#;silly bird lady (mun answers)
smolgreenboi · 5 years
Out of curiosity: After the incident of 'the beast within', do you think that Beast Boy has better control of the Beast in him (if it exists) and under what circumstances and to what extend does it resurface/influence him, if at all? Also, do you see it as a separate entity trying to fight for control (and maybe occasionally even talking to him in his mind) or more like a manifestation of his subconscious (another part of himself)?
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ehhhh, i’ve personally never subscribed to the idea of gar’s animal forms having “minds of their own” since his powers come from his ability to fully control his own DNA while still maintaining his human consciousness. so unless he purposely ‘activates’ 100% of an animal’s instincts, it’s unlikely that he would behave differently than he usually would. and i doubt he would ever willingly do this because it could potentially risk LOSING said human consciousness, and thaaaaaat’s dangerous.
my interpretation of the werebeast is that it’s more a subconscious thing. not necessarily a “part” of himself, but more a manifestation of some inner pain, compartmentalized anger and frustration, and an overall conflict within himself and the varying degrees of social pressure he might feel around him. the chemicals de-stabilized his genetics for a bit and, in my opinion, it did something that fucked around with the sakutia virus which lead to it wigging out which lead to his brain kinda being like “hey you’re pissed and you should do something about it” and then hulk smash. 
his hesitation to use its form again might be more of a shame factor than a “letting it take control” sort of thing. he doesn’t LIKE that it represents emotions that he hides and he doesn’t LIKE that it might remind his friends of a time he was a total jackass toward them. 
especially considering that my take on gar includes him discovering his ability to turn into anything he damn wants to, after he turns into that alien creature on tamaran in “betrothed”? 
werebeast is just another example of a fantastical/mythical/unearthly creature that he can turn into. the tip of the iceberg, essentially. there are FAR more powerful and terrifying forms he could potentially take on, from the dragons of myth, to the rocs from DnD, to a friggen thresher maw from mass effect like???? i don’t. think you guys. understand. what. this smol. sunny. boy. could really do. if he fucking wanted to. he just has to be able to function biologically and NOT accidentally kill himself by messing up a piece of his genetic make up and, boom, good luck everybody else.
ANYWAY, tl;dr: it’s less controlling the WEREBEAST (as it is not its own entity) and more about controlling himself and his powers. the werebeast doesn’t fight for control and the only reason “it did” was because the chemicals most likely screwed around with the sakutia already existing in his system, which peeled away mental defenses, effected his attitude, and ultimately caused the sakutia to sort of ‘act on its own’ and change his form to reflect what was going on emotionally. the werebeast is less a “part” of him and more a “representation” of what’s going on behind closed doors.
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1. when are you usually online?  I’m most active weekday evenings, EST! I have a full-time (and then some) 9-5 job so when I’m here in the afternoons, I’m either working from home or just liking/sending on mobile. I’m much more of a night owl than an early bird though, but I try not to do any real thread writing after 2 AM or so. I never write anything good after 2 AM.
2. what verses are you involved in outside of this page? Most of my AUs take place on this page, but I’ve gone back and forth on restarting my Fujiko Mine blog again. I think Fujiko, like most of the other muses I’ve written, I tend to want to write in specific scenarios/against specific character types only. Unlike with Sonia, where it’s far easier and more interesting for me to adapt her to different verses and situations.
3. what is your biggest RP pet peeve? Formatting pet peeves aside (super small text and putting multiple spaces between words), my biggest RP pet peeve is this:
Asking for meme starters/starter calls, never replying to said starters, and asking for more starters. While never communicating feedback or constructive criticism about what would make a thread or interaction more appealing and/or engaging, or answering memes/asks I send. 
This is one of the main reasons I’ll simply drop a writing partner. I never mind redoing introductions or working together with a mun to plot an interaction we both want to write! But I do mind being constantly asked for starters and having them never be turned into threads.
On the other hand, one of my lesser pet peeves are very quick replies, and this is entirely a ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ issue. Mainly, I like to keep three habits when roleplaying: 1. replying to all of my active threads in a consistent and timely fashion, 2. replying to all current threads before taking on new starters/memes and 3. taking time away from the dash to read/watch/play different things in order to take a breather, think about where I want interactions to go, and get ideas. That’s harder for me to do when muns reply quickly (I usually say 48 hours or less, but I’ll say 24 hours or less here. I’m still a slow but steady writer!), and that’s entirely on me and my habits.
