arrthurpendragon · 1 year
It's so hard to choose with such a lovely community of humans. So here's my list: @arrthurpendragon - you're amazing! The things you do for the OC community are greatly appreciated! And you're a wonderful OC creator yourself! Your stories are so amazing and your OCs so well fleshed out!
@munstysmind - enabler in chief! Always there when I need ya. You're one of my favouritest humans. And your fics are *chefs kiss*. You angst like nobody's business. Now get me my Steve/Reader done, pls.
@darsynia - Amazing fic! And a great friend. Thanks for being there when I needed you!
@starryeyes2000 - What can I even say? A good friend, an amazing writer, and always there when needed :) Thank you for all the help you've given me with my fics.
@residentdormouse - You're the awesomest awesome. A great writer (lol, that 404 line still makes me laugh), loads of the memes. And always reblogging!
@mrsmungus - My Tiva shipper friend! Always look forward to reading your fics! And thank you for the reblogs and lovely comments.
@heresthefanfiction - Thank you so much for your kind words earlier! And right back at you - I love your Jurassic fics, they're so good! And the characters have so much depth!
@loonysama - my newest of friends and my GotG beta. And my enabler of fic exchanges, lol. Thank you! You've been amazing.
Oh, man...who am I forgetting. I know I'm forgetting people....
If I remember who I'm forgetting, I'll send another. I'm sorry! I have soup for brains today and need food. But I love all of my mutuals.
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bibaybe · 9 months
Hi, I’ve been sent by the oc creator bingo!
I was perusing your oc masterlist and fell in love with Bay Ackerman, so tell me everything and anything about them!
help its been literal months and i'm only just now answering this... embarrassed
masquerades as the child of triton until the mark of athena, when an ocean monster outs them as being poseidon's child. idk what kind of monster tho just yet
best friend is a shark they named seagull, nicknamed gully, after baby seagull got lost in the triton's palace and accidentally wandered into their wing, which was off limits except for specific people/animals
dead name is sally and hates it for a long time bc it's yet another reminder of what they are to poseidon
has a lot of bubbling resentment towards percy bc they know that they were even more of a mistake to poseidon - triton never hid anything from them after bay found out about their true parentage, mostly bc he didn't care enough to spare their feelings, so bay knows the whole story - even about poseidon offering to build a castle for sally and percy. they feel like their the jacked up replacement for the true family poseidon wanted, especially when poseidon never tries to get close to them
spends most nights sleeping under the stars, especially when they're on the argo 2. they spent almost all of their life trapped in one wing of a castle - they crave being outside and in wider spaces. they're rarely ever in their cabin
leo and bay are the epitome of 'he fell first, they fell harder'. leo is into bay from the moment they meet, but bay is so busy learning about the surface world and learning how socializing with people other than their family works, they don't even really notice themselves falling for leo until probably the house of hades? but then it hits
struggles with fighting above water a lot for most of the first book - they've been training under the ocean and knows how to use a dagger better than most, but fighting under water is different than fighting above the surface and they have to learn how to readjust to the differences
has a rough relationship with triton - poseidon forced triton to send his daughter, evangeline, away so bay would be his child to the outside world, in case rumors ever started. triton sent her to chb to make sure she would be safe, but held it against bay since he couldn't take it out on his father
aaaah i can't think of anything else atm but feel free to send specific questions!! much better with specific questions lmao
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Hello, I've been sent by the OC Creator Bingo! I am admittedly late, but better late than never!
We don't really have any fandoms in common, but we're not gonna let that stop us.
Which OC is your favorite and why?
If you had to write an AU for your ocs (Coffee shop AU, Western AU, etc), what would it be and why?
What is your favorite fandom to write for and why?
Which one of your fics is your favorite and why?
-@heresthefanfiction / @peopleofthewing
Hi! It's okay. There could be any number of reasons that you are late and they are all valid. Not having fandoms in common will definitely not stop us.
Julie is probably my favorite. She is my first fully realized OC and the first one that I wrote.
My OCs are already in AUs. But for Alyssa, one AU that I've toyed with is Jimmy getting to raise his little girl. Alyssa would actually get to be the daddy's girl that she is at her core and would probably have healthier and happier relationships with her mother, other adults in her life, and her brothers.
Well, so far, I've only written for one fandom - The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai. I'm trying to get into writing the Harry Potter fandom with a crossover AU fic and then a straight AU fic solely for that fandom. So, I guess my answer has to be The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai, even if the experience hasn't always been easy. I got into writing fanfiction because of some of the friends I made in this fandom. Although, with Harry Potter, since it's been around a while and is so big, no one really cares what you write and if they do, it seems easier to curate your experience.
Is This Love? because it was the first story that I ever seriously started writing. I started writing it after a dream and dare to write. It made me love a canon supporting character (and his actor) even more as I crafted his character and my story. My story was one of the first Jimmy-centric stories in the fandom. And most of my stories continue to center around him. I wanted Jimmy to have a romance. Julie and Jimmy are so much fun to write about and are constantly in my head.
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ocappreciation · 8 months
@bi-ologistofthehills - you won yesterday's "competition" for appearing the most in our notifications from yesterday! You win a promo from us!!!!
