#;adramalech hc
iomadachd · 1 year
On Earth, Adramalech is known as Adam Cohen, one of the premier fashion designers in the world. Famously private, it's rumored that one would have to sell their soul to own a piece by him.
They're not quite wrong.
Adramalech typically only dresses Lucifer, or other high-ranking demons. However, he can be talked into dressing humans, particularly if they've sold their soul directly to the Devil himself, or if they've intrigued Adramalech in some way.
Under the alias of Adam Cohen, he runs a fashion house named Nove. Italian for the number nine, his logo is nine intricately intertwined circles, representing the nine circles of Hell.
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iomadachd · 1 year
Adramalech is a fallen angel, one of the originals cast out from Heaven along with Lucifer. As one of the originals, his loyalty to Lucifer is infallible and unquestionable.
He will express his opinions, bluntly even, if he feels something about a plan is likely to fail, but he does it out of a desire for Lucifer to succeed, for Hell to succeed.
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iomadachd · 1 year
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@dilffactory asked: What does their bedroom look like? (For Adramalech. I gotta know what fancy hellman lives in.)
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Tumblr Meme
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Being a demon, Adramalech doesn't actually need to sleep, but he will retreat to the master bedroom for a moment of solitude within his home. It's the only truly private space since he hosts other demons within his home frequently for both business and pleasure.
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Much like his taste in fashion, his taste in decoration is equally streamlined and minimalist, but not meaningless.
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iomadachd · 1 year
Adramalech can no longer remember the name he was given by God prior to his Fall alongside Lucifer. The name is as lost to him as is his loyalty to Heaven. He only knows the name he has.
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iomadachd · 1 year
♠ - Clothes they wear when they just don’t care I wanna see what fashionable Adramalech wears when he doesn't have to do anything
Outfit Headcanons
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He's never quite casual, just slightly less formal.
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iomadachd · 1 year
Character Alignments (Pt. 1)
Adramalech - Lawful Evil
Amitiel - True/Chaotic Neutral
Ben - True Neutral
Copia - Lawful Neutral/Evil
Cowbell - Chaotic Neutral
Dean - Chaotic Good
Dewdrop - Chaotic Neutral
Diego - Neutral/Chaotic Good
Drusilla - Chaotic Evil/Neutral
Ianto - Lawful Good
Imperator - Lawful Evil
Klaus - Chaotic Neutral
Leila - True Neutral
Manfred - Chaotic/Lawful Neutral
Mary - Neutral Good
Michael - Lawful Good/Evil
Nihil - True Neutral
Nora - Lawful Good
Phantom - Chaotic Neutral
Penelope - Neutral Good
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iomadachd · 10 months
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@dilffactory asked: 📂 Adram the other loml
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have (accepting)
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Adramalech is a tea snob when he's on Earth. Do not give him Earl Grey, he prefers green teas.
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iomadachd · 11 months
what is your throne made of?
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the leader who sits on a throne of glass values honesty and integrity. they rule their kingdom democratically and will uphold justice at any cost. their intelligence and perception is unrivalled in any of the surrounding lands. they will always be transparent with their views and be true to their people and what they stand for. however, it is unwise to lie to a ruler of glass - they can see right through any deception and believe dishonesty to be the most severe of crimes.
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iomadachd · 1 year
👃 : Does your OC smell good? Do they have a signature scent?
For my top two faves. My two moods of ur ocs. I kno.
🔥 Piping Hot OC Asks 🔥(accepting)
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I've got headcanons for the cologne and perfume that they individually wear. They definitely smell good with what they wear.
Adramalech wears Tobacco Vanille by Tom Ford.
Leila wears Good Girl by Carolina Herrera.
After that, it becomes a little more dependent on personal tastes.
Adramalech without cologne smells of sulfur, ozone, and petrichor, but if he's really working to conceal the sulfur, then it's more of a smoky smell, like a wildfire.
Leila without perfume often smells of sweet pea or bergamot from her lotions and clove from her cigarettes with an underlying scent at her core that's a bit hard to pin down. Human pheromones and the faintest whiff of sulfur.
Ghost!verse specific:
Leila smells completely different as a member of the Abbey. She wears Love's Baby Soft perfume.
Top Notes: Lemon Leaf, Orange Mid Notes: Lily of the Valley, Jasmine, Rose Base Notes: Sandalwood, Vanilla, Powdery, Creamy Musk
Her core scent is again that faintest whiff of sulfur, stronger when she's using her powers, along with something sweet and smoky.
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iomadachd · 1 year
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@dilffactory asked: "Don't chase the rabbit" #1 awful man Adram plz
Send me "Don't chase the rabbit" and your muse will be shown a random memory from my muse's past. (accepting)
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Father has Created, and it's His most wondrous creation yet. A planet within the vastness of the cosmos. Out of the Darkness has come the stars and celestial bodies with no wavelengths, only a presence.
Fire tempered into the earth, cradled by water, and it is as perfect as the Garden.
He flocks to it as so many of the Host do, in awe of its beauty, of the new creations that are called animals. They are beasts of all kinds, inspired by the many faces of the angels. All are named, and more join them each day. Lions, sheep, tigers, snakes, birds, and more.
He finds one like him and sits among them, tracing the delicate skull, light and energy playing against the vivid blues and greens. They are peacocks, and know him by one of his faces. Father has created such perfect things upon this planet called Earth. They love the peacock best.
He is content to lay amongst them, to bask in the warmth of a star close enough to heat the air, and to give thanks for the opportunity to experience creation firsthand.