My way of addressing it is, in this situation, I won’t queue my replies in the order I receive threads: I try to space out replies for muns who reply very fast with muns who reply a bit more slowly, so I’m not overwhelmed with a bunch of replies at once. I try not to be the mun who takes on too many asks and threads and then has to drop them.
4. are you drawn to specific types of muses? When I was a younger writer in RP, it was usually badass women with weapons and femme fatales (aka. I’ve had Fujiko as a muse for a long time! Just not on tumblr). In the past 5-8 years? Definitely young ladies with Rich People Problems: Sybil Crawley/Branson, Veronica Lodge, and now Sonia Nevermind. If I could’ve ever figured out how to play a Persona game, I probably would’ve picked up Haru Okumura by now. Mostly though, I love writing Rich People Problems: royals, high society, just plain wealthy, etc. 
5. are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice? Tbh I don’t really think any of my themes are that hidden, per se? Though one I do hope to emphasize in my long-term interactions, especially in Sonia’s older verses, is how much less black-and-white she sees her parents. As a teenager, she really does believe her father can do no wrong and all of the ill will in their unhappy marriage is due to her mother and her attitude and many affairs. The older she becomes, the more she’s able to recognize her mother and father in shades of gray. Her father has made plenty of mistakes and, the more she can come to understand what her mother has experienced, the more she can come to understand her behavior, especially towards her.
6. what are your favorite RP trends? I love the silly “character has appeared what to do?” meme so much. I know charts and quizzes are fun and all, but I get burned out on those. But this meme? This meme will always lead to quick and fun interactions, particularly with muses and muns I’m already threading with.
And I love info pages and carrds on tumblr, preferably linked to a pinned post. I’m on mobile a lot these days, especially at work, and if a blog follows me without their info in a pinned post I likely can’t follow back until I get on my computer and look at their blog there. This is my plea to please make your rules/muses/mun pages mobile-accessible! I’m not a fan of google docs for info, though: only interest checkers. Because they are a challenge to read on mobile.
7. what is your process for starting a new story with someone?  
Send a meme send a meme send a meme send a-
Yeah, you get the drill. :) Listen, I like memes for several reasons: 1. I can often get an idea of the tone of the thread the other mun is looking to write based on the prompt. 2. a muse and/or verse will be attached to it if the blog is a multi. I rarely do starter calls because, in the past, my starters often get ignored and I’m not a fan of greeter posts.
Beyond memes, I also like plotting OOC here or on discord for threads. That ensures that both muns are interested and engaged in the plot, and that any godmodding/toe-stepping questions can be addressed before interactions begin.
I’m not the best with unprompted IC asks though, especially those turned into threads. I’m notorious for misunderstanding asks, particularly if they’re related to pop culture I’m unfamiliar with (Sonia and I have a few things in common...), and it can be awkward for everyone involved. 
8. how do you feel about duplicates? I don’t mind other takes on my muse at all. She’s a canon muse from a popular franchise and it’s to be expected, but I also know that not everyone will like the way I write Sonia. She’s canon-divergent with a lot of headcanons and history regarding her family, her culture, and her country. That, and my preferred writing style and dynamics, may very well not appeal to everyone. And that’s just fine! Every interpretation of her is valid and if a mun doesn’t like one mun’s style of writing and interpreting her, they can write with another.
What I do mind are twin verses and long-lost relatives, for one of the points listed above: I have a lot of headcanons and lore about Sonia, plenty that I haven’t even shared in headcanon posts or threads yet, and I both keep to those headcanons and evolve them when I wish to. Twin and relative verses don’t really account for that, and the closest thing I’ve got to a twin verse is Sonia’s Vampire!AU anyway, where I’d write both the past and present Sonia.
I also mind stealing headcanons. Don’t do it. It’s bad form. I try not to follow solo Sonia blogs just so there’s little possibility of this happening but if she’s on your multi, I don’t mind. 
9. how long have you been involved in roleplaying? I started in either 1999 or 2000. I’m aware that I’ve been roleplaying longer than some muns on this site have been alive, and I don’t intend on stopping anytime soon :) 
10. is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t?
.....Bridgerton AU!
Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system (muses in a Bridgerton world, Bridgerton muses themselves, YES GOOD. If you’ve been here for awhile, this is probably old news but I can’t not mention it!), I’d like to explore more historical AUs, particularly anything mid-18th Century onward. My reasoning for this is entirely due to the available history/tech/arts from then on. I’m not great with high fantasy components, but more urban fantasy concepts are mostly fine with me. Just don’t expect Sonia to have magic powers.
