#;; lmk if you want anything changed! <3
whiskeypores · 5 months
@goldshadows cont'd
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kelli continues lying on the ground a moment before accepting the other woman's hand, finally coming to her feet. maybe it was a little dramatic to proclaim she was near death just because of a hangover, but . . . well. the post liquor headache was particularly nasty this morning. sue her. ❛ the problem is that it feels like hammers are pounding against the inside of my head. ❜
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imminent-danger-came · 4 months
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Lady Bone Demon: "Do not lament your fate child, you can rest knowing you served your purpose—destiny has found you."
(2x10 This is the End!)
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Lady Bone Demon: "A reminder: it seems you can not be trusted to willingly follow the path of destiny. But know this: If you betray me again—one misstep, one failure in any way—I will erase the very memory of you."
(3x04 The Winning Side)
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Tang: "You're wrong. I know I'm not a strong as they are. I may still be searching for my purpose—but what I do know, is that doing it alone is not the path I'm destined to take. Deep in my heart, I know my place is alongside my friends."
(3x08 Benched)
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Lady Bone Demon: "I sent you a task—you were to retrieve the Monkie King and his protégé, yet you refused the path of destiny and so there will be pain."
(3x08 Benched)
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Tang: "STOP! It was me! I mean, yeah, Macaque forced me to do it and I am definitely starting to have second thoughts on the whole thing now but- I don't know how and I don't know why, I just felt like I had to. Like it was...destiny!" Lady Bone Demon Voice Over: "Destiny can not be undone Sun Wukong."
(3x10 The Samadhi Fire)
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Lady Bone Demon: "No matter what you do, you cannot change the path of destiny." MK: "I don't know if this all happened because it was destined to, but I have to believe that I found the staff so I could use it for good." [...] "If you really believed that destiny can't be changed, you wouldn't be using every ounce of power you have to keep him contained!"
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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Lady Bone Demon: “Know this, monkey, you and I are not so different. We both fight for what we think is right—that pursuit only leads to one thing." MK: "Hmmhm. To destiny, right?" Lady Bone Demon: "No. To pain."  
(3x14 Destiny Fulfilled)
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MK: "I can't believe that worked!" Tang: "Eh, if that was destined to go wrong, then it would have!"
(4x03 The Great Tang Man)
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Tang: "If your bonds of friendships our strong, then you will always find your way back to one another!"
(4x04 Pig Napped!)
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Macaque: "Wukong was on a path of self-destruction, we all were. But when he met the monk, it set him on a different path." MK: "Ah! The path of the good guy! Making those good life choices?"
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
Purpose, Pain, and the Path of Destiny
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puppyeared · 1 year
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angusbyrne · 4 months
LOCATION: Woodrow House grounds DATE: Sunday, September 4, 2005 Closed starter for @natcliachen
Angus remembered being told at some point in the last week that the past summer in New York was one of the warmest on record—averaging 4.5 degrees higher than normal. September already seemed geared up to take a similar direction. The day of Richard's funeral was clear and sunny, with a projected high of 78 degrees around noon. Milder than August and balmy, it remained the type of weather you dreamed of when you fantasized about the tail-end of summer while you were caught in the dog days of it. Howbeit, it still made Angus flush around the Piqué collar of his shirt.
He only meant to wander off for a tick. Angus feared a smattering of pink would soon pass across his cheekbones or that he'd quickly become incapable of keeping down the hors d'oeuvres. The afternoon was an endless well of thank you for coming and that's an awfully kind thing for you to say and no, he never told me that story, it sounds extremely amusing and where did you say your son would be interning? I'll be sure to keep an eye out for him. Shaking hands, exchanging business cards, nosey questions, getting pat on the arm—he felt like an exposed nerve, poked and prodded and turned over for examination. He simply needed a break.
As he strode across the lawn—that was what he often did: strode—he caught sight of a familiar outline. Natalia. Neat and pretty as a paper doll, a well-trained eye might've caught the tight creases around her eyes. Tired, maybe. Annoyed by what the man in the dark navy suit said to her, most certainly. He couldn't read the man's lips, but he did judge his choice of light brown shoes. That deemed her worthy of extraction on its own, whether or not she requested one. It would be a quick detour. He approached with no lack of confidence, clapping a hand over the shoulder of the man who seemed to show no signs of reining in his passionate gesticulation.
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Angus recognized his face immediately. "Macpherson," he started warmly, donning the mask of gracious host quite seamlessly, though, in the last few minutes, his tie had been knocked very slightly askew. "I've been sent to wrangle you of my own volition. Roger Milton and Graham Atterbury are engaged in a relentless debate. They're talking personal consumption expenditures, disposal personal incomes, mortgage rates—what have you." With a hand still on the man's shoulder, he gently and covertly began to turn him in the opposite direction. "Neither economists, of course. You'll have to save them with your expertise."
