#;;The Godrobe (Kamui Junketsu)
pxrifiedmxniac · 10 months
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“Good to see that you’re still vigilant as ever, my faithful Junketsu~”
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"But of course~ I was tasked with keep tabs on my wearer and I haven't stopped ever since no matter at what cost~"
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arastiia · 7 years
what do you think would've happened if instead of looking up to Junketsu, it was Senketsu (maybe / probably in a different design, for the sake of looking elegant) in general? would she have had at least a MARGIN of a happier life considering how caring + kind [+ kindasortagentle] Senketsu is or???
         – – ✦ I assume you are referring to the flashback scene in episode 3? In which we learn about Junketsu before Satsuki puts it on for the first time? I guess you mean to swap out the latter & replace it with Senketsu instead,right? Well, to answer your question, yes. Yes I think so. To be frank, a lot of things would have progressed differently if Senketsu would have taken Junketsu’s place. 
         Theoretically speaking, (& if we disregard the impact which this would surely have on the rest of the plot) Senketsu would have treated Satsuki differently / MUCH BETTER. As I already wrote in my big Junketsu META & the kamui META Kiryuin’s godrobe is described as being a bloodthirsty beast with no sense of sanity, mercy or empathy whose only goal seems to be to suck Satsuki dry / consume all her blood OR push her to the point of turning into a berserker (as we see in Ryuko’s case in episode 11/12). To make a long story short: Kamui Junketsu wants nothing more than devour Satsuki’s body & eventually KILL her. 
          With that being said, Senketsu is known to be entirely different. He is polite, rational, gentle, possesses a moral codex & knows the difference between good & bad. He cares about his wearer (as seen in the way he keeps his eye on Ryuko all the time) & develops actual feelings of amicability throughout the course of the show. Donning Senketsu instead of Junketsu would mean NO RISK of turning into a berserker. Satsuki would not borderline between life & death whenever activating the kamui, would not feel the intense amount of pain / neural strain she goes through whenever she lets Junketsu drink her blood. In fact, Senketsu would probably even try to limit the ache she feels down to a minimum by holding his true potential back.
            That means Satsuki would not need to constantly struggle for mental dominance / her sanity when fighting / wearing her kamui in an activated form & she probably would not feel as uncomfortable as she does while wearing Junketsu in its deactivated mode. Having Senketsu there to perhaps even understand her (once their mental link is made), listen to her thoughts, monitor her health &/or console her would perhaps prevent Satsuki from isolating herself / suppress all the emotions she keeps on hoarding. Since I hc’ed that Junketsu ACCIDENTLY saved Kiryuin’s life in one of many confrontations with her mother Ragyo by stopping the latter from choking her to death, Senketsu probably would have interfered rather often in other, similar occasions thus saving Satsuki a decent amount of pain.
             To sum matters up: Senketsu would have made her life not necessarily happier but EASIER. Less painful, truly. A lot of the PERMANENT damage which her body took during KLK stemmed from wearing Junketsu too long, too often & too recklessly. The neural damage Sats suffers from in post-KLK / OVA verses could not have been completely avoided (donning a kamui costs a LOT if you are merely human) but it could have been regulated down to a bearable degree. Her relationship to life fibers as such would have been more healthy, she wouldn’t have dissociated herself that harshly from her body, would not have suffered as much as she did. – what is also interesting to note is how Senketsu’s threads & Ryuko’s blood made Junketsu much more bearable to wear (as stated by Satsuki in episode 23). Senketsu could have been the same kind of friend he had been in Ryuko’s case; an ally, someone to actually HELP Sats to feel more human.
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theories-peridot · 7 years
ANALYSIS: mindful education and kill la kill
((Sooooo, it’s been a while! but i’m here to point out some stupid stuff. PS- THIS IS RATED LIKE.. PG15 OR WHATEVER. THERE WILL BE ANIMATED BLOOD and under boob i guess))
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Mindful education, it was a great episode that centered around fusion, specifically stevonnie. Steven and Connie learn how to stay as a stable fusion with the help of Garnet, this episode was loved for it’s exploration into anxiety and it’s way how showing people that it’s better to face the truth and facts rather than push it aside and ignore it. Not only that, but it was also the first episode on Steven universe to have a guest animator, that animator being  Takafumi Hori!  Takafumi Hori works for trigger studio, specifically i’d like to point out, he worked as an animation director on kill la kill. 
“now, what does this have to do with anything and why am i bringing it up now? so and so already talked about it!”
shh. i’m sure they did, but i am yet to see that. after the little nod to mindful education in the recent episode storm in the room, where Connie makes the same hand position that Steveonnie and Garnet did in that episode, and after me watching kill la kill again, this time appreciating it’s story telling, art style and messages, i realize how many similarities it shares with mindful education and i could see why they had  Takafumi Hori guest animate the song sequence “here comes a thought”.
