#;;I just remember how much happened between the twenty years Kiku jumped forward
komoorebii · 3 years
@whitebeards-16th-commander continued from here.
“Yes its quite surreal isn’t it? Speaking to you again after all these years…its almost unreal.” The time that passed between the day he left Wano and now felt near endless when in its midst. Even now as he looked back there was no doubt that time took its toll, and yet he did not regret it for a moment. “I will have to agree, I have been well in our time apart. I have seen more ocean and land than I could ever dream of, yet being home does fill me with happiness.”
As his sister spoke, Izo looked out at the scenery before them. Truly nothing compared to Wano, no matter how many islands he had visited. “Oh yes, I never did explain did I? It was alright, though ill admit I hadn’t thought they would find me on the way.” Smiling a bit at the memory he shook his head, laughing. “It was wonderful to see everyone, even if the welcome was a bit odd timed. Quite the entranced was it not?”
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   Just how far does the world outside reach, wondered Kiku with an amused smile. All she had known in the years she grew up into adulthood, was Wano. Beyond the high waterfalls of their home, beyond the horizon even she struggled to comprehend the lands and fauna described to her in the story of Oden and her friends. “ I feel relief knowing that you have been well outside on the sea. Your sudden leave ... it was quite saddening for me, but not knowing of your fate was far more troubeling. Oden-sama telling me that you had found a home with someone helped a bit .”
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   With a huge stretch of sea and twenty years between them, Kiku sometimes could not help but feel that all their shared time together would eventually slip out of her grasp. But their present conversation did all but prove how wrong she had been to assume that.  “ It certainly was. Watching Neko falling from the sky was odd enough, but to suddenly see you revealed behind him ... I struggled to believe my eyes !” The sudden feeling of relief had struck her deep into her core, causing her momentarily forget what was around her. “ It was certainly a sight to behold with your friends glowing wings. You all had just arrived in the right amount of time !”
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