#;tiny traveler log ✦ ic (april fools)
risingsol · 1 year
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He was starting to feel a slight tickling in his nose... face scrunching up in the wind up for maybe the biggest sneeze in his tiny little career.
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" -- !! "
And out came the loudest sound he mustered today, a groaning following after.
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"Ugh, feels like I've been holding that one in all - "
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"Oh!" Now back to our normally scheduled programming.
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risingsol · 1 year
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All the kitties are so tiny… so tiny traveler is here to pet them all.
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risingsol · 1 year
@viigilant / Steals mini Aether.. to sit with Yanqing
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Is it family (tiny) snack time?
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risingsol · 1 year
@petitexmagician / Nah Zola's picking him up it's illegal to be adorable Aether
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Being so easily plucked up like this is a sensation that he wasn’t sure he would get accustomed to… but she was allowed. She received a few pats to a finger.
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risingsol · 1 year
rosaria lifts up the small aether- long cat style.
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"...?" Gloved hands took a firm grip along both of his sides, a quizzical look passing over the tiny traveler's face before he was hoisted up yet again. Only this time, his legs would dangle beneath him, shoulders hitched up slightly on the sides of her palm.
He isn't quite as long as those long cats are, but his belly was very clearly out in the open now.
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risingsol · 1 year
so...cute...must refrain from petting...
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Was that Thoma? It was hard to miss the other’s distinctly colored and styled clothes - the tiny traveler gave the other a cheery wave once he met his gaze. If anyone had permission to give him a pet, it was Thoma! Thoma could even pluck Aether up and he truly wouldn’t have minded.
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risingsol · 1 year
Headpats the smol Aether.
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Even if he was here to pet the kitties, he was always down for a pat himself! Interesting that a puppo seemed to be petting him now, but stranger things have happened. He has some treats in his tiny pockets too.
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risingsol · 1 year
The demon was looking down at the very, very small shaped Aether with an almost surprised expression. “Who left their small minuscule lego child here from another world? Would you make squeaky sounds were I to pick you up?”
Oh no, he means it, you will be squeaky toyed!!!
[ Your soul is bright, a delicacy for a demon. Although you are determined and with a level head, the issue is you have a goal that paints your actions, that leads your feet to beat the earth below and your hands to reach out (even if someone’s it is others grabbing your hands). Demons love those with a plan that may lead to desperation. Beware. ]
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Minuscule lego child? And how could this being tell that he was from another world? This was truly a little more than troubling - especially when the other was wondering if he would squeak if picked up! At this size, his words were a squeak at best it seemed, thus such was quite a real possibility… and the tiny traveler had a feeling that this demon would have more than field day with that knowledge!
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Thus, it was on the offensive! A tiny sword was still a sword nonetheless and still sharp! He wouldn’t make the first move, but having it out was hopefully a bit of a deterrent.
(Such a warning would not go on deaf ears and he would heed them well… once he was in the clear to.)
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risingsol · 1 year
This doggo might have sitting there for hours now, occasionally but not roughly, pawing at tiny Aether. Where are the treats huh?!
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Whoa whoa! Even a little swoop of a paw was quite literally earthshaking to the tiny traveler! Still, he was a (small) man of his promises and now that he had a moment to sneak away, he could hand over the (much heavier) mora over for those promised treats.
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Maybe next year, she might receive some homemade ones...
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risingsol · 1 year
POOF! Out of the smoke emerges a... smol Bao'er?! The smol ex-treasure hoarder walks up to the smol Aether and hands him a smol Primogem, a bright smile on her face as she does~
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Surprise! Shock! Another small individual such as himself? With tiny pockets and tiny items, once the shock melted away, he would graciously accept the tiny Primogem offered by her. Though, one would have to wonder exactly how the both of them would return back to normal after all this...
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risingsol · 1 year
Of course Amber is going to adore tiny trav. But she's here, going the extra mile. Having cut up some Mondstadt dishes into little pieces, little cubes if you will. In order to feed the tiny traveler some good food to boot.
