#/In my verse Looker never met Giovanni but heard of him and how Rocket disbanded
fallershipping · 1 year
I'm into Nanu/Giovanni as a ship. But it's a funny and kind of horrific scenario at the moment. HIS Giovanni is kind of an Ex that disappeared off the grid, and there's this new Rainbow Rocket Giovanni running around who he doesn't date but notes that this particular one is an absolutely fucking madman off his rockers.
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rocketbcss · 6 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, andrepost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Chrissy OOC Contact: Ask/IMs for the most part. I tend to keep my discord private.
Who the heck is my muse anyway?
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Giovanni was the primary antagonist for the first generation of games in the Pokemon series and has been such an iconic character that he’s made appearances in the anime and manga. Up top of that he’s been referenced multiple times throughout the game series culminating in his return in USUM. He’s the head of the Pokemon world’s version of the yakuza/mafia known as Team Rocket with the ultimate goal of stealing Pokemon for profit so that he can eventually dominate the world.
Points of interest:
My portrayal of Giovanni actually borrows from multiple sources though mostly I lean heavily towards the games and the anime. Game wise you can consider this blog canon divergent since I completely ignore the Tohjo Falls retcon that happened in HGSS. Giovanni might have heard the radio signal from his executives, but he chose not to answer it and therefore never battled the young trainer from New Bark Town.
Giovanni’s identity as the leader of Team Rocket is a well kept secret that very few people know. Though he has a very public identity as both the Viridian City Gym Leader ( which retains a reputation for being the fiercest and strongest gym in Kanto ) and as a wealthy businessman who’s made generous donations across Kanto
Giovanni is still the Viridian City Gym Leader and in fact rebuilt the gym after Ash’s disastrous battle with Jessie and James. Beneath the Viridian City Gym are the main headquarters for Team Rocket and is generally where Giovanni can be found if he’s not travelling.
Giovanni is Ash’s biological father. Over a decade ago, Giovanni met and fell in love with a young girl from Pallet Town. This has been the single most defining relationship he’s ever had as no other woman has ever compared to Delia Ketchum. But when Giovanni learned of his mother’s death and he chose his career over his family and Delia in return, chose to protect her son over Giovanni and left.
I have two main verses: Rocket verse and Exile verse. My Rocket verse is a general verse for all scenarios that involve Giovanni as head of Team Rocket whether it’s pre-series or post-series in a scenario where he never disbanded Team Rocket. Exile verse is more game oriented and follows the period of time in which Giovanni disbanded Team Rocket and went solo. Although this verse can also apply to scenarios in which Giovanni might have disbanded Team Rocket for different reasons unrelated to the events that happened in the games.  
What they’ve been up to recently:
ROCKET VERSE: Giovanni is currently in the midst of launching Team Rocket’s expansion into the Kalos region after the fall of Team Flare. Though it’s been slow going as he’s facing opposition from outside sources along with remnant Team Flare factions.
EXILE VERSE: Giovanni is currently in Alola mostly to keep an eye on his sons, but also to learn more about the pokemon unique to the region. Mostly though he’s disgruntled and unimpressed with the people and the customs of the region.
CONQUEROR VERSE: having made the discovery of other worlds Giovanni has made plans to conquer the entire multiverse. He is king of his world and intends on being king of several first by taking what resources and research he can while he expands his empire.
Where to find them:
MAIN VERSE / MOST VERSES: Viridian City either at Team Rocket Headquarters or in his personal estate. 
EXILE VERSE:  Generally in his summer home outside of  Hau'oli City, though this verse tends to vary a lot as Giovanni will travel quite a bit.
CONQUERER VERSE: in what is considered TRR headquarters located in an unknown realm that shifts from reality to reality as Giovanni moves to invade another world.
Current plans:
KALOS EXPANSION: with Lysandre dead and Team Flare effectively gone, Giovanni has plans to further Team Rocket’s reach by adding the Kalos region under his control.
RECONCILE WITH SILVER: in the Exile verse, with Team Rocket disbanded Giovanni has come to the slow realisation that his son is the most important part of his life that he’s been ignoring for so long. Unfortunately that relationship has been falling apart for years and he’ll readily accept Silver’s decision if he chooses to cut ties with his father. But until that happens, he’ll do what he can rebuild what he can with his on.
Desired interactions:
More Rocket interactions: I don’t do enough of these. I know there are quite a few Team Rocket blogs floating around, but strangely I’ve yet to get off my ass and plot things out with them.
Early Life/Rise to power: I’ve always wanted to explore this part of Giovanni’s life, basically his teen years to when he becomes head of Team Rocket.
