#:3cc so
puppygirlpencil · 3 months
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Fashion Week begins!!
Working on this has been super super fun, I've never really thought much about sonic fashion so I've been struggling! But when this event is over I might spend a few weeks messing around with more funky outfits :3c
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pinkyjulien · 10 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 648/?? 😈 ~Put on your bad boy smile
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rexscanonwife · 11 months
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It's almost spooky night!! Me and my partner irl are gonna be Shaggy and Velma this year, and it gave me the idea that Aran should be our Scooby! 👻 @cherry-bomb-ships
No multiply layer vers!
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orange-artblog · 6 months
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dark cream week: day 6 - thunder
shattered by galacii-gallery
cross by jakei95
dark cream week by @zu-is-here
the full image ->
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and a close up of Shattered as I think it‘s quite pretty
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zocchini37 · 3 months
Hey guys, have I ever mentioned that I love Mario?
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bluesinnamonroll · 6 months
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Sillley :3c
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my redesign of assassin/s4 skylor! i’ve just been on a kick for the past couple of days idk
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painterlysai · 3 months
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Heeyy yall I'm finally participating artfight this year huehuehue
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helianskies · 10 months
Hi! Dialogue prompt 10 for Nedport (romantic) please?
Thank you! I am in a Nedport mood as of late haha <3
haha, bet! >:D (p.s. this is the last ficlet i'm doing before the holiday ficlets appear!)
When João doesn’t show up for work, Abel is a bit worried. As much as the other may complain (in private and away from the workplace) how much disdain he holds for the office and their colleagues, if João is not in, there are limited reasons for it. It feels a bit odd that he checks his phone and sees no message, so he drops João a text himself—a snappy, Are you OK?—and then, because he must, he continues with his work.
It is in the early afternoon that he receives a reply to his text that tells him just as plainly, in bed, bit sniffly, and while he is of course then worried, at least he has an answer. After he sends João his well wishes, it means he can properly focus on his work, right up until he shuts down his computer at five o’clock on the dot.
On his way home from work, Abel decides to make a detour. 
Or, rather, a few detours. 
The first place he stops by is the supermarket. There are some things he needs to buy and with a list in hand, he is able to whizz around the shop in about ten minutes flat (well, that is, before having to face the crowds around the tills). By the time he gets back to his car, it is nearing twenty-to-six. 
His next stop is his own home. There’s just one thing he wants to grab from the airing cupboard upstairs, which he can then take with him to his next stop. 
By now, it is six. Luckily for him, his next stop was not too far away.
With a single big (reusable!) shopping bag in hand, Abel leaves his car in the communal car park and heads off in the direction of João’s apartment. 
When he goes to knock on the other’s front door, he feels bad, knowing that he might wake him, or otherwise is forcing him to walk to the door as a minimum. As his fist hovers in front of the wood, he debates it—he debates turning around, going home, surrendering—but then he thinks about João, ill, buried in a pile of tissues, probably hungry and cold… and he knows it could be a small price to pay to make him feel better.
So, he knocks. He knocks and he waits, not brave enough to look directly at the door in case it suddenly flies open and he’s met with an upset (or annoyed) João. 
He waits for about half a minute, before he finds himself debating, once more, maybe I should go. He finds his feet moving before he can make any kind of counterargument. And then—
He halts. He feels stuck like a deer in headlights, fingers clutching the handles of his bag tight. He feels guilty—he feels so incredibly guilty—and he gingerly turns, to find João standing just outside his front door, drowning in layers of clothing and his nose quite red. Guilt anchors its roots only deeper.
“What are you doing here?” João asks him in the face of silence. 
“I… wanted to check on you,” Abel says hesitantly. “Sorry if I’ve disturbed you…”
João, however, shakes his head. “You haven’t disturbed me,” he assures Abel. “You can come in, if you want. Have a hot drink with me? Tea? Coffee?”
“Are you sure?”
“Would I ask if I wasn’t?”
Upon receiving a smile from the other, Abel resigns. He still feels bad. But if this allows him to make sure João really is well and looking after himself, then—
“What’s in the bag?”
Abel glanced at João, then down to the bag in his hand and the items inside—the honey, the lemons, the ginger, the tissues, the sweets, the small bunch of cheerful daffodils, some simple dinner products, the extra-thick blanket he’d brought from home. His face begins to warm, and quite rapidly.
“I, um…” He takes a breath. “I brought you some things.”
“Things?” João says, his smile growing on one side. “I like ‘things’.”
“Ah— It’s nothing special,” Abel feels a need to emphasise all the same. 
Yet João tells him, “You came to see me, make sure I’m okay. That’s special enough for me.”
