for sam, steve, or bucky) thank you so much !!! <3
warnings: lil bit of sexy times, fatws spoilers if you haven’t watched, mentions of alcohol (beer), language 
word count: 2.7k
a/n: i chose to write this for bucky!! hope you all enjoy!
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“Well, don’t you two look like a sight for sore eyes?” 
You huffed out a laugh at your own comment as you stepped down onto the boat, making sure to grip the ledge behind you to avoid losing your balance as the structure bobbed against the tides. 
Sam and Bucky sat looking exhausted, each with a beer in their hand, faces slick with sweat and grease. You could nearly smell them from here. 
“Where were you all afternoon? Said you’d help,” Bucky raised an eyebrow as he looked you up and down, beer bottle against his lips as he took another sip. As if he knew what he was doing, he leaned his arm back behind him, muscles and tanned skin glistening under the late afternoon sunlight. You peeled your eyes away from the sight just in time to catch the end of his question.
You placed your hands on your hips, giving him a grin, “Sorry to ditch, I was in town with Sarah picking up some stuff. But clearly, I’m devastated that I couldn’t be here to get all gross with you guys.”
Part of you was rather bummed you missed the action. You’d have loved nothing more than to be working alongside Bucky, both of you working up a sweat and sneaking in little touches here and there while Sam looked the opposite way. Little touches that would never really amount to more, but were fun in the moment. 
You couldn’t count how many weeks — no, scratch that — months, that you and Bucky had been building up this tension. The winks across the room, the lingering touches when you walked by one another, the inappropriate innuendos and jokes when no one was around. Except that one time that you thought no one was around and ended up subjecting poor Sam to your crude jokes over your earpiece. 
It was torture, but the best kind. Bucky knew exactly how to wind you up, and vice versa. Did you ever think this would amount to more? Probably not. You had overheard countless conversations between Buck and Steve about how he wasn’t ready to take a step towards intimacy just yet. Not so soon after regaining his mind and coming back from five years out of extinction, to be more specific. 
You couldn’t blame him, though. And you weren’t going to push for more. Not if it made him uncomfortable. No, for now, you were having a blast bubbling up the sexual tension. 
“I see that,” Sam motioned his bottle in your direction, “This is an act of betrayal, I hope you know.” 
You rolled your eyes, sitting down between the two. The wooden surface was boiling under your legs, so you lifted your knees to keep your skin from burning. 
“Oh, drama queen,” you grumbled, reaching your hand towards the cooler. You hadn’t done much physical work today, but the weather was still impossibly hot and a nice cool drink would help for sure. 
As soon as you lifted the cooler lid, it came slamming down. 
“Buck, what the hell—,” you turned your gaze to the super soldier, a small smirk on his lips. 
“Cool drinks are for the workers, sorry,” he was clearly fighting a shit-eating grin, much to your annoyance. His hand was gripped tightly around the cooler lid, thumb brushing against your own skin. 
“You two are going to drink all six?” you scoffed, tilting your head to the side as if challenging him. 
He raised his eyebrows and nodded his head, pulling his hand away from yours and taking another sip of his beer as if emphasizing his point before speaking, “I think you forget how high my tolerance is.” 
“Ah, of course,” you nodded slowly, “How could I forget? Silly me.”
Bucky shot you a wink, leaning back against the edge of the boat. The angle of the sun was hitting him perfectly and you wondered if the heavens above were testing you. The dark blue of his shirt accented his eyes, shining brightly as they looked you over. His dark hair had a few natural highlights — probably thanks to spending nearly a week here under the Louisiana sunshine. 
He was so distracting you nearly forgot Sam was behind you until Sarah called his name. 
“Sam, can you help me out for a second?” her voice was distant over the sound of the water hitting the boat and your own heart beating a million miles an hour. 
He stood up with a grunt, following after her. And leaving you and Bucky alone. 
“Just a sip?” you asked, eyes darting back to the cooler before meeting his again, “I’ll take one little sip and then you can have the rest of the bottle.” A fake pout made its way to your lips and you had to fight a smirk at the way his eyes darted down to watch before snapping back up to yours. 
“Nope,” he popped the p, giving you another wink. As he brought the bottle back up to his lips, you scooted closer to him, reaching your hand out and taking it out of his grasp before it could reach his lips. 