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iomadachd · 1 year
do they still have childhood friends?
for Adram but like. not childhood. like. before-friends. does he think of any of the before-fall people affectionately still.
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The thing is, Adramalech cannot truly hate the Host. He still has fleeting memories of the before, of the Divine Light and the chorus.
He was one of the Dominion, one of the Lords of Heaven who kept the Earth in its proper order, they were both mercy and justice to humans as well as lower-ranking angels. He loved his work, and he loved his Father. He served under Zadkiel, and it is him that Adramalech recalls most clearly. He recalls the love and affection he had for the Leader of the Dominion, and how strong his faith and trust in the other was.
When he chooses to recall. He does his best not to remember the before, and it is easier with every passing century. He doesn't even recall the name he was given at creation.
Any fondness for Zadkiel, Haaiah, Reiyel, and others is tinged with the bitter anger that comes from being on opposing sides. He loves them but hates that they chose humans over the Host.
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iomadachd · 1 year
favorite fruit(s) : pomegranates, apples
favorite activity(ies) : reading, walking, sketching
favorite flower(s) :  nerium oleander, orchids
favorite season(s) : spring
favorite insect(s) : luna moth
favorite animal(s) : snakes, panthers, peacocks
favorite gem(s) : onyx, garnet
favorite time of day : afternoon
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iomadachd · 1 year
The sin that Adramalech is most guilty of is Pride.
The virtue he is most associated with is Diligence.
The heavenly virtue he is most associated with is Prudence.
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iomadachd · 1 year
Adramalech can come across as a chaotic being in his true form, but he has many ways to appear if the opportunity calls for it.
When he's on Earth, it's the most human he will ever appear. On Earth, he looks the same as any other human, although the aura he gives off tends to be a little more threatening than the average human. The only thing that would ever betray him is if he allowed his demon eyes to come forward. However, if that happens, it's already far too late for whoever sees them.
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In the world of Ghost, the majority of humanity will only ever see him in his most human form, walking among them as any man does. This includes the Ministry. However, from time to time he may appear more as a Ghoul does, for the sake of keeping the clergy on their toes and reminding those in charge that he is of Hell. In this form, his skin has more of a grayish hue, and his eyes are pure white except for the rectangular pupils that give him the look of a goat. From his head sprouts a small pair of white horns, curling ever so faintly in a shape reminiscent of the silver Ghoul masks that have been retired.
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The form most residents in Hell will see is his Demonic form. In this form, his eyes are a pure, pale white, with the hint of something approaching ivory in the shadows.
His hands are gnarled and clawed. Each razor-sharp tip is a bronze color that fades to pitch black. This blackness continues on his fingers, hands, and forearms, fading to a pale flesh tone at his biceps. The skin is almost corpselike in its lack of color, and slightly translucent. The veins beneath are clearly visible, a blackish-blue color, and they pulse ever so slightly if you're paying close attention. His teeth are sharpened to razor points, and his smile is just a touch too wide to be natural. His ears are slightly pointed, tipped in black that curls beneath his hair and down his spine.
His hairline is receded in this form, in order to accommodate his horns. His largest pair emerge from where the hairline would begin, near his temples, fading from bronze at the base to black at the tips. The skin around them is cracked and stained with ichor, sticky and black. They curl over and back behind his head sharply like a ram's horns. The secondary pair erupt within the space that remains from the first pair, further down as if from his forehead. These are a solid back, arcing straight back over his skull, five inches long and as sharp as a knife's point.
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Adramalech will almost never show his Fallen form, as it is a part of his past, and he prefers to look to the present and future. As such, this is his rarest form, and likely to only ever be seen by Lucifer or fellow Fallen.
As one of the original Fallen, he still retains elements of his angelic form, too terrible for humans to comprehend. In the form closest to what he was when God created him, his wings appear as a blackened and burnt peacock's tail, with only the barest hints of green and iridescence visible under searing light. A halo of decay and corruption. In their glory, they were shaped more like a peacock's wings, with all the colors of the rainbow, the primaries a soft tan and dotted with the peacock eyes more associated with the tail.
His eyes burn a terrible ashen color with just the barest hints of blue beneath them, like ice. A reminder that he fell from Grace, and he was Holy once upon a time.
His body, if it can be called such, is a lithe, shifting thing that puts one in mind of light reflecting off an oil slick. It's not quite tangible and seems to be just out of reach in terms of being solid. As quickly as you can focus on a part of him, it has already changed or slipped into shadow.
He has three faces, that of a mule, a mask, and a peacock. He cannot fully recall if the mask was one of his original faces, but it is there all the same. Each face is not as pure as it once was, lined with cracks, or visibly decayed or burnt in places. The scars of being a traitor to Heaven.
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iomadachd · 1 year
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There have been attempts to draw Adramalech by those who have seen his demonic form to draw him, but there are none quite right. Many slipped into madness soon after.
(created with deepai.org, please do not come for me, I just needed a quick way to get what was in my head into an image)
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iomadachd · 1 year
When Adramalech is not disguising his scent in any way, he smells most strongly of sulfur, with undertones of ozone and petrichor.
Even when he's above ground, there's a whiff of sulfur around him, though you'd be hard-pressed to smell it, and would most likely write it off as an undertone of his cologne.
He exclusively wears Tobacco Vanille by Tom Ford, which has key notes of tobacco, vanilla and ginger.
Other notes include: Tonka Bean, Cocoa, Dry Fruit Accords, and Sweet Wood Sap
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