#captain laserhawk verse tag
pktearsoftazmily · 3 months
// 🌻 @corazcnes
God. Even his uncle shares that smile. The same one his father gives him to try to comfort him whenever something is wrong, or during a bad situation. It's the same smile that can break Lucas into opening up, the very one giving the boy permission to simply speak his truth. Lucas cannot believe it, but at the same time, he can. Even the heckin' head pat. The same gesture his father uses. The god damn same head pat.
"You didn't understand nothing, you might think that whatever it happened it was your fault, but trust me... it wasn't."
If it wasn't his fault, then why the hell does Lucas feel like it still is? Isn't it because Lucas didn't so a single thing to stop Umbra from destroying his home? That she allowed Eden to burn his village to the ground, all because he did nothing to stop her? Claus said the same thing. Claus always says the same.
So then why? Why?
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"I-I'm... I'm a coward. A crybaby. That's all I am. I couldn't even stop one scientist from harming another hybrid. I'm weak, uncle. I'm a weak person. I couldn't stop Tazmily's destruction. I couldn't help the hybrids in the lab. I couldn't even stop Giegue. I couldn't do anything. Nothing in those scenarios. I'm not a hero like you. I will never be as strong, or as heroic as you or dad."
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mixed-up-multiverse · 10 months
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"Death to humans, BITCHES!"
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Rayman Ship Posting: Canon Rayman Edition
I thought about releasing a very special edition of Rayman Head Canons for Valentines Day.
Before we begin, a little message: When I first started out on this blog, I was nervous about bringing my shipping ideas public. I have a habit of doing a bit of it whenever I have a new fandom fixation.
"Rayman Ship Posting" is head canons around the cast's view on romance.
Since this blog has been converted into an ask blog, if you want to send ship themed asks or starters. You can.
Most of these posts are general information not directed at a specific ship. Exceptions will be tagged with specific ship tags. It's also featuring the Canonical characters since I had these written out and stored in my drafts before Captain Laserhawk a Blood Dragon Remix launched. I'll do CLH specific Ship posting later.
Let's Begin! This is quite long, so it'll be with a keep reading cut here for easier navigation.
He’s the guy that will love chatting with you. He wants to learn everything he can about you! Your interests, your hobbies, your favorite activities, even your favorite food. He’s going to make this about you, not him. He really doesn’t care for boasting or bragging about himself.
If you are handicapped, Rayman will do his absolute best to make sure your needs are taken care of. Rayman is well versed in sign language, so he can communicate and understand you if his partner is deaf and/or mute.
Rayman is a loving dude that gushes over his partners and adores physical affection like hugs, kisses, and he is a MASSIVE cuddle-bug. He will literally cling to you if you let him hug you. He is full of love and he’s going to share that with you.
One of his favorite ways of bonding is that he’ll rest his head on your chest and just listen to the sound of your heartbeat. He also really likes pampering your hair needs. He will brush it, braid it, help you with adornments.
Rayman is incredibly compassionate and will worry about his friends, family, and his partner frequently. If he knows you are sad he will grab his ukulele, sit with his back pressed against yours, and he’ll start to play a few songs and will sometimes sing along to it if he knows it will make you feel better. He is also always willing to talk if you need to. He will listen. If you need him to do anything for you, he’ll gladly do it if will make you happy or will cheer you up. If it's revealed that he was the cause of your distress, he gets flustered about it. He'll work hard to earn your forgiveness. He’ll do his best to make it up to you somehow.
Rayman is a massive foodie, but his guilty pleasure is milk chocolate. If you get him a box of chocolates, it means the world to him. He will get starry-eyed, gasp and shout “I LOVE YOU!” in delight. If you go about gifting chocolate to Rayman, please keep it simple. Whatever you do, don’t go invest in some kind of expensive chocolate masterpiece. Dude will become conflicted because he wants to eat it but it’s too beautiful to eat. He ends up crying because he can’t do it and that ruins his day.
Rayman really likes flowers and these tend to be the gift of choice he gives you. He will make you flower crowns, he will go and hand pick a bouquet of them for you. Sometimes he has a habit of just picking wildflowers near his person while you lay near him and he’ll just decorate your hair with them absent-mindedly. He also loves when you give HIM flower crowns or stick a flower in his hair.
Rayman loves to dance and will try to include you on them. While he’s more fond of upbeat tunes or even rock and roll, he’s not immune to offering you a slow dance.