In a very, very specific sort of plot, I’d be interested in a time-travel story, too.
Otherwise, I like exploring Danganronpa muses post-high school: college aged, high school reunions, etc. The reunion plot, especially in a Non-Despair context, can be particularly fun!
And finally: give me your otome muses for threads. @dangaer​ and @hitobanju​, I’m looking at you. If and when you are wanting to thread some long-term interactions...gimme. DiaLovers, Piofiore, and Cupid Parasite scream the loudest for crossovers right now but I’m getting pretty fluent in otome. 
TAGGED BY: I stole it!
 TAGGING: @cantillat​, @electricea, @causalitylinked, @dcviated, @litoredeem, @inxtricabilis (we haven’t chatted much yet but I hope it’s ok to tag you in things like this!), @psychcdelica, @orderbourne, and you! Steal it!
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
Since BB can change his DNA by morphing (but is unstable), is he immune to diseases? What about cancer? Also, is his personality also able to be influenced by his ability to change his DNA (or the fact it's unstable)?
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today on: asks that have been in my inbox for Way Too Fucking Long™.
i’ve definitely gone with the mindset that, due to sakutia not only being a virus itself but such a “strong” virus, that gar is immune to disease. there may be a couple exceptions such as certain bacterial infections if he were to have a wound that went totally untreated, but when it comes to the common cold, the flu, or other virus-based illnesses, he’s fine. the sakutia would basically kick it out of his system because his body is its city now. 
cancer is a much more complicated situation, since it involves abnormal cell growth and mutations, and most are not brought on by some sort of disease (although there is a subset that are caused by pre-existing viruses, these of which gar would most likely have immunity to or–at the very least–a resistance to). when it comes to chemical and environmental causes (alcohol, smoking, radiation, etc) he’s most likely fine since these aren’t things he indulges in or exposes himself to if he can help it. inherited or hormone based cancers? a possibility for him just as for anyone else.
as for personality traits being altered by his DNA, i thiiiink i already kind of answered that one here in this ask, but to recap: nah. gar alters his DNA while maintaining his human consciousness, so it’s still him regardless of the form he takes on (his form has little to no influence on his personality). if his personality DOES shift somehow, it’s likely because something is going on with the sakutia clinging to his cells, and his personality change is an indication, symptom, or warning that something much bigger or more troubling is brewing under the surface. 
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
Do you listen to music when you write? If yes, can you give some examples?
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OH ABSOLUTELY. uuuh as far as examples go, it really, really depends on WHAT i’m writing, y’know? but i’ll definitely share some!! 
firstly, i don’t listen to lyrical stuff while i write ( with a handful of exceptions ). my brain is easily distracted by the words and it can easily jumble my ability to put together sentences while maintaining the mood and pacing and feeling i want. so don’t expect a lot of stuff you could sing along to >xD;; 95% of this is gonna be instrumental. and i’m only gonna give 3 examples for each category, else we’d be here all frickin day.
ALSO, i will be using youtube links since i think spotify links can wig out if you don’t have a premium account–and not everyone does–but all of these should be searchable on spotify, too.
neutral mood / general writing
city girl – their music is so chill and relaxing, it makes focusing super easy for me ( i also LOVE their album art, like heck ). i’ve linked to their YT account with their albums, and while i recommend all of them i’ve been listening to snow rose the most lately.
tom day – again, great focus music and generally chill. he does have a lot of upbeat tracks that i use specifically for good mood writing and i’ll share those below. 
hammock – their music is GORGEOUS but i wouldn’t call all their albums good for ‘neutral’ moods all the time. i’m putting them here, though, because i do default to them when i need a certain vibe to get my mindspace in the right place. some of their music is hauntingly sad, others are so uplifting. if you’re looking for music to set the atmosphere, hell yeah.
slow dancing society – again, great focus music with a variety of moods. unfortunately, they don’t seem to have a YT page, so i’ve linked a playlist with some samples and maybe you can find them elsewhere if you like’em.
skyrim atmospheres – a 42 minute score of just light music and natural sounds. i fucking. LOVE. this thing. 
good mood / writing happy shit 
everything and nothing by hammock - an example of cheerful hammock stuff
peaks by tom day – hooooLLLY SHIT, i love this song, it just makes me wanna write and/or draw all kinds of cute and cheerful stuff. get wrekt bad mood.
