#//so if he likes his ear drums intact? he's stuck lol
mcuntainbcrn · 4 years
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@lorddiiavolo​ said: ☾ - to stroke my muses hair while they fall asleep / what if,, he invited her out of the garden and into his castle,,, and is just looking after her :eyes:
Her nerves had been obvious when led from the gardens - not that she hadn’t anticipated being ejected eventually...but this apparently wasn’t the case; a bath and a fresh set of pajamas later, she was feeling more bewildered than anything, especially when presented with a room...and a bed; the usual reaction from anyone else would have no doubt been instantaneous gratitude...she instead felt fear pool in her stomach.
She didn’t want to sleep...she didn’t want those who dwelled within those castle walls to be privy to her bloodcurdling screams; the entire situation as it unfolded had left her thrown almost entirely off balance, her posture tight and rigid and the first of many fissures appearing the stoic expression she wore so well as she shifted her halved gaze towards the demon who would be king making no move to settle beneath the blankets, instead, standing at it’s edge like a statue before quite literally being ushered under the plush covers by surprisingly gentle hands.
Silence reigned as the soft bedspread was tucked beneath her chin, wincing at the contact that same hand made with the top of her head, feeling a strange sense of calm beginning to spiderweb through her body, the tension her body gripped so tightly beginning to ebb and uncoil, which inspired a fresh wave of terror - she didn’t want to sleep; she didn’t want to remember again...didn’t want to see it again - why couldn’t she recall their faces when they weren’t contorted in anguish? ...sounds of their voices when not raw with fear?
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As sleep finally began to ensnare her in it’s grip, once again she managed to catch Diavolo’s eyes and hold them, tears gathering on her eye lashes as she struggled to keep them open, “...please don’t leave...don’t want...don’t want to dream.” the words were spoken thickly as exhaustion finally won, lids sliding heavily closed and her entire body relaxing from the crown of her head where that large hand continued to pass through soft blonde locks, to the tips of her toes as she lost her fight with consciousness and drifted off into a rather troubled sleep.
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tae-cup · 4 years
Fragments of Metal and Sky | KTH
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Summary: You don’t remember much, but you remember them...
Genre: Choose your own adventure, amnesia au, fluff
Warnings: N/A
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1.2k Words (sorry taehyung fans :(, but it’s still cute!)
A/N: Haha i wrote most of this very very late at night... I tried to paint a picture but we’ll see if it actually worked lol
Header by the talented and amazing @dnrequests​
Timeline Place: 3
Series Masterlist
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        He was insane. Gorgeous, kind hearted, playful, but insane. You felt boundless and free, as if you could conquer the world. He pulled you towards the entrance of the fair, the sun beating down as you awaited your turn. 
“Taehyung, stop, you’re making us look suspicious.” You whispered furiously under your breath as the security guards glanced the two of you over. 
“Maybe they’ll just think I’m madly in love with you.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Which I am.” 
      The man leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. You chuckled against his lips. 
“Oh stop it.” You playfully shoved him away and he caught your hand. 
      Taehyung intertwined your fingers with his and swung his arm back and forth as you walked. 
“Where are we off to first, m’lady?” 
“Wherever you want, good sir. After all, wasn’t it you who dragged me here?” You quirked an eyebrow, but he ignored it.
       The taller man instead weaved through the crowd, making sure to keep a firm hold on your hand. 
“I’m sure you don’t want to ride the Brain Shaker or Horror Mansion ride.” 
     Your face dropped instantly, deadpanning. You watched the corner of his lips twitch upwards. 
“How about food, first?” You declared, marching forward and dragging him along.
       He grumbled something under his breath, but followed along nonetheless. You stopped in front of a food stand with glowing lights and bright flashing signs. 
“Deep fried, chocolate bacon?” Taehyung crinkled his nose. You chuckled a little and looped your arm with his. 
“For all your craziness, it’s a little weird how much of a picky eater you are.” You mused while he just pouted in response. 
“Come on, just try it.” You nudged him. 
      The man took a deep breath, summoned his pride, and nodded. His eyes looked at the offending piece of chocolate. 
“At the count of three.” You said. “One, two,” He brought the stick closer and you raised yours as well. “Three!” 
        You both took a bite. He instantly started gagging and you frowned. It tasted like bacon, yes, but the chocolate was far too overwhelming and didn’t compliment the flavors whatsoever. Also, it was ice cold.
