#; royaletiquette
cantuscorvi · 26 days
🐰 RABBIT FACE — my muse's pet(s)/favorite animal(s)
Making Moodboards! // @royaletiquette & @nvrcmplt
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now for something perhaps totally unexpected — solomon.
so. this is solomon. he is a little pug. he likes to snore when he takes naps, roll in the grass and sleep on your feet. he's also a non-sentient parasitic entity from hell. he's not so much a 'pet' as a little creature that raum cannot get rid of. he feeds on the supernatural energy from raum's presence like a mosquito. but he also enjoys headpats. he's rather disinterested in humans.
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Continued from [x] with @royaletiquette
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It was getting more difficult than she had expected. Or perhaps as difficult as she had. With his simple “oh?” or “yes” Hibiya was clearly pushing her into defense. And Nunnally hated that. Being the only one to care or at least the one initiating their conversation. She observed her fiancé hoping for a little sign of friendliness, of an invitation to share her doubts. But it didn’t come. A twitch of his brow? An annoyance of her coming here and spoiling his otherwise peaceful day? Why Hibiya? Why are you distancing yourself so much from me? Is it that you really oppose "us" together so much?
So, was it finally her fate to spend a life with a man who was so close to…hating her? Why? What did she do? Was there another woman he loved? The broken engagement? Did he miss her? Nunnally had heard rumours. Or perhaps not even rumours as that was no secret. Or perhaps there was someone else?
(“Don’t t h i n k about it now. It doesn’t matter.”) – she was convincing herself.
He had no qualms doing whatever was necessary to instill confidence in their union. She should be happy about these words, shouldn’t she? And that was said in the voice that was calm, almost no emotions. As if they were discussing the menu for lunch and not their marriage. She failed. Perhaps not as a princess (or at least not yet) but as a woman. As a human being. But she should have seen that coming. His lack of apologies. Treating work as an constant excuse. Did he notice she shivered?
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“No, indeed, there is no rush…” – she was quick to reassure him; especially now she didn’t want the wedding coming anytime soon. She needed time to find out about things. To decide what she needed and wanted to do. But still this conversation needed to happen. Whatever she was to decide, it would not impact their wedding. It might delay it, but not indefinitely. Her father would not accept the arrangement to be broken (unless he was the one to do so), and the price of Hibiya and her splitting would be high. Her father was not the one to take insult lightly. And the rejection of his daughter would definitely be a serious one.
“My father has not expressed any concerns.” – not yet anyway; she stated plainly. Nunnally would not allow this conversation to be about her father – “His Majesty, my father, trusts we were prepared to be able to fulfil our duties without his intervention.” – it was Her Majesty, Hibiya, your mother, but you are not going to learn about it. At least not from me. Whatever little trust Nunnally had for Hibiya, this trust was slowly and surely disappearing. She wanted to believe him, in him, but he was giving her so little to lean upon – “ I believe we still have time, but we should not avoid making decisions. And perhaps more importantly communicating them.” – there, she made it clear enough.  
“I don’t think it is necessary to choose the date now…but we should still discuss it.” – even if they were to select it, it would not come earlier than in a year, she supposed – “But we should start arranging things.”
“Since you have no qualms…what about starting now?”
No, she didn’t want to discuss the wedding. But something else. She wanted to know what role he had assigned to his future wife. To his queen. But Nunnally was willing to let him start. To see what Hibiya would do with this conversation.
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sansloii · 7 months
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All morning, he'd been playing the events that had led up to marriage agreement over and over in his head. It was a necessary commitment — given that he was king and had yet to marry or produce an heir — but the entire agreement had left a somewhat…. sour taste in his mouth. If he had his way ( he was king, for gods' sake… ), he would've stayed as he was. It wasn't a matter of freedom, per se, but more a matter of him just… not wanting to at the moment. Maybe at some point, he would've warmed up to it; but that point wasn't right then and there…
…but his advisors pushed. Elders prodded at him for saying single. “You're the god's direct reincarnation.” they'd say, voices full of a urgency he couldn't bring himself to have. “You must preserve that line”.
That is what brings him here — now — and face-to-face with the princess he's set to marry. The castle staff were handling her belongings and making sure she was settled in that regard… so that left him to occupy her while they worked.
“I'm glad to see you arrived safely.” Andris offers a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. “I'm sure your travels were very long and tiring.”
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“I've already had a room prepared for you in advance in case you wanted to take a few moments to properly rest and… recuperate.” he continues, “Otherwise, I could give you a proper tour of the castle… and maybe a little bit of the rest of Mithas as well if you're up for it.”
