obey-my-headcanons · 2 years
RAD always existed, probably named after the current leader of the Devildom at the time. But the current system was a revamp made by Diavolo.
Like, they always had a place to study and exercise magic. Nothing takes out of my mind that Diavolo saw a human world school and decided demons should have something similar.
Why? "Because it looks fun!"
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
real question: who does ik take to the pride parade
okay so i'm going to exclude asmo from the possiblities, because he is inevitably going to be at pride anyway, so:
solomon so that he can experience that human connection and community
diavolo because he deserves to meet a group of bears who will give him stern but sage advice for ruling a kingdom
lucifer because i think getting drunk at pride would fix at least one of his myriad of issues
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ryminsteddiesashanne · 9 months
Rating Obey Me character's Devilgram usernames
Incredibly boring but informative 1/10
Kinda funny 6/10
It looks like the name of a kpop group 31/10
Stupid, I love it 5/10
I'm glad he's aware of how baby he is 7/10
Better than Lucifer's 3/10
As bad as Lucifer's, but i like belphie more 2/10
I hate it 0/10
The abbreviation of his name is cute 6/10
Pretty good for his dysfunctional relationship with technology 4/10
He's adorable (platonic) 7/10
Is it like Han Solo, or is he just weird? 6/10
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
OC Devilgram Reel: Tenebris (@.Tenebris)
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For the longest time, his short list of followers and commenters consisted of Diavolo and a handful of nobles he admired/respected
Most of his photos capture the books/art he likes, or his magical experiments
He doesn't like taking selfies, but he will post pictures other people (usually Diavolo or MC) take of him instead
He blocked Solomon's account
Diavolo leaves comments on all of his photos, even the ones where Tenebris teases him (usually involving some random plans or activity Diavolo has for them to try)
When your little brother says he found a game from the human world he wants to play. #MadeForAges3+ #BeholdTheFutureKing
Lucifer, ButlerBarb and LordDiavolo liked this post.
(They were playing Candyland)
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Return to: OC Masterlist | Obey Me Masterlist
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oh-boy-me · 2 years
Obey Me! Devilgram Posts and Comments: Doll Time/I Kid You Not
So apparently I actually had this one done and I just never posted it lol.  I made sure nothing looked horrendously wrong, but besides that I just left it my translation from back in... *checks doc history* November of 2021.  I can’t comment on this one really bc I don’t remember translating it lmao
日本語は私の第三言語ので、時々間違えます。日本語話者、間違いを見たら教えてください。 (Japanese is my third language, so I make mistakes sometimes.  Japanese speakers, if you see a mistake, please tell me!)
The full transcript is under the cut as always!
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Animal Tea Party (1)
Beelzeburger: I’m excited for the cupcakes
ButlerBarb: You were able to bake them to look delicious
Lucifer: I hope you’ll clean up properly after this
AsmoBaby: You have good taste!
#Cupcakes #TeaParty
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A Walk with Everyone!
LordDiavolo: Please take good care of Barbatos
Belphie: Mammon’s being a proper big brother
stn: Even Mammon is helpful once in a while
DDSimeon: Luke’s come to rely on you
#Walk #Childcare
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Let’s Play with Puppets
Mammoney: It doesn’t look like me at all!
LordDiavolo: If only there were a puppet of me too
L3V1: That reminds me, you gotta return that game
DDSimeon: Solomon is clever (2) even though he’s very young
#Puppets #Handicrafts
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Diavolo’s Self-Indulgent Day
ButlerBarb: Be careful and have a good day
stn: Please inconvenience Lucifer more
monSOLO: Little Diavolo is a freewheeler
Angeluke: I understand why you gave sweets
#Shopping #Balloon
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Got It! (3) Your Heart!
LordDiavolo: That game looks interesting!
stn: Isn’t my face weird?
L3V1: That was pretty good so (4)
Mammoney: Don’t go doing bothersome shit (5)
#StuffedToys #CraneGame
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Let’s Make Stuffed Toys!
AsmoBaby: That’s some surprising concentration!
ButlerBarb: Oh my, is this my influence?
Lucifer: I’m better at sewing (6)
Beelzeburger: I’ll always keep this stuffed toy with me
#StuffedToys #Handmade
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Together Forever
Angeluke: That’s a big stuffed toy
DDSimeon: Should we (7) make one for Luke next time?
Beelzeburger: I carried around the stuffed toy too much
monSOLO: Maybe I’ll try making one too next time
#StuffedToys #EmergencySurgery
1. All the card titles for the event cards are written entirely in kana!  I think this is to make it more childlike, since young children don’t know that much kanji. 2. This could also mean “skilled”. 3. So literally this is “get!” rather than “got it!”, but in Pokemon, Satoshi says this after he’s caught a pokemon, so I think the general implication is that you already got it lol 4. A lot of the time, Japanese will end colloquial sentences with things like けど (but) or し/から (so), and the rest of the sentence is implied.  We do the same in English!  Sometimes I cut it and sometimes I leave it in.  It’s really based on whether I think the character would say it, because it’s more acceptable (けど more so than し) in polite conversation in Japanese than it is in English. 5. In my absence I have gone feral.  Mammon is now allowed to curse whenever I see fit 6. I am not sure who is better at sewing (going with the localization for now, but if anyone has the card and has context let me know who it is!) but they’re better at sewing than they are at something else, not better than somebody else at sewing. 7. I’m using “we” because I don’t know who made the toy
Beelzeburger: カップケーキ楽しみだ ButlerBarb: 美味しそうに焼けましたね Lucifer: あとでちゃんと片付けるように AsmoBaby: いいセンスしてるね! #カップケーキ #ティーパーティー
LordDiavolo: バルバトスをよろしく頼むよ Belphie: マモンがちゃんとお兄ちゃんしてる stn: マモンもたまには役に立つな DDSimeon: ルークがお世話になったね #散歩 #育児
Mammoney: 全然似てねーし! LordDiavolo: 私のパペットもあればいいのに L3V1: そういやゲーム返してもらわないと DDSimeon: ソロモンは幼くても器用だね #パペット #工作
ButlerBarb: お気をつけていってらっしゃいませ stn: もっとルシファーを困らせてくれ monSOLO: 幼いディアボロは自由奔放だな Angeluke: お菓子をくれた理由がわかった #買い物 #風船
LordDiavolo: そのゲーム、面白そうだね! stn: 俺の顔、おかしくないか? L3V1: なかなか筋が良かったし Mammoney: めんどくせえことしてんなぁ #ぬいぐるみ #クレーンゲーム
AsmoBaby: そんな集中力あるの意外! ButlerBarb: おや、私の影響ですか Lucifer: 裁縫の方が才能あるんだな Beelzeburger: ぬいぐるみ、ずっと持っておく #ぬいぐるみ #手作り
Angeluke: 大きいぬいぐるみかぁ DDSimeon: 今度ルークに作ってあげようか? Beelzeburger: ぬいぐるみ、持ち歩きすぎた monSOLO: 俺も今度作ってみようかな #ぬいぐるみ #緊急手術
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Petition to hold a school wide murder mystery with an actual murder @/ RADOfficial @/ LordDiavolo @/RADstuco #Suggestions4RAD #RADimprovement
Anon, RAD's enrollment already sucks we dont need a repeat of the Demon Lord Massacre of '27
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ichigo-daifuku · 4 years
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil [3]
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Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me! Pairing: Diavolo/F!Reader Genre: Soulmate AU, Fake Relationship (?), Misunderstandings, Fluff, Angst, Smut
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Synopsis: During a confrontation between Diavolo and a certain witch who harbors unrequited feelings for him, he declares his intention to ask you to stand beside him in reigning over the Devildom someday. You conclude only one logical explanation for the insanity he uttered: this is his way of discouraging the witch from being so persistent. Although clueless, you play along and become ‘lovers’ with him.