Rayman’s not very fond of doing household chores but it doesn’t normally stop him from doing them. If something is going on with you or you simply don’t feel well, he will cover the chores that you would normally handle with no questions asked on top of his own daily chores. He doesn’t enjoy it, but he’ll still do them. He never causes a fuss over it either, he just dramatically collapses on the sofa or bed in an attempt at playful teasing. He has had some times where he will let chores pile up. Give him a reminder to take care of it. Sometimes he just needs a bit of motivation. He may even turn the daily chores into a game so it'll motivate him to get stuff done.
Rayman adores children. He gushes about his little nieces and nephews at the Globox household frequently. Loves to entertain them and loves to play with them. He wants a partner that has that same love for children. He wants to have one or two of his own one day, but he would like to see the day where he doesn’t have to constantly worry about his home being under attack before he decides to settle down and maybe try to start a family of his own. He is on board with adoptions and would prefer this route when it came to having kids. He wants to give kids who had it rough a chance at a better life.
Despite the overall carefree nature, the silliness, sometimes smug or sassy nature he can depict at times, Rayman has had a very traumatic past. He has been through a lot and he needs someone that can support the emotional baggage here so to speak. He tends to keep this to himself, but once you have earned his trust, he will open up to what he's dealt with in the past and how it's effected him.
Rayman sometimes suffers flashbacks to certain traumatic events he faced in his life; the biggest being the events during the robot pirate invasion. These flashbacks do not last long and he’s normally quick to recover from them, though they will leave him rattled and sometimes he will start shaking, sweating, and panting for a short time.
He is prone to suffering night terrors where he will wake up in very visible distress. While he’s not a screamer, he does wake up shaking and sweating. They can get to be so bad he will have to call you up. Sometimes he will ask if either he can come over to spend the night, or ask if you can come instead.
He also gets a bit claustrophobic in tight cramped spaces due the imprisonment he faced during the pirate invasion, as well as the imprisonment he endured from the rabbids.
He really does need the emotional support and cherishes when you try to help him through. If you are able to stick by him and continue to support him, you might just be “the one” in his eyes. He will return the favor with the support tenfold. If you ever need him, at any hour of the day, he will be there. He will come over if you ask him to, and he’s always within reach of a mobile phone. You can call him at any hour of the day if you need his support or comfort.
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pktearsoftazmily · 9 months
// @spoocys-glade-of-dreams
It's been a long time since their escape from Eden. Now, they were located far from Eden, much further away where they had a better chance of hiding safely without anybody trying to take any of them away for who they were. Lucas' friends had successfully escaped too with their families, meaning the blond teen had his friends alongside him throughout this journey. It felt nice to the boy, to have such a great support circle around him. He'd never have to be alone again.
Which is one of the reasons why he's glad to be by his friends during this time. He, along with Ness and Ninten, had finally caught up to a cult who has been causing trouble in the neighbourhood; the Happy Happyism. Ness had a few run ins himself, warning them to stop causing trouble or he'll do something about them.
Guess what happened? They refused. So, now Ness is dealing with it. Like he said he would. Of course, his friends wanted to help. The three of these boys were brothers at this point, very close knitted. Such close friends.
Peeping over a wall, they see a couple of the cult members talking, noting their blue outfits that gave them away immediately. Ness smirks.
"Bingo. The bastards thought they could get away. I told you they hang out here."
Lucas hums, frowning. "You were right. At least we alerted my parents of the right place, then."
"That's right. They caused trouble for your folks too, so I can understand them wanting to get even." Ness responds to the blond, nodding.
Speaking of Lucas' family, they should be here any moment. Right?
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pktearsoftazmily · 11 months
Time passed differently when you were held in a cell for some of your life. Sometimes it was slow, then fast other times. For normal regular folk who lived in the city, thing were normal, apart from the usual living costs, housing issues, so on. However, for certain hybrids, like a certain blond, life was hell. Eden very much favoured the rich, but it held hatred towards the hybrids.
This was something Lucas was quick to discover. He had seen what they were capable of doing before his own eyes, going as far as to burning down his old village, leaving him the only survivor of an extinct peaceful village. From the age of seven, Lucas had witnessed how evil Eden could be. They had murdered his entire family, his friends, everything he had ever loved. All because he was a dragonic hybrid.
Honestly, he couldn't wait to get out of this hellhole. The teenager wanted to run away as far as he could, never look back at this horrible city, or its people. So, when the alarms beeped loudly, with the cell doors suddenly opening, Lucas blinks, but he takes the chance, not risking a single moment to leave an opportunity of escaping to a safer haven.
Leaving the cells area, the boy is quick to hear loud shouting, with many heavy footsteps, the sounds of the sirens continuing their tune. No, something was up. Eden never had their security down. Not like this.
