#< all of those were Vagued enough for them to be taggable. right? right.
paramountpetrichor · 4 months
good timezone my fellow celestialcesters!! today i bring you bunch of characters in pretty outifts, bc i wanted to draw A Bunch of Characters in Pretty Outfits!!! (and. and the fits get more and more extreme as it goes on agakgaay)
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starting off simple!!! Eclipse in a wedding dress :] since my handwriting sucks ass, he's saying "I don't know, Earth, this isn't really my... style." and yeah Earth is behind this bc who else could convince him to get in a wedding dress???
not pictured but Definitely there in spirit: Every Other celestial seeing Eclipse in that and then RUNNING to buy wedding rings (sorry boys- he already's spoken for!!! to Earth <3)
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Bloodmoon in a maid outifit :3c, or its Supposed to be a maid outfit- it kinda just looks like a normal dress afajqfahaag dont got much to say about this one!!! other than that lunar roped them into wearing it lol. oh, and he's Thinking, "This is so dumb." :3c
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kitty kitty kitty moon!!! this ones actually rather tame compared to *glances briefly at the two down below*, but i marked it as third craziest cause why are you posing like that brother /ref. he's thinking "LMAO this is supposed to be hot?" bc he does not consider himself hot in that moment!! he is just being a kitty!!! but if you were to ask any Other celestial how hot he looked like that... agskshsha
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listen i cant make excuses for myself- Earth Pretty so i wanted to draw her in a swimsuit. and i didnt Mean for it to be a bikini but it just. Happened like that okay?? okay. sigsisgiag
please imagine a beach episode where she comes on screen dressed like That, and then she does a classic "Can anyone help me put sunscreen on my back?" and Now there's a looney toons esq catfight going on between everyone else to see who gets to do it. (spoiler, Solar did. cause he was the only one smart enough to avoid the damn fight acajfajaafag)
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uhm. uh. i. i dont. man i cant even defend myself for this one AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
it started off as just Ruin in a bunny outfit. but then i thought 'Haha what if carrot gag.' and then i. well, i gave him a carrot gag. and it just Spiraled into him thinking "Well, this is unexpected." coughMoonfinallyfoundawaytoshuthimupcough i mean WOAHHH DID YOU ALL HEAR SMTN CAUSE I DIDNT AHAHAHAHAH
anyways thats it. thanks for letting me be Insane my fellow freaks <3
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