Inevitably, your existing attraction for Diavolo grows, but the distinction between truth and lies, the crisscrossed lines of the right and the wrong, and the question of what’s real and what isn’t, begin to plague your mind and stir up trouble for your relationship with him with each passing day.
Entangled within the woven threads of soulmates and a royal prophecy, this is the story of the Demon Prince and his future Queen: you.
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1 | 2 | 3 Chapter 3: Speak No Evil Word Count: 5.6k
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“Welcome, my lady.”
The staff at the Demon Lord’s Castle greeted you with dutiful bows. If they were surprised at the punctuality of your arrival, they showed no signs of it and ushered you inside. As per your previous visits, they were all cordial. Most of them even looked excited, and you felt a pang of guilt for deceiving them all this time.
Originally, the demon brothers had planned for your grand arrival with all seven of them escorting you to the ballroom. Due to your change of plans, however, you made excuses and admitted you had matters to discuss with Diavolo before the celebratory ball, intentionally leaving out any specifics. You persuaded them by divulging your plan of handing Diavolo the baked goods you prepared as a gift. In the end, the demon brothers reluctantly relented. You patted yourself on the back for remaining firm despite your gratitude for the Seven Rulers of Hell. It was a difficult feat to accomplish.
The day after your conversation with Solomon, you headed to town and purchased an outfit for the celebratory ball on your own rather than using those hanging on the racks of the prophesied Queen’s closet at the Demon Lord’s Castle. It was the first step in your departure from your role as the faux Queen. While browsing at one of your favorite boutiques, you found a red embroidered evening gown that completely covered your back and was zipped from the side. It was simpler than any of the formalwear in the Queen’s closet, but it wasn’t as if you would be at the party to impress anyone nor enjoy yourself.
It would be the last time you would pretend to be Diavolo’s other half. After this event, everything would be over.
A bittersweet feeling flooded your chest, but when you looked back at the moments you shared with Diavolo, you were unable to deny the truth to yourself: you’d do it all again if you could.
Your high heels click-clacked on the polished floor as you approached Diavolo’s study. Before anything else, you peeked inside and only entered the room once you found it empty. You shut the door and went over to his desk. The kisses you shared with him the other day were still fresh in your mind. In a span of a few days, your circumstances with him had completely changed. It was strange to stand in the same place with that realization gnawing at your gut.
Gingerly, you set the pastry box on Diavolo’s table, pulled a sticky note from his tall stack, and wrote a short thank you note for him. A small sense of finality washed over you as you signed your name and placed it on the box. It was cowardly of you to give him your gift like this, but once you’d told him you’d end this charade with him, he might decline it. You were already hurting, and as much as possible, you wanted to lessen the impact of his rejection.
After leaving his study and roaming around the castle, Diavolo remained nowhere in sight. You took a wild guess and went to the gazebo, a tinge of dread in your steps when you found out you were right. As tall and regal as he was during the first time you saw him, he stood and gazed at the lake, its tranquility one with its beholder.
“Diavolo,” you called.
“Hello there.” He turned his head to look at you, his lips breaking into a smile. “You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you replied and moved forward, taking in the sight of him in formalwear. “You look great, as always.”
“You flatter me.”
“It’s the truth.” Once you reached the gazebo, you stayed at the threshold, ready to leave once you had said what you needed to tell him. “By the way, I left something for you in your study.”
“A gift?”
“That’s right. Some pastries. I baked them myself.”
“Let’s eat them together later. We can have our own after-party.”
“No, I made them for you. And we’ll get full at the banquet, won’t we?”
“There’s always room for dessert.” He laughed at his own quip and gestured over the lake. “Why don’t you stand beside me? The view is quite splendid.”
“It’s fine. I can admire it from afar.” Unwavering, you remained rooted at your spot. The lake was majestic, but it wasn’t what you were here for tonight. You hid your shaky hands behind your back and fiddled with your fingers, taking a deep breath as you returned your complete attention to Diavolo. “I have something to tell you. It’s important.”
“You can tell me anything, my princess.”
“I’m sorry, Diavolo,” you said, “but let’s end this.”
A long pause passed before he clarified with uncertainty, “The party?”
“Not that. I meant this—whatever’s between us—let’s end it.”
“What? Why? Have I done something to displease you?” Diavolo interrogated, his entire demeanor shifting into a panicked one. He stepped closer to you, but you retreated and exited the gazebo entirely. It dawned on him: his pursuit would cause you to fall further back. A grim expression on his face, he came to a halt and demanded, “Tell me.”
“No, Diavolo. Far from it,” you confessed with a sad smile. “You’re the Prince of the Devildom, and you’re the most wonderful man I’ve ever met.”
“If so, then what’s the problem?”
“I’m in love with you.”
And? That’s all he has to say? you thought bitterly, hurt your confession warranted such a lackluster reaction. “I can’t keep doing this when there’s someone else meant to be by your side.”
Diavolo stiffened. “Someone… else…?”
“Yes. I can’t pretend to be the Queen in the prophecy anymore. I love you. A lot. And it’s hurting me, so please, let’s end this.”
Instead of replying, Diavolo kept quiet.
Unable to take his silence any longer, you averted your gaze and proceeded to wrap up the conversation. “I’ve said what I wanted to say. I’ll attend the party. You’re free to clarify this tonight or I can pretend to be your Queen one last time, whichever works for you. But please make sure to clear up the misunderstanding in the future.”
“You’re under the impression,” he paused and let out a laugh in an icy tone you’d never heard from him before, “that we’re pretending to be together?”
Chills ran down your spine. The question he uttered made you more nervous than you ever were tonight. Diavolo’s deep voice dripped with realization, incredulity, but most of all, rage.
You were in trouble.
“You’re right. There’s been a misunderstanding.” He let out a menacing laugh and strode in your direction. Instinctively, you attempted to put space between the two of you, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him, wrapping both of his arms around your waist so quickly you didn’t have the chance to step away and flee. “All the times you said you were happy, whenever you told me you were looking forward to seeing me, when you agreed we looked like a great couple, you weren’t lying.”
“I wasn’t,” you acknowledged, your tense body gradually going lax at his touch. The familiar scent of his cologne made your mind hazy as you breathed in. “I’ve been in love with you for a while now. I might have pretended to be your lover, but I’ve been true to you. That’s why we have to end this.”
“No.” Diavolo bent his head and whispered in your ear, “I never lie, did you know?”
You didn’t.