Before he could finish his sentence, you brought the bottle to your lips, giving him a wink before taking a rather large sip. The taste wasn’t great — it was the cheap beer that you guys had picked up yesterday at the corner store — but you were just trying to rile him up. You hadn’t really wanted the drink that badly.
Bucky’s eyes were practically glued to you. You could swear he didn’t even blink as you maintained eye contact, handing him the bottle back with a small wink. 
His tongue slid out to wet his lips, suddenly fidgety under the sun. You internally pat yourself on the back, but you didn’t show it. Instead, you maintained a steady staring contest with Buck, not sure who was going to crack first. 
God, your heart was beating so fast. Your skin was so warm. You could feel the back of your neck begin to sweat and you could swear that your hands were just as clammy. How did you ever get anything done around this man before? 
“I feel like I’m interrupting,” Sam — curse him and his horrible timing — stepped back onto the boat, causing it to sway a bit under his steps. 
“What? — It’s — we’re fine,” Bucky stuttered with a hoarse voice, clearing his throat as if you hadn’t noticed. Once again, an internal pat on the back. 
“Yeah, okay,” Sam chuckled, “Whatever you guys say. Just keep it PG around my nephews.”
You should be embarrassed by Sam’s jabs, but you couldn’t really bring yourself to feel that way. Instead, you were only focused on how close Bucky was to you. You could smell him — he didn’t smell too great right now, to be honest — but that wasn’t the point. Publicly, you guys never really sat or stayed close to each other. It was more professional if you guys didn’t show whatever was happening between the two of you, really. 
But now, relaxed and away from danger, you were both letting your guard down. Sam was sitting across from you, poking fun, but neither of you scooted away from the other like you usually would. It was nice, you thought. This little sense of normalcy. Feeling like you were just two adults insanely attracted to each other instead of two busy Avengers on a break. 
You brought yourself back to the moment as you stood up, giving them both a little smile, “I’ll give you guys some guy time, I’ll go help Sarah with dinner.”
Sam gave you a little wave, Bucky keeping his mouth shut as you made your way off the boat, holding onto the little railing as you made your way back onto land. You pulled your shirt down, covering the little bit of your stomach that had been exposed while scooting closer to Bucky. 
Shaking your head and trying to un-rile yourself, you made your way over to the Wilson household, a small skip in your step as you did so. 
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The lasagna and garlic bread that you and Sarah collaborated on went down quick — unsurprisingly, since Sarah had more tips and tricks in the kitchen than you could possibly hope to count — and before you knew it, you were bidding everyone goodnight. 
Your pull out couch in the basement was calling your name and normally you couldn’t wait to get under the covers and snooze right off. Except tonight, as soon as you got under the covers, you felt wide awake. 
Bucky was in the other room, a small door separating the both of you. You didn’t usually talk after everyone had gone to bed, not wanting to wake anyone up or prevent either of you from getting the proper sleep, but tonight you couldn’t help it. You were practically itching to go over and see him, and you doubted you’d get any sleep if you didn’t. It was like a magnet was pulling the two of you together and the harder you pulled away, the stronger the tug was.
You slipped on a pair of socks after getting out of the bed, the fresh air of the basement hitting your body like a gentle embrace. It had been stupidly warm under the blankets just moments before, so the coolness was very much welcome against your skin.
Your footsteps were muffled by the carpeted floor as you made your way to the door separating you both, knuckles gently knocking against the wood before you could take a second to think about what you were doing. If Bucky was asleep, you’d just be waking him up, and that wouldn’t be very nice, would it? However, if he was awake, what would you even say? 
Bucky’s voice was soft on the other side of the door, and the creaking hinges broke the beautiful peace as you opened it up, eyes struggling to see in the dark. A small lamp was lit on Bucky’s bedside table, his own blankets tossed off the bed as he sat on the edge. He wore a pair of Sam’s pyjama pants — which you had teased him about a couple of times now — but he wasn’t wearing a shirt. That fact alone was enough to get you to stumble on your own two feet.
“Were you sleeping?” you asked, trying to keep your voice as quiet as possible. You remembered Sarah mentioning the basement ceiling wasn’t properly insulated and voices very easily carried throughout the house.
