#;; and even though they're friends at best they both go really astray if one of them dies
aeipathcy · 5 months
11. what’s something that you don’t get to express with your oc often? [ for reanne! ]
What’s something that you don’t get to express with your oc often?
OOC. tldr, ended up being an unorganized ramble that probably isn't very well organized or cohesive. I lost sight of some ideas as I was typing (big sad).
call out/acknowledge Reanne's bulimic eating habits if muses end up going out to eat somewhere
sibling dynamic conversations/conversations about siblings
idk how to express this but maybe someone noticing something behind the confidence she always has? I don't think muses really see her glaring issues despite how open she is with a lot of troubling things.
I believe I've mentioned this one in the past on random blog posts but I haven't gotten many opportunities for other muses to actually call out how abnormal Reanne's food-related (bulimic) tendencies are or even just acknowledge said abnormality (she still has them, and yes she is very stagnant with her therapy—honestly at this point I believe she stopped going since it wasn't helping, just haven't made it official until this post ig). Like, I can allude to them but they're never the focus of threads outside internal thoughts. I recall there was one muse I was able to kind of touch on that with but that mun decided to cut ties with me out of the blue. I was saddened by it since we had a good, but not so perfect/smooth dynamic building which is prime for exploring not so nice aspects of muses.
Lately, I haven't done anything related to it, but it is still a huge aspect of how Reanne copes with and processes her emotions (eating to chase away anxiety or sorrowful moods, depriving as form of punishment/dealing with guilt, purging out of guilt when she eats too much, freaking out when she weighs herself despite knowing she's supposed to weigh a little more to be healthy, constantly hating her body despite progress, etc.). Despite being better about anger, lashing out, and trauma dumping, Reanne cannot seem to cut the unhealthy eating patterns out of her life. She still carries trauma related to her body and appearance no matter how confident she acts—her outward confidence and almost ideal skinny body shape make it hard to actually see this, especially since Reanne would never step out of her house if she felt less than presentable. And considering she still obsesses over making sure her freckles are never visible, there's obviously still an issue that's unresolved there. I mean, Reanne is a walking contradiction that's hard to explain.
Even though Keith outwardly shows his issues more, Reanne is probably in a much deeper trench than he ever would be as the difference in their support systems is massive—she doesn't have anyone to help her through any of her impulsive binges or get through emotional spikes, and she is much more likely to relapse because of how quickly she turns to binge-purging as a coping mechanism. She cannot forgive her family for everything they've done to her, and she cannot confide in them, making it more than difficult to combat a habit that's been ingrained into her since well before her teenage years. Fashion industry, going out to eat, and clothes shopping are all very large potential triggers depending on her mood. Kinda forgot about this modern verse addition (alcohol cw, binge drinking cw, alcohol poisoning cw) but she also has an alcohol issue (underage drinking + binge drinker). Thankfully, she doesn't drink, and the most she does is threaten people with the cost of a hospital bill if they try to entice her that way.
This also brings me to a second point I don't get to explore. Sibling dynamics. I don't know what it is, but I want more of these conversations. Reanne's story is definitely triggering for people so I understand if others don't want to write anything that steps on the field of landmines that will come up, but this helps explore underlying drives behind how she acts (as all her responses and beliefs all lead back to her sister and upbringing). I've mentioned it before but Reanne does everything in her power to be someone different from her younger sister, Elanor. She is the older one, but at the same time, she feels completely inferior to Elanor. I have a number of posts talking about the contradiction surrounding this entire sibling relationship so I won't go into it here. Err, maybe I don't but I'm not making a new one or anything anytime soon.
Now that I think about it, nobody has seen behind her outward confidence and demeanor or thought to look beyond it (because of how straightforward she is) except for Keith (mainly because of the lore behind modern verse and he's technically known her for two lifetimes already). I find it funny how Keith is the person who tries to pass lies to hide problems and issues but everyone can see through him and acknowledges his issues, but Reanne is the person who openly shares almost everything so clearly yet nobody really bothers to acknowledge the issues and problems she's been blurting out to the world.
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bird-inacage · 8 months
Only Friends: Episode 8 Preview (Ray & Mew's Villain Uprising?)
So I think we can all safely say that last week was Mew's villain origin story and he makes it pretty crystal clear this episode that he intends to embrace this new era.
Now I've also heard (as may some of you) in interviews with the cast that Ray is supposedly the worst. That's quite the claim based on what has happened thus far. But I did get a sense of foreboding at the end of this episode, along with next week's preview that this may be where Ray's character begins to cause some fallout.
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I guess Boston and Top have 'had their turn' being the leading villains, and now it's time for those roles to shift.