His words prompted your head to swirl with scenes of your interactions, one of them standing out among the rest.
“So, that day… when Maddi confronted us about the prophecy,” you paused, your eyes wide as you tilted your head to meet his gaze, “y-you meant every word you said?”
“Yes, you’re the one for me. The only one,” he declared, embracing you tighter. “Shall I prove it to you?”
Once the question left his lips, Diavolo’s eyes glowed, and the next thing you knew, the sights around you shifted from the gazebo to the Queen’s closet. He refused to let you go, and you were faintly aware you were in the corner of the room as your hips nudged the wooden edge of the grand vanity table. Fortunately, the surface was vacant since all the cosmetics remained in the drawers, or else they would have already toppled on the floor.
Diavolo asked, “Do you know what’s on your back?”
“How did you—”
“I saw. When we had breakfast together, during that day when you agreed to pretendto be my lover.” His fingers brushed the nape of your neck and slid down to your spine, his large palm resting over your back. “Do you know what’s written here?”
“My soulmark.”
“It’s more special than that.”
“How come?”
“Have you seen it?”
You shook your head. “I’ve never dared to. I don’t like it... and I’m… scared of it.”
“Do you like me?”
“I love you.”
“Are you scared of me?”
“If that’s the case, there’s no need for you to dislike or be scared of your mark.”
As he had revealed to you moments ago, Diavolo never lied. You trusted him. If he was certain he was your soulmate, you had nothing to fear. “Okay, but I have to remove my dress, so if you will, the door is that way.”
Diavolo released you with a quiet laugh. A familiar mischievous smile played on his lips, he shook his head. Determinedly, he reasoned, “I can’t afford any more misunderstandings with you.”
Instead of leaving, he moved and settled down a few steps within your reach. He gave you free rein over the space in front of the mirror and crossed his arms, waiting.
Conceding, you sighed and shook your head in exasperation. There was no way you could convince him to leave. You raised your fingers to pull the zipper from your side, but the eyes trained on you were too intense, you almost turned—if not for the fact you’d still see him admiring your actions from the mirror which, strangely, felt more intimate. Averting your gaze, you stripped out of your evening gown. You thought of making your way to the chaise and laying down your outfit on it, but your hands felt too shaky, and your feet felt too cold. The crimson cloth slipped away from your fingers and pooled on the floor.
Donned only in your lingerie, you were exposed, and your back was ready for your revelation. Fear threatened you to put an end to this mess through flight, but your trust and affection for the man standing in front of you led you to fight this fear and face it head-on.
And then, on your own volition, you finally looked at what was imprinted on your back: the soulmark you once resented but now gave you hope and promise.
Once you saw it, you felt grateful for your unknowingly wise decision of hiding it from everyone who asked about it in the human world.
“No way…” you murmured, unable to tear your gaze from your back’s reflection.
Three numbers were written vertically over your spine:
6 6 6
Diavolo approached you, his arm moving past your waist and resting on the table. He tilted his head to the side, and like you, openly gazed at your soulmark’s reflection in the mirror. His fingertip traced over the numbers, one after another, earning a soft gasp from you. “You know what this means, yes?”
You did.
The Devil’s Number.
Speechless, you turned your face and stared at him, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
“Do you honestly believe I could be this good at pretending to be in love with you?” Diavolo questioned and gave you a kiss on your forehead. “You think too highly of me.”
“Do you really… love me?” you whispered.
“Listen well, my princess,” Diavolo embraced you and stroked your hair. “I love you.”
Tears streamed down your cheeks, dampening his suit, but neither of you cared. “The prophecy…”
“It’s about you.”
“So, all this time…”
He sighed and grimaced. “Yes.”
“Are you still mad at me?”
“I am,” he said, releasing you to wipe your tears with his thumbs. “Don’t think I’m letting you get away with it.”
Diavolo cradled your cheeks and bent his head to kiss you. After you decided to break things off with him, you had accepted you’d never be as close to him as you were before, but here you were. Eyes closed, you basked in his affection, which you now know was true and meant only for you. Despite the anger he admitted to, the sensation of his lips on yours was warm and forgiving. When you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulled him closer, and deepened your kisses, the soft sigh that escaped his lips was all you needed to know he was relieved. It put him at ease that you loved him and weren’t going to leave him. It was a sentiment that mirrored yours.
Breathless, he leaned back and met your heated gaze. The crackling tension between the two of you grew from powerful to electrifying, a telltale sign of a singular ending to this encounter. It was a resolution you never dared to consider when you entered this castle tonight, but it was one you had no complaints about. He needed this—needed you—and you’d be damned if you were going to let this end like it did last time.
“Will you indulge me?” His fingers grazed your mark once more as he took the clasp of your bra between them and unhooked it in one go. “Rather, would you indulge in me, my princess?”
“Here? Now? The celebratory ball is going to start soon,” you teased, tugging his bow tie with your index finger and unfastening it.
“Our unfinished business is more important,” Diavolo reminded you, his suit jacket falling on top of your dress. You unbuttoned his shirt and brushed your lips on his collarbone, the tip of your tongue teasing his exposed skin. He sighed and continued, “You have no idea what you do to me. I’ve wanted you for so long, but it seems my feelings didn’t come across properly. I’ll make it so you’ll never have any doubts about us ever again.”
Diavolo guided you to sit on the dresser and began kissing your neck, freshening the faded lovebites he had made and adding more as he caressed your breasts with his palms and dragged his thumbs over your hardening buds. His ministrations were languid and tender, but every contact with his mouth and fingers left you squirming, eager for him to quicken his pace and pay attention to where you needed him the most.
“When you first arrived here, I just knew… I have to have you all to myself,” he confessed.
As his lips reached your abdomen, Diavolo went down on one knee. To you, he looked like a knight receiving an accolade from his monarch; as if the vanity table was your throne, and he was promising himself to you. Perhaps, it would be more appropriate to liken him to the prince who had finally found his elusive Cinderella. But perhaps not—as unlike that prince, he was removing your high heels and setting them aside. Desire and reverence filled his eyes as he tilted his head and stared at your bare form, your chest rising and falling in anticipation. 
“Now, everyone’s going to know you're mine,” he vowed, hooking your panties at the side and sliding them down your legs, “including you.”
Your mouth parted in a soundless groan as Diavolo kissed the inside of your knees.
“What do you say, my princess?”
Anticipation pooled at the pit of your stomach. A slow, coquettish smile made its way on your lips. Above all else, you wanted him to know you were eager for this as much as he was—that you desired him as much as he desired you. You raised your legs and beckoned him closer by spreading them and letting your calves and feet rest over his wide shoulders. “Show me.”
He smirked, pleased with your answer. Wordlessly, he kissed and nipped at the sensitive flesh of your inner thighs. Tilting his head lower, his warm breath ghosted over the apex of your legs, his lips hovering over your sex. The first swipe of his tongue was gentle. He let you familiarize yourself with the sensation before he licked you where it was the most pleasurable. When he did, the sharp inhale you took didn’t escape his notice. He knew what he was doing, flicking his tongue and sucking at that little bundle of nerves with the right amount of pressure, in the way you never knew you wanted it. His index and middle finger over the sides of your entrance, his tongue plunged inside you. It triggered a sudden movement of your hips, but he held you in place and steadied you with his other hand, his ministrations never faltering, coaxing a diminutive moan out of your lips.
