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askstyles ยท 8 months
would you write some angst for harry x reader please ?
ah , my favorite genre ! of course i can do that ! if there's anything else you'd like to request , then don't be afraid to send 'em my way !
๐๐‘๐Ž๐Œ๐๐“ : harry's show has just ended & he's greeted with a topic trending on twitter about y/n going to dinner with their ex .
๐‘๐€๐“๐ˆ๐๐† : mature
๐–๐€๐‘๐๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ : mentions of drug use , alcohol abuse , & sex
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ruffled curls stick out in all directions as harry runs his fingers through his hair for the umpteenth time . adrenaline is still coursing through his veins & he can hear the remainder of the crowd milling about just feet away from him . his mind is racing , though , as he squeezes his phone in his hand & paces a hole in the floor . back & forth , back & forth ; he can't comprehend what he's just seen .
staring back at him from a slightly cracked screen is a picture , a moment captured in time , of his partner , y/n , & their ex . the two of them have been caught laughing together , sitting across a neatly - laid table as they chat & eat . harry can't comprehend what's going on , why y/n would even entertain the asshole , & why he feels so utterly betrayed .
the door opening slowly & quietly catches his attention & harry turns towards the source , his anger becoming a red , hot , palpable entity in the face of a sullen y/n . all hope vanishes from within at their expression & infuriating tears begin to well behind harry's eyelids . the silence stretches between them for what feels like ages , until harry can't stand it anymore & breaks the tension .
" should i even ask ? " he questions , pacing long forgotten as his feet find themselves planted solidly across the room from y/n . " you've always had the worst poker face . "
" nothing happened , " are the first words out of y/n's mouth . " it was just dinner . they wanted to catch up ... & apologize . "
" then why keep it from me ? " harry questions , pressing his index finger into the middle of his chest . " hell , why even entertain the asshole who cheated on you ? "
" because of this ! " y/n suddenly yells , tears falling in rivulets down their cheeks . " because of this interaction right here . i knew you wouldn't understand & that you'd only turn it around on me . "
" you're damn right i don't understand , " harry breathes , exasperated as his adrenaline starts to take a nosedive . " that dickhead is the last person on earth who deserves your laughter . "
" that dickhead was also the only one who could make me laugh after you left me high & dry in italy to chase another one of your demons , " y/n argues , standing much taller & swiping angrily at the tears streaming down their face .
harry falters at that , time slowing as mention of that time in his life all comes flooding back . y/n knows how difficult it was for him ; what with the using sex as a coping mechanism , the drug use , & the alcohol abuse . yet , here they stand , throwing it back into his face . shaking his head , harry grabs his jacket from the back of a nearby chair & slips it on over his shoulders .
he can't bear to be in y/n's presence right now , doesn't even want to look at them , so he decides to forgo a shower . he'll just grab one at the hotel , if he can pull himself out of this overbearing hurt of heartbreak , that is .
" i'll rent you another hotel room for the night , " harry tells them , voice soft as he's unable to look at them .
" harโ€” " y/n starts , but he holds up a hand to stop them .
" i'm exhausted , y/n & i can't do this right now , " harry tells them , gathering up a few of his things as he heads for the door . once he reaches the threshold , he stops in his tracks , shoulder to shoulder with y/n , & blows out a sigh . " i hope they can make you laugh this time . "
and , with that , harry slips out of the dressing room , off to chase another one of his demons & drown himself with his own misery .
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