Go check out their oc blog @heresthefanfiction
They have some OC fanfictions available for:
Top Gun Maverick
Jurassic Park/World
The Silmarillion
Star Wars
Check them out on AO3
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purpleyearning · 2 years
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ALIVERSE’S 20TH BIRTHDAY GIFT EXCHANGE ↳ 🎁 for @heresthefanfiction
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Looking at OCs, I’d be interested to see about Grace and Hope; Hope is my Oliver’s sister OC, so seeing her befriend Grace and tease her brother about things would be wonderful I think. Also, her being the fun aunt for the kids would be a lot of fun.
I know we have Iva and Isadora, but I’m also thinking of Robin Parker and Kate. I feel like they both worry a lot about their loved one who is a hero and do what they can to help.
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astarionbae · 25 days
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Kadari Calrissian is the daughter of former Stormtrooper Freya Calrissian and the late Resistance pilot Wyatt Cloudgust, the maternal granddaughter of Lando Calrissian. The girl was named after the birthname of her mother's that the First Order eventually swiped away from memory before renaming her FY-4201. Taking part in the Resistance, Kadari helps repair ships, droids, and technology such as the bases' central power grid. Her mother Freya taught her how to fight and shoot while her grandfather Lando taught her how to pilot and create gadgets. Skilled as a technician belonging to the small group known as "The Technos", she went under the guise as Dauntless Bela, or just Bela for short. Developing a name for herself, many Resistance fighters recommended stopping by personally to gain her help. Because of this, Kadari was eventually recruited for help by fellow friend Jace Volanardo to help restore his new found vessel he called Honor to its glory days. Doing this favor earned her a place in the Honor Crew alongside Jace, Ender Solo, and Adelpha Nox as the freighter's technician and engineer.
star wars mutuals: @starcrossedjedis, @reyofluke-ocs, @come-along-pond, @margoshansons, @lucys-chen, @mmmayflower2016, @curious-kittens-ocs, @squirrelstone
taglist: @jewishbarbies, @maddyperiez, @aliverse, @reysfinn, @fandomqueenlove, @bravelittleflower, @kiara-carrera, @susiesamurai, @witchofinterest, @heresthefanfiction, @zoyazenik, @dyhlanobrien, @eddiemunscns, @bisexualterror, @waterloou, @claryxjackson, @dreamerwithapen1, @foxesandmagic, @harleyquinnzelz, @anotherunreadblog, @kendelias, @phoebestarks, @anqelwiithhxrns, @the-multifandommess-blog, @bobfloydsbabe, @decennia, @enchanted--roses, @arrthurpendragon, @endless-oc-creations, @faerieroyal, @daughter-of-melpomene, @seize-the-droid, @hiddenqveendom, @reggiepetersstan
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wordspin-shares · 5 months
Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you so much for the tag, @heresthefanfiction! <3
From the draft of a future chapter of my TVD fic From the Sidelines:
“No-one’s perfect.” Elena stepped closer. “I made my choice, Damon.” He swirled the bourbon in his glass. “Everyone wants to feel safe, deserves to be the best they can be, nothing less. You’ve helped make me a better person, but I don’t make you one. I make you darker.”
Tagging: @thecharmedburrowspn-files, @moustache-bonnet, @darknightfrombeyond, @asirensrage, @darthnell, @foxesandmagic, @cecexwrites, @mariedemedicis, @bisexualterror, @anqelwiithhxrns, @arrthurpendragon, @residentdormouse, @mabonetsamhain, @bluebell-winter, @theblueelfling, @bobfloydsbabe, and anyone who wants to join!
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lizisshortforlizard · 8 months
Living Dangerously - Chapter 29
Jurassic Park’s animal handlers: none of them ever mentioned by name in Michael Crichton’s original novel. Who were they? What were their lives like on Isla Nublar? Did any of them survive the disaster?
A year in the life of those responsible for the care of the dinosaurs. Many people would kill to have their jobs.
But would they die for it?
Jurassic Park novel/Jurassic Park film (1993)
Viewpoint: 3rd person female oc
Warnings: ready to have your heart ripped out?
Tagging: @heresthefanfiction @ocappreciation @wordspin-shares @howlingmadlady @arrthurpendragon @themaradwrites @starryeyes2000 @kmc1989 (please lmk if you would like informed of my sporadic updates)
Read on Ao3
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Chapter 28 | Chapter 30
Living After Midnight - Judas Priest
Over the constant hum and buzz of the jungle darkness, never completely silent, Lizzy’s laughter was ringing through the trees, ricocheting around the clearing next to the Rex paddock. 
She had a filthy laugh that Muldoon hadn’t heard before. At hundred per cent volume, totally out of control, with her head thrown all the way back.  It was bloody glorious. 
And he would be attempting to make her do it again, as soon as possible. 
I’ll have more of that please. 
“Christ Almighty-“ Lizzy wiped her streaming eyes. “-that’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. Well done.” She started cackling breathlessly again, clutching her stomach.
“If I wasn’t awake before that, I certainly was afterwards.”
“I’ll bet.” She wriggled uncomfortably, her ribs were seriously aching. “That was a good one. Got any more?”
“More than we’ve likely got time for.”
The campfire was finally dying. They’d been out in the park for hours, it had to be almost midnight. 