Ray's 'Bad Influence' & Mew's Enabling
Top comments on the fact that Mew is allowing Ray's bad habits to lead him astray. This isn't really surprising as Mew is hell bent on a self-destructive rebrand at the moment. Due to the betrayal of both his friend and boyfriend, he's sick of being the innocent, pure, and sensible one. It's his 'virginity' that he believes made him the target of this sick joke. So now he's taking a page from Ray's book and embracing his wild child.
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The problem is Mew used to be the defacto caretaker for Ray in their group, (and was doing a half-committal job but at least someone was). Now that we have Mew going off the rails too, Ray is far from the right person to keep Mew in check (as well as himself). One, because he's worse at controlling himself, and second, he's willing to do anything that he thinks will make Mew happy. Ray just doesn't have it in him to do what's right or best for Mew if that requires being a voice of tough love.
So now these two are seemingly dating, they're going to exacerbate each other's worst qualities. This is why some couplings just don't work. Friendship fine, but romantically this sounds like a mess.
Ray's Desire for Ownership
Ray finally has what he wants - something he's wanted for so long, and it seems to have all gone to his head. The thrill of it.
After witnessing Ray and Mew getting very close and personal at the end of Episode 7, Sand is understandably tired of being 'used'. He made it very clear previously that he wants Ray to consider his feelings by not treating him as expendable and throwing him aside whenever a shinier toy takes his fancy.
So at the beginning of the preview, Sand behaves coldly towards Ray, perhaps in an attempt to start establishing distance. 'This is the end of whatever 'will-we-won't-we' nonsense we were skirting around with. You're now taken. There's no need for us to continue as we were'.
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But lo and behold, when Sand tries to hook up with someone else, Ray's not having it. This is just a tame version of Ray's jealousy response. Even though Ray doesn't want Sand right now, he doesn't want anyone else to have him either. Which is ridiculously selfish and unreasonable.
This is why I'm even more keen on the idea of Sand's ex returning now. Ray needs a very healthy dose of reality when it comes to taking Sand for granted. He's not going to realise that until it comes into serious threat. The following line from this episode alluded that for me. Ray's going to regret this later on.
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sugarsweetvirgo · 3 months
Hello. So I have a question. Seto is obviously overprotective of eve. Would he ever go to certain lenghts to protect her if he deems it nessacry even if eve doesn't like it?
Absolutely, and he does often, mostly without Eve knowing.
Long lore dump under the post, trigger warning for obsessive and overprotective behavior.
Kaiba is protective of Eve the same way a dragon is protective of its jewels, keeping a constant surveillance on her and getting downright terrifying if anything happens to her.
If the two of them are out together, Kaiba constantly has his eye on Eve, staying very close to her if she's not either on his shoulder or in his palm. If anyone else is holding her or talking to her, Kaiba is always a few feet away, ready to intervene if things go astray.
If Kaiba isn't with her, she always has some sort of protection around her. At home she has his servants and maids keeping a constant eye on her and helping her around the place in his stead, and if she's in public she has 2-3 bodyguards with her at all times, along with secretly hiring his private security force to follow her and take down any potential threats. If any one of his hires makes a single mistake around her, leading to even the smallest of scrapes, they're swiftly and immediately replaced with a new hire, despite Eve's very vocal protests.
Along with already having a mound of security constantly around her, Kaiba tends to tap into the cameras that litter Domino city when he's not with her, just to make sure she's safe (And possibly to just be able to see his tiny thing when he's not around.)
And to add the final layer of icing to the cake, the black choker that Eve wears every single day, the piece of jewelry that she loves and cherishes so much because her special somebody made it just for her, has a tracker in it that she doesn't know about. No one, not even Mokuba, knows this tracker exists but him. Kaiba almost never has to use it because of all of his other security measures he set up, but it's always there as a just in case measure.
Kaiba also tends to get very vindictive of anyone that dares hurt Eve, even emotionally. For example, when Eve shrunk and most of her friends ended up leaving her because of her new height and connection to Kaiba, giving Eve the extreme abandonment issues she still deals with, Kaiba may or may not have "convinced" every major college in Japan to reject their applications and scholarships to their schools, essentially destroying their academic careers. Or when one of his best guards accidentally squeezed Eve a little too tightly when trying to hold her, the guard was not only fired in the spot but barred from working in any Kaibacorp owned business again. And considering Kaiba owns most of the businesses in Domino...
Yes, obviously this gets exhausting for Eve. Sometimes she feels trapped and overwhelmed by how much Kaiba puts into keeping her safe, and tends to get really upset when another guard or servant that worked with her got fired over something she herself thinks is a minor mistake, or had forgiven. Eve has a tendency to get really attached to the people that work as her security, because she has such a hard time connecting to people because of her size and status as the Eighth Wonder, so she always gets really upset when Kaiba absentmindedly replaces them with someone new over a simple mistake .
