#//yep they're going to the pound and they're gonna get put down
youbloodymadgenius · 3 years
Ivarello (Modern!Ivar x reader) Chapter 2
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Moodboard by @quantumlocked310
Ivarello's masterpost here
A/N: This is my entry for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie 500 Followers Fairy Tale Challenge. It's a retelling of Cinderella. Congrats again, darling 💖
A huge thank you to @mrsalwayswrite , who's a great beta reader and an even greater cheerleader 😂
A massive thank you to @quantumlocked310 , @vikingstrash and @serasvictoria . Thank you for agreeing to collaborate and for sharing your talent with me. Your moodboards are beyond amazing 🤩
In this story, Sigurd is alive. Ragnar and Aslaug are dead, but Lagertha didn't kill her. I took a lot of liberties with the show, I hope you won't mind.
Unlike the tale, there will be no magic involved. Not everything will be realistic, however. It's a fayritale, after all!
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Orphaned five years ago, Ivar and his brothers have been living with Lagertha ever since. Now 16 years old, he wants to attend Harald's traditional Midsummer party, but obstacles stand in his way.
Warnings: description of car crash; orphaned kids; Sigurd being Sigurd; OOC characters.
Words: 2075
Additional note: In Norway, you are of age at 18.
Enjoy 🙂
"... don't start eating until your brother joins us."
As he pushes himself down the large hallway leading to the kitchen, Ivar can hear Lagertha's assertive voice. He knows exactly who she's talking to and his suspicions are confirmed as soon as he enters the room, as a very displeased and apparently famished Hvitserk looks at him with irritation before letting out a muffled, "it's 'bout time."
"Sorry, I must have dozed off." Shrugging, Ivar wheels up to the kitchen table, the smell of pizza tickling his nostrils. He must be hungrier than he thought.
"You look like Hel." Sigurd sneers in greeting.
Ivar, without bothering to look up, just tilts his head and hisses through clenched teeth, "coming from you, dear brother, I take that as a compliment."
He can feel Lagertha's gaze upon him and when he turns his head toward her, she is staring at him, the worry obvious in her eyes.
"I wouldn’t have put it exactly like that but Sigurd isn't wrong." She crosses the room and leans over, her brow furrowed. "You look exhausted, sweetie, what's going on?"
Ivar almost wants to laugh. He looks exhausted? No kidding? Yeah, guess what? That's what two sleepless nights in a row usually do to you. At least that's what they did to him. What you did to him, haunting his nights and even haunting his dreams, waking him up with a start, his heart pounding in his chest, the few times he managed to fall asleep. At least, he'd made up his mind early this morning. Hopefully, now that the decision has been made, he'll sleep better. Saturday night, he'll see you again. His heart is racing at the thought and he inhales deeply, trying to calm down.
Unsurprisingly persistent, Lagertha asks again as she places her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly, "Ivar, are you all right?"
He wishes he could just ignore his stepmom but knows she won't let it rest. Unwilling to admit that he owes his restless nights to a girl - to you - he decides to keep his answer vague. "So-so," he mumbles, slightly rocking his right hand.
"You're in pain? Do you need more meds? I could run to the drugstore really quick."
For once, he doesn't resent Ubbe for his well-meant yet patronizing kindness, nor for the pitying look he gives him. Actually, he silently thanks him for the good diversion. As long as his brothers and Lagertha believe that it's his legs that bother him, keeping him awake, his secret - you - will be safe.
Faking a small, sheepish smile, Ivar shakes his head. "Thanks bro, but that's okay, I have everything I need. Guess I should just double-up the tramadol tonight." He winces for good measure, knowing fully well he won't even need a single dose. The pain in his legs today is barely at four, nothing he can't handle.
Once the meal is almost over – which in plain English means that everyone but Hvitserk has finished eating, but thanks to Lagertha principle 'no one leaves the table until everyone has finished, boys', they're all stuck here – Ivar decides it's time to break the news.
"I'm gonna go to the party."
As soon as the words are out of his mouth, the kitchen falls quiet. Even Hvitserk stops chewing, putting his last slice of pizza back on his plate.
Not knowing what to do with the silence, and feeling a little awkward, Ivar explains further, a hand on his neck, "the midsummer party, I mean. Harald's party."
"We heard you just fine, sweetie." Lagertha is the first to pull herself together, even though the disbelief is clear in her voice. As Ivar looks up, his brothers are staring at him, slack-jawed, bewildered, probably wondering what's got into their baby brother.
"Let me get this straight." With widened eyes, Ubbe starts running both hands through his hair, "you are considering attending Harald's party, right? That's... That's what you said?"
"Yep." Ivar shrugs as if it was no big deal. Who is he kidding? Of course, it is! Attending the party is a fucking huge deal for him. There's no way in Hel he'll admit it, though. Not in front of his brothers. No fucking way!
"I'm not sure I understand..." Ubbe sounds cautious and it infuriates Ivar to no end.
"What part of 'I'm gonna go to the party' don't you get, brother? Huh? Too many big words for you?" He wants to keep going but when Lagertha clears her throat and gives him a stern look, he faintly raises an apologetic hand while muttering under his breath, "okay, okay, I'll stop."
Heaving a sigh, he shrugs once more. "Seriously, you don't all have to look so surprised. I just want to go to Harald's party. It's really not that big of a deal."
"But you never wanted to, sweetie. Why now?" Lagertha's eyes are wide open and there's a frown on her forehead as she crosses her arms.
"Why not?" Ivar can't help but raise his voice. "I'm sixteen, Lagertha! Thought I was entitled to a change of heart. Was I wrong?" Pointing a finger successively at each of his brothers, his free hand grabs his push rim, his knuckles white. "The three of you attend every year, why shouldn't I?" Looking directly at Lagetha once again, he asks in a clipped voice, "You're not going to tell me I can't go, are you?"
"Of course not, sweet–" She begins but Ubbe cuts her off.
"Listen Ivar, no one is saying you shouldn't go, not yet at least. As a matter of fact, no one would be more pleased than I if you were willing to go out more. Playing pool, going to the movies, or just having drinks, you know you're always welcome to come along with us. But..." Ubbe groans, rubbing his hands over his face and Ivar stiffens, grinding his teeth, "Harald's party, really? It's not going to work. You know it takes place on the beach, it's not exactly wheelchair-friendly."
Reluctantly taking his eyes off his slice of pizza, Hvitserk jumps in. "Ivar is our brother, if he wants to go, we find a way. That's it - I'll carry him."
Positively surprised, a small smile playing on his lips, Ivar thanks his brother with a nod, glad – and relieved too, because two are always better than one, right? – that Hvitserk, as so often, backs him up. Of all his brothers, he's the only one who sees him first as a sixteen-year-old and not as a cripple.
Ubbe is having none of it though. "Hvitserk, just stay out of this, okay?" He's practically shouting, chin up and chest out. "You don't have a say! I'm the oldest, not you! I don't think it's a good idea for Ivar to attend Harald's party, period."
Hvitserk furrows his brow and for a short moment, Ivar thinks his brother is going to fight back but eventually he lowers his gaze, defeated, before shoving the whole slice of pizza into his mouth. Ivar knows all too well that his brother, who's not the most tenacious of them, hates confrontation, especially with Ubbe.
Unlike him, Ivar is always ready to pick up a fight, even when it's not worth it, even when he is wrong. Today, though, it's definitely worth it.
His nostrils flaring, he smashes his fist down on the table, his face crumpled with anger. "Who do you think you are, Ubbe? You may be the oldest, but you're not my father, okay? So please, just do me a favor, brother, and read my lips." His voice dripping with sarcasm, his bottom lips quivering, Ivar is absolutely livid, "You. Don't. Have. A. Say. Period."
