#:except i learned a while ago that bloodborne is already a game name. a well-known game name even
roseverdict · 1 year
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she's staring at me lmao
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
The Vampire Files/4
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Part 4
AU story with tvd/to characters, but also with many others from different fandoms like Nick Amaro _Law&Order svu, that I am borrowing here. And Joel Goran from Saving Hope etc.
Main pairing_ Nick Amaro and Elena Gilbert
Nick and Elena are FBI Agents investigating supernatural activities and homocide caused vampires and demons.
Expect witches, demons, vampires. Inspired by X-files, Twin Peaks, and many other shows
tag_ @miguelsbrat​ thank you so much for your support and kind words.
thanks for reading xoxo ★(✿˘▿˘)
and _gifs are not  mine
“Amaro...I’m hit...I...my apartment buil...” Elena chocked, feeling her eyelids drop.
She stood n the midst of a vast darkness. There was a dull spotlight shining down on her.She glanced at her hands and feet, find herself wearing a white shirt and pants, the outfit she wore on the first day she started work as an Agent. What was going on? Fear hit her like a falling tree in an ice storm. The hair on the back of her head stood up. Suddenly it was pitch black. Her eyes could not penetrate the darkness no matter which way she turned. It was a complete shutdown of light, except for the dull light around her. Darkness weighed heavily on her shoulders. The darkness felt as if it was brooding and rotating about her. Muffled voices spelled out from her left and from behind her. A ripple of mocking laughter streamed over to her from the distance. Waves of rejection and hatred swept through her like the heavy stream from a fireman’s hose. She tried to ran away, but  slammed into an invisible barrier.
The ambulance rushed Elena to the hospital. And Nick followed right behind. Seeing her down unconscious kicked him hard. This was not a random attack. The arrows were nothing he had ever seen. But now, his mind was just aimed at one thing- to hear if Elena was going to be all right. And so he ran inside the hospital as fast as he could explaining to the nurses who stopped him who he was, showing his badge.
And the nurses still wouldn't let him go beyond a certain point. He knew it, but something pulled him to go into the OR. She had known her just for a little while and yet for an unexplained reason she mattered to him greatly. He inhaled deeply and then sat down in the waiting area frustrated.He now dialled the Headquarters reporting on the accident.
Not long after Stefan and Valerie arrived. They were already investigating Jackson's murder and with Elena being attacked they found it to be correlated. Nick gave them the whole account of the day and the evening, especially the last couple of hours he and Elena spent before they parted.
"So, you have a clue as to who it might be? Whoever killed Kenner is after Gilbert!" Nick said straight faced.
"It could be, but might not" Stefan replied.
Nick knew that could very much be the truth, as he had read the report on the case Elena and Jackson were working on, which subsequently got him killed.
Would a shaman send strange hitmen using ancient arrows?!
Nick moved away from his fellow colleagues  to get himself some coffee as he knew that the surgery would take a while. He was a very patient man but this time he wished he knew how Elena was doing that very instant.
Stefan notified Caroline, who came storming in.
Rebekah, being the resident orthopedic surgeon of the hospital, talked to the nurses, who gave her the paramedics report.
"How bad is it?" Caroline wanted to know.
"Punctured lung," Rebekah said,"should not be that bad- Gia and Vincent are the best specialist for these types of wounds"
"Seriously- does shit never stop?!" Caroline moaned- as she moved restlessly to the waiting area noticing Elijah talking on the phone mentioning Elena.
"Ah, so this is Nick Amaro?!" she thought sizing him up and then went up to him as he finished his phone call.
"Caroline Forbes." the blonde attorney she said putting her hand out to the Agent.
Nick shook her hand and said ,"Assistant District Attorney Forbes?"
"Yes. But I am not here on official business. Elena is my friend. I am here in that capacity." Caroline explained.
"Right." Nick nodded a little and it seemed she was not going to get anything more. So, the name vulture, really suited him, Caroline thought. Dark, repulsive, but compelling. Elena was right. Something about him was not like she had seen before.
Soon Rebekah joined them, who was now also introduced to the Special Agent.
“Does Elena have any family?” Nick said.
“Yes. An aunt. She lives in New York.” Rebekah replied.”I will give her a call.”
“It is not necessary. I think that the Bureau has probably already notified her.” Nick said.
It was so. Jenna, who lived in New York, was notified by the Field Director, and was on her way. And by the time she had arrived, Elena was out of the OR. Gia, the chief of surgery gave Stefan and Nick the recap of how it all went. Elena would recover.