Eve recognizes Kaiba's obsession with keeping her safe as unhealthy, and tries to calm down his concerns with her training on self defense and carrying around her own sort of protection. Though she also understands that this amount of protection comes from a place of genuine concern, both because of her connection to the Kaiba brothers and because of her height, she still longs for the days where she could simply walk outside and smell the fresh air without having a guard stand 4 feet behind her.
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fuckingfinwions · 1 year
In Formenos, Feanor is worried that he will be abandoned. Sure, his father came with him, and so did his sons, and a few (a lot of) other people. But his wife didn't. Some of his students didn't. The Valar have forbidden him from going to Tirion, so he can't even ask why.
He needs to be certain he can't be abandoned again. Some of his sons were reluctant to leave the city, or their friends, and may not wish to leave Valinor at all when the time comes. Feanor needs to make sure they stay by his side.
Marriage is unbreakable, for all the ages of the world.
Feanor declares that all of his sons will marry him, to prove their devotion. He means this both sexually and spiritually, though they don't have to consummate it more than once.
This pronouncement results in a long awkward silence.
Amras is the first one to ask a clarifying question. Does Feanor mean like, all at once, or taking turns? Because he really doesn't want to listen to Maglor screaming in pleasure.
Feanor says it will be sequential. He's not even sure you can form multiple marriage bonds in one night; and he doesn't want to make this unpleasant for his sons. But given how the Valar are clearly conspiring against him, it will be best if they can rely on each other, and don't have to worry that one of them has been suborned.
Maedhros doesn't say out loud that this is ridiculous. He knows that Feanor will see that as evidence of him being too sympathetic to Fingon and Nolofinwe. He does point out that marriage bonds are supposedly overwhelming, especially at first. Obviously Feanor is smart and strong enough to handle a total of eight marriage bonds. But Feanor is the crown prince and also the best craftsman in the Noldor, and might find it distracting. Maybe they should try a different plan?
Feanor says fine, he'll think about it.
In a week, Feanor comes back and tells Maedhros that Amras's concern about spacing was reasonable, but they really do need family cohesion. And in order to let the bonds settle in between, Feanor is going to start today.
Maedhros clears his schedule for the afternoon, and the night, and the next day.
There isn't a public wedding between Feanor and his eldest son. But there is a meeting for the eight of them the next day. Maedhros is physically just fine, and makes sure not to show his emotional discomfort. No need for his brothers to think this will be terrible. And maybe he'll be be better able to persuade Feanor against this path, now that he has more insight into his father's mind and is obviously not acting out of selfishness.
Feanor eventually latches onto the idea of his sons marrying each other. With Maedhros married to him, this works out tidily in terms of mathematics, and they'll still have one other person to notice if they're being led astray.
Feanor presents this new idea to his sons. They can do it by order of age: Maglor and Celegorm, Caranthir and Curufin, Amrod and Amras.
Feanor's sons proceed to entirely miss the point and start arguing about the details. Curufin has a wife and child, and although marrying Feanor would obviously be a fealty thing rather than a romance thing he's not sure the same applies to someone his own generation. Maglor says that if he has to marry Celegorm it's going to end in one of them threatening the other at sword point, can't say who yet. Celegorm says there would be no threats, he just acts. Amras flatly refuses to marry his twin. Amrod refuses to let anyone other than his twin know him that intimately, now that it's an option.
All in all, it's several months before they agree on an initial plan. Maglor will marry Caranthir. Curufin will wait a few years to marry his Celegorm, until Celebrimbor is a bit older. Amras will get high for the wedding night with Amrod, once they find an appropriate herb that makes memories fuzzy but doesn't dull the spirit or the mind.
Maglor and Caranthir are the most straightforward. They get married the next year. They refuse to talk about it at all afterwards, and don't get along any better later.
Feanor is called to a festival in Tirion before his other sons have a chance to wed.
Marriage requires a vow and an act. The vow is a statement of shared purpose, calling one the Valar or the One in witness, a promise of unity and dedication. The act is typically sex, but anything that involves vulnerability of the spirit, shared intense emotions, and excitement of the body works.
Swearing the Oath does not bind the house of Feanor into one bond.
Killing at Alqulaonde does, with death around them and fear of death in their hearts, their own blood pumping hard in rhythm with each other, ending lives even as it horrifies them because they see no better way towards their single goal.
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bizlawgal · 3 years
Hello! I love this prompts and I decided to sent one too! (You of course don't have to write anything!) ok so they're some years into the "paradise hideout" situation and emma notices that a lot of girls figuratively thought hearts to norman. And she's like "what is this feeling 🤔" so of course she want to ask her friends, but Ray is in some mission, so she goes to norman. Norman finds it cute that emma is jealous(maybe) but he also wants to mess with her a little bit 😏(he and his games)
Oblivious Emma returns to the screen.
I don’t know how it happened, but it somehow managed to get this long.
“Hi, you must be that Emma! Everyone’s been talking about you and your family!”