holy ground by taylor swift – i don’t necessarily listen to this WHILE writing, but i’ll listen to it before i write to try conjuring up some sort of happy/upbeat/active scenario to get some ideas flowing.
bad mood / writing the angst
a symphony pathetique - this album ( and the artists ) is gorgeous, but i tend to turn to this track specifically when i need to get myself sad for an emotion-heavy scene. 
i could hear the water at the edge of all things – another hammock song because i’m the worst, but this is one of those songs that’ll always put me in a trance-like state. i kind of have to monitor myself while listening to it, though, because i can easily stop thinking about the CHARACTER i’m writing for and slide into some deep dark places in my own self-analysis and existential crisis. 
all gone (seasons) – i could throw the whole Last of Us soundtrack on here tbh but this song. this. SONG. specifically. always fucks me up. idk if it’s because it’s the one that plays on the title screen and immediately sets the mood for the utter assault on your emotions you’re about to experience, but heck. again, i have to monitor myself while listening to this one. iiii can think too much. 
action scenes
shots fired – it’s a track that plays during a high-action fight sequence in a neon club, what the hell more could my aesthetic ass ask for???
the future by its throat – hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah
the evil within – holy shit yes yes yes this one gives me goosebumps sometimes
now – good for chase sequences/high speed… STUFF
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
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name:  red zodiac: virgo height:  5′11 ( 183cm ) time: 12:20PM
favorite band / artist: city girl, the birthday massacre, hammock, florence + the machine last song i listened to: the horizon zero dawn soundtrack was on shuffle, so that last movie i saw in theaters: Us last thing i googled: the avian vet clinic i’ll be taking dell to other blogs: my other RP blog is @dolcetters​ and that’s all you’re getting why did i choose this username: because he is smol, he is green, and he is boy following: currently less than 100 mostly because old blogs were inactive
average amount of sleep:  6 or 7 hours what i’m wearing: batman t-shirt; leggings, socks. dream job: live off my webcomics / etsy shop / sometimes freelance illustration dream trip: new zealand and/or australia  favorite food: grilled cheese, sushi, noodles, a lot of asian foods tbh play any instruments: used to play the flute in high school
eye color: slate-blue or gray hair color: naturally blonde, currently silver with lavender + rose gold streaks languages you speak: english only, like a complete and incompetent heathen random fact: i rode/trained horses for 10+ years but just don’t have time for it anymore
describe yourself as aesthetic things: ravens, bioluminescence, foggy autumn days, purple describe your muse as aesthetic things: hammocks, pawprints, boombox, earthy tones
tagged by stolen from: @ring-of-azar​ tagging: i stole it, so steal from me if you wanna!
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
Your beast boy is great, I hope we can role-play sometime
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aaAAAA thank you so much!!! i really appreciate you sending this and sticking around, too! i know i’m not super consistent with my activity but i slither back over here every so often fjdsjgksd. i’d LOVE to rp sometime!! c: hit me up in messages whenever y’feel! 
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
Is/Was BB rich like it's implied in the comics? What about now that he's with the Titans? Does anyone know? Does he like to spend money? On what?
[ EDIT: apologies for terrible formatting, tumblr asks are apparently having a glitch that i didn’t know about when i posted this. i’ll clean it up once this whole garbage can is resolved! ]
tl;dr answers: yep. yep. debatable to no. ehh kinda. gifts.
idk where he is comic-wise as far as new 52 & rebirth go ( because to be blunt, i don’t care lmao ), but from what i do pull out of the comics pre-reboot for my own writing gar being rich is something i include. that’s basically the only reason nicholas galtry wanted custody of him after he was rediscovered... he was gonna wait around until gar was old enough to inherit his parents’s estate and then kill him. because, you know. gotta get that sweet, sweet cheddar ( you can’t see me but i am rolling my eyes, using hella sarcastic tones and overall wanting to strangle an asshole with my stringy hands ). 