It was an easier task for him, getting rid of an obnoxious man. He exhaled heavily once the unwanted third party was gone, turning back to Natalia with a near-pleasant expression. The exhaustion started to crack him a bit, but he still had enough goodwill to extend her a compliment. "It's a testament to your mental fortitude that you were not just brought to tears of boredom," he said. Honest. "Tell me—how long did he go on for?"
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stellylee · 3 months
WHO: Stelly & @sunnynardelli
WHERE: Collab, Hideaway Market
WHEN: June, 2024
Having dropped into The Color Wine to visit Mandy, Stelly found themselves stepping into the cool air of Collab, figuring that while they were in the area, they might as well check out the various booths, see if there was anything new that sparked their interest. Maybe some jewelry or candles, or a bag that they could use when shopping... or, more than likely, some little thing that they didn't really need, but it would end up on one of the many shelves in the house, anyway. That happened a lot.
Pushing a lock of hair back behind their ear, they picked up a delicate necklace featuring a pressed flower, turning it over in their hands and smiling to themselves. Not necessarily something that they needed, but... Stelly did love pretty things. But when they glanced up and caught sight of the familiar face that walked in through the door, they lost their train of thought, dropping the necklace back to where they had found it, and tracked Sunny's movements with their eyes, waiting to see if they would see them first... and what she would say if she did. It had really been far too long.
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angelsdvsts · 10 months
↪ closed for @rcseglds | inspo ♡
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lips pouts wide eyes meet the other as she lets out a sigh, "why are you being so mean?"
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jxwz · 3 months
@thecommanderzoe ♥'d the starter call.
Twenty-three years in this world. Eleven of them spent inside the military, from his training right up to the Survey Corps. For the last six, Porco has been assigned as the holder of the 'Jaw'—a genetically-engineered beast born outside of his bones, used as a more aggressive approach of protecting the walls that surround them and those brave enough to explore what's been lost outside. But he's always had pointy teeth.
Hanji's always found that far too interesting a fact about him. Not the front ones though. His sharp fangs begin at the canines just like everybody else but they go all the way to the back of his mouth and, almost every time that he is due a physical, Porco is uncomfortably reminded just how unusual that is. Right now, he is being reminded by the mirrored utensil that's been wrenched inside his mouth and bright, gleaming pair of glasses about two inches away from his face while Hanji gapes inside.
He squeezes over his knee as he tries not to squirm away like all of his instincts are begging him to, bouncing the other, and stares up at the ceiling like a prayer for help.
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" ' l e a s h . . . " He finally pleas ( or tries to ) when the ache in his hinges start to become just a little too much. Surely she has to be finished by now, doesn't she?
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audhdatsushi · 12 days
For the stim board post, could I request a funfetti stimboard (just mostly white things with little bits of rainbow colour)? Or maybe a kitty clown stim board?
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Aaaaabsolutely ! :)
🎉 🎉 🎉
🎉 🎉 🎉
🎉 🎉 🎉
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wisheswagered · 7 months
Frederick hasn't been at this manor for nearly as long as the others. Though it feels like it's been an eternity to him, it means that he's still getting to know the other survivors who've found themselves trapped in this place.
And Emma Woods... is one of those people. It's such a bizarre feeling, seeing her now. While he'd never known her in life, he had heard of her - as a girl who went missing in mysterious circumstances several years ago, her life sensationalized and her disappearance treated as an unsolvable mystery by those who knew of her.
Never would he have dreamed he'd ever end up joining her among the ranks of the missing. ...He wonders if they're looking for him, too. They must be - while not for the reasons he wants, Frederick Kreiburg is a well-known name among the higher classes, and yet... that fact brings him no comfort at all.
Regardless. It's cruel of him, but the one thing that strikes him as he looks at her now is what he knows of her past. Knowing she's been a patient at an asylum for so much of her life... to be quite honest, it chills him to the bone. The reason for that discomfort is difficult to identify - or maybe, deep down, it's something that he simply doesn't want to acknowledge.
Today, though... there's only one question on his mind. Though he doesn't know if it's curiosity or paranoia that drives him to ask.
"Tell me. Why did you approach me, of all people, for this?"
@mlssamericana ( starter for emma! )
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jaceeverett · 6 months
WHO: Jason & @scottyhorton
WHERE: Annabelle Lee, countryside
WHEN: March, 2024
Since returning to Merrock, Jason had reconnected with his family, forged friendships with people he had yet to meet, patched up old rivalries into new connections, and mostly felt like he had settled in... but he couldn't lie and say that having someone from his 'old life' in town didn't feel good, too. Someone who didn't just know him as the eighteen year old kid that had shipped off to join the army, but knew him as a young man (and then older), and saw him through his good and bad times, and everything in between.
And, of course, someone who would come over with beer.