Emma whipped her head in the direction of the voice. When she turned around, she met eyes with a petite brunette that had both her hands stretched out from the back. Her ponytail was high up on her head, and it only accentuated the structure of her jaw more.
Usually, Emma wouldn't notice something so irrelevant. Physical appearance was, after all, just a facade.
But this particular brunette had somehow managed to crawl into her sight and never left since. She'd seen her prance around the room whenever Norman was present, and she'd shower him with words of praise and gratitude for saving her family and establishing a hideout that was far from the vicious claws of demons.
She was friendly, Emma first assumed.
A little too friendly was what she thought after a few more encounters with the said brunette.
And if Gilda didn't volunteer to spell it out for her, she wouldn't have noticed that this said brunette might even be subtly flirting.
Emma didn't know why the mere idea of someone flirting with Norman, her best friend alongside Ray, would muddle her thoughts.
And now, this brunette was acting friendly towards her — weeks after she and her family were welcomed into the Paradise Hideout with open arms.
"Yes, I'm Emma," she cheerfully introduced despite her mind being astray. "I've seen you in Norman's office a couple of times before if you can remember."
"Yes! I'm so glad you remembered me!" The girl wildly cheered. "I heard you were one of William Minerva's closest friends back then. I'm honored to be speaking with you."
Emma loosened up. She might just have been overthinking things. This lady was just friendly with everyone.
"Nor—William Minerva and I have been best friends since birth! He really is amazing for being able to pull off something as" —she proceeded to look around her in undeterred awe— "amazing as this."
The little brunette abashedly looked away. "Yes, some of us have heard. And because you are such good friends with Mr. Minerva, we wanted to ask you something."
Emma stared, bewildered. "We?"
"Ah, y-yes," said the brunette as she stuttered. "Some of us girls here are curious."
Emma was curious as well. What could these girls be curious about that they had to send someone to ask her?
"Okay! What is it? I know Norman better than anyone. I'm sure I can answer that," Emma confidently proclaimed.
All uneasiness left the brunette's face and was instantly replaced with elation.
"This is great! We were actually wondering if Mr. Minerva has a girlfriend!"
Emma tilted her head to the side. Of course! Norman had a lot of girl friends!
"Yes! But I think he treats them more as a family though," she answered, a finger tapping the cushion of her chin in wonder.
It took a while for the brunette to reach the conclusion that Emma definitely did not understand what she meant.
"No, not a girl friend, but a girlfriend.” She emphasized the words slowly.
Emma's brows frowned downwards. 
What was the difference?
"You know, like a... lover? Someone he wanted to be married to?"
The clarification threw Emma off. There was such a thing called girlfriend? It wasn't a girl being just a friend?
"I-I don't think Norman has a girlfriend," she answered, ill at ease. To be frank with herself, she didn't truly know if Norman did have somebody he considered spouse material. "He's busy enough as it is."
Emma didn't know why the wash of relief that crossed the face of this brunette had irked her.
"That's good to hear! A lot of us here are actually trying our chances to get to know him better. Do you think you could help some of us out?"
She didn't know why she was feeling more bothered with every second this conversation prolonged, but this was where she drew the line.
Yet again, she didn't know why she had to draw a line in the first place.
"I-I actually have a lot of things to do. We're planning to go somewhere dangerous and we have to prepare for that."
"Oh, no! You don't have to apologize. We all know you're doing your best. We'll just stick to talking with him then. Thank you, Emma!"
With a wave of a hand, the brunette went off to her flock of friends, and it only left Emma with feelings she couldn't quite decipher.
Of course, she always had to get the answers right away.
Her feet heavily crossed the path leading towards Norman's office. She just had to know right then and there if Norman did have a girlfriend.
And if he didn't have one, why were girls pining over him like a gift?
When she reached the threshold of his office, she knocked mercilessly at the door. Emma knew how immersed he was when he was at work, so it would take more than a single knock to get his attention.
"Norman! Norman! Norman! It's Emma! Open —!"
The door opened widely and Norman appeared before her.
Norman was in his usual suit, and Emma's thoughts started to wander on the instances he wore such a delicate piece of clothing and how it always looked good on him.
She forcefully shut her eyes and shook her head to banish the thoughts in her mind.
"Emma, what can I do for you?" Norman inquired as he paved way for Emma to enter his office. "I thought you and Ray would be preparing for your departure to the Seven Walls."
"Ray went to ask Anna for medical supplies in case of an emergency," she supplied before making her way to the couch that faced his table.
Norman's face registered a brief echo of worry. "Very clever of Ray to do so."
Emma crossed her hands over her chest in a stance of feigned protest. "We'll be fine! Stop being a worrywart and start believing in us!"
Norman chuckled lightly and went on to his desk. He reached out to his cup of coffee and held the handle of it loosely, somewhat slanting at an angle.
"What suddenly brings you here? Do you need anything?"
