#;; especially with nicknames bc she hates it when people don't use her first name to refer to her
aeipathcy · 1 year
@unladielike * ✭ ❪ cont. from here┊☓ ❫
Reanne paused and wryly smiled as Vivian double-checked whether she would continue playing. She didn't have the heart to lie, but she didn't want to let her down either. After all, it'd be awful if she lost this chance to make a new female friend because she didn't want to play a simple game that was mostly reading. There was always the option of pressing the buttons and checking out while she played right?
Wait a second—this was so unlike her! Normally she would've been blunt about not liking this sort of thing! Was she that desperate for interaction that she became meek? Urgh, that was a pitifully disgusting thought. Now—she imagined herself slapping her cheeks as a form of psyching herself up—she had to reset! There was nothing wrong with stating her opinions! If she'd rather use the little time she had playing a different game, it was still valid!
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❝ Eh, to be honest, I'm not really vibing with that one, Code: Realize. The heroine isn't clicking with me. The no touch thing ruins my soul, ❞ she began to explain, awkwardly laughing as she tossed a pigtail behind her shoulder, ❝ I mean, I live off physical touch. If the point of an otome game is for the player to live out an ideal romance, I need tons of physical affection in it—a fiery, bold protagonist too. ❞ This title was supposedly the best one to try when starting out with the genre, and now she was wondering if she would truly enjoy it like Vivian would if this basic starter game was something she would categorize the same as all the shoujo manga she used to read.
The girl went wide-eyed for a moment at the nickname suddenly bestowed upon her. Riri? Who the fuck was that? It took a couple seconds for the dots to click, and only then did Reanne find herself wondering if trying to befriend Vivian was a mistake. Weren't they a bit too different here? How was she supposed to feel having her name shortened to these weird phonemes that sounded nothing like her name at all? Her name.... AHHHHHH!
Still, it wasn't like her to give up at all. She'd make it work out somehow. Even if her younger self could last without true friends, the her of today could not—and so she wouldn't try to cut this bond before it had a chance to sprout and grow. Not to mention, her therapist did say more people in her social circle might help with certain impulse responses.
Reanne smiled in relief hearing Vivian's reassurance about the keychain. At least this was just an extra copy. That was good. She carefully stowed it away in her cardigan pocket, keeping her hand there to ensure it was kept securely. While she didn't catch the meaning of this 'yumejoshi' term, she wouldn't say anything about it. It seemed the other girl was sort of in her own world right now and the Reanne was not about to burst her bubble.
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❝ You got something different to recommend that I might enjoy more? I'll return Code: Realize and that other one you gave me next time we run into each other, ❞ she interjected to steer the conversation something back to something she could actually reply to, ❝ and also—just call me by name. I hate nicknames. They kill me inside. ❞
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runa-falls · 1 year
cat and mouse - 3
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Supervillain(?)!Reader
Warnings: mention of alcohol and being inebriated, Miguel in normal clothes (yes this is a warning), friends vs. lovers type beat
a/n: this one might be a little frustrating fyi. also it might be a while for the next part to come out bc i'm having trouble figure out where i want this story to go.
Summary: Every time you try to convince people it was an accident, you immediately get ratted out to the Spider. But really, it was! You don't know why you're being hunted, you didn't even do anything wrong. Yet.
w/c: 2.4k
part 1 part 2 part 4
The villain's life isn’t too bad. Especially when you have friends. Well, a friend.
Really, it’s just like being unemployed, but you’re not living off of your life savings, you’re living off of someone else’s.
Maybe someone else’s else’s savings.
Ok fine, you’ll admit it. You haven’t actually done much crime at all. You’ve just been mooching off of Felicia like a girl with a sugar mama.
So what? It’s not your fault she’s the most generous criminal you’ve ever met. And technically, the money comes directly from other people’s accounts, so you are still acting as an accessory to a crime and that’s good enough for you.
So far, you’ve been treating these past few weeks like an extended vacation. 
You’re still not used to your powers. It’s not as easy as thinking about something and it happens. It’s more like a feeling, something you have to pull from within. After the first few times of accidentally exploding someone’s Kia Soul and a breakfast sandwich that cost $12 (which is a crime in itself), you’ve been a little apprehensive about using your powers unless you really need them.  
Thankfully, you have Felicia to teach you a few non-power-related moves just in case. You actually thought you’d never see her again after she left you on that roof. Even though she did say, “I’ll see you later,” you thought she was just being polite. But then you got a text for brunch a few days later.
Feli is not a villain, but she’s certainly not a hero either. She kinda just does what she wants when she feels like it. It’s inspiring, really. 
You never told her about what happened that other night, not wanting to mention how Spider-Man mistook you for her. Or the fact that your shared a heated kiss with the hero. You’re supposed to be a bad-ass criminal, not some girl who fraternizes with superheroes like some sort of groupie. You do, however, tell her about how full-black suits aren’t your style and that you’re thinking about finally embracing your fiery locks.
She agrees adding, “We can’t show up in the same fit every time we’re committing a crime. We need to keep it fresh, give ‘em something to talk about.” 
You were ready to go down to a fabric shop and stitch something quick together, but Feli adamantly convinced you that she would take care of it. Feli has this awesome AI assistant named Zee that does everything from ordering groceries to building her a new ultra-sleek motorcycle. You were told to tell Zee what you were looking for in your new suit since she’s also conveniently connected to an advanced fabricator. 
“Hello, Ms. Hardy and Ms. Blaze.” You grumble at the AI’s use of your long-hated nickname, “How can I be of service?”