 Nick asked immediately if he could go and see her, which stunned all of them present.
Gia hesitated as he was not her next of kin.
"I am her partner!" Nick stressed, “I need to see her, please.”
Reluctantly, Gia gave him five minutes. As he left with the nurse, Caroline could not  help herself, "Wow. He like knows her for five minutes and he is already out there?!"
“It’s an FBI thing. Partners have magical bond - it didn’t take him long to bond with her.”
Stefan then had to step in the conversation, "Well, she did invite him for beer and a pool game."
"They definitely bonded." Caroline remarked.
Nick walked in the ICU, and seeing her laying in the bed like a sleeping beauty, he wished for a moment it was him instead of her. Where was this coming from? Shock. But he was always so cool and collected. Everyone else was only a fellow Agent. She was so much more. He didn't understand why, but so it was.
"Gilbert," he said and now took her hand, swallowing hard. How and in what moment did she get under his skin, he couldn’t put the finger on.
"Nick Amaro?" Jenna said.
"Yes" he turned around.
A nurse now came in as Jenna just got in without permission, and so to clarify the situation she said to both of them, "I am Jenna Saltzman, Elena's aunt. And as her only next of kin, I believe I have the right to come in!"
"Yes, but you still needed to clarify it with us before" the nurse said.
"I drove three and a half hours to get here, dropping everything - get me the attending” the way she looked at the nurse made the woman resigne trying to explain to her that she could not stay in the room and went to look for a doctor.
"They say she will pull through" Nick then filled her in with the info he got.
"Yes, she will. She is a tough one,"Jenna then said  walking over to Elena taking her by the hand gently, "I am here now."
Nick walked out giving them some privacy. Getting to know Elena's aunt made it clear where she got the feisty impatient part of her personality from. As Caroline said, yes, he and Elena bonded, that was true. He pictured her playing pool and nearly kicking his ass. Inside he said a little prayer for her, his heart wishing all the best.
In the ICU, a little while later, Jenna spoke to Vincent about the operation and as he went, allowing her to stay as long as she wanted, she made herself comfortable.
"Elena ,you should not have gone there," Jenna whispered worryingly,"they now know that you exist."
Three months earlier, New Orleans
Elena walked in a bar looking for Luis Cyphre.
"Who wants to see him?" the woman behind the bar asked.
"Tell him Angel Heart." Elena said.
The heavily tattooed woman just swayed with her hand telling Elena to follow her.
The morning found Nick in the Bureau office. Caroline getting ready for work. Rebekah still sleeping. Stefan waited for his partner Valerie in the diner revising the Kenner-Gilbert case. Elena awake quiet looking at Jenna asleep on the chair. The Agent smiled a little, glad to see her there.
Thirty years ago, after Miranda and Greyson's funeral.
"I will look after you and everything will be all right, I promise you that!"- Jenna said to the nine-year old child, who just nodded trying to cope with everything that had gone on-"New York is a magical, and you will really love it there. I so love it there."
And she had loved it there. But the demons didn't go away, nor the fact that she was the first born with the mark of the huntress. Jenna knew it. And she did all in her power to teach her all she had learned about her family and what they were since the beginning of time. At the age of sixteen Elena became a huntress with all the magic passed onto her the first hybrid moon after her birthday.
"Mmmhh" Jenna muffled a little bit as she moved opening her eyes rubbing her neck- smiling as she saw that Elena was awake now waving at her aunt a little.
"Oh, I fell asleep. How are you? Has it helped?" the woman referred to the potions she had given her earlier.
Elena nodded.
"Good. I couldn't give you more till they check you out. It would have been too suspicious." Jenna said.
"I know" Elena whispered.
"So, I met your new partner," Jenna then said, "he looks badass! You skipped a few points. He is so suave!"
Elena rolled her eyes a little. She was not surprised at Jenna's comment.
"He was really cut about you. So I don't really get why he is all wrong." Jenna referred to their conversation after she had returned from Mystic Falls telling her about Nick.
"He is not all wrong." Elena said.
"Oh, you changed your tune. Did something happen? Something I should know about?"
"Nothing happened. But he is right for the job." Elena replied.
"Right. Let me know when you are ready to tell me why he is suddenly all right for the job."
"He is one of them."
"What? When did you find that out?" Jenna couldn't believe what she was hearing.
"I saw the mark. He is Bloodborne."  Elena said.
"The Witcher?," Jenna said in amazement,"but they are extinct, or are they not? Aztec bloodline?”
"Yep." Elena muttered.