"No. I just wanted to know if you have a girlfriend," Emma answered nonchalantly, plopping down on the couch where Barbara aggressively cornered her the other day.
Norman sputtered his coffee in the other direction, mildly staining his necktie in the process.
"A what?" he clarified, coughing afterward.
"A girlfriend! I wanted to know if you have a girlfriend!"
Norman pegged her a stare, utterly confounded. He briefly averted his gaze to school his reaction and straighten his train of thought.
Suddenly being asked by the person he was enamored with if he had a girlfriend would never occur in the wildest of his imaginations.
He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Where is this coming from?"
Emma frowned at the memory from earlier. The exchange she had with the brunette was nothing short of what she was expecting. But given the information that Norman was being thrown around with love and adoration from the general female population in this hideout tasted bitter against her tongue.
"Some girls are asking me if you have a girlfriend," she spouted it wryly, eyebrows knitted into a frown while she gazed at the stack of papers on his desk. "I didn't know if you had one, so I went with a safe answer."
She'd look at anything, but his eyes.
Norman was a keen observer, and he knew Emma better than he knew himself. But there were rare occurrences, such as this one, when her mood completely shifted and he didn’t know why. 
He was actually surprised that Emma knew the difference between a girl friend and a girlfriend.
"I don't have a girlfriend."
"That's why I told them! You're too busy to have a girlfriend!"
The dissatisfaction in her voice was leaking and she didn't like it at all.
Norman sensed a tinge of hostility coming from her. He noticed that some of the female residents were coming off too strong in their attempts to befriend him, yet he didn't think it'd escalate to the point that they'd probe Emma for any details of him.
He walked over to the couch and sat next to her. "You sound dismayed. Did any of them upset you somehow?"
Emma's eyes blew wide at Norman's inference. Was he able to notice how troubled she looked?
She slowly shook her head as a response. "No, it's not that. I think they're very friendly!"
Norman didn't want to prod any further, but knowing Emma, she'd try to resolve things in her own hands.
What could've been troubling her that she even took it upon herself to pay him a visit for the sole purpose of knowing if he had a girlfriend?
"Then, what is it?" he inquired inquisitively.
Emma fiddled with her hands, eyes spaced out on his carpeted floor. "I don't know. I just wanted to see you after that conversation."
"What? Why?" His voice reverberated concern.
She raised her head, face scrunched up in discomfort due to the unintelligible thought running in circles in her mind. "I didn't like hearing it! Hearing that they'll do everything to get to know you better. Or you having a girlfriend or a... lover!"
Norman's mouth hung ajar at her sudden outburst. Emma was the kind of person to get riled up over the most minuscule of things, but this was something he had never expected of hearing.
Is she possibly —
The side of his mouth twitched into a satisfactory smirk. Subtle, yet Emma didn't seem to notice.
It was time to test if what he was assuming that very moment could be a possibility after all.
"I'm confused." He feigned the expression of skepticism on his face. "Why didn't you like it?"
"I don't know. All I know is that it isn't a good feeling. You shouldn't be bothered about it. It’s just... something that’s been bothering me for a while."
Her thoughts had not once lead to anything clear, and she wasn't the only one being consoled with the trouble this time.
Norman eased his position on the couch and stared at the wall, heedful of her whims.
Maybe she really is —
He succumbed to one last attempt.
"Emma." He slowly fixed his gaze solely on her, and it was enough for Emma to steady her attention towards him without any contemplation. "If I ever did have a girlfriend, would you hate it?"
His inquiry promptly suspended her thoughts in place. Hearing other people vocalize their yearning for Norman was one thing; learning that he had a girlfriend was another.
Do I hate it? 
She had never thought it through. But now that Norman was the one to ask her something her mind never took the opportunity to leap into, she realized how devastatingly vexing the feeling was.
She didn't fancy the idea one bit.
Norman heaved a low, deep sigh; he shouldn't be pushing his buttons on Emma. A lot of things were happening between them — all the good and the bad, and it wasn't the ideal time and place to indulge in something so... trivial at the moment.
"You don't have to answer that. I was only curi—"
"I... don't think I like the idea of you having a girlfriend," Emma answered, voice steady without hesitation. 
It was Norman's turn to be tongue-tied. "Y-you do?"
"Yeah," she retorted back. "I mean, if you have a girlfriend, we won't get to hang out like we always do! Getting a girlfriend means I won't get to be this close to you anymore!"
His voice didn't falter as he further delved into the specifics of his curiosity. "Is having a girlfriend that bad?"
"Yes!" she instantaneously rebutted, not even fighting to keep her voice down. "I don't like the idea of being away from you!"
They both swallowed the silence that enveloped them.
While Norman was trying hard to maintain an outward appearance of passivity after hearing what she thought of him being involved with anyone, Emma's expression was resigned to that of someone who was determined to get what she wanted.
