#;; tunglr is self destructing finally
feekins · 11 months
woof. ch 6 is a LONG and DENSE one. I foresee this post getting a bit text-heavy to compensate for The Tunglr's ten-image limit. in any case, here are more of my thoughts and things and whatever translation weirdness I find as I re-read Trigun Maximum vol 4!
(NOTE: I'm reading the Dark Horse [physical] and the Overhaul [online] translations side-by-side)
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(Dark Horse on left, Overhaul on right)
so. interesting start. Dark Horse's "fell to this planet with us" implies that worms (wamz? bah. from what I remember, they're p consistently collectively referred to as "worms" in the manga, so yeah, I'm going with "worms" from here on out) are also extraterrestrial to Noman's Land. I can see how/why the mix-up could've happened, though, so to me it's just a funny lil quirk of the Dark Horse translation. nothing egregious. also, although both translations effectively set Vash and Knives apart from humanity here, I appreciate the specificity of the Overhaul's "Yes-- These are the different ones."
then, right after the title page, I LOVE that detail we're given about Zazie - that they "can naturally read the feelings/emotions of all living things" (Dark Horse/Overhaul, respectively). and then Meryl apologizing to them? and Zazie not quite getting why? is adorable (Meryl and Zazie ship when?) 😊
back with Vash and Hoppered's fight...the translations for the first page where it's the both of them speaking (the one starting with Vash yelling for ppl to run) are similar enough - but Dark Horse's translation of the middle panel...idk. intrigues me.
whereas the Overhaul has "The one they should be running from is you," Dark Horse went with "These insects should run from you," which. might imply. interesting things, imo, if you'll excuse the following brief descent into literary analysis. one could argue that it's indicative of how drastically Hoppered's life/identity/ideals shifted post-July, focused totally on eventual revenge to the exclusion of/with utter disdain toward that of humans who aren't traumatized the way he is. that said...we know as a fact that being a GHG was only ever a means to an end for him, and also, he couldn't give less of a shit about Knives' ultimate goals. so it's strange how Dark Horse has Hoppered referring to humans as "insects" when Knives does the same (except Dark Horse doesn't keep that wording, I suspect for reasons relating to its irl usage in racism, genocide, etc, as others have pointed out in the tags of one of my previous book club posts).
on the page where we see Hoppered watching July's destruction from afar...Dark Horse translates what Hoppered says to "You snatched it away. You tore it...in half!" meanwhile, the Overhaul has "You took it all away! You tore it to pieces!" and that's hitting me WAY harder than Dark Horse's ever has 🥺
when Zazie is explaining Vash's and Knives' gates - two things. ① in Dark Horse, Zazie says in the second panel "The flow from those two is tremendous" (vague, always made me scratch my head) whereas the Overhaul has "The flow of energy from those two is tremendous." y'all whose first and/or only time(s) reading the manga via the Overhaul are so spoiled lemme tell u (I say this affectionately - I'm just happy I'm finally getting The Good Shit, too, this read-through :,D ). ② last panel - Dark Horse has Zazie saying "Don't you understand? Those two are self-reliant" whereas the Overhaul has "You understand? Those two are self-reliant. Independent." EXCUSE ME WHILE I LOSE MY SHITDJGGDJXJ
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"will" (vague) VS "will to survive" (explicit)
it's interesting that Dark Horse went with "benefactors" considering ① the death and destruction the twins are responsible for and, more importantly, ② the title of the chapter, which both translations have as "The Bystanders"
(also...Dark Horse, you big silly, you literally started the chapter saying the twins "fell to the planet" and now you're implying they were born here...? 🤣 )
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(Dark Horse on top, Overhaul on bottom)
we know that "your companion" refers to Vash...so Dark Horse always confused me by then saying "your friend" whereas it's clear in the Overhaul that Zazie is still talking about Vash.
and it's weird how we have, in Dark Horse, Zazie mentioning just a few pages ago that they can sense others' emotions, but now "yeah, idk how deep Knives' hate is." the Overhaul specifying that this is true despite Zazie's abilities...is...honestly horrifying, separating Knives even further apart from humanity than Zazie.
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no comment on this translation discrepancy. I just think it's neat c:
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same with these - I'd just have everything highlighted here 🤭
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...and it's at this point that I realize I'm running out of spoons for commentary;;;;;;;;
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interesting translation discrepancy with "that punisher" VS "once I have the Punisher" autocorrect I promise it's not called the Publisher djgdjgjgx
also. Milly's line. the Overhaul's translation is a way better fit, but I'm not telling why 😜
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Dark Horse choosing to use "us" is interesting - grouping Zazie, Midvalley, and Hoppered together, as if all 3 of them are in on this. only in the Overhaul do we see that Zazie separates themselves from them - from Midvalley, specifically - while also doing a better job at conveying how insanely OP Knives is.
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aaaaaand we end with more weird Dark Horse vagueness and a mounting sense of dread (at least for me) from the Overhaul!
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radio-charlie · 2 years
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Ya... this is not just based on tunglr observations lol, i knew friends whose identity was 20% lana del rey and i think it just encouraged them to make self-destructive decisions. the whole process behind this is very complicated and i dont really want to share details of my friends' lives. its just like, ok yea, here u have this self-esteem that has been ailing for a long time, and finally u are afforded a chance to adorn the "worst" parts of u with glamour. it's very understandable that ppl get into her something heavy. i mean i was very into her too in college, and for similar reasons to my friends.
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