Ubbe is about to retort, his hands clenched into fists but Lagertha raises a hand, shutting him up. "Boys, boys, boys!" Glancing at Ubbe and then at Ivar, she shakes her head, not exactly thrilled with their outburst. "Now, calm down, both of you. Ubbe, Ivar is right. You may be his big brother, you may be an adult, but you're not his father. I know you mean well but as Ivar's guardian, I have the final say." Turning her head toward Ivar, she cracks him a reassuring smile. "We'll talk about this later, okay? Just the two of us."
Slamming the door shut, Ivar wheels up right next to his bed and, angling his chair just right, transfers over onto his bed before punching the wall, a roar escaping his lips. Big tears of frustration and anger run down his cheeks as Sigurd's words linger in his mind.
He had been surprised when his less-favorite brother had stayed out of the conversation.
He should have known better.
No sooner had Lagertha, Ubbe and Hvitserk left – she to make a phone call, they to join Margrethe – leaving them to tidy up the kitchen, than Sigurd had lashed out at him with harsh words and eyes full of spite.
"You messed up in the head, huh? It's a fucking beach, Ivar, you do realize your front wheels will get stuck in sand, right? Now tell me, little brother, do you really think we are going to carry your crippled ass around all night? Let me tell you, it's not going to happen! There will be so many better ways for us to spend the night. Girls, you know? Lots of them. Am I going to let you embarrass me and ruin my night? No! Not in a million years. And anyway, why do you even want to go? Get real, Ivar, you don't belong there, you just don't. You're a fucking cripple, a freak, an abnormality. No one wants you there. No one wants to see you. The sooner you accept it the better."
He knows Sigurd was intentionally trying to hurt him. And fuck, he did succeed. Ivar had felt so humiliated that it had brought bile to his throat.
At some point, while Sigurd was spitting his venom, Ivar had grabbed the large knife lying on the table and it took all his self-control not to stab his brother. No doubt his shrink would be proud of him.
Now though in his room, and even if he is boiling with anger, the nagging thought that Sigurd had a point, that he wasn't completely wrong, doesn't leave him. And he can see now that, in his own weird way, Ubbe was trying to protect him. By preventing him from going, his big brother wanted to spare him humiliation, pity, and mockery. Hvitserk, of course, had been willing to help, but let's face it, Sigurd once again was right. Piggy-back riding is not really an option anymore, he is too heavy. Plus, if he's being honest, even if it were still possible, it's the last thing he'd want. The mere thought of you seeing him on Ubbe's or Hvitserk's back makes him nauseous. Which puts him back to square one.
The beach is a problem and a huge one. Wheeling in sand is a no-go. It's just fucking impossible. If he doesn't come up with an idea soon, he's not going to be physically able to attend the party. And that's something he doesn't want to consider.
"I need a fucking genius idea!" He speaks out loud, cracking his knuckles, his eyes squeezed shut.
He just wants to see you. Y/N... Just you. And he won't be able to.
Fuck. Fucking sand! Fucking beach! Fucking legs! Fuck– Stop.
What... What did he say?
He needs an idea... A genius idea. Genius. That's it.
A slow smile spreads across his face.
Good thing he knows an authentic genius, right?
Grabbing his phone, he frantically slides his pointer finger on the screen, sighing with relief as he finds the contact he is looking for.
"Hello, Ivar," the man answers after two rings, and his voice brings an even bigger smile to Ivar's lips, "it's very sweet of you to call me."
"Hello to you too, you spindly legged, knock-kneed old fool. There might be something that you can do for me. I want to attend Harald's party. It'll take place on the beach. My brothers won't carry me and I can't really crawl about, can I? I wonder if you could help me, Floki?"
Ivar's godfather lets out a high-pitched chuckle before answering, "I'll figure something out, dear Ivar, I'll figure something out."
Ivar's taglist: @waiting4inspiration @honestsycrets @lisinfleur @saldelys @gearhead66 @inforapound @readsalot73 @milkkygirls @xbellaxcarolinax @shannygoatgruff @zuxiezendler @hecohansen31 @lonewolf471 @fuckindiva @tgrrose @didiintheblog @peachyboneless @pieces-by-me @funmadnessandbadassvikings @ethereallysimple @destynelseclipsa @cocovikings23 @xceafh @mrsalwayswrite @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @pomegranates-and-blood @jadelynlace @grimeundglow @quantumlocked310 @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom
Ivarello's taglist: @not-another-viking-fanfic-blog @hashimily @prepare4trouble @supernaturalvikingwhore @funmadnessandbadassvikings @heavenly1927
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meadowmines · 2 years
WIP: more fake dating idiots to lovers, bowling date edition
Part of selling their bit is making sure they're seen around town together. Not just at that certain kind of club, either. No, they gotta go everywhere together. Of course they have to be careful about that, too. They do, after all, live in a society and that society has some stupid-ass issues with regards to what any given consenting adults get up to in the bedroom together. 
But as much as Majima wishes society as a whole could just get the hell over it, he does admit there is a silver lining and that silver lining is: he and Kiryu don't actually have to do the kissy-kissy googoo eye(s) handholding shit in public. They just have to be seen together, in just the right context, just often enough that the right people start connecting the dots.
They go on a lot of nighttime outings, the kind that could be dates or could just be two guys hanging out after work. Mostly, they go out for drinks and karaoke, and they go just the right place for them. Earth Angel is an okama bar and everyone knows it, but everyone also knows Mama-san is a walking booze encyclopedia and plenty of straight whiskey fanboys drop in there for a glass and some education. 
They go bowling once, and Majima becomes acutely aware of eyes on his ass and catches the gal at the front desk staring.
"Yeah, she does that," Kiryu says when he points this out. "She's got a fetish."
Majima picks up a twelve-pound ball, hefts it in his hands a bit, and puts it back. "You got no idea what that word actually means, do you?" Ah. A fourteen drilled for a grown man's hand. Better. 
"I know what it means," Kiryu scoffs. 
"Okay. Go ahead. Show your work."
"...you're not gonna throw from there, are you?"
"You're stalling."
"No I'm not. It's something that makes you horny. Take half a step to your right."
"I'm fine where I am."
"You bowl straight. You're gonna get a split."
"I don't do anything straight, Kazzy. And you're close but not quite--" Majima sends the ball right down the middle of the lane, straight as he isn't, and watches it leave the worst possible split in its wake. "Oh, that's bullshit!"
"Told you. You can wing it at the ten hard as you can and hope it bounces across, but you're probably screwed."
"Okay, genius. Why not the seven?"
Kiryu looks at him like he just asked the world's dumbest question. "You're right-handed. Do you want it in the gutter?"
"Now that sounds like a fetish. Anyway, a fetish--hup!" Majima's ball cruises neatly dead center down the lane and does not disturb either remaining pin. He does not dignify this with a remark. "--is somethin' weird that makes you horny. A straight gal gettin' her jollies staring at a guy's ass ain't a fetish. That's just garden-variety horny. You're up."
"She told me she works here because she likes looking at guys' butts when they bowl." Kiryu selects a ball, takes a position a little off center, and throws. The ball heads for the gutter, veers back, hits just to the right of the one, and takes every damn pin out. How the hell does he do that!? "Like... specifically when they bowl."
"Okay." Majima turns that one over in his head a few times. "Yep. That's a fetish."
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Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Anon asked: What about rough sex with Nestor in Miguel’s house? He makes you stay quiet and fucks you in the bathroom because he couldn’t wait to get you homeee ahhhh i love nestor
Word Count: 1.9k
Thanks to my lovely beta reader @chibsytelford 💘
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @angels-reyes​.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​ 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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Taking a last look in the mirror, turning on the high-heels, you sigh. You're pretty nervous 'cause finally Nestor is gonna introduce you to his boss, and also his best friend, Miguel. You want to make a good impression and you're not sure about the dress you chose, but you don't have time to change your outfit. So, going downstairs with shaky hands, you find your boyfriend waiting for you at the hall. He looks at you from top to down. Hundred times. You're doubting.
