#:: v. soa :: <— there is a house in charming town
perfectiontm · 5 years
@snakeblccded ♥’d for a short starter
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                           “ ... — Chuckles. Did you eat the last of the fig newtons? ”
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witching-hour · 3 years
Street Rat [SAMCRO x Reader]
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REQUESTED BY ANON can you do a platonic SOA imagine where the reader (gender neutral or a girl) is a street kid (preferably a teenager) who steals wallets and stuff and they break into the clubhouse to steal money/food and one time they get caught. at first the reader is timid and doesn't really trust anyone but after some time they became part of the family? thank you!
(A/N): i’m so sorry to who requested bc this one is long overdue. beware guys, this is a long one. i made this gender neutral! i did give the reader’s siblings names to make it easier to follow along, so it may not seem as inclusive as i orginally wanted it to be since there is a bit of a background and storyline. the mayans version can be found imagine here and the headcanon here if interested written by the lovely @everyhowlmarksthedead​ ✨
SUMMARY: teen!reader picks the wrong pocket and instead of earning money or a beat down, they earn something they never had before — a family
TW: shameless (tv show) elements, mentions of drug and alcohol abuse, child abandonment, neglectful parents, mentions of drug dealing and bipolar disorder
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HOOD up and hands in the front of your sweatshirt pocket, you traveled down the concrete path that you’ve been down so many times your whole life. You could walk down the same sidewalk blindfolded and still miss the dingy cracks and eroded stones most would trip over, or comment about breaking their mom’s back. Your feet carried you down the lane of the mom-and-pop businesses as you analyzed the ones walking past, by, and in front of you — trying to find your next victim to your pickpocketing skills.
You had about forty-five minutes before you’d have to relieve your elderly next-door neighbor from babysitting your youngest sibling, Zoe, and it was about a fifteen-minute walk to your street from the ice cream parlor you just passed by. You needed to hurry today’s trip up before your other siblings came home from school, not wanting to chance them being left alone in the house with your sperm donor, ahem, father.
Derek was in seventh grade and one of the brightest kids you knew. He might as well be in high school already. Jordan, or Jordi, as she liked to be called, was still in her elementary years and was bound to be voted for ‘the biggest bookworm’ by the time she graduated to middle school. Zoe was still just a baby, and a handful despite being so happy all the time. Overall, she was still a baby and needed the attention babies needed.
Those three were your life. They were all you had in this shitty world.
Your mom had her issues between being bipolar and an addict. Your dad was alcoholic and addict as well. And when those two were put together, it was train wreck bound to happen. Your mom was always in an out of your lives. Always coming back for money or her fix of needing to see her kids on one of her highs, before shooting out of town again. Your dad was an asshole; always trying to sneak his way into the house that was in his name, but never paid the bills you worked so hard to come by.
You worked odd jobs, never able finding a position for a sixteen-year-old drop-out that lands you a pay for more than three weeks. Once you were no longer needed, you were discarded. You have resorted to selling stolen parts, pickpocketing, and dealing on the corner even. But you did it all in the name of your family.
Even if the authorities didn’t see it that way.
The world was a cruel place where even the most innocent were forced to result to cruel and unusual methods to survive. You were still so young, and pretty much a high school dropout considering your disregard for your grades, since the concern and wellbeing of your siblings came first. You were only a junior in high school and wouldn’t be considered a drop out till next year when you can properly inform your counselor that you would not be walking across the stage with the rest of your class to accept your diploma.
A tall figure blocked your vision as you zigzagged through the crowded path walk. He wore one of the infamous kuttes belonging to the MC that resonated in Charming; the Sons of Anarchy. The reaper stared back at you, daring you to play your game. You knew it was risk to even think about stealing from a Son — perhaps even stupid, but you needed money for the mortgage this month or else the threat of a foreclosure looming over your head would soon come true. You watched as the Son sauntered over to the rest of his ‘brothers’ by the bikes lined up on the street.
You knew you could run like you were on the track team if needed, with the agility of cat to climb fences and trees; but was it worth the risk if you got caught?
Fuck it.
You weren’t gonna get caught.
Formulating a plan in your head, you headed straight in the direction of the MC grouped around their bikes. Your body collided with a hard surface.