He built me a campfire. Lizzy was practically vibrating with contentment. Not that she couldn’t build her own fire, of course she could, but that wasn’t the point. The gesture was the point, and the fact he had agreed to an open flame amongst trees in the first place. 
Just this once. While there’s nobody here. Those were his exact words. 
Breaking the rules. 
Just this once. 
“We’ve got all the time in the world.” She insisted. “You really should write these down, you know.”
“Maybe someday. If I ever manage to retire. In fact-“ he was struck by an idea. “-you’re a decent writer.”
“Planning on keeping me around that long?”
“I’d like to think so. You have your uses.”
“I’ll take that.” Lizzy worked hard to keep her voice even after the compliment. “But you’d need plenty of photos, or drawings. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always preferred books with pictures.”
Her tone had just enough suggestion for Muldoon to wonder if Baker, despite her promises, had let slip about his own artistic capabilities.
He quickly moved the conversation along before she had too long to dwell on the thought. “You must have a few stories of your own by now?”
Lizzy did indeed have a good one she hadn’t yet shared. Through instinct, she looked around the clearing for eavesdroppers, although they had to be the only two humans for miles and miles, a vast stretch of ocean separating them from the nearest civilisation.  
“On the topic of photographs…I never told anyone outside of the research station because I didn’t want to embarrass Simon.” She rolled her eyes. “Doesn’t matter now, and it’s not like you two will ever meet anyway.”
“Go on.” He caught his grimace just in time at the mention of the ex-fiancé’s name. 
“The first time he came to visit me in Namibia, he was a little, uh-…condescending to the locals in our team-“
Muldoon was familiar with what the swift response from said locals would be, rich white clients tended to all behave in a similar way. It was expected. But that was a whole other collection of tales for the fireside. “I’ll bet that was swiftly resolved.”
“They had some fun with him first. Simon was parading his new Polaroid camera around giving it “magic picture” this and that. I was mortified.”
“He hasn’t travelled much outside the States.” Lizzy explained. “Or, in fact, outside the state of New York. Anyway, one of my team, proceeds to tell Simon, translated by yours truly, that she prefers the resolution on the Nikon 35mm and also that she had the equipment handy to help Simon clean his dirty lens.”
Muldoon smiled grimly. “You laughed too, I imagine?”
He wondered if it had been as good as the ridiculous laugh he had recently become acquainted with. 
Lizzy had indeed tried and miserably failed to keep a straight face at her partners come-uppance. “I couldn’t help it!”
She recalled the memory. Simon’s face had been hot and red, mortally embarrassed, and he’d stormed off by himself into the long grass. 
A terrible, possibly fatal response. 
Once she’d caught up to him with a shotgun slung over her shoulder, she’d had to sweet-talk him into returning to camp before he stumbled across a big cat, buffalo or even a snake who would really give him something to be upset about.
That hadn’t improved his temper at all, but he had been downright foolish of him to just wander off like he was taking a stroll in Central bloody Park!
Why’d you laugh at me? Are all your friends like this? Do we really have to stay out here with them? What’s wrong with Windhoek?
Windhoek, really? They’re just messing with you!  It’s fine! 
Not fine, Liz! They should apologise!
You’re the one who should apologise! Pembe is the best guide we have and you were damn rude-
And so on. One of many disagreements, and they seemed to be increasing in frequency. 
“Yeah, he didn’t see the funny side at all.” She sniffed. “Was never that great at laughing at himself. Bless him.”  “You need to have a fantastic sense of humour-“ Muldoon’s voice was as dry as if he were telling Lizzy her shoelace was untied. “-to work with things that regularly try to make your life insurance policy pay out before time.”
“Good thing you’re so in tune with your emotions then, eh?” The comment earned her nothing more than a derisive glance as he lowered his slouch hat over his face, and she chuckled again. 
Maybe it was the Towel Incident, or the disastrous cooking attempt that had followed, but the ice was well and truly broken. No going back now. Lizzy felt the most like herself since the breakup. It was so easy, talking to him like this. She was happy. 
They were on opposite sides of the campfire, Lizzy scooched a fraction closer on her blanket so she could see him better through the heat haze. 
Muldoon was on the ground too, stretched out on a blanket of his own. Lizzy wasn’t sure how he seemed to look even taller lying down. She shook her head, trying to chase away the thought of how she’d measure up. 
Lizzy watched him for a long time, thinking to herself in comfortable silence, before speaking again. 
“Tell me about her.”
He’d answered instantly. Of course he was awake under the hat, alert. As always.
“Your wife.” She answered quietly. 
Muldoon hmm-ed for a long moment, Lizzy waiting as patiently as she was able, trying her hardest not to fidget. 
Just when she thought there was no way he was ever going to answer her in this lifetime, he did. 
“You’re not unlike her. Your attitude is-“ Damn. Did it again. He corrected. “-was very similar.”
“You can say ‘is’.” Lizzy told him gently. “Nobody here but me.”
“She cooked much better than you can.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” Lizzy muttered. “But, in my defence, I didn’t know food could be any other colour than beige until I left school.” Shuffling where she sat, her legs starting to get pins and needles. “She pretty?”
“Wow.” She grinned. “Lucky you.”
“A lot taller than you.” Muldoon added. “Honour is likely going to hit six foot once she’s in high school.”
“Our daughter.”
