skeletal-hopes · 5 years
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Name: Metis Axu'zya
Birthday: November 13th { 66 lepidopian years = 330 earth years }
Alias: Grand Admiral Metis { current general title } Obsidian Pyre { former executioner title } Her Majesty Merciless Metis { AU queen title }
Kin: His Majesty King Great Paradise { younger half-brother } 
Rueste { younger half-sister } 
Prometheus { younger fullblood brother } Her Majesty Forevermore Fliona { mother | former queen }
Bio: Metis is a lax and mildly amiable moth who is often found sleeping in her hammock with a couple wine bottles lying around. At twenty feet tall and weighing as much as a giraffe at six thousand pounds, Metis is merely the third largest moth there is on Lepidoptera. Metis tends to be very social with others and offer drinks for anybody up to banter with her. She has a rather vulgar vocabulary that some may find off putting but she will attempt to speak clean when present around children. While she understands that people are skittish due to her great size, she doesn’t let the fact stop her from greeting new faces.
History: Born to Queen Fliona and a noblemoth, Metis and her siblings went through body augmentation that exponentially enhanced their body mass and strength. Many siblings, including her triplet sisters Hera and Athena, perished in the horrific genetic experiment. Her mother, Queen Fliona, used her mental manipulation on Metis into becoming her personal executioner, oppressing insurgents and enforcing obedience into lepidopians. When Paradise and Prometheus arrived to Lepidoptera, Metis’s loyalty to the Queen wavered as she began to realize she would lose her brothers just as she lost her sisters. When she broke free from Queen Fliona’s control, Metis aided her siblings in ending their mother’s tyrannical reign.
Occupation: Now with her brother Paradise being the first king of their species, Metis is keen to retire from fighting altogether and relax in the peaceful reign of King Paradise. While she was given the occupation of King Paradise’s Grand Admiral of his army due to her battle experience, her brother wishes to diminish the presence of military force in his harmonic rule. Metis and the army are tasked with helping civilians in natural disasters and rebuilding homes.
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purplefrayedisaster · 4 years
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Saw her loving mother banging Krampus (more than once mind you). It scared/scarred her for a good portion of her childhood. And she used to love xmas.
Had her sexual awakening around 15, aka discovered she preferred girls over the boys. Though she is definitely bisexual. also might or might not have had a harem type thing going on.
Did some stupid shit in her youth (when I figure all that out I’ll let you know)
Loved watching horror films growing up. Due to seeing her mom banging Krampus she has become desensitized to a lot of things, like horror films
Very big into the occult. Would read up on all the things.
Loves her siblings, she is pretty much there for them all. Hell she would even let them crawl into bed with her when they had nightmares
Basically kind of become a mom to her siblings, sometimes she’ll mother hen them in a joking manor. She is protective of them even when she is kind of joking around.
Tried to balance being a kind of mother figure and older sister to her younger siblings.
carried a damn first aid kit  because her siblings have been known to be magnets for trouble or hurting themselves. 
had a brief psychotics break down after Dani die.
she loves Greg and is there for him too. And yeah she even mothered him too.
knows who his real father is and never really told him
feel feels guilty that she didn’t make the time to tell him the truth, and for not being able to realize how depressed her baby bother is.
if Tim ever needed help she’d be there to help him, which would include a trip to Germany to find his father
kat might have hooked up with one of his exes 
had to teach him about sex... still probably needs to check up on his knowledge about sex and health stuff. she really should just give him a quiz every month. 
is closer to Dani, cause she was pretty much Kat’s mini-me
Her heart was shattered when Dani was possessed by a demon and couldn’t be saved. Blames her sister's death on their parents. rarely speaks with them
Feels guilty that she couldn’t save Dani, nor did she realize what was happening .
she spoiled Dani and still does
also had the sex talk with her, and gave her a book titled “Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life“ by Emily Nagoski. She also doesn’t have to worry about Dani not being safe. 
