my-muses-in-op · 2 years
 ⊙ (whitebeards-16th-commander)
Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours
Thatch x Izo
I think you are:
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak | 
"Izo, love, you have my heart."
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rnakamura22 · 8 months
I will never leave you, no matter what happens
I have no regrets.
female reader!!
If someone asked you, "Where is your home?", you would say "The ship Moby Dick" without a hesitation. You have little happy memories about the land you were born, where a girl wouldn't survive in a day unless there was a knife and combat skills were good. If you wouldn't take something, then everything would be taken. You cut your hair, drained yourslf in a pool of blood, threw away your normal life as a woman and lived with one sharp dagger. You were picked up by Whitebeard, who seriously thought you were a boy when you first met him onto his ship. You had a temper, quick to get in a fight, and lacked any charm of a woman. But someone stole your heart as soon as you became family.
Izo, commander of the 16th division of the whitebeard pirates. He was beautiful than any regular woman, yet one of the most brave and fierce guys in terms of battle, while being kindhearted and a gentle person in nature. Cupid had pierced your heart the first time you met him.
You lacked any form of feminine attraction and was no different than a boy. You tried several times to gain Izo's eye, but that ended up in a complete disaster. But in a strange turn of events, the efforts you put had caught Izo's eye and made him realize your charm.
"I want you to go out with me, Will you be my lover?" that night, you felt like you became the happiest woman alive. The day you and Izo became lovers, you presented you with a flower, an ivy.
"This represents my feelings for you. I won't leave you no matter what happens."
"Thank you Izo-san..., I feel the same way. I will never leave you."
That night, you felt his warmth and he felt yours. It was a cold day, yet you two were warm.
But the fates never prepared a fairytale ending for you. Being somewhat stubborn, you had a falling out with him one day. You never remembered what the cause was of the fight  But one thing was sure. Ever since you refused to speak with him, it felt like god prepared the karma you were forced to face.
The death of Thatch, Teach… Blackbeard’s betrayal, Ace’s defeat and execution. Whitebeard refused to take you to Marineford no matter how much you begged. As the white whale sailed away, including your lover that you have not spoken to for a long time, you felt the thick walls of gender crashing down on you, holding the Ivy from your lover.
Two years have passed. Everything you hold dear have fallen from your hands, including your lover. Marco refused to take you to the payback war or the battle within Wano.
Ever since you heard the news, your world suddenly lost all color. Everything looked like black and white, except the Ivy flower you had. It flowed and bloomed magnificently, despite the two year time period like it was frozen.
Time passed again until his death day came. The Ivy flower bloomed brightly, part of it being you took great care of it. The more you looked at the flower, the more the reality hits that you will never see him again.
“I want to see you… Izo-san… just for one moment…I miss you so much..”
As soon as those words left your lips, the door of your house started knocking at a brutal pace. It began to grow louder and louder, getting more intimidating by the minute.
It also felt cold even though you lived in a summer island. You began to see ice in your room. As soon as you looked at the Ivy flower, it was losing color by the minute as if someone was sucking the color out.
The door kept banging, ice was spreading across. You ran to the corner of your room and hid under the table.
“please stop…” you trembled.
As you hid under the table, you started to remember when pops scolded you and hid under the table crying in secret. That was where Izo-san found you and comforted you.
“Found you〜”
you froze. The hand placed on your right shoulder was so cold it hurts. And the dark yet soothing voice comforted you.
You didn’t need to know who it was.
“You remember what I said? I would never leave you no matter what happens.”
You started to fall, unconscious. The vase holding the Ivy flower also fell, shattered along with the Ivy flower, now draped in white.
It was the next morning that the villagers found a woman cold and dead in her house. The body’s face looked like it had seen something so terrifying but the house was completely normal. People knew of her upbringing and how she was down in the dumps after her lover died. They rumored that she had died of shock. Strangely, there was a frostbite and a handprint on her right shoulder. As if someone grabbed her and brought her to the other side.