Using the distraction, you quickly darted your hand down the depths of the pocket near you and gripped the leather wallet before hiding it in your hand under the overgrown sleeves of your hoodie. You played the part well, stumbling around like you had two left feet. “Sorry, sorry,” you repeated frantically, keeping your head down as you passed by the group of rowdy bikers.
“Careful there,” a playful voice emitted.
You didn’t bother to look who said it, as your only goal was to get out of there swift and undetected.
With a cocked eyebrow, Jax only shook his head, disregarding the odd encounter, reaching into his pocket for his cigarettes. His eyebrows furrowed as his jean pocket felt lighter than usual. He pulled out the contents; being only his lighter with the reaper emblem and his pack. It dinged in head when he realized his wallet was missing from the pile. “Son of a — They stole my wallet!”
It only took a second to register with the others before Jax, Chibs, Happy, and Tig took off after the thief. You heard the shouts and sounds of heavy shoes hitting the concrete, encouraging you to break off into a sprint. Your feet guided you into an alleyway that would cut into the street across from the public park. You spotted the dumpster next to the chain-link fence and ran to it. As soon as you got one leg hooked on one side of the bar, you were grabbed by the back of your hoodie and slammed into the brick, making you yelp at the force.
“I don’t think so shithead.”
You struggled against a pair of strong arms, caged between them and the rough wall behind you, scraping you through the cotton. No doubt dirtying the oversized sweatshirt you wore.
Your hood was pulled off and you were faced with four men in the infamous leather kuttes that burned you at the sight. The one you stole from with the slicked back hair had the President patch, the one on his left who was holding you had graying black hair and a beard, but his most defining feature were the two scars that carved upwards from his mouth, and he had the V. President patch stitched on his leather. The other two stood behind them menacingly, one bald with tattoos trailing up and down his arms and the other with wild, untamed, raven black curls reaching his shoulders.
“Fuck,” you seethed in anger at yourself for being so stupid. 
How are you gonna get yourself out of this one now, (Y/N)?
Their faces went from dark and menacing to surprise, and may you say, curiosity?
“Shite, ye is just a kid.” The vice had a thick Scottish accent, his speech pronounced.
“Jesus Christ,” The raven curly haired man exasperated.
“Jax what are we gonna do?” The bald one asked his prez calmly, eyeing you skeptically.
“Take ‘em with us.” He shook his head, matching his unsure attitude. 
“C’mon kid,” the one with the Scottish accent ushered you away from the wall, with one hand firmly attached to your shoulder in case you decided to make another break for it, but not so much that it hurt you — more or less of a warning.
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The four Sons brought you back to the ice cream parlor you passed earlier. Word on the street (since the residents of Charming were just as nosy and gossip-like as the average teenage girl) was that the Sons purchased said ice cream shop because their Clubhouse blew up. You remember hearing the explosion all the way on the other side of town at home when it was late hours into the night. You remember when the news program the next morning went on and on about it. They wouldn’t shut up.
You sat at one of the booths where they left whom they called a ‘prospect’ to be your own personal watch dog, while them four and a couple other went upstairs to discuss what to do with you.
You were picking at the cuticles of your fingernails, bored and anxious over the situation. You had less than a half hour till you had to go pick up Zoe from Mrs. Deidra, but you were stuck as the Son’s current prisoner. You were just a kid, they weren’t gonna punish you severely...right? They are outlaws, but the look on their faces when they realized how old you really were- 
You turned around in your seat and saw the Puerto Rican patch you briefly caught the name of as Juice when you first arrived at the shop. He motioned for you to follow him through the doorway where a set of stairs led directly to the next floor, to the Sons, and to your doom.
“Come on.”
You remained silent, still not having said a word since they caught you, and followed the man. He led you to a pair of wooden doors, opening one, and allowing you to walk inside first. With several pairs of eyes on you, scrutinizing you, you felt smaller than you already were.
“Take a seat,” the blond at the head of the table motioned his head towards the empty chair opposite him. 
Wordlessly, you walked to the chair, sliding it out from under the table, only making you cringe as the pure silent room was filled with the obnoxious screech the chair made when it scratched against the floorboards. Once seated, you brought one leg up to your chest, and let your arm cradle it as your other hand laid flat on the table with the reaper carved in the center.
