#;; ic update
castillon02 · 2 months
Jet Twimbly, head chef at the Six cafeteria, works frantically. A lot of agents are on their way home and they've hinted that the Big Snooze may be close to an end, which means...
They need to make the big adjustment from serving glucose bags and snacks to serving an international menu of delicious meals again!
Jet Twimbly is proud of working with the B Team. It's been a crazy month but it's been fun!
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pktearsoftazmily · 13 days
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A thunderstorm. A thunderstorm had to happen. Tonight. Fantastic. The flashes of light and loud sounds of the storm are enough to send Lucas hiding underneath the blankets in his room, not willing to get out until the storm passes. Until it does, Lucas is going to remain hidden, curtains drawn to keep out the lightning. Or, most of it, given he could still see flashes somewhat.
He's never been one for thunderstorms. It scared him so much, even as a child. Though, Lucas knows it'll pass, he just has to stay calm and wait for the storm to pass, then it'll all be over.
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The echidna is muddy, wet, and covered in bruises. She's been training all evening and definitively smells of fur and sweat.
But she isn't cold. In fact, she's burning up inside. Her feelings are coming back. Her soul is no longer screaming. She yearns for action.
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familylightfox · 30 days
His head was pounding after that last encounter.
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Volt grit his teeth and sat down in the grass of their backyard to hold his head. It felt as if his skull was trying to split itself apart. Claws gripped at his temples, eyes tightly closed as tears began to form. The scent of blood entered the air as his flesh gave under his claw's tight hold.
Like a war was waging inside his head, the deep gravely voice responding to his low whimpers of pain. As tightly as he could, Volt curled himself up as if it would ease the agony in his skull.
And then everything faded.
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reactivatedrockstar · 2 months
It was kind of a weird sentiment. Bonnie was seldom the type to be so vain that he felt the need to have all the attention on him. However, when the company, historically, had thrown an annual week-long birthday event for him in Bonnie Bunny's Birthday Bash, it was... strange to see zero mention of it.
Even more so when older patrons would ask about it, and employees would sweep it under the rug, as if the events of the past never happened.
He supposed it made sense. He wasn't an active character anym... right now. Since he hadn't been fixed yet, it didn't make sense to throw a party event for a character who couldn't publicly show up. It was completely understandable...
...and yet it still stung. He didn't understand why, but he knew it stung, like a pang to the part of his chest that didn't hurt. It didn't exactly feel great to be forgotten, least of all on the anniversary of the day he was very first activated.
...At least... he could find solace in knowing that his friends wouldn't forget. They probably had something planned for him once the Pizzaplex was closed, and all the guests were gone.
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stardusted-hearts · 1 year
┉┅╍─ ✨ ─╍┅┉
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What started out as a quick run through the forest had suddenly taken a dangerous turn for Sonic. At the very corner of his vision he saw the glint and shine of glitchy red cubes. It stopped him dead in his tracks as his heart jumped into his throat, quills and fur on end.
"No... no you're seeing things," Sonic tried to assure himself before shaking his head, but the visions kept popping up.
"I'm still in the cage." There was so much sadness in his voice.
"NO! I'm not- don't-" Hands clasped the side of his head, shutting his eyes tight.
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"I'm still in that damn cage, I never got out…" Star continued to mumble to himself repetitively as he opened his eyes again, but they were horribly distant.
Lost in his confusion he began wandering aimlessly, the hallucinations becoming stronger with every step. Even the trees that normally brought him such comfort began to distort and resemble the bars of a prison cell.
Then he froze. Staring at a phantom of his greatest fear. All the color and warmth drained from his face, dizziness washed over his mind... and then he fell.
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fluffywerehog · 2 years
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"AWOOOOOOOOO!" Some say they can hear it from miles. The werehog lets out a mighty howl into the night. Whatever the reason it was, it just felt great to release the voice into the abyss.
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aplushemporium · 2 years
Head is spinning.
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“Meow meow meow meow meow meow.”
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ida-of-oddworld · 2 years
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ask-the-boogeyman · 1 year
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He's going to continue watching you all today.
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sonicsbluehoneybuns · 2 years
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"Oh! Would you look at that. My birthday is coming up in a couple of days. I should do something special for it."
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metalshortstuff · 2 years
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"Processors initiating scanning protocol..." The blue metal robot was coming back online. There was no chance in figuring out just how long they've been out of commission for. "Systems online... 70%. Needs repairs...." Classic Metal Sonic laid there in the grass, just now slowly and yet surely becoming operational. "Operational time in 2 minutes."
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pktearsoftazmily · 29 days
"I want to go home... I do not know where it is any more. I'm lost. I cannot get back. Is... It over?"
It's been weeks. All the psychic wants at this point is to go back to Utopia to his family. He feels weak. Uneasy. Uncertain. Alone. Where were his friends? Had they managed to get back to Utopia? Had they managed to get home themselves? Or were they stranded like he was?
Is he ever going to find his way back? Or is this it? Oh well, at least Eden couldn't find him out here, nor was his presence going to bring any kind of potential danger to his family.
Perhaps, this is fate's design. It obviously had a reason for this. Is his family okay, though? How were they doing?
God, what an awful situation.
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"Don't you think echidnas have more fun?" No, not this echidna. She's having an emotional breakdown over the last of her mint scented bath salt being c o n s u m e d by her pet crow.
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familylightfox · 1 year
Normally Harmony didn’t do things like this, but with the cooler weather hitting the village and there already being quite a few feral cats wandering. This was the best idea she had as she sent out a message to everyone she could think of.
“I was helpin’ in the barn a few weeks ago and found out one o’ the mama cats had a litter o’ kittens. There’s only three o’ ‘em but their eight weeks old and I wanna find ‘em good homes before it gets cold.”
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She made sure to attach a photo of the three for everyone to see. “Feel free t’ text and I’ll set up a time ya can come by and see ‘em. They’re super friendly.”
Now it was just a matter of waiting for the kittens to find their forever homes. Maybe if she was lucky, she could find a home for their mom too…
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"Do you think they'll let me start decorating for Halloween yet?"
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