logitechq · 2 years
excuse the mobile post on the main but !! we are excited to share that we decided to go ahead and proceed with opening with the 9 apps that we already have !!. we’ll keep accepting applications up until the to be determined opening date as well. with that being said look out for a poll on the main to choose our opening day!
we’re so excited to move forward with our quaint, futuristic little world :)
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logitechq · 2 years
we’d like to apologize for the absentee of the main and admins! i, admin konan, have been dealing with some internet issues since our storm here on top of the weather going from 80 degrees to 30 in a day. but! good news, our internet provider sent a tech out today and we’re up and running smoothly! promotions and main activity (as well as my muse activity) will continued as usual starting tomorrow afternoon !!
thank you all for your patience,
- admin team
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