“What? Is that bad?” You ask with trembling voice.
Looking down and moving the skirt, you raise your gaze at him. The golden and sparkle dress is falling on you like a cascade with a pronounced neckline and bare back, with your long and curly hair place on it. You know it was a bad idea dressing something like that, but guessing that being Miguel's birthday the assistant should be ‘important’ people. Nestor doesn't say anything, till you're about to talk.
“You're fuckin' stunning”. He says walking towards you, holding and lifting one of your hand to make you go a full turn. “You're fuckin' beautiful, baby”.
His words makes you smile, leaning closer to kiss him softly. Offering you an arm, and taking it, he guides you to the car opening you the door. Even if he does what he does, when you two are together his attitude changes completely. You have seen him working, more or less, escorting Miguel's wife or his mother, and he looks so serious that sometimes surprises you when he laughs watching some tv-show with you lying on the sofa. 
Placing one hand on your leg, Nestor drives to the luxurious house of the boss Cartel, knowing the road by heart. Some music is playing in the car, trying to focus your mind on the lyrics, so you don't think about Miguel believing you're not enough for his brother.
“He will loves you”. He says, staring at you for a second. “And if he doesn't do, I love you and that's all it matters”.
You nod biting your inner lip, before licking it feeling somewhat relaxed, putting a hand on his nape to leave some caresses. You love him too, since the first moment you met. And your parents do too. They're delighted with Nestor.
Some minutes after, you finally arrive to the house, decorated according to the celebration, with a lot of people reunited at the entrance next to their own cars. Porsche, Maserati, BMW (...). God, you're enjoying the views as the good mechanic you are. It's like if you were a child on a candy store. Your boyfriend parks next to a black Cadillac, walking faster to your door so he can helps you to go out of it. Then he guides you to the front door, being greeted by some men, recognizing them as politician. Shit, your legs are shaking. 
“Brother!” Miguel walks towards you, hugging him and palming his back very lively.
“Are you already drunk, Mikey?” He laughs loud, infesting the older.
“No, not yet!” He shakes his head before turning to you. “Man, you won the lottery or something like, ah? Miguel Galindo, a pleasure”.
The boss Cartel holds your hand, pressing his lips on the back.
“Finally we meet”. He says then.
“Yeah, ahm... (Y/N), a pleasure too. Nestor talks a lot about you”. You reply with a kindly smile on your lips. 
“I hope only good things”.
“I actually told her you're a pain in the ass”.
“My father used to say the same, but here I am!” He laughs. And you're sure he's a little drunk. “Let's have a drink. I'm gonna introduce you to my lovely wife”.
You nod whilst Nestor tangles your fingers with yours, leaving a kiss on your cheek. It isn't that bad as you thought. Till a blonde woman hugs your man so dearly that makes you feel jealous. Just a little. 
“Hi! I'm Emily!” Now, you feel stupid when she hugs you too so happy to meet you. “So you're the one who stole Nestor' heart... I understand him”.
“Yes, more or less”. You chuckles, supporting your temple against his shoulder for a second.
“She's my wife”. Miguel says then, giving her a gently kiss.
“Come with me, it's kinda boring when they talk about business, even if they're not working”. Poisoned words covered by a friendly smile.
The woman grabs your hand, saying ‘bye’ with the other whilst she walks towards the swimming pool outside, having a seat on the garden sofa. Your gaze is traveling all around the place, really surprised about how huge the house is. You're sure you could get lost inside it. Miguel's wife serves you a glass of red wine, offering it with a smile.
“I was lookin' forward to meet you”. She says then.
“Yeah, me too. Nestor talks about you sometimes and I think we're similar”.
“Right? I told him!” You can't help but laugh cheering with both wines.
“It's good to have someone with I can complain about him”. Emily nods and laugh again because of your words.
“Yes... I feel you. Sometimes Miguel drives me crazy and not in the way I would enjoy it”. She says rolling his eyes and rubbing his forearm. “By the way, your dress is amazing. Where did you buy it?”
“Oh, ahm... My mom did it. It's her job”. You answer looking down for a second, before have a sip of the wine. “Don't you... think is ‘too much’? I was nervous about meeting ‘Nestor brother’”.
“What? Oh, no, no. It's perfect. And about my husband, you don't have to worry about. He gives an impression that it really is not”.
┅┅ ┅ ┅ ┅┅
You're not sure how much time has passed by, nor how much wine you have drunk talking with Emily between laughs and complainings, when both men going outside have a seat next to you two.
“Having fun, uh?” Miguel asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Yep”. You nod, looking at your boyfriend with a goofy smile.
“I need to talk' you”. He whispers on your ear, making feel nervous from nowhere. He looks serious and it's not a good omen.
So, leaving your glass on the table and getting up holding his arm, you say goodbye for a few minutes. Crossing the big door to inside, you walk through the assistants worried and thinking that maybe Miguel said something about you. Now, you're about to cry making your own guesses in silence. Going upstairs, Nestor opens the door of a bathroom letting you come in.
“It's... everything ok? I'm sorry if I said som—”.
Before you're allowed to finish the sentence, he kisses you. You breathe heavy surrounding his neck with both arms, while he pushes you to the counter lifting you on.
“You scared me, asshole...” You grumble against his mouth.
“Yea', I know, it was kinda fun...” He laughs raising the skirt of your dress, nailing his hands tightly on your skin, touring your thighs till he finds the waistband of your panties.
“Nestor, they will hear us”. You try to say, with your hands moving faster to unzip the black pants of the suit.
“That's the game, babe. You have to be silent”. You know you can't. Not with him. Your boyfriend knows every weak point of your body, and how to push you to the sky. “Shit... It's 'cause you look so fuckin' hot I can't control myself”.
His lips travel to your neck, biting and sucking your skin being careful to not draw any bruise on it. You know how passionate he can be sometimes, and you always enjoy it, but you're ashamed of thinking that someone could hear you. He doesn't care. Not at all. And he's pretty hard when he spreads your legs to place his body into them.
“Let's see if you can be silent”. Nestor says challenging you with his gaze, pounding you with all his strength.
You're faster, covering your mouth with a hand and closing hard your eyes, containing a loud moan. You wrap his waist with both legs, pushing him deeper hitting your wetness once and again with the same pressure.
“Shit, babe... I love your pussy... It's so fuckin' tight, so fuckin' damp, my love...”. He gasps on your ear, drowning there his own growls.
“It's all yours, papi”. You say then, looking for his lips to sink your tongue between them till you find his.
It's a easy way to drown your moans and your curses, with every stroke making you squirm on his arms. The kiss goes filthy and rampant, heating your whole body and bristling your skin. You love him. So much. And even if sex it's not more important than that, he makes you feel you're in heaven with every hit rubbing your clit. The only thing you expect is that he doesn't ruin your outfit or it's gonna be even more embarrassing.
“Fuc'me harder, Nestor...” You beg almost huffing, knowing that you're close.
Wrapping tightly your legs and pushing him into you when he pounds you, drowning all your moans with your face sink on his neck, your boyfriend takes it as a command. He doesn't stop and he's not gonna do it till make you cum on his hard cock, making him feel proud to please you.
“My baby girl...” He groans chuckling, biting his neck softly as you can keep silent when you hear some steps outside walking closer.
You have to cover your mouth at the exact moment your body find the ecstasy, with his name stuck in your lips. It feels amazing. You kiss him, silencing some sobs of pleasure before he pull himself out, complaining about it.