“No,” he replied, eyes meeting yours in the comfortable darkness of the room. You suddenly felt awfully nervous under his gaze, picking at your fingernails as you leaned against the doorframe.
“Okay, that’s good,” you nodded awkwardly, mind still completely blank on whatever it was that you wanted to say. Bucky didn’t seem to mind the awkward silence, though, his eyes scanning over your body slowly just to make sure you were alright.
“I don’t really know why I’m here,” you admitted, finally picking your gaze up off the floor to look at him. His lips curved up into a small smirk and he patted the spot next to him on the bed. Trudging over slowly, you could feel the temperature in the room rise up by what felt like a thousand degrees before you finally sat next to him. He smelled better this time — thanks to the shower that you were so tempted to hop in on — and you could feel the comfortable warmth of his skin next to you as the mattress dipped under your weight.
“That’s okay,” he replied after a good long moment, “You don’t have to have a reason.”
You sat facing him, close enough that you could see the steady rise and fall of his chest, his skin holding a warm glow in the cozy atmosphere of the room. He was so painfully beautiful that you didn’t think words could capture the image. 
Feeling awfully brave, you slid one of your hands over to his, your warm fingers sliding against the coolness of his vibranium ones. You knew he couldn’t feel your touch, but he shivered anyway, causing you to slide your hand a little closer to his actual skin. His hand reached quickly across and grabbed yours, intertwining your fingers together. Your head fell against his shoulder, resting your forehead against the spot where skin met metal. Without thinking, you lifted your head and pressed a kiss against the same spot, immediately regretting it when you felt his entire body tense up.
“Sorry — I don’t know what I was thinking,” you stuttered, pulling away. 
Before you could get too far, you felt both of Bucky’s hands slide around your waist, tugging you onto his lap in an effortless motion. Your thighs landed on either side of him — practically straddling him — and your chest was nearly flushed against his. His forehead fell against yours and you swore you could hear his thoughts. The internal battle he was having with himself on how far he was willing to take this.
You brought one of your hands up to his hair, raking your fingernails against the sensitive skin at the base of his neck and watched his shoulders sag as he let out a sigh. How you two could go from being ready to rip each other’s clothes off on the boat to this, being intimate and close without having done anything yet, you’d never understand.
His hands slid under your pyjama top, gripping your waist in a way to let you know he wasn’t planning on letting go. And you were more than okay with that.
“Buck,” you whispered, the words hanging in the air before he pulled his forehead away from yours and met your lips with his. His kiss was hot — heavy, and you could feel just how much he had been holding back. He gripped you tight, making sure you felt exactly how badly he wanted this. And you felt the same, hands on either side of his face as you pressed your lips and body against his. 
You guys went from having an intimate, gentle touching moment, to having a battle of teeth and tongues within thirty seconds. He let out a low groan as you tried to get closer to him, rocking your hips against his. You hadn’t totally done it on purpose, your goal mostly just to be as close to him as possible, but you weren’t regretting the action one bit. 
His hands slid further up your shirt until it was tugged off of your body, breaking the feverish kiss for one quick moment before reconnecting at full force. Your mind was blank, numb, but your belly was erupting with every butterfly in existence as he slid his hands around your exposed torso. You didn’t even register the coolness of the metal — too focused on how hot you felt at the moment. He was grabbing at every bit of you that he possibly could, and you were doing the same to him.
For someone who probably didn’t do much self care, his skin was beautifully soft under your touch, hands sliding smoothly down his back and chest as you continued to kiss the life out of each other. It was intoxicating and you swore you’d be addicted to him after tonight.
He somehow managed to flip the both of you over so that he was hovering on top of you, using his forearms to hold himself up as his lips trailed sloppy kisses down your jawline, your neck, to your collarbones. Everything he did just felt so good, so right, that you could hardly remember where you even were at the moment.
Your eyes fluttered shut as he continued down on his path, leaving kisses in every possible spot that was available.
There was no way in hell you were returning to your own bed tonight.