Is super skilled with tarot cards, different types of deviation,
Thinks she is could be pretty powerful but not as powerful as other older witches
Is trying to write her own grimoire
Is kind of scared of exorcisms or preforming them
makes her siblings protection charms, she even made some for their parents. also might make them for those that are able to get truly close to her 
is willing to teach others the craft
also her dead sister showed up at her door like a few years ago. it was great.
She is kind of a nudist, so be careful when visiting her. only really wears clothing when dani and a guest will be at her house
Likes to role-play/play doctor
Kind of wants kids but doesn’t wanna fuck them up as her parents did to her and her sibs
Researches demonology in her free time, when she isn’t flirting with the ladies (Timmy likes)
Her co-workers and some friends think she is nymphomania or has hypersexuality, just because she has more game than them.
knows what she wants and how to get it
if she ever were to have a break down she’d try to hide it by crying in the shower
she is shocked that she doesn’t have any gray hairs 
I’ll add more when I think of stuff. 
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gloriasmess · 4 years
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Name: Redikalum/Ridke/Reddick Callum John MacLeod Age: very, very, very old Gender: cis male Orientation: bisexual (polyamorous, and taken) MBTI: ENFP Temperament: Sanguine About: Bold, charming, passionate, confident, expressive, lively, impulsive, warm-hearted and kind of a beautiful disaster. He’s a hell of a dancer, a fine sailor, plays several guitar-shaped instruments, and cooks better than your mom. He’s also a time lord.
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neverlandborn · 4 years
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Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ Bɪᴏ: Nʏx Nᴏʀsᴇ-Pᴀɴ
I ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴘʀɪᴄᴇ. Aɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ɪғ ɪ ᴅɪᴅ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ'ᴛ ᴀғғᴏʀᴅ ɪᴛ.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
Muses I have Solid Ideas for and will eventually flesh out into proper profiles:
Honey the Sugar Glider: Flight Member of “The Tasmanian Terrors”, She’s about 16-17. She knew Kicks before they formed the Extreme Gear team, but respects that Kicks doesn’t want to talk about his past. Nothing anyone does or says will get her to talk about Kicks and her’s childhood unless Kicks starts the conversation first.
Master Emerald: The Master Emerald has taken the form of a Mobian Echidna to raise a tiny baby Knuckles. She’s majoritively a crack character though you are free to have serious conversations with her! She is a very calm and motherly sort of ‘person’ always willing to listen and give advice. 
Phantom Ruby: The Phantom Ruby has taken the most adorable (feral) puppy form and is looking for Loup! They just want to make it up to their new friend all the trouble Eggman caused the both of them :( They had no idea he was being used against his will. They can take other forms and prefer they/he pronouns.
Mewtwo: Specifically the one from the Detective Pikachu Movie! He’s just a really good chill boy who’s been inspired by Detective Pikachu to give humans another chance! He’s not afraid to defend himself however, so watch out.
Joli the Twili: My Twili LOZ OC, they are a really gentle and sweet person, they know quite a bit about treating ailments with ingredients natural to the twilght realm. They do not really speak fluently outside of the Twili language but they try their hardest.
Unnamed OK KO OC: He’s a villain who specializes in theft. His power is to make bubbles to store things in or walls of bubbles to block people’s paths. These bubbles are completely opaque preventing people from being able to tell which ones are empty, which have stolen goods, and which are booby trapped. The bubbles are very sticky and not fun to deal with. He’s basically just a petty criminal compared to most other villains.
Muses I have but am not currently planning on adding to the blog unless someone really wants to interact with them:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Really really non-canon personality wise. He’s not as unapologetically goofy or cocky, but he’s still a fun loving guy. He has confidence in his skills as a Hero but doesn’t rub it in anyone face except Eggman. He’s very supportive of his younger brother, doing everything he can to be sure Tails is provided for. He raised Tails on his own practically since the kid was born. Only verse I have for him is Older Now to match my Knuckles. He’s ftm fully transitioned as well…. He’s also depressed as heck and taking medication for it, he pretends to be fine but he’s really really not fine
Shadow the Hedgehog: Error-- Too many divergent AUs found. Ask in IM if you would like to RP with Shadow. Very Selectively Open.
