#//thank you for the tag!!!! i had fun filling this one out as well asdfjkl;
gas-stxtion · 2 years
———  BASICS  !
(PEN)NAME: Xavier!!! or Multi, honestly either is completely fine <3
PRONOUNS: he/they
———  THREE  FACTS  !
I have a little dog named Bambi that I love with my entire heart, and if you talk to me long enough I’ll probably send you pictures of her <3
I recently wrote a 6000+ word story completely from scratch over the span of around 36 hours and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I love writing but my god please someone never let me do that again oh my god- 💔
I have ten different Tales From the Gas Station playlists on my spotify and the longest of them is eight and a half hours long and still growing <3 Iam normal about this series.
PLATFORMS USED: I use both tumblr and discord!!! I actually used to be an admin for a discord-exclusive RP group (which is where I met my partner and many of my current friend group), though that ended up falling apart and I’ve since lost the energy I used to have for high-paced groups like that 💔 Turns out, running one of those things REALLY killed my interest in them. I don’t have much of a preference between tumblr and discord now, but I definitely prefer being able to take my time on replies now.
GENDER: I definitely have a preference for male or non-binary muses. I do still enjoy writing for female muses, but I have a harder time getting into their headspace at times, especially if they’re cis female.
MULTI OR SINGLE: I have a lot of RP blogs because I used to really prefer single-muse ones, but as time’s gone on I’ve definitely begun to appreciate multi-muses more! I run both and I think both have their benefits and downsides. Though I will admit I definitely prefer my multis lately, especially this one <3 ([insert joke about my nickname being Multi here])
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !    
FLUFF: I’m SUCH a big fan of fluff and shipping, but I don’t really enjoy doing it with folks unless I’m very familiar with them, so I don’t engage in it that often honestly. I haven’t had many opportunities to ship with folks in the RP community on tumblr, but maybe in the future I’ll be a little more open to it. <3
ANGST: I am SUCH a sucker for angst, especially hurt/comfort type stuff. I love angst but fuck me up with that good comfort after.👌
SMUT: I will be completely honest that I’ve had some bad experiences with writing smut in the past that put me off of RPing it entirely for a long time, but I’ve been warming up to it again!! At the very least, I don’t mind discussing it now, even if I don’t typically post it publicly. (And I do write plenty of it just for myself, though I don’t usually share it with that many people asdfjkl <3 My smut google doc is between me and God <3)
PLOT / MEMES: I don’t have a preference either way! I think memes are a fun way to break the ice and can lead to really interesting threads, but I’m also a HUGE fan of plotting things out in advance
Tagged by @triggerbigger <3
Tagging: @smokes-and-bullets aaaand @shotgunszyslak <3 With no pressure to either of you, of course!!!
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