No one said a thing, which only made feel more awkward and out of place than anything. The blond, Jax, had gotten his wallet back already, but you knew what you did would not go unpunished.
“What’s your name?” Jax questioned.
You hesitated, but considering the situation you were in, you decided to just cooperate. “(Y/N)...”
They each went around the table sprouting off their names. Some of them cool, some odd.
“Cool name,” Bobby nodded at you.
You scrunched up your nose at the attempt at a compliment. “I’m sixteen...not six.”
“Good point,” he added, looking to his prez for help on how to talk to you, not having much experience with teenagers, even though he was one once upon a time ago.
“Did you need the money?” Jax had taken in your appearance and noticed the baggy stained sweatshirt you were drowning in, the ripped-up jeans which were easy to tell were not bought in that condition, and the worn-out sneakers that looked to be a size too small; and by the way you walked, it wouldn’t be surprising if you had blisters. Besides the clothes which hid most of your form, just by your face, your eyes were a dead giveaway — they didn’t have the youth effect of bright and happy. They looked stressed and tired.
“Does it matter?”
“Yeah,” the bald man with tattoos whose name you found out was Happy, had cut in.
“Why? I stole from you. Now, what, we’re swapping life stories?”
Tig leaned forward in his chair, his gaze met yours. “Your (Y/L/N)’s kid? The oldest right?” 
Of course they’d figure out who you were. Small town life was a curse. This whole town knew the tragic and pitiful story of the (Y/L/N)’s. Headcase mother, druggie and alcoholic father, and the four kids on their own. The father racking up more debt and charges to his rep sheet than respect from his kids.
Your eyes narrowed at the question, straightening up in the chair. “That’s right.”
“We’re not gonna hurt you.”
You scoffed, not even bothering to hide the bite in your tone, “Well, that’s a relief. Can I go?”
Jax smirked, quirking up an eyebrow in amusement. “Got somewhere better to be?”
“As of a matter of fact, yes, I do.”
“Which is?”
“None of your damn business,” you snapped.
“Easy kid, you’re in our house,” the bald man with the tattoo sleeves warned you. “You stole from us.”
“Then either let me pay for my sins or let me go.”
“We had a better idea,” the Puerto Rican with a mirror tribal tat on his head told you, causing you to send him a look of confusion.
“What now?”
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You stood on the porch of your neighbor’s house as she handed you Zoe. The year old gurgled and squealed in delight as she was placed into your arms. She pulled at the strings of your hoodie as you adjusted her. “Thanks again, Mrs. Deidra. I’m sorry I was so late, I got held up.”
“Oh, that’s all right, dear.” The elder woman brushed off with a light hand gesture. Her eyes peered over your shoulder, seeing a couple men of the motorcycle gang of the town at the end of her driveway leaning against a black SUV. “You aren’t getting into any trouble now, are you?”
“No of course not,” you gave her your most innocent smile, “but I best be going. Derek and Jordie should already be on their way home.”
“Oh yes! Do tell those two I miss having them around. They are welcome over anytime. You too, dear. Don’t be a stranger!”
“I won’t. Have a good night!”
“You too, (Y/N).” She waved you off, watching you bounce down the steps with your baby sister securely in your arms from behind the glass of her front door.
Once you stood in front of the Sons, Happy and Juice, they guided you towards the black SUV they brought you in. A young curly brunette with blonde highlights who you noticed was involved with the president, walked in with two blonde boys who were be exact replicas of their father. You were briefly introduced to the mother who you learned was Tara. You could tell she was informed of who you were as soon as she laid her eyes on you. But you didn’t have enough times for pleasantries as you were guided out by the Tacoma Killer and Puerto Rican.
As Happy opened the back door for you, you opened your mouth to object — you still had to pick up Derek and Jordi.
“Two other patches were sent to pick up your brother and sister.”
Without another word you pulled yourself up into the SUV with one hand as the other hand held onto the one-year-old in your arms. Happy closed the door behind you as Juice got settled behind the wheel. The drive was quiet for the most part, no one said much besides the low voices from the radio of classic rock, and your baby sister who gurgled and babbled here and there. It didn’t take long till you ended back in front of the new SAMCRO Clubhouse disguised as an ice cream shop. The minute you stepped out of the car, you saw your other two siblings seated at the bar where the man with prosthetic hands was handing them plastic spoons for their ice cream cups in front of them. Beside them was the older blond boy that you figured was Jax’s son, who also had ice cream and was chatting with Jordan and Derek.