They wanted to speak some more, but the nurse came in followed by Gia, who could not believe how greatly Elena had improved. And then, Jenna had to do what she really didn't like much, she took a small crystal ball out of her bag compelling the surgeon and the nurse to let Elena go in a few days to home care.
As they left, Jenna now put her coat on, ready to leave herself.
“You rest and behave. And I will come and pick you up in a few hours.”
“Right. Get me ice-cream.” Elena said.
“You got it.” Jenna said and giving her niece a little wave, left the room, soon crossing Joel’s path carying a big bunch of balloons and an unicorn.
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“Oh, please don’t tell me you and Elena made up?” Jenna shot a disappointed look at the surgeon.
“And what if we did?” Joel tilted his head narrowing his eyes at the Professor.
“Damn you if you hurt her again- that is all I’m going to say.” Jenna warned the man, her eyes blazing with serious intent.
Joel was smart enough not to go further into the conversation and now excused himself, walking away.
Jenna inhaled sharply, displeased. But for now she let it be and now went away.
A week later Elena  recovered completely. But she had to go on with the pretence of recovery, so she took another two weeks off of work after she had been released from work.
"I hate to do this. But I can't tell them." Elena said to Jenna.
"Maybe they will understand. Try them. I told Alaric, and look how great that worked out." Jenna said.
"I can't. I don't want to drag them into it. And when I am with them I just want to be me, Elena, to have some normality -"
“What is really going on with you and Joel?” Jenna now asked.
“Nothing.” Elena said.
“Really? So what was this whole thing with the balloons?”
“We just hooked up - the night before I got shot.” Elena replied dismissing it.
“So you are not going back there - he slept with that doctor not once , the damsell in distress - the one that nearly had him jailed.”
“Please, you don’t have to remind me. The hook up was just one-off”
“Ok - a bit of meaningless sex never hurt anyone”
"It leaves me so empty afterwards." Elena said sighing a little, thinking of Joel.
Jenna scooped the ice-cream into a bowl for both of them. Her phone rang and she went to another room to take the call.
Elena sat down at the computer, looking at the arrows the forensics have sent over to her. They were of akkadian origin. Jenna, who was a Professor of Demonology, found out that only a secret society would have those in their possession.
The door bell rang and she now went to answer it.
"Amaro?" Elena said as she opened at the door.
"You look really good- I mean- aren't you supposed to be resting?" he said as he walked in.
"I am on very special pain meds. Plus, who can be in bed all day. What's up?"
"You are definitely better."
"There's no time to waste. What have you found out about the Armory?" Elena asked.
"A society of supernatural artifact collectors. Founded by a Lorenzo St. John" Nick replied.
"Right." Elena said happy about the info.
"Stefan and Valerie went to visit them - they are denying any kind of connection." Nick continued.
"Coffee?" Elena offered.
"No, thank you" Nick refused politely.
Jenna appeared from the bedroom and with a small 'hi' adding, "Maybe ice-cream?"
 Nick greeted her back and said no to the ice-cream.
"Ok, guys, I have errands to run," Jenna said giving Elena one of those looks telling her that she had her own lead, "I will see you later. Oh, and Nick - make sure she goes to bed"
Elena looked wide-eyed and emberrassed about Jenna's comment, "Sorry about that. She overdoes her 'mother' role sometimes."
"Well, meds or no meds-she is right. You should be resting." Nick said smirking cutely.
"All right," Elena huffed slightly annoyed and sat down on the sofa,"there, I am resting. Seriously, I am not made of glass."
"No, but of flash and blood." He sat down on the armchair next to her, "why do you push everyone away? You should have seen your friends worried whether you will make it or not-"
Elena did appreciate the concern, but the defensive mechanism she had imposed on herself made her dismiss care she would be given. It was her way of surviving. "I just don't like the fuss. And there is so much to do. I've seen people dedicated to their work, but with you it's an entire new level. You can't hide when the Evil calls your name"
"It's something I read. Anyway," she turned to the table with her meds, that actually were vitamins,"Can you pass me that bottle there. And it's time for my pills."
Nick stood up and passed her a glass of water and the medication that were on a chest of draws.
As he passed it to her, she thanked him and in the process took hold of his had,"I do appreciate you waiting in the hospital"-
"You are my partner," but the way he said it somehow meant more the way it sounded.
The door buzzed and Elena now asked Nick to go see who it was. Swinging the door open, Joel Goran stood there. “May I come in?”
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“Please” Nick said and gestured to the surgeon to come in.
_to be continued
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