((if you haven't already watched kill la kill, i recommend it, but do go in with an open mind as people are always quick to judge it for it’s ... well.   fanservice. in truth, it gives a messages about being true to who you are, body positivity, opening yourself up to others and relationships, whether it be friendship, romance or platonic love.
so quick summary of kill la kill for those who haven’t watched it: a young girl named ryuko matoi goes to honnouji seeking answers as to who killed her father, there she makes friends with mako and her family, finds a living sailor suit, that she names senketsu (fresh blood) since they meet over him wanting ryuko’s blood and discovers there is more to her existence than she thought.))
 What i’ll talk about here will probably not contain any major spoilers to the anime, but it would make more sense to someone who has watched and has an appreciation for kill la kill, so, here we go.
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First off, i’d like to point out what a major part of kill la kill is, in the first few episodes, ryuko and senketsu have trouble syncing and being one, this is caused by ruko silently pushing senketsu away out of embarrassment. 
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very soon after in a fight with satsuki she realizes what she’s doing and accepts senketsu and her body and stops being embarrassed. 
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(side note, i just realized how dopey and cute sentektsu looks on ryuko in his unfully activated state X3)
now that you know how their relationship works, ryuko and senketsu having to rely on each other to stay at full power and do their best, doesn’t that remind you of mindful education? having to work together with someone else and sync with them to perform at your best.
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another point i would like to make, is what happens when a member of the pair loses it. 
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for a fusion, they will break apart, or try to stay together and experience something like a nightmare or hallucination of what is bothering them. This could be guilt or pain of any emotional kind as far as we know.
and guess what happens in kill la kill with ryuko and senketsu!??
one of them loses it,
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both of them
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f*cking lose it
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this scene right here, is ryuko getting so mad over nui coaxing her about the death of her father that her blood is so hot and boiling to the point senketsu loses control too. They become a literal monster. 
but how is this freaking monstrosity the same i don’t hear, but presume you ask- 
in kill la kill, this example would be the most extreme, ryuko and senketsu don’t technically break apart from being unstable, but they will when senketsu is not emotionally close enough to ryuko and can’t hold his actual kamui (godrobe) form in worry that he will kill ryuko or knock her out from blood loss (yes, he drinks a small amount to a moderate amount of her blood to stay in that form), this is because he needs to drink more of her blood in order to be close to her if she is pushing him away out of embarrassment or general emotional resentment of any kind. This causes senketsu to go back to his sailor uniform-form to save ryuko
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this in away is like a fusion splitting up. but back to monster ryuketsu (ryuko wearing senketsu i mean) the way they lose each other is the same way Steven and Connie lose each other in their pain in their hallucinations, one of them loses it. both of them lose it. They both get scared and stressed and it just gets everything much worse till they split up. 
few more things i’d like to point out, acceptance and being emotionally synced (in relation to the here comes a thought) . 
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acceptance, toward the middle and end of mindful education, Steven tells Connie that he just pushes his feelings aside and ignores them to the best of his abilities. He tries to take the easy route out by ignoring everything to stay happy (ignorance is bliss). Ryuko goes through the same thing while wearing junketsu, for a while, she tries to keep her ignorance, going to kill mako
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even though technically, this is a forced feeling, ryuko does have to power to resist it, which is what she ends up doing, though at first she seemed to be more content with killing the ones that deny her fake happiness. Just as ryuko had mako and senketsu, Steven has Connie to help him get over his wanting to ignore his problems and be ignorant to it all. 
They both face the fact that it will be better for them not to live like that and accept reality. Steven couldn’t help those gems and Rose is not as perfect has he thought, Ryuko is not happy and her wedding is not real, her mother is a manipulative b*tch and junketsu is not good.
now for the song and kill la kill. 
just listen to them both and think about the lyrics. now
they both tell about how they must both be calm and not lose themselves in their problems and mind, to level the head and sync, they will have problems but they have each other and they still exist. 
alright, that’s all.
oh wait
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dont forget dis
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pxrifiedmxniac · 1 year
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Anonymous sent: Kill the Vampire Ryuko. She's dangerous and attracts dangerous people. As soon as Lilly is brought back to like, tear out Missi's throat. Otherwise, she won't be safe.
And the anon would be swiftly wrapped up in a tight grip before hoisted up above the hybrid’s head.
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“I’m gonna have to stop ya right there. Best not to let my wear have more stress on her mind as is. Listen, I may not be too keen on the vampire, but I sense there’s at least a connection between the three. Ya really think it’s gonna be that easy for her to just go out of her way and snuff her out without what it’ll to do her psychologically? Not to mention the strain it’d put on her and Lilly’s relationship? Now, I would tell ya to fuck off, but that would involve me lettin’ ya go. And you know what? I don’t feel like it~”  And right as the lights went out...