“Ah.” It occurred to Lizzy he’d never told her the name of his child before. Or ever used the prefix ‘our’. Always mine. Always my responsibility from now on. No more our. 
It felt like he was divulging a massive secret. Honour. Lizzy rolled it around in her brain. Not a name she would ever have imagined him going for, but she liked it. Rather a lot.
He took the hat from his eyes and looked her up and down. “She’s almost your height already, in fact. Although that wouldn’t be difficult.”
“The diet of beige is to blame. Unfortunately, I’m stunted.”  Not where it counts Muldoon thought. There was a reason he liked walking behind along Dr Armstrong where he could get away with it. The view was spectacular.
He tried very hard to get her quite frankly unfair side profile out of his head before he answered. “We’ll pretend the smoking habit had nothing to do with it, then. Honestly, the pair of you would have gotten along.” It was the truth. His wife, too, loved elephants and had a downright filthy laugh.
“Did Jeff know her?” Lizzy asked, hoping the answer was yes. 
“They were lethal together.”
“Dr Blacklaw has quite excellent taste in women, what can I say?” She made a show of tossing her hair back.  Muldoon found himself wondering if their paths had crossed sooner and he had met Armstrong in Africa, how would he have felt about her? How would she have felt about him? 
Life might have been very different. Maybe he would have turned down the offer from InGen, gone to India instead. He wouldn’t have to be so careful about what he said or did all the time. 
At least the other chap was out of the picture now. Matters were a damn sight better than when she first arrived with that rock on her finger, like a shameless beacon, flashing I’m taken every time the sun caught it at the right angle: You haven’t got a hope in Hell. 
Maybe the universe was capable of working things out for itself, even if it had put him through the metaphorical wringer to get to this point. 
“Has there-…” Lizzy was so relaxed she had forgotten herself, who she worked for, and all her manners. As the question was tumbling from her mouth she realised how inappropriate it was. They were good friends, sure, but working friendships always had their limits.
She was about to cross a very dangerous line. 
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Less of that. It clearly does, or you wouldn’t have said it.”
In a rare occasion, she seemed lost for words.
”Nobody here but me.” He quoted her own words back to her.
“I…don’t know if you’ll like it.” She fumbled. “I was just curious. Nosy. I was being nosy, alright? Sorry.”
“Try me.”
Lizzy knew that tone. I dare you. If you’re brave enough. Deep breath.
“Has there been…anyone since?”
I double dare you.
There followed a very long pause during which Lizzy thought don’t ask why, do not ask why. 
She couldn’t be the only person on the planet who could see the appeal. More-so now that he’d stopped drinking, Lizzy had an even harder time keeping her thoughts in check. He was looking damn fine recently. 
“Eight years is a long time!” Lizzy sighed and wrung her hands. “And I told you that you wouldn’t like it! Don’t answer. No need.”
“It’s alright.”
Muldoon was in fact very interested to see where this particular conversation was headed.
They could have been back in Kenya, with the campfire and animal calls, though of a different era, still familiar in their nature, all around them. 
If there’s a right time, it’s probably now.
“Nobody significant.” He answered. One or two that didn’t work out. Three or four that had just been stress relief. Nobody that he felt deserved any more of his time or his life, or his daughter’s. Until Armstrong had landed on the island with a bang and instantly began rearranging the natural order, and damn her, questioning the where-why-how of everybloodything. 
Lizzy meanwhile, was wishing she had never brought the subject up. 
And she knew the reason. Not because it was awkward to talk about, strangely enough it wasn’t awkward in the slightest. His answer had been as casual as if she had asked him what the time was, or what the weather was likely to do tomorrow. But the answer she had most wanted to hear, been hoping to hear, no, nobody at all, was way too much to wish for. 
She’d been correct. Eight years was a long time.
Or maybe Lizzy was just a little peeved he’d probably done better in the last eight years being out of a relationship than she had done  being in one until very recently. 
She had to admit the first two years with Simon had been a lot of fun. After that it became less about fun, and more about we’re in the same country, so we’d better do something about it. God, I’m so tired. Are you tired? C’mon, we gotta. At least once. I love you. So tired.
“Anything else in this particular line of questioning, while we’re at it?” He actually sounded amused.
“When…-“ Lizzy started then ground to a halt again. Way too inappropriate.
She just wanted to die there and then.
“Doesn’t matter.” She frowned and deliberately looked away. “Forget it.”
“Were you about to ask ‘when was the last time’?” Muldoon smirked. He knew he was on the money. And seeing the normally confident and bolshy ethologist becoming a little flustered was delightful. “Getting rather personal there, Armstrong.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” She stammered. “None of my business.”
“I honestly don’t mind.” This could work both ways. “We’re adults. I will if you will.”
Curiosity was burning Lizzy’s insides so much that it was manifesting as stomach ache. She had gotten herself into this mess, may as well keep going. She nodded, ignoring  Kathy’s voice in her head warning you’re gonna get in troooouble…
“Remember when the dilophosaur did a number on you? I was away at the time?”
“Huh. So when you said you had a good trip, you meant you had a good trip. I see.” She played with the belt loops on her jeans, reluctant to deliver her side of the deal. 
Muldoon cleared his throat. “Forgetting something, missus?”
“I’ve changed my mind. I don’t like this game.” Lizzy grumbled, only because she was losing. 