“Pres wants to speak with you in Chapel,” the guy with the shaggy hair and the prospect patch told you as soon as you entered the little shop where everyone but Jax and the woman, Tara, were.
“Okay. Just, ah, give me a sec?”
The prospect nodded and stood off to the side as the other patches took their seats around the shop.
You rubbed Derek’s back as you placed a kiss on the top of his head, “Hey, buddy. How was school?”
“It was good, got a project due next Friday.”
“Mmm, tell me more about it in a bit. I just got to wrap something up real quick then I’m all yours, okay? Keep an eye on Jordi and Zoe for me please.”
“Okay, I will.” And with that he joined back in on the little conversation between the three kids seated at the bar. 
“Thanks, baby,” You sent him a smile as you placed Zoe in his arms. It grew slightly as he grabbed his spoon that had a little bit of chocolate ice cream at the tip and placed it at Zoe’s lips, the baby opening her mouth to welcome the frozen treat.
You placed a kiss on Jordan’s head, greeting her the same way you did Derek, and asking how her day went at school before you told her that you would be right back.
The prospect guided you up the stairs to the “Chapel” (or the same room you were in earlier with the giant ass table in the middle). He opened the door for you after delivering a couple brief knocks to let those inside know you were coming in. You entered the room alone, noticing Jax seated in his seat at the head of the table, with his wife to his left. The brunette motioned for you to take the seat across from her on Jax’s right where you noticed Happy sitting earlier.
Your nerves only increased as your feet carried you closer to the redwood table. For whatever the Pres and his Old Lady wanted to discuss, you just hoped it didn’t come to the harm of your siblings. You made a choice that affected all of you, but you should be the one to deal with the consequences. When Juice said they had another idea on what to do with you the men didn’t fill you in on what they meant. They just had you explain why you needed to leave then sent Happy and Juice to escort you.
You sat down, wringing your hands together nervously before finally folding them on the table in front of you. “Before you start, I just want to get something out there. My siblings and I...we’re a package deal. What happens to one of us, happens to us all. I’m sure you can understand because those men downstairs aren’t like your family. They are.”
Jax nodded, allowing you to continue.
“And I didn’t fully take that into account when I stole your wallet. I’m not gonna say I’m sorry. I regret my actions because my consequences might impact my brother and sisters, but I’m not gonna apologize. I did what I did knowing the risks. It was stupid and desperate on my part and I take full responsibility for it, but sorry isn’t gonna change what happened. Sorry is just another way of begging for forgiveness, and I’m not asking for that.” You told the both of them.
“Thank you for your honesty,” he bowed his head towards you, putting out the cigarette he was pulling on.
“Everything I do is for them. We’re all each other has. I’m the only person viable to take care of them. With our mother god knows where and our father-” You had to cut yourself off as the air got caught in your throat, eyes glazing over at the fact that you were there lifeline, and they were yours. If something happens to you, you don’t know what will happen to them. What your father might turn them into...
“I’m not asking you to spare me from whatever it is you have decided — and I know I have no right asking this, but do you think you can keep an eye on them for me? Make sure they’re okay? I..I’m too far gone. I’ve done things I can’t take back. I’ve hurt people. I’m a thief and a liar — a damn street rat. But they can still get out of this shithole. They can leave and never look back; make something of themselves...”
“I’m asking you if you take me, spare them. I don’t want your pity. I don’t want your sympathy. I just want to know if they’re gonna be okay when I’m gone.”
The two other people in the room took in what you said. There minds still set on the decision they made. Your words only swaying them to solidify what was chosen. 
“We’re not gonna hurt you.” Tara spoke softly, slowly reaching her hand out to lay on top of yours. Your reflex was to pull away, but you hesitated as the warmth covered your laced fingers like a blanket. “We wanna help you. It’s not out of sympathy or pity. It’s admirable, actually, what lengths and sacrifices you’re willing to go to for them. Something like that is rare. I hope one day our boys will have that strong of a bond.”
