#; lured into wonderland
estarion · 3 months
“Are you following me? Or are you lost and looking for a way out?” – in any way she should be (more) careful. She didn’t know the man. She thought she had seen him before; his face did seem familiar, but that was all she could tell about him. And as long as they were alone in that long and empty corridor, he had an advantage over her.
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indeed, he’s been following her—not with ill intent. “you dropped this.” what was left in the young lady’s wake dangles from his finger, ready to be returned. “... no, i am not lost.” the question begs he ask the same, with a mocking sort of eagerness in his lilt and speed: “are you?” before she can make to answer, he retracts his hand, changing his mind about letting her have that undoubtedly precious item back. someone sinister dared him to ‘try being kind’ to the next five people he crossed paths with.  she was number one.  but every harmless step he takes, she’s darting away multiple, gutless more—and this thingy in his grasp might fetch a pretty gold piece elsewhere.   “all right, i’ll be keeping this, then!”
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falseapostle · 8 months
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✥ @lured-into-wonderland asked: ✥
✥ "Mr. Abe…" - Nunnally suddenly stops drinking her coffee as the snow starts to fall; a beautiful view through the window - "Look! it's the first snow this winter! Just before Christmas…Let's go!" - she stands up taking his hand with the gentle urge to take him outside - "Let's see if we can catch the falling snow on our hands…or tongues…" - she giggles as she walks out. Without a coat. Without a scarf. Without anything. ✥
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Haruto tightened his grip on the hand Nunnally had taken him by, but just as she reached the threshold he pulled her back, spinning her as in a dance and pulling her closer to him, "Not like that you're not. Darling, come now. You need to dress properly for the weather. You might not be an ordinary human, but I'm willing to bet the ice and snow is just as unpleasant without a coat, am I right? We'll go out once you're bundled up."
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mannequinentity · 3 months
@lured-into-wonderland |x|
"A good friend handling someone like him is a special one indeed, I'm sure you're doing well in keeping him company." A gentle tone as well to accompany his friendly welcoming exterior. "But I can assure you, he is doing splendidly well at this current moment."
Adjusted tie before realizing his rudeness "Oh yes and pardon me, my name is Jiri, a friend of his I need to remind." He lifts her hand to kiss it. "When we first met, Manny was a wild gentleman, drinking at pubs and sleeping in the sidewalks. Someone needed to take care of him."
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"You seem troubled, has Manny caused any complications in your day-to-day life? He's not good with people, the last time I remembered."
Whoever this stranger was, he'd known him for a long time. The relationship remains unknown. He could be truthful or lying, but his eyes never left hers. His whole entire demeanor suggests confidence and openness.
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cantuscorvi · 6 months
what do you consider your strengths as a writer? // could you introduce us to your oldest oc?
@lured-into-wonderland // questions for writers
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Honestly I am bad at self reflection when it comes to my own writing. I am a perfectionist, I just try to get it out there without hating it, and it can be a painful process sometimes. When I do think it's working, usually it's to do with how I translate a scene I imagine in my head. I think I can do a good job at leading the 'eye' of the reader where I want it to go, a bit like a camera for a movie. Or at least that's my goal!
As for my oldest OC. Ta-da! You're looking at him. Before I wrote Raum I played in a couple of those rp circles where they hand you a character in a story to play with, and after that, I wrote couple of canons! It's been ten years with Raum now since then. My little old man.
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suizokukans · 8 months
@lured-into-wonderland continued from [x]
"Ah, t-thank goodness.." The blonde lets out a small sigh of relief, glad she hadn't bothered the wrong person. It would have been embarrassing for herself and the staff member if that were the case. "It's um.. n.. nice to meet you. My name is um.. it's Solara by the.. the way." The more she talks, it's clear that she seems to be speaking with a natural stutter, and her shyness quickly starts to disappear.