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Leave it up to the outrider to do the unexpected and to go the extra mile! Food hadn't been much of an issue to the traveler today, seeing as any portion size would pretty much be supersized to the tiny lad today, but cutting it all into pieces took a bit more extra time than he would like to exert... especially when getting anywhere took extra time as well.
Enter the thoughtful outrider! These little cubes were the perfect size and she would receive one very happy traveler indeed. This aforementioned happy traveler would be even happier if she also dined with him - after all, food always tasted better with friends.
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risingsol · 1 year
the flapping of wings signal the arrival of the strangely behaving conqueror of demons. he's careful not to create any gusts as he touches down near the tiny traveler. he stoops down. his first offering is a single shiny object (it's a silver bottle cap, how exciting!!!).
his second gift is initially a whole sunsettia, but upon observing he breaks it into a more manageable size for the pocket-sized aether. there's a soft, sweet brrrr noise from the adeptus as the feathered wings on his back floof up. (oh, how impressive he is!)
Winged beings of any size and stature would cast a shadow over the tiny traveler today, but there was a certain quality to the wingspan outlined by the shadow that the other cast that had a little head turning up towards the sky - small hand cupped over his eyes to combat the rays of the sun that still beat down regardless of his size.
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For a long moment, he simply stared up, content with admiring the majestic (albeit strangely acting for today) yaksha before the other dipped down with... a piece of the sun? The metallic clink of the object disproved that first impression, though the tiny traveler scampered over to look straight into the impressively shiny surface of that bottle cap - almost able to see his own reflection in the shiny cap. Truly very shiny!
But the other didn't seem to be done just yet, another swoop of those majestic wings and an entire sunsettia was laid in front of him as the yaksha seemed to settle in place. Perceptive as ever and soon there was a piece that he could pick up with his tiny hands, Aether doing so and beaming over appreciatively. How impressive, how kind, how wonderful!
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"...?" Gesturing with a small hand, the rest of the sunsettia was motioned towards, a question of whether or not the other would join him to enjoy the fruits of Xiao's labor.
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risingsol · 1 year
she is going to pick up tiny traveler..........
Tem's physical prowess was no surprise to the traveler and thus he was thoroughly aware of just how easily she could pick him up in normal form if she so chose. That didn't mean his tiny form wasn't just as impressive - he was smaller sure, but his mass was pretty much the same and a plucking motion didn't give the most give.
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A little nod of approval was given wholeheartedly, along with a patting to her thumb. Two tiny thumbs up!
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risingsol · 1 year
A blonde-haired girl pops out of a chest.
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"Happy April Fools," suddenly, a torrent of fish rains down in a circle around the two. Uh oh~
The traveler, albeit tiny, was still the same person - and thus the instinct of searching out treasure was still in his tiny bones! He was contemplating for a moment on how to open this particular chest with this smaller frame when it popped right open.
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Scrambling quickly, he ran as fast as his little legs could take him to hide beneath the lid of the chest to avoid the sudden downpour of fish that erupted forth. Perhaps there was a certain normal fisherman that might appreciate this, but these fish were far too big for him to gather!
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risingsol · 1 year
Clea pops up out of a puddle and notices the smol traveler. She picks up by the scarf and puts him right onto her shoulder!
"Cute~!" She then raises another hand and strokes the top of his head with her covered fingers. Very lightly, though, the Eremite didn't wanna spook 'im too much!
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A splashing of water was all the tiny traveler heard before he was plucked up into sky - surprised squeak echoing slightly before he found a comfortable perch on Clea's shoulder. While her intent may not have been spook him, this much did!
He was however, comforted by her next actions and his little hum spoke so much. Was this another person who would walk around with him on their shoulder? Seemed to be the case...
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risingsol · 1 year
Tiny Traveler? Cats?! Claire LOVES cats, but she’s gonna help the tiny Aether onto her shoulder! “Would…this help?”
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Hoisted up again, the higher vantage point was similar to his normal one and the tiny traveler gave a little hum of appreciation in return! She might want to be a little more careful though, despite his tiny size, his weight wasn’t more different than usual.
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