the way i write gar, specifically, he IS rich but he definitely doesn’t flaunt it. this is partially due to not... really knowing what the hell to DO with all this money he just finds himself sitting on for no other reason than his parents are dead ( *bruce wayne voice* awesome ) and also i think it comes from wanting actual friendships instead of surface level bullshit. y’know? he’s already a freak by society standards, a bit socially inept due to years of being isolated and/or abused, and he knows it. i think he has a string of underlying suspicion with a lot of first impressions buuuuuut his eagerness to befriend people and desire to believe in the good of humanity rather than the bad overrides that string. flaunting or making it publicly known that he’s rich would just add to that because when you got money, suddenly everyone wants to be your friend and shit’s shallow and it’s probably exhausting and he just... no thanks. he’s already got a lot of internal hatred whispering in his ear and he doesn’t need another voice muttering “they only hang out with you for your cash”.
i would say that the doom patrol knows if not just because rita and steve are his parents/legal guardians, and larry and cliff would know through them. steve’s also richer than bruce wayne, apparently, so lmfao amazing. 
as far as his friends/the titans, i don’t think anyone KNOWS outright, but i would say those closest to him and who are observant might have suspicions ( or if you’re a bat-family member, you may have done some digging and found all the legal paperwork and whatever and do know outright but just don’t think it’s important to bring up in conversation, idk ). 
for the most part, i would say gar isn’t much of a spender. the animated series can fucking fight me on this ( miss me with that “my goal is maximum couch time” bull ), but i think he WOULD want to get himself a job and earn a modest living on his own whilst setting aside all that money for emergencies, donations, or a Treat Yo’ Self sort of day when you’re like “fuck, i just got through a garbage can of a week and life is short, i’m buying that video game i’ve been staring at for the past two months”. i know that he’s cool with not being ‘normal’ and that being weird is something he’s not only accepted but is very proud of, but i also think he would want SOME sense of normality when it comes to just... day to day living, you know? having a day job, having a little apartment or something, and earning his own money would provide some of that.
( unrelated: i know gar wants to be an actor in the comics and i know/understand/respect why that’s important to him but... i’m also super sick and tired of shapeshifting being synonymous with acting as a profession, so i don’t really write him with having any desire to be an actor; instead i write him working at various animal sanctuaries NOT due to his powers but due to animals providing him a source of comfort and wanting to give back to them/teach other people about conservation and welfare and all that jazz )
when gar DOES spend money for the sake of spending money, it’s usually on friends. HEY, you guys want pizza? it’s on me! (uuuh don’t ask how or whyyyy i just uuuh--foUND THIS random $20 in the park after Dr. Light knocked me into a bush! weird, huh??). HEY, VIC, it’s your birthday, check this COOL NEW GADGET I GOT YOU (i’ve been totally saving... stuff for MONTHS, yeah, definitely didn’t just waltz into the store and grab it because i saw it and immediately thought of you or anything??). yo, raven, LOOK, i found that third book in that series you’ve been reading, you want it???
... this answer has gotten stupid long and i need to go get dell some ingredients for her dinners this week so i’mma end it here BUT IF I NEED TO ELABORATE ON ANYTHING, LEMMIE KNOW?? thank c: 
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smolgreenboi · 5 years
tag 9 people you want to know better tagged by : @punsandtofu ( 2 months ago but aYE )
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001) favourite colour: purple! i’m also drawn to silvers, wine reds and black. 
002) top 3 ships: wallygar (teen titans/dc comics), wid//o//jest (critical role), mar///cetto (fullmetal alchemist)
003) last song: i couldn’t tell you since i had an artist on shuffle, but the artist was >>city girl<<. check’em out on spotify or youtube, their music is so nice.
004) last movie: last movie that i’d only just seen was the first john wick movie. last movie that i’d previously seen was Us.
tagging : no one, because i’m 2 months late to this party jdklhld xD 
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! ♡|  Red PRONOUNS! ♡|  she / her ZODIAC SIGN! ♡|  Virgo TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡| single pringle
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡     i’ve been walking primarily on my toes since i COULD walk. if i’m not wearing shoes, i’ll walk on my toes without realizing it. i used to get teased for it as a kid, but now i have some absolute monster calves and walking in heels is super easy for me. 2! ♡     i tend to love desaturated colors, whereas over-saturated or neon colors hurt my head. 3! ♡     i’ve become a self proclaimed “monster mom” due to ‘collecting’ monster children throughout the years. in high school, i used to joke that i was keeping velociraptors under my bed. the cloverfield monster was living in my pool. a xenomorph was chillin’ in my closet. now the ritual goddess is in my attic. basically, if there’s a monster, chances are i’ve adopted it.
PLATFORMS USED! ♡     started on neopets. eventually moved to yahoo!IM, then skype. found tumblr RP. aaaand also use discord nowadays for one-on-one RPs.