"I see... I g-guess I ended um.. up.. h-here earlier t-than usual... I w-wanted to surprise h-him, you see.." It had been several months since she'd ended up in the same city as Luzio, and even if he knew she was coming (eventually), the mermaid had wanted to surprise him by arriving early, but then again, he was a very busy person and hard to pin down at the best of times. "Oh.. th..thank you for the reassurance...! I suppose t-the best thing to um.. do is w-wait around for him to r-return then?"
Her eyes light up at the idea of going to the café, smiling as she nods, hands already moving to the sides of her chair to move it. "That s-sounds wonderful! If.. if you c-can keep me company, I'll r-really appre.. appreciate it!"
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sansloii · 6 months
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“You look like you're about to jump outta your skin, Songbird.” he laughs a little, looking from the Nunally's face to the steering wheel ahead of her in the driver's seat. “It's a little daunting — I know — but it always is. It certainly was for me too.”
She's asked him once, in the past, if he could teach her to drive. At the present, he couldn't remember if she had added on “like him” to that statement or had left it as is. His better judgement elects to believe that she had wanted to learn the basics of how to drive and that is the thought he would stick with. If she piped up with an additional request… well… he couldn't tell her no — not when she looked up at him with those gentle, but pleading eyes of hers.
However, a half promise ( a “Maybe later” ) is easy enough to say.
“You tell me when you're ready and I'll walk you through slowly, okay?”
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Mini-Starter Call | @lured-into-wonderland
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attroxx · 7 months
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closed starter. | @lured-into-wonderland
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❛ you need some help ? ❜ he reaches out his hand to the girl, grinning from ear to ear. she seems lost and well, he can't just let a pretty girl just roam the streets lost.
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muraenide · 8 months
Plotted starter @lured-into-wonderland
Jade was accustomed to darkness, but he did not ever recall seeing a sky so bleak. A heavy malice persists in the clouds; it's as though he's watching the end of the world unraveling before his very own eyes with nothing to stop it. Laughable. Whoever summoned him to this world clearly did not provide helpful guidelines as to how he may proceed, what little information he'd managed to retrieve from scraps of paper on Jacques' desk had scantly been able to provide him the faintest silhouette of Jacques Sorrentino's life to his imagination, but they have not been very helpful.
The man is a journalist who graduated from university with the highest honours. He'd exceeded his Father's expectations and taken on a mantle to continue his brother's lifework. Jade Leech was none of these things, but the revolver he'd found in the top drawer of Jacques Sorrentino's desk merely suggested that he wasn't quite who he seemed. If anything, Jacques' situation shortly before he transmigrated was shrouded in nothing but uncertainties.
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The door behind him opens. His eyelids flutter as he comes to find a young woman, ethereal and strangely beautiful for human standards, observing him from the door. A strong disbelief seizes his chest. His brows angle themselves into a look of absolute surprise. The setup and arrangements of Jacques' study room had not once suggested that he had a wife. But trying as it may, he merely allows himself a minute before the look vanishes from his face. "Can't sleep?" Perhaps it's not the most sensible thing to say to one's wife, "I will come to bed quite soon. I would like to watch the stars for a little while longer. Unless there is something you wish to discuss with me that simply cannot wait?"
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royaletiquette · 6 months
@lured-into-wonderland | continued
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A quick beat of surprise came over him at the question, but it washed away as swiftly when she laughed it off. Even still, Hibiya clarified, "No, I don't mean to say that at all." Her joy was infectious, relaxing his fears over the possible thoughts of judgment. If she was mad, hopefully this ease at least meant she wasn't furious.
Boyish embarrassment was covered up by a drunken flush already tinting his cheeks as she fixed his hair, caressed his face. It was a kind of affection that could easily pull whatever she wanted out of him. "I apologize for that," - for not complimenting her sooner - "I'm not always the best with my words," Hibiya admitted with an airy chuckle, an equally as gentle tug at his lips forming. "I hope you don't take it personally."