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Mini-starter call | @royaletiquette
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kkkindered · 10 days
continued from x | @royaletiquette |
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K'in hums. Doing a quick once over as he straightens himself. He's shorter than her. Not by much but she wonders if he'd notice. It'll answer some questions if he did. What he's like. What he seeks from this.
Sure, he probably isn't the one that proposed for this engagement but he could still have expectations. It would fill in blanks on how they should act around him. Aside from the actual indifference and lack of trust.
But he seems harmless.
As harmless as a man walking around with (probably) an inflamed ego and cuff links shiny enough to match it.
They admittedly don't know much about this kingdom. Not having much time to do more than find out the names of the King, Queen and their heir before being swept away in a carriage. The kingdom seems to be losing favour with their people as well. Maybe the engagement is meant to mend that?
How? They don't know. Or maybe they'll be used to absorb their prince into their kingdom? Unlikely. This kingdom seems to traditional for that. Especially given how weak the magic here.
They have their own moment of spacing out. Running an absent hand down their corset. The journey was hardly exhausting. A snack would not hurt and they could pick for answers.
They glance at the guard and advisor; maybe a bit more privately.
“Lunch would be lovely, thank you.” They walk towards him a bit. “If you'd guide the way.”
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mannequinentity · 20 days
🐰 RABBIT FACE — my muse's pet(s)/favorite animal(s)
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Manny's cute mannequin abomination he summons time to time. Make sure to give best boy belly rubs along the road.
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ghoulxn · 10 months
down the trodden path | @royaletiquette
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The heavy footsteps of horses and the rotating of wheels against the ground resounded through the forest path. The weather wasn't anything spectacular but not dreary either. Chatter amongst the guards and workers wove in with the sounds of nature and travel that surrounded them. Unfortunately, since Nettle had been assigned the position beside the carriage, they had no choice but to listen to whatever small talk the prince had for them through the carriage window. Swaying casually as their horse plodded along they side-eyed the prince, "Your highness?"
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of-elitiism · 6 months
@royaletiquette - [ starter call ]
The flow of movement came to an abrupt halt when her green eyes first fell upon their figure, at first with shock, then scrutiny and lastly they fell into mild annoyance. Adrianna all but heaved a frustrated sigh as she went closer to the girl, one hand carrying a glass of champagne and the other tensely perched upon her hip. With a wide swung she grabbed the younger one's chin, turned it to left, then right and, again, grimaced.
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"...Your foundation is unblended. Again." The bitter comment is nothing new; as the more hip folk would say, this isn't Adrianna's first rodeo with Hibiko and her silly little antics. "How of God's dammed earth did you sneak in this time? And whom must i bribe to ensure your parents will not publicly lynch if they find out?"
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illholy · 6 months
is there a specific character archetype you find difficult to write? / is there a specific character archetype you enjoy writing?
█ 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 : 𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 𝒊, ( not accepting ) ⤿ @royaletiquette, hi lovely. I miss you so.
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* ˚ ✦ is there a specific character archetype you find difficult to write ? Stoic characters ⸻ any characters that are cold and distant, because well, they don't want your fucking ass ! How am I supposed to change that ? Uncompromisingly unsociable characters that has no foreseeable way of softening up unless we really fucking put the work on this shitface bitch. (example. Chisaki Kai and Sesshoumaru, both I've wrote in private for friends and know that I was SUFFERING )
* ˚ ✦ is there a specific character archetype you enjoy writing ? Mean bitch, with a weak heart. ⸻ the ones that are always angry, but actually are ridiculously shy and can't handle it when people are nice to them. a 'tsundere' one might even say, but preferably non-violent towards the people they like, but everyone else is free game tho, catch this hands and this foot too. (example. Riruka Dokugamine, Gokudera Hayato, I also write these characters in private, I love them, so sad... so pathetic... )
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cantuscorvi · 25 days
"You're such an old man sometimes."
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A single brow of his lifts, letting the silence hang in response. It’s a signal he’s unimpressed with her for that, though it’s mostly just for show. Hibiko makes it sound like an insult and a compliment at the same time, a particular skill of the princess he’d been getting to know well. But there’s a glint in her eye — perhaps some hidden enjoyment at his expense.
He could fire it back, tell her that she acts just like a spoiled little thing, but wouldn’t that be exactly what she was goading him for?
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“I can see that you’re trying so admirably not to, but you shouldn’t smile when you say things like that. It gives your little game away.”
