#<- cause of this i cant do work over a business paypal account
eldesperadont · 2 years
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very low energy lately cause i sleep horribly, also my hype about doing commissions turned into frustration cause of the hurdles in my way thx to my disability, i wanna break my head through a wall
10 notes · View notes
oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
They Hung Up
Summary: August can always fix your problems, especially when someone is ripping off his princess.
Warnings: fluff, ddlg, daddy kink
A/n: inspired by my chat with ebay this morning. Apparantly ebay will charge buyers import and customs VAT on items that aren't even being imported into the country... or going through customs. And they don't charge this at checkout they only charge it when they take the actually money. When i told the lady thats stealing your taking more then the agreed amount from my bank she hung up on me telling me to 'speak to the tax office'
Taglist: in reblogs.
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"No but you cant charge import tax on something that isn't being imported.... No they cant that's illegal look I just want my money beck for the tax-what do you mean no?!... Hello? Hello?" You could have cried you were so angry and upset. You closed locked your phone screen and sniffed shaking your head in frustration.
"Princess what's wrong?" You snapped your head to your daddy, august was scowling. You could see the aggravated look as he took in your tears. Your daddy never liked you wasting them on other people. Your sweet pure tears were only meant to be shed for him! Every droplet was his to pull from you, be it tears of rapturous pleasure or shed from being spanked for being naughty.
"August? I? they hung up on me!" You hissed quickly running over to him tucking yourself into his thick frame pressing your head into his chest trying to soak in the smell of his aftershave. The spicy scent was heady and a little overbearing, you could tell why. Under the spice was the metallic twang of blood and deep sooty smell of fired bullets. You both loved and hated it, as safe as it made you feel remembering just who and what he was if frightened you, one day he could be hurt.
"Who? Sweetpea?" He purred softly needing to calm you down before he could make heads roll. His arms encircled you squeezing you tightly and he rested his chin on your head the  began swaying with you slowly.
"The support desk! They charged import tax! And nothing was imported! Daddy I was careful and-and I checked and double checked there was no warning not on check out or nothin' then they took another ten dollars on top and now my bank is angry and charging me for going over!" You said quickly panicked that he would be mad at you for spending too much again.
"Okay pumpkin slow down... Tell daddy what's going on slowly... Don't miss anything out okay angel" he said pulling you back a little to let you catch your breath. But you quivered and opened your mouth wiping at your eyes before trying to argue.
"Yeah but!?"
"Shh shh no buts take a deep breath... Now out, good girl now start from the beginning" he coaxed slowly cooing at you as you took a few breaths and calmed, settling down n his arms feeling safe and secure, even if you were still angry.
"I got that lamp with the shelves... It was fifty four dollars and ninety nine cents" you started explaining from the beginning and waited for August to nod.
"Yes I know, I remember you showing me to see if it would fit in the corner" he spoke remembering the little pull cord box lamp and three shelves, you wanted it for the internet router and house phone to sit on so you had more room for snacks on the side table.
"Well I got it and paid but then when paypal billed me they charged sixty four dollars and ninety-nine cents... I messaged them and they said it was import tax!" You cried out getting yourself all angry again, cheeks puffing out sweetly as you huffed and growled even throwing you hands up in frustration. August made to speak but you continued your tale of the mean support desk and their money thieving ways.
"I looked it up and cos its coming for inside the state I don't have to pay! So I called and they said I had to because the shop was registered outside of the USA! But its wrong! They're wrong and when I asked for my money she hung up on me! She said I have to talk to the tax office people!" August frowned that wasn't right and he knew it. It was clear you were being taken for a fool. These bastards were at it all over the place he'd seen some of it on the news, instead of tax evasion as we know it there was a new crime. Stealing tax from buyers and classing it as profit. Because its tax most people don't question it.
"And then my bank sent me this! Saying I was over my limit and in the minus! So now they are taking twenty dollars when my next allowance goes in!"  You cried quickly pulling up an email on your phone from your bank showing a notice of charges you now had on your account.
"Its not fair I didn't do nothing wrong daddy but now I'm loosing the tax and twenty dollars of my allowance!" You yelled and began sniffling again your lip wobbling. His heart melted as he watched you try so hard not to break down and cry again. You were being his big brave girl.
"Okay pumpkin i will sort this out give me the phone" he said plucking the phone from you then turned around heading to his office.
"But you cant! Its a withheld number-" you said sniffling following him one hand fisting the back of his jacket as he strode through the pent house to the secure room.
"Oh come on sweetheart don't tell me I'm going too soft and you've forgotten just who your daddy is~" he cooed opening the door and ushering you to the small teepee in the corner that had a large iPad and a few fuzzy scatter cushions .
"Go sit and watch YouTube or something okay? Let daddy fix this mess" he said pulling your headphones from the drawer and handed them to you ushering you to the small cozy spot he had made you.
You watched as he plugged your phone into his computer and made a few quick clicks before picking up his own phone and dialled a number with a smug look the  clicked his fingers at you pointing to the headphones wanting you to pop them on and stop worrying. You pouted but slipped on the large pink headset  and pretended to loom at your screen and select a video in reality you were listening to your daddy.
"Yes you wouldn't recognize it. How? Well this is a government number, you just told a young lady to inform us about taxes?" You flicked your eyes up at him grinning hearing the professional growl to his voice the 'daddy means business' tone that made you quiver with want and fear. It never meant good things, most of the time he used this tone when you were a bad girl. You only hoped the mean woman on the phone felt bad now too.
"Why yes, yes she did a miss y/n yes that's her. I would like for you to put me through to head office" you bit your lip hearing him begin his assault. No one not even the lady on the phone and her jargon would out smart your daddy!