Jax cut in, “My wife and I talked it over, and we want you four to come stay with us for a little while.”
“I can’t ask you of that-”
“You’re not.” He stopped you. “It’s not permanent, but until we find something long term, we just figured you might be a little more comfortable with someone who had kids or was more reliable.”
“I work at St. Thomas from mornings to mid-to-late afternoons. I have Thomas at the daycare there while I work, and Abel goes to pre-school. I could sign Zoe up for the daycare if you’d like. Drop her off, pick her up. You wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. I could put your name on the list so you could still go see her.” Tara offered. “We could also get you job after school. We could use someone behind the counters, finally get this place up and running more smoothly.”
They got stutters in reply, clearly due to you being overwhelmed. They were offering much more then you already had. A roof over your head where you didn’t have to worry about bills, a steady job, and a parental and maternal figure (you were still sketchy about but would be good for your siblings to have).
“Listen, kid, we get that this must be a lot for you. We understand if you wouldn’t want to stay with us, some of the other guys have offered if you’re interested, but don’t take this as an opportunity to run. We get you don’t trust us, and we’ll work on that, but your family now. And family takes care of family.”
Your (e/c) orbs were wide with disbelief and uncertainty, but they could see the hope sparking behind those walls you have built up. The man you knew as an intimidating outlaw biker gave you a small but warm, inviting smile.
“Whataya say?”
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SOA TAG LIST: @lexiesmain @talicat713 @woahitslucyylu @xx--day-dreamer--xx @sweetpeaflower01 @rebelwrites
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freerebelmentality · 7 years
For the love of music 2nd version
AN: This version is the same in the beginning just like the other one. This one has a different scenario and ending. This one is all SOA
Word Count: 2,784
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For days you have been exploring the little town of Charming. Since moving you have made a great deal of friends who lived in your neighbourhood and whom you work with. It was a weekend and you wanted to check out the little cafe that had a patio out front.
“What can I get you to drink?” The cashier asks putting on a fake smile.
You already knew she was having a bag day and didnt want to complicate your order. Luckily the place wasnt that busy either which is a good thing for the both of you. She looked as though she wanted to get away from the till and you just wanted a nice quiet place to read.
“I’ll have the medium roast” You reply while she gives you a genuine smile and places the order for you.
You hand her the money and something extra while she mouths her thanks. You see an empty arm chair by the window and seat yourself as you pull out your book. The cashier turns on the music and thankfully its classical music. Something you have always loved. Its a favourite by Mozart.
“I got to stop here and pick up some coffee. Ran out this morning” Chibs says to his VP while the others follow Jax back to the club after doing some business.
As soon he parked his bike and turned it off is when he saw you sitting in front of him really. He walked into the cafe, his eyes still locked on you while he makes his way to the counter.
“Hey Chibs” The cashier greets the man that comes into the cafe.
You look up from your book and see him. He looked like the type your father told you to stay away from, like the authors depicted as the bad boy or even at times. The villain. Aside from that there was something about him that got your attention, it wasnt the kutte he was wearing or the tattoos that were visible to you but something special.
“Aye Lass. How is yer day” He asks before making his order
“Not so great, a few customers being complete douche bags and after that just been messing up orders all day” The cashier tells him
“The day is almost over. Ye come across pricks again just add in salt in their coffees, they wont know a difference” He says while making the cashier smile and laugh.
You liked the fact he made someone feel better about the day.
“Thanks, the usual?” She asks while getting the cup ready.
“Aye and my special blend” He says while taking his wallet out but the cashier waves it off.
“If I cant pay then I will tip” He says while smiling to her.
You melted at the sound of his voice, his accent, his charm and wondered what else could be unveiled.
“Whose the lass by the window?” He asks leaning on the counter whispering into the cashiers ear.
“I have no idea, she seems nice and she tipped me too” She says with a shrug and a smile.
“I better get going. See ye love” He says to her and looks to you toasting to coffee while you nod.
For the past few weeks Chibs has been seeing you all over town. From the cafe to the grocery store, book store and out of a music store. He got curious in what type of music you listened to, what types of books you read, and he got curious about the sound of your voice.