“Make her a new suit,” Feli commanded, “and make it quick, we have things to do today.” She sits at a desk, clicking idly through her large desktop. You peek over her shoulder, curious about what she’s working on. It’s a Pinterest board full of outfits and modern interior design ideas. 
“Certainly. What are you looking for?” A holographic menu streams from the fabricating machine, showing you options for the size, fit, and design of the suit. 
“Orange, maybe? And make it a little more breathable, I was sweating bullets in that other one.” 
The menu scrolls around as you speak, showing you favorable color combinations and breathable fabrics and designs. 
You tap on a fiery orange and black palette. It’s simple and makes sense. A few designs with your chosen colors pop up and you see the perfect one. It’s asymmetrical, leaving enough skin uncovered to ensure there’s a fair amount of ventilation for your extra-warm radioactive body heat. You click the ‘process’ button, and the machine starts right away. Estimated Time: 14 hrs and 27 minutes.
Feli stands up when she hears the rev of the machine working its magic. “Alright, darling, let’s get you up to my closet. We’re going to the club.” 
Apparently, one of Feli’s associates owns the club we’re going to. 
“He’s been asking about you, hearing about the power plant and all.” The limo he sent to her house is exquisite, offering expensive champagne and snacks. The windows are super tinted for privacy and the partition has been rolled up since you got in, so you can’t really tell where you’re headed. “I told him I’d bring you around the club sometime. That is if he lets us have some fun afterward.” 
The club itself is quite packed. The building throbs with the heavy bass of electronic music that you can hear even through the heavy metal doors. There’s already a line that wraps around the block and it’s only 8 pm. 
You carefully step out of the limo after Feli, trying not to trip in your borrowed heels. The bouncer instantly recognizes her and lets you pass, velvet rope pulled aside. 
The sea of dancing bodies moves like a stop-motion film under the strobing lights as you walk right past the general area. You pass through a curtained entrance, walk up some stairs, and stop in front of the balcony area that overlooks the dance floor. VIP only, it says. 
In the middle of the sitting area is a large bald man dressed in a proper suit, making him look like a frightening businessman. A large smile appears on his pale face when he spots your friend and he stands up to greet the two of you.
You can barely hear his voice over the loud music. “Felicia Hardy, wonderful to see you.” She offers her hand which he politely pecks. 
She merely acknowledges him, “Fisk.”
He turns to you. “And you must be the famous, Blaze.” You don’t offer a hand and he doesn’t seem to mind.
“Nice to meet you, sir.”
“Please, call me Wilson.”
You don’t spend too much time with him, both because he seemed pretty busy and Feli wanted to go downstairs as soon as possible. He asks you normal things like where you’re from and how you met Feli, but he was mostly curious about your powers and how you got them. 
“A vat, hm? I’ve heard that one before.” It’s true. Vats of shit almost ensure the creation of new villains. “S’a miracle you didn’t die from that.” 
Feli is a lot more talkative once you leave Fisk. Despite working for him, she doesn’t seem all that fond of him. “He’ll probably call you up if he ever needs your skillset. I’d recommend taking whatever job he offers, he usually compensates generously.”
“But how? I didn’t give him my number.”
“Doesn’t matter. He’ll be in touch.” 
She tells you to find a table while she gets some drinks. Apparently, the bar is open for her, another perk of working with Fisk. You feel like a wallflower as you wait for her, watching as people come and go to the dancefloor or bar. You sit at the high-top table, legs swinging idly to the beat of the music.
You’re almost shoved off your seat when someone bumps into you and you have to hold onto the table to keep your balance. “Oh, sorry,” You hear a familiar voice say over the pounding music.
“It’s ok.”
 “Lava Girl,” You look over at the man, head having to tilt up to see his face. “Didn’t expect to see you here.” You barely recognize him as you’ve never seen him out of the suit before. He’s wearing a tight black short-sleeve that stretches nicely over his broad chest and dark wash jeans. Looking like any other civilian. 
“Miguel!” His eyes wander over the short black dress you were borrowing from Felicia, briefly stopping over the length of your bare legs that are visible through the glass table.
“Always seem to be wearing something new when I see you.”
“Well, my friend has expensive taste.”
His brows furrow, “Friend? You’re here with someone?” 
“Mhm.” Your eye catches on a head of silver hair, wandering through the crowds of loud and rowdy people. “Oh, just a sec. There she is.” You stand up to catch her attention and miraculously she spots you, flashing a smile as you wave your arms around like a lunatic. 
Then she sees him and her soft smile stops. One of her perfectly tailored eyebrows raises as she joins the two of you, drinks in hand. “You.” 
He seems surprised to see her. “Fel…” There’s a long bout of silence between the three of you. Whatever light energy was there quickly grows tense and you start to feel uncomfortable. 
What’s with these two?
You try to salvage whatever you can from this weird conversation. “So, how do you guys know each other?” Felicia’s gaze releases its hold on Miguel and they both look at you, almost like forgot you were even there. 
Miguel starts. “Uh, we’re old friends.” She gives him a look that you can’t decipher. “Older enemies.”
Then she writes it out, “Ex’s.” 
You can tell he’s trying to hide a wince, but he’s not very good at it. So he was looking for her that night. Does that mean he would’ve kissed her instead of you then? Wait, that also means you kissed your best friend's ex! Shit.
“Oh.” You pick up a coaster just to have something to do with your hands. “Well, that’s cool– I mean it’s not cool, but– like, oh, so that’s how you know each other. Wow, what a small–”
“Why are you here Mig?” Suspicion drips off each word as she steps forward, almost like she’s trying to protect you. 