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lured-into-wonderland · 3 months
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Continued from [x] with @royaletiquette
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The princess moved her hand away from his, when the crown prince finished talking. She was defeated. She regretted coming here and speaking to him. Although she wasn’t sure what she truly regretted. That she followed her wish and tried to be genuine with him? Or that she didn’t do as ordered and instructed? But after all wasn’t it all the same?
Every time she tried to open up for him, it ended bad for her. Perhaps they just weren’t to be. Perhaps she was doing something wrong. Communicating something else than she intended? Or perhaps she just wasn’t Kana and that was her whole fault. The princess felt sadness. She should have been angry, but she wasn’t.
“I understand.” – she finally said to him after taking a sip of her tea; she needed to give him something. She would need to spend some time here with him drinking this tea and pretending everything was all right. If she left immediately, she would give the courtiers, and the maids, and everyone in the palace another excuse to gossip. And she yet preferred they talked about Hibiya and the accident. Because of course they did. And it wasn’t like nothing happened. It was the crown prince falling off the horse. If she was to fall...
She shivered upon that unfinished thought; and turned her attention back to Hibiya.
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“Of course.” – she said politely – “I will respect your wishes.” – it perhaps came out colder than she intended to, but it wasn’t something she would care about now.
She was too hurt. And alone… She’d always be alone. But that was what she accepted a long time ago, and it was only a foolish hope that she gave herself into that made her believe (or rather hope) that she and Hibiya might have worked. As something more.
But she was foolish. A prince and a princess. A king and a queen. There was no room for anything that was not for the sake of their lands. Hibiya didn’t want Nunnally (and her foolish care…)
And NUNNALLY? What did Nunnally want?
Nunnally…from now Nunnally would respect his wishes. As she had always respect her father’s wishes. No! Not the same. This time her wishes would also needed to be respected. She’d be the queen. Equal to him. Mother of his children.
What a paradox! It all happened when she was hoping things between them were going well.
“Hibiya…” – she started, but change her mind as she heard his name leaving hers lips.
“I have a headache. Because of the heat.”
“Would you mind escorting me to my chambers?”
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sansloii · 2 months
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Hibiko studied her reflection while more little decorations and accessories were added to the outfit. Instead of her classic, well-constructed dress and foundations with specific jewelry pieces central to the design, there were also layers, upon bracelets, upon pendants. As a self-proclaimed fashionista, it was necessary to understand the ebbs and flows of different fashion trends and cultures. But right now, she was failing completely. Barely recognizing her well-developed personal taste of style, in this "more is more" outfit Hibiko, she had no clue anymore. It was more overwhelming than she was expecting, not having an answer or opinion on any of it that she was confident with. "Do you like it?" The seamstress asked with a smile when finally deciding everything lay perfectly to their standard. Hibiko flashed a grateful smile back that meant nothing other than a shallow thank you. Turning away from the mirror, she lost the fake cheery look as she faced Andris. "What do you think?" An honest question. Not at all a desperate plea for help, far from it! Just seeking a second opinion from her future husband. He knew the people and trends better than she did, after all. First impressions were important for their appearance together. Ignore the lost look in her eyes begging for guidance and support. "Would it work with what you're planning on wearing?" (I'M THROWING HIM A BONE. ANDY, DON'T RUIN THIS FOR US)
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At first, he says nothing and takes in the fabric and jewels that draped over her like a costume.
He didn't want to think of the outfit that way — especially given that it wasn't the most extravagant outfit he'd seen in his reign ( from his people and otherwise ). However, it… it just didn't suit her. Nice as it was, the longer he stared at Hibiko in it — watching the seamstress work to carefully tailor her dress to better suit her form — the more that thought dwelled. Truly a gorgeous piece, in his opinion, but not right for her.
Andris steps forward from his spot a few paces back, sea-green eyes roving over his queen-to-be as he draws closer to her. In a couple steps, he's standing right in front of her with his lips drawn together in a thoughtful line. His gaze travels along her neck, collarbone, and shoulder; with his attention lingering a little bit longer on the jewels and what not before his eyes lift again to meet her gaze.
He sees her asking for guidance — for support — and what kind of future husband would he be if he outright denied her that.
“Mmm… maybe…” the king pauses a moment, as if gathering his thoughts, before continuing. “…but I feel as though it doesn't reflect her and Edo so much as it does just Sivatis and myself.”
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“Perhaps another time — another event, maybe — this would be fitting should she want to wear it. However, this will be our first formal appearance together and so… perhaps something a little different compared to what they're used to seeing.” Something that would better reflect the joining of their two nations, rather than the assimilation of hers.