He watched Nunnally get comfortable, bells beginning to try and alarm in his head that it was all a ruse. She seemed so happy, like this was planned to happen after dinner. But . . . why? He very clearly messed up. Instead of explaining, he tried to hide this moment of weakness from her and knew a bottle would at least calm his thoughts. He knew Nunnally wanted someone easy to talk to, a husband who would give her whatever she wanted, not a young man found intoxicated on a couch after some news he didn't want to hear. And yet she still cuddled up to him.
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Hibiya's arm wrapped around her, indulging in the closeness, though it clearly did not come as naturally to him as they both may have hoped. He was stiff, his arm not quite resting, nor pulling her in as it should have. She faced him, those big blue eyes and it made him want to melt. The question was almost ignored since Hibiya had hardly been reading the book he held in the first place. How he hated that nickname, and how cute it sounded coming from Nunnally.
"Sure." But he didn't. He instead watched the woman he didn't deserve, who equally as desperately wanted him to be perfect. Hibiya instead brought his free hand to guide her towards a kiss. In an attempt to address the elephant in the room, he hesitantly apologized. "I'm sorry I'm drunk." Though the aftermath wasn't what he should have apologized for. Yet he thought it enough to give Nunnally permission if she felt like she needed it to criticize Hibiya. He deserved it, and would rather hear it now than risk it boiling over in front of others.
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parabelllvm · 8 months
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He watched her — with his own eyes — trudge out of the sea bordering the Black Sand Beach. In most cases, he wouldn't even bat an eye at a being rising out from the waters and making their way to the shore. Many Niphuline dwelled in the realm and so, that much was a given sometimes. They usually had a specific manner and area in which they came to the surface… but a few citizens preferred to resurface in different areas of the realm. That was fine.
This being, on the other hand… was not Pheric. The farthest thing from it, if his senses were correct.
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“…Stop.” he orders, as soon as the young woman's foot visibly touches the damp sand. “…Stop where you are.”
mini-starter | @lured-into-wonderland
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tunichtgxt-archive · 3 months
@lured-into-wonderland•*⁀➷ sitting in someone's lap prompts | available
╰┈➤ ❝ [  [ CARRY ]: sender, having been carried by the receiver for other reasons, winds up sitting in their lap once they sit down ]  ❞
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"i told you that you didn't need to come down to the very first row." this tournament was not kaito's forte, certainly not, but he made it into the semi finals. only two more wins and he'd carry the success back home. him, not his brother and certainly not his dad, who had been sitting next to nunnally until she decided to run to the first row. he guessed it was to catch better sight of the tournament, but kaito did not expect her to fall from the small wall, keeping the viewers away from the field.
he only meant to give her a flower; since she was his fiancee, giving it to anyone else was out of the question, even though his brother still seemed to fight for the princess' favor. marrying straight into crown royalty was certainly his goal. kaito had been given away mostly for financial reasons even if his father told him nunnally was the finest match made in heaven.
"i could have also have you maid hand it to you, but no, instead you fall down from the wall and right into my arms." she seemed to be celebrating his win, hence kaito could not find it in him to really complain. she was being way too cute to actually be mad at her, even though he demeanor hardly gave away that he was indeed not bothered by such actions.
sitting down on the bench next to the field, he let nunnally sink onto his lap. "it's my brother's turn. you should cheer for him. he's awfully fond of you." having been childhood friends and all, kaito understood those affections very well, but this was going to be his wife while his brother could still see her as a very dear friend.
"i doubt he'll win against the princess' brother though." wrapping one arm around nunnally, to hold her close, kaito leaned forward to check his spear. he wasn't a bad fighter, nor warrior, he was good at horse riding, but never in his life did he win against his brother. stepping out of his brother's shadow was just impossible.
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yuriko-mukami · 8 months
6, 14, 27. 28 for the topic meme
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
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6. excessive ooc
I'm not actually sure if this means just talking out of character or roleplaying a character in a very out-of-character manner. The first can't really be excessive since I enjoy chatting with my RP partners, but the latter can be a little off-putting.
