#<- all mentioned except doku and marx
Marx and Dokutaro’s Must Vote(and Not Vote) List!
Hey, hey, hey! How you folks doin’! The @kirbyoctournament is rolling in! Dokutaro and I have blog jumping here n’ there! And we made list of who to vote (and not vote)! - Marx
And without further ado, let’s start the propaganda support! - Dokutaro
And anti-propaganda support! Noww!! Our recommendations for who to vote for! After all, why are you still here? - Marx
First up, vote Lady Celestine! (@kirbybecomesastarwarrior) - Dokutaro
Why? Because she’s cool, sassy and a sweet girl and is a literal queen! Next! Vote for Valfrey (@gethoce) and DON’T vote for Sir Uther (@quanblovk)! - Marx
Why not Sir Uther? Because he’s stinky, punchable, a loser that’s even more worse than Kieran(wait, how do I know that?) And vote Valfrey! Because she’s Sir Uther’s paralysis demon, supports lesbians, cool girl, & beautiful. - Dokutaro
Fecto Flora (@ceoofmetagala) is also someone who you should vote for too. Wonderful lil’ fella. Someone you can relate to, Doku! - Marx
… How do I put up with you again? - Dokutaro
And last but not the least of our recommendations for the tournament, Noir (@desultory-novice)! Edgy and unstable, but surprisingly has a good heart! - Marx
And that concludes our recommendation list for the Kirby OC tournament. - Dokutaro
Have a nice day, folks!! - Marx
//welp, I don’t know if this counts as propaganda, but if it is, enjoy their banter and recommendations. It’s also support propaganda (and non support propaganda for Sir Uther, but that’s because the guy’s punchable, sorry not sorry)
Propaganda for @kirbyoctournament
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