Wind Waker Link: Post canon WW Link is a really fun guy! He’s a little traumatized by the events at the end of the game but doesn’t let that slow him down! He loves Tetra but she gets on his every last nerve sometimes. He misses the King of the Red Lions and wants to find a new home for the Hylians to make him proud!
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pxwerriderandrxbbit · 5 years
Zoey Reeves
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Age: 19
Race: Human
Background: Former Grid Battleforce cadet, but was cut and moved into laundry service.  When Evox returned she ran towards the fray instead of away, and became the Yellow Ranger.   Very creative, talented, eats a lot of carrots due to hyper metabolism issues stemming from being linked with Jackrabbit DNA that was partially corrupted.  Plus side of new powers: Can jump really high. Believes in solving problems rather than running away from them.
Other notes: Becomes the Beast Morphers Yellow Ranger.
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Bio - Xander
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Name: Crown Prince Xander Theodore Siegfried VanNohr
Face Claim: canon
Voice Claim: canon
Age: 29
Height: 6'10"
Sex/Gender: cis male
Orientation: publicly heterosexual, privately bicurious
Current Location: Castle Krakenburg, Nohr
Birthday: October 27
Nationality: Nohrian
Affiliations: Nohrian Royalty
Wealth: The entirety of the Nohrian treasury is in his command, yet he is very frugal on non-military and non-humanitarian expenses. He's just reluctant to spend money frivolously because Nohr has too many important expenses.
Fluent Languages: English (spoken/written), Japanese (spoken), German (spoken, written); currently learning written Japanese, French, and Spanish.
Primary Class: Paladin
Secondary Class: Swordmaster
Close Combat: unparalleled in hand-to-hand and swordsmanship, fights honorably but sadistically
Ranged Combat: can hit a target up to a half mile away with Siegfried's beams if he can see them
Magic Combat: doesn't bother trying with it, unless you count Siegfried's beams
Healing: only very basic first aid
Speed: average speed on foot, blazing fast on horseback
Stealth: very hard to miss in armor, not great at sneaking around, but still succeeds sometimes
Survival Skills: can feed, water, and shelter himself and dependents for at least a month in the wilderness
Endurance: can perform strenuous activity for hours, high pain tolerance
Charm: persuasive, can easily show his gentle and friendly side to get what he wants
Intimidation: very good at intimidating, especially with his strength, sword, willingness to make threats, and power to make good on threats.
Intelligence: very smart, but mostly gifted in linguistics and memory
Hidden Skills: fighting with daggers and lances, navigating in the dark, remembering little details
Hidden Weaknesses: unable to swim
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Temperament: Choleric
Primary Vice: Wrath
Primary Virtue: Humility
Likes: time with family, swordfighting, loyalty, making others happy, cruelty to enemies
Dislikes: betrayal, sarcasm, off-color humor, dishonorable behavior, filthiness, drugs, arrogance, cruelty to innocents
Dreams: to build Nohr into a thriving country, raise a successful heir and heiress, one-up the hoshidans at every opportunity
Fears: harm coming to his family and/or to the nohrian people
Habits: speaking formally, pacing the room, forgetting to eat/drink
Sociability: very formal, seems stern and unapproachable, is actually kind and thoughtful; not kind at all to enemies, though.
Wiki Page
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skeletal-hopes · 7 years
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Name: Paradise Axu'zya
Birthday: February 27th (33 lepidopian years = 165 earth years )
Alias: His Majesty Peaceful Paradise { king title }
Parasite { corrupted alter ego }
Primal Paradise { IMDOM title }
Kin: Prometheus { older half brother }
Rueste { older half sister }
Metis { older half sister } 
Her Majesty Forevermore Fliona { mother | former queen }
Bio: Paradise is a kind, outgoing moth whose friendly and cheery personality attracts many friends and enemies. At ten feet tall and six hundred pounds, this moth does not hesitant to help a stranger and loves to greet friends with warm hugs. Paradise always searches for peaceful alternatives in tense situations, and attempts his best to help others feel comfortable around him, as he is a rather tall and energetic moth.