"Pardon me I'm sorry I'm Mr Walker...I work for the tax office in her state and have decided to open an investigation about tax fraud over the issue, we have had many complaints... oh yes she informed us of everything, she was distressed over the tax miscalculation? Which has caused her to go over drawn on her account and incurred charges" he spoke firmly and turned looking to you as you giggled watching him in his huge leather spiny chair. You gasped when he frowned and pointed a finger to your iPad clearly telling you to stop being nosey and watch your videos.
"Yes I am aware of that but the shop is registered overseas, it doesn't export from overseas... so there is no international import tax due." He continued spinning around in the chair making a few notes on the large paper pad in front of him.
"Yes that's why I'm calling I've been on your website and your policies are in fact breaking the law and infringing on the rights of consumers. Do you understand? What you have done is illegal and fraudulent and I can see it isn't the first time so I would like to speak to your head of office now- thank you" you quickly looked down as August spun once more and grunted at you pointing to the door with a scowl catching you eavesdropping again.
"Poppet either watch your videos or go and have some lunch" he said covering the mouthpiece on the phone making you pout and flick your legs at him and cross your arms stubbornly. You wanted to watch!
"Decide or I will decide for you" he said raising his brows at you but you just huffed pleading with your eyes at him to let you stay and listen.
"Right lunch it is come on up! Off you pop go make a sandwich and have some juice" he said holding out his hand for the headphones.
"But I want to see you tell them off daddy!" You huffed non to impressed at being set out of the room so quickly.
"No, now do as I've asked daddy will be out in a few minuets this wont take long" you held his gaze for a few moments before you lost your nerve then stood with a pout handing him your headphones and left the room closing the door when you were told to.
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It was twenty minuets alter August came put of the office and padded to the kitchen seeing you at the breakfast bar swinging on a chair whislt munching a chocolate spread sandwich a few candy wrappers on the side and packets of chips and un touched apple. He sighed giving you the stink eye but didn't say anything. You found a loop hole he said lunch and sandwich... he hadn't specified what type of lunch and sandwich.
"All sorted poppet! Your being refunded and getting compensation which will be debited into your account in forty eight hours" he said rounding the breakfast bar snatching the apple opening the cutlery drawer fishing out a knife.
"That's quick daddy... I thought they can only do it in five days?" You asked watching as he sliced the apples and began cutting the core out for you.
"Oh princess its amazing what people can do when they think the big bad tax man is on to them~" he chuckled at your face as he placed the apple on your plate. You didn't want to eat it but you would . Quickly. Because if you left it too long itd go brown and you would whine about it, get a warning and end up having to eat it anyway.
"Will you get in trouble? you pretended to be the tax man daddy" You said cautiously lifting a small apple wedge to your mouth and nibbled it.
"Me? Of course not daddy has many different identities love, and I can use them when I want love... besides we just uncovered a company that not only evades tax but it stealing it!" He grinned. If there was one thing he liked it was justice. Everyone should pay their dues. Especially someone who rigs a system to benefit themselves.
"And.. My bank charges?" You asked still unsure if he will be mad a you for over spending...Again
"All gone, daddy will cover them princess; now just how much chocolate spread is in that sandwich?" He said leaning over your plate trying to pry apart the two slices of bread.
"Err a little" you shrugged still eating your apple whist trying to smoosh your sandwich and hide the super thick chocolatey layer.
"Mm hmm there's more chocolate then bread poppet~" he hummed unimpressed but let it slide, again you'd found your loophole, the last thing he'd do is punish you for being a smart ass. It could save your life one day.
"Sorry daddy" you said whilst pulling the plates closer to yourself protectively worried he would steal our chocolate.
"Oh don't be poppet once its gone its gone its you that will miss it not me" he chuckled and spun around crossing the kitchen to make his own lunch. You grinned happily, what had been a bad day was getting better and better! You were getting your money back, compensation,  your daddy was paying your and charges and you got to keep your chocolate spread! What more could you ask for? Well there was one more thing you could ask for.
"Daddy can I have a puppy?"
436 notes · View notes
cash-dealer-blog · 7 years
Buy $ USD
UPDATE: 07/22/2019
We just got in a new shipment of USD $160,000 in small notes ($5′s, $10′s, $20′s) and they are going fast, don’t miss out.
UPDATE: 07/01/2019 You motherfuckers need to stop wasting my time requesting another order before the 2 weeks is up. If this keeps happening I will give ya’ll greedy ass fucks a 4 week wait penalty. Ya’ll know who you are! 
This needs to be fair so theres enough cash for the new customers/orders... ALSO stop requesting and trying to con us into sending more than $50k at a time. We have limits set for a reason! AND ITS FOR YOUR SAFETY, NOT OURS
- Cash
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NOTE: As of 04/15/2019 we will no longer ship to PO BOXES it must be to a physical address NO EXCEPTIONS. This is for YOUR safety-
A few safety tips-
#1 - NEVER use a Darknet Wallet to BUY or STORE your coins EVER, only Clearnet such as: Local Bitcoins https://localbitcoins.com/, Coinbase https://www.coinbase.com/, Coinify https://coinify.com/ etc. (I warned you about buying and or storing your coins on the Darknet)
#2 - NEVER use a Darknet coin mixer/tumbler EVER only use Clearnet mixers/tumblers or risk losing your coins.