“You’re asking why I’m at a club owned by one of the notorious crime lords in Nueva York?” 
And all of a sudden you’re not there again. It’s just them. 
“No, I’m asking why you’re here. With her.” 
“Can’t a guy just say hi to a friend?”
It dawns on her. “She knows?” She says through gritted teeth. 
He run a hand through his dark brown waves, “Look, it just happened.”
“Miguel, leave her alone, she hasn’t done anything.” You feel like you’re a kid watching her parents bicker about things unknown to you. You nervously fiddle with the hem of your skirt.
“She’s a good girl.”
“It’s not like that, Fel.” She rolls her emerald green eyes.
“Sure, it isn’t. I know you, Miguel.” 
He scoffs, “Yeah, whatever.” He brushes her off, clearly done with the conversation. “Ok, well, I’d love to stay longer, but I did actually come here for a reason.” He pulls away from the table, “It was nice seeing you, Blaze.” You could tell that he means it just by the way he looks at you. 
You nod at him, not really up to say much of anything after tonight. You can tell you’re dismissive send-off stings, but you don’t really care. 
“Hardy.” She doesn’t even look at him and he walks away without another word.
“Ugh, that guy.” Feli takes a deep sip of her vodka cran and you watch as a napkin sticks to the sweating glass as she tilts it back. She pushes yours closer to you, letting the perspiration drag against the glass table.
At this point, you’re not really feeling the whole club scene anymore.
“Promise you’ll stay away from him.” Your eyes lift from your untouched glass to meet her stare. “I know he’s Nueva York’s sweetheart Spider-Man or whatever, but he’s bad news, trust me.” 
“You really don’t wanna get caught up in the superhero drama. I’m just, trying to look out for you, Blaze.” 
You nod, forcing yourself to smile. “I know.”
And you do. She probably has a good reason for it, but it doesn’t make you feel any better.
All the events of the evening sit in the air for a second. Felicia, Fisk, and Miguel. Your brain is having a hard time organizing everything and the noises around you aren’t helping.
You decidedly pick up your glass without thinking and quickly drain it, barely even tasting it before feeling its cool contents bloom throughout your body. You set it down a bit harsher than you intended, but the coaster does a good job of absorbing the sound. 
You hop off your seat. “Let’s dance.”
Feli is surprised by your sudden changed mood, “Oh, right now?” You need to let loose. You can’t let some stupid kiss ruin your new life. You can’t let anything distract you. You can’t let him distract you. As of now, you’re a new woman and you’re ready to embrace exactly who everyone thinks you are. 
You offer your hand, “Right now.” She takes it, letting you lead her straight to the middle of the dancefloor. 
This time you run before you even see him. Well ‘run’ may be an exaggeration. You were too drunk to even walk in a straight line so let’s just say you ‘left.’
So the night went off the rails a little bit. One fruity mixed drink turned into a few rounds of shots, which turned into a very ambitious plan to revisit that bank that shut down on you a few weeks ago. Since it hasn’t been hit since that night, you assumed everything would’ve simmered down around it. Less security, less fuss, and less Spider-Man. And you were right. 
You were also careless. 
Drunk girls and endless power create an interesting scene for the police to discover. First, you skipped the doors altogether. Why use the front entrance, when you can walk straight into the vault? By the time the cops would get there, they’d be greeted by a huge hole that rips through several layers of (theoretically) indestructible materials.
Then there are the two blood-red lipstick kisses right next to it. That was Feli’s idea.
“Oh my god, you know what would be so cute? If we signed off on this with little kisses!”
“Why would we do that?” Your words slur slightly as you step into the vault. It’s stacked high with bills placed in perfectly rectangular towers. A soft breeze could easily ruin the whole room. 
“A girl’s gotta leave her mark.”
“Mm…ok, why not.”
You stuff your small handbags to the brim, not worried when a few bills fall out. This job isn’t really about the money, it’s about sending a message. 
You both casually stagger away from the crime scene, catch a cab (paying with handfuls of cash because you can’t be bothered to count it out), and get back to her place. 
“You staying over?”
“Can I?”
“Of course, darling.”
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nonsensemonkey · 2 months
there's so many things to love about love and deepspace but i think overall my absolute favorite aspect of it is just HOW MUCH of the game is tailored to YOU and YOUR tastes:
-i HATED the sounds of the english voices and if that were my only option, i wouldn't have bothered but not only do you have the option to hear them speak english, they can speak chinese, japanese and korean too. anyone that knows me knows my obsession with japanese voice acting and two of my all time faves just so happen to be voicing my two in game faves! you can read it in those languages as well. anytime im given the option to play a game in a different language, i leap.
-mc is fairly customizable. she's long and slender which doesn't fit my description but i'm so used to that in these games and (i'm so old- i dont have the energy to give toward caring about shit like this) but you can modify her face, hair (more so in photobooth) and skin. and that last bit was kinda huge to me bc not only did they include darker skin tones, they looked GOOD. there's not alot of range, no, but i'm so used to the vaguely dark skin being alittle ashy options in games (especially ones made by asian companies) that this was like a massive breath of fresh air.
-you have a storyline- well now there's two from what i understand and although you can't control who you interact with in-story, you can choose how much you interact with them outside of the story. i cannot stand rafayel- and i forget the other's name atm but i dont like him much either. i hate to see either of them coming tbh and so the fact that i'm able to CHOOSE to spend my free time with zayne/rei instead (and now sylus/shin) AHHH wonderful! like you can set it to have only the ones YOU want to interact with greet you in the cafe.