History: Born to Queen Fliona and her personal seer, Paradise and his siblings went through body augmentation that exponentially enhanced their body mass and strength. However, the scientists abandoned Paradise in favor of others’ various success and the moth was left alone on a desolated comet full of squeaking lifeforms. Paradise went and saw many planets and galaxies by using his teleportation portals, the first of many abilities unlocked for him. Through his adventures, he became friends with two avians named Helena and Zafen - whom taught him life lessons and helped him develop his powers. 
However in an event where a dangerous ambush situation caught the trio by surprise, Paradise attempted to save Helena and Zafen from certain death. However ordered by Helena to save Zafen instead, Paradise witnessed Helena dying. Overwhelmed by grief, Paradise’s pyrokinesis awakened and incinerated their ambushers and swatches of their home. When everything burned out, Zafen was angry with Paradise for saving him and not Helena, revealing the two harpies had an egg. Untrustworthy of Paradise’s terrifying pyrokinesis, Zafen told Paradise to leave and never return, chasing him away when Paradise hesitated. Ashamed and fearful of himself and his newfound power, Paradise had fled the galaxy and was founded by his brother Prometheus.
Berating himself over the sheer power of his fire, Paradise was emotionally manipulated to do things that he refuses to do - loathing himself for thieving and robberies. Paradise hit a low point where he burned for several days, unable to control his powers. Eventually the fire burned out and Prometheus decided to use his brother’s incredible pyrokinesis and aimed to take down their mother who was the queen. The brothers went to the planet and Paradise, seeing how horrible lepidopians were treated, was encouraged and enlightened to free his people from his mother in opposition of his brother who merely wanted the queen gone. Paradise allied with his remaining siblings Rueste and Metis and challenged the queen over the throne. Fueled by his desire to help others, Paradise defeated the queen with his pyrokinesis. Now the first King of his people, Paradise recruited his siblings to help him rebuild their world into a prosperous society and create an era of peace.
Occupation: As the first King of Lepidoptera from a long line of Queens, Paradise began rebuilding his world with the help of his siblings over a period of several years. His job varies from meetings with fellow monarch members to active duty of ensuring peace and safety for his people. Paradise does not regret his choice to become King, for he does not see the desire to control his people but rather serve them to his fullest abilities. Many millenniums forward, Paradise acts as a spiritual guide to Queen Hope in her reign and helps to enlighten her sight of their world.
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skeletal-hopes · 7 years
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Prometheus Axu'zya
Birthday: June 10th (49 lepidopian years = 245 earth years)
Alias: Black Knight { Royal Guard title } Grumpy { nickname } Prome { nickname } His Majesty Perilous Prometheus { AU King title }
Kin: His Majesty King Great Paradise { younger half-brother } Rueste { younger half-sister } Metis { older fullblood sister } Her Majesty Forevermore Fliona { mother | former queen }
Bio: Prometheus is one of the biggest and aggressively hostile moths to meet. Standing at fourteen feet tall and weighs more than a thousand pounds, he intimidates many with his giant size. Manipulative and secretive, he doesn’t let anything get in the way of his plans. Years later with the help of Paradise, Prometheus is much calmer and less prone to attack; becoming elite knight of King Paradise’s Royal Guard.
History: However he was not as he was twenty years ago. He had a tragic past; losing everything he had and eventually becoming corrupt. Believe it or not, he had a family. A family he loved more than life and death itself.  The lost of his family left Prometheus without reasonable logic. The black moth was stumbling in the dark, finding his brother and manipulating him to do terrible things before ultimately aiming to take down their mother who was Queen of their species. Opposition of his brother who wanted peace for their people, Prometheus merely wanted the queen gone and did not care for the general public. Only did they acomplish overthrowing the queen that Prometheus realize how corrupt the system was and agreed to help his siblings rebuild lepidopian society.
