#; desii
shadowseductress · 6 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <33
To all my mutuals <3
@pralayy @thatstolenpayal @aayien-baigan @laacfaze @journalsofanaesthete @intellectual6666 @manincaffeine @alhad-si-simran @talesinmyhead040122 @guywholovestowrite @mmwiddc @ihateyouvishal @kabhi-kabhi-aditya @nirmoh @shyam-kariya @sufiiiiiiii @mad-who-ra @maintohthakgayibhaishaab @main-hun-hi-nahin-iss-duniya-ki @thecaffeinatedresearcher @the-monologues @thesolitarysoul @theparadoxart @chandnihumai @aahanna @aapki-shayara @aapka-shayar @budugu @paisa-gaadi-mehenga-ghar @desii-tumbllr-dot-com @18shadesofmay @raviqw1290 @wohjosubahjaldiuthtahai @numpypandas @yahvii @moonhymnss @flageblcili @kanha-sakhi @mishrisugar @oh-munda-kukkad-kamaal-da @magic-coffee @seedhe-pahad-se @kyayarpriyanka @happilynervouswerewolfsworld @touch-mee-nott @hectorfrombritain @chaandkideewani @re-is-back-in-black @biharanbitch @kabsuriii
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natkhat-sa-shyam · 6 months
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <33 💕💕
Thank you ji🌻✨️
Let me add some other mutuals jinhe me previous post mein add nahi kar paya tha. You all are close to my heart.
@btw-its-tamanna @eat-men-like-air @mannbhaavnii @secretandpurplememories @bareillyki-barfi @kaleshi-naari @tumaridesiladki @thodi-si-kafkaesque @bhindesi-tara @sassy-harry @oceanandlilies @anonymouse-is-here @starlight-1010 @desifleabag @desii-tumbllr-dot-com @desi-dukhi-dramatic @tothemoonandbacklove @sheislosingsanity @caffeinatedcadaver @shyaamsundari @rantbyriha @embersariya @cigarettesblog @amulchaach @chashniii @chaandaniyan @greektragedybitch @ikkudidakhwab @chaliyaaa @inaasaysshelloo @dilhhindustani @maraudersbitchesassemble @nutellaticc @moonmochixs @yagynaseni @styleswife @khwabedaa @thisis-matilda @steric-hinderance @kkinderjoy @thatstolenpayal @fancyturtlementality @bheegibatak @prettybrowneyedsoul @fancyturtlementality @ice-lolly @chaiandchitthi @disproportionatelysculpting @vaidehi1742 @sukhee-gulab-ke-phool
If I tagged you without us being mutuals, it was deliberate on my part.💌
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अब सब आए है तो चाय पी कर ही जाना ✨️☕️
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specialdae001 · 4 months
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100 posts!
YAYYYYYY! I'm really excited. I'm actually going to use this platform to appreciate some of my supporters that have prompted me to get this far.
@xxunknwn Thank you so much for being supportive.
@desii-tumbllr-dot-com Thank you for being so supportive as well.
@betterloverthanrosee Thank you so much for the likes. It encourages me to post.
And thank you all that I couldn't post. You all are special to me. 🥺❤️. Have a nice day
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ashnsweet · 15 days
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lumea-ei · 1 year
N am mai scris de..timp bun, am renuntat sa mai scriu ce simt pentru ca nu mai simteam nimic, sau cel putin asa credeam, pana cand am inceput din nou sa simt durere, si singuratate in acelasi timp, pana cand am inceput sa realizez ca timp de 5 ani te iubesc doar pe tine, si nu mai pot iubii pe nimeni altcineva. Realitatea m-a lovit ca o piatra in cap zilele trecute cand ma plimbam si vorbeam in capul meu, cand serile in care plangeam singura si nu mai puteam sa dorm decat cand se crapa de ziua, s au intors inapoi nu de mult.
Nu mai vreau sa folosesc pe nimeni ca scut, nu mai vreau sa incerc alt produs sa l stric doar pentru a ma reformata la ideea de a trece peste. M am obisnuit cu ideea ca ok, sufletul meu iti apartine, si am acceptat sa raman singura pentru binele altora, si pentru binele meu.