“You hear that?” he murmured, pertaining to the sound the shallow thrust of his middle finger made. Those three words sent a pleasurable wave from his lips to your groin, making you curl your toes and your back arch against the mirror. “We’ve only just begun, and you’re already so wet for me.”
“Stop teasing me so much,” you whined. You reached out to brush his hair and thread your fingers between its strands, but at the quickening pace of his hand, you ended up tugging at his locks instead.
“It’s because you’re holding back,” Diavolo pointed out with a soft chuckle. He peered at your face and waited for your reaction as he added a second—and soon, a third—finger into the mix. “Let me hear you. I know you can be louder than that.”
Even if you wanted to subdue the gratified noises threatening to fill the room, you were helpless against his earnest pursuit of your peak. He pumped his fingers in and out of you over and over, making you cry out as you reveled in the sensation of your release. At a rhythmless pace, your hips shifted against his face once more, only this time he let you ride out and enjoy the most out of your climax.
Diavolo might be all refined, dignified, and gentlemanly, but now that you had brought out the lascivious side of him—the raw and sinful part of him he kept in the dark to many—he was relentless. He straightened his body and licked his damp lips, savoring your taste. It was a look that told you that there was more to come—that he had more to give.
Eyes bleary, you were faintly aware of it as Diavolo stood. You did likewise, albeit unsteadily, and allowed him to turn your body around. With a light press of his palm over your back, he inclined you downward. Your fingers grasped the edge of the table, and the vision of your flushed state connected with your eyes in the glass. Above your likeness, Diavolo’s reflection smirked at you. Then and there, your earlier thoughts about him admiring you from the mirror were proven correct: everything about this was intimate, enthralling, and insanely sensual.
Diavolo pressed his lips on the numbers on your spine, and your legs wobbled as you shivered. He held you by the waist, his torso perfectly fitting over your back as his other hand worked on his trousers and guided himself near your fluttering entrance, the tip touching you but not entering. His lips tickled your ear, and he dragged them across the lobe and tugged at it. With a soft but demanding voice, he urged you, “Say it.”
Still in a daze from your climax but covetous of another, you were ready to do whatever he wanted you to do. “Say what?”
“Say you’re mine.” He nudged his length between your sensitive folds. He felt so good, and you knew he was going to feel even better once he was inside you.
“I’m yours,” you vowed, shifting your lower half to sheathe him. “I’m yours—only yours! Now, please Diavolo!”
He was delivering what he had promised earlier, showing you how you were his. At the same time, you wanted him to show you he was yours, too. Yearning to be connected to him in some way, you turned your head to meet his lips with your own. Instead of replying with words, he slipped his tongue past your mouth and kissed you deeper. He gripped your hips and eased himself inside your core.
Startled, you pulled your lips away and faced forward with a soft gasp. Although you had an idea of his size and girth from your foreplay, he still felt more than you expected. He was only halfway in, and yet, you were already biting your lower lip to suppress a pleasured scream from coming out of you.
His pace was tantalizingly unhurried. Again and again, he drew back and thrust inside you—only to stop midway. 
It was frustrating. You were capable of taking all of him, and you knew it.
“Harder,” you pleaded, “Do it harder… Please!”
With a kiss on your shoulder, he chuckled and replied, “As you wish, my princess.”
He gave you what you asked for and eased himself fully inside you. Once you accommodated his length, your eyes fluttered closed reflexively. Yes, this was it. This was exactly what you needed. Your breath hitched as he slowly drew back until his tip remained in your entrance, and in a second, he plunged inside you again. “Y-Yes, just like… like that.”
Diavolo groaned, increasing his pace. His fingers dug at your hips, and the erotic sound of skin slapping filled your ears. He leaned back and let out a low hum of appreciation as you took every inch of him perfectly. His voice strained and lacking its usual composure, he remarked, “Feels even better than I imagined.”
Well, damn.
The image of him touching himself to the thought of you was enough to make you shudder with arousal, but the pleasure of having him, in reality, was beyond any vision your mind could conjure up. You clenched around him, coaxing a grunt and a loud moan from his parted lips. He gritted his teeth and tightly shut his eyes, the rhythm he had set gradually turning rougher.
“Fuck!” you moaned, “Diavolo, I… I-I’m gonna—”
He sensed it. His pace refused to falter, and you reached your climax within seconds. You witnessed how much of a mess you turned to in the mirror, but you couldn’t care less. It was Diavolo who made you this way, after all. Your arms and legs gave out as you shuddered, but he readily caught you before you could fall to the ground. 
Diavolo unsheathed himself from you and returned you to your seated position. He kissed your hair and shifted his lips near your ear. “More?”
Gently, he held one of your legs up and propped your ankle on his shoulder. His other hand clamped over your bent knee. He entered your slick heat, and this time, you were able to accommodate him at once.
“You’re taking me so well,” he praised, his golden eyes following the movement as he thrust in and out of you. “Good girl.”
For the third time tonight, he drove you over the edge, but your earlier climax caused your current race to the peak to be agonizing. You feel it dangling over you, but at the same time, it was out of your reach. Distressed, you exclaimed, “I can’t!”
“You can,” he countered, giving it to you harder, “and you will.”
The fervor in his promise remained inexorable, and the tremor in his voice hinted at his impending climax.
You grabbed his wrist and shifted your leg downward, determined. He realized what you were trying to do as you held your arms up and wrapped your legs around his hips. Chuckling, he lifted you up with ease and held you in his arms firmly. You threaded your fingers through his hair and kissed him. He gripped your thighs and slid you up and down his length, returning to the rough momentum you had moments ago in sought of the heat the both of you had built up.
Little by little, his pace turned uneven. His breathing was labored and warm against your skin. 
“I want to see you come,” you told him. The familiar coil in your abdomen unfurling, your voice grew louder as you cried out, “Fill me up, Diavolo. You’re mine.”
As soon as you said those words, euphoria washed over every fiber of your being. This was the highest you’d ever felt, and you were certain no feeling could compare to this. No other being could compare to him. Diavolo was the only one for you.
In a split second, his jaw slackened and his eyes closed, groaning unabashedly and calling out your name. He continued thrusting inside you, never sliding out he chased his own peak. Trembling, he throbbed and filled you up as you asked, the warm and wet liquid dribbling down the inside of your thighs with his final thrust.
Panting, the two of you remained still as you came down from your respective highs.
It was you who broke the silence a few moments later. “I love you.”
He smiled and stroked your hair. “I love you too, my princess.”
The tender moment was shattered by the sudden increase of temperature on your back. Pain derived from your soulmark and spread over to your shoulders and hips. It rapidly grew hotter until it was sweltering. Your whole body felt as if it was on fire. You couldn’t take it any longer.
“Diavolo!” you cried, “My back—it’s burning!”
The touch of his bare skin was comforting, and somehow, his presence alleviated the agony. However, the invisible fire grew more intense. You could do nothing but let out a scream on his shoulder and cling to him.