The flower language of the Ivy- “ I will never leave you, even after I die”
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
Heart Pirates Week 2023: Day 6: Uni: Home
AO3: Day 6: Uni: Home
As at home with a polearm as a pair of knives, Uni was grateful they'd made it to Onigashima in enough time to see the Whitebeard 16th Division commander, Izou, in battle.
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Twirling and dancing, guns a-blazin', taking down one asshole pirate after the other, watching him fight was poetic.
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Uni also was at ease with a weapon in either hand, and they weren't just for show. Place a knife in either palm and one blade or the other would meet its target if he wanted it to.
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Izou's ties with Wano were a mystery, but it'd been an honour to fight beside him twice, even if it was from the sidelines the first time. One of the samurai they'd transported to Onigashima was his sister. She survived.
Monkey D. Luffy went to Marineford to save his brother, a sworn sibling of the Whitebeard crew. Whitebeard's crew descended to free him, Portgas D. Ace. The eldest always clearing a path for the youngest. The Polar Tang on stand by to ensure their safe journey.
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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
AO3 link will be live from approx JST 13:00, April 11
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fallensnowfan · 11 months
Quick list of my favorite Wano episodes off the top of my head:
902 - Urashima gets a haircut 957 - Morgans being Morgans. Warlords news 982 - To Onigashima! 994 - Kikunojo of the Lingering Snow 995 - Sunacchi! 1004 - Akazaya Togen Totsuka 1043 - Brook affected by illusion mist. Robin Gigante Fleur 1063 - God Usopp 1068 - Izo 16th division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates 1074 - Luffy & Kaido begin final clash 1075 - Orochi dies 1076 - Goodbye Kaido 1078 - Kozuki Clan returns 1079 - Relaxation 1080 - Festivities in the Flower Capital
I am planning to do a full rewatch of the arc after the release of episode 1084*, so this list may shift. Especially need to for Acts One and Two.
*Addition - The titles are up for the next few episodes! It seems that 1083 will be the last to adapt a full chapter(1056,) and the titles of episodes 1084 & 1085 make it appear that they will both adapt parts of chapter 1057.
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usopp-writes · 9 months
Ace's first Christmas as a Whitebeard Pirate
Learning to sing Christmas carols
December 16th
Ever since December first the crew had been humming or singing songs that Ace had a vague memory of,but never heard on the ship before. The songs were cheery and heartwarming, they made him smile whenever he heard them and he found himself humming with them, though he had no idea what song it was or the lyrics. He just liked the melody and the way he made him feel. Warm and at home, but also excited in a way, though he didn't know for what. Christmas was still something that he hadn't fully understood and everyone said he would soon enough see it. 
"You're in a good mood, Ace." Skull grinned, as he passed the freckled man, as he was humming a Christmas song he'd heard a lot the past days. 
"What can I say, the melody is great." Ace grinned back. "Even though I don't know the song." 
"You don't know it, but hum it?" Skull raised a brow. 
"I know none of the songs everyone has been singing since December started." Ace shrugged, as if it wasn't a big deal. 
"You should get someone to teach you a few songs. I'm sure you'll like them." 
Nodding, Ace thought about who he should ask and the only person he could think of was Thatch. Ace didn't know who the musicians of the crew were just yet, but surely Thatch could help him. Not one to think long about things, Ace rushed to ask if his friend had time to teach him or could direct him to someone. 
As he feared, Thatch was busy, but he told Ace to go to Haruta and now that the freckled man thought about it, he did know that the other commander could sing well, he'd just heard it in the Christmas Play the previous day. 
"You want to learn a few Christmas Carols?" Haruta blinked and then smiled brightly. "I'll be more than happy to teach you." And before Ace knew what happened, he'd been dragged to the music room. For the rest of the day, the freckled man was taught a few carols and was having fun too. The fact that Haruta wanted to teach him and take time to teach him, was the most heartwarming feeling ever.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 3 years
@whitebeards-16th-commander continued from here
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Ikkaku was always happy to run into Izo; the beautiful gunslinger always had such a calming presence and was wonderful to talk to. She'd been more than pleased with the chance to catch up and thus had eagerly accepted his invitation for lunch. After all, they had much to talk about, from adventures to fashion, and hardly enough hours in the day to cover it all.