Ma doare inima, biologic vorbind, si sufletul, energia din mine sa stiu ca te iubesc de 5 ani incoace si ca tot ce am incercat ca sa pot sa "trec peste" a fost ca un "arunc cacatul sub pres".
Nu mai fug, asa cum am spus si desii noptile ma gasesc singura, cu lacrimi pe fata, prefer sa ascult muzica si sa scriu, decat sa plec in cautarea unei minciuni ca sunt bine si ca am putut trece peste.
Sunt 3 ani de cand nu poti trece peste fata aceea, de cand te doare sufletul si nu poti iubii pe nimeni altcineva, nu te mai poti gandii la nimeni, si nu poti face sex ca-lumea din cauza ca sufletul tau e in bratele altcuiva.
5 ani, se fac 6 aproape de cand am incercat sa trec peste tine fugind, aruncand in tine cu pietre si incercand sa te tai cu orice obiect ascutit, din inima mea.
M-a ajuns la 21 de ani, si nu e harababura din minte cum spunea Kazi, ci sentimentele ne dau de gol si ne sfarama.
Psihicul e neutru, uniform si se lasa afectat doar cand nu mai vrea sa traga pentru fizic.
In cazul meu, sentimental urlu, iar psihic e liniste.
5 ani de cand inima mea a ramas in acelasi loc in care te am cunoscut si in acelasi loc in care te am parasit.
Sufar singura cu oameni care trec prin mine si ma ocolesc, iar persoana de care am nevoie, aceea fiind tu, esti in acelasi stagiu ca si al meu.
Doar ca nu e despre mine, ci despre alta fata.
Imi vine sa te strang in brate pana iti pun sufletul la loc, as face multe lucruri pentru tine, doar sa stiu acum ca ai fii fericit, si nu, nu as vrea sa te chinui sa simti ceva pentru mine, pentru ca in definitiv, chiar daca ai simtit in felul tau, noi doi nu am fost sa fim niciodata.
Uneori mi as dorii sa ma impusti in cap, sau sa ma bati cu pietre, sa ma arunci in strada, sa mi faci cele mai oribile lucruri, si asta cautam la varsta de 18 ani, ca sa pot pleca, sa ma faci sa plec pentru binele meu.
Si tot aici m am intors la 21. Stiu ca nu esti legat de mine, cum sunt eu de tine, dar sper sa intelegi cat de tare m-a durut sa stiu ca niciodata nu am primit ce ti am dat si eu, si ca nu am fost tocmai o prioritate asa cum te am facut eu sa fii pentru mine.
Adevarul e ca, inca ma doare, pentru ca in adancul meu stiu ca nu m-ai vrut niciodata cu adevarat, de aceea nu ne am inteles si relatia a fost una toxica.
Doar eu te am vrut si te am primit cu bratele deschise, cat timp tu aruncai cu pietre si plecai tot mai departe de mainile mele care te asteptau.
Dar cu toate astea, sentimentele mele sunt reale, doresc sa te ajut, doresc sa treci peste ce te doare si te apasa, vreau sa ramai in viata mai mult timp decat iti imaginezi tu ca ai vrea, desii stiu ca am platit cu sufletul de la bun inceput, mi as dorii sa stiu ca am dat in dar inima mea, unui om care daca nu ma vrea, sa ramana in viata ca sa pot macar sa l mai vad.
4 melodii ti le dedic si vor ramane pe veci sentimentele mele nespuse fata de tine, in acele piese, pentru ca doar muzica ma face sa ma exprim si arata cu adevarat cine sunt eu.
"Doar un cuvant"
"Inger si demon".
"10 mii de ore".
Vreau ca la finalul vietii mele, cand va fii perioada aia, sa mi se cante aceste 4 melodii si pe patul de cosgiuc sa stiu ca tot cu iubirea mea pentru tine am plecat din lumea asta.
Vreau ca tu sa fii bine.
Cred ca asta inseamna sa iubesti pe cineva atat de mult. Nu sa te sinucizi pentru el/ea. Ci sa continui pana la apogeul proprii vieti, tot cu aceeasi iubire, cu acelasi om in suflet, stiind ca ai facut tot ce s a putut sa i arati ca iubesti si sa l faci mandru. In acelasi timp traindu-ti viata.