1. Select the cash package you want
2. Check current Bitcoin prices at: https://www.coindesk.com/calculator
3. Send payment to: 1MYXDjr6WniQWfmC1oUhjahs9K811NWjGE
* As of 07/09/2019 just send exact amount per Coindesk current price for the cash package, don’t worry about adding transaction fees we will eat the fees since some of you can’t figure it out and it was causing too many questions and wrong amounts sent, we are also covering shipping costs since most of you either “forget” to send or can do the basic math.
4. Send email to: [email protected] and include the name of package you purchased, which bills you prefer ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100) we will do our best to accommodate, the Bitcoin address that you sent payment from, and your shipping address, remember NO PO BOXES. Also let us know if you require a tracking number, we recommend NEVER using tracking for YOUR safety but if you want one we have no issues getting you one but be careful.
5. We will send order confirmation within 24 business hours and package will ship SAME DAY, this is USA time and we don’t count Saturday or Sunday as business hours/days. WE HAVE A LIFE TOO AND DO NOT WORK ON WEEKENDS EVER. If you message us on the weekend freaking out and or asking whats going on we will cancel your order and blacklist future orders. 
and always remember to be safe and use VPN/TOR/PROXY etc.
Important Warnings & Notes 1. Legal Warning: Our cash is 100% safe & anonymous.  However if you spend or deposit more than $10,000 at once you will attract IRS/FBI/Police attention.  We are NOT responsible for any investigations that are caused by careless spending.  If you are investigated – never admit to buying stolen cash and the investigation should pass without issue.  We do not cooperate with authorities.  There are no other concerns with spending this cash besides this warning. 2. Order Frequency: Only 1 order can be placed every 2 weeks.  This is due to high order volumes, we want to give all our buyers and shipments the attention they deserve. 3. Shipping Address & Name: Most buyers use a real first OR last name and real address. Never tell us how the address is related to you. All personal information is purged/deleted after each shipment. You need to re-send us your shipping info before each order.  4. Tracking #: Tracking #’s are emailed to you after payment if you require one.  They typically update slowly for the first 12-24 hours. 5. Shipment Time: Your package will ship within 24 hours of receiving payment CONFIRMATION.  DHL & USPS ship Monday-Friday and not on holidays OR WEEKENDS.  We ship FEDEX Monday-Fridayt.  We will mail ALL packages the same day if you send us payment before 2pm EST USA time M-F. 6. Packaging & Labeling: Small orders are shipped inside magazines or binders, Large orders are shipped in boxes with labeling to appear like an Ebay or Amazon.com package.  Additional stealth precautions are taken that we don’t publicly share.  Please let us know if you have special requirements. 7. Purchasing Bitcoin: See below methods:    1. Our suggested bitcoin buying method is using: localbitcoins.com    2. Many other buying methods are legit though, go with what you know 8. Bitcoin Wallet: Any bitcoin wallet can be used.  We suggest wallets from blockchain.com or localbitcoins.com or Coinbase etc, really any will work. Just NEVER use Darknet wallets
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Money the Easy & Safe Way! Stay away from counterfeit methods that will send you to jail. * NO PayPal Digital Trail * NO Bank Transfer Fraud * NO ATM Camera Recording * NO Distracting the Cashier * Proven to be 100% safe * Happy Customers over 1,000 + Reviews * Deposit it in vending machines, bank accounts or ATM’s with complete safety.
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Shipping Times Timezones:
 GBP Ships in BST
 Euro ships in CEST
 USD Ships in EST
All packages ship by 2pm in their respective time zone
 Orders ship within 24 hours of payment verification
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Inventory Levels: USD:  High (small notes) Medium (large notes) $190,000+ available EUR:  Low (currently $22,000 available) GBP:  Low (currently $17,000 available)
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WARNING: Beware of Clones on the Darknet.  We are the only real cash sellers and are NOT located there – Our sites keep getting shut down for the obvious reasons but are working on a new permanent home which should be ready in the next 2-3 weeks. Save our ONLY email: [email protected] and Bitcoin address: 1MYXDjr6WniQWfmC1oUhjahs9K811NWjGE
Used Cash Is Shredded: In 2018 6.5 Billion dollars was destroyed by the Federal Reserve. If a bill has holes totaling more than 19 square millimeters, about the size of an aspirin, it’s unfit. Dirty and worn out bills are also sorted out with sensors. Fives, tens and twenty-dollar bills printed before 1996 are automatically pulled from circulation, simply because of their age.

We Acquire Cash before Its Shredded: The “Cash Dealer” team has “access” to an almost limitless supply of cash that is marked for disposal.

We Have a Problem: We are only able to siphon small amounts of cash at a time to avoid detection.  This is mainly because large amounts of cash are difficult to “withdraw” and move discretely due to scheduling, weight, size and conceal-ability issues.  We would rather “withdraw” several hundred million and disappear forever but that isn’t possible.  So our team decided to siphon cash away slowly and stockpile it in bitcoins over many years.

We Cant Spend It: Due to our location and “access” we would be caught quickly if we spent large amount of pre-shred cash.  We want to maintain access therefore we do not risk spending it ourselves except in small amounts.

We Need Help: We want to maintain access to our cash source and don’t want to get caught so we offer Cash in exchange for Bitcoins.  We mail this cash to whatever address you wish in exchange for your bitcoins.  We do not accept any other form of payment and DO NOT SHIP TO PO BOXES.

No Risk for You: There is absolutely no risk for those that purchase bills from us. No one knows we have them and no one knows their serial numbers.  For both of our protection we don’t keep any records whatsoever.  Furthermore buying cash is not illegal. 

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Buy € Euro
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We Exchange USD to EUR and ship it from the EU. There are no custom checks if shipped within the European Union.  Prices are different because it takes more labor/cost to exchange USD for EUR.