“Kneel, my love”. He asks you, helping you to go down as he wants.
With a naughty smile on your face and letting him place his hands on your head, you leave a long lick with the toe of your tongue all over his cock, covered by your own taste. He pushes it into your mouth, groaning because of your warm breath wrapping his hardness. Nestor sets the pace, fucking your mouth with his head tilted back slightly. He thrusts your throat, keeping his glans pressing it for a second, before continue hitting it.
“You're like a fuckin' fantasy, holy fuck...” He mutters as he can, trying not to talk loud.
He fills your mouth without expecting, with a soft contained growl whilst you swallow without him asking for it. Your tongue runs all over his size, enjoying every gesture of his face, when he can't handle anything else. Nestor helps you to get up, before clean yourself and getting your clothes well on. He kisses you again more dearly, with his fingers caressing your back so lovely that makes you sigh.
“'Am not gonna do it now, but... wanna know what Mikey said 'bout you?” He asks then, from nowhere interrupting the needy kiss. You're not sure if you want to know it. “That I should marry you”.
Your heart stops for a second, pursing your lips because of the surprise.
“Would you like, uh? I mean, I'm not proposing you. Not now. That should be more special, than do it after fucking you in my boss' bathroom”. You laugh in silence, shaking your head full of lively.
“Yes, I would like”. You answers then, putting his tie on and smoothing the shirt with both hands.
“‘K, I'll keep it in mind”.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 55 Xs1)
"Helluva Night"
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After Luna changes, Ashley and her head over to The Amory to rehearse.
It's an open square stage. Like a four way runway. They do a run through, each positioned at an opposite corner. Starting by walking away from each other so that by time they meet, perfectly timed, they can toss their mic to the other as they walk by. It takes a couple runs to nail it. Not the toss but musical timing. They don't stop until it's perfect. Both girls maniacs when it comes to detail. Feeling confident in their flow and timing together, they cut out just after midnight.
Luna, Ashley and her band head to this neat little place called Up-Down to unwind with drinks and bar food. They hang out for a bit. Going over the show, bullshitting and playing pinball. Luna Snaps Colson while at the bar. Laughing, buzzed and full they wrap it up. Luna and Ashley have an interview in the morning.
Before going to sleep the two girls go over any last minute details of their performance. They're sitting on Luna's bed, sharing a joint also.
"Dude." A giggly Luna grabs Ashley's knee. "We're gonna do a fucking show together."
Of all their years, besides karaoke, they've never been on stage together.
"I know!!!" Ashley excitedly shakes her whole crossed legged body on the bed. "We're gonna fucking kill it!!" She exclaims to Luna's laughter.
Once Colson and Casie are home, he checks flight schedules real quick.
She's watching TV while he makes them dinner and a few phone calls. One to Emma, that goes according to plan. Then another.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" He asks.
After dinner, Colson gets Casie ready for bed. She has school tomorrow. They read 3 of her favorite books and he sings What I Got. It's their goodnight song. Tucking her in, he tells her that Mommy will pick her up from school but he'll see her the next day. Asking why, she's satisfied with his explanation. He tucks in with a tight squeeze, an I love you and a kiss.
Going into his room to collect himself, he lights a joint and checks his phone. Finding a Snap from Luna.
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Opening it, he's pleased with his earlier decision. Snapping her back, he finishes the joint before climbing into bed. Trying not to miss her.
Ashley wakes up before Luna. As always. Learning over the years, she enjoys the half hour to herself that it usually takes to get her friend out of bed. She finally rises Luna with coffee, who immediately rolls a joint. They have a system.
Ashley showers first, while Luna sits with her, the joint and coffee. Holding it for Ashley to hit when she pops out her wet head.
Luna rolls another. Finishing in the shower, Ashley does the same for her.
Out of the shower, looking for clothes, Luna finally checks her phone. There's a Snap from Colson, amongst other things. But first, Colson.
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"Oh my Fuck. He's fucking handsome." Even looking tired, he makes her body flush and pussy swell. Her heart misses him."
"Hey! You wearing this?" Ashley asks, pulling Luna out of her phone. Distracted she sets it down.
"Uhhhh... Nah. Go ahead." Luna says. She pulls on ripped black skinies, a sequin black tank and a long sleeve sheer white shirt. She puts on a deep purple lip before slipping on her white Chucks.
Luna stands up, just as Ashley asks "Ready?"
"Yup." Luna nods, grabbing her bag.
And awaaaaay they go......
Luna and Ashley arrive at the station on time, which is amazing for them. Ashley's team is close behind. Luna likes them individually but finds an entourage annoying. Plus, she's not used to Ashley being as famous as she is now. To Luna, they're still just two kids running around, hanging out.
Luna and Ashley sit bullshitting in the back room. There's really no way to prepare for an interview, there's always room to go off track. They both know this and each other well enough to let it organically flow.
They look up as the door opens. Expecting to go on. They're not.
It's Dom and Colson.
Dom grabs Ashley, splattering her surprised, happy face with kisses.
Luna exclaims "Holy FUCK!!" Tears welling in her eyes as she jumps onto Colson.
Kissing him like he's her dying breath.
"What the fuck are you doing here!?" She asks in awe while still kissing him all over.
"We've come to watch the Nightmare!" Dom exclaims, pulling his mouth off of Ashley's. She pulls him back in.
Still in his arms, Luna looks at Colson smiling. "Really?" She asks. "What about Case?"
"Yeah, Em's gonna grab her from school and I'll pick her up tomorrow." He reassures her to another passionate kiss. They missed each other.
An intern walks into the two couples making out. "Oh!" She says before turning around.
Breaking away from Colson she calls "No, no, no..." Before kissing him once more and sliding off his body. "We're ready." She says.
The boys kiss the girls good luck before they head into the studio.
"So we've got Halsey here. She's doing a free concert tonight at The Armory. We've also got That Brooklyn... Uh, I don't know if I can say this on air... Can I just call you That Brooklyn Babe?" Steve, one of the radio hosts asks.
"Absolutely Not." Luna answers quickly without hesitation. "Stick to simply Brooklyn if you're worried." She tells him.
"Ok... Ok.." Steve agrees.
"You can tell she's from NY!!" The co-host Dave chimes in. Luna gives him a side eye with raised eyebrows.
"Where the FUCK does Ash have me??" She thinks.
Steve starts up again "So you guys are here because you have a record together, Nightmare. It's #1 on The Pop charts. I think it's even #12 on The Alternative..." He looks around checking his notes. "Yep. Yep. #12.... You ladies must be incredibly proud. In all my years, I don't think I've ever heard a song as cutting or direct. I have to tell you. As a man, the song is a bundle of emotions. I literally go from fearing you, to wanting to change the world for you to feeling stupid for feeling like I have to save you."
Ashley and Luna speak at the same time.
Luna stating a solid "Good."
While Ashley offers up at sweet "Awww... Thank you."
Both girls give each other a cocked smile and amused side eye. Ashley plays the game. Luna not so much.
Laughing, Ashley leans in. "That's the idea. For you to see us as equals. Not ones who need to be saved and definitely not feared, although a little fear is good." She cocks her lip and winks at Steve.
"One's who deserve choices and options." Luna chimes in. "This isn't about us playing on the same baseball field. We're equal as human beings but in two different leagues because we are different. Men require different things than women and vice versa. This is about RESPECTING each other and what the other needs and is entitled to. Constitutionally. At least up until less then a month ago."
Luna's not afraid to drop political bombs. It's a lot of the reason why she doesn't do promos. There's no bullshitting with her when a real conversation is at hand.
"You have that song Bad Things with MGK right, Brook.. Brooklyn, is it?" Dave cuts in, stumbling over her name.