Mafia verse: I have a mafia verse sitting here that I very rarely touch and I want to use it since I’m trash for mafia stuff. I mean look at the character I’m roleplaying, is this really a surprise anymore?
A different choice: lately it’s been really rattling around in my head how different Giovanni would be if he didn’t choose Team Rocket. What kind of man would he be without the corrupting and enabling influence of his organisation? What career would he choose? Would he still just be a criminal anyway? All that stuff that I want to explore.
Recruiting: nothing tickles me more when Giovanni manages to convince someone to join Team Rocket.
Hunting: Giovanni personally hunting down a traitor = fun times
Marriage of convenience: Giovanni marrying someone for advantage. No romance. Nothing. Him and his partner are in this fully knowing that the marriage is a sham. Bonus points of Giovanni ends up divorcing later.
Down with the law: Giovanni evading the law is A+++, especially if it’s with Looker or Anabel.
Offered interactions:
Need a boss? Giovanni is your man as he offers a stable job with great benefits and you’re unlikely to have a boring day.
He’s totally not a dad: if your character needs a dad, then Giovanni is here to fill that role.
Mentor: something Giovanni will very rarely admit and hardly realises himself is that he actually enjoys teaching, but it’d take extenuating circumstances for him to admit that much
Antagonist: well duh, he’s a villain. He’s here to ruin your day if you need it.
Current open post/s:
Not really one for making open posts.
Anything else?:
I happen to have a few pet peeves when roleplaying that I’d appreciate my partners to take into consideration:
Nothing makes me drop a thread faster than characters who have no business knowing that Giovanni is the head of Team Rocket since this is a secret that he’s taken great pains in hiding. There’s canon evidence for this in the games and in nearly every version of anime. So unless your character is a super great at information gatherer as in that’s their career and they have the resources or they’re a high ranking member of Team Rocket, your character should not instantly recognise him as the Rocket Leader.
While it’s a fun little jab OOC now and then, if you seriously start an interaction with me where your character is basically “lol you got defeated by an eleven year old” I’m dropping the thread. In a world where EVERY trainer who isn’t the protag in EVERY game was basically defeated by an eleven year old trainer, this is god damn irritating. And also in character wise? Giovanni wouldn’t put up with that kind of mockery anyway.
Don’t force headcanons on me. Don’t. If you have headcanons that involve Giovanni in some way, discuss them with me and find a middle ground. I really dislike when people make assumptions about my character.
Keep all of the above in mind and we’re all gravy baby!
Tagged by: no one, dug it up from my old blog 
Tagging: @magmaichor, @aquaichor, @caniseirios, @wrathcrowned, @tcpdog, @soulsilvcr, @leaf-fuguri, @agentcatman, @hisrighthand, @rocketsecretary & everyone else!
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rocketbcssarchive · 7 years
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, andrepost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: Chrissy OOC Contact: Ask/IMs for the most part. I tend to keep my discord/skype private.
Who the heck is my muse anyway?
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Giovanni was the primary antagonist for the first generation of games in the Pokemon series and has been such an iconic character that he’s made appearances in the anime and manga and has been referenced multiple times throughout the game series. He’s the head of the Pokemon world’s version of the yakuza/mafia known as Team Rocket with the ultimate goal of stealing Pokemon for profit so that he can eventually dominate the world. 
Points of interest:
My portrayal of Giovanni actually borrows from multiple sources though mostly I lean heavily towards the games and the anime. Game wise you can consider this blog canon divergent since I completely ignore the Tohjo Falls retcon that happened in HGSS. Giovanni might have heard the radio signal from his executives, but he chose not to answer it and therefore never battled the young trainer from New Bark Town.
Giovanni’s identity as the leader of Team Rocket is well kept secret that very few people know. Though he has a very public identity as both the Viridian City Gym Leader ( which retains a reputation for being the fiercest and strongest gym in Kanto ) and as a wealthy businessman who’s made generous donations across Kanto
Giovanni is still the Viridian City Gym Leader and in fact rebuilt the gym after Ash’s disastrous battle with Jessie and James. Beneath the Viridian City Gym are the main headquarters for Team Rocket and is generally where Giovanni can be found if he’s not travelling.
Giovanni is Ash’s biological father. Though the only Ash I’ll acknowledge this with is @ofpalletown​. Over a decade ago, Giovanni met and fell in love with a young girl in Pallet Town. This has been the single most defining relationship he’s ever had as no other woman has ever compared to Delia Ketchum. But when Giovanni learned of his mother’s death and he learned that Delia was pregnant, Giovanni chose his career over his family and left Delia in the middle of the night without a word.