Diavolo hooked one of his arms under your knees and carried you to the connecting bathroom. He placed you in the bathtub and made sure your head rested on the area gently. As the cold water rose and filled the tub, he caressed your forearm and held your hand reassuringly.
Your throat felt parched, you couldn’t say anything although you longed to. 
He cupped your cheek and wiped the tears you were unaware you were shedding. “Shhh… It’ll be alright. I’m here. Don’t worry about anything. I’ll stay with you and...”
Before you could hear the rest of Diavolo’s words of comfort, everything had gone black.
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Vivid visions of the past filled your dreams one after another. You had long heard of people having their life flash before their eyes before they pass away. Was this it? Were you dying? You hoped not. The images blurred and turned ambiguous as the heat you felt subsided.
And then, you returned to the waking world. Alive.
The cool wind from the open terrace doors nipped at your skin. Except for your exposed back, the rest of your body was warm, enveloped by the calming embrace of the man laying underneath you.
You slowly opened your eyes and blinked.
Diavolo turned his head to look at you. “You’re awake.”
Your fingers reached the fabric of the sleeveless nightdress you were wearing. Vaguely, you recognize it as one of the items in the closet next door. It was your first time wearing it.
“I dressed you. I hope you don’t mind,” Diavolo said.
“It’s fine.” You had shared more intimate moments to be embarrassed about something like that; it almost felt trivial. “Thank you for staying and taking care of me.”
“Of course.”
“What time is it?”
“Almost midnight. How are you feeling?”
Abruptly, you sat bolt upright. “Wait, what? And the celebratory ball?”
“It’s still ongoing, but you have nothing to worry about. More importantly, does your back still hurt?”
“No,” you replied after a brief pause, surprised at your own observation. You stretched your shoulders and bent your arm to reach over the small of your back to check. “It’s as if nothing happened.”
“Something did, actually. Something very important,” Diavolo informed you, his tone full of seriousness. “Your mark changed.”
“What do you mean it changed?”
It was the first time you heard of a soulmark morphing into another shape or form. Appearances of soulmarks were rare enough. As you mulled it over, however, you were quick to overcome the disbelief. When all was said and done, you and Diavolo were far from a regular pair of lovers. 
Diavolo sat up and took your hand in his. “Come, look.”
The spark of excitement and delight in his demeanor piqued your curiosity. His eagerness, though contagious, was patient. He led you to the bathroom at the pace you were most comfortable with. Given the events that transpired earlier, the last thing he wanted was to insist you advance quicker and push yourself too hard.
A giant mirror rested over the sink. Unlike before, you had no qualms nor nervous sentiments about looking over your back. The nightdress made it easy for you to see what Diavolo was talking about.
“This is…”
“My sigil.”
You face Diavolo with a quiet smile.
“Do you still have doubts about me? About us?” he asked.
“No… I’m sorry.” You take his hand in yours once more. “For the record, I don’t think I ever will again.”
“Good to know.”
“Why didn’t you tell me right away? You said you suspected it from the first day we met. I think there’s a possibility Barbatos knew of it as well.”
“Yes, it was the first time I felt so drawn to someone, but while I had my suspicions, I was only able to confirm them during that day, at the House of Lamentation,” he revealed, squeezing your hand. “As for Barbatos, I asked him not to look into anything relating to the prophecy and you, or at least, not to inform me if he sees anything—except if you would be in danger. I wanted things between us to progress naturally. Was that overly selfish of me?”
“Not at all. I’m glad we were able to get through this together, just the two of us,” you replied, endeared by his intention of pursuing a relationship with you in the most normal and genuine way he could. “I didn’t act upon it because I never thought it would be possible, but I… felt drawn to you from the first day, too.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes,” you admitted and glanced at the door. “Is it too late for us to attend the party? I bet everyone is worried.”
“Are you feeling fine enough?”
“Okay.” He nodded, his expression shifting into an amused one. “I think our previous outfits are wrinkled, though.”
You laughed. “I think so, too.”
“Why don’t you choose another one from your closet? You know, I was wondering why you’re always so hesitant to accept gifts from me.”
“Sorry about that,” you replied with sincerity. “This time, I accept the offer wholeheartedly. Thank you for everything. I mean it.”
“You’re welcome, my princess.”
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As a final touch, you swiped a layer of red lipstick over your lips and closed the container with a snap. You leaned back and observed your reflection in the mirror. Even though your choice of lip color was bold, you opted for light makeup and went with the natural flushing of your cheeks. You couldn’t help the blood heating up your face at the reminder of your earlier escapades with Diavolo. Undoubtedly, you would never be able to look at this vanity table in the same way ever again. 
Gold jewelry adorned your ears and wrists. The intricate lace pattern of the sleeves and neckline of the black evening gown you were wearing was exquisite to your touch. The full expanse of your back was bare, laid in the open for all to see. While you were unused to such clothing, the impending revelation of your fate for all of the three worlds to witness felt right. All in all, it was a quick ensemble you arranged, but it was elegant. You were more satisfied than you were earlier when you first dressed up for the celebratory ball—in more ways than one.
“All done?” Diavolo asked, standing up from the chaise and putting his D.D.D. inside his pocket. He was in his demon form, as everyone else would be except for your friends from Purgatory Hall, for your ceremonial dance at the end of the celebration. It would be the only event you would be able to attend at this point, but it was the most important one, marking the end of Diavolo’s search and the beginning of your new role.
He stepped forward and offered you his arm. “Shall we, my princess?”
Wordlessly, you smiled and slipped your hand in his arm as affirmation. This time, you had no guilt nor doubt. Your relationship with him was as real as it could get. You were the prophesied Queen of the Devildom. Soon, he would be your King.
Diavolo was your fate and your choice. And you were his.
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Bound by destiny are the Prince and the Princess.
Over her skin, his symbol shall appear and remain.
And with the whole Devildom as their witness,
King and Queen, they shall be; eternal, they will reign.
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Notes: And that’s a wrap!
This fic began with the idea of a character having ‘666’ as a soulmark. It was the first time I posted a work that was still in progress, and I’m really grateful for all the kind comments and feedback I received along the way. Thank you to everyone who supported this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 💖
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See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil
Obey Me! Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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lorddiiavolo · 3 years
SHHHH TWIN NO YOURE THE CUTEST!!!!! I take no criticism!!! pls... ur diavolo in heat thots are unparalleled 🔥
💕💕💕💕 @lord-diavolo
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    TWIN, I SAID WHAT I SAID AND I STAND ON IT.  I SAID IT WITH MY WHOLE CHEST.  IT’S NOT CRITICISM, I STATE FACTS.  but all I’m hearing is u enabling me and Diavolo to being thots. even if it’s for the sake of him being in heat AJSFHA LET ME LOVE U THATS ALL 
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mcuntainbcrn · 4 years
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@lorddiiavolo​ said: ☾ - to stroke my muses hair while they fall asleep / what if,, he invited her out of the garden and into his castle,,, and is just looking after her :eyes:
Her nerves had been obvious when led from the gardens - not that she hadn’t anticipated being ejected eventually...but this apparently wasn’t the case; a bath and a fresh set of pajamas later, she was feeling more bewildered than anything, especially when presented with a room...and a bed; the usual reaction from anyone else would have no doubt been instantaneous gratitude...she instead felt fear pool in her stomach.
