The seventeen-year-old peered up at the entrance to the police station with worried gray eyes. He had told her that she could come by whenever she didn’t want to go home... She let out a deep sigh. Instead of walking home from school like she should have, her feet carried her to the foreboding building. Backpack and lunchbox in her hands, Essie quietly walked inside. 
No one bothered to question where she was going -- because she looked innocent or they recognized her face, she wasn’t sure. But she made her way to Detective Shaw’s office and, noticing it was uninhabited, opened the door and walked inside. She turned on the of the lights and pulled out a book from her bag, choosing to settle herself in a chair on the side. She much preferred the loneliness of the room than her adoptive parents’ pitying antics.
@merrybandofassholes liked for a thing !!
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@cincinnaticlownprince   ❝ Now how did I know you'd be here? ❞ These were the only words that left the ominous mans lips as his eyes prayed on the lunatic before him. Bray had an inkling Ambrose would be at this particular bar, but Wyatt not wanting to be in the company of others decided to lurk outside, head down-- waiting until he left to.. (pounce), per-say.
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