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Sonic the Hedgehog Movie 2: POTENTIAL TEST SCREENING
 A couple weeks ago, a Reddit User under the name “Madethis4Sonicmovie2” created a post discussing their test screening experiences on the second Sonic the Hedgehog film. Throughout the discussion post, the Reddit user explains that they are not a Sonic fan. Most of what the user writes was how they’ve interpreted the scene and their understanding of the lore through some games that they’ve played. That, and they also try to compare some of the scenes to DBZ, a franchise that they’re much more familiar with. The user also make it a point to state that they view themselves as a “harsh critic,” though do apologize for it. They’re also not used to critiquing children’s media, which they also state a few times in their post. If they’re not clear on what they saw in their test screening, they ask for the reference meaning to the Sonic Community. The Reddit user also says that they did see the first film and greatly enjoyed the second one better.
Even though they believed for the film to be a generic kid’s film, they believe that this film will appeal to fans and non-fans more than the first one did. 
There wasn’t much of a summary to go other than reading about the emotions and some of the trivia that they’ve seen. Most of the film was still in its post-production stage. Some scenes were not complete while others needed tweaking on lighting and shading on the CGI characters. The overall impression that they’ve received from the film was that it was very enjoyable with much more world building. Because it’s done a good job with explaining certain scenarios to the audience, the Reddit user believes that it wouldn’t be hard for outsiders of the fandom to understand. The only thing that some audience members would struggle with in the film were the inside jokes that long-term fans would understand.
With this in mind, this is what the Reddit post detailed. Keep in mind that these are spoilers.
Key Notes:
The moral of the movie is “if you believe in yourself, then anything is possible!” On a side note, the Reddit user believes that this theme applied more to Tails rather than Sonic, stating that Tails has a moment where he gains enough courage to help Sonic fight.
Though the Reddit user does debate that Sonic has more confidence in himself than he did in the first film. He’s still the “Sonic” seen in the first film, him being a kid, but he’s learning to understand the role of being a superhero.
There is placeholder music and licensed music in the film as well. No mention so far of Crush 40 appearing in the film.
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The Reddit user explains that Jim Carrey nailed the role! They also explain that Dr. Robotnik is a complete maniac.
(This is an open definition to viewers. It could range from comical to something darker).
Dr. Robotnik invents a teleportation device.
Dr. Robotnik also dresses in black clothing like he did in the first film.
The Reddit user supports this remark by detailing a scene where Dr. Robotnik loses his cool a bit when returning to Earth and complains about how he was outsmarted by a “rejected Dr. Seuss character.”
Dr. Robotnik does create Badniks and references them as “Badniks.”
The Reddit user gave the example of the motorbug looking like a motorcycle with a ladybug exterior. Buzzbombers look more like wasps.
There is a “robot version of Eggman.” 
Metal Sonic does not make an appearance. The Reddit user does believe that G.U.N. may have hinted that they’re building Metal Sonic.
It’s also important to note that there were no mentions of Silver and AmyRose in their screening.
There are heavy nods to Sonic Lore, specifically with the echidna tribes. Most of the lore is explained in either flashbacks and/or with echidna lore.
Most of the time is spent on Earth, but we do see other planets. Sonic and Tails do travel all around the world.
The Reddit user also says that we see more of Sonic’s world when Dr. Robotnik tries to teleport back to Earth.
There are heavy nods to both inside and outside references of the Sonic Franchise. Due to their experiences with the franchise, they inform other Reddit users that they couldn’t share and explains all of the references.
However, they were very happy with Sonic fans when hearing their feedback and learning what some references are.
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At this time, the voice actor/actress for Tails is still undetermined. The Reddit user said “it was like Tom Holland, but with a higher-pitched voice.”
Sonic makes a remark saying, “You’re too slow!”
Sonic makes a remark saying, “I’m not a rat! I’m a hedgehog!”
Knuckles makes a remark saying, “Knock, knock scrambled egg.”
(The Reddit user explains that this scene in the movie was also very enjoyable).
Sonic and Tails bond over how they know Longclaw in the film. The Reddit user explains that this is their favorite scene in the movie.
Knuckles has an American-like accent, not a British one.
Sonic encounters Tails on a run, but “freaks out” when he sees another alien creature like him. Sonic also freaks out when he sees that Tails can almost match his speed while running.
There is a funny scene of Sonic enjoying his alone time at home, even showing a montage of all the things that he shouldn’t do when Tom and Maddie are at home.