NOTE: As of 04/15/2019 we will no longer ship to PO BOXES it must be to a physical address NO EXCEPTIONS. This is for YOUR safety-
A few safety tips-
#1 - NEVER use a Darknet Wallet to BUY or STORE your coins EVER, only Clearnet such as: Local Bitcoins https://localbitcoins.com/, Coinbase https://www.coinbase.com/, Coinify https://coinify.com/ etc. (I warned you about buying and or storing your coins on the Darknet)
#2 - NEVER use a Darknet coin mixer/tumbler EVER only use Clearnet mixers/tumblers or risk losing your coins.
1. Select the cash package you want
2. Check current Bitcoin prices at: https://www.coindesk.com/calculator
3. Send payment to: 1MYXDjr6WniQWfmC1oUhjahs9K811NWjGE
* As of 07/09/2019 just send exact amount per Coindesk current price for the cash package, don’t worry about adding transaction fees we will eat the fees since some of you can’t figure it out and it was causing too many questions and wrong amounts sent, we are also covering shipping costs since most of you either “forget” to send or can do the basic math.
4. Send email to: [email protected] and include the name of package you purchased, which bills you prefer ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100) we will do our best to accommodate, the Bitcoin address that you sent payment from, and your shipping address, remember NO PO BOXES. Also let us know if you require a tracking number, we recommend NEVER using tracking for YOUR safety but if you want one we have no issues getting you one but be careful.
5. We will send order confirmation within 24 business hours and package will ship SAME DAY, this is USA time and we don’t count Saturday or Sunday as business hours/days. WE HAVE A LIFE TOO AND DO NOT WORK ON WEEKENDS EVER. If you message us on the weekend freaking out and or asking whats going on we will cancel your order and blacklist future orders. 
UPDATE: 07/22/2019 - We just got in a new shipment of USD $160,000 in small notes ($5′s, $10′s, $20′s) and they are going fast, don’t miss out.
Important Warnings & Notes 1. Legal Warning: Our cash is 100% safe & anonymous.  However if you spend or deposit more than €10,000 at once you will attract attention.  We are NOT responsible for any investigations that are caused by careless spending.  If you are investigated – never admit to buying stolen cash and the investigation should pass without issue.  We do not cooperate with authorities.  There are no other concerns with spending this cash besides this warning. 2. Order Frequency: Only 1 order can be placed every 2 weeks.  This is due to high order volumes, we want to give all our buyers and shipments the attention they deserve.
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Buy £ GBP
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We Exchange USD to GBP and ship it from within the UK. Prices are different because it takes more labor/cost to exchange USD for GBP.
NOTE: As of 04/15/2019 we will no longer ship to PO BOXES it must be to a physical address NO EXCEPTIONS. This is for YOUR safety-
A few safety tips-
#1 - NEVER use a Darknet Wallet to BUY or STORE your coins EVER, only Clearnet such as: Local Bitcoins https://localbitcoins.com/, Coinbase https://www.coinbase.com/, Coinify https://coinify.com/ etc. (I warned you about buying and or storing your coins on the Darknet)
#2 - NEVER use a Darknet coin mixer/tumbler EVER only use Clearnet mixers/tumblers or risk losing your coins.
1. Select the cash package you want
2. Check current Bitcoin prices at: https://www.coindesk.com/calculator
3. Send payment to: 1MYXDjr6WniQWfmC1oUhjahs9K811NWjGE
* As of 07/09/2019 just send exact amount per Coindesk current price for the cash package, don’t worry about adding transaction fees we will eat the fees since some of you can’t figure it out and it was causing too many questions and wrong amounts sent, we are also covering shipping costs since most of you either “forget” to send or can do the basic math.
4. Send email to: [email protected] and include the name of package you purchased, which bills you prefer ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100) we will do our best to accommodate, the Bitcoin address that you sent payment from, and your shipping address, remember NO PO BOXES. Also let us know if you require a tracking number, we recommend NEVER using tracking for YOUR safety but if you want one we have no issues getting you one but be careful.
5. We will send order confirmation within 24 business hours and package will ship SAME DAY, this is USA time and we don’t count Saturday or Sunday as business hours/days. WE HAVE A LIFE TOO AND DO NOT WORK ON WEEKENDS EVER. If you message us on the weekend freaking out and or asking whats going on we will cancel your order and blacklist future orders.
UPDATE: 07/22/2019 - We just got in a new shipment of USD $160,000 in small notes ($5′s, $10′s, $20′s) and they are going fast, don’t miss out.
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Q:  Are you legit? A:  Your teaming up with US born & raised, first class fucking criminals.  We aren’t running this operation from Mumbai/India like all the other vendors.
Q: Where is this cash coming from?  Is it real or counterfeit. A: This is 100% real USD Currency stolen from the FED before it could be shredded.  You have absolutely no Risk. Every year billions of dollars are selected for disposal. No one tracks money that’s supposed to be destroyed. Deposit it in vending machines, bank accounts or ATM’s with complete safety.
Q: Is this really safe? A: This is the safest money making on the web.  No paypal digital trail,  No bank transfer fraud, No Credit or Debit card ATM Camera Recording, No distracting the cashier with poor quality counterfeit and the FBI wont build a file on you.  Play it safe and stay away from methods that will send you to jail.  Is it worth 10 years of jail time being nicknamed the “Cock Gobbler”?  This is proven to be 100% safe, we have 1,000+ reviews from happy customers, stick with us.
Q: What name & address should I use?