Imi doresc sa plang in bratele tale, sa ti strang mainile sa ti le sarut si sa ti le pun pe fata arzanda de la atatea lacrimi scurse in toti anii astia.
Imi doresc sincer sa nu spui nimic, doar sa iti vad privirea, si mi as dorii sa plangem impreuna fiecare pentru cauza proprie.
Si de ar fii vreodata sa te intrebi cine te-a iubit atat de mult, sa iti amintesti de mine.
Am devenit matura din cauza ta, pentru ca vocea ta a fost mereu acolo, in capul meu, sa ma sustina.
Am devenit mai calculata, mai versatila cu oamenii, mai calda si mai iubitoare, sunt mai stapana pe mine, doar din simplul fapt ca te am iubit atat de mult, incat mi ai lasat o amprenta mare pe suflet.
Iti multumesc ca m ai primit inapoi, ma bucur sa te vad, chiar daca nu esti bine si acel tuti a disparut de multi ani, ma bucur sa vad si stafia pe care o sustii ca esti.
Ma bucur sa o vad pe mama ta, cu toate ca nu te intelegi cu ea si a murit de mult pentru tine, pentru mine a fost ce am avut nevoie, si m a primit mereu cand veneam acasa.
Mi-a fost dor de voi, as vrea sa stiti ca va iubesc foarte mult, imi e dor si de tatal tau, si mi as dorii sa pot sa va prind pe toti 3 intr-un moment, in care sa va pic la picioare, sa plang si sa ma odihnesc de la cate lupte am dus cu mine.
Sunteti familia care m a ridicat cand am avut nevoie cea mai mare intr-o perioada a vietii, si mereu ve ti ramane in sufletul meu.
Va iubesc, si imi pare rau ca am fost un copil si ca v am ranit. Totusi daca nu se intamplau toate..nu mai ajungeam sa realizez defapt cine sunt, ce simt, si ce vreau sa fac mai departe.
As vrea sa va imbratisez pe toti 3 in acelasi timp.
Va multumesc ca m-ati acceptat candva, si ca inca o faceti.
E mai mult de cat am putut cere.
Dar tu, esti casa mea.
Cu toate ca nu ma accepti inauntru, ma bucur sa ma uit de afara. Imi e suficient ca pot sta pe prag.
I love you so much, that it hurts my entire body.
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cakiebakie · 10 months
Hi Desii! Do you allow for people to use your art for studies? For example; Would it be alright to use one of your pieces as a reference and try to imitate it to the best of my abilities for practice? If using a piece for such a study is alright, would posting a 'speedpaint' of it be allowed/acceptable? Thank you! Your art is so beautiful dbdbdbbdbdbdbddbbdbd
Hi! Im ok with that :) If you post them just properly credit and @ me so I can check it out! Id love to see it
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eritvita · 2 years
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My name is Celeste. I prefer she/they pronouns, and I’m 30.
because this is a sideblog, and because my main account is my personal, i will be selective in following. i’m a bit selective with whom i write, for my own peace of mind and creative connections. but just because i’m not following you, doesn’t mean i won’t write with you!
my discord is available to mutuals!
my character's spotify playlist is here.
open starters are here.
my writing wishlist is here.
memes are here.
i am oc friendly. i am canon friendly. i am multifandom friendly. i do write with duplicates of the same character. i will write with self inserts!
this blog is multi-ship, multi-verse, and does not exercise exclusivity.
i do love to improvise, and i do love realistic drama, but i’d prefer out-of-character permission before anything gets way out of hand. i do control how my character acts and what he thinks and says, and wish for no forced motions or putting words in mouths.
if you reply to an in-character ask, i will make another text post: it’s easier on me. i don’t believe in reblog karma, nor will i get offended if you reblog a meme without sending one. i do reserve the right to not answer an ask if the inspiration doesn’t come.
the same goes for threads. if i get the feeling that we’re both going back and forth waiting for the other to contribute, or if it feels like i’m the only one pulling the weight, or if inspiration has flown the coop, i’ll probably drop it. we could always start something new; or, if you feel like a thread has been ignored without reason, tell me!