Something was up. Had he fallen into a trap? Well, either way, it was Eden's big mistake to release him. Now, they were going to see what a dragon can do. But first, to stay hidden, watch the guards, see where they were going.
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This was Lucas' only chance. Fail this chance, and it's gone.
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pktearsoftazmily · 7 months
// @spoocys-glade-of-dreams
After the fiasco of keeping the cartridges away from the enemy resistance group, Umbra had been through a heap of emotions internally. From seeing Murfy face to face again, all the way to Rayman protecting her from death when she had been asking for the enemy to carry it out. Umbra still cannot understand why Rayman would do such a thing despite having been nothing but a mere ally at his side. The woman failed to understand why he'd risk everything for the sake of her.
No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find an answer to this conclusion. She sighs, pressing a palm to her temple as she closes her eyes. The best thing she could do is to talk to him, try to figure out where they both stood in terms of their partnership. Though, she'd be lying if she said she didn't feel something for the limbless man.
Either way, Rayman had nothing to lose by losing her. Not really. He could easily replace her. So, why is he showing compassion towards her? It takes quite a bit of mental strength to get up from her seat to go to Rayman, doing what she can to find the man.
She does find him, eventually, though when she does find him? She is frozen on the spot. Umbra is unusually nervous, starting to avoid any kind of eye contact with the other. But, she tries to speak. She had to. She needs to know the truth from Rayman over his actions. Otherwise, it'll eat at her, get the better of her if she doesn't find out the truth.
"I-- Urm, I've come-- You see-- Sigh, I'm making myself look like an idiot, aren't I? Forgive me. It's just that I've been meaning to talk to you. Is all. Nothing bad. I swear to you. But, if you're busy, I can come back later. No worries."
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pktearsoftazmily · 11 months
To see Rayman trying to help brought relief to the brown dog. Boney approaches his companion, sitting by his side before laying down, ready to assist at any point. Lucas, meanwhile, is holding onto Rayman with choked sobs, the rocking stopping but the tears remained.
His chest felt heavy. It felt suffocating. A mixture of emotions within himself spiralled, but it's mainly sorrow, sorrow for how his brother should've been there with them, with him, not six feet in the ground. Not dead. It hurts to see the world moving on without him, to never hear his name spoken by anybody else than him, for anyone to remember him. Lucas didn't want to forget, he couldn't forget. The only thing Lucas had left of Claus is the overwhelming pain of grief.
Thanks to Rayman's comfort, Lucas' screams die down. Eventually, he's in a sobbing mess, trying to stop the tears but is unable to, apologising profusely for waking him up, for making such noise, for being a burden to them all. He whispers how Claus would've handled things better, how he'd have been the better brother to adopt, the one people would've loved more.
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pktearsoftazmily · 9 months
// x
The voice call is accepted. The Masked Man's identity remains hidden from the public eye as the call begins, the young man adjusting himself in his seat as he got comfortable. He's through to Murfy.
"Ah, we meet again. My message arrived safely it appeared. I am glad. My boss asked me kindly to check on you all. He is busy at this moment of time, you see. So, how are you? You handling things alright on your end?"
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pktearsoftazmily · 10 days
Even when being invited into the house, Claus is much too excited to enter, instead jumping around as tears formed in his eyes. It's clear he had some news alright, and it seemed to be good news.
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"No, no, no, no! You have to come with me! Now! Lucas is in the medical wing back at the base! We've found him after so long, you have to believe me, uncle!"
Claus, though being the mischievous twin, would never lie about his brother, especially when it came to something extremely serious as this. Goodness, just the way the redhead is acting alone is enough to indicate the boy had been telling the truth, if one knew him well.
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pktearsoftazmily · 11 days
After weeks on end of no communication from any of the missing parties, there is finally some news; the boys have been found. Claus is the first to head down the site where they were located, but was quick to notice the condition they were all in. The three other boys looked tired, thinner than they were the last he saw of them, Claus thought.
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It's so painful to see the state of his friends. It's even more painful to see the state of his own brother, almost not recognising the blond at all, given how he looked. While the capped boys were being tended to, Claus was adamant about assisting his brother, refusing to let anybody get too close. His big brother mode had been in full swing, and he's not letting anybody harm his baby brother again.
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pktearsoftazmily · 21 days
More missing people cases rose. It turned out that those cases had people relating to or were from Dimension M, sparking fear amongst those who were from Dimension M. Humans or hybrids with PSI seemed to be the targets involved, though because this is to do with people who have PSI, the investigations have been difficult to solve.