(Think of the montage scene from Home Alone (1990′s).
The Reddit user explains that Knuckles was exiled from the clan for freeing Longclaw as a prank with friends.
There is an artist in the movie that tries to draw Sonic. To Sonic’s discovery, he sees that the artist drew his 2019 design and plays “Gangster’s Paradise” on the radio.
The Reddit user states that they believe that this is the crew’s nod to the original design.
The Reddit user says that there were scenes in the movie that they felt like were more of a placeholder in the film. The reference to Gremlin Sonic being one of these scenes.
Tom and Maddie do go to Rachel and Randall’s wedding.
There are several action scenes, but the Reddit user explains that the most enjoyable ones are when Sonic and Tails fight Knuckles a couple of times.
And with the action scenes, there are many Quicksilver references that Sonic does as well.
On top of that, the Reddit user explains that each character has their own unique abilities. (For example, Sonic is associated with having powers cater to the element of lightning).
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Longclaw is alive in the film, but she’s aged and weak.
Longclaw sends Tails to Earth to retrieve Sonic due to her wanting him to safe.
Sonic stays at home on planet Earth, but is supplied with many rings to travel back and forth to visit Knuckles Tails, and Longclaw.
Sonic being a living chaos emerald could be true, but the Reddit user explains that an emerald was sealed inside of Sonic after being born.
Chaos emeralds are not referenced as “Chaos Emeralds” in the film, they were referenced as just “emeralds.”
However, the Reddit user does recap that there might be a name and they didn’t catch it.
Super Sonic is not referenced as “Super Sonic” in the film, but as something else.
Super Sonic can fly in the film and doesn’t need all seven Chaos Emeralds to go “super.”
Sonic references Tails as “Miles” a few times that they meet, but later gives him the nickname “Tails.”
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There is a post-credit scene. The Reddit user believes that it’s a heavy nod to Shadow the Hedgehog due to the there being multiple clones modeled like Sonic that G.U.N. has made.
Due to this post-credit scene, the Reddit user holds hopes that there will be a third movie soon.
As of now, the Reddit post is still available for you to read. The Reddit user is mindful of the NDA and purposely phrased some of their spoilers to be vague, but knows that their thread may be removed soon. I know that these may sound fake, however, there have been individuals in the past who have viewed the first film and proved to be right. Like many of you, I hope that this is a real but I will remain cautious. If these facts resurface as being false, let’s not attack the individual. The only that should matter is that we’re excited for the second film. Be mindful that they’re a human being as well. Treat others the way that you would like to be treated.
What are all of your thoughts so far of the film? Share your thoughts and opinions! And if you’ve spotted something that I’ve missed, please share with me! I’m very excited to know!
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finnyboywolfhard · 3 years
Richie Tozier x Reader
summary: Y/N likes Richie so much its gross. 
Inspiration: Gross by Olivia Rodrigo 
warnings: literally just pure fluff, cursing we know who this is about 
word count: 2.1k 
The bass was heavy and loud, the people were insufferably packed together. Y/N was a really good friend, or so she kept telling herself, for coming to this party just to appease Bev. Ever since they met at a bookstore, they had gotten really close-despite living in two different towns. Y/N maneuvered her way through the swarm of people. She turned the corner into the living room and spotted her red headed friend in the corner alongside the group, she had heard called themselves ‘The Losers Club’. Her elbows starting jamming into people as she finally crossed the threshold of people and practically fell into the arms of one, Richie Tozier.
“Well, well, well. It appears that you’ve fallen for me.” Y/N let out a chuckle at the response. His brown eyes, goofy little grin and messy, curly hair did manage to melt her heart just a little bit in that moment.
“So, Y/N, you’ve met Richie.” Bev said as she pulled her from Richie’s arms and into a hug. The two stand swaying for a second before Y/N releases herself from the hug. She couldn’t help but notice the six set of eyes staring at her.
“Jesus guys, would it kill you to interact with her instead of stare.” Bev pulled Y/N’s back to her chest and looked toward the group. “You guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Ben, Bill, Mike, Stan, Eddie and Richie.” She pointed at each one as they were introduced.