"Well, then." Norman stood up, one hand clutching onto his necktie, with the tips of his fingers pressed firmly to its texture. "You are free to tell anyone that I have no girlfriend and I have no desire to involve myself with anyone."
Relief washed over her face, and what was once a pout on her lips was now replaced with a hopeful grin. 
"Really? Are you sure?"
Norman gave a low laugh and began to comfortably position himself back to the usual spot on his seat.
"I don't think I could ever involve myself with just anyone." 
A lazy grin was on his face, but his voice was sharp.
Sharp and with a foolproof intention lying underneath the base of his words.
"Okay! I'll tell that to everyone who'll try asking me again!" Emma stared at the clock plastered on his wall and her eyes widened at the time. "Oh, shoot! I have to find Ray now."
She roughly made her way to the door, and before turning the knob to leave, she pointed a finger at him for one last reminder.
"Wait for me, Norman! I'll be sure to reforge the promise. Then, we'll do everything together!" she announced, just as the remnants of her shadow left the premise of his office.
Norman smiled to himself as he recalled their entire conversation.
Obviously, Emma had nothing to worry about. Even without her vague display of jealousy, his mind had already been made up since he was a child.
Little did Emma know, she was the only person he planned to involve himself with for the rest of his life.
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13 going on 30 au prompt for you, but instead of 13, we have 18 going on 30.
During her 18 birthday party, Dani knows Eddie is going to ask her to be his girlfriend. Jamie knows she's trying to scape the moment Eddie was going to ask her, so Jamie proposes them to play a game. Peter proposes 7 minutes in heaven making everything worse.
To avoid Eddie to go inside the closet with Dani, Jamie decides to be the first. While everyone was yelling that Jamie is ruining the game, she couldn't care less: Dani is her best friend. They were kinda "enemies to friends" since they don't really like each other when they're 15, but everything changed and now she's secretly in love with Dani. The whole moment in the closet falls apart when Dani suddenly kiss Jamie passionately - and almost starts taking Jamie clothes off. They end up in a argument, cause Jamie thinks Dani is straight and was only experimenting. Feeling hurt about how confused things are, afraid of loosing Jamie and feeling pressured by Eddie.... She just wish she's 30.... Jumping all that teen drama. When she wake up the next day... She was 30.
(I can see two options here:
1- do it just like the movie and she goes to the future to see her life if she chooses to continue to hide herself and says yes to Eddie. She isn't Jamie's friend anymore and it's been years since they saw each other. But Jamie saw her the last time in a party with Eddie years ago, didn't talk to them. Jamie has a girlfriend, etc. I'd like you to keep the jobs of the movie, photographer and Dani working to a magazine. Different worlds and everything. And when Dani and Jamie decide to work together she takes Jamie with her in parties and events, making sure Jamie takes all the credits for her work.
2- Dani can see her life if she decides to be truthful to herself and admit she likes Jamie - them she's with Jamie in the future.
3 - both? She can see both lifes. The one when she chooses to hide herself and the life she chooses Jamie.
Ps. Why 18? Well... You're the queen of smut so 18 going 30 is better 😂 🔥
I really like this idea for them being childhood friends who kind of go astray and even them having that seven minutes in heaven moment but I don’t know about writing it as 18 going on 30 and having smut in it because technically Dani would still only mentally be 18 at this point despite looking 30
I might pull ideas from this though and build an au around it but I don’t know if I would ever write an explicit au for this actual movie sorry
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moonlight-mellohi · 4 years
Familiar Faces, Connected Stories
So.... I am very late to posting it here XD sorry sorry, I kept forgetting, but its here! Finally we get to see the stinky trash man and slimey boi! Or at least partially
See with this part taking so long this part is going to be split into two CHAPTERS! Dont worry I made sure it left off at somewhere where it would make sense. Anyways @sugarglider9603, on with the show!
Ao3 link
Ao3 series link
Part 4 Part 5 (chapter 2)
Master Post
Words: 2,070
Summery: ' Virgil leaned back and stared curiously at his teammates, instinctively sliding a paw in front of his brothers, surprising the two. From their past prospective, Virgil always stayed back, uncomfortable with any form of pokemon battles. Yet here the youngest was, defending the two against pokemon he seemed to trust. Trust? Did he not?
The two Eevees shared a glace, one thing running in both their minds
was it possible to get their brother back? '
It's time we brought our good ol trash rat and slimey boi into the story
Well trash Eevee and.. ok Deceit is still a slimey boi but they're also here!
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Chapter 1
Thomas stirred the boiling pot beneath a slowly darkening sky, making sure to watch the food so nothing burned. He wasn't the best at cooking, but he'd learned enough to make some food when stuck in the woods, and having a Logan helped quite a bit. 