Unless you're Claus. The redhead had finally returned home to Utopia after weeks of going missing, but only Claus has come home. The other three have not been seen. Despite needing rest from the lack of basic needs, Claus is already on hand to assist. Knowing his twin remains missing scares him terribly.
However, the boy must remain calm. Being given reports of high PSI readings from far from Utopia already has Claus worried, especially if this means what he thinks it means.
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Ninten, Ness nor Lucas is here. Could they be on the high PSI radar alert? If so, Claus will need to be careful.
"If something has happened to them, I'll be the only one who could take them out. God, fucking damn it. You guys better be fine, or I'll kill you myself."
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pktearsoftazmily · 1 month
"I want to go home... I do not know where it is any more. I'm lost. I cannot get back. Is... It over?"
It's been weeks. All the psychic wants at this point is to go back to Utopia to his family. He feels weak. Uneasy. Uncertain. Alone. Where were his friends? Had they managed to get back to Utopia? Had they managed to get home themselves? Or were they stranded like he was?
Is he ever going to find his way back? Or is this it? Oh well, at least Eden couldn't find him out here, nor was his presence going to bring any kind of potential danger to his family.
Perhaps, this is fate's design. It obviously had a reason for this. Is his family okay, though? How were they doing?
God, what an awful situation.
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pktearsoftazmily · 2 months
The four boys should've been in contact by now. They should've cleared up everything, given how simple the task had been in brief. So then, why the hell has Travis been unable to get any communication from any of them? Even with trying to track their location, it came up with an error message every single time.
For each one of them.
It was as if all four of them had vanished off the face of the planet. Fearing the worst, Travis had reluctantly sent a distress signal to the rest of the team that Claus manages, informing them everything they needed to know that led up to this moment.
A simple check. Just a simple check. At a location that is known to be safe. Safe. So, how the hell--?
Then, there's the families of the boys. God. Oh, dear God. How was Travis going to tell them? Especially Globox? Even Lucas' family? Would they blame him for not communicating enough? For not going out with them to aid them?
Either way, Travis is screwed. However, lying isn't going to make things any better, so the psychic knows in order to do something useful, like helping out in finding his friends, he'll have to start telling the whole truth. All four of them are strong boys, yes, but they were not immune to getting injured. Or worse.
Just tell them, you idiot. Pray they don't end you afterwards.
Travis curses. It's the only thing he can do right now that would help control his nerves.
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pktearsoftazmily · 3 months
{From Ramon sent on behalf of @spoocys-glade-of-dreams}
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"I like this little family we've created."
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"Me too," the boy agrees, smiling brightly. "I like our family as well. In fact, I love our family. Despite our differences, all of our backstories, we managed to form such a close family. A trusted family, one that is built on how much we trust each other. Eden might have hurt us, but they've only made us stronger. Ain't that right, dad?"
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pktearsoftazmily · 5 months
I lied to you. I only told you it'd be fine to make you feel better in front of everybody. What you did back in Eden was wrong and you are to blame for what is to come. Adopting you was a mistake. I should have never let you come with us when we broke into the lab that held you. This is YOUR fault. I am ASHAMED to call you "my son". You deserve every bit of pain you experience from now on.
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Oh. Oh. Oh, God. This... No, Rayman doesn't feel this way. Right? Everybody is fine now, right? Nobody is lying to him. No, no! Rayman promised everything's fine between them! Is Lucas wrong? Had Rayman only been saying that then to make the boy feel less small than he already felt?
It hurt. His chest hurt. Lucas sniffles, eyes down at the ground as they swelled, trying so, so hard not to cry. If this what Rayman truly felt, then Lucas crying now would only prove the limbless man's words true.
Then again, who is he to deny what he truly is deep down? A failure. Somebody who could've ruined everything because of his careless thinking. How can Lucas even deny that?
Maybe, deep down, he is a failure. God. They really should've left him back at Eden.
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pktearsoftazmily · 11 months
As quickly as he could, an ice pack is brought out from the freezer, wasting no time in giving it to his caretaker. As he's handing it over, it's then he sees the black eye, gasping at the sight of how nasty it looked.
It's a relief to be told it had been through training, so Lucas didn't feel any anger because of this. Hearing how Raymona had done this by accident, it made him bite his lip, realising not to mess with her in a fight, because she's got some strength behind her.
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"My day's been good. Been doing some art again. Boney's asleep on his bed, so I've been occupying myself because I wanted to get better at it. I made sure to feed him today, too. He's had all his basic needs met."
Poor Rayman, his eye looked sore. Poor Raymona, too, no doubt she's feeling guilty. He'd have to check on her later, make sure she'll be okay.
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