Occupation: As the elite knight of King Paradise’s Royal Guard, Prometheus has a task to monitor and report potential threats against the king. Should any foreign or native forces appear hostile, Prometheus consults with the king and his sisters on the decision to respond with force or diplomacy.
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skeletal-hopes · 7 years
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Name: Rueste Axu'zya
Birthday: September 22nd { 40 lepidopian years = 200 earth years }
Alias: Royal Intelligence Rueste { adviser title } Heiress Rueste { former title } Rue { nickname } Her Majesty Radiant Rueste { AU queen title }
Kin: His Majesty King Great Paradise { younger half-brother } Prometheus { older half-brother } Metis { older half-sister } Her Majesty Forevermore Fliona { mother | former queen }
Bio: Perhaps the most logical moth to meet, Rueste has incredible memory and excellent linguistic skills. Standing at twelve feet tall and weighs a thousand pounds, Rueste can be perceived as a great source of information at best yet a know-it-all attitude at worst. Rueste is King Paradise’s royal adviser and records keeper.
History: Like her siblings, Rueste was born to Queen Fliona and one of her many suitors. Rueste went through a body augmentation that resulted in exponential enhancements of her psychokinesis. Queen Fliona, her mother, took Rueste under her wing and began grooming her to become the next queen in line. Due to Rueste’s unrestrained growing powers, Queen Fliona used her mental manipulation to lobotomize and repressed much of her daughter’s early memories to keep her obedient and loyal. Rueste lived much of her life pampered by the Queen. She did not like the idea of becoming the queen as she loathed her mother’s cruelty towards their people. However Rueste became aware she had two surviving brothers who wanted to end the Queen’s horrible regime and was the last moth to join her siblings since Queen Fliona held a vice grip mental control over her. When Paradise managed to get through to his sister’s senses, Rueste helped to fight back alongside their siblings to end their mother’s tyrannical reign.
Occupation: As King Paradise’s records keeper and royal adviser, it is Rueste’s duty to aid Paradise in his role as king and write the biography of her younger brother for the future rulers to read about - as many previous queens have done before them. Rueste has a side job of keeping the peace between her hot tempered older siblings and tend to use her psychokinesis to sort and organize all literature and historic artifacts in their ever expanding royal library.
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gloriasmess · 5 years
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Name: Elynhi (’Lynni to family and friends) Age: equivalent to human in mid thirties Species: Gelfling (The Dark Crystal) Clan: Sifa Gender: cis female Orientation: lesbian Zodiac Sign: The Dying Rose Mariner (Gelfling Astrology of my own creation) MBTI: ISFP Temperament: Sanguine-Melancholic About: ‘Lynni is artistic, sensitive, sweet-tempered but still speaks her mind. Follows her passions, has a strong sense of adventure, present in the moment. Has a very caring and nurturing quality. Introverted but not exactly shy, though she does suffer from anxiety, which often makes crowds and certain social situations difficult/uncomfortable for her. Visual artist, tattooist, musician (shawm). Has psychic dreams and strong intuition.
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gloriasmess · 5 years
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Name: Mr. R______ Age: almost 200 Gender: cis male Orientation: gay asexual Zodiac Sign: unknown MBTI: ESFJ Temperament: Sanguine About: vampire (if you couldn’t guess from his age); only hunts men. suspicious, emotionally unstable, deeply traumatized, moody, repressed, haunted. untreated mental illness. sometimes appears as an old man, sometimes in the prime of his life. short, broad-shouldered/chested, muscular; extremely physically strong, even when he was mortal. dark brown hair, bright blue eyes, very pale, prominent nose, deep voice, english accent (specifically Yorkshire). goes by a series of aliases; does not give out his real name. some names he goes by: (Mr.) Ransom, Richard Merrill, Rançon, Rumour, Renny, Merrill Robinson, Matthew Raven, etc.