"Hey!" He stumbled a bit as Roman crashed into his leg, the Eevee chasing Patton around. Roman shook his head, chirped up a sorry before going back to the chase. Thomas shook his head fondly, returning his gaze to the cooking stand "be careful guys, Virgil keep an eye on them" Patton and Roman cried out at Thomas' distrust,  but continued playing anyways as Virgil watched laying by the table.
After some time, Virgil occasionally snapping at Roman, Thomas was nearing down with the stew when crashing and yelps caught his attention. He whipped his head up just to see Roman and Virgil tangled together, the table fallen onto its side and the finished berry skewers astray across the ground. Patton ran over, sniffing as the two untangled themselves from each other. Thomas groaned.
"That's it! Patton, you're going to stay right next to me, Virgil and Roman, you're going out and getting us more berries" all three cried out as Logan shook his head from Thomas' shoulders.
"You two, don't even try. Virgil, I need you to keep an eye on Roman so he doesn't run off. And don't try me, I remember that giant pile of Oran berries you brought us" Virgil grumbled, hissing a bit at Roman before leading the way out of the clearing circle. Patton walked over, glumly laying down over Thomas feet. Thomas sighed, he could pick the table up later he supposed, focusing on the pot once again.
Not noticing the two pairs of eyes watching.
Eevee flicked his tail, the uniquely marked pokemon correctly predicting and stifling his brother's angry huff once again. Even with this action, he could understand his partner.
Because he was right there, right there! Their Eevee brother was walking away with another Eevee, telling the brown furred pokemon ('Roman' he believed) off for getting him mixed up in the other's mess. And then there was the trainer.
Eevee glared at the smiling human, stirring a large delicious smelling pot, two more Eevees laying on him. If it wasn't for their brother always being around the human or the other pokemon, they couldn't have gotten him back a while ago. Yet, they had learned their lesson after the chase, the marked Eevee stifling his own growl at the light gray Eevee laying at the trainer feet. If it wasn't for him especially, he remembered the day they almost got their smallest back.
"Please" his brother whined quietly "he's alone with just one of the Eevees, if he saw us he would help! Can't we just go get him now?" He shot a sympathetic look at the other Eevee, understanding his pain. The trash covered pokemon always had a bit of a stronger connection, not much but something more, as he was the one to find the small one in a dumpster. The other shuffled closer and he rapped a tail around his non blooded brother, keeping him close.
"No, you remember how strong, what was he called? Patton was, and you see how often they train. We wouldn't stand a chance" the other's ears lowered.
"I.. I just want him back" the other murmured, ducking his head into his fur, the cleaner of the pair giving a reassuring lick back.
The two jolted as they were brought back to reality, only realizing too late how loud they began to speak as a gray head poked through the bush they were hiding within.
The three Eevees stared at each other for only a moment before the marked Eevee leapt up, standing defensively between his friend and the pet, letting out a low growl. Its eyes merely blinked behind glasses before brightening.
"Oh! It's you!" Patton exclaimed, from the sound of it his tail swishing back and forth rapidly "whatcha doing here?" The tail swishing suddenly stopped as the shiny glared "you aren't here to try and steal Virgil away again, are you?"
The protective Eevee pushed the other behind him a bit, signaling to run, but the trash loving Eevee didn't budge. He sent a look back at the other, only to see the pokemon completely petrified. Oh right, last time they came in contact with Patton he knocked him out nearly immediately.
The shiny seemed to notice, blinking away the anger from his eyes "are you hungry? We wouldn't mind you joining us for dinner, if you wanted!" 
And now the marked Eevee froze, yet in confusion. Did.. he just offer food to them? With a trainer no less? He was about to protest when his stomach betrayed him.
Patton perked as the marked Eevee used his tail to bring his brother forward, keeping him close ".. I guess free food would be a stupid thing to pass up" Patton giggled before his head dissapeared as he ran back to the trainer.
"Wait" the trashy Eevee stopped him, "What are you doing? We, we can't-" "I know, but" the smaller yet protective Eevee hesitated "we, we might be able to see him again" the other looked down. This could be their only safe chance, heck the moment they see him the trainer might run them off. The realization they may not be able to be with their youngest brother again hit both hard, but at least seeing him, whether forced to stay with the trainer or (somehow) happy with his place, at least they would know.
The non blooded brothers looked at each other one last time before nodding, making their way through the bush.
Thomas kept a half an eye on Patton as he turned off the camping stove set MJ gave him, walking over with Logan still laying over his shoulders and picking up the knocked over mini foldable table. He went to pick up the dirty berry skewers when a chirp behind him caught his attention.
"So, what were you looking at Pat-" Thomas stood and turned around, only for Logan to let out a deep grown from his shoulders and surprise from himself.
"So" Thomas smiled, crossing his arms "we meet again" the two Eevees moved cautiously into view, Patton leading. He remembered these Eevees from a couple of months ago, yet he didn't think he'd be followed.
