#//to unintentionally acquire a pirate dad asdfghjkl
ravarui · 5 months
@rcmancedawn continuation from here
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The knowledge alone was already powerful, especially for a pirate like him. And if he were with lesser morals he would use the fact that she was more or less stuck on his ship due to their alliance to his advantage. It wasn't every day one found out about the fleet admirals daughter. He knew that many others would do exactly that. But he had never been like that. Never would be.
Her question prompts him to give a light chuckle, followed by the shaking of his head and a crooked smile. "Nah. You're not your old man. Wouldn't be fair to judge you, based on his actions." Like the marines had done with Ace. He hadn't forgotten that. They had damned him for being Rogers son, as if the kid had chosen that fate.
He props his chin up on his hand, still observing her and her reaction. "Don't worry. No one else heard what you said." They had been mostly out of it as well, to drunk to listen or even care. "Well, except Beck, but he wont say anything either and neither will I." He paused for a moment. "Does the rear admiral know the truth?"
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