 A: Most people use their home address and a fake first OR last name. Please do not tell us how the name and address are attached to you. You can also use ship to an abandoned house, a hotel, a PO box or wherever else you want it.  We can not FEDEX a package to a PO box. Before mailing the package we confirm that the address is valid.
Q: Is my identity protected? A: If we get caught with records of our buyers it will make the criminal charges against us far worse.  Because of that we take your privacy & anonymity extremely seriously.  Records are purged on a daily basis.  We do this primarily to protect our self’s and also our buyers.
Q: How do you handle the changing bitcoin prices? A: As soon as your ready to order check the current prices at: https://www.coindesk.com/calculator
Q: Whats the worst case scenario? A: Worst case scenario is the FBI catch us, with a package of cash with your name and address on it.  They say to you “did you buy this”.  You say “no”.  They cant prove you bought it therefore you are innocent. You say to the FBI “Thank you for your time, go fuck yourself”.
Q: I saw a bad review written about you in a forum? A: Yes and there will be MANY more.  The FED (Federal Reserve with USA) knows we are stealing from them they just don’t know how.  They are desperate to stop us so they write fake bad reviews about us to prevent people from making purchases.  When you buy from us you devalue the dollar and its mostly the FED’s job to stop us.
Q. Will you use an escrow? A. Yes we will use escrow.  But we will not use escrow’s with intellectual or physical property within the German or USA control.  The chances of getting a transaction frozen are low but they exist, the last thing you want is getting investigated for knowingly buying stolen cash.  That’s fucking jail time.  We will use escrow’s but not the same one you would use to sell grandma scooter.
Q. Are these bills being tracked in any way? A. No they are not. No one knows we have them and know one knows their serial numbers.
Q. What keeps me from depositing it all into an ATM and buying more from you? A. Nothing we would love to develop this type of relationship with our clients. You get cash and we get bitcoins. It’s a win / win relationship
Q. Can I select If I receive $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 or $100 bills? A. Yes.  You can.  We do not ship $1’s because they take up too much space however.
Q. Do you have a reship policy if it doesn’t make it to me? A. YES we will re-ship the package at no cost to you if it does not get to you.  We have never lost a package within the USA.
Q. Are these counterfeit bills? A. No they are not. These are 100% authentic federal reserve printed bills that are too worn for circulation. Generally the bills are in good condition and we remove any of them in bad shape.
Q: We’ll report you to the FED if you don’t send us $100k free. A: The FED & NSA guys that are after us are actually pretty cool fuckers.  They email trying to buy from us now and then to see if we’ll make a mistake and leave a fingerprint.  Send them an email be my guest.  Seriously guys if your a genuinely good dude go join the FED or NSA. I think the organizations in general are fucked up but the bros that work there are some of the best people alive.
Q: We’ll hire Hackers & Hitmen if you don’t send us $100k free. A. Do you understand that TOR is anonymous?  The whole NSA uses every trick in the book and they sometimes catch people that make mistakes. And you think a sketch hacking website offering a 3 man service can do better then the NSA can?  Good luck with that bro.  But we always welcome hit-men being sent.  Every member of this team has a dream of dying in a sick as fuck gunfight.  We’re armed and on the look out, bring the heat.
Q: Did you know you are DEVALUING the US currency by recirculating money that is being replaced and should be destroyed? A: Go fuck yourself.
Q: I am sick and/or disabled will you discount our purchase? A: No go fuck yourself.
Q: Will you send a package In good faith that I will pay you when I receive the package?  This would gain my trust. A: No go fuck yourself.
Q: Send me $100 to prove yourself and then I will be a lifetime buyer.  I’m a fellow criminal like you! A: No go fuck yourself.
Q. Dont you care about those starving in Africa?  Dont you want to donate some money to feed them? A: No go fuck yourself.
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NOTE: As of 04/15/2019 we will no longer ship to PO BOXES it must be to a physical address NO EXCEPTIONS. This is for YOUR safety-
A few safety tips-
#1 - NEVER use a Darknet Wallet to BUY or STORE your coins EVER, only Clearnet such as: Local Bitcoins https://localbitcoins.com/, Coinbase https://www.coinbase.com/, Coinify https://coinify.com/ etc. (I warned you about buying and or storing your coins on the Darknet)
#2 - NEVER use a Darknet coin mixer/tumbler EVER only use Clearnet mixers/tumblers or risk losing your coins.
1. Select the cash package you want
2. Check current Bitcoin prices at: https://www.coindesk.com/calculator
3. Send payment to: 1MYXDjr6WniQWfmC1oUhjahs9K811NWjGE
* As of 07/09/2019 just send exact amount per Coindesk current price for the cash package, don’t worry about adding transaction fees we will eat the fees since some of you can’t figure it out and it was causing too many questions and wrong amounts sent, we are also covering shipping costs since most of you either “forget” to send or can do the basic math.
4. Send email to: [email protected] and include the name of package you purchased, which bills you prefer ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100) we will do our best to accommodate, the Bitcoin address that you sent payment from, and your shipping address, remember NO PO BOXES. Also let us know if you require a tracking number, we recommend NEVER using tracking for YOUR safety but if you want one we have no issues getting you one but be careful.
5. We will send order confirmation within 24 business hours and package will ship SAME DAY, this is USA time and we don’t count Saturday or Sunday as business hours/days. WE HAVE A LIFE TOO AND DO NOT WORK ON WEEKENDS EVER. If you message us on the weekend freaking out and or asking whats going on we will cancel your order and blacklist future orders.
UPDATE: 07/22/2019 - We just got in a new shipment of USD $160,000 in small notes ($5′s, $10′s, $20′s) and they are going fast, don’t miss out.
