#; but ultimately‚ ubisoft used revelations as their guidelines
prophesyr · 6 years
Any hopes or ideas for New Dawn?
          I haven’t really had the chance to sit down and think about New Dawn’s potential yet, but there are a few things that have stuck out for me. We all know I’m 100000% here for the Father’s return. I don’t care what they do with him, because I trust Greg to keep him whole as a character. Otherwise, I just hope beyond hope that Ubisoft and the fandom give the twins the same respect they gave Joseph, Pagan Min, and Vaas. Essentially, as long as Ubi can give them the same levels of development, I’ll be happy. However, I’d also like to see them continue with the biblical parallels. Let me just jump back into 5 for a second here.          The whole of Far Cry 5, Absolution, and the Book of Joseph symbolize Joseph ( and by proxy, the deputy ) breaking the seven seals of the apocalypse. I’m lazy so I’m digging this whole next section out of HERE:
THE FIRST SEAL represents widespread deception by a false Christianity that began in the days of the apostles. 
THE SECOND SEAL refers to the increasing devastation caused by war as the end approaches. 
THE THIRD SEAL represents increasing hunger and famines. 
Other consequences of war and famine are represented by THE FOURTH SEAL—such things as disease, plagues and civil unrest that kill many people.
THE FIFTH SEAL brings us directly to the time of the end. It acknowledges the past persecution and martyrdom of God’s servants and announces they will have to wait “a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed,” before God avenges their deaths.
THE SIXTH SEAL describes how “powers of the heavens will be shaken” after the end-time tribulation and martyrdom of the saints has begun but before God’s wrath is unleashed in “the day of the Lord”. These heavenly signs announce the beginning of the Day of the Lord.
Finally THE SEVENTH SEAL is opened. It describes seven other aspects of end-time events, each announced with a trumpet blast. In the first four of these plagues God strikes the earth and mankind’s environmental support systems. The fifth trumpet’s plague inflicts great pain on those refusing to serve God. In the sixth trumpet plague, God permits an unimaginably destructive and all-out worldwide war to begin.
          This is only the beginning, of course. The game never had the chance to show its next phase, known as “the Great Tribulation”. This span of time is known as when the Lord takes a little vacation and pretty much hands the earth over to the antichrist like, “Have fun!” This lasts for seven years ( as the one plaque along the pilgrimage estimates the Project will remain underground ). At the end of these seven years, the ANTICHRIST will rally together an army and try to overthrow the believers in the Battle of Armageddon.           This point is where the second coming of Christ is meant to take place. He swoops in, with his church at his heels, and locks the antichrist in Hell with a single word. In the same breath, he raises the true believers from the dead. We’re talking Lazarus-style, not Night of the Living Dead. But I digress. Following this, Jesus is supposed to rule the earth for a thousand years before Satan once again rises, tries to do his Satan thing, and is struck down by God for the final time. After that, those unsaved stand before God to be judged, and He creates a new Heaven and a new Earth.          In choosing the number 17 as the years proceeding Collapse, Ubisoft may have inadvertently referenced the Bible again; or it was on purpose, because I’m ready to call bullshit until the real End Times. Throughout the Good Book, the number 17 is used to symbolize victory and restoration. I could give examples, but have a link to this webpage that looks like it was slapped together before computers were invented, instead. There are parts even this page doesn’t touch, but this is already pretty long. So I’ll end it on this:          There are at least twenty different things I’d love to see, but I think most of all, I want this to be Ubisoft’s way of ending the Apocalypse they created. We already broke the seals. Joseph took his seven year break. Now it’s time to end it once and for all.
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