“Then don’t give what you can’t take. I’ll have to make a wild guess if you don’t want to say out loud.”
Lizzy mumbled something that he took as affirmative.
“Let’s see, then.” She was shifty-eyed and squirming. Brilliant. “ Didn’t you stop off in the States with your man before you came over here?”
“Well, yeah-“ Lizzy forced herself to get over her self-consciouness. She still had the Spanish dictionary somewhere in her room in the lodge. Regrettably, the only thing Simon had given her before she boarded her flight to Costa Rica. “But if that’s your guess, you’re dead wrong.”
Muldoon looked at her in disbelief. He had so many questions.  What the Hell had the man been playing at?! It was like he wanted to lose her.
“This year at least?” 
“Yes, if you absolutely must know!” Lizzy knew the exact Pantone shade of scarlet she was turning, far beyond pretending it was from the heat of the campfire. “April was a very good month, okay?”
April?! It’s nearly bloody next year now…
Her short temper now seemed incredibly explainable.
”I can hear you thinking.” Lizzy said grumpily, still not looking directly at him. “Not quite the answer you were expecting from someone like me, eh?”
“If that’s true, I can’t help but feel most of your bad moods have a fairly easy fix.”
“Not so easy on a tiny island, where people talk. Our favourite engineer being the main culprit.” She grinned at him. “Or I could follow your example and finally have a good reason to go back to the mainland.”
He didn’t want her to do that at all, actually, but he grudgingly agreed.
She was lying on her side, propped up on an elbow. The size of her waist in comparison to her hips was unreal. Nothing wrong with her khaki shorts, but those damn jeans were doing her some incredible favours.
Lizzy couldn’t stop, though she was wary of feeling upset from finding out more things she didn’t really want to hear. “So, do you really like this person on the mainland?” 
Muldoon chose his words carefully. ”There is someone I’m keen on, yes.”
What the-
“Oh. Yeah, great. Good for you.” It came out more sarcastic than she intended. 
Muldoon nearly laughed. Armstrong wasn’t following him. 
”You know, it’s alright to be jealous.” He couldn’t resist toying with her.
Lizzy’s reaction was explosive. 
”I’m not-“ She practically back snarled at him. “Hm. I’m not jealous!”
Very convincing thought Muldoon. 
No, not jealous. She was fuming. Someone else?! Why was he telling her that? Lizzy really thought he liked her, and now he was interested in someone else? 
”Armstrong…” Please get there faster. I’m not ready to say it yet. 
Boy, did she feel silly when she realised Muldoon was talking about her.
She was the one he was interested in. 
”This person-“ Lizzy was finally on the same wavelength, much to the relief of both of them . “-I’m not sure she’s good enough for you.” 
“Oh, really?”  “I have some questions. Just to be certain.” The delighted grin was threatening to burst forth. She forced a neutral expression.
Keep it together.
“First question: is she pretty?”
“She’s a clever girl, yes.”
“Meek and feeble?”
“Not even a bit. And you know fine that’s not what I would want.” Muldoon gave her that look she knew oh-so-well. “You’re pushing your luck, by the way.”
Lizzy laughed again, the real, uncontrollable laugh, and he finally smiled.
New Year’s Eve, or Hogmanay as she better knew it, had always been more magical than Christmas. No matter how bad things got, the moment the clock struck midnight had the promise of a new beginning, a fresh start. A chance to do better this time around. 
But she knew exactly what would happen this year on Nublar. The spell would break. They would go back to the visitor centre, back to work, and in a few days it would be as if this night had never even happened.
She needed to do something. Before it all ended.
“You alright in there?” He had noticed her smile fading. 
”Fine. Just thinking.”
Muldoon scoffed. 
“I know well enough that fine, very rarely means fine. Especially when it’s coming from you, my girl.” He stared her down. “What’s the matter?”
“It’s just…not fair.” Lizzy became aware she was whining, and hated herself for it.
She didn’t need to elaborate. He knew exactly what she meant. “I agree.”
Why couldn’t we have just met in Africa? 
”I don’t want to go back. Not yet.”
“Neither do I, but we have to, at some point.”
“Why, though?”  Muldoon hesitated, trying to word it as diplomatically as he could, to avoid upsetting her.
“Because there are rules that can’t be broken, and ultimately I’m responsible for your safety.” Damn this whole situation. “That is what it all comes down to.”
“Okay.” She reluctantly agreed. “Let’s go, I suppose.”
It’s not okay, it’s not okay at all.  A part of her had desperately hoped something would happen that night. Conditions were otherwise perfect. They’d likely never have a chance like this again for a long time. 
But it wasn’t meant to be.
She had an idea. 
“Fire’s still going.” Lizzy stated flatly. “I’ll sort it out.”   The ground was too hard to kick dirt over it. But she knew Muldoon kept a couple of metal jerry cans in the back of his Jeep. Not InGen protocol, just old habits. 
One was water, one was gas. Labelled of course, but it was pitch black apart from the glowing embers nearby.
Don’t want to get these two mixed up. 
She unscrewed the lid of the first container and got a noseful of fumes. Then checked the second, and bingo, slightly stale water that smelled like the colour green. But it was much heavier than she anticipated, almost full. 