She didn’t want to sleep...she didn’t want those who dwelled within those castle walls to be privy to her bloodcurdling screams; the entire situation as it unfolded had left her thrown almost entirely off balance, her posture tight and rigid and the first of many fissures appearing the stoic expression she wore so well as she shifted her halved gaze towards the demon who would be king making no move to settle beneath the blankets, instead, standing at it’s edge like a statue before quite literally being ushered under the plush covers by surprisingly gentle hands.
Silence reigned as the soft bedspread was tucked beneath her chin, wincing at the contact that same hand made with the top of her head, feeling a strange sense of calm beginning to spiderweb through her body, the tension her body gripped so tightly beginning to ebb and uncoil, which inspired a fresh wave of terror - she didn’t want to sleep; she didn’t want to remember again...didn’t want to see it again - why couldn’t she recall their faces when they weren’t contorted in anguish? ...sounds of their voices when not raw with fear?
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As sleep finally began to ensnare her in it’s grip, once again she managed to catch Diavolo’s eyes and hold them, tears gathering on her eye lashes as she struggled to keep them open, “...please don’t leave...don’t want...don’t want to dream.” the words were spoken thickly as exhaustion finally won, lids sliding heavily closed and her entire body relaxing from the crown of her head where that large hand continued to pass through soft blonde locks, to the tips of her toes as she lost her fight with consciousness and drifted off into a rather troubled sleep.
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slugbeans · 3 years
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“YO YO NO.1 or something like that daddy issues its hard being the prince of hell blah blah.”
his beat is so dank I can’t.
anyway here is Diavolo rapping for MC while MC makes it rain
now excuse me while I hoover up those demon vouchers :>
#obeyme #obeymediavolo #obeymemc
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obey-my-headcanons · 2 years
Greetings, dear exchange students...
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Welcome to another Obey Me! Headcanon blog!
This blog is just a hobby of a college student, so don't expect some extraordinary posts or routine. Just some silly ideas about our favorite immortal beings. Probably this blog will have a lot of errors and mistakes because I'm not used to maintaining a blog but whatever.
Of course you can help this database of headcanon to grow, and that's why this post is here: to show the rules and the respective tags:
This is a friendly space, any type of discrimination or predatory attitude are prohibited.
No need to say this is a safe space to ANYONE in the LGBTQ+ community. And as a safe space, I have to make clear: NO LEWDING LUKE! Also, we don't accept demoncest headcanons.
This blog is headcanon focused, not a writing blog.
If you want to see a written scenario about your ideas, sorry. This is not the space. But if you send a small paragraph with a little scene, it's still possible to share here.
NSFW is still a debate...
Be mindful we're only having fun here
For the sinners out there who like some spicy stuff... it's still uncertain. If this blog gets open to accepting NSFW headcanons, this page will be updated stating such. For now, only suggestive stuff will be acceptable. (And carefully examined)
Remember there are minors in the Fandom!
I don't think I need to say this, but just in case: headcanons are not canon. It's just our beliefs about a certain character or media for fun or to grow empathy for a character. That's the whole point of this page!
No fighting or attacking other because of headcanons or because that info is not canon. This is called "headcanon database" for a reason.
Tag system:
Basic tags-
#Obey me!
#obey me! headcanons
Character focused tags-
Overworld tag-
#Three Realms
Owner talking tag-
#The Sheep Talks
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journey-to-the-attic · 2 months
What if IK and Diavolo made vines
it is not so much a question of if, so much as it is a question of when (if only vine hadn't died seven years ago, rest in peace)
i think their particular brand would be either the comedically earnest (e.g. i'm in my mum's car) or the comedically chaotic (e.g. annie are you okay), and diavolo's not that great at it but he's really trying his best
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02kase-chan · 4 years
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Sketch Lord Diavolo (。・ω・。)ノ♡🌹😈 #drawing #sketch #dibujosalapiz #myartworks #obeyme #obeymefanart #lorddiavoloobeyme #lorddiavolo https://www.instagram.com/p/B_8_nx8n1-D/?igshid=17b0cwf6sr4t5
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allylene · 5 years
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So I drew Diavolo in his dress- #obeyme #obeymeshallwedate #lorddiavolo #art #myart #fanart #digitalart #artwork #myartwork https://www.instagram.com/p/B9pRoRrhHGy/?igshid=cd37lojpjgp0
0 notes
"the real lord diavolo" implies there may be fake lord diavolo(s) 🤔
Well considering my own username of LordDiavolo and even Lord-Diavolo are already taken on this website, I don’t have much of a choice ha ha 😄
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
Happy Haunted Houses?
Word Count: 3.4k Description: Lucifer and you are doing inspection rounds on the Haunted Houses ... but it seems none of his brothers are sticking to the "haunted" part. (Lucifer x GN!MC) Note: A slight fix-it/rewrite of Lucifer's Happy Haunted Houses? Devilgram. We were unhappy with how it mischaracterized Lucifer, so I decided to fix it. Not my usual writing style, so forgive the quality of this. Can also be found on AO3 here. [Mod Cosmos]
LordDiavolo: The mask suits you.
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“There you are, MC.” Your heart nearly leaps out of your chest as you hear the familiar deep voice, startling you out of your reverie. “I’ve been looking for you.”
Was this déjà vu? You could have sworn this was the exact same scene you had to face earlier, when the masks had revealed just how tantalizing your soul was to the demons who regularly surround you. You turn to see Lucifer standing before you, that eerie smiling mask firmly in place. A deep breath, and you remind yourself that the entire cursed mask ordeal is now over. You’re safe.
“You sure like that mask, huh?” You wonder if the wariness is evident in your voice.
“Not entirely.” The sigh that leaves Lucifer puts you at ease. “Apparently, our masks made an impression on the guests. Quite a few comments were made about how the haunted houses felt that much more frightening.” He shrugs, pulling the loose end of one of the bloody bandages that is wrapped around his right hand to tighten its hold. “So, in the end, we decided to include them in the production.” He pauses, his voice growing quieter. “And, well, the curse isn’t an issue anymore.”
It’s best not to stay on the subject of the curse, so you give him a smile. “It suits you.”
“...What makes you say that?”
“It goes with your whole vibe.” You motion to his whole costume, the elegantly spooky attire fitting him perfectly. “And, everything looks good on you.”
“Oh? Ever the flatterer.” There’s amusement in his voice, though he shakes his head. “I suppose it does work with this costume nicely, yes. Which reminds me...I secured a mask for you, as well.” He holds up a mask, matching the strangeness of the others. “Since you’ve gone through the effort of wearing a costume, why not try it on?”
“I’d love to!” Gently taking the mask in your hands, you ease it onto your head, adjusting it so that you can see out of its eyes. With a flourish of your arms, you strike a pose. “So, how does it look?”
“Hm, while it does compliment your attire … in the end, you’d be better off without it.” You can practically hear the frown in his voice.