Although the weather was far from warm in Merrock, Jason had still been trying to get ready for the spring season, was picking up some fallen limbs around his property when he heard the familiar vehicle coming down the driveway, glancing up to see his friend and lifting his hand in greeting, a grin stretching across his face. "Sure, you show up right as I finish working outside."
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whiskeypores · 6 months
@ofdeomnes ♡'d
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❛ what am i even looking at -- ? ❜ a completely bewildered expression passes over the brunette's face as they scan the menu, searching for anything that sounded familiar enough to order. ❛  what even is a --- big bob's triple bacon grease burger? what's wrong with a fuckin' normal cheeseburger? or like -- a salad? ❜
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general-kalani · 8 months
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{ Thanks for the follow @gcverncr! }
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He didn't know whether he was staring at a ghost, his brother, or something else.
The way the other man stared was with hatred, sure. But there was always other things.
Like Penny...
He still wasn't over that. Still too fresh on his mind.
"... Brian... You're... You're alive?"
Incredulous was one way to put his reaction. He hadn't seen his brother in so long, thought him dead. And yet here he was. Staring him in the eyes.
"It's... Clearly a miracle to have you back."
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winterdying · 1 year
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people often assume that animals are able to learn from their mistakes. that if something goes wrong- or if they're scolded- that they'll be able to figure out that they shouldn't do exactly what it was that they were doing.
mithra was a different type of animal altogether. that's how he found himself on the island of nommin, surrounded by what looked like a pile of coconuts.
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you'd think he'd have learned the last time he tried to stuff a rock into his mouth in public, but he had forgotten the event entirely. he picks up one of the coconuts, turns it over curiously in his hands a few time, and then-
yeah, he's about to try and take a bite out of it, right there on the beach.
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malikselfindulgence · 11 months
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TUMBLR DECEMITATED YOUR ASK I CANT FIND IT OR REPLY TO IT ANYMORE BUT @st311ar messy fire hair Xing doodle while I work on the others :33
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aston1sh1ng · 1 month
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One, two, three weeks have passed now since he's settled into Arkham. Rework the security system, keep it running, make sure the fail-safes are in order. All simple stuff, dampened only by the fact that everyone in here seems to be some degree of horrifying. But, hey, Scott Lang's no stranger to the horrifying, even if Gotham's been much bleaker than anywhere else he's been in his world, he finds solace in connecting with the people around him ( oh, look! That's Matt over there, and Brody, Brody has two kids, and if it isn't Stephan flirting with his ex Janine over the phone! ) Scott wouldn't say he fits right in, but he's certainly gotten a good enough read on the people around him.
Except, perhaps, Jonathan Crane. A favorite of his for no particular reason other than having remained a mystery. Doesn't speak of himself much. Gorgeous, yet seemingly unattached. With a cadence about him, yet no marks of companionship in his vicinity. Scott can't help but try and speak to him... just as he is now, preluding with a. "Johnathan! Hey, man! Long week? You've been taking patients in left and right. Seems stressful enough to drive one mad." ( Hahaha, get it? Because he's a psychiatrist. Use of irony. It's funny. Scott's funny. Cassie would laugh at this joke, she would... If she were with him. )
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"Anyway," and it's that lethal 'anyway' which marks the start of whatever ridiculousness he'll be spraying the other's way in a second, "you got me all interested in Batman so I started talking to one of the people here about it- the guy, uh," he gestures rightwards and ahead, "over there - wouldn't tell me his name but, regardless - he told me batman had beef with Penguins? What does he have against the poor things? Cuz penguins haven't done wrong by us, I can tell you that much. If anything, we keep hurting them for no reason. Ruining their habitats and whatnot." a beat, nose wrinkling in slight confusion. "Are we absolutely sure the bat-themed guy fighting penguins is a superhero?"
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bast4rds · 2 months
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𝗵𝗲  𝗶𝘀  𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗹  𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀  𝗵𝗶𝘀  𝗯𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿’𝘀  𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱  &  𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗼𝘄.  @worthyheir ,  her  eldest  son  ,  marches  forward.  adept  ,  her  pride.  &  lucerys  ?    he  has  taken  to  the  sword  like  a  fish  floundering  to  fly.  always  out  of  step  —  floundering.  childishly  ,  he  does  away  with  the  idea  of  taking  his  brother  by  the  tail  end  of  his  garb.  swallows  his  pleas  ,  that  they  need  not  go  so  tirelessly  to  a  fate  that  may  condemn  them  as  easily  as  it  would  reward.  for  a  crown  is  not  warm  like  flesh  &  blood.  it  is  as  cool  as  the  grave.  he  plants  himself  &  fills  his  chest  with  air  , 
❝       perhaps  —  perhaps  ,  vermax  has  dropped  you upon your head as  of  recent.       ❞  ˢᵗᵃʳᵗᵉʳ ᶜᵃˡˡ
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