#//you get my tangent first draft mao
sir-huffman · 2 years
be amused @otverzhennyy​​ enjoy ur pink bowed knight
It seems like it was a trend in Mondstadt that there was a slight alteration to everyone’s outfits. From the Acting Grand Master to the little outrider to the the lovely sisters, to even their newest astrologist...and all the young girls in town wanted to follow suit. Ah, fashion what a wonderous thing that was...
Unfortunately, that lead to the young girls following suit - mimicking their older sisters and their idols. Bold colors seemed to be the theme, atleast as far as the young girls picked up. So it only took a group of them who wanted to modify the knight’s uniform since it was so drab and boring. Sigh.
Huffman sighed as he had been wearing this bow all day. The other knights who had also fallen victim to them had already taken it off, but Huffman ( being Huffman ) didn’t mind it so much and he didn’t want to hurt the little girls feelings.
Things went on and he did his work like usual. Patrolling around the taverns, making his way up to do a quick check on a few patients and had avoided a certain diplomat all day. Ah he didn’t want to be caught dead—
❝ Viktor...I uh...er—...   ❞ Scheiße
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That’s all he could get out of his mouth as Huffman was caught by the diplomat. Shit. He knew this was going to happen. Somehow things just got around and Viktor was going to see him like this at some point in the day. It was unavoidable...but a knight could dream.
Don’t mind Huffman pressing his lips together as his cheeks were probably a bit red. He turned away as he pulled his notebook and pen closer to him. Huffman shouldn’t have gone into the church today, he could have pushed it off ‘til tomorrow but...ah he needed to get some work done here.
He sighed as he dared to look up at Viktor. Ah he hated this. Having this giant bow on his head, some of the nuns had even fixed it for him so it always stayed nice on him...clearly they were amused by it too. And apart of him hoped Viktor wouldn’t find it amusing as well. Lord Barbatos knows Viktor would and tease him about it.
❝ ...How bad does this look on me? ❞
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