“Why, doesn’t it suit me?” You tilt your head, tapping at the hard shell of the mask.
“That’s not the issue here.” He shakes his head. “The problem is that I can’t see your face when you’re wearing it, and that makes me anxious. So, it won’t be necessary.”
You can’t help the small smile that curves your lips, though it’s safely hidden. “Well, what if I said the same? Not seeing your face makes me anxious too, you know.”
“Ah, well…” Even with his features obscured, you know he’s got knotted brows trying to come up with another excuse. You hear the faint sound of leather stretching as his fingers curl into the palms of his hand, relax, and curl again.
“Here, I won’t wear the mask fully. You can still see part of my face, even if I can’t see yours. Deal?” You adjust the mask to sit on your face just so, barely covering a quarter of your visage. “You went through the trouble of getting me one, so I’d like to wear it, at least like this.”
“Fine, fine.” He relents, stepping forward to lightly bump your chin with his gloved hand. “Now, I suppose we had better start on our rounds. After all, someone has to make sure that those slackers are taking things seriously.”
AsmoBaby: I want to go back to that haunted house!
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It was amusing how a holiday like Halloween could take such a hold on the Devildom, where haunting atmospheres and creepy sights were the norm. Ever since Diavolo introduced the idea of celebrating the human world holiday here, the denizens of the underworld found great fun in it all. As you walk through the halls of RAD, however, there is something that makes everything seem even more unsettling than usual.
“The RAD campus has turned into a sea of masks. Did they start passing them out to everyone?” Lucifer murmurs, scanning the crowd.
“It’s cool, but .. also hard to tell who’s who.” You step closer to Lucifer, becoming acutely aware of your surroundings.
“Indeed. I hope that no one tries to take advantage of that.” Lucifer sighs, fixing his hat in place with a pull on its brim. He offers you his arm, which you gladly lock with your own. “Mammon and Levi’s haunted house should be the closest one to us. Let’s go check up on them.”
As the two of you approach the location of the projected town, it becomes very clear that there is no haunted house in session here. You can feel the bass vibrating under the soles of your feet before you’ve even stepped within the boundaries of the area that Leviathan had carefully set up.
A groan from the first-born. “...Could someone explain to me why visitors at a haunted house are dancing up a storm? And just where are those two?”
Before you can get out a quip about how this seemed to be more of Asmodeus’ scene, you hear a familiar voice over the speakers.
“Yeeeeeah! Let’s kick it up a notch!” There, you can see Mammon standing atop a platform with a mic in hand, still in full costume. He’s answered with a burst of cheers.
“Coming up next is the Ruri Hana Theme Dance Remix!” Next to him is Leviathan, who is the last demon you would expect to be in a situation like this. “DJing anime songs is life!” Ah, that explains it.
“This isn’t right. What self-respecting haunted house would even have a turntable?” Lucifer crosses his arms. Despite the big grin on his mask, you knew he was rolling his eyes beneath it. “If they were going to do this, they should at least be playing some cursed songs. Aside from their outfits, there isn’t a single thing here that could be seen as frightening.”
“Well, they’ve at least gathered quite a crowd?” You offer, looking around at the mass of costumed demons. “Though it’s a crowd of partiers and not of freaked out students.”
“Yes, this is far from the intended result. I’ll have to have a good talk with those two after this is all over.” A shake of his head. “Although, considering this is Mammon and Leviathan, the two who are so often terrified themselves, I guess this isn’t at all surprising.”
“No, it’s not.” You laugh, taking a hold of Lucifer’s hand and tugging him along with you. He briefly sputters in protest, but otherwise doesn’t resist. “While we’re here, we might as well have a good time. Why not have a drink? One glass of Demonus, at least?” You stop at one of the bars that has been set up, grabbing a hold of two flutes of the beverage.
“...Only one. We are supposed to continue with our inspection rounds after this, after all.” He takes a hold of one of the flutes, examining it in the light. “Why is the color of this Demonus so strange? Did they put some syrup in it?” He moves his mask to the side, and you’re surprised by how relieved you are to see his face, even just for this brief moment.
“Well, no matter. Cheers.” He raises his drink towards you with a small smile. The two of you clink your glasses together before taking a large sip of the Demonus -- though you both nearly choke on it as a sickening sweetness overtakes your tongues.
“..Eugh! It’s so sweet!” The look of disgust on Lucifer’s face has you burst out in laughter, though you probably look no better.
“Yeah, that’s gross.” You shudder, taking the glass out of the demon’s hands and then dumping the contents of both your flutes into a nearby bush. The plant seems to instantly react, absorbing the strange Demonus as its leaves curl and dance. Devildom nature was truly a sight to behold. “At least this guy likes it.”
“Hopefully it isn’t too terribly toxic to it.” Lucifer chuckles, fixing his mask back in place. “Let’s get moving then, shall we?”
Beelzeburger: Not coming back probably.
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You convinced Lucifer to dance with you as you made your way out of the party, though he teased you all the while for it. Soon, you’re greeted once more with cool air as you leave the mass of bodies and the thumping music behind you.
“Beel and Belphie are next, then.” Lucifer sighs, leading the way to their set-up. They had gone with the theme of a haunted hospital, and it looked incredible -- but there wasn’t a single soul in sight as you approached. No sounds of screams or horror, either.
Just … quiet.
“...And unlike earlier, things are rather calm. At least they aren’t up to some nonsense, like their older brothers.” Lucifer murmured, stepping through the dimly lit corridor. “Beel, Belphie. Are you here?” No response.
“Ah, looks like there’s a note there.” You point to a piece of paper stuck on the wall, words rushedly scrawled across it.
“Hungry, gone to find food. ...That would be Beel, I gather.” A sigh, and Lucifer shakes his head again. “Given how destructive he can get when he’s hungry, it might be best to let him do as he pleases. And Belphie is … ”
He’s interrupted by the snoring of the seventh-born.
“Fast asleep on one of their set pieces, I see.” The lack of surprise in his voice was amusing, though it certainly spoke to how often the brothers didn’t take things seriously.
“...What about the haunted house?” You frown, looking around at all the hard work that went into building the set, only for it to not be in proper use. “I helped them paint so much of this! Ugh, Belphie, WAKE UP!”
With a slight start, Belphegor slowly blinked his eyes open, mouth opening in a large yawn. “Huh..? Oh, hey.”
“Good job, MC.” Lucifer pulled out his D.D.D., shooting off a quick text. “I recall that Barbatos said he had been interested in this particular theme. Perhaps he can come by and liven things up.”
“Barbatos...? I mean, yeah, sure … wake me up when he gets here, I guess.” With that, Belphegor turns back over and slips right back into his slumber.
If anyone was going to put on a truly frightful show here, it would certainly be no other than torture-extraordinaire Barbatos, that you could certainly agree with. Perhaps you would have to come by later to see for yourself…
“Well, only Satan and Asmo remain… And I can’t say that I have much faith in them, either.” A huff leaves Lucifer’s lips as you both walk back through one of RAD’s hallways. “But before that, we should rest a moment.”
He leans against the wall, momentarily taking off his hat to run a hand through his raven locks. “Honestly, not a single one of my brothers is doing what was expected of them. All those preparations, and for what?”