GENDER! ♡     i don’t have a preference, i just kinda gravitate towards the characters i feel i have some kind of connection with? my tumblr muses have mostly been male, but one-to-one muses are a more even blend. guess it just varies with fandom? LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡     lmfao i kind of detest face-claims, so... yeah. MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡      single. multi-muses feel like they could easily get cluttered or mentally overwhelm me with how much i’d have to do to feel like each muse is properly communicated and represented. i’d rather just make a blog for each muse. FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡     i’m an absolute slut for fluff--and, honestly, that could be platonic or romantic, like a cute scene where siblings or best friends are having a good time and supporting each other. angst will come and go with my mood, and i’m not a fan of angst for angst’s sake. miss me with that unnecessary grim-dark. and smut... ehh. i’m okay with writing it with a very select ... like, one person. xD but that’s because we’ve known each other like 10 years, now.
PLOT / MEMES! ♡     i think plots are easier in one-on-one situations where both muns can ‘control’ a variety of muses? like, my friend and i have our own DC-verse that most of our RPs take place in, we use a kind of altered script-format, and we usually discuss who’s playing who beforehand, or flip a coin for it. i think plotting on tumblr can be hard sometimes because posts get lost or mis-tagged and it just kinda gets drowned in the dash before you get past 4 replies. with discord, you can make a server specifically for you and one other person, make channels for each “plot” and an OOC channel for discussion and everything is in one place.
TAGGED BY STOLEN FROM :    @chantrysworn TAGGING:    steal it from me, cowards.
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
❤️- How would you describe yourself?
Getting to know you Questions for the Mun !
❤️- How would you describe yourself?
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hooboy, uuh. 
bird enthusiast, hard-worker, coffee-addict, lover-of-office-supplies, sketchbook hoarder, DnD nerd, mama bird, game theorist, obsessed with glowy things, chill, peak humor, garbage humor, purple obsessed, passionate about animals, pokemon idiot, daughter of the moon, enjoyer of psychological horror (not slasher/gore heavy), writer, 2D animator, getter-of-big-ideas-too-big-for-her-to-act-on-in-a-reasonable-amount-of-time.
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
hi i just really wanna say real fast, we aren't mutuals but i wanna thankyou for making my dash a better place. teen titans was my big time favorite show, and i still watch it til this day ( obvs ) and beastboy always made me so hecking happy. you capture him so well, and you're aMAZING!
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ggrruhgurhguh THANK YOU SO MUCH. 💜💚 bb’s been a favorite of mine since childhood ( obvs for both of us, likely! ) and it not only means a lot that i’m doing him justice but also, just?? being a good presence on the dash? i always want to provide as much a safe haven as i can so it’s wonderful to hear that. ;-; idk how to explain that properly, but the point is i wanna give off good vibes, so. HUZZAH. *gently throws confetti on u* 
i hope you’re having a fantastic evening, my dude!! take care and stay warm!
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
Getting to know you Questions for the Mun !
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦- What's your family like?
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short version: mostly chill, but still have a lot of growing to do. i come from a non-denominational christian family; my parents still have a lot of ground to cover but i think my presence in certain discussions has helped my siblings become more accepting/supportive of stuff. i learned last weekend that they were both suspicious that i was gay or asexual and they were right but they’ve said nothing to our parents and don’t really... seem to care or treat me any differently SO THAT’S A RELIEF. 
my dad’s a hard-worker, good with money and business things, a tinkerer (he can literally fix anything, i swear to god, he’s fixed so many of our own appliances it’s ridiculous), and our neighbors used to think he was a marine because of his haircut and how meticulous he is with upkeep around our house. he sells pillows. 
mom was a part of child protective services for a good part of her life; she’s highly empathetic but a bit of a worry-wart, so much so that sometimes it’s infectious. never leave the two of us alone in a room for a long period of time because we’re both fucking weird and will laugh ourselves silly. 
i’m the oldest of 3 girls.
my middle sister is about 2 years younger than me and started playing soccer the moment she could walk (i honestly can’t remember a time she wasn’t kicking a ball around). she continued playing it through college, and now she’s in her second year of P.A. (physician’s assistant) school currently doing rotations. she’s a goober, incredibly smart and hard-working, and loves singing your favorite songs extremely off-key just to annoy you. she’s also been a huge taylor swift fan since day one and continues to be so. when i turned 22 she sent me the music video at least 4 times that day. i love her so much.