Luna knows his tactic but the thought of Colson softens her.
"Yes... I think we're at #5. He's actually about to drop an album on July 5th, Hotel Diablo. It's sick." She squeezes in the plug. "He's actually on the Nightmare record. Him and his band are who recorded with us. We'll be on SNL with them next Saturday." Luna lets out to Ashley's shock. You can't deny, Luna gives a good plug.
"Really?" Asks Steve. He goes on. "So you have this" He uses finger quotes. "'Girl Power' song with this 'Girl Power' video backed by an all male band?" He tilts his head as he asks.
"Yup." Luna's lips pop. "Strong women back men everyday. Why the fuck can't strong men back women?"
"Ohhhhh!!!" There's a howl to the F word. Her important point being lost.
"He's here, isn't he?" Dan asks. "With your boyfriend, Yung Blud?" He turns to Ashley.
"Yeah." She states not thinking anything of it.
"Can we bring 'em in?" Steve looks around, more asking the studio then the women.
"Uhhhh... Yeah... I guess..." Ashley says, unsure looking at Luna's 'What The Fuck???'
A few moments later a giddy Dom and unsure Colson head into the studio. Sitting next to each other, between their girlfriends, they slide their headphones on.
"Hey guys!!" Dan shouts.
"What's up!" Dom shouts back to Colson's "Sup."
Colson and Luna exchange an easy look of understanding. Neither of them is about this life.
"So, we've got 4 of the biggest pop stars right now, in our studio. We have Halsey and her boyfriend Yung Blud. And Machine Gun Kelly and his girlfriend.... We're gonna try it, we'll see if we get bleeped... That Brooklyn Bitch. Now you all are DOMINATING the charts right now. We've got at least 5 Top 40 hits between you guys and most are collaborations."
He's met to their "Yeahs."
He continues "So, tell me. You're all obviously friends and... partners. Is there any competition? Like, Halsey and Brooklyn, are you afraid your boyfriends will knock you out of #1?"
Luna and Ashley look at each other. Ashley speaks first.
"Nooooo.... Like you said, we're all friends. If I Think I'm Okay knocks us out, that's fine. What's most important to Lu.." She corrects herself. "Brooklyn and I is the message. Speaking out for those who can't. Bringing a voice to those who don't in Alabama and across the world. As much as you want to deny it, they're taking our rights away."
"Now nobodies trying to take..." Dave interrupts Ashley but Colson interrupts him.
"But they are, Dude. The fact that a woman who may conceive during a rape can be sentenced longer then the piece of shit who violates her is disgusting." He states firmly.
Luna's heart pounds and swells with pride. "This amazing MOTHERFUCKER."
"It's about lovin each other and lettin each live." Dom steps in. "There's many people's in this world who aren't treated fairly. Nightmare focuses on one specific section. In a smart, blunt way. You can't help but hear it. And if it wasn't true, it wouldn't resonate and it wouldn't be #1." He sits back in his chair.
Luna leans up. "Like Dom was saying, we have a voice. We're going to use it. Anyone out there, please write into AL's local legislature if you want. Support your local ACLU, look into Yellowhammer.com and listen. Always listen. And after you listen, if you have something to say, speak. Please don't be afraid to speak. Silence is any nastiness's dearest ally."
"Are we gonna get ANYTHING juicy from you guys??" Steve asks.
This pisses Luna off.
"What did you expect? You invited two strong women with a politically charged song onto your show?" She asks with her hands up.
"Just.. Just tell me.. Do you all hang out?" Steve asks pathetically, looking for any detail of their lives.
The four of them look at each other and erupt into laugher.
"Yeah, Man." Colson says.
"Of course we hang out, we're best mates!" Dom chimes in.
"Yeah, we all live together too..." Ashley adds.
"Unh-hunh, in beautiful polygamy glory in the Hollywood Hills." Luna finishes.
The four of them erupt into laughter again to the host's dismay.
Luna controls herself. "No, seriously. We all get along really well. Halsey and I have been bestfriends forever. Nightmare is REALLY important. We're debuting it at The Armory tonight. We hope to see you guys there..." She looks at the others. "Hotel Diablo July 5th. Bad Things...."
Ashley pops in "11 minutes, I Think I'm Okay both streaming now. Get some... Tonight's gonna be awesome. We can't wait to see you guys there!!!"
Colson hops on too, laughing. "And Hollywood Whore!" He shouts to the others laughter.
"And don't forget Tales of the Ritalin Club!!" Luna comes back in with a snicker.
"Yes! Yes!" Laughs Dom. "And Eastside.." They continue to shamelessly plug and laugh until Steve talks over them.
"That was Yung Blud and MGK. Halsey with That Brooklyn Bitch. Their debuting their #1 hit Nightmare tonight at The Armory. If it's anything like this interview, I'm sure it will be crazy. We'll be back!"
Nightmare plays them out.
The four of them tumble laughing into the hallway.
"Come're!!!" Ashley calls. Gathering around a mirror she finds, they pose for cramped selfie. She posts on Instagram immediately.
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Fun interview today with these crazy looooverrrrsssss 💘💘💘💘See you all @thearmory l8r. It's gna be a helluva NIGHT!! #nightmare
Luna, Colson, Dom and Ashley roam DownTown Minneapolis. It's early enough on a Monday for Ashley and Colson to not be recognized.
They have lunch and do some shopping. Luna picking up a beautiful, turquoise cuff. Before long Ashley needs to head to the venue. Luna's not far behind here.
The boys will meet them there later.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued......
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01010010-posts · 6 years
abo anon. imagine the omegas bois about to join their alpha during their rut for the first time & they think they're gonna get straight up pounded but instead alpha eats them out wildly & later admits that nothing pleases them more than tasting them as they listen to them gasp & pant & moan.