Face well and truly warm, Abel slowly finds himself easing. João once more prompts him to go inside the apartment with him, and this time, there is no pause, no hesitation, 
Over the next two hours, they have that hot drink. Abel makes João a quick dinner to help him save his energy (though João insists on supervising the cooking), and they end up settling together under that nice thick blanket as João puts a film on at Abel’s suggestion.
“Are you sure you want to stay? I don’t want you to get ill too,” the brunet says as he settles down with a box of tissues in his lap, a Dutchman at his side. 
“Would I be here,” Abel returns, “if I wasn’t sure?”
João tuts and grumbles. Abel apologises, and excuses himself to go and maybe make a fresh drink before the film starts, but then the other grabs his hand and stops him before he can get up. 
“Please… Stay…” João asks of him. “Stay with me…”
And how could Abel deny him? If it will make him feel better, then it is the least he can do.
[ full fic collection on ao3! ]
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wishi-selfships · 1 year
Get a kiss from your monster girl gf for happy living ☆
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youredreamingofroo · 3 months
maybe i'll get back into Make the Most of It... Sorry to all my TS2 followers who were looking forward to it only for me to literally NEVER post it again ... 😭
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Mostly hanging out and getting a lot of housework and job hunting done for the next few days!! If anyone wants to come chat or plan stuff out or otherwise hang feel free to poke me here or on discord ( almondmilkofficial ) <33 I’m so bad at making new friends bc of the audhd but these posts are also lowkey calls to come be fwends <33 My brain is truly all over the place rn.
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pachinkomoment · 8 months
Hiii decided to do a little post here as an intro! We are a system, just so you know, I am Berrycream or Ribbons! I am a Berrycream introject, and just here to talk about Sparkle on Raven with you all ^o^ <3
Kian will still talk, but just know I will post with pink!! Hope we can be friends!! 🫶
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lorelune · 9 months
jing yuan cosplay arrived :3ccc
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fizzytoo · 1 year
💌 simblr asks: let’s get to know your sims! what are their coffee orders? ☕️🍵🧋
🦌rua: either a mocha cold brew or a hot coffee light and sweet 🦔adrien: french vanilla iced coffee, maybe a cafecito as a treat. 🐻danny: an iced americano
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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@freeddead said: “I asked to have the case reopened.” (//for jack! from pre-death gerry who is working on solving the unknowing with gertrude perhaps)
Jack looks up from where he’s sitting at one of the shitty little booths in the gas station to see Gerry standing there, a grim expression on his face. He’s only spoken to the taller man a handful of times at this point, and he still doesn’t quite know what Gerry wants with the gas station. Not that this is something Jack would normally be concerned about one way or the other, but the dude hasn’t exactly been subtle about his snooping around. Clearly, he thinks something is going on.
Especially because he’s been asking after the disappearances in the area, especially that of Jack’s coworker, Vanessa Riggin. The poor girl’s been missing for three weeks now, though admittedly Jack hasn’t had the time to focus on that. Between Spencer beating the shit out of him and leaving him with a mangled leg and a cast up to his thigh, the worryingly high number of Kieffers piled up in the walk-in cooler, and the not-so-subtle death threats he’s been receiving… yeah, he’s been a little busy.
Still, if this stranger is as interested in Vanessa’s disappearance as he is, then there may be something to it. She isn’t the only person to disappear from the gas station, after all--even if the local police don’t seem to think there are any connections between the cases.
“The sheriff’s probably not going to cooperate that much,” Jack warns him with an exhausted sigh, lifting one hand to rub his face. “They’ve already ruled Vanessa a runaway, and they’re probably gonna be stubborn and stick to that story as long as they can, no matter how much you or anyone else pokes and prods to try and make them look into it again.”
He lowers his hand, glancing absently toward the register. One of the newer part-timers, a girl named Jess, is working the register today, giving Jack a much-needed break. She isn’t being subtle about her eavesdropping, curious hazel eyes flicking their way every few moments, but Jack figures that it’s not too big of a deal. People in small towns are nosy by nature, after all, and it’s not like he or the goth stranger standing before him have said anything incriminating.
He turns his attention back to Gerry, taking in the intensity in the man’s expression. He lowers his voice slightly as he speaks again. “Do you really think Van’s disappearance might be… connected, I guess? To the other disappearances in the area? I mean, it’s not too outlandish to assume that, but a lot of people wander into the woods around the gas station and just… never come back. I even have to tell new employees not to go too close to the trees, and especially not to follow anything that might be calling out to them, and Van was a smart kid, so I can’t imagine her disregarding that-”
He cuts himself off as he realizes that he’s starting to ramble, and he clears his throat uncomfortably as he breaks eye contact.
“Sorry,” he says automatically. “I guess I’m just… kinda on edge. There’s a lot going on here lately.” A pause. “Though, I guess you’re already aware of that.”
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