“Hm, at least there was a good crowd at the first one. We had fun, didn’t we?” You chuckle, leaning your shoulder against the wall as you face him. “Beel and Belphie though … perhaps they weren’t the best demons for the job.”
“You can say that again.” Lucifer let out a low laugh, shaking his head. “I suppose I can let Mammon and Leviathan off the hook, yes. At least they’re doing something.”
“Probably should have had a constant supply of snacks for Beel, at least.” You sigh, wondering if even that would have been enough to keep him in place. “Speaking of, would you like something to drink?”
“Now that you mention it, I am feeling slightly parched. That disgusting Demonus earlier didn’t help.” You laugh, and he pushes himself off the wall with a chortle as he places his hat upon his head once more. “Would you like to go get something together?”
“I would, yes.” You happily agree, taking a hold of one of his hands.
“Mm, I would worry if you went off on your own.” There is a softness in his voice, making even his unsettling mask seem charming. “Keeping you within my field of vision always puts me more at ease.” Your cheeks feel warm as he shows his concern, a smile glued to your lips. “Here, there ought to be a vending machine nearby.”
A few moments later, and you both slowly sip on a couple of canned iced coffees. You can’t help but sneak a few glances at Lucifer, his mask partially moved to the side so that he can easily drink. He seems lost in thought, gaze focused on distant dark shadows. What’s on his mind..?
“You know, I can also refresh you.” A teasing comment, but one that grabs the demon’s attention and snaps him out of his thoughts. He slowly turns to look at you, brow raised as he fixes you with a mirthful look. “Hm? And just how do you propose to do that?” An invitation.
“Like this.” Stepping closer, you take a hold of the collar of his cloak and pull him down to place a chaste kiss on his lips. He hums against you, crimson eyes narrowed as you pull away.
“And you think that’s enough to be considered refreshing? Hardly.” His voice is low, his bandaged hand coming up to take a gentle grasp of your jaw as he gives you a playful smile. “Still, we are currently on duty. I suppose I’ll have to be content with that. You can make up the rest later.” A deep laugh leaves him, and it sends a shiver down your spine. “I trust that won’t be an issue?”
You manage a nod, then clear your throat as you turn and motion down the corridor. “Well, let’s go finish up then, shall we?”
monSOLO: Helping with the line
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“Finally, we come to Satan and Asmo. ...Why is there a queue?” Lucifer slows down as the both of you arrive at the last of the haunted houses. A long line of demons seem to be waiting to get in, and … was that Solomon, acting as bouncer?
“Oh! Hi, you two.” The sorcerer gave you both a sly grin. “Here to inspect?”
“Yes.” Lucifer responded warily, peering past the entrance to see what was going on.
“Well, let’s just say Asmodeus decided he got bored and wanted to do things a bit differently.” Solomon sighed, motioning with a nod of his head to what the aforementioned demon was up to.
“Hi, there! Asmo, the most beautiful ghost to ever haunt the Devildom, at your service!” Asmodeus, proudly wearing his bloody jorougumo outfit and mask, welcomed the various students that had gathered. “And, in a distant second is … “
“M-Me, Satan …” Reluctantly taking part was the fourth-born, looking rather defeated as he adjusted his veil.
“The line for pictures starts here! Don’t forget to upload them to your Devilgram for us, m’kay?” Asmodeus cheerfully rang out, elbowing Satan in the side. “And we’ve got some wonderful tea and treats to the side over there, made by yours truly!”
Lucifer was silent, but you could tell that he was irked.
“...At least they’re pretending to be ghosts?” It was no haunted house, but perhaps there was something to be said about it now being a social media attraction. “And, there is quite a line, so I guess people really want to take a picture with them.”
“That seems to be as far as they’re going, though. What about the haunted house itself?” The first-born takes a deep breath, turning away from the scene. “I give up. Let’s just move on, MC.”
“Enjoy the rest of your evening!” Solomon calls out after both of you, though he quickly turns his attention to a demon trying to cut the line as you both disappear from sight.
Despite being done with your initial inspection rounds, your evening became far from enjoyable. A fight had suddenly broken out among some students, blowing up into a huge ordeal as claws and fangs came out, inhibitions lowered no doubt by Demonus running through their veins. Lucifer and yourself had been alerted to it as you heard a loud crash in passing -- followed by a series of more blows and shattering windows.
Thankfully, it didn’t take long to resolve -- the moment Lucifer appeared before the students, they all scrambled to stop their brawl and clean up. You didn’t want to think about how much they all would be paying for the damage … and how.
“Finally...a moment of peace.” Back in the RAD Student Council room, Lucifer eases the mask off of his face, gently placing it to the side. “Hopefully there are no other issues the rest of the night.”
He takes a few steps towards you, one hand behind his back. “Thank you for your hard work, MC. Here, hold out your hand.”
“Are you giving me something?” You slowly hold out a hand as requested, tilting your head to the side.
“It is Halloween, after all. I made sure to stock up on candy for Beel. While it’s not fair compensation for your time, it’s the best I can offer at the moment.” He places a large candy bar in the palm of your hand, the wrapper iridescent and captivating. “I’d offer you more of it, but it’s limited edition and that’s about all I can save from Beelzebub’s grasp.” He chuckled, loosely crossing his arms. “You truly went above and beyond today. Consider this my thanks.”
“Please, I didn’t do all that much.” You shook your head, smiling as you tucked the candy bar away for later. “But, thank you. You also worked really hard, so I’d like to reward you, too.”
“Come a little closer, then. Simply being near you is enough to boost my spirits.” That soft smile he so often reserved for you could make your heart melt. He took a seat at one of the lounging sofas, patting the space next to him. You readily oblige, scooting up close to cuddle against his large frame as he wraps an arm around you.
“I would appreciate it if we could stay like this for a short while.” He sighs, leaning his head against yours. “Mm, much better. While the others seem to derive pleasure from fooling around, I prefer these unassuming moments with you.” Your heart flutters, sinking into his warmth. “Getting to spend these last few moments of the holiday with you has kept it from being one of the worst ones I’ve had to endure.” “Worst ones?” A dumb question, you think, the moment it leaves your lips. Still, you carefully turn to look up at him, feeling a tightness in your chest as you see the sorrowful look in those pools of red.
“Not about my brothers being fools. That’s normal.” A somber chuckle. “...But about what happened with you, my brothers, and the masks. I don’t know what I would have done had I hurt you, or if any of my brothers had. Knowing that they were all lost to the masks’ curse, and that I was barely holding on, well...” A shudder of a breath leaves him as he shakes his head, his hand going to rub your arm as he squeezes you closer to him. “I don’t think I’ve been frightened like that in quite some time.”
Lips pursed for a moment, you shift slightly to hold Lucifer’s face in your hands, thumb brushing his cheek. You treasured these moments, where he let his walls down and allowed himself to be vulnerable. “Well, I’m here, alive and breathing, and all of you are your normal selves. It’s all over now.”
Lucifer sighs, gently grasping one of your wrists as he turns his head to place a kiss on the palm of your hand. “Yes, it’s all over now.”
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