-if i didn't state this clearly enough, YOU CAN CHOOSE WHO YOU WANT TO FOCUS ON!! like, yeah, sometimes you'll do stuff where you still build your intimacy with a character you may not care for but it may not be alot.
-you can choose what they wear. you can choose what you wear (this is limited but still an option).
-you can even customize your phone and most of it is interactive! they react to your changing the text bubbles. you can suggest them changing their pfp and they either agree or reject you with little quips of their own. you can change the bg of your chat with them. you can nickname them in your phone which shows up anytime they text or call. even their online profiles! you can even give them a nickname to call you!
-i got tired of the opening theme song. like, i borderline hated it and GUESS WHAT?? I COULD CHANGE IT! (with an aurum pass) and when shin got introduced they added him to the front of the original intro where it's all light and white and brightness but it's him and darkness and red and blood and the transition was jarring and not appealing to me whatsoever and guess what??? I COULD CHANGE THAT TOO!!! so now, currently my game's welcome page is now rei working quietly to the tune of soft piano. sooooo lovely. i'll switch to shin from time to time :)
like i said, there's sooooo much to love about this fucking game and this isn't even my way of trying to convince anyone else to play it. i could lol but i just know that when it first dropped so many people were shitting on it bc the ads of the boys looking like uncanny valley, creepy airbrushed dolls LMAO. idk if they still look like that now or if i've just grown fond and therefore blind but this is definitely one of those- if you like otome games, maybe don't knock it until you try it babe idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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eusuntgratie · 6 months
8, 12, 16, 23 👀👀💚
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
i have some...complicated feelings about buck and chris's relationship and how that's portrayed/talked about especially in how it reflects on eddie. i say shit like THATS HIS DAD and THEYVE BEEN COPARENTING FOR YEARS because they HAVE and i think in a lot of ways buck loves chris like he's his and chris CLEARLY sees buck as a parental figure and eddie REPEATEDLY and PURPOSEFULLY puts buck in that role and is comfortable with him in that role.
where i get the ick is when that's pushed into this idea that chris needs buck, that eddie needs buck, in order for their family to be complete. and i don't know that i can articulate this well bc eddie does need buck, and chris needs buck too. but i also think it is so so important to recognize that eddie is a great father (despite a rough start) and that they were (and would continue to be) just fine without him.
i've even struggled with how i've written this relationship in fic, because it can be a tough line to toe.
i suspect that fandom subconciously leans in to this idea that buck can swoop in and save eddie and chris in large part because buck is white and eddie isn't. and i know that i'm icked by it more because of that.
and this is probably related, but i don't think chris would ever start calling buck anything but buck. the idea that a kid needs to call someone dad/mom/whatever for them to be "important" is bullshit. my best friend and i's kids call us by our first names but they also refer to us as their 'other mom'. i've always called my stepdad by the nickname everyone else calls him. buck has been in chris's life a long time; i don't think he's gonna start calling him something different if they finally get together and/or get married.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
taylor and shannon and lucy on 911. fandom loves to hate any woman that's even vaguely connected to one of the boys. i like taylor because she's interesting, and i appreciate seeing a woman who puts herself and her career first. we see men do that all the time. i don't hate taylor for being selfish. i don't want her with buck, but i think their relationship was SO interesting and was important for buck figuring out what he wants.
i LOVE shannon and i have loved shannon from the beginning. people love to hate her and say she's a terrible mother for abandoning her child. but she was a young woman in an impossible position who had NO help from her partner for YEARS. she tried to do what she thought was best for her son, her mother, and herself. eddie wouldn't GIVE her that space so she TOOK it. and good for her, honestly. did it hurt chris that she left? absolutely. would people judge a father as harshly for doing EXACTLY the same thing? absolutely not. shannon loved her kid, she tried to do her best, but she was pushed well past her breaking point (which eddie is largely to blame for - yes i can love my blorbos and admit they have flaws GASP) and everyone had to deal with the fallout.
lucy is hot and badass and interesting and if you watch her kiss with buck and think anything other than 'fuck, that's hot' then we will simply never agree and i'm not going to argue with you. get off her ass, she's incredible and i want her back.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
miscommunication based pining. i can do it for a little bit, but my nightmare is a 100k+ fic rated t tagged slow burn and mutual pining. JUST OPEN YOUR DAMN MOUTH! AAAAAAHHHHHH!! i can do SOME pining bc yearning can be really delicious but when the whole reason 2 people are pining for seven billion words is because nobody will just TALK it makes me insane.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
oooh this is tricky bc i am a multishipper to my CORE i want everybody fuckin everybody and falling in love all over the place give it to meeeeee. i feel like the only ship i've ever really been AGAINST is thorki, and that's largely bc of people arguing that it doesn't "count" as incest bc loki was adopted, which pisses me the fuck off. the actual ship i don't really have beef with and i'm sure i would read a fic if someone sent it to me and it was good. idk. it takes a lot for me to be like, ew, absolutely not.
(obligatory disclaimer that you're allowed to like shit i don't like. i'm not telling you your opinion sucks, i'm telling you what i think <3)
fandom violence asks <3
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bibaybe · 1 year
Hi, I’ve been sent by the oc creator bingo!