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wow abo anon coming here knowing full well what i like,,,,crying just by thinking about RK900 bc honestly this man is weak af for his alpha but no, all he’s gonna get is be the take-out of the week he’ll enjoy it a LOT not gonna lie but he’ll also be midly annoyed bc hello??? you’re in a rut?? no?? his data says you’re not supposed to behave like this?? are you holding back or just playing with him?? still he gets turned on when you say such things and,,,, makes a mental note of being very vocal when you’re in an intimate moment, he’ll even describe in details how you’re making him feel/what you’re doing if you like itconnor is UGH he loves every moment of it an alpha that actually likes to hear his omega moaning for so long?? he could cry bc you guessed it he’s a very talkative baby but UGH the tease you’re putting him thru he’d buckle his hips begging you to stop because please? please? knot? gib knot?? please? PRETTY PLEASE?? HE LIKES IT??60 is honestly made for someone that doesn’t mind spending half of his rut making him pant and overheat so much they have to stop or he’ll reboot he doesn’t mind AT ALL trust me but he’ll return double the favour otherwise he’d feel super guilty about it he wants his alpha to feel good too“tell me!! how!! to spoil!! my bois!!” is the biggest MOOD ever fuck60: his nests are a big X he’s not good at doing them and he gets p fidgety maybe you won’t like it? or you’ll say it’s good just to make him happy? maybe it’s actually very uncomfortable?? he hates doing nests for these and other reasons so the best thing to do is him choosing fabrics/blankets/old clothes with both of your scents on and you helping putting them in the right place, it won’t be perfect and in the back of his mind he’ll get a bit distressed but a big pro is that it’s unique, it has his & his alpha’s taste, it’s cute and if he gets to cuddle with you in it it’s okay he supposes. his fav kissing spot is his nape near his usb port he melts in a literal second, gently caressing him there too!! every type of cuddle is fine really! his fav position is on top when he’s in heat because he can still sort of control what’s going to happen but he really likes to be the little spoon while being knotted and afterwards. he’s a sweet baby so he needs a sweet alpha, someone who won’t get mad at him and has a big sense of humor, he loves jokes so mhh also someone who’s a bit on the adventurous side he loves to be outside! what does he wanna hear? praises. like, a lot. and dirty talk. he loves to use heavy dirty talk and doesn’t mind if his partner uses it too (but he’s p insecure so light dirty talk for him thnx). ps. try ropes/sensory deprivation with him pls,,,, not gonna regret it.connor: this man has graduated from nests’ college honestly,,,, a perfectionist, his nests are to die for HOW the fuck does he even make you feel so relaxed??? a mystery. he won’t asks you anything except for yours fuzzy sweaters, the rest is personally hand picked and it might be weird if you analyze it individually but he knows what he’s doing. kisses mhh inner thighs & face. fav position? his alpha on top and him down,,,, but he loves to be on his alpha’s chest and hug them when knotted,,,, he might lightly doze off and snore, heaven. he’s still himself so he was made to mix with humans so everyone’s fine. he can adapt. AGAIN: praises. just that. doesn’t need anything else.RK900: fuck him honestly because he’s super spoiled in this AU okay my man needed some much deserved cuddles. so his nests are rather minimalistic, black, white, gray, blankets, some pockets where you can store already approved snacks and YOUR things obv that’s the big part he can’t sleep easy without your scent so uhh?? fav spot to kiss? his abdomen & his back. fav position? whatever feels good i think but sometimes he wants to ride. while knotted he loves to hug his alpha but he also wants to be able to get cuddles so it’s both of you on one side, facing each other, kissing plenty. needs a VERY patient alpha this boy’s pretty jelly & needy. what does he wants to hear? that you’re good and you love him. also that you’re going to fucking eat your greens.omegas: connor doesn’t mind it but he much prefers when it’s his alpha riding his face his favourite pastime IM NOT JOKING this baby loves to be mouthknotted plus his tongue is?? ugh not going into details he’s a kinky shit but you get the hint60 likes it more than he should it’s fun & if his alpha likes it too where’s the cons?? there’s noneRK900 is a brat sometimes so ugh yep totally his thing if you ask me but it’s more of a treat so it’s not an everyday eventalphas: connor loves it,,,, sm,,,, always tongue thing but gosh his omega moaning above him? he’s going to crash from the pleasure60′s really happy if his omega likes it, he’s more of a fan of doing other things but not a problem at allRK900 weak af android found dead in detroit bc he adores his omega too much and them riding his face is bliss android heaven? never heard of it until NOWFUCK DOES HE SOUNDS CUTE ALLRIGHT!!!!!! love himhe’s p embarrassed like “you know,,,, if you have other things to do it’s fine just,,,, im really hot rn so,,, mhh” how can you say no to this little thing begging for your affectionhe has the prettiest moans and he’s so soft,,,, he feels like a cloud and aftercare is where’s the best at(him clinging because he wants his alpha to knot him more and cuddle? that’s,,,, that’s all i want in the world)DARE YOU? yep you dare.as soon as 60′s confident with his partner he gets super uneasy without them so uhh?? no?? heat without alpha?? big red warning he literally pleads you to let him call he needs to hear your voice and maybe if you have time whisper some things to him and hear him come while on the phone BUT please cuddle him a lot when you come home he’s lonelyconnor’s annoyed mostly, pouting because that was not the deal :( now he’s all alone what’s he’s supposed to do???? okay FINE he will play with some toys/videos but you’re going to give him extra attention next time he wants to have sexRK900 can i say it one more time? HE’S NEEDY WTF no no leave alone esp during heat it must be a life or death thing or he will get very grumpy for two whole days no not even overstimulating the heck out of him will work no wait maybe that’ll work just fine but lots of kisses and cuddles too or you can sleep on the couch baby
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5 years ago.
2D was walking down the streets of Miami, as he looked around he saw a small sign that said opened, he shrugged, walk down few concrete steps, opened the door.
It was a small bar, the place was empty say for a few people who were sitting at the edge of the bar.
2D walked over the other of the bar, and took a seat.
Man: Hey there.
2D: (looks at him)
See a Man with dark brown hair with a few gray strands, a little scruff on chin, and light green eyes, giving a friendly smile.
2D: 😳... H-Hello... Can I have a shot of whiskey please?
Man: Certainly. (the man walked away grabbing a shot glass and A bottle of whiskey and pord some in) Here ya go.
2D: Thanks, mate. (downs the glass) Whoa! That's... some strong stuff.
Man: Yep it is. And home made by one of our local breweries.
2D: It's good. Can I 'ave another?
Man: Here ya go. But take it easy. This can stuff can knock ya on ya ass.
2D: Heh. I'm... Stuart.
Man: Kanze. Or Kaz
2D: Kazen? I've never 'read that name before.
Kazen: I think its Greek. At least that's I was told.
2D: It's a nice name.
Kazen: Thank you, Stuart.
2D took a few another shot of whiskey, and then let the alcohol settle in.
A few hours later.
2D: So, Murdoc, fuckin arshole yells at me, and... Y-Ya wanna know I did next...?
Kazen: Um, I'm not sure...
2D: I-I 'it 'im... right in 'is stomach... Then Murdoc started pounding me in the face, and Russ 'ad to pull us apart and that when left...
Kazen: ... Wow. This Murdoc Guy sounds like a real asshole.
2D: Yeah. He is...
Kazen: So, if you don't like the way he treats you, why don't leave?
2D: I tried, twice. And he always kidnaps me.
Kazen: ... 😐... (keeps putting weight glasses)
Just then Russell shows up.
Russell: Stuart! There you are! (walks over)
2D: H-Hello, Russ, H-How's my bestiat... Bestist.. My best m-Mate...Hi~!
Russell:Oh, god... How much did you have to drink?
2D: I donno. Kaz took a the bottle away. ... So, no bloody idea.
Kazen: You took 5 shots. I told you take it easy!
2D: P-Party pooper... Pfff... I said poop~ I'm tweeting that...! (pulls out his phone)
Russell: Give me that! (take the phone) We're trying to stay obscure, you dumbass. And Noodle has been in tears after you stormed off like that, she was worried that you might never come back. So how dear you make for making her worry about your stupid ass.
2D: ... ... (let's down at the floor) Fucking 'ell. Alright alright, I'm a wanker. Okay?
Russell: Damn right. Now your drunk ass in gear and let's get goin'.
2D: Oh, alright, alright. I'm comin'... I'm think about to ... Yeah, gonna be sick... (run to the bathroom)
Kazen: ... Man can't hold his liquor.
Russell: (shakes his head) And he's careless. (looks at Kazen) I'm sorry if 2D, I mean, Stuart has been a problem.
Kazen: Not all. And don't worry, I didn't tell anyone who he really is or you for that matter. And here. (Hands over $300) He... overtip.
Noodle: (Runs) Stuart?! Where is the where is he?! Is Stuart alright?!
Russell: He's fine, baby girl. Have a little bit too much to drink, and he's in the bathroom.
Noodle: Well aren't you in there with him!?
Russell: ... (blushes) He... Ran to the ladies room...
Noodle: ... (Rolls eyes and walks into the women's bathroom)
After a while Noodle walks out with 2D.
2D: I appreciate ya, but that's the men's toilet. You're a girl...
Noodle: Yep sure. C'mon. Let's head home.
Kazen: Enjoy the rest of evening.
2D: (grins at him) Y-You too, mate. (looks at Noodle) A great Chap... And a great ars... Fuckin' sexy ars...
Kazen: ... ... (blushes)
Russell: (Facepalm) Idiot...
Noodle: Okay, this too awkward.
And three of them leave.
Kazen: ... Heheh. Well, they're a very lovely people. I like'em.