my youngest sister is roughly 7 years younger than me. she’s always been the kid who you say “don’t touch the stove, it’s hot” to and she touches it anyway because she has to know for herself that it really IS hot. she’s gone through some crap the past three years that’s kind of affected our relationship in some “below the surface” ways, meaning that i don’t think she knows i’m still working through some underlying bitterness and frustration. but we’re on more or less good terms! and things are looking up. i’d still throw myself in front of a moving vehicle for her and beat the tar out of one of her ex-boyfriends. 
then we have a really stupid dog named deets who i’m convinced was a deer in his past life because he’s scared of everything (and i love him), aaaand a cat named kizzie. 
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
Is BB really scared of scary movies and supernatural stuff? What are the exceptions? What 'thing' or supernatural creature is he most scared of? Did he ever overcome his fear of a movie or creature?
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gar is definitely a bit of a chicken when it comes to scary movies/games or just about anything in the horror genre. some of it IS dramatics--he’s a dramatic lil dude--but some of it is also genuine fear. 
when it comes to scary movies, he’s more drawn to psychological thrillers and horrors or, maybe surprisingly, stuff of more subtle content. he HATES jump-scares (the combination of a sudden action and a loud noise will have him twitching and anxious for the rest of the film) and he likes his horror with as little gore as possible (he feels he’s already seen enough of it in his short life). he is absolutely one of those people who will get PISSED if an animal is killed for shock value or cheap writing and you bet he checks those websites to see if the dog dies. he’s tired, hollywood. please stop using this weak trope, it just makes us mad and exasperated, don’t be lazy.
supernatural stuff overwhelms him and continues to have a stronger affect on him as he gets older and becomes more in-tune with his extra senses. like animals, he can pick up when something is “off” or “not of this world” or otherwise. it comes in waves of chills, unexplained paranoia, intense feelings of over-stimulation and a general refusal to move closer to the source because every inch of his gut is telling him to run away. that’s just to name a few. depending on the source depends on what sensations he begins to experience.
i’ve always headcanoned that this sorta plays into why his vibes don’t mesh well with raven. he can sense, even feel, the demon side of her and his senses are put on edge because of that. this, of course, does NOT excuse any bad behavior he’s exhibited (because really) but it could sorta tie into why he asked the other titans in season 1 “why should we trust her?”. (gar actually has a lot of interesting mannerisms in season 1 that could hint toward his history with the doom patrol, such as not wanting to group-hug with kori, weighing the odds against plasmus to robin, and not being as laid back as he becomes in later seasons... but i could be overthinking it lmao). back to raven, though, her presence is one that--despite causing him some level of discomfort--he grows used to. so thanks to being around her enough, finding trust and even sanctuary in her, he recognizes her particular “brand” of vibes and isn’t bothered anymore.
what creature? mmmm. i would say that depends on what the context is? but the top two on his “supernatural creature” fear list would probably be The Thing (from the john carpenter film) and the xenomorph from alien. the latter has only become more frightening to him since he discovered he could turn into anything he wanted.
overcome his fear? toward the previously mentioned, no. the grudge? no. samara? kind of. maleficent? yes. the beast (from the animated version, you heathens)?? ......sort of but mostly yes. i know the last two weren’t HORROR movies, but they still gave him a right spook. so some yes, some no. just depends on which we’re talking. 
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
What types of dance does BB like? When would he dance? Would he want to teach someone how to dance? Is BB good at dancing?
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gar’s favorite dances tend to be high-energy, quick paced dances (very fitting for him). he’s not opposed to slow-dancing, of course, but if you were to put him in a dance club or something, he’d tear it up during the fast-tempo beats and probably re-hydrate with water when things slow down. he kinda likes to show off how quick on his feet he is and his ability to improvise on the spot. 
he will dance ... always. at a club? of course. at a party? absolutely. that catchy new pop-song comes on while chilling in the mall with vic or kori? you bet your bottom dollar he’s gonna be wigglin’ down the aisle behind you. kori most likely finds it delightful whereas vic... it depends on what song we’re talking. but he’ll tolerate it. to a point. then gar gets grounded and has to sit on the fridge because this tower is a fuCKING NIGHTMARE.