I was perusing your oc masterlist and fell in love with Bay Ackerman, so tell me everything and anything about them!
help its been literal months and i'm only just now answering this... embarrassed
masquerades as the child of triton until the mark of athena, when an ocean monster outs them as being poseidon's child. idk what kind of monster tho just yet
best friend is a shark they named seagull, nicknamed gully, after baby seagull got lost in the triton's palace and accidentally wandered into their wing, which was off limits except for specific people/animals
dead name is sally and hates it for a long time bc it's yet another reminder of what they are to poseidon
has a lot of bubbling resentment towards percy bc they know that they were even more of a mistake to poseidon - triton never hid anything from them after bay found out about their true parentage, mostly bc he didn't care enough to spare their feelings, so bay knows the whole story - even about poseidon offering to build a castle for sally and percy. they feel like their the jacked up replacement for the true family poseidon wanted, especially when poseidon never tries to get close to them
spends most nights sleeping under the stars, especially when they're on the argo 2. they spent almost all of their life trapped in one wing of a castle - they crave being outside and in wider spaces. they're rarely ever in their cabin
leo and bay are the epitome of 'he fell first, they fell harder'. leo is into bay from the moment they meet, but bay is so busy learning about the surface world and learning how socializing with people other than their family works, they don't even really notice themselves falling for leo until probably the house of hades? but then it hits
struggles with fighting above water a lot for most of the first book - they've been training under the ocean and knows how to use a dagger better than most, but fighting under water is different than fighting above the surface and they have to learn how to readjust to the differences
has a rough relationship with triton - poseidon forced triton to send his daughter, evangeline, away so bay would be his child to the outside world, in case rumors ever started. triton sent her to chb to make sure she would be safe, but held it against bay since he couldn't take it out on his father
aaaah i can't think of anything else atm but feel free to send specific questions!! much better with specific questions lmao
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spinningerster · 2 years
🐦🤟🏼 ok please tell me anything about your newsies ocs !!!
sorry for the delay in responding, anon! idk how much is going to be in this so apologies if this ends up being really long - also there will be small mentions of child abuse, there won't be any specifics but I understand that can be triggering for some people so just wanted to add a little disclaimer! i'm always coming up with new stuff and changing some aspects of my ocs so i'll update this as as when those happen. okayy here we go:
- real name rachel ettinson, is the youngest of 4 with three older sisters, though unlike them she wasn't planned and was sort of the 'cinderella' of her family; one night in late october/early november, when she was about 11, she'd had enough and ran away, she was found sleeping in an alley in the early hours of the next morning by jojo and finch (bc why not), and they're the two she's closest with.
- she constantly steals elmers socks, at first it was an accident but eventually they became part of her outfit.
- she was terrified of the delanceys at first, hiding behind the closest newsie, but eventually learned to just ignore them.
- for her first week she spent every night up in jacks penthouse, she loved the cool though sometimes frosty air, and watching jack draw helped her to fall asleep.
- her nickname was given to her because she's an early bird, often waking up before the others. mush and henry sometimes refer to her as 'the birdster' which she pretends to hate but secretly really likes
- she was pretty nervous of going on strike at first mainly from of all the stories she'd heard of the refuge but soon got on board, though she barely slept after crutchie was arrested bc she was so worried about him
- real name natalie barry, she was born deaf and her parents didn't want her bc they thought she was 'defective' and she was taken in by her aunt and uncle who just used her as a punching bag. she was 13 when she ran away, joining the newsies just a few months before birdy. the first newsie she met was albert and everyone thought he'd kidnapped her
- she didn't really talk at first, always told her voice was 'awful' whenever she did, so she just stopped, but the newsies helped her regain her confidence for speaking (they live with race so they literally don't care what her voice sounds like)
- bc none of them know sign language, they just kinda made up random gestures for different stuff, which was especially entertaining whenever they were around weasel and the delanceys
- she's pretty close with the twins, tommy boy and specs
- she will often be woken up by race flopping down onto her bed
- after selling her papes, she sometimes goes to meddas, she just really liked the atmosphere and feels safe aroune medda
- jack tried teaching her how to sketch a couple times, she couldn't really get the hang of it
that's everything I have for now, hope you like them :) if you wanna know anything else about them pls let me know!
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daffodi1 · 3 years
So... it's been years since I first read danganronpa. I was there back in the old days, when we didn't have an official english translation of the game and had to read it on somethingawful forums, when they called Monokuma "monobear" and had to censor "fuck" and "shit" to "gently caress" and "poopoo".
Ahh... the good old days.
But after seeing some people start to play the switch versions, and since I wanted to get my partner into it, I thought "why not?". And so, here I am revisiting it almost a decade later, as a 24 year old with a fresh mind. Some of my opinions of the characters have changed, and some haven't, so I'll get right into talking about them. We also played DR2, and I've revisited my old opinions about them as well, which I will talk about in a separate post. I will probably refer to them as a mixture of first and last names bc while the game refers to them as their first names (except in cases like Aoi, who they call "Hina"), the forum mostly used last names (except in Celestia's case, who was nicknamed "Celes" in that translation). Please try not to get confused.
I will only be talking about my feelings toward the characters for how they appear in canon, not whatever fanon version you have of them in your brain. Please try not to take offense to my review. Transformative works are valid, but let's not give credit to the canon author where it isn't due, yes? Also, I tend to review based more on personality and story content than character design itself-- so if you're a fan of a certain character bc of their design, you might find yourself insulted on their behalf by what I have to say about them. Sorry.
Also, please don't read this if you haven't completed DR1 and DR2 (bc even if this is only about the DR1 characters, I do refer to it here). Here there be spoilers.
I'm gonna go in order of the murders so it makes sense. Cool? Cool.