I have two main verses: Rocket verse and Exile verse. My Rocket verse is a general verse for all scenarios that involve Giovanni as head of Team Rocket whether it’s pre-series or post-series in a scenario where he never disbanded Team Rocket. Exile verse is more game oriented and follows the period of time in which Giovanni disbanded Team Rocket and went solo. Although this verse can also apply to scenarios in which Giovanni might have disbanded Team Rocket for different reasons unrelated to the events that happened in the games.  
What they’ve been up to recently:
ROCKET VERSE: Giovanni is currently in the midst of launching Team Rocket’s expansion into the Kalos region after the fall of Team Flare. Though it’s been slow going as he’s facing opposition from outside sources along with remnant Team Flare factions.
EXILE VERSE: Giovanni is currently in Alola mostly to keep an eye on his sons, but also to learn more about the pokemon unique to the region. Mostly though he’s disgruntled and unimpressed with the people and the customs of the region.
Where to find them:
MAIN VERSE / MOST VERSES: Viridian City either at Team Rocket Headquarters or in his personal estate. Though lately he’s been spending more time in a certain house in Pallet Town.
EXILE VERSE:  Generally in his summer home outside of  Hau'oli City, though this verse tends to vary a lot as Giovanni will travel quite a bit.
PREQUEL VERSE: As a guest in Delia Ketchum’s home in Pallet Town
Current plans:
KALOS EXPANSION: with Lysandre dead and Team Flare effectively gone, Giovanni has plans to further Team Rocket’s reach by adding the Kalos region under his control.
RECONCILE WITH SILVER: in the Exile verse, with Team Rocket disbanded Giovanni has come to the slow realisation that his son is the most important part of his life that he’s been ignoring for so long. Unfortunately that relationship has been falling apart for years and he’ll readily accept Silver’s decision if he chooses to cut ties with his father. But until that happens, he’ll do what he can rebuild what he can with his on.
Desired interactions:
More Rocket interactions: I don’t do enough of these. I know there are quite a few Team Rocket blogs floating around, but strangely I’ve yet to get off my ass and plot things out with them.
Early Life/Rise to power: I’ve always wanted to explore this part of Giovanni’s life, basically his teen years to when he becomes head of Team Rocket.
Mafia verse: I have a mafia verse sitting here that I very rarely touch and I want to use it since I’m trash for mafia stuff. I mean look at the character I’m roleplaying, is this really a surprise anymore?
A different choice: lately it’s been really rattling around in my head how different Giovanni would be if he didn’t choose Team Rocket. What kind of man would he be without the corrupting and enabling influence of his organisation? What career would he choose? Would he still just be a criminal anyway? All that stuff that I want to explore.
Recruiting: nothing tickles me more when Giovanni manages to convince someone to join Team Rocket.
Hunting: Giovanni personally hunting down a traitor = fun times
Marriage of convenience: Giovanni marrying someone for advantage. No romance. Nothing. Him and his partner are in this fully knowing that the marriage is a sham. Bonus points of Giovanni ends up divorcing later.
Down with the law: Giovanni evading the law is A+++, especially if it’s with Looker or Anabel.
Offered interactions:
Need a boss? Giovanni is your man as he offers a stable job with great benefits and you’re unlikely to have a boring day.
He’s totally not a dad: if your character needs a dad, then Giovanni is here to fill that role. 
Mentor: something Giovanni will very rarely admit and hardly realises himself is that he actually enjoys teaching, but it’d take extenuating circumstances for him to admit that much
Antagonist: well duh, he’s a villain. He’s here to ruin your day if you need it.
Current open post/s:
Not really one for making open posts.
Anything else?:
I happen to have a few pet peeves when roleplaying that I’d appreciate my partners to take into consideration: 
Nothing makes me drop a thread faster than characters who have no business knowing that Giovanni is the head of Team Rocket since this is a secret that he takes great pains in hiding. There’s canon evidence for this in the games and in nearly every version of anime. So  unless your character is a super great at information gatherer as in that’s their career and they have the resources or they’re a high ranking member of Team Rocket, your character should not instantly recognise him as the Rocket Leader.
While it’s a fun little jab OOC now and then, if you seriously start an interaction with me where your character is basically “lol you got defeated by an eleven year old” I’m dropping the thread. In a world where EVERY trainer who isn’t the protag in EVERY game was basically defeated by an eleven year old trainer, this is god damn irritating. And also in character wise? Giovanni wouldn’t put up with that kind of mockery anyway.
Don’t force headcanons on me. Don’t. If you have headcanons that involve Giovanni in some way, discuss them with me and find a middle ground. I really dislike when people make assumptions about my character. 
Keep all of the above in mind and we’re all gravy baby!
Tagged by: tagged by @meiliva & @pxgtails
Tagging: anyone and everyone!
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