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gloriasmess · 5 years
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Name: Ari Leonard Geffen Age: 33 Gender: cis male Orientation: bisexual Zodiac Sign: Pisces MBTI: ENFP Temperament: Sanguine-Phlegmatic About: brooklyn native. psychic medium. jewish. gregarious, friendly, humble, kind. loves the outdoors despite having asthma and allergies. serious caffeine habit. talks to dead people. average height, on the scrawny side, brown eyes, curly silver-grey hair.
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toras-muse-cabinet · 5 years
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Name: Knuckles
Age: 19
Birthday: Feburary 2nd
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Echidna
Universe: Sonic the Hedgehog (Game Canon)
Personality: Knuckles is quick to anger but not uncaring. He loves his friends but has a hard time expressing it properly. He’s smart when it comes to History and Surviving in the wild but knows almost nothing about technology and present day society.
Likes: Grapes, Master Emerald, Ruins
Dislikes: Eggman/Dr. Robotnik, Meat, People trying to steal the Master Emerald
Main: Super Strength, Enhanced Speed/Durability/Stamina, Wall Climbing, Gliding, Geokinesis, and Sensing Chaos Energy
Additional: Anything listed in Powers/Abilities on this Sonic Fandom Wiki
Weaknesses: Not great at understanding Body Language/Tone. Quick to anger. Can get swept up in his emotions and fail to think things through as a result. Cannot sense Chaos Energy from large distances. Does not understand technology very well.
History: Knuckles was born on Angel Island to unknown parents who died very early on in his life. He was raised by the Master Emerald to be her guardian. As a result of being raised by a literal rock Knuckles did not grow up eating meat and cannot digest it now. He first met Sonic after Eggman tricked him into thinking Sonic was trying to steal the Master Emerald leading to them butting heads until Knuckles learned the truth. Now he sees Sonic and Tails as his best friends and would do anything to keep them safe. While he used to wear boxing gloves, he now wears athletic tape on his hands. Knuckles is by no means an idiot. He might not know as much about modern things as he does about historical things and treasure hunting but he’s good at using the knowledge he does have to make decisions. He organized and lead a resistance without Sonic or Tails, that was kept alive and together for 6 months. He got a little over excited when they found Sonic and made some bad decisions towards the end but he deserves credit for what he did get done.
#Older Now- Canon compliant to a degree. A lot of the side games (Olympics, Racers, That King Arthur Game) never happened so the timeline isn’t as tight. Riders did still happen because Extreme Gear is cool. Knuckles is FtM fully transitioned.
#Miniature Echidna- Knuckles and the rest of the cast of characters are like 6in tall, the Master Emerald and Chaos Emeralds are the same size as canon tho. Master Emerald basically is Angel Island except for small amounts of dirt/rock/plants that form a livable plate on top of it.
#shattered emerald- Knuckles crack post tag.
General Tags: #Echidna Rage #redpunches
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pxwerriderandrxbbit · 5 years
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Age: 32
Face Claim: Chyler Leigh
Race: Triforian 
Background:  After being defeated in a battle with forces unknown, a space capsule crash-lands onto Earth, and its only survivor is a very bruised and battered humanoid.  Left in the debris is a hammer which apparently no one has been able to move, yet, and there were strange gauntlets on her arms.  Additionally, her stomach would be warm to the touch..
Other Information:  Will become Power Rider Knight, and use an Armor Cell system to channel powers of other heroes through her.
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neverlandborn · 6 years
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Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ Bɪᴏ: Hᴜɴᴛᴇʀ Pᴀɴ
Tʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴛʀᴏʟ, ᴀɴᴅ I ᴀᴍ ᴀᴛ ʟᴇᴀsᴛ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇᴍ.
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