      You stuck your tongue out before haphazardly spitting onto the ground. He chuckled. You usually weren’t this crass, but Taehyung did something to you. He gave you a rush that no other man you had been with could give you. 
      It was freeing. You felt like you could conquer the world with him. His carefree spirit was contagious and you found yourself falling deeper every day. But this kind of love didn’t last, you weren’t stupid. There was only so long you could ride the highs of being his, before you both craved a more stable fix. So why not grab the moment while it lasted? 
      You tugged on his hand. 
“Let’s go ride something.” You shouted over the crowd of people. 
      Overhead, the swooping of rides sent people screaming for joy and terror. The crazy mouse ride had an atrociously long line, but Taehyung insisted that if that was the ride you were most comfortable with, then he could wait. The thoughtfulness melted your heart. 
      Taehyung had suggested the ferris wheel as well, but you had eyed the looming structure and declined, not for fear. In all honesty, you had been wanting to save it for the nighttime where you could see the city. He didn’t seem to mind either way. 
      To compromise, you agreed to go on the swings. You waited anxiously, shifting from foot to foot as you watched the last batch slowly descend from the sky. Everyone’s hair was windswept and their cheeks were rosy. They were all, most importantly, fully intact as well. You eyed the swings, glancing at the sad metal bar that was expected to keep you from falling out. You gripped his hand. 
“Hey, it’ll be okay, I’ll be right here.” He whispered. You nodded fervently and he led you to the bright red seats. 
“Just pretend we’re flying, Y/N.” Taehyung said as you began to lift off the ground and rotate, Your hands gripped the metal, your knuckles turning white. 
       Once you were at full speed, you tried not to look down and instead busied yourself with the panoramic view. Ocean lined one edge and rolling hills lined the other. The setting sun casted a glow across the hills and glistened a golden color against the restless ocean. 
“Woohoo!” He let out a shout of joy.
        You peered over at him and his goofy smile, his hands outstretched to either side. And you spun, and spun, and spun. You spun around the axis, but your world was spinning around him. He was quite literally lighting up your life, the warm hues of the sunset reflecting off his tanned skin. 
         You glanced at the world so far below and then to the sky so high above. You slowly loosened your hands and took in a deep breath, the speed of the wind taking away your breath for a moment. Your legs dangled helplessly and fear threatened to overtake you. But then you looked at him and it all melted away. Fear? It was like you’d never heard of it. 
      In a deciding move, you flung your hands out to the side, just like him, and you understood what he meant in that moment. The feeling of flying. You let out a shriek of excitement, and then screamed into the wind, letting the air take your voice away and carry it across the world. You could feel him staring proudly at you so you turned to meet his gaze. 
        He flashed his signature boxy grin and took your hand in his, holding it up between you two. Then he pumped his fist in the air and you both screamed, feeling the cool breeze running through your hair, the warmth of his hand in yours, and the distant screams of your voices combined. 
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       The ferris wheel went up, up, up. You held tightly onto the metal bar while your boyfriend drooped over it, fingertips brushing his toes. You didn’t understand how he could be so nonchalant. The crisp night air was far more frigid as you went higher.
       The glow of the fairgrounds below tilted away, the noise becoming muffled. Soon, you could only hear the creaking of the metal and the sounds of the soft giggles of the couple above you. 
      You took a deep breath, loosening your grip on the railing. You tugged on his arm and he sat up, careful not to tip the seat. 
“You were right, love,” He breathed in your ear. He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “It’s perfect.” 
       You crested the top of the ride, praying for it to stop. The ride creaked and groaned, pulling you over the hump and just a little under it before it stopped. You frowned, sighing and crossing your arms. You wanted to make the date perfect. The giggles of the couple above didn’t soothe your disappointment.
“Hey, it’s okay, the imperfections make it perfect.” He rubbed your back.
       You nodded, leaning into his chest and watching as the lights of the houses on the hills slowly flickered off. The beating of his heart drowned out the noise below and you let yourself fall into it. 
      It was a crazy love, one that would, no doubt, lose steam at some point, but you could enjoy this moment. The imperfections, the beauty, the quiet drumming of his heartbeat. You could take that in and hold it close. And so you did.
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Want to try another path? 
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