#; ʀᴇғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇᴇxᴄᴇᴘᴛɪᴏɴ // [ ooc ]
reversedpsync · 10 months
I live (again), wow november disappeared
little starter call for winterfes, capped at 3!
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reversedpsync · 1 year
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Ok, and its time for a starter call! This also functions as a notice that I'm gonna be dropping older stuff, I let myself get too overwhelmed and need a fresh start for these two.
but anyways, capped at 3 for now! If you miss the cap, you're also welcome to reach out with a message if you wanna plot something!
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reversedpsync · 2 years
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I haven't really posted any mun info in ages so sure here we go! I'm Echo, I'm a canadian geologist and phd student who is really into Uchikoshi games, tales of, and nintendo stuff! I've been doing RP stuff for a while now, been in and out with a number of muses, too many to list here lol. For right now though I've got Ryuki and Tama here, Mirai (my pokemon OC), and Emil/Ratatosk!
For a little more about myself- I'm currently researching copper and I think it's really neat. Pokemon, DotNW, and Uchikoshi's games are some of my oldest long-term special interests, so I think it's kinda funny how those are my active muses rn. My twitter is here if ppl want to chat more, and I have a discord you can dm for if you want!
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reversedpsync · 1 year
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it's event time! Hit that like button for a spiralmon-themed thread with Ryuki and Tama, capped at 3 for now with castmates exempt
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reversedpsync · 1 year
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kusemon Spiralmon trainers Ryuki & Tama would like to battle!
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reversedpsync · 1 year
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screams softly over hype at collab art LOOK AT THEM GO
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reversedpsync · 1 year
"Ryuki’s fighting style is something like “gun fu.” He fights enemies with a gun and a parkour style. He backflips to dodge attacks, rushes up onto vans and containers, then somersaults from there and attacks, etc. (Those moves are a bit useless, but it’s important to be flashy)"
so the cutting room floor updated the page on dev notes and. i'm absolutely losing my shit at this bit here
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reversedpsync · 1 year
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Send 🌈 for a LGBTQ+ headcanon I have for my muse @slumberingcourage 🌈!!
Ryuki and his brother were identical twins, and were both trans! I think they both kinda realized it pretty early on, and their parents were supportive before their passing, so it's always been a normal thing for him. It was the kinda thing where one was like "i think i'm a boy" and the other nodded "me too, stop copying me" and then there was some noogie-ing involved before telling their parents.
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reversedpsync · 1 year
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Send 👍 for a random headcanon I have about our muses @inheritai sent: 👍feel free not to limit it to one tho *vibrates intensely*
a few, then!
Ryuki and Mizuki first met after one of Ryuki and Date's early bar crawls, when he was carrying Date's drunk ass home. He assumed she was his daughter, and the roommate thing confused him for a bit
The two of them have an uncanny ability to bully Date in tandem when he's trying to talk about things. From Ryuki, it's not even intentional, it just happens.
Ryuki is the Date family's unpaid babysitter. If Date called him up like "hey can you watch mizuki for a bit" he'd be like "ok sure :D" [proceeds to get bullied by a 12 year old for a few hours]
(I think subconsciously Ryuki ends up, over time, projecting some of his feelings abt his brother towards Mizuki- a strong kid who'll jump headfirst into trouble to fight for Justice is exactly like him... plus, his brother would've thought the super-strength was really cool. Which makes his eventual guilt over the explosion end worse...)
I think Tama would enjoy teasing Aiba about being 'uptight'. Aiba gives different reactions from Ryuki, so it's a different form of entertainment
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reversedpsync · 1 year
me: man i haven't gotten any memes in a while
me, realizing i was a genius who somehow fucking deleted their inbox icon: oh
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reversedpsync · 2 years
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NAME:  Echo PRONOUNS:  she/he/they PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: dms, twitter, discord dms (i don’t post it publicly, but you can always dm to ask me for it!)