“Ooyah! Son of a bitch!” She’d tried to lift, lost grip, and somehow managed to trap her finger between the two cans with a bang. 
“Everything alright back there?”
“It’s fine, under control!” Lizzy struggled to free herself, cursing under her breath at her own clumsiness. Idiot. “Shitshitshit, come on!”
She eventually succeeded, dousing the remains of the fire with a quiet sizzle and a faint wisp of smoke.
Muldoon hadn’t started the Jeep yet, waiting for her, there wasn’t any light at all in the clearing.  She put the can in its place, then hung back by the tailgate, quiet and still. 
And in three…two…one…
Muldoon didn’t take long to twig that something suspicious was afoot.
”Christ’s sake, Armstrong, don’t do it!” He sounded exasperated. “If you’re planning on playing hide and seek in the dark again, I’m not having it this time.”
She didn’t answer.
If he wasn’t into this, he’d just wait me out.
Lizzy was very quickly proven right.
“I know exactly where you are.” He kept up a stream of expletives in her general direction as he slammed the driver’s door. “I’ve being doing this for years. I’m very good at it.” 
Come get me, then.
Lizzy didn’t even hardly dare breathe, placing her palm over her mouth to stay quiet.  Silence. 
For just a beat too long. 
Hang on, where the Hell is he? 
Lizzy realised she possibly no longer had the upper hand.  A tiny, deliberate, shuffle of gravel under heavy boots right next to her, that made her jump and flatten her body against the taillights with a small thump.
He was close. Much closer than she thought. And she’d just given herself away. 
“Got you.” Muldoon was attempting to sound put out, but he’d enjoyed that, as much was evident in his voice, she could tell. “Too easy.”
”Fair and square, mister. So, what are we going to do next?”
”You’re going to get in the Jeep, and we’re going back to the lodge.”
Lizzy leaned against the rear bumper, making the metal creak underneath her. Just so he knew exactly where she was.
”See, I don’t really feel like getting back in the Jeep right now, isn’t that a kicker?” She hoped the lip-bite was evident in how she coyly spoke. “What are you going to do about that?”
“I will pick you up.” Muldoon threatened. “Employee handbook be damned.” 
“If that’s the case, handbook out the window, then I think you should do more than just ‘pick me up.’” She mimicked. “I’d let you.”
“Lizzy.” Deep, exasperated sigh. “I am using your first name so you know how serious I am. Get in the Jeep.” 
She uttered the two words that she knew ahead of time would be the equivalent of a red rag to the park warden. 
“Make me.”
God, she could feel the annoyance radiating from him. He was bristling. 
But nothing could have prepared her for what happened next. 
Lizzy heard him tapping impatiently on the side panel of the Jeep, it felt like a countdown.
Should I be runni-?
“Right-“ He was fast.
She wasn’t fast enough. 
And really should have ran while she had the chance.
He was making good on his word that he would pick her up, willing or not, employee handbook, workplace code, the unspoken rules all thrown out of the window, never to be seen again. 
Muldoon went straight for her legs, grabbing handfuls of her through her jeans. Damn woman, she would get in the bloody car. 
Lizzy shrieked and flung out her arms, scrabbling for something, anything to grab onto, both hands found and gripped the sides of the Jeep tailgate. 
Muldoon was trying his best to pry her free while she barely clung on for dear life with her fingernails, not unlike a cat that was avoiding being stuffed into a cage and carted off to the veterinary surgery.
She felt the pressure on her legs ease, and thought he’d given up. She started to loosen her fingers on the cool metal. 
Then he found the backs of her knees with both hands, and pulled hard. But Lizzy wasn’t for letting go just yet. She still clung on for dear life like a very determined barnacle. 
“By Christ, you’re strong-“ There was a hint of desperation in Muldoon’s normally measured voice.
That did it.  Lizzy was gone then, she started laughing helplessly at the absurdity of what was happening, what events had led to this moment, and how ridiculous they must look.   She finally lost her grip all at once and slid ungracefully downwards with a thump, accepting defeat, still cackling.
Lizzy just knew Muldoon was shaking his head in exasperation at her in the dark, his accident-prone, walking disaster of an ethologist. 
“Sit up, you bloody lunatic.” But then her entire hand was grasped in his, pulling her upright into a sitting position. “For God’s sake, don’t bang your head. It might knock some sense into you, but I don’t fancy the paperwork.”
”It’s far too late for me.” Lizzy tried to catch her breath. “Would need to be one Hell of a bang.”
Realising the connotations too late, she snorted and muttered sorry as she tried to reason with her hair, patting it back into a more respectable shape.  
She felt two fingers under her chin, tilting her face upwards and she tensed, her breath caught in her throat.  “What am I going to do with you, Lizzy?”
The question was absolutely loaded.
”Anything you like.” She impulsively answered in a low voice.
She was euphoric, riding the high that had been building since the moment she stepped down out of the Jeep into the clearing, and honestly she just didn’t care any longer. 
They would never be alone again after New Year’s Eve. 
This was it. Her only chance for God knew how long. 
She had it bad, so bad for him. And she couldn’t really remember just then why this was such a terrible idea in the first place. Something about those damn rules…
Eh, never been one for the rules anyway.  Lizzy craned her neck upwards, stretching as far as she possibly could, relying on her intuition alone in the dark. 