Chapter 1:
Idk what to say about her, to be honest. She's an interesting character, and part of me wishes she hadn't been killed off so soon (especially since I hate the trope of Woman Dies to Spur Manpain) but at the same time, her participation in the murder and her manipulation of Leon and Naegi is what makes her so interesting-- otherwise she'd be just another Cute Girl Love Interest(tm).
I do like the foreshadowing surrounding her as a manipulator since I am a slut for foreshadowing, with her talking about doing "nasty" things to acheive her dreams and Naegi's promise to protect her almost sealing his fate. I like her, but I don't think she reached her full potential either.
I'm sorry... I just can't bring myself to care about this guy. They really don't give him anything at all, and his reason for killing isn't even tied to the motive. (And you can't tell me it was genuinely self defense-- he had already beaten Sayaka when she locked herself in the bathroom. She had no weapons and had basically lost at that point. He could have left and told everyone else what happened and he didn't, which tells me he had a reason to want to leave, but they didn't go into it).
And part of me like, understands that the writers probably didn't want the audience to care about him too much since they built up Sayaka to be this lovable character, but it was like... everyone was crying over his execution while I'm just in the corner like "Y'all hear something?" At least they learned their lesson on that when they started writing DR2 (because love or hate Teruteru, his motive was sad and you can't deny that).
Chapter 2: (Into the Thicc of It because hoo boy I have feelings, please do not come for me.)
I absolutely adore Chihi; they're sweet, polite, smart, soft spoken, cute, and genuinely just a good person all around. They're a doormat to nearly an extreme and don't want to hurt anyone, but they also want to change and confront their weakness. Their character development could have been so baller and I will never not be furious at the way the game treated them. Yes, Alter Ego is an important part of the story, but still. We could have had all that if the programmer LIVED.
As for why I use they/them pronouns... I'm fine headcanoning Chihiro as transfem nonbinary, but reading them as a trans girl straight up is uncomfortable to me personally bc if I read it through that lens, it looks like a detransitioner narrative. And I can't with those bc it reminds me (a whole trans person) of trauma. This doesn't mean I hate the headcanon, or think anyone who HCs Chihiro as a trans girl is wrong; it just means I personally can't do it. Please do not revive Chihiro Disk Horse in the year of our lord 2022, and let's focus instead on what a wonderful and kind character they are.
I... ugh. And I guess the Disk Horse continues. I WOULD have liked Mondo. I loved his friendship with Taka, his backstory with Daiya and the way he fronted as a strong guy while trying to hide his own weakness and complex as a little brother who would never measure up to his perfect big brother. I like his free time events where he speaks on his love for his dog. I liked how he faced his death with grace and accepted what was going to happen to him even though he arguably has one of the most brutal executions in the first game, and the final scene between him and Taka is nothing short of heartbreaking.
HOWEVER. Unlike my partner, I can't like him because even if his motive isn't truly transphobic in nature, it closely resembles many trans people's worst nightmares. The threat of coming out to someone and being faced with violence is a very real fear that every trans person faces, as well as having people misgender us and treat us as liars for concealing our AGABs after death. I know his real motive was about his jealousy and rage toward Chihiro for having the strength to confront his weakness when he didn't, hell, he even made the effort to keep their secret after their death, and I get it rationally... but when I first read this story, I was only around 15/16 and still coming to terms with my own gender and it hit close to home. I don't hate Mondo, nor do I love him, and I'm not indifferent to his existence either. I'm more just sad about the way they handled his character, and I get that DR is an ~edgy~ series but they could have handled this part of the narrative with more sensitivity and grace. He is not canonically transphobic, but he reads like a transphobe who killed someone for revealing their AGAB and I can't pretend it doesn't bother me. I don't blame his character for how the writers handled him, but it does make me sad.
Chapter 3:
I love this dumbass; like, you can love or hate him or think he's annoying, but you can't deny that he's funny. He may not have been the most well-rounded character (well... outside of his FTEs, but I try not to count those considering that most people will not experience all of them, and you have such a limited amount of time to spend with the characters before a murder happens) but I love him for the fact that he's not boring no matter what. He has a rigid moral system that he abides by, and it's interesting to see him bend and break when those morals are tested when his bestie turns out to be a murderer.
That being said... I kinda feel like they tossed him aside after ch2 and his arc wasn't complete when he died. I understand that he was being set up as Celestia's victim, but damn, it felt like the writers were like "LOL idk what to do with this guy so guess he's gotta die now" and it felt like, really messy and rushed. I will say that one thing I think DR2 did better was that a lot of the character arcs didn't feel as incomplete by the time they killed them off (except for like, Hiyoko I guess but again, that's another post) but Taka did not feel finished when he died. Idk if that makes sense at all. Also wtf was Ishimondo/Kiyondo. That was some of the weirdest character development ever.
Okay... unpopular opinion here, I know, but I love Hifumi. He's a king and y'all can fight me on this, I'm a huge Hifumi apologist. He's a funny dork who writes weird doujinshi and he respects women to the point that he's willing to bonk a bitch with a hammer when he believes that said bitch sexually assaulted his Girlboss Bestie. Yes, I know that arc is also about his weird feelings toward Alter Ego, but at the same time, can you blame him for that? He's a lonely guy, and the only person he considers a friend is obviously manipulating to him and won't listen to him about the things he likes, which is something that I personally can relate to.