However, there was one little thing that kept her from fully enjoying herself, and the reason was sitting at a table not to far from theirs.
She rested her chin in her palm with an irritated sigh. "Rude and annoying. I don't know the guy, but I recognize him; he's a flunky of one of Law's buyers. Saw him this afternoon when Captain was negotiating prices, and that guy was staring at me then, too. Was hoping I was imagining it." She’d especially been hoping she’d imagined spotted the guy in various places around town, but now it was clear he’d definitely been following her.
Pretending to not be bothered by this, she took another bite of her meal, though there was definite tension in her shoulders. The island seemed peaceful but actually had a thriving black market, and whatever reason this man was following her, she knew it wasn’t good. Normally she wouldn’t be worried; it was clear whose crew she belonged to, so why take the risk of coming after her?
But if this guy wasn’t deterred by the jolly roger on her back, perhaps some caution was necessary.
Swallowing her bite of food, she gave Izo an apologetic smile. “Hey, I hate to be a bother, but when we’re done, do you think you could walk me back to my ship? I can typically take care of myself but...well, only a moron would mess with a lady on the arm of Whitebeard’s 16th division commander, right?”
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son-of-beast · 4 years
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Anonymous said:
Izo's eyes went wide at the sight of the man who he thought was very much dead. "Oden...? I um...how are you?" Well wasn't this quite a shock. | @whitebeards-16th-commander​
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The gunslinger was staring at him like he saw a ghost. “Why are you looking at me like that? It’s creeping me out, knock it off!”
It was strange... Did Izo look older than when he last saw him? Weird. “Anyway, I’m doing just fine.”
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citrus-himmel · 4 years
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   ✉ @whitebeards-16th-commander said: The Strawhat crew was well known to Izo, mostly through the news and rumors that he had heard. Nami was rather recognizable when he ran into her, he had seen the women’s bounty after all. The meeting was quite unexpected but not unwanted, after all it was always nice to meet friends of one of his brothers. With a small smile he bowed his head in greeting. “Its wonderful to meet you Nami. I have heard quite a bit about the navigator of the Strawhats, though I must admit most tended to be rumors.”
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Meeting a member from Whitebeard's crew was highly unexpected and the situation itself was so strange that it caught Nami off guard. It took a few moments for her to regain her composure. Eyes were slightly widened in shock, lips parted enough to see a sliver of teeth as she watched the taller man bow, and she wondered if she should be doing the same thing. It seemed like the polite thing to do, so once he straightened Nami returned the bow with the faintest of laughs. When she also returned to her typical stance, hip jutted comfortably, Nami lifted a hand to rub at the back of her neck, fingers tangling into long orange tresses. Her other arm was resting across her stomach, hand curled around the curve of her waist. ❝ Hopefully the rumors weren't... too bad. Though... ❞ her attention shifted over Izo's shoulder to Luffy who was animatedly talking with another group a little further away, that grin ever present on his face, ❝ with Luffy involved in the equation, I can only assume it was a mixed bag. ❞
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dirtyandbeauty · 4 years
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He’s watching, amused. “Damn it’s all justa stupid number. I didn’t even haveta set anyone off for this one!”
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caelestisdemon · 3 years
Ⓐ (whitebeards-16th-commander //Call it curiosity!