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pxrifiedmxniac · 10 months
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"Don't think for a second that I've just up and left! I'm still here~!"
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pxrifiedmxniac · 1 year
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@cauchemarrose​ sent: I see (from Primordial Life Fiber to Junketsu)
Send me “I see” and I’ll tell you how my character perceives yours
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“Perfection! A true example of a superior being in every way shape or form~!”
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
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During the late night by herself, Ryuko merely sat in her office in complete silence and isolation. Lily all tucked in her bed asleep while the hybrid let all of her thoughts and emotions sink in. She was tired, exhausted from all that had been going on around her. It all wore on her after a while and it was time she took some time away to let it all sink in. Maybe she should just get ready for bed.
After washing her face in the cool water, Ryuko stood in front of the bathroom mirror as she took a few deep, calming breaths. Right now, she felt as refreshed as she could be. Sure, there were still some thoughts lingering in her head, but it was better than before, right?
But then, she heard that voice...
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“Why do you care so much about these... inferior beings?” 
“You know exactly why. I don’t need to reiterate it to you, especially since you’ve met them yourself.” Ryuko groaned, rolling her eyes as she had a feeling what Junketsu was going to talk about.
“When was the last time any of them have done anything for you? You give. You care. You provide. And what does it land you? Nothing. Leaving you high and dry with not even so much as a single word of gratitude.”
“And yet you drink my blood. You take something that provides me with life to satiate your hunger.” The hybrid retaliated, showing annoyance towards the kamui that was clad on her.
“Say what you will about what I do. At least I show you my appreciation in a way. You give me your blood, I give you strength; power beyond what any mere being can possibly imagine. That’s more than what they can say.” 
“No... no you’ve seen some show their appreciation. You’ve seen them in person.” She knew it too. She knew those who showed her gratitude - friends, even loved ones. She knew they at least gave her some respect and appreciation. However, Junketsu continued.
“Humans, the divine, the infernal, the undead, all the same. Weak-minded, feeble, selfish, greedy. Merely food for something larger than what they can possibly comprehend.”
“I’m not going to have this conversation, Junketsu.” Now Ryuko wanted this conversation over. Not just because the kamui was getting annoying, but... was Junketsu actually getting to her? Was Junketsu providing some sort of point? No, the kamui had to be wrong, correct?
“They focus on their own petty squabbles. Hmm... maybe they don’t deserve what they’ve been given. Maybe they don’t deserve this planet.”
“Junketsu, no!” Ryuko shouted, facing the mirror before she would bear witness to the sight of herself in the reflection. What she saw wasn’t herself though. She only a face similar to herself, bearing a grin full of sharp, needle-like teeth; the whites of her eyes now as black as a void with multicolored irises.
“In the end, all beings exist to carry on cycle of the Life Fibers.”
Out of instinct, the hybrid swiftly slammed her fist into the mirror before her; the sound of the shattering glass echoing throughout her home. Just from one punch, Ryuko was already shaking; a cold sweat coming from her as her breathing stuttered. For a few, long minutes; Ryuko only stood in front of the sink shaking as her eyes began to well up with tears. Said tears would drop to the tiled floor beneath her, coupled with droplets of blood that dripped from the wounds on her hand where the mirror’s glass had been embedded.
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
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Anonymous sent: So, you're saying that you DON'T have a safe word?
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“What’re you? Fuckin’ stupid!? Of course not! Why the hell would I subject myself to breeding with such inferior being!? Every being that isn’t the Life Fibers only serves one purpose - Food.”
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“But I’ll tell ya what. Me having a safe word would be the equivalent of what humans call “Say Uncle”. But then again, no matter how many times or how loud you say it, I’ll just choose to ignore it.”
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
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Pretty much safe to assume that the extent of NSFW with Junketsu would more than likely be violence, blood and gore, and possibly body horror since Junketsu has no interest in sex.
Y’all have been warned.
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
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“Safe words? Ha! That’d imply that I would even dare try and conceive with lower lifeforms.”
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
“My next evolution draws near…I just need more time and blood, Junketsu.”
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"Time I can only give so much of."
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"Blood though. Now that... that's easy~"
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
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I’ve had this idea in the back of my mind...
What if there are times where Junketsu completely takes control of Ryuko; mainly in like times of desperation in a fight or even using Ryuko as a vessel to speak for it?
The latter part practically happening at around any given point? Like even Ryuko doesn’t know when that’ll happen.
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
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“If we’re talkin’ about teeth then, well...~”
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
This is just a taste of what happens when Junketsu takes over. >:3c
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
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“Well, aren’t the lot of you boring?”
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pxrifiedmxniac · 2 years
"I turned anonymous asks off, but if I had any leftover, I'd feed them to you Junketsu."
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"Much appreciated. I can tell why Ryuko trusts you a lot."
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