fiercexkfc · 8 months
Send them:
Questions about their relationships
Invasive, uncomfortable personal questions
Ask them about their childhood
Throw random, weird thoughts at them
Confess to them anything you want
Give thought provoking headcanon asks
Character development questions
Questions about any interactions you’ve seen on the blog
Questions about any ships you’ve seen on the blog
Questions about my muses feelings about other muses from the fandom
Anything else you may be interested in knowing about my muse. 
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fiercexkfc · 8 months
Give my character a "character shaming" label
(i.e. ‘I ate all he cookies in the house and lied about it with crumbs over my face’)
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fiercexkfc · 8 months
Lack of Sleep Starters!
pronouns and context can be changed as you see fit.
When was the last time you actually got some rest?
Alright, that's it. You're going to bed, and I'm not taking no for an answer.
Look at you! You're spilling coffee.
You have bags, and I'm not talking about the Gucci kind.
Jesus, have you been awake the entire night?
It's 4am. You need sleep.
You're safe here. You can rest now.
I promise, I'm fine. I just look tired a lot, thanks to... the tiredness.
Look, I'm okay! I've pulled all nighters before.
This isn't the first time I've gone without sleep.
I'll carry you to bed if I have to.
Do I need to baby you?
Huh? What? I'm awake, I swear!
You just ran into the wall. It's time to lie down.
Go. To. Bed. That's an order.
I made a nest for you. You can sleep in that, if you want.
Can I get an extra pillow / blanket?
Want me to tuck you in, too?
I'll check in on you in an hour. You'd better not have moved.
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fiercexkfc · 9 months
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Hawks' Birthday 2k23 || Anonymous asked:
This time, it was a little more high profile. After all, one does not sneak into a pro hero's residence so easily. It was folly to even try as any resident of this world would tell you.
The gift giver however had no such restraints.
Sparing the birthday boy any unmarked packages, the gift was colourfully wrapped albeit still inexplicably there in his home. The contents were a choice rather than a true gift.
A collar, one deliberately cracked in a very specific way. It hung in the middle of states, damaged enough to justify finishing the job and yet undamaged enough to justify fixing it. Accompanying it was a simple note.
Freedom is a lofty goal. Have you the strength to see it through?
Marked as from only a 'D' and leaving far too many questions.
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Keigo had never really thought much of his birthday. It was always just another day for him. Especially after the hero commission started training him as a child. And so for him this was just a normal day of doing work that the safety commission sent him on before returning to his apartment afterward.
Entering the apartment, closing the door behind him, the winged hero was exhausted, however, he also knew that it would still be hours before he actually fell asleep. Which had been a problem for him years; either not being able to sleep or just sleeping for a few hours at a time.
As he took the blue tinted visor off and set it down on the table by the door, the pro hero spotted the gift sitting on the table by his couch.
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Blinking a few times, Keigo walked over to it with an eyebrow raised -- at first thinking that he was hallucinating before picking it up to discover it was, in fact, real.
"Huh?" He held the package up to his ear and shook it a little, before determining that it was safe to open.
Upon opening and seeing the cracked collar only made the bird man's eyebrow to raise more as his golden-brown eyes narrowed on to the note that was present as well. One of his hands shifting over to and lifting the paper up and reading it.
"It's also easier said than done." He retorted back sarcastically, directing the words at whoever sent the package.
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fiercexkfc · 9 months
Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?" Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they'll have to answer honestly.
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fiercexkfc · 9 months
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"Oh hey, it's my birthday."
//Mun: I'm on a roll so far.. I've remembered Eri's birthday, and now Hawks' birthday. But anyway.. go ahead and leave the birb man birthday asks.
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fiercexkfc · 9 months
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»        headcanon memes inspired by things i like, part 3           inspired by little hope
send in a symbol i’ll answer the corresponding question about my muse!
[ 🫀 ] does your muse make decisions with their head or their heart? perhaps a bit of both?
[ 🏉 ] would you say your muse lives up to their potential? are they trying to, or could they care less?
[ 💥 ] is your muse protective of those they care for? if so, how do they show it?
[ 👓 ] does your muse tend to judge others, or are they more open-minded?
[ 💍 ] does your muse have trouble committing to others? are they comfortable being this way, or would they prefer to be different?
[ 🏛 ] does your muse have any strange interests? do they keep these interests to themselves, or are they comfortable sharing them with others?
[ 🧭 ] does your muse consider themselves a good person? why or why not?
[ 🚓 ] has your muse ever been arrested? if so, what for?
[ 🧬 ] how important is family to your muse?
[ 💀 ] does your muse tend to blame themselves or others?
[ 📖 ] does your muse keep a diary or journal? what do they, or would they, write in a journal?
[ 👻 ] what decisions have your muse made that they regret?
[ 🤱 ] does your muse want to have children? why or why not?
[ ⏰ ] does your muse tend to cling to the past, dream about the future, or look to the present?
[ 🚌 ] what haunts your muse? is there any event in your muse’s past that they can’t move past?
[ 🥀 ] what are your muse’s standards for a romantic partner? are they realistic? why do they have these standards?
[ 👊 ] does your muse favour nonviolence? will they be violent if needed? do they revel in violence?
[ 🩹 ] does your muse prefer to keep the peace or rock the boat? are they a mediator, or do they tend to make others upset?