i think gar would LOVE teaching someone to dance but at the same time be nervous that he wouldn’t make the best teacher. people have different ways of learning and gar’s has always been through watching and doing. you can try explaining something to him but it’s not really gonna stick unless you show him, then let him do it himself. so if whoever he’s teaching winds up needing more verbal explanation, there may be a bit of a roadblock. but he’ll do his best!!! he tends to be a patient teacher because he knows what it’s like to be on the student end and feel like an idiot for not understanding something. 
gar is excellent at dancing. =o=! whether he’s being taught someone else’s choreography or kind of making it up on his own, he definitely has a passion and a drive for it. it’s a good outlet for him to release any energy he hasn’t gotten out of his system during the day, a form of self-expression and he especially loves doing it with a couple people because group dances can be hilarious or rock the house. he most frequently dances with kori, since they live together, but also enjoys getting a groove on with bette and imogene if/when they hang out together. 
here’s a headcanon post i made regarding this topic that has some choreography samples at the bottom! 
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
I know this is late but what does BB like to dress-up as for Halloween?
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as far as i’m concerned, it’s never too late for halloween related questions! 
and, oh lord, i think the real question is what DOESN’T gar like to dress up as? hallow’s eve is one of his favorite times of year–just the whole of october, if we’re being honest–and commissioning his friend, charlotte, to make him a shift-friendly costume (for just in case) is something he always looks forward to. 
in my current long-fic, he’s going as Chell from the Portal Series for halloween. in the past, i’m sure he’s gone as tuxedo mask as part of a “group cosplay” with bette and imogene (with bette being sailor venus and gene being sailor moon). i’m sure he’s gone as himself just for kicks and giggles and to see how people react. i’m sure at some point he’ll want to go as Tali from mass effect. aaaand i’m pretty sure he and vic have “swapped places” for a halloween and i wouldn’t put it past him to go as roy just to annoy him for the whole night. same goes for garth. if it’s nerdy, someone he admires, or will warrant some mischief, chances are he’ll want to dress up as it.
obviously, gar’s had a limited number of halloweens since he wasn’t back in the states until he was 11 and probably didn’t experience his first trick-or-treat until he was 12… so, as of THIS blog, he’s most likely only had 4 proper halloweens. as of my long-fic’s timeline, he’s had 6.
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smolgreenboi · 6 years
Does BB make friends easily? Has he ever been betrayed by people he considered friends? Did he ever end a friendship? Has he ever been in a toxic one? How has he been affected? His outlook on friendship in general?
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gar makes friends easily on HIS side of things. friendship is a two-way street, of course, and he’s usually so eager for companionship and being in someone’s else’s company that he gets along with most personalities. naturally there’ll be one or two he can’t quite mesh with--there always is--but he’s adaptable and friendly! so whether or not he makes friends “easily” might be more in the court of whomever he’s trying to befriend. and what stage of life he’s in, because during his earlier years he didn’t have as good a sense of boundaries as he does post-series.
yes, he’s been betrayed by someone he considered a friend. pretty sure i don’t have to explain that one if you’re following this blog, lmao. if you don’t know what i’m talking about and you’re reading this, please feel free to ask, it’s totally cool. xD 
yes, he has ended a friendship but that didn’t last (i guess you could say in tara’s case it was a false-ending since he spoke more out of anger than sincerity). otherwise, most of his friendships have either grown stronger or been distanced but not ENDED. he’s usually not the one who cuts the ties.
i’d say the closest he’s been to a toxic friendship would either be with tara from titan rising to betrayal, primarily because she had hidden motives and that makes things sketchy and hard to read. i would also say that certain aspects of his relationship with raven were... “bad”. toxic seems like too strong a word since they do work things out, become more respectful and understanding toward each other and DO actively try to better themselves as they grow, but they definitely started out not-so-good.
tara’s betrayal has definitely affected him but more on an internal level than a surface one. he’s still pretty eager to meet and open up to new people, but there’s always going to be this inner fear, hesitation and wariness, now. he’ll also be a bit more hesitant to allow the person to know things about his friends and pays a lot more attention to any warning signs or signals his 6th sense might be sending him. 
his outlook on friendship is that it’s vital. he values his friends above pretty much all-else and would go to the ends of the earth and back for them without question. friendship also comes before romantic relationships, as in if he develops a crush on you he might be fearful of said crush ruining an already established friendship and making things awkward between both parties. he’d rather remain a valued friend with a one-sided crush than risk losing your relationship all together or shaking it forever. his friendships are the world to him. sometimes to a fault. and vic is his best friend. bar none.
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