“Ni-Ni-Nice to me-meet you, Y/N.” Bill said waving to her. Y/N and the group got acquainted a little before they all started breaking off in sections, leaving Richie and Y/N alone.
“Hey.” Y/N said breaking the awkward ‘silence’. “I don’t know this house at all, could you guide me to the kitchen for something to drink?”
“Of course m’lady.” He said taking on one of his many accents. He lightly grabbed her hand and dragged her through some people and into the kitchen. The girl somehow found a water bottle amidst the copious amounts of alcohol.
“Come on, not even one drink?” Richie said leaning in to shout over the music, their faces coming extremely close.
“No sir, I have to drive home tonight. Who’s your lucky DD?”
“Stan the Man Uris.” Richie slurred together slightly. He wasn’t drunk, but he wasn’t quite sober either. Y/N let out an ‘Ah’ in response. She noticed how many eyes were now spent looking at her and Richie.
“Hey Richie?”
“Yes my darling angel?” The nickname made her blush, but she had a bigger thing to focus on.
“Why is every girl in the room staring at you?”
“Oh…Uhh…well you see, I made a joke to some gullible ass freshman that I had a 12 inch wang and he’s started telling everyone. Now the class clown is somehow becoming the class arm candy. I just want it to stop.”
“What if we made them stare for another reason?”
“You got an idea?”
“Two, first off how do you feel about slapping?”
“Please don’t slap me.”
“Okay, what about pretending we’re gonna go hook up?”
“Now we don’t have to pretend if you don’t want to-“ She shoved his arm.
“Richie, do you want it to stop or not?”
“What should I do?”
“I’m gonna get really, really close.” She said as she pressed her body flush with his. Her face was centimeters away from his, she pulled his face down so that she could whisper into his ear. “Now wrap your arms around my waist and pull me closer. Start talking about something random and just ignore what I am doing.” She pulled back just slightly as to start making eye contact. Her stomach was a flutter with butterflies and the proximity. His arms wrapped around her and snuggly brought her closer to him. He began jabbering about something stupid Eddie had said earlier that day about your hand getting chopped off while it’s out the car window. To sell the point to ones close enough to see, which considering how dense the party was was a lot of people, she kept glancing between his eyes and his lips while he was talking. After a few minutes past, she pulled him down to whisper again.
“Is it working?” She watched as his eyes lightly glazed the room and shook his head no. She cursed to herself. Richie’s eyes lit up with an idea, and his arms squeezed her tighter into him.
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” Richie leaned down to whisper into her ear. He leans back and Y/N shakes her head yes. He gently grabs her chin and pulls her in for a passionate kiss. They stay kissing for a brief span before pulling apart. He leaned into her ear and said “If I get you to the front door, can we go out to your car?” All Y/N did in response was grab his hand. He lead her to the door, and she led him the rest of the way. Once they get to her car, she lets her head fall against the headrest on the seat.
“Oh my god it’s so much nicer out here.” She let out with a chuckle.
“You can say that again.” Richie said in the same manner. “Thank you for back there by the way, I just needed to get the fuck out of there.”
“Oh yeah, no worries. What should we do about Bev and the boys?”
“I figured that when they can’t find us, they’ll come looking. In the meantime, we could hangout…that is if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all.” Y/N said with a beaming smile. And from that day on, they hung out as much as they physically could. Their weird fake relationship blossomed into a wonderful friendship and then a very real relationship. For nearly 3 months, the pair had seen each other at least five times in a week. Whether that meant Richie driving the 45 minutes to her or vice versa. It was a lot, and it was expensive but they didn’t care. They were having fun and loving where they were.
Y/N was hanging a new photo of her and Richie on her wall by her bed, as Richie watched idly on her bed. His eyes wandered around the walls and furniture at all the different photos and keepsakes she had kept. While most of the photos were of either him, or the two together, he didn’t feel narcissistic in loving how her room looked. He loved it just because it was hers.
“So tell me my darling angel, how was school today?”
“No Y/N. We’re not doing this bullshit today. What happened?”
“Nothing, just this dumb bitch Penelope C.”
“God, I hate that Penelope C piece of shit.” He said, matching her same angered tone.
“Rich, you don’t even know her babe.”
“I trust your opinion of her, if you hate her, I fucking despise her.” Y/N grabbed her boyfriends face wasting no time in making out with him. She pulls back and just looks at him stunned.