My Muse Will Rate Yours Meme
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repulsive ― hideous ― ugly ― not attractive ― unappealing ― not unattractive ― meh ― no preference ― ok ― mildly attractive ― nice looking ― cute ― adorable ― attractive ― pleasant on the eyes ― good looking ― hot ― sexy ― beautiful ― gorgeous ― hot damn ― would tap that ― perfect ― godlike ― holy fuck there are no words
grating ― irritating ― frustrating ― boring ― confusing at best ― awkward ― unreasonable ― psychotic ― disturbing ― interesting ― engaging ― affectionate ― aggressive ― ambitious ― anxious ― artistic ― bad tempered ― bossy ― charismatic ― appealing ― unappealing ― creative ― courageous ― dependable ― unreliable ― unpredictable ― predictable ― devious ― dim ― extroverted ― introverted ― egotistical ― gregarious ― fabulous ― impulsive ― intelligent ― sympathetic ― talkative ― up beat ― peaceful ― calming ― badass ― flexible
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending ― fuck no! ― never ― no way ― not likely ― not sure ― indifferent ― i’m asexual ― maybe ― probably ― it depends ― fairly likely ― likely ― yeah sure ― yes ― would tap that ― hell yes ― fuck yes! ― wishing that could happen right now ― as many times as possible ― we are already having sex
never in a million years ― worst of enemies ― enemies ― rivals ― indifferent ― neutral ― acquaintance ― friendly toward each other ― casual friends ― friends ― good friends ― best friends ― fuck buddies ― bosom buddies ― practically the same person ― would die for them ― true friends ― my only friend
i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
i hate them so much ― i don’t like them ― i don’t trust them ― they annoy me ― they’re weird ― i’m indifferent ― meh ― they seem alright ― they’re growing on me ― truce ― i think i like them ― i like them ― i’m not sure if i trust them ― i trust them ― they’re cool ― they’re genuine ― i think we’re going to get along ― i really like them ― i think i’m in love ― oh fuck they’re hot ― i love them
worst kisser ever ― terrible ― bad ― awkward ― just okay ― alright ― pretty good ― good ― makes me moan ― excellent ― exciting ― oh god they’re good ― i dream about it ― fucking amazing ― absolute perfection ― we haven’t kissed
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my-muses-in-op · 3 years
@whitebeards-16th-commander - just something my mind came up with.
After a long day in the kitchen, Thatch walked into his room and closed the door with a tired sigh. While he loved cooking and loved his jb, sometimes it could be a bit much and today was one of the days that tired him out.
Taking off his foulard, he threw it carelessly onto the back of the chair and first now did he lay eyes on his bed. It was occupied by the most gorgeous man on this ship. Izo. The man Thatch loved more than he'd ever thought was possible.
Tiredly, Thatch discarded his shoes, belt and shirt, before makign his way to the bed. Izo's painted red lips were so inviting and as soon as Thatch was on the bed, their lips met for a long and passionate kiss. Some of the stress that had burdened Thatch the entire day, lifted from his shoulders, as he felt the arms of his lover around him, pulling him closer.
When their lis parted, Thatch looked deeply into Izo's eyes, a soft smile grazing the cooks lips, as he spoke. "You always makes my day better, no matter what, love. Thank you." He meant it. No matter how rough his days were - of how good - being with Izo, being able to kiss, hug and cuddle with him, always made him feel better. Love was precious and never would Thatch take it for given. He wold make sure Izo knew just how much he was loved and appreciated. Every single day.
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jooshugaberu · 4 years
@whitebeards-16th-commander​ said:
❝ do you really have nothing better to do than ruin people’s lives ? ❞
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      “ Nothing BETTER to do?~ ”
      Sugary sweet!--How Linlin’s smile never seemed to fade at this brief cross of Yonkos. Oh but one of that old man’s so called children had piped up among them. The 16th commander, why so many? So peculiar, so sweet, so weak, she could crush him beneath her feet. Though that wasn’t necessary! This was no battle...She could already tell that old man was sick, would he really want to challenge her crew and her beloved children?~
      “ I don’t ruin lives, little gunslinger~ I simply push them in a direction that will benefit ME. ”
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komoorebii · 3 years
@whitebeards-16th-commander continued from here.
“Yes its quite surreal isn’t it? Speaking to you again after all these years…its almost unreal.” The time that passed between the day he left Wano and now felt near endless when in its midst. Even now as he looked back there was no doubt that time took its toll, and yet he did not regret it for a moment. “I will have to agree, I have been well in our time apart. I have seen more ocean and land than I could ever dream of, yet being home does fill me with happiness.”
