#//well he might not be a shape shifter by definition but he def do!! gradually
originemesis · 29 days
// some reference notes for adam's physique/state of being in each verse!! since he's not actually a shape shifter by any means, but bitch changes like one at each notable point in the timeline while yelling 'it's not a phase! it's that next level shit-'
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promised paradise ;
- fresh out of the Creator's ez bake oven and on a strict vegan diet straight out of Eden's pussy. Know all the twinky fanart of Adam you tell yourself can't hurt you because it's not real? This is him! Your literal nightmare and did I mention he's nude?? In all seriousness, he's got a strong jaw, a faint dusting of freckles between his eyes that extends along the bridge of his face, and a massive (ye it needs to be) manifestation of golden light in the shape of an actually average sized fig leaf that stays just sort of floating/concealing the reason why you should call him dick master. has a scar on his flank where the rib came out. - out of Eden, he gets clothes and eventually looks like your average Minecrafter. (Not even elaborating except letting you know block Adam is likely real and we should fear him.) calloused hands from totally farming with tools and not throwing them at Michael. no longer trusts fruit and sustains a meat and potato heavy diet, and is thicker with more musculature. one hand is permanently fucked up because eve keeps breaking it during every birth and she do be populating-
the crusades ;
- standard commander of the exorcist wardrobe and nearly exclusively how someone will happen upon him unless they catch him off guard, on laundry day, or is Lute. if laundry day, he'll be in a spare exorcist uniform (yes the skirt 1) or a maid outfit someone (probs Gabe) convinced him into thinking was a robe. - when he's first brought to heaven and shown around by Sera, he basically is a combo of both Eden verses- younger again, freshened up, half thick with farm work and (don't forget naked!!) Sera eventually helps him find his main robe to wear because he's mclosing it since the apple made him woke to these things and dying didn't change that. said robe is actually just the massive bell shaped bottom of one of Sera's dresses that she chopped and stitched up for him (he grows into it.) - beneath the uniform, he's still got muscle but it only shows when he's in battle using that farmhand strength to direct his weight around like a literal train wreck. he's gotten chubby from not trusting fruit and not having a woman to fix him home cooked meals anymore, opting for convenience style food (not that he has to eat, but he develops a binging tendency from a combination of the stress of not fitting in to heaven's mold before the 'angel skin' helps him fake it, and from tendencies formed on Earth since food could get scarce just depending on the weather's fee fees) and he holds it in his chest, stomach and ass, though his garb of choice gives him the classic church bell body. - his freckles are still there, but they glow with a faint golden light that's only really obvious in the dark. his wings are composed of golden feathers that are rather impressive when first hitting the sunlight in heaven, but Sera will admit they don't look as nice as that first time now since he doesn't take spectacular care of them, delegating the preens to his exorcist flock and they currently can't outclean the speed at which he accumulates Cheetoh dust in them. - the combination of him being alone for some time before Lute takes over, not taking general care of himself, and being without his rib support beam (that first wamman!) has caused fairly dark circles under his eyes and he generally has an air of deterioration about his actual face when on display. - his actual human nails are usually painted black under his talon gloves. Lute does them for him while they talk shit.
six months remaining ;
- same as above. he ends up with a wing injury from attempting the archangel proposal process (being not a full one himself but kind of like in training? so yeah that fucks his shoulder and wings up a bit.) this confines him to his apartment where he's forced by Lute to just hang out in off duty comfy sweatpants. though he's stuck in short shorts when she makes him go to early morning physical therapy yoga.
dead on arrival ;
- arrives as he came and slowly goes through hell puberty - which is a settling into a demon form that all souls inevitably take while being exposed to hell for too long (and well since it's forever... y'know!!) - since he insists on still wearing his helmet once Vox tech fixes it, he's unaware of the changes at first. gradually his skin starts looking more ashy and toasted like it's trying to shed to match the charred color of his arms that end in actual talons. his eyes were scalded by an archangel (Lute's), and the whites of them eventually fade out to black with pinpricks of gold for a pupil. - eventually his forehead starts to form horn nubs over each brow, but they don't get much bigger than that and sort of resemble piercings. one of his wings is missing (from a comatose meeting with a cannibal who finally got to taste God's chicken-) and he keeps the remaining one permanently tucked at his side like he's worried about losing that one too, though the feathers are faded and look like they might be darkening. the feathers he has sprouted (a couple tucked behind his ears like hair), and those that form a fan at the end of his tail, are dull brownish gold and speckled with black. - in addition to his rib scar, he has a large scar over the solar plexus and on the opposite side between his shoulder blades made of many small entry points, and with how the flesh has healed- it resembles the beginnings of a large rock hitting water impact. - he starts to ignore these changes and continues to just exist as he did in heaven with his helmet on, though trades the robes out for joggers and any other fuck boy rock star gear that Velvette puts him in when he's under contract. and yes, when he wears a hoodie- he just cuts holes in the hood for the helmet's horns. 🤘 - his appearance stays relatively stable to the point he still appears human despite the changes, however- this form can ' break' during high stress situations or even peek through when he's hitting a hardcore metal part of a song. this looks like his eyes inverting colors (so the gold prick widens until it swallows up the whole eye - basically looking like the eyes on his mask), skin on his face becoming essentially losing its corporeal form in the sense it becomes 'void', a dark twisting mass of static energy.
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