Contact Us to order: [email protected]
Comment dump text from our comments/reviews database on our .com site that was shut down. 500+ orders completed. The new site will be up soon! Comments post at the top of the page, You can post your comments at the bottom.  Admin is “Cash” | 827 Comments
Cash, You guys are the best source to sell bitcoin to. Now that it is over 15k I want to buy a few 50k packages. You have the cheapest money on that I can find. Would you consider removing the 2 week requirement between orders so that we take advantage of this current bitcoin market? It is not going to last and this is a rare opportunity.
Placed order on 6/3 and sent BTC. tracking shows it arrives tomorrow. Pretty excited to rip into my box of $5,000
Drake you are the man! Your service is great. IT CHANGED MY LIFE!
Im a little dissapointed. Why did you send me just 10s? It costs more to ship a large box with all 10s. Do you not have any larger bills? It was a little obnoxious if you ask me.
Cash YOU sent me ANOTHER package that I didnt pay for! So I paid for 1 package of $1,300 but got TWO packages of $1300 each! 
If you are looking to get cash for the upcoming holidays I suggest you do it now. Last year at this time we were slammed. We will keep send cash as long as we have the inventory, first come, first served. 
 Also Bitcoin has really moved over the past 2 weeks. If you bought in prior now is the time to leverage that. You will be able to get more cash for your coin using or services. Take advantage of it while you can. Odds are Bitcoin will be moving lower to make a correction soon!
 As a reminder, we suggest that you deposit less than 10,000 per week into your accounts or just spend the cash. Do not do something stupid and attract attention. Having money comes responsibility. You can get really wealth very fast as many of our customers have. If you are uncomfortable with getting stolen cash then I suggest you at least pay off your debts so that you are not a slave to the fucking banks. Be smart,
Please be mindful of scam sites. There are many only use products from the hidden wiki and make sure when you communicate with us its to our [email protected] email address ONLY.
pappy i bank with a major bank in the us and they took the cash when i payed my credit card. they never asked any questions and i paid off the balance of $4300.
is u for real pappy
is u make in fun of me????????
It looks like we have a raciest motherfucker on here!
I spent about half of the money. I want to put the rest in my checking account. Whats the best way to do that?
I dont know what Cash would say, but I suggest you dont deposit more than 5k in a 3 day period. I dont know how much you have but you dont want to put attention on yourself. The law is 10k in any 24 hour period, but I like to be conservative.
This shit is better than counterfeit !
Can i trust this guys ?? answer me plz guys ….
GBP is fantastic. Deposited half in the bank and kept the other half as spending money. I will be ordering again soon.
Supeer 1000 euros ths you are great
Couple of people I know order from here and like it. I emailed them to order my first package.
First order delivered by post. Dam should have ordered more lol but was nervous this is sick! Will order again.
I sent in my payment and I got my tracking numbers.
A little slow……… I was told 3 days and it took 6. Cash is legit but I appreciate prompt service from my suppliers.
Really cool service. I use it to get extra cash for my weed.
Hy! I got my package yesterday from Fedex. I had it shipped right to my house! Packaged from a well known ebay electronics vendor with that vendors labeling. Opened the package to find a old school VHS player. Inside the VHS player was $25,000. Excellent stealth overall. 50% $20’s, 50% $100’s. Very pleased I will order again! Shreder
test prior to order
Ok I got the cash but I wish I had ordered weed instead. Cash cant make you feel good like weed can. Whats better $500 weed or $2,500 cash? I would rather have the weed right now. life sucks. Cash is fine though.
But its great to have the cash right?
This is some slick shit! Ho’s gonna love this dick while i make it rain
I hope I did not miss the deadline for a shipment to go out today. I want it by Wed. Can you do it?
Omen did you get a tracking number yet?
how long do orders usually take
It works pretty good but overnight option sometimes take 2 days. The product however is excellent!
It’s official. Ordered my first package. Bitcoin and email sent. Thanks again.
Hello, I wanna give it a try
I did get my box of cash and it passed the counterfeit tests I used. However, it was supposed to be overnight and it took 3 days. Not sure why. I emailed about the issue and I never got a response. I am considering another order but I hope the service is a little bit better. The product is great.
i wanna try to buy~anyone can tell me it is good ornot?
The last order that came in was exactly as promised, I sent Cash Dealer an email but I also wanted to write this note. Thank you so so so so much.
Less than $3,000 in the ATM’s you might be able to do more but I am super careful. If you keep your orders in a schedule you can easily deposit enough that will show the large deposits as normal. I would only go higher after than but never more than $10,000 in a week.
How much can I deposit in the ATM? I have the money now but not sure how much to deposit at one time in the ATM. Any feedback is appreciated.
I know you said not to use this cash for charity but I’ve been using it to pay for respite care for a few old people in my community. I’ve been spending most it on myself though, the extra goes to respite care to be honest.
is this legit
I ordered $10,000 from the site this afternoon.
I dont think Bitcoin is going anywhere. It is a bunch of hype for nothing. Though it is smart to get cash to keep in your house or some place safe other than a bank. Governments all over the world are corrupt and they play with your life savings like its a game.
Fingers Crossed…
Originally I was skeptical about these comments being filtered, but J have seen a few bad comments, saying it is fake and all. Ironically, That is what sold this place to me. Expect a test order
These are the best Euros on the web. High quality. I know you say they are real I do not find any errors in them. Bought bitcoin with them in person no problem.
I hope that our cooperation will be long and productive.
Just placed my order, will update when it’s received
Sat delivery! I’m impressed!