It wasnt like he was stalking you, he just happen to be at the places you are already at. He liked seeing you around though and how you interacted with people and always leaving them smiling or you always leave a building smiling.
You were walking out of the bank and down the street to go back to work. You noticed a group of guys blocking the walk way. You try excusing yourself but they wouldnt listen or even move.
“Excuse me” You say a little to shakey and they notice
“Whats your rush sweet heart” One guy says while he tries to comb his hands through your hair but you move quickly to try walking forward.
“I just need to get to work” You tell him in a hushed tone wrapping your arms around yourself.
“I dont think you are going any where sweet heart. Come party with us” Another says blocking your way.
Your heart begins to pick up pace and getting incredibly scared they were going to pick you up and force you some where.
“Dont be rude, he asked nicely” Another said
Chibs, Jax and Tig are driving up the street while Chibs notices you in a crowd of guys looking incredibly uncomfortable. He stops while the others stop as well.
“Whats wrong?” Jax asks looking to him
He points with his head to the group of guys and Jax sees a woman being harassed by the men and something boiled in his blood. Tig looks over and hated seeing guys hovering over a woman like that when clearly she is feeling uncomfortable.
“We can show you a good time” The other says as he grabs you by the arm and twirls you around and pulls you towards him. You try to escape from his grasp but he held on tight while licking the side of your face.
You managed to get your arm free and slapped him. His friends grabbed you by both of your arms and held you there. He nodded to him one friend, he came to you and about to tare away at your clothes when you started to scream for help. He managed to tare your shirt open, revealing your bra and tried to hide yourself but the others were holding your arms.
They marvelled at your body with perversion in their eyes while you are feeling completely helpless and violated. Finally you heard motorcycles come driving in and thats when you got more afraid because you thought it was more of their friends coming to help them with you. You begin to cry while you closed your eyes.
Tig drove by with his leg out and tripped at least three guys, Jax stopped his bike and turned it off while Chibs did the same thing and ran to you right away.
“Get the fuck away from the lady and I wont empty this round into your heads” Jax says as he points his gun to the attackers.
“Same along with an extra” Tig says while drawing out two guns.
“Bitch wasnt worth it anyway” One guy says as he walks away along with everyone else
“Just another biker whore” The other guy says
That pissed off Chibs, he got and went running to the guy who said that. He turned towards him quickly and begin to punch him. Once he fell to the ground is when he kicked him repeatedly. You hear all the commotion and open your eyes to see the people who have saved. Still trying to hide yourself, you peak your head over to see the same guy from the cafe. Tig sees you and he goes to Chibs bike to grab a sweater from the compact case.
“You alright doll?” He asks slowly approaching you.
“Im not gonna hurt ya, I just want to give ya this sweater” He says while you startle and he raises his hands in surrender.
“Thank you” You say in a hushed tone taking the sweater from him and immediately putting it on.
The smell of the sweater made you calm down from the anxiety attack thats lurking at the core of your chest. The sweater smells of cologne, cigarette smoke, weed and hint of motor oil.
“Ye alright love?” The man asks with the accent you grew to love, even the sounds of his voice made you feel better
“Im just trying to calm myself down” Is all you say while looking between the three men who have saved you.
“Im Filip but you can call me Chibs. This is Jax and thats Tig” He says while introducing himself and the other two.
“Filip, Jax and Tig. Im y/n” You introduce yourself as well.
“Well thats a pretty name for a pretty face” Tig says while trying to make you feel better
“I think Im far from feeling better” You honestly tell them while they look to you in confusion
“Im on the verge of having an anxiety attack” You tell them while wrapping your arms around yourself. Covering yourself from the vulnerability that has been caused by the group of guys.
“Close your eyes, inhale deeply and hold it for a few seconds. Exhale slowly while naming five things that ye sense” Filip says while standing right in front of you.
You do just as you are told. Inhaling and exhaling out slowly.
“I can smell cigarettes, cologne, weed, motor oil. And I can hear on going traffic” You reply while opening your eyes and the handsome Scottish man is standing right in front of you.
“I think ye just described my sweater” He says with a smile forming
“Is there any where we can take you y/n?” Jax asks while looking to you
“Home” Is all you say while Filip leads you to his bike. You give him the address.