She found what she was searching for and after a last moment of hesitation, she finally did it. She kissed him.  
He pulled away slightly, unsure. Lizzy felt sick that she’d misjudged horribly, and was starting to seriously panic with how she could possibly play this one off.
But she could have cried with relief when he apparently got over the surprise and began kissing her in return, leaning into her. Responding to her. 
It felt so right, so bizarrely normal, that Lizzy found herself briefly wondering why they hadn’t been doing this the whole damn time they’d known each other. 
Slow and hesitant at first. Then something simultaneously clicked for the both of them, and it turned into an altogether different experience. Urgent, messy, not at all careful, not what Lizzy was used to at all.
Lizzy feared the lamps would click on and flood the clearing with light at any second. Like they had to hurry before they were caught, as if John Hammond himself might pop out of the bushes, brandishing his cane, gotcha!
But it didn’t matter. This was what she’d needed. She hadn’t realised how much she needed it, that she wanted this so badly. For far longer than the past few months of living in Costa Rica.
She realised she didn’t mind so much anymore if she banged her head on the floor of Jeep. Repeatedly. In fact, at this moment in time she’d be glad of it. They might not make it back to the lodge. 
But as quickly as had happened, it was over. Fate had very different ideas for how the night would progress. 
He pushed a little too hard into her hips, and oh God it’s happening, forcing her backwards against the bed of the Jeep as Lizzy let her legs relax and fall further apart. It was evidently far too much for the built-in motion sensor, and the alarm in the vehicle began blaring like a police siren at ear-splitting volume, all lights flashing in unison. The Rex snorted and roared unhappily at the disturbance from the other side of the fence, only adding to the din.  The noise had the same effect as if someone had poured a bucket of ice cold water over them. 
“Shit-“ Lizzy shot upright, pulling away and covered her ears while Muldoon fumbled for the Jeep keys to stop the racket. 
Then silence. Deafening, smothering silence. Even the Rex was quiet. A single hadrosaur trumpeted in the distance.
She waited, unsure what to do next, she couldn’t read his expression in the dark, but he felt off. Something was badly wrong. 
“I’m taking you back now.” Muldoon said tersely. “I would really appreciate it if you just do what I ask this time.”
”Okay.” She knew better than to argue.
“That was out of order.” He continued icily. “That cannot happen again.” 
“Got it. Sorry.” Lizzy felt the heat rising in her cheeks. Goddamn embarrassment, flooding every cell. I can’t believe this. I’ve blown it. “I’m really sorry.” 
He didn’t respond as she shuffled into the passenger side and quietly buckled her seatbelt. He wouldn’t even look at her. She tried again, one last attempt. 
I’m using your first name so you know how serious I am. 
”Robert, I’m really sorry.”
Please believe me.
Please answer me.
She‘d never used his name before, ever. This wasn’t the pleading circumstances she wanted to use it for the first time. Not at all. 
Her efforts didn’t work. 
”Don’t do that.” Muldoon replied flatly, starting the engine while staring straight ahead. “We’ll deal with this in the morning.” 
Lizzy’s heart plummeted, her chest constricting, aching with that too familiar pain all over again.
Her stomach was flipping back and forth in sheer panic for the entire silent-and-not-in-a-good-way journey back to the lodge. 
She didn’t even bother trying for a goodnight as they parted ways to their own rooms. Neither of them did.  I’ve really done it this time.
Months of building a rapport, gone in an instant because of one false judgement. And what if he told Jeff what she’d done? What if anyone on the island, at InGen, found out what she’d done?
The rumours that had been swirling around would finally be true. There were names Lizzy would be called that she couldn’t just brush off anymore. Nobody would take her, or her work, seriously ever again. She’d be an outcast.
All terrible things. But worst of all was Muldoon refusing to acknowledge her. That was the reason she was trying her damnedest not to cry.  Stupid. Stupid, stupid idiot! 
It had turned out to be too much too soon. Maybe too much ever.
Why do I always do this? Why do I always ruin everything? 
Thanks for reading!
If a particular anecdote sounds familiar, I mayyyyy have drawn some inspiration from George of the Jungle (this is very important for later 🎶)
The story I envisioned Muldoon telling Lizzy is along the lines of Peter Capstick’s black mamba in the latrine story from Death in the Long Grass. If you want some idea of just how funny it is, I’ve read it multiple times and know what’s coming almost verbatim. I still laugh every time I read it.
And hearing Muldoon calmly recount one of the many times he’s almost checked out early would be, I imagine, quite hilarious.
I can’t believe I finally got to post this chapter. It’s been here since the very first draft, it’s quite special to me as New Year, or Hogmanay as we call it, is a much bigger deal in Scotland. A very important tradition is the first foot, which is supposed to bring you good fortune for the year ahead.
…I guess they did it wrong.
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arrthurpendragon · 7 months
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If you submitted a fic, take a look at the list and send me 5 fics you would be interested in reading.  
You only have to read 3, but this is me trying to make sure you still get a fic you like if one of them fills up before I get to your choices.  
Wait until you hear back from me with your 3 fics before you start reading.
I will then fill in your username on this doc under the fic for you. This is to ensure that every fic gets some love.
You will then have until Jan. 31, 2024, to read 5 chapters from each fic and leave each fic 5 meaningful comments.