This shit is so fucking unbelievable! I order 2 days ago and paid for overnight! HOLY FUCKING SHIT ! Cash you change my life motherfucker ! For those who are believing this is not real GO FUCK YOURSELF!
Just placed my first order. Currently awaiting tracking information.
Great site  I started out with the Rookie order and hopefully i can move my way up
hi guys
I’m really interested in this service. Is it really safe to order to lets say home address. Anybody had any issues? thanks
I’m planning on buying from cash dealer, but I’m out of the US. Has anyone in South America received their money?
€10,000 zu meinem Haus geliefert. Sehr gut danke. Da liegt der Hund begraben.
My wish came true! I didn’t get screwed over again. These guys seem like they’re pretty new, but they deliever and thats all i care about. thanks a tonzz!
Me too. Got another package in the mail. I’m saving up my BTC for a big order
2 days after order I have my cash in hand. Just placed order #2. Hella aweosome
Boofy ass niggas out here hooking brotha’s up with the flow, hooken em up with the goods, the product! I always get the Green from de’s mofos’. good dealers
lets give it a try
Why the fuck do I have to wait 3 hours for an email!
Please excuse in advance my english is not exactly good. I order the euro item and was sent to me with post. I learn that euro are from bank and not made with print. Thank you. I am happy.
I’ve been ordering for a while and they always come through. Their a bit slow but trustworthy. Cash tries to joke with me but i’m not a joker. He can put his jokes up his ass and shut the hell up. I want CASH not stupid jokes. Lets keep it professional.
I’m ordering the Rookie package and i’m pretty sure this is legit !
I have gotten scammed twice in the darkweb. I am a Life long Cash Dealer customer. They are for real.
why wont my comment post
comment goes here. testing comment space.
Time to get me some spending money $$$$$$$$$
Dont depend on getting extra cash. I’ve only got extra cash 2 out of my 5 orders.
fuck you. You didnt send me any EURO only USD CASH. I wanted Euro NOT united states of america worthless money… mother fuckers
A question to the people who bought money from this site, what name and address do you give them so that you got the money, the real, the fake or What?
Is Russia I hear black women are whores. Did you use whore money to pay for first order now you have no more whore money? What you cost for a few minutes? Thank you very much
Hi Cash, i want in. i know shit about bitcoin. time to retire. need euro’s. how long wait?
My cash isnt new… is that normal? I thought it would be crisp… Oh well it spends just the same…
hell yes. I wanted to see if it’s legit and it is.
I will be ordering as soon as i get some bitcoin i am still very skeptical about buying from the DW since i have been scammed like 5 times already but i really hope that cash dealer is different but there are so many good reviews on here that i am pretty sure they are legit and are not going to disappoint fingers crossed i will update you guys as soon as i make my first order!!!!
I fucking love it. Thanks Cash for the cash. lol. Ill be back.
No problems on my end. Make sure you are using Proton Mail if you are using dark net services. Dont use gmail or yahoo or something like that. They monitor.
just placed my test order. if this works, I will bring you an amazing opportunity Cash, mark my words.

ive been having my emails bounced back to me as undeliverables, anyone else having this issues? my order is on hold until i can get this fixed cash get ahold of me and help me to fix this issue.
Cash you told me i would get extra but I only got 5,500. I thought I was going to get a full $1,000 exta? Can you send me another $500 please? I’ll be your most loyal customer but send me more cash for free please.
Duuuude this works well
I will be placing an order just as soon as I get some bitcoins.
OK Cash I have set up a my new household budget now that I am on the regular bi-weekly shipment list. Each shipment is 5,000 so my spending money is as follows.
 Monday – Thursday $250 per day
Friday, Sat, Sun $500 per day
 Thanks to you and the team Drake I can now put my entire paycheck (minus your fee) in savings. This is more money than I have ever had. Its weird to get used to.
I put $1,000 into the offerings tray at church. Everyone saw how much I put in and they got to know I such a good person.
I’m gonna keep putting $1,000 into the offerings tray each week until I am 100% sure everyone knows how good I am. Then I’m gonna finger-bang my neighbors wife.
Millennials don’t know anything about politics, money, Oppose vaccinations, lazy & selfish.
I paid into social security and deserve to live off it for the rest of my god damn life. Don’t you jackass Millennials ruin it for me by buying stolen cash from Cash Dealer. The government White Knights will throw him in jail for reformation anytime now. He will come out of jail a Christian man, reformed, and contribute to society by working at Mcdonalds or Burger King.
yippeee got some cash loot!
I was supposed to get my delivery today and now fedex says I have to wait until tomorrow. What bull shit!
I feel better now my cash arrived.
Cant wait to make my first purchase from cash dealer!!!!!!!!! Ive seen so many good reviews from this website hopefully this is legit and I will be the next good review i have been scammed so may times on the DW by so many different DW websites that i am very skeptical about every DW website but hopefully cash dealer will prove me wrong.
Hi Cash ! I got the $5,000 cash package of all $20’s! SUPER DUPER HAPPY!
Got my tracking this morning. Wed is the day!
I am a regular customer here and now get regular shipments every two weeks. It has changed my life.
The real scammers are the government. Many countries used to be on the gold standard. Meaning for every dollar printed the government held one dollar worth of gold in its reserve. Now the government doesn’t use that standard and they just print money with nothing backing it. A dollar bill is worth a dollar only because the government says it is.
Guys like Cash are fucking around with their system. I am sure they are going after them with everything they got with fake reviews and DOS attacks etc. Of course they cant find them via tor so they do the next best thing and try to scare people into not buying the pre shred cash.