He pulls into the drive way, kicks the stand into place and turns off his bike. You get off the bike and give him the helmet.
“Ye live with someone to keep an eye on ye?” He asks while looking to you and your house you are renting.
“No, its just me. I’ll be fine” You tell him while looking for the keys in your purse
“If anything happens just give me a call, here is my number” He says while writing it down for you
“Thanks” You grab the piece of paper from him.
“Thanks for everything” You add while walking to the front door and unlocking it.
You turn the knob, push the door open while he starts his bike once more and you walk in to get one last look to the man who saved you from something horrible.
Over the next few days have been skittish for you, work wasnt easy as well and your boss along with your co workers begin to notice. You havent said anything about the attack to anyone. There were times when you wanted to call Filip but always changing your mind.
Chibs had found out where you worked and he always stopped by during your break, picked you up for lunch and even picked you up after work. You thought he was only doing that because he felt bad for you.
“Im doing the cooking. Ye head up stairs, get into some comfy clothes and relax” He says from behind you as he places his hands on your hips and leads you away from the kitchen.
When you came back down, Chibs had already set the table, two wine glasses and he was about done with dinner.
“Smells good and table is set up nicely” You tell him while leaning against the counter beside the stove
“Dinner is done, sit while I serve you a plate” He says while taking the pan with him
“Before we eat, there is something I want to say” He adds while pouring the wine into your glasses.
“Are you breaking up with me?” You ask sarcastically while he gives you puzzled expression then changes to a slight chuckle.
“The first time I saw ye at the cafe, sitting in the arm chair and reading a book. I thought ye were one of heavens most beautiful creatures” He says while placing his hand on yours.
“I couldnt stop thinking about ye after that. Once I saw ye around town coming out of the music shop and book store is when I knew how incredibly beautifully smart ye are” He adds while rubbing his thumb over your knuckles
“I wanted to know what captured your attention from the books, what caught your attention while listening to music because I wanted to know what was in that beautiful mind of yours” He continues while looking deep into your eyes.
“When I saw you being harassed by those bastards, thats when something deep inside me threw me into a heat of rage because a woman like ye shouldnt have to endure that. Ye are the type who has a big heart and that was shattered that day. Ye had this notion on your face that ye couldnt feel safe anymore and thats what broke my heart” He says while trying to hold it together but the tears arent helping
“Of all this time spent together, day after, day and I knew that I couldnt stay away. I knew that I was falling for ye, I knew I wanted to be the one ye call when everything crumbles and I wanted to be the one to pick up the pieces for ye and try to make things better again. Y/n I love ye and I dont see myself with anyone else. I want to know if ye would do me the honours and be my old lady?” He finishes while lifting your hands together and gently places a kiss on your hand.
“Wow, I didnt think when I moved here that I would meet someone such as yourself” You say while looking into tear filled eyes.
“When I saw you at the cafe is when I liked the fact you made the cashier feel better about her day when she wasnt having such a great day. You did and thats what I liked” You tell him with a smile on your face
“After a while when I kept seeing you around town as well, coming out of the grocery store, hardware store and a charity benefit building. Is when I knew that I wanted to be apart of your every day routine because there arent many people who would enter a charity benefit building and drop off donations or volunteer for the sake of their heart” You continue while forming tears as well
“You have this stoic, strong, stubborn yet kind, trustworthy and loyal persona you have. I wanted to feel how it felt like to have someone like you because there arent that many men in the world like you. You arent afraid to show vulnerability at the times you feel the need to and arent afraid to express those feelings either” You add while trying to contain the sob that wants to escape from your mouth.
“I fell for you as well and I have loved you for sometime now. I felt happy, safe and excited knowing you would be there to bring me coffee, lunch and would be there to pick me up from work just so you know I would be coming home safely. I loved you the minute you came to my rescue and I do love you. I would be happy to be your old lady and I would have been disappointed if you didnt ask sooner” You finish while he reaches over to give you a kiss that he has been dying to do for a while now.
The both of you are happy to the extent that everything else came naturally. There was no awkward moments when he started to move in with you. There was always that feeling of being right at home with each other, and when spending as much needed quality time together is when neither of you asked about what to do.