As his sister spoke, Izo looked out at the scenery before them. Truly nothing compared to Wano, no matter how many islands he had visited. “Oh yes, I never did explain did I? It was alright, though ill admit I hadn’t thought they would find me on the way.” Smiling a bit at the memory he shook his head, laughing. “It was wonderful to see everyone, even if the welcome was a bit odd timed. Quite the entranced was it not?”
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   Just how far does the world outside reach, wondered Kiku with an amused smile. All she had known in the years she grew up into adulthood, was Wano. Beyond the high waterfalls of their home, beyond the horizon even she struggled to comprehend the lands and fauna described to her in the story of Oden and her friends. “ I feel relief knowing that you have been well outside on the sea. Your sudden leave ... it was quite saddening for me, but not knowing of your fate was far more troubeling. Oden-sama telling me that you had found a home with someone helped a bit .”
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   With a huge stretch of sea and twenty years between them, Kiku sometimes could not help but feel that all their shared time together would eventually slip out of her grasp. But their present conversation did all but prove how wrong she had been to assume that.  “ It certainly was. Watching Neko falling from the sky was odd enough, but to suddenly see you revealed behind him ... I struggled to believe my eyes !” The sudden feeling of relief had struck her deep into her core, causing her momentarily forget what was around her. “ It was certainly a sight to behold with your friends glowing wings. You all had just arrived in the right amount of time !”
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zahraalgernon · 3 years
@whitebeards-16th-commander​ ( short sc )
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      “ I really do not think... ”
      Slit pupils seemed to dilate at the sight of any alcohol, their voice trailing off as their mind perked an enticing spark. They hadn’t drunk in so long...Not with others at least, alone they drank wine or their own favourites of spirits. Yet the sake that this man was passing them, drinking with others, was not something they did often. Perhaps it was paranoia, knowing the consequences to drinking.        ...Yet could it not hurt to drink a bit...? They wanted to die in some way anyway, if something were to happen- With how generous this crew of pirates seemed to be, though. There was a sincere doubt of anything actually doing wrong or this being some sort of trap. Let alone if they’d even know about their own little vulnerability when liquor touched their throat.
      “ Perhaps I can drink a bit, just not too much, please. ”
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oyabxn · 4 years
“I’d like for you to leave now.” (whitebeards-16th-commander)
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"I am trying, but I can't find the damn exit." An exasperated sigh from the fishman. @whitebeards-16th-commander
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ikkaku-of-heart · 4 years
@whitebeards-16th-commander continued from here
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The pretty man was certainly far more polite than anyone on Joras, even the rich families that lived in the fancy old mansions further inland. Ikkaku wondered if his kimono was warm enough for the island’s damp weather, too, or if the shiny fabric would be ruined by the cold, damp mist. Beautiful things never seemed to last long on Joras. Not unless they were tough and ready to fight back.
That’s why her grandfather had been training her. He didn’t want her to be claimed by the gloom that engulfed the island. Some day, she’d set out to sea and break free of Joras’ clutches.
For now, though, Ikkaku merely nodded at the visitor, suspicions regarding his identity confirmed. “Yeah, that’s my Gramps. And good; your father’d better not be looking for a fight. If Whitebeard accidentally breaks the lighthouse with his powers, the Great Dreamer will rise up to destroy the island and we’ll all be screwed,” she said matter-of-factly.
But even the risk of an eldritch being awakened couldn’t dampen her excitement at being invited to visit Whitebeard’s ship, dark eyes lighting up with glee. Her sailing experience had been limited to the occasional trip on the lobster boat, so already he had her attention.
Uncrossing her arms, Ikkaku beckoned the stranger inside the cottage attached to the lighthouse. “C’mon in. If the invite’s for Gramps, you should talk to him. I’m guessing Whitebeard didn’t come himself because he couldn’t fit through the door, huh? Is he really twenty feet tall, or is that just an exaggeration?” she asked, curious and eager to learn how many of her grandfather’s stories had been embellished.
Almost as an afterthought, she stuck out her hand boldly. “I’m Ikkaku, by the way.”
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