Look people the government has fucked us over and big banks and greedy politicians have taken over by tweaking the system in their favor. Cash’s team has evened the score and let us have our money back. The money belongs to the people. Plus, you could make much better use of the money than your government.
Just my two micro bits for what its worth.
We love you in Europe Cash!! You are the best deal for Euros on darknet.
I used to work with counterfeit currency, but now with cash dealer I can get the real stuff minus the risk.
I might be in the minority, but I hope people read those fake negative reviews and stay away from here. The less people who know about it the more cash that’s available for me to order.
Hello Good People
It has been a VERY busy week. Most people wanted overnight in time for Black Friday. I assume to do holiday shopping in the USA. The orders have brought our USD inventory down but we still have plenty for additional orders. We also have refreshed our GBP inventory for our UK clients.
Once again a reminder for international orders. You need to tell us when you make your order that you want the cash shipped internationally. Otherwise your quote will not be correct and IT WILL DELAY YOUR SHIPMENT!
As many of you know we have debated whether or not to go private and stop accepting new orders. As opposed to doing that we are going to change the Elite Program membership. We are only going to be accepting a few new members and we are likely to be changing our membership requirements, essentially making it more difficult to join. Those changes will be announced in the next few weeks.
Last thing, READ THE WEBSITE… We get lots of emails where people are asking questions that are already answered on our website. We are going to stop responding to those emails. This is cheap cash and a quick way to really change your financial situation. Do yourself a favor and pay attention. If we get one more email asking if this is counterfeit I am going to puke! WE DO NOT DEAL IN COUNTERFEIT. ONLY REAL CASH! 
Spend it wisely my friends. -Cash
Sorry Cash. I sent the extra bit coins as your requested for international post. I will make sure to read the directions carefully for future orders.
ive been checking this out for a few days seeing the good and the bad comments, im going to give it a try, wish me luck 
Thank you. I love this cash. Don’t stop.
I Sent them Payment and it took 4 days for the cash to arrive. I paid for overnight Fuck You Guys!!
It’s been 6 weeks since I started ordering from Cash and I have yet be disappointed with the process, I’ve ordered it 2 times so far. I dont care if they are getting the cash from aliens, chinese, indians, the FED or where ever else. This deposits into an ATM and bank tellers have no problems with it. So I continue to buy. Thanks Cash!
Hi, my tracking show the package hasnt moved in 10 hours. Its supposed to arrive tomorrow. I sent you an email can you just confirm it will arrive tomorrow like the tracking shows?
My tracking information says it will arrive tomorrow. I hate waiting.
I was sweating like crazy at the bank but the deposit went through with no problems. $2500 in the bank!
Hey “looking for money” its legit but they sure do take a while. It sometimes takes 24-48 hours for them to respond. Sometimes it takes 2 days to get their “Overnight” packages. Kind of shady if you ask me. They should offer better service. 
Same here. I read so much negative shit about this place but did a small order anyway to see for myself. I never paid attention to the “fake news” concept but now I believe it. I was told I was stupid and I would not receive anything, and I was a sucker getting scammed. Well…..I did get a box…. and $5,000 was inside a wrapped birthday present. It even had a birthday card! So to the Law Enforcement pieces of shit who are posting fake shit to scare people away. Fuck you! Just because you have a low paying piece of shit job dont take away the ability for the rest of us have some $$$
I thought for sure this was going to be a scam. I ordered anyway and figured I will probably get a box of dog shit or something. To my surprise Fed ex came and delivered today and it was all real cash. thx cash
Sooooo im really interested in this. But i have nooooo idea how to purchase, i dont know how to convert USD into bitcoins. Can anyone help? ALSO, is it safe to use a fake yahoo email to contact?
Is this truly real ?
TESTING TESTING .. Making Sure The Reviews Are Working …
i only ordered pound sterling not the other ones. the pound sterling is really good. new notes.
I just put in my first order. I will post another review when I receive my package and don’t get any feds knocking on my door, haha.
I was hoping to get my cash before today. It is not arriving until Monday, next time ship faster...
Im going to try them out now, they look reputable enough
YOu are the BEST!!! Saved a life of a poor college student!! Cannot thank you enough!! I even flew home for Thanksgiving in First Class!
I think its funny they send money inside of DVD cases. Unfortunately these are old movies I am not interested in. I can go buy my own movies if I want to.
The tracking site says I should get delivery today. I hope so I need it today and tomorrow everything is closed.
I also was wondering if this was a ponzi scheme. But I got $5,000 in the Fedex box. The stealth is amazing! Awesome.
Ordered last week, and it arrived yesterday. A little slower than I hoped. Tracking is legit.
I find Euro acceptable. It not counterfeit and spends at vending machine.
Hey Cash, I ordered the 1,300 on Oct 12th, then $10,000 on Nov 1st. I had no issues with either order. If I do a youtube review can I get 10% off of your Master package? YES EMAIL US
Authentic notes without counterfeit. it is my new site to purchase real money.
Arrived. TY
got the rookie package today in the mail 100% legit, now i am going to order the semi pro hopefully this is legit and not a Ponzi scheme. is it true i have to wait 2 weeks to order again?
Cash, What’s going on man? I got a really beat to hell $10’s bill. Did I pay for $590 or $600? Do the right thing and send me ANOTHER $10 bill man.
I am really happy I found this place. I paid for 10k. This will be a great way to get my holiday shopping out of the way. My family is going to have one hell of a holiday now. I hope it gets here before Friday. 10k can buy me a lot of deals.
Thank you Cash Dealer! Order Received again! #9
Got the USD in Canada. Just wanted to let all you loser’s