And yes, I know he's kind of a pervert but he's nowhere near as bad as Teruteru or Soda, and people still like them. I'm p sure the reason people really don't like him is bc his design is not attractive (even for a fat character, and DR knows how to design appealing fat characters, just look at Twogami), and like, that's fine, whatever, but I do think he deserves better than to just be tossed aside. (Also yes I know he's responsible for Taka's death, and Taka is pretty beloved in the fandom, but it's not like a character being a murderer has stopped this fandom from liking them before???) Also, I don't care about the anime retconning this, Usami's design was influenced by him talking to Alter Ego about anime and you can fight me. (Even the pet minigame has Princess Piggles in her room!!!)
Ah yes, Girlboss Gaslight Gatekeep herself. God, I love this evil goth bitch, she's great. Is she terrible? Absolutely, but she's terrible in the most entertaining ways, and she even makes herself a morally grey character by taking on a leadership role in the first two chapters. I love both her English and Japanese voices, but the English voice's change in accent to her just sounding like a 30 year old woman is so fucking funny to me. Like, she sounds like she pays taxes and I love it.
There are also a lot of interesting aspects to her in how she hides who she is and that a lot of her motive comes from her shame about the circumstances of her birth. Her lust for money isn't just about greed but wanting to change a part of herself so she can live her ideal lifestyle and kill the part of her that she perceived as ugly and plain. She's a complex character and is pretty fascinating in her own right. She's probably my favorite blackened in the first game (I don't count Sakura as a blackened since she's also the victim).
Chapter 4:
GOD if she isn't the best girl. Her relationship with Asahina is everything, her loyalty and kindness and strength is everything, she has so many funny lines, and I even like her design. Ik a lot of people don't, but big strong girl who wears a cute sailor uniform is just so god tier. I do prefer her English voice to her Japanese voice, since it's way more respectful and less transmisogynist to have her actually voiced by a woman than pretend she's really a man or whatever (though we are not getting into that today).
Actually getting into her arc, she's got a really compelling one where she's revealed as the traitor, decides to oppose Monokuma to protect her friends, and even sacrifices herself for them in the end even though they were mostly horrible to her, refusing to murder any of them even if she might have been justified in wanting to do so. She's a really admirable character who stuck to her guns until the bitter end. Stan Sakura Oogami for clear skin.
Yes I knoooow Hina isn't really a victim or a blackened, but her involvement is important to this case, and this case is important to her character development, so I'm putting her here anyway. She's such a good character in that she spends a lot of the game as comedic relief and another Cute Girl(tm) for fanboys to drool over, but whenever she loses her friend, she gets great character development.
You get to see her empathetic, humanitarian side when she calls everyone else out for hurting Sakura and trampling on her feelings when Sakura was just as scared and weak as the rest of them, and the fact that they bullied her and acted like she wasn't a normal person. Her arc with Sakura endeared her a lot to me as a character. In the end, it's her desire to do right by Sakura that encourages her to be brave.
Chapter 5 & 6 (Combining the two for an easier time):
...Honestly, not much to say about her. DR1 gives her nothing because she's in disguise as Junko the whole time. I kinda enjoyed her bond with Chihiro. I need to reread IF because it's been years since I have and I don't remember how she acted there.
Ah yes, the main mean girl herself. The ultimate despair. God, I love Junko. She's like the jonker except for women. She's so funny and entertaining and great. I can't wax poetic about how she's a complex character or whatever because she really is just a crazy bitch who wants the world to burn (even if her backstory is like, insane and I can kinda understand why she is the way she is), but I kinda like that simplicity sometimes in a villain, especially w/ female villains bc we don't often see female villains without them having some tragedy past motivating them (and it's usually tied to a man). My favorite girlboss.
Survivors (Minus Hina bc I addressed her):
I don't have a lot to say about him-- I do love him as a protagonist, he's cute and a sweetheart and I think he gets decent development! I got all emotional seeing him, Kirigiri, and Togami again in DR2 just like I did the first time, it's like seeing your baby all grown up. But he does kinda suffer from Protagonist Syndrome-- the disease that main characters suffer from when artists sacrifice compelling and interesting traits that make them human in the name of making them likable and relatable so audiences can project on them. But he is a sweet boy who deserves good things, and it's cool how he goes from believing he's nothing special to becoming The Ultimate Hope, just for being kind and optimistic and continuing to go on even when everything has gone to shit. It's a pretty inspiring message.
I am kinda torn on her. Don't get me wrong, I do like her and I think the buildup to discovering more about her character was well done. Also, she has sweet bonding moments with Naegi and everyone. She's a smart girl and iirc her backstory is pretty well developed in the spinoffs, even if they don't get all into everything in the first game. But I wish they had told us more of that in the game itself, especially since she's so tied into the plot.
And I guess that's part of my beef with the game itself-- it spends a lot of time getting you attached to the characters who die, and while that IS important for the deaths to carry weight, you also have to get us attached to the ones that live too. And FTEs, again, don't really count bc you only get a limited amount with everyone and there's no guarantee you'll use them on a specific person. DR2 does a better job at getting you attached to everyone outside of the FTEs and developing characters with the time it has. But I wish they had given us more on Kirigiri's backstory and motivations in the game itself, especially regarding her father and I wish we had a chance to see more vulnerability from her.
I'll admit that I didn't like her the first time around, and I'm still torn on her herself. I'm told I'll like her better if I play/watch Another Episode, but they don't have it for the switch, so I'll just have to wait. I'm also not a huge fan of the whole "Killer who has DID and Evil Alters" tropes and stuff (which is to say-- I despise it with my whole being and it makes me want to bite people, fuck you) but I like Genocide Jack. She's so fucking funny and her lines are iconic.