Fridays would be having dinner together or at Gemma’s house. Saturdays would be spent in your music/library room together while he read the morning news paper in his chair and you would be in yours reading a book. In between sat a table that held a lamp and both of your coffees while the piano notes of Strauss played on the turn table. Sundays were spent in bed all day and not wanting to get out because of how loving it was to be in each others arms.
Filip always loved spending his weekends with you and he always made sure he had those weekends off from the club. They didnt mind since they knew how much he couldnt stay away from you and you wouldnt want to spend the weekends alone. He loved how everything was and he wouldnt want to trade this for anything in the world. You wouldnt want this to end anytime soon because its all you have ever wanted and you loved every single moment of it.
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perfectiontm · 6 years
verse: :: v. soa :: <— there is a house in charming town
timeframe for betty: primarily mid 20′s through early 30′s, following soa show canon
open to: anyone, but primarily soa muses and sout.hside serpents on very long road trips
quick notes:
charles, polly and betty all grew up together- polly and betty are aware that charlie has another father, but it’s never been brought up as any kind of issue. instead, he’s just their big brother.
charles is approx six months older than thomas te.ller, putting the overall timeline before that of riverd.ale by about half a decade. in this timeline, polly is about two years younger than charles, and betty is a year behind polly, meaning that betty is about 9 years younger than ja.x tel.ler.
alice owns and runs the local newspaper, with seed money care of SA.MCRO. the offices of the charming ledger are above a bar called sal’s, four storefronts down from scoops, towards the outside edge of downtown. the family home is in the two-floor apartment above the newspaper office. alice, polly, and polly’s twins are the only ones currently living there.
alice found herself in charming after she skipped out on the actual graduation ceremony at riverdal.e high, and took off with a fellow serpent who was headed out to california on personal business. that business took him through charming, and alice, tired of the road, liked the similar feel of the town- another place lost in a former era. she was getting pretty damn pregnant by this point, and when her connection to the serpents landed her in at least vague favor with the sons, she decided to stay. after charles was born, she found herself getting attached to one of the younger patches, a man who went by the roadname rooster, and they moved in together, never marrying, but he was the father of both of her daughters. rooster was killed during the mess with the maya.ns in the 90′s, leaving alice leaning on the club, with three young children in tow. a loyal old lady- even if she had gotten real goddamn tired of rooster by the time he was killed if she was being honest with herself- she didn’t hook up with any of his brothers, instead managing to get the money to buy out the owner of the local newspaper, and setting herself up doing something she thought was worthwhile- keeping people abreast of the truth- even if that truth tended to be colored in favor of SAM.CRO.
the kids grow up part of, but still a little on the edge of the sons. polly and betty obviously have blood ties to the club, but all of them still have alice’s last name- smith. and everyone knows they’re not really from charming, even if all three of them were actually born at st thomas.
betty went to college after high school, but ended up moving back home after a bad breakup, and in spite of her mother’s cautions, settles in with the club far more than she had before when she does, right around the time the events of the show are getting started.
whether or not she has her own son, danny, is something i haven’t decided yet.
during the events of the show, alice is 100% being blunt and honest with her reporting, which often causes conflict with people such as jacob hale and ethan zobelle. she breaks his connection to the ab in subtle op ed pieces well before clay is happy with that information being out in the open. and when david hale is gunned down, you had better believe that is the major headline for daaaaaaays. (he was stiff and annoying, but alice liked him.) basically anything that was going down, you had better believe alice was out there puttin the news about it in people’s faces before clay could get her to shut up and frankly it’s a miracle she survived and only because the sons always got the rose colored twist. the kindly well-meaning outlaws just looking out for the citizens of their hometown.
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perfectiontm · 5 years
I need a branch of my soa au where it's Betty who is new and meets Archie and V for the first time and is like wow I'm gay for Veronica Lodge.
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perfectiontm · 5 years
y’all wanna see the fc that i’ve decided is literally betty and polly’s dad in the soa verse? meet rooster.
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yeah. i legit stole the character full on from agents of shield. have fun with that. i was tired that day, ok?
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perfectiontm · 5 years
@socialpariah didn’t ♥ but gets a lyric starter bottle it up - sara bareilles
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                          “ I am aiming to be somebody this somebody trusts. ”
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