NAME OF MUSE(S): Kuruto Ryuki, Emil/Ratatosk RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  since like... 2014-ish? PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: deviantart, skype, tumblr, discord 
BEST EXPERIENCE: oh it’s impossible to pick one thing as a best experience, i’ve had so many fun plots with people over the years!! RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: Honestly it’s pretty hard to find a straight up dealbreaker for me? So long as people are being respectful and following basic RP etiquette, its fine.   FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:  Fluff and angst are both my life. I love putting muses through the grinder and then letting them have real comfy cozy times as a reward after. I have written smut before and it was fun but I am no longer that bold and my muses who Are old enough usually aren’t into the idea anyways sdlfkgsdfg PLOTS OR MEMES: Both! But I definitely do thrive when I’ve got a good plot going, it’s extremely fun watching things you’ve been waiting for start to play out. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: They each have their time, but I do enjoy writing longer content! Just get the brain flowing and stuff, y’know. BEST TIME TO WRITE: Mornings or late afternoons, usually. Or if the dash is really going, then evenings work too. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  This feels like a trap question considering this particular muse but im just like him fr fr (this is a joke slkdhfgdsfg). But to give a serious answer: I usually can find at least some parts of my muses I can relate to or empathize with, but how far that goes can vary wildly lmao. Like for Ryuki we’ve got a kinda similar sense of humor and assigned ‘straight man’ in the group comedy dynamic, with emil I’m honestly a pretty shy person irl and can relate a lot to his arc of learning how to be confident, vs a muse like vaati where. i would not say i’m like him but i Do totally vibe with his gifted kid energy. just uh, slightly less evil i hope.
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reversedpsync · 2 years
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relationship meme @eusyram Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
I do not think Ryuki really gets why Mary Sue is so passionate about romance and boyfriends and stuff, but he doesn't actually mind being dragged around to investigate mystery love letters and the like. It's a rather lighthearted change of pace compared to like, murders and stuff, but I also do think after a while he starts to wonder if she's planting them herself lmao.
something something speed dial detective ☎
Name: Mary Sue Picture: Also probably a selfie she took on his phone
Last text: Is getting love letters really that common an occurrence? I guess it is the right time of year for it though...
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reversedpsync · 2 years
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canon questionare. @encarnal sent: 12. What would you say is the most unique trait about your character?
For Tama, that's at least a pretty easy answer- she's a big tiddy AI-eyeball who lives in Ryuki's eye socket. She's funny and I like her for that.
But to answer a bit more seriously will go into major spoilers for both of them, so putting the rest under a cut!
For Ryuki, something I think that's really interesting about him is actually like... the fact that he is explicitly mentally ill, but that mental illness is also used to tell the narrative and reinforce how he views and interacts with the world. I've thought about this a lot, but I genuinely think it's a very unique way of showing how a character with mental illness engages with the world- first you see how Ryuki sees himself, and then you get to see how everyone else sees him.
But even with all that, even after seeing him spiral and end up in a really bad place mentally, the narrative still says Yes he deserves to live and Yes him surviving was a good thing. Not even people he personally hurt wanted him dead, because he isn't a bad person- just deeply flawed and hurting very badly, but still deserving of redemption. 99% of the time a character like him in a murder mystery would get redemption via death at Best (or at worst be an outright villain) so oh my GOD it was so refreshing to see him survive.
As for Tama, its how loyal she is. Like, a character like her could so easily push onto the line of annoying or 'too much' in terms of her perversions, but it's so clear that she truly is loyal to Ryuki and cares deeply about him. She sticks by him for 6 years of hell, she betrays everything she was built for to stand by him, and oh my god it makes me So Normal about those two.
Anyways Ryuki and Tama are the only time i've seen characters in fiction go "lol you two are like a married couple" and i actually buy it. not romantic not sexual but a secret third thing (partners). so another unique point is that i have no idea what the fuck they've got going on but its certainly Something.
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reversedpsync · 2 years
did I pencil if not I PENCIL ✏️ ✏️ ✏️
Send me a ✏️ and I’ll write your muse’s name in my (The mun’s) handwriting!
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reversedpsync · 1 year
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its been a lil while, so time for a starter call for these two! will probably be on the shorter side, I wanna get myself going again, so capping at 3.
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reversedpsync · 2 years
Tama | AI: The Somnium Files: nirvanA Initiative
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Ryuki's robot eyeball partner!
The complete opposite of Ryuki. She peppers his life with dirty jokes and incidental music.
Lover of comedy and comedians.
This eyeball is bisexual
Aspiring movie director (to Ryuki's perpetual exhaustion)
Gets Ryuki to practice self care in unique ways
She's a highly advanced sentient AI, btw.
Love is stored in the AI-ball
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