The whole thing she has with Togami is really toxic and creepy though, I do not understand people who want them to be cute and wholesome together when he isn't even the slightest bit into her.
Listen. LISTEN. I like him. Yes, I know, he's a jackass. Everything he does up until Chapter 4 makes him seem irredeemable, especially in Chapter 2. Like, he is wrong for that. But he also gets some of the best development in the fucking game, going from being an insufferable bitch who cares about nobody to taking leadership and trying to help everyone escape, and also giving Naegi chances to shine. I also love that even though he does go through that development, he's still himself: just as bitchy and haughty as ever even if his values changed.
That's all for this round, stay tuned for round 2 where I talk about DR2 and... Komaeda lol.
OH I forgot about Hagakure... well, anyway, bye everyone!
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thepsychicclam · 7 years
Can I ask what widely accepted Sterek headcanons you don't agree with/like? I love hearing differing opinions on headcanons.
Okay, here we go lol
-The sheriff’s name is John. Okay, this one really bugs me. Like, as a preference? Cool. You like his name as John. I’m down with that. But the devotion with which people cling to the name and demand it be used I don’t understand. I don’t have a problem with Noah, mainly bc I like the name, but honestly think that they should have left him as “the sheriff” without a name. (I also don’t think not making his name John was a slight against us. I don’t get upset about stuff like that usually. I don’t really care lol) I choose to use “the sheriff” in my fics bc he doesn’t have a name, and I have used John in the past bc it was used a lot (in domestic I know that’s his name. That may be the only one) But I’m kinda turned off by John now because of the way ppl acted about the name. Like not reading fics, including old fics, where his name isn’t John or refusing to read fics where his name is Noah???? Really? You’re gonna punish the author for a name that’s perhaps used less than 50% in the fic? I’ve read two fantastic fics where his name wasn’t John, one where he was named Randy and one Jeremiah. Who cares what his name is? If you like John, go for it. Write him as John to your heart’s content! But don’t get upset when other authors don’t use John. It doesn’t really matter in the long run.
-Sheriff/Melissa. I don’t like them together. Sorry. I actually regret putting the sheriff with Melissa in domestic. That’s why I never write them together anymore in it. I don’t like them. First, I don’t like Melissa very much. Second, Melissa deserves someone who truly loves her deeply, not the sheriff whose real love was Claudia and died. I just don’t like them together. I do like Chris/Melissa, but maybe bc I think JR and Melissa have more romantic chemistry, idk (and i have my own headcanons about chris and victoria and how they weren’t really in love). Honestly, idc about Melissa enough to care who she’s with, but I don’t agree she should be with the sheriff.
-Melissa is the bestest. Again, I don’t like her. Maybe bc I don’t like Scott very much, but Melissa is just kind of a bitch imo. She grates on me, esp around s3. But I also don’t think she’s a very good mother. But I don’t have a great reason/explanation for why I don’t like her. I just don’t.
-The camaro/jacket are Laura’s. Why? Like why is that a fandom thing, esp the Camaro? Why would she leave it? Why would Derek then drive it when she flew? It doesn’t make any sense. Plus, I prefer the Camaro to be Derek’s. The jacket I like being his father’s, not hers.
-Single dad!Derek can’t take care of his kids. I hate that trope/head canon. It pops up a lot in single dad!Derek fics. Laura is better at raising the kids, Derek can’t do anything with them without his family’s help, or even Stiles can handle them better. Um…no? I think Derek would make a great father. Sure, he’d make mistakes, but I hate it when Laura/Talia/Cora/Lydia/Scott/Stiles/Erica/etc know better about his kids than he does.
-Fail wolf!Derek - this is an older headcanon, I think, but I sometimes still see it around in fic. It ties in with the above idea. That concept that Derek can’t do anything right or others know better than him. Obviously, I’m biased bc I love Derek and he’s my favorite character on the show, and I like when his faults and flaws are explored, but he’s not a fail wolf. I don’t even think s2 was failwolf!Derek. He’s capable, brave, smart, resourceful, loyal, determined…these are not qualities that make him a fail wolf or unable to lead his pack, raise his kids, etc. He makes a lot of mistakes and bad decisions, but so does everyone else on that show, and he was trying to survive and do what was right, just not always in the best way. I’ve seen metas and fics dealing with this. I don’t like it when Stiles comes in and “fixes” the pack for Derek. Idk that just bugs me a lot.
-Scott and Stiles are BFF5EVAH!!!1!@@22!!21!! Don’t buy it. Even based on the show. Scott doesn’t really act like a BFF to Stiles unless it’s convenient for him. He blows off Stiles for girls (Allison and Kira, um who looked for Stiles for 2 days while Scott was romancing Kira? Derek and Chris), and yeah, they have their moments the show writes in there, like in the hospital in 3b or in motel california, but they just don’t fit with the rest of the show. Maybe it’s inconsistent writing, but I think it’s just that the friendship is not written as strongly as they want to pretend it is. S5, when Scott believed Theo over Stiles with the Donovan stuff? W.T.F. Just…that was the last straw for me. I don’t buy their eternal broship “the real romance is Scott and Stiles” bullshit. Maybe you want it to be, but that’s not how I viewed it when watching bc I don’t think that’s how it was written. I think they care about one another, but they obviously are very different, Scott shows he doesn’t care about Stiles, and they drift apart through the seasons.
- anyone calling Derek “Der”, especially when he hates it. I hate the nickname Der. Hate it.
That’s all I can think of right now. I want to talk about Lydia and Erica, but I have a separate ask for that, so I’ll do that there.
 So…yeah. *hides from stones*
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