i have a very whimsical, formatted way of writing: i write in novella and multiple para. my preferred style is present-tense, third person. sometimes i’m dialogue-heavy. sometimes i use icons, and sometimes i don’t. sometimes a line of dialogue might seem confusing or mushed together for a lyrical word scramble, or my character tends to repeat things already mentioned/translated to him in a reply previous: this is purposeful, and part of a character quirk. i’m more than willing to translate ic babble out-of-character if it’s needed.
i am willing to rp on discord, but since my preferred style is via tumblr, this will only be with mutuals.
this character flirts. he comments openly of physical, mental, and spiritual beauty, but that never means that I, the writer, am forcing a romantic/etc. relationship. i encourage any and all ic reactions that happen in result.
with shipping, i would like chemistry first and foremost. my character is romantic, but not enough to tie the knot immediately, at least without involved plotting. there will be smut on this blog, but everything is put under a ‘read more’ and will be tagged appropriately. i will not write smut or explicit themes with anyone under 20, & i will block minors.
i have no problem shipping with duplicate characters, or canon characters, so long as the relationship is solid. talk to me ooc! i’m sure we could figure something out.
this character’s past & current relationships are listed here.
i have a timeline on my verses page for the three Dragon Age games made by Bioware, in which the main verse of this character is borne. i have played all three games, and i am very diligent over yt playthroughs and thought-provoking meta. the timeline on my verses page does give yearly points over where my character has been, but they are not fixed points. a thread, or an ask, can completely commence whenever, wherever, all depending on the people involved.
this is a lore and irl magick-based blog, which will include blood and drugs and great, mystic topics, with questionable symbolism, nudity, and sexual situations. i will always tag anything not safe for work, but please tell me if i miss a trigger.
tagging as ’___ for ts’.
most icons are mine, some are by Desii; the icons with the photo-shopped ears are by Gale.
side image credit: -x-
text divider credit: -x-
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dokries · 3 months
moots ♡
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hehe i love you all! also, if someone wants to be a moot, reach out! i would love to include you on this list :D
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@woozivrse - desi 🫶
DESII my bestie <3 i have lots of words for you but. thank you for inspiring me to start my own writing blog i love you always and of course YOUR WORK?? ITS SO GOOD?? i will never shut up by the way i love you so so much you will never get rid of me.
@m00n1sms - eishi 🫶
EISHIII you’re an honorary mention even though you don’t post writing anymore because you’re amazing and also because i’m your express ao3 delivery person you’re welcome (i love you so much thank you for always reading stuff over for me 😭)
@wonwooslibrary - sammie 🫶
SAMMIEE we haven’t talked in a while but omg i love your work (greaser jihoon will always stay in my heart…and so will stay forever oh my god i love those fics.) i really enjoy talking to you and i hope we can talk more in the future <3 lots of love
@starshuas / @shuahaes - amelia 🫶
MELIMELII you’re soso sweet thank you for actually responding when i reached out 😭 you’re so fun to talk to omg and your work is so cute!! i love being your noonoo <3
@mingyuscoffee - kim 🫶
hi kim :> we haven’t interacted much but omg thank you for always including my fics in your recs 😭😭 your work is so good !! you’ve got me reading exes to lovers…i never thought i would enjoy that trope :D
@odxrilove - dori 🫶
AAA DORI you’re soooo nice and oh my god i love your insane dropie just a lil less than your work…don’t tell her that hehe thank you for listening to me yap and showing off your collection <3 (i swear you’re rich okay idc if it’s that fund…)
@emocheol - star 🫶
STARR i LOVE your work so much oh my god it’s so good. no joke. you’re also so sweet ☹️ even if you’re a copycat/j (i love you) calling me THE seokmin lover makes me giggle hehe
@shuoast - ila 🫶
AAA i’m so glad we’re moots! we’re two worms in a hole hehe <3 i adore your work and i hope you can run away to jeju with your own kwan one day hehe lots of love 💗 BE SAFE PLEASE 😭
@icyminghao - noelle 🫶
HII NOELLE you’re so cool and Yes it is my job to be sweeter <3 i love love your fics like omg?? you’re amazing?? do not joke with me actually. you’re so fun to talk to as well omg…you get me fr…lots of love <3
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osachiyo · 10 months
OMGG UR DESII!!! what's your favorite cultural dance? :D
HIII YESS I AM !! (≧∇≦)/ and pls THERE ARE SOOO MANY. I cannot choose, they're so unique and beautiful in their own way and the outfits n everything just ughh
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missjulyy · 1 year
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legendrarry · 1 year
i am reading mirror of edidyrue rn, in the 6th book's last chapter, have you read that??