But I mostly RP with other OC creators these days. So, I can't really know if the character is acting as they canonically should be which means I don't usually think about this matter. The few canon roleplayers I write with have given me a rather canon experience.
In this regard, I can't say I have too much experience with excessive ooc portrayal. And at the end of the day, everyone can interpret the characters as they wish.
14. icons
Personally, I don't use them, but I don't have any strong opinions about them either. I love my sprites, so I prefer either using them or writing completely without pictures. I don't have time or interest to make my own icons. But I don't mind if my writing partner wants to use them.
27. an old muse
I had an OC muse for Naruto fandom, Yume. She was part of the Uchiha clan but had been transferred away from Konoha before the whole clan was assassinated by Itachi. Her parents had never told her about this, so when Akatsuki sent Itachi and Kisame to kidnap her, she was completely oblivious to the reality of ninjas. I shipped Yume with Itachi, and back then, I had a steady RP partner who portrayed him.
28. your first muse
My first muse was Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. It started as a joke to humor my friend but turned into something more serious because she enjoyed interacting with my portrayal of the said pirate. And then I was sucked into text-based roleplaying... 🤭
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mannequinentity · 1 month
Out of many secrets Manny presumably has, what is the one that he is least likely to share? Why? Is it easy for him to lie about his past to his friends? How likely it is for him to be honest with someone he likes or cares about?
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There's a few that he won't share from the top of his head. He's living in a completely different world compared to all human beings on earth, so it's expected to have his situation covered up with secret to avoid any complications.
If there's anything, the expected outcome that they won't be friends much longer. He'll be gone eventually, going back home to his masters (Punished again) and venture back to another realm to fulfil and most likely fail them again for the millionth time. Rense and repeat. God forbid telling anyone about killing innocents for his own benefit.
He'll joke about his past, fabricating it due to having no memories of it, but with someone he genuinely likes, he can try and be honest, even if he tries to tiptoe around it out of fear. It'll take a while for him to speak the whole truth in one sitting.
A confident person, but honestly, a very scarred man who's scared of being honest to likeable people.
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strywoven · 4 months
@lured-into-wonderland ♡’d for a starter.
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Cannot quite suppress the inward GROWL of displeasure upon seeing the woman once more in his establishment , casually drinking and entertaining herself ( truly , what is her game ? why does she insist on returning time & again ? ) .  The halfling approaches her table , which has so readily become her usual haunt , and s c o w l s down at her , silvery blue hues dancing with ire.  ❝ Here again I see , ❞ He remarks , tone curt , ❝ Humor me , what’s your business t h i s time ? ❞  If not to ANNOY HIM .
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suizokukans · 5 months
@lured-into-wonderland liked for a starter!
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"I don't know who coined the term 'secret garage', but it's definitely an interesting one." Not that he looks too thrilled about finding out about that piece of news.
Sitting back in his chair, he thinks for a moment on how to address the question. "But it is true, I do have another garage, in fact, I have several. The only secret thing is probably their location if anything, mostly since I don't want strangers going near my stuff."
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phoenixcoin · 2 months
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❂⭃ @lured-into-wonderland asked: ⥷❂
❂⭃ A texture they hate & A texture they love ⥷❂
Sensory Headcanons
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One texture Byron absolutely cannot stand is perfectly polished smooth stone. It doesn't kill him to touch it with his fingers, per say, but if his nails come into contact with a smooth, polished surface it has the same effect as a nails on chalkboard sound. His whole nervous system absolutely recoils. Pat the smooth stone, do not scratch it.
A texture that he loves, however, is fine leatherwork. Especially stitching details. It has the exact opposite effect to his senses that scratching smooth stone does. He has a tendency to carefully study any armor or garments he intends to purchase just to give himself an opportunity to feel the leather in his hands and run his thumbs along the stitching.
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