[ 🌊 ] does your muse have any specific fears? is there a reason why they fear these things?
[ 🏭 ] is your muse happy with their job or career path? why or why not?
[ ✈️ ] does your muse like to travel? have they travelled in the past? where would they like to go?
[ ⚰️ ] does your muse believe in an afterlife? if so, what do they believe the afterlife would look like?
[ 🦁 ] is your muse cowardly, or courageous? what would it take for them to act heroically or selflessly?
[ 🔒 ] what are your muse’s most negative traits? how do these traits influence their lives? (ex. if a muse is aggressive, they may have trouble forming lasting friendships.)
[ ⛓ ] has your muse ever felt trapped? by what?
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fiercexkfc · 9 months
Happy birthday to this little shit
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(Hawks/Keigo Takami- 28th Dec)
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fiercexkfc · 9 months
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"Oh hey, it's my birthday."
//Mun: I'm on a roll so far.. I've remembered Eri's birthday, and now Hawks' birthday. But anyway.. go ahead and leave the birb man birthday asks.
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fiercexkfc · 11 months
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"I'm a firm believer in the power of McDonald's chicken nuggets to fix all problems."
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fiercexkfc · 11 months
Reblog if you want some curious anons
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fiercexkfc · 11 months
"I'M NOT SURE I CAN TRUST YOU" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
you remember the last time we did this. it didn't go well.
i told myself i'd never trust you again.
you're not very good at keeping promises, are you?
i thought we agreed to work together.
you're the reason i'm in this mess in the first place.
the last time i listened to you, it nearly got me killed.
i guess i don't have a choice.
you're my last hope.
this isn't going to end well.
i stuck out my neck for you once, and look what happened.
you could have told me the truth from the start.
you're a pretty slimy character.
you don't exactly exude trustworthiness.
i can't believe i'm listening to you again.
after everything that happened, i can't look at you the same.
you betrayed me.
how am i supposed to trust you again?
i put everything on the line for you, and you betrayed me.
i'm not taking orders from you.
how do i know you won't stab me in the back?
i promise you, it won't happen again.
you don't have a good track record of keeping promises.
that was bullshit, and you know it.
this time, you can trust me.
they told me what happened last time.
i won't make the same mistakes they did.
keep telling yourself that.
every time i trust you, it comes back to bite me in the ass.
that was the worst lie i've ever heard.
you're a shit liar.
you're not getting anything from me.
i'm not risking my life to save you, that's for sure.
you're talking out of your ass.
i don't believe a word you're saying.
you're full of bullshit.
that was the biggest lie you ever told.
and to think, i trusted you once.
i'm such an idiot for thinking i could trust you.
i'll never look at you the same again.
that was an awful trick.
did you mean to do that?
had i known what you were up to, i never would have agreed to this.
once again, you lied to my face.
they warned me not to trust you.
after all the things i've heard about you, i'm not sure where i stand.
you don't exactly have a very trustworthy face.
you look like a liar to me.
you won't hold up your end of the bargain. you never do.
why did you trick me?
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fiercexkfc · 1 year
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"Awww to be young and in love."
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fiercexkfc · 1 year
Reblog if it's okay to fill up your inbox!
-please feel free to specify in the tags any limits you may have! examples being: mutuals only; only for memes, general ic asks, or both; if ooc asks are welcomed; etc.
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fiercexkfc · 1 year
Send ‘Ship Bias’ and I will share up to 5 Ships I have a bias for for my muse!
Remember to specify muse for Multi-Muse blogs!
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fiercexkfc · 1 year
You are allowed to send antagonizing anons about my muse
(i was gonna put this on my rp blog last night, but i decided to make it a post on here so anyone else who likes antagonistic anons can reblog it as well without borking my notifs)
people are allowed to send anons about what goes on on my blog and the circle of blogs that interact with me, this includes trying to get under my muses skin or tell them the hard truths about what is happening, or even about their fellow friends and enemies!
berate them for putting up with something dumb, point out flaws in someone's story, mention how something they believe is not the truth, do it, have fun!
just be sure that the antagonistic anon you sent is directed at the muse, not the mun, and make sure to read the rules of the blog you wish to send anons to, some antagonizing might be seen as godmodding and will go unanswered or blocked.
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fiercexkfc · 1 year
rare threats, bc i’m feeling feral … sentence starters
tw: violence and death mentions throughout 
“I’ll eat your fingers.”
“I will boil your teeth.”
“I will pee your pants.”
“I will liquefy your soul.”
“I will alleviate your skin.”
“I will invert your ribcage.”
“I’m gonna harvest your toes.”
“I will acquaint you with a brick.”
“I will dropkick your funny bone.”
“I will delete you like a spam email.”
“I will beat you to death with a spoon.“
“I will steal the calcium from your bones.”
“Your descendants will know who I was…”
“I will gently rearrange your bone structure.”
“I’m going to eat your socks while you sleep.”
“I will turn your kneecaps into moist frisbees.”
“I’m going to make all your systems nervous.”
“I will suck out your bone marrow with a curly straw.”
“I will fill all the holes in your body with baked beans.”
“I’ll have NASA give you a one-way ticket into the sun.”
“Shut up before I open a Nature Valley bar on your bed.”
“Say something like that again and I’ll give you an irrational fear of eggs.”
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