-a very gay anon :)
ps- also are you desi??? (perhaps indian? don't mind me asking, I'm desi too, I'm just curious 👉🏽👈🏽)
Well HELLO THERE!!! Thanks so much for the compliment that was out of the blue for sure haha! XDD
And INDEED I READ Book 6. I finished the whole series like a drunkard in the span of a week tbh and since then I'VE BEEN LOSING MY MIND!!! THAT BOOK HAS BEEN LIVING IN MY BRAIN 24/7 and I CAN'T GET IT OUT!!! I'd LOVE to chat about this with youuu so come off anon so we can gush awayyy! 😁
And about the desi thing.. I'm not indian but closee. Real close. So yeah, definitely desii, just not indian desi 😅
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The Mask
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The Decies in Ireland My Rich Cultural Heritage Never Discussed Until Now!
A style of writing called ogham writing, and said to be in use two thousand years before the introduction of Christianity, has been met with upon ancient megalithic structures or monuments in the south of Ireland. These monuments are marked in the ogham characters with words akin to "Desii in some places, such as Deag, Degaid, genitive form, while on several other monuments the actual ogham word is Deceed, Now, from very early times, centuries before Christianity, a tribe called Clanna Delgaid are mentioned as possessing territory in the south, including the west of Limerick, Kerry and Cork. And where have these monuments been found starting at the south-west of Kerry, Ballintaggart, the ogham inscription there is Maqi Deceeda (son of Decei). Within half a mile the strand at Dingle Bay, at Ballycrovane, where a great monolith overlooks the Bay of Kenmare; on the borders of the sea in the counties of Cork, Kerry, and Waterford and inwards to the Rath of Dunbel, in the County Kilkenny; thence to the eastern boundary of Kildare, ogham inscribed monuments, or other memorials, testify that the Degaid, or Deesi, left marks of their fame and greatness long before the suppose migration from Tara or Leinster could have taken place, such evidences proving that they were an original, independent people, who landed upon the south coast, and thence established their power and supremacy over the entire plains of Munster. These people whose history has a monumental record existing, and in evidence at the present day in the ogham inscribed monuments raised to their chiefs; or great men, we find mentioned in ancient annals as "Delgaid or Desii".
By Waterford County Museum in Ireland
View the article free at https://gabrielwoods.substack.com/p/the-mask
Also published by txg.com
Gabriel Woods
Gabriel Woods is the author of eight published books including the popular and very positively reviewed The Golden Age Trilogy. Gabriel has obtained a Degree in Psychology, a Masters in Aidwork Management from University College Dublin, a Certificate in Counselling from University Maynooth Ireland. He is a fully qualified FETAC life coach in Ireland as well as a full-time professional author.
He has travelled around the world, living in Dublin, London, Edinburgh, Sydney and Brisbane in Australia. He has also explored sacred places of aboriginal culture. He explored important religious and cultural Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim sites of India. He has learned about the spiritual of the people that live and worship there. He has travelled widely throughout mainland Europe including Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Netherlands and Germany with a focus on areas of cultural importance. These sites throughout the world that Gabriel has visited have had a profound effect on him which he expresses as he writes about these areas in his novel.
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louisbf · 2 years
Omg hiii u r desii??
hiiiiiiiiiiii yes ^_______^
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lumea-ei · 11 months
Se spune ca iubirea este in fiecare dintre noi.
Ca, tot ce nu vedem cu ochiul liber..este facut din iubire. Ca suntem inconjurati de ea.
Acum cativa ani, nu ma gandeam la iubire in acest sens. Defapt, nu ma gandeam deloc la iubire.
Nu stiam ce era aceasta.
Dar, pana cand a aparut acel cineva, in viata mea. Care a stat acolo indiferent de starea mea curenta. De cati prieteni am avut, sau de cate lipsuri duceam, a fost acolo.