Patton chirped happily, running up to Thomas and nodded to the skewers. Thomas raised an eyebrow "you.. want then to join us for dinner?" Pattom chirped again, rising up onto his hind legs and pawing up in an honestly adorable manner. Thomas smiled, petting Logan's head to calm his fur.
"Alright, if they help us clean this up, they can join" The two Eevees seemed surprised by the news, but after Thomas explained where to put them, they rushed forwards to help.
With their help everything finished up quite quickly, Thomas starting a fire once again for when Roman and Virgil returned back. Virgil.
The trainer was now sitting in a camping chair, Logan still giving him a look of 'how dare you let these hooligans near my son and husband again', but Thomas blatantly ignored him, instead focusing on poking at the fire as Patton and the dirt covered Eevee rolled around, they one with marks around it's eye lazily watched the fire a few feet away from Thomas. He stole some glances at the strangers but inevitably realized they would commit no harm.
Though something, something was bugging him.
He sighed, dropping the stick some inches from the fires edge and leaning back in his chair, all the Eevees halting in their action and looking to the trainer as he huffed.
"Sometimes, I hate language barriers" he muttered, causing four heads to tilt, making the trainer chuckle.
"Well, I know you two tried to steal Virgil from us, you probably know him from somewhere" he waved at the wild Eevees "the only thing I don't know is, well, why" Patton and Logan perked in interest, as if realizing they never thought to think of that.
At that moment, the bushes started to shake.
Virgil slightly winced as he picked up a falling Pecha berry, placing the berry back onto the pile. Originally the two were pulling the giant leaf topped of berries together, but berries kept rolling off, and with Roman really being the one punished, Virgil got the easy job.
Roman stopped for breathing break, panting slightly "c'mon Bluk Berry, please switch?" In response Virgil grabbed a Bluk berry and tossed it at Roman's face when he wasn't looking, getting a sad and insulted hiss back "nope, you got me into this, you get to do the labor Princey" Roman dropped his ears glumly "calm down you Drama Vespiquen, we're literally almost back" the idiot he called his boyfriend perked up at that, grabbing the leaf's strong stem and pulling backwards.
Not long afterwards they reached their final obstacle, Virgil making his way to the front and pulled the branches off to the side to make a clear path. As Roman dragged it through the same damn Pecha berry was knocked off the top, bouncing down to the ground. The dark furred Eevee huffed at it, letting the starter pass through before paddling forward and picking it up. No way he was going to leave a Pecha behind again.
He sighed, turning around and ducking his head, his slightly longer ears straight (or as straight as possible) back as he pushed through the bush. Seriously, why did they pick this way to come back as well, they could have moved anywhere and they came back the difficult route. He pushed his way through, his body escaping the bush only to bump right into the berry pile. Honestly it was a miracle nothing fell.
He placed the Pecha berry down, making his way around the pile "Roman, what the fu-" he stopped dead.
Roman stood in a defensive position, low growls escaping his throat. Patton perked up by a newly set fire, Logan glancing over from Thomas' lap. And then..
It couldn't be
He brushed against Roman, eyes wide as two pokemon he thought he would never see again stared back. Puzzle pieces he accidentally lost, ones he looked for for so long before accepting defeat.
One stepped forward, the stink from his fur not pleasant, but it wasn't horrible. It felt familiar in fact. The Eevee took a deep breath, before
"hey Little Trash" the Eevee smiled, surprisingly still in one place "did you miss us?"
The answer was given with Virgil tackling said sticky Eevee, purrs rolling out like a thunderstorm "its you!"
His brother laughed, quickly switching back to his chaotic playful nature and snapped up at the smaller, rolling them around.
"Hey! What about me?" The two tumbled apart, Virgil nearly bouncing up and, without noticing the completely confused gazes coming from Thomas, Logan, Roman, and Patton, bolted strait into the strangely marked Eevee, cuddling deep into the parental and brotherly figure, breathing in the long lost familiar scent. The trashy Eevee crashed into the pair, thankfully not knocking them over, joining the three Eevees into a long lost family hug.
It was something Virgil missed, the two scents were like a comfortable blanket, rapping around himself leaving all his worries outside. He didn't want to confront Thomas or the other, he didn't want to know if they would stay or not, Virgil just wanted to be here with them, and unbelievable, he was. He finally found half of his family he lost, he wouldn't lose them again.
Unfortunately though, time still existed, a attention grabbing cough came from Thomas crashing reality back down on the trio, the crackling of fire, the wind blowing through the trees
and the low growls coming from two of the other Eevees.
Virgil leaned back and stared curiously at his teammates, instinctively sliding a paw in front of his brothers, surprising the two. From their past prospective, Virgil always stayed back, uncomfortable with any form of pokemon battles. Yet here the youngest was, defending the two against pokemon he seemed to trust. Trust? Did he not?
The two Eevees shared a glace, one thing running in both their minds
was it possible to get their brother back?
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