“Why was that the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me?”
“What can I say? I know what drives the ladies crazy.”
“I’m sure of it.” She said sarcastically. Richie did his signature puppy dog eyes, and her icy heart was thawed. She gave him one more peck to the lips, and then began placing pecks scattered all over his face. He grabbed her by her hips and flipped her to be beneath him. He began tickling her relentlessly. Her laughter filled the room, yet also drained her. She pried him off of her. The two lay side by side, heads turned to make eye contact.
“You’re so fucking beautiful Y/N.” Richie said. Y/N moved her head closer and gave him one more soft kiss.
Music softly filled the car. Richies hand was placed gently in Y/N’s lap, his thumb absentmindedly grazes her leg. Her eyes were wandering, looking at each driveway, house, mailbox and road. One day, hopefully, her and Richie would be driving to their own house. They would pull into the driveway and go inside to see their pets or their kids. Her future with him seemed bright. A wide smile creeped across her face as did a light blush.
“What’s got you so smiley?” Richie said, glancing away from the road to look at her.
“Oh, it’s nothing.”
“You were thinking about me huh?”
“Yeah…” Y/N said embarrassed.
“Tell me all the dirty little details, my darling angel.” He said cockily, smirking towards the road.
“Ugh, Richie don’t be gross. I wasn’t thinking about that.”
“I’m sorry, but is it so hard to believe that my hot girlfriend is thinking about her incredibly sexy boyfriend?”
“Oh shut the hell up.” She said through her laughter. He started faintly laughing with her.
“What were you really thinking about?”
“Just about what it would be like to have a future together. And what it would be like to drive to a home of our own with things of our own.”
“You really want a future with me?”
“Of course I do.”
“I can’t wait for it then.” He said smiling, transferring his hand from her thigh to her hand. He gave her hand a light squeeze. They drove in comfortable silence for a moment, before Y/N had the idea to stir the pot.
“Oh and Richie?”
“Think of all the sex we could have in a house of our own.” She said with a smirk as they pulled into her driveway.
Bev wandered around Y/N’s room as she was chaotically putting away her laundry all over her room.
“Jesus, everywhere I turn, there’s Richie.” Bev said breaking the silence, making Y/N giggle to herself. “You really like that dumbass don’t you?”
“Yeah, I do.” Y/N stopped for a moment to think about Richie Tozier before continuing,“I can’t help but think and talk about him all the time. He makes me feel so safe and loved, and he always makes me laugh harder than anyone else. I want everything from him- the highs, the lows, and everything in between. I want to tell him everything about my day and i want to hear about the trivial shit he talks about like the traffic coming to see me or what bill did at lunch that day. I like him so so much. I lo-love him.”
“Yeah, it’s kinda gross.” Bev joked with Y/N. “I’m happy for ya Y/N/N, as annoying as he is, he is a really good guy.”
“God, he is so annoying… but it’s kinda why I love him.” The girls continued their night as planned, but the thoughts of how Y/N felt about Richie never left.
As soon as Bev left her house early the next morning, she hopped in her car and went over to Richie’s house. Bev always had to leave super early because of her dad, so Y/N knew she couldn’t just knock on the Tozier’s door. She climbed her way up a tree and across some of Richie’s roof in order to knock on his window. A shirtless and boxer clad Richie came the window groggily.
“What are you doing here darling angel? It’s fucking 7 am.” He said, rubbing his eyes and through a yawn.
“I just really gotta talk to you.” His eyes widened at that sentence. He ushered her in and onto his bed. She sat for a few seconds and then stood up to pace a small line.
“Y/N, is everything okay?” Richie said.
“I just…I like you so much it’s gross.” Y/N said looking right at him. “And you were right.” She said with a roll of the eyes and a light stamp of her foot.
“What? What do you mean ‘I’m right’?”
“That very first night we met, hell the very first moments we met. You were right, I did fall for you.”
“Y/N…” Richie said quietly, coming up to bring his body flush to hers, just the moment at the party.
“I love you Richie.”
“I love you so fucking much Y/N.” He said, pulling her into a long, passionate kiss. Y/N sure was glad he was the one she gave her heart to.
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