Si, inca este si in prezent. A fost singurul care a vazut bunatatea in mine, care mi-a deschis orizonturi noi, desii ne am si ranit reciproc. A fost, prietenul meu cel mai bun..care a crezut mereu in mine, ca voi reusii ce mi propun sa fac. Tot ce conteaza, cand trag linia in prezent, este ca a fost acolo si este aici. Am lasat atatea persoane sa-mi dicteze sufletul, sau cum sa fiu..incat am uitat cine aprins focul din inima mea. M-am lasat afectata de bad times, de amintiri cel putin..pana sa vad in prezent, ca si in zilele in care simteam ca-mi pica cerul in cap, aveam parte de iubire.
Am fost inconjurata de iubire, din toate partile, de la toate persoanele respective. Recent..mi am dat seama si ca, doar eu nu ma iubeam.
Cand, nu timi iubire provenita din partea ta insuti..este normal sa nu simti iubire si din partea celorlalti.
Si astazi, la 21 de ani..cred ca, viata incepe cu tine. Iubirea pe care o doresti sa o simti in oameni, incepe prin a te uita in oglinda, intr-un geam..la reflexia ta. Spunandu-ti ca te iubesti, pentru prima oara, de cand te aflii in viata.
De abea atunci, vei putea simtii iubirea pe care o doresti de la altii.
E incredibil cate am realizat in cateva zile, dupa cateva, nu atat de bune. Si totusi, m am ascuns atat de tare de lume, sa ma feresc sa fiu ranita..incat, a fost pentru prima oara cand simt iubire, pentru mine, de la mine..si, simt si durerea, in splendoarea ei.
Nu vreau sa schimb nimic in momentu asta.
Decat, sa ii spun prietenului meu cel mai bun ca..fara el, si fara mine..nu as fii realizat in fiecare zi, lucruri noi despre mine.
6 ani de cand te iubesc, si..nu regret nimic. Prima zi, de cand am inceput sa ma observ insumi, si nu regret nimic.
I'm..finally, loving myself.
-Give me love.
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sanggelap · 2 years
Desi dan Desember
Sebelum azan subuh bergema, Desi sudah sibuk di dapur mengadon tepung, gula, susu, dan lainnya. Aku yakin dia hendak membuat donat kesukaan ibu dan bapak. Sejak kecil, Desi selalu bisa mengambil hati ibu bapak. Semua tentang Desi adalah anugrah bagi ibu dan bapak. Dan aku? O, kalian cukup tahu saja, namaku Jani lahir di bulan Januari. Orang-orang zaman dulu sepertinya kehabisan ide perihal nama, tapi nama tidaklah penting bagiku, dulu. Sekarang, semuanya menjadi penting.
"Kak Jan, Desi boleh minta tolong?", sahut Desi dari dapur.
Aku masih di bawah selimutku. Aku benci sekali perihal dibangunkan pagi buta begini. Tapi, demi Desi aku bangkit. Dengan segenap kesadaranku, aku melangkah menuju dapur. Namun, langkahku tiba-tiba terhenti di depan kamar ibu dan bapak. Tak seperti biasanya, lampu kamar mereka menyala terang.
"Des, kenapa lampu kamar ibu bapak mati?", tanyaku seraya menunjuk pintu yang tertutup rapat.
Desi hanya diam, dia tak menggubrisku. Ya, sejak dulu itulah yang aku benci dari Desi.
"Kakak sini deeh, bantuin Desii!", pinta Desi.
"Iya, iya. Tapi, kamu jawab dulu pertanyaan kakak!".
"Kenapa kakak masih menanyakan hal yang sama sepanjang tahun ini?", ucap Desi lirih.
"Sepanjang tahun?", selidikku.
"Iya, sepanjang dua ribu tujuh belas.". Kemudian Desi diam.
"Kenapa?", tanyaku.
"Ibu bapak sudah tiada. Mereka sudah kembali ke pelukan Tuhan.", ucap Desi lirih.
Aku membatu.
Desi memelukku, kami menangis bersama sepanjang tahun dalam ingatan Desi. Ingatan mengerikan yang hanya dimiliki Desi, sebab aku, aku telah membunuh berulang kali, sepanjang tahun, setiap subuh.
Desi maafkan kakakmu.
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dhesidesii-blog · 2 years
Mau curhat aja susah...
Pendem lagi...pendem lagi...
Huaaaaah....Huaaaah.... Sabar Desii.... Sabar.... Yuk sabarin.....
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