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Mark: rape victims. Theyre the most hurt out of all this and you keep thinking back to when you and Candy talked and you kept saying "Candy i need to do something about the rape victims. They need help" and she said "mom What about me?" And you said "candy all i know is i love you too much to know right now" and that was all. So, I'm thinking each race has barely enough tickets left. If we do the same as Woodstock on the teams. You know Matt Hagan's team has a guy who raped you yourself in the high school bathroom when you were trying to be "normal" and so. Im thinking eridacate those few make it safe for everybody before. Then when it's safe have tree insert free tickets and airfare what like a United airlines gift card and one for lodging with extra money on them of course to go on a separate trip later on their own someplace nice with their families, kids and soulmates, lost parents and siblings and more.
Me: mmhmmm
Mark: i know i lost you at DNA4U. Tree what is the percentage of rape victims not tested?
Tree: 2%
Mark: so see it will be perfect and tree can just email the rest.
Me: sounds good to me
Mark: and i will pay because you are truly running out. You only budgeted $4 Billion for the First Chandler of the Year Event. You're at $3.62 billion according to the trees calculations and i know youll add more midway because of the ones just beginning that hadn't earned all year. There's some special summer people the Tree sees coming in the future for the NHRA and associates. A whole entire family in human trafficking. Its Steve Torrence and you want to buy them a house and a few cars and a plane and butler and you're already out of money.
Steve: they can just live with me
Mark: your house isn't big enough
Me: let them pick a bunker location and we will remodel
Mark: what?
Me: my gramma went back and most of her bunker because they were so used to it and so many. If i build them what i think is the greatest house in the world, it won't be good enough. Im not like them
Mark: well i think you're wrong. They want out.
Me: the sunlight itself is damaging to the eyes. The weather changing all the time and it's so much to get used to the outside world. So i think Idk... Im not gonna assume. But my grammas is in the side of a hill and we put Windows in it. So there's many alternative opportunities that we can do. Im not trying to save money. I just want to spend it perfectly.
Mark: i know that's all you want to do. Jason Line's family has got out. And they're okay. I'm gonna expedite some people. I'll be back don't post yet.
Saint Luches: He's sexy. When she said his vein was popping.. Yum. Hey! I tap in her phone! I see her wallpaper! And it's his veins popping! Fucking hard!
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Fuck yeah man. It's life. Thoughts roaring through hos body at high rates of speed
Alex: that's all I was trying to say
Mark: i put video in for people i select in the DNA4U so they will have to check. They should ask you for help Alex. Okay? Even if yoh don't like them
Me: okay baby
Alex: got it baby. But only if yoh fuck me
Me: please. Pay me. First with a hard Dick then cold hard cash and gifts oh and feed me dinner.
Mark: feed me Seymour
Alex: i love you baby
Me: only me. Not that Saint Luches. He's mine.
Mark: will you two stop and listen to me
Me: only cause that vein is popping. Alright. what baby?
Mark: you make me laugh too much. Sabrina you know what to do. There is too many people still to attend the track so what do we do?
Me: well they will need to make room in the camps and double up in cars so there's enough parking and so they may be in the way of workers in the trailers.. So we will see if NHRA can make a special Chandler Love section
Mark: yeah let's decorate it with hearts..
Me: oh all romantic!!! Like white linen. Roses. Mmmm like dinner is that oyster romantic stuff
Mark: oh and cinnamon
Me: yeah cinnamon all floating through the air. We can put something on top of the trailer like a wax burner. Which will be perfect because a each cube really only lasts 3 days. So dump it out and get in the road.
Mark: yeah see yoh already have no money. You already got the candle wax and warmers and flower vases from me and tree. You and Candy arranged that in 2016. But you still need to buy flowers and you did have the families of special victims to take them home already. But not the vases, they wrap them in wet papertowls on the bottom of the stems then use wax paper they can later press the flowers into to have pressed flowers. So that is already budgeted in the $3.62B you have them going to local to the track homeless shelters.
Candy: oh dad i forgot that!
Me: how's it going there Chandler Bing?
Candy: call me Candy
Me: all right 007
Candy laughs surprised: mom!
Agent: alright they will be furnished by the CIA. Setting out tables and serving food
Mark: yeah we got real wooden tables and chairs. The chairs don't fold. They stack. Her dad made them.
Candy: oh dad!
Mark: her mom's idea. Jesse Tony was so shocked. He said "i know how to make those!" They're so beautiful with vines of love coming down. She really was in love with him again that day.
Me: :D
Mark: it happens, happiness. Ok. So then everything is fine. Alex you'll have to help Steve with his parents.
Alex: what about my parents?
Mark: this weekend since you can't have her Because she HAS to go to Columbia. Her children need since organizational skills.
Candy: that's good mom. You got to do that. She's killed him 4-6 times since you last saw him.
Me: I think she's like Alex. Into kink. She might be his daughter.
Alex: shit. I think she is
Saint Luches: whoooo the world we have on our hands
Me: this is how i just saw Alex in my head
Alex: don't you dare say what you just saw
Me: so hes all "you used to always wake me to eat. You'd give me a handy to wake me unless i was already out and and probably pretending to sleep and id pull you on to ride. Then youd feed me by hand the breakfast you made or dinner if It was ready and Saint Luches didn't tell you to wake me early. Then I'd tie you up on the weekends to the bed" that's what ive heard so far of our relationship in his eyes.
Alex: just the sex part! (He laughs) oh my god! I can't believe she said that about me
Me: that's not even... So I've been wearing pearls and hes all i want to wrap these around your neck so tight when we're fucking... But they're yours and they'll break so I'll buy you a different necklace to wear. A whole box
Saint Luches: whoo!! He went full kink!! Hes not holding back!!! Whooo weeeeee neat! This is gonna be fun.
Me: oh and i got all this saggy ass on my skin -- skin on my ass from that last 15 pounds i lost. He's all Saint Luches get this, hes all, i want to wrap my hands in it and just yank... Like its not attached to my body but then Saint Luches get this, im all okay sounds good because i can't even feel any thing there cause the nerves are all dead. Uh huh. I'm like yeah let's... Whatever you want baby.
Saint Luches: and you're serious!
Me: uh huh yeah
Saint Luches: that's what I know!
Me: so then last night he's telling me "I'm just gonna get a leash when you go to NHRA and put it around your neck", I told him that's too degrading in public bedside you don't want that any way. A leash and collar are boring. They're just standard. Pearls has control where you wrap around your fist and it's your intensity on your cock that makes you want to break the pearls. Its completely different. But i told him he can put a cuff on my wrist and leash me there because i know he really does want to leash me in public
Alex: i fucking do so bad!! I've always wanted to!!
Me: well people know who we are now so its not like walking around all randomly in NYC in a business coat. Suit and heels. With a spiked collar and leash... Besides you know the problems there... So a wrist is just an extension of your tiny short arm. And so in the current situation its applicable to chain me to him... But also Alex, you must remember if you're not looking some one can take it off me and put it on something else and you not even notice
Alex: yeah i know! That's happened and I heard you screaming and looked and then I was hooked to the fucking metal banister of the stairs you were sitting on and you were all the way down the street with 2 cars to pick you up
Me: I.... Uhh. Yep.
Alex: fucking mother Teresa kidnapped you said I was abusive in a sexual nature to you. So I started wearing the collar and I looked sexy, too. Maybe that's what we will do instead...
Me: if you want to baby. Mother Teresa had me so scared. I was afraid she would take off my clothes to find the bruises of you biting me and squeezing me so tight
Alex: she was going to until you told her you felt you were in a rape situation and told her to take off her robe which she did, all fucking wrinkled l nasty
Me: yeah and i told you to let's go Like 10 times and all yoy did was stare at her.