He now looks to the seamstress, a slightly apologetic expression on his face. “…I know you spent a great deal of time on this but… perhaps we could alter it a bit?”
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“This time… perhaps Hibiko — ” Here, he looks to her briefly. “ — can offer some insight into how to best reflect some of what is common in Edo, at least,so we can properly incorporate into her outfits going forward instead of making guesses.”
Coordinating in that manner would make it easier to have complementing outfits, rather than those that plainly match…. and perhaps, it would give him an opportunity to do the same with his own.
If they were going to be married — if there were expected to stand together — then it would start then and there.
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Unprompted | @royaletiquette
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kkkindered · 16 days
ask from @royaletiquette from here. 1, 9, 12
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is your muse able to keep secret?
Sure. If it's one given to them by someone they don't care much for, they'll probably forget it. If it's work related they tend to keep their mouth shut and keep it on a back burner.
All depends.
But mostly, yes. K'in knows when to keep things to themselves. Some verses are easier than others to pry secrets from.
does your muse have any nervous habits? (biting lip, fidgeting etc.)
All of K'in's nervous quirks have been masked to look like simple gestures. To hide the nerves. So they don't look weak or frazzled. Again, each verse varies on if it's believable.
They pat down their outfit to find something to do with their hands. Also, an excuse to break eye contact.
Fix their hair + Tug their ears (looks like fixing their jewellery. In main verse their ears twitch)
Some sort of mouth movement. Easiest to manipulate during conversation. (pouting/sneering/grinning etc)
what is a lesson your muse's parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
Use what you got. Power over someone? Use it. Looks? Use it. Words? Use it. Even if not maliciously, they will take advantage of someone/something to get what they think would help in the situation.
From innocently batting their eyes at someone to hamming down on an insecurity. If they can and they think it'll get a more appropriate result, they will.
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regensia · 9 months
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@royaletiquette / Hibiko said . . .
[ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊 ] ― sender recognises receiver at a masquerade party (Hibiko and Lupin can get up to more antics)
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🌙  *  ―     𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒
Was it the debonair smile below the mask or the elegant tuxedo that offset his quick fingers? Whatever it was, it certainly stood out enough to a young lady who carried herself with elegance and refinement. Lupin was capable of blending in with such a crowd, fine with rubbing shoulders with the elite tier of society, bringing forth laughter as he charmed his way along. Like a ghost, some of their more valuable possessions were missing, not to be noticed until they would arrive home late in the night and were seeking to undress and settle for bed.
There was a sparkle of recognition – Lupin knew she knew. And his smile only widened for it, moving to be alongside the princess, arm offered to her like a gentleman.
❝ We can't keep meeting like this, only at these extravagant functions. People might get the wrong idea, ❞  the master thief simpered, trailing with a slight giggle to the end of his words.  ❝ I guess that means I need to see you outside of here, maybe for a nice brunch or a private little picnic. ❞
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sapphiresands-moved · 2 years
@royaletiquette​​ | Thread restart
Driving was easy for Sevren; he often dwells in modern timelines, enough to both learn, and become skilled. He also explored the nearest locations before even becoming a ‘butler’. 
Always prepared, he needed to be. 
So taking Hibiya to the library wasn’t an issue, Sevren’s concern was if his master could enjoy it-- Parked up, and inside, the snake would need to wait and see. It’ll be hard to relax when even the other’s casual attire was still formal, but they can try.
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“Do you not like fantasy books because you don’t think it’s real? Maybe you could try while you’re here?”
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sapphiresands · 10 months
@royaletiquette | continuation
That brief lapse, the time stored within his pocket watch, responding. Small, easy to miss, but not to him.
[ So the sands didn't lead me astray. ]
Without further thought, simply pure adrenaline, Sevren shot up, hands slamming upon the table.
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[ He really can! ]
Sevren stared, the loud thump he just created echoing into silence as his mind continued to race.
[ Why? How? I was drawn here for a reason. Yet It is worrying. What are the risks? Can it be controlled? Would making him aware help? Hinder? I can't just leave it as it is, not now. ]
The snake is then quick to pull himself out of it, letting out a "huh," at the Hibiya's question.
As he did so, he carefully sat himself back down.
"I... I would like honey, please."
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"Ignore me. I remembered something... important. It can... wait."
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cantuscorvi · 3 months
ʘ‿ʘ of course, she sees him from across the room well before they give their hellos 😌
Send a 'ʘ‿ʘ' if your muse finds my muse attractive. // @royaletiquette
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How flattering, to divert the eye of a princess. Could he divert her mind to him, as well? Her company? What else?
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