I would greatly appreciate it if you also messaged me after each comment you leave and I’ll mark it using checkmarks after your name on the doc.
If you submitted less than 3 fics, you may message me to add another fic to this list, I just can’t guarantee that it will get reviewed.
. . . didn't submit any fics, but still want to read? Send me an ask with your choices!
. . . seeing how much fun this can be? You can still enter HERE (until the end of December)
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bibaybe · 1 year
Follow up, because Bay is so cool:
• What does Bay fear the most?
• What will Bay do once they actually find Percy?
• What is Bay and Percy’s relationship like?
answering this one now bc if i wait until i feel like rambling, your asks will lie in wait for a lil bit lmao.
• What does Bay fear the most?
being alone forever. sure, they had their dad and triton, but triton has made it clear he wishes that he didn't get relegated to parent duty and the two of them have a strained relationship. and neptune tends to keep them at arms reach, preferring to be poseidon most of the time and keeping bay away to keep from switching between neptune and poseidon. bay doesn't actually know his reasoning though and believes that it's solely because he wishes that it was percy and sally with him, not bay. which, ngl, is kind of right. so ultimately, they're terrified of never being able to really connect with anyone - never have friends, never have someone who wants them around, never find someone to love. their fear of being alone is a big reason as to way they choose to brave the surface, along with their daddy issues
• What will Bay do once they actually find Percy?
at first, they believe they'll be called back home after they find percy. but once they don't, bay decides to stay with the group on the argo 2, even if they aren't destined to be there. they've started to make friends with the lost trio and honestly, they're curious about what makes percy jackson so much better then themselves to their dad.
• What is Bay and Percy’s relationship like?
strained, most of the time. bay is kind of standoffish, given they're still lying about being triton's kid and doesn't want to risk slipping up. but percy is really interested in getting to know his new cousin and learning more about what it was like being raised under the sea. they both have some resentment towards each other, due to being jealous about how the other was raised, though percy is better at keeping it in control. things get even more messy after everyone finds out they've been lying about their dad the entire time, but ultimately, by the end of the series they've called a truce and are dedicated to getting to know each other better.
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starryeyes2000 · 2 years
Creator's Club
Any interest in forming a creator’s club open to all writers, artists, and readers? Sort of like a book club where each week, or every two weeks, we highlight a member on each of our blogs. A way of supporting others without adding too much to already overcrowded schedules.
I’ll volunteer to organize and get it rolling if there is interest.
Feel free to tag more folks. The invitation is not limited to those tagged.
@arrthurpendragon @bardic-tales @karimac @darknightfrombeyond @chickensarentcheap @smurphyse @themaradaniels @mytardisisparked @booty-boggins @heresthefanfiction @megandaisy9 @asirensrage @resowrites
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emilykaldwen · 7 months
I am actually obsessed with all the reviews you’re leaving!!!
Oh! I'm so glad! Yours was the shorter one out of the three I picked and it had been awhile since I'd read a Narnia story, so I at least wanted to start it off tonight when I had some free time!! You have such a cool and fun concept!
I read 'East' by heresthefanfication, a 'Pevensies survive the train crash' AU! They have a series for this and everything! You can check it out on AO3 :D
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daughter-of-melpomene · 3 months
I feel like I’ve almost missed all the Narnia OC stuff happening, and that is a crime, so please give me a crash course on your OCs!
Oh, yes, of course!! I noticed that you already liked my infodump post about Tamlin, so that’s all there is to know about her so far, and as for the other three, here’s a post where I’ve given the rundown on all of their information!! I hope you enjoy my babies and all there is to know about them, and thanks a bunch for asking!! <3
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 year
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Arnafinwe Nárefinda Silmíre OR Sílamîr Feanoriel
Made for @heresthefanfiction for OC Creator Bingo. Hope you like it!
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astarionbae · 1 month
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Sixteen years after the defeat and fall of the Sith Eternal and First Order Nova Palpatine and Ben Solo, along with Jedi Rey and Finn, have began teaching the newest generation of force users. Ender Solo, daughter of Nova and Ben, struggles to find herself and a balance between the light and dark side. With her two best friends Jace and Phee, they set out to learn their place in the galaxy. But they soon discover that the Force is so much bigger than any creed and philosophy that's been written in history books.
taglist; @aliverse, @jewishbarbies, @maddyperiez, @asirensrage, @oneirataxia-girl, @squirrelstone, @lucys-chen, @reysfinn, @fandomqueenlove, @mmmayflower2016, @bravelittleflower, @kiara-carrera, @susiesamurai, @witchofinterestt, @heresthefanfiction, @margoshansons, @zoyazenik, @dyhlanobrien, @eddiemunscns, @bisexualterror, @waterloou, @claryxjackson, @dreamerwithapen1, @foxesandmagic, @harleyquinnzelz, @anotherunreadblog, @kendelias, @phoebestarks, @anqelwiithhxrns, @the-multifandommess-blog, @bobfloydsbabe, @decennia, @enchanted--roses, @arrthurpendragon, @reyofluke-ocs, @endless-oc-creations, @curious-kittens-ocs, @faerieroyal, @daughter-of-melpomene, @starcrossedjedis, @seize-the-droid, @hiddenqveendom, @reggiepetersstan
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