Alex: i was staring at her face! I was scared! Then sh3 dropped those mini blinds and I snapped out and I realized she was gonna fuck us on that table, you weren't kidding about her! God she was nasty. I don't even think she wanted to kidnap us. Just make us drugged and drunk and fuck us until her little shriveled ass dried all the way up.
Me: i told you
Alex: no! Dont say it!
Me: her pussy would always drip down her ass crack and she would never die unless someone killed her!
Alex: id rather talk about kink. And I didn't wanna talk about that either.
Me: we're supposed to be spending money. Help me. Ohhh kink for
Mark: no we got that! No actually we did. Star studded collars and shorter leashes and cuffs and also Abu in leather to strip. While walking around
Alex: oh my god. Did you really do that for me?! Oh my God!!!
Me: on a day too hot to wear clothes and waster hoses to water down t-shirts
Candy: mo-om!!
Me: we warn before hand and we got bathing suit tops -- string bikinis.
Alex: omg. Stop baby. Quit. Baby. Quit. Omg.
Me: and xl white t-shirt to 5x .
Alex: oh Fuck!!
Me: we got it all clean fun
Candy: and where are they gonna get dressed?
Me: by the water slides
Candy: well okay then!!!
Me: and we will have mud wrasslin
Candy: mom!
Me: please baby Like we weren't born in Alabama. Ut Its in plastic pools. We will have clean dirt brought in. So no little rocks or stickers or branches
Alex: oh my God! Why do i love you! This is why!!
Candy: mom! That is not what i want to do! But i want to watch!!.
Me: girl. You'll do it.
Candy: what--what?
Me: baby girl youll get to watching and you'll start wondering how that feels., like is the mud cold? Is it really so fresh? Like you can't watch a mud wrassle without wanting to get in. It's the law. At first youlk be all As long as it's not in my hair, but once it gets in there you'll be all fuck oh my God this mud is good you won't even,care. You'll start making yourself dreadlocks. For real. Its good shit,
Alex: that's so hot and heavy baby what else you got for me
Me: Alex. Its for my child! Every child needs a good mud puddle. She will go with her brother and sisters before anyone else gets in. Like off hours. During a private time. Just for employees and lovers. My children will play in the mud just like i let their sister Annabelle. Its my rule as a mom. But it's clean spa quality mud.
Candy: for real mom? Im gonna cry! I gotta walk away!
Me: you're welcome. I don't care how old And wiser than me you are you're my baby. Mark already bought everyone the tickets.
Mark: and some Columbian Abu that need to return to America and not to Columbia.
Alex: so when Sabrina comes. There will be whips and chains. This excites me.
Me: this way Every one knows the threat is present! No guessing! I'm here. Black leather is out. Whips.Whips. whips and chains. If Steve Torrence thought this weekend shopping was erotic and silly just wait, it gets worse and better! I bet we could put up an outfit for him. Get him topless, some long leather arm cuffs with fringe ... Chaps. Boots.
Alex: and what am i wearing?
Me: nothing. A loin cloth in public places,
Alex: shut up! You're Not kidding me are you
Me: i swear he just sighed with relief.
Alex: shit i did babe. I was like yeah! She's doing an new Animal house but animal. Leather is animal skin and she wull wear purple or pink or red zebra.
Me: it's caaaaaaaaavemaaan!
Alex: oh my God that was sexy. You know she iw the only 100% pure Neanderthal in the world. She has every single Neanderthal gene. No one else in the world does.
Me: mmhmmm Annabelle only has 75% because ironically yummy kinky bastard you only have 50%. If She's yours. But She has your lips
Alex: i know. And punishing attitude
Mark: it's because he evolved from bestiality.
Alex laughs: shut the fuck up.
Me: your face is too red for me to not to want to ask questions.
Alex: im a civilized caveman
Me: dont lie to me
Alex: i wear suits
Me: mmm
Alameaniae: great now can we get back to me? I kill my husband bring him to life and fuck him
Me: you're a healer and goddess of fertility. Its quite simple although authentically unknown around the world as many people try to mimic you without the known skill. But you're not evil. Just a Goddess of sudden powers that bestow truth and honesty beyond any means of life itself. You truly despise evil and you can't Fuck even your husband if he has even a dusting of evil on him. So you kill him and make him whole again.
Another killer daughter: Just like Saint Luches used to do to Sabrina. You all do. Even Mark.
Mark: WTF. I never did that to Sabrina. Saint Luches
Saint Luches: just that one time she went silent and didn't moan during sex.
Me: because i learned not to because it attracted attention from a child wanting to know what that noise was. Well IDK. Apparently its common in other relationships.
Tree: there is 1600 goddess to God relationships that are 100% that way. Mark never. Saint Luches on impulse. And Alex more often than not. Jesse Tony never.
Alex: hey I love the bitch, it's hot what can I tell you
Tree: but usually with Alex it's on accident, he's accident prone. But he heals all her scrapes and Bruises if he gave them to her or not. So he's only done it 45 times out of 648 sexual occurrences.
Me: it's passion. I usually don't feel it. Mostly I hop out because i do feel pain. And i know he doesn't want me to. Then i watch him fuck my dead body. Its very interesting.
Alex: I'd check my watch and see if it stopped. Check a wall clock to see how long she been dead then i tell her what the fuck are you doing dying on me? Where does it hurt? And then i heal it and she goes back to life, she's rhe sick one watching me fornicate on her dead self
Me: thats sexy as Hell.
Alameaniae: So all the rest of you are doing it on accident? Im doing it on purpose
Armageddon: currently there's 1600 of you purposely killing your spouse which is 0.000366% of the world. Which is quite interesting. You will be studied.
Alameaniae: okay! :)
Armageddon: usually that style of attitude we turn into cats, we were not aware why this was occurring but now we do. Because we fuck up and torture. So then you kill who you think tortured the most when we thought we were fulfilling a prophecy which we now know is a lie. Thanks to Sabrina and her attitude ans refusal to turn to lust to be her guide and instead strengthen love not only for herself but the world. Again as she did in the 1980s. And so now we will exclude prophecies as some are lies designed to take over the world which we now know in impossible. Due to the one actual full Neanderthal on Earth. Sabrina = Cleopatra = Lady Godiva = Goddess = S.Leigh and all hwr other names. Still her. Just like she said, you can change everything about the way she looks and the world around her but yoh can't change her. Its true and that isn't a prophecy. Its an anti-prophecy.
Me: because im awesome like that. All Neanderthal Gene!
Mark: baby You make laugh
Armageddon: and you did kill Sabrina Mark 2x. But the difference is you all do it during sex unlike the 1600. Saint Luches in the beginning because hes insecure he can fuck well enough. Alex at the end because hes certain she will run away. And Mark's two were accident related when they were interrupted (by rapists) and he was trying to hide what they were doing. I'm just saying there is a difference is all. And even still Alex doesn't do it on purpose. But Saint Luches will. 113 times out of 492.
Mark: Jesus Christ! God!
Armageddon: but Saint Luches was circumcised too far so sometimes he had pain and thought Sabrina could feel it as well.
Mark: oh
Armageddon: those 3 only lived together 6 months.
Alameaniae: God! She really is a nympho!
Me: and I advocate for Soulmates. Fix the issue with the cats please.
Armageddon: oh yeah hold on leg me call tree. Shhh.
Mark: He really uses his phone. That's so hilarious. You don't even know his number do you? Or mine or even Alex's. Not even Saint Luches.
Me: I dont even have their emails.
Mark: so we got rape victims, some human trafficking. No murdered but those come in. Abuse will be eradicated for some and educated to stop. We have all your other paperwork but most of the post -- well all till this one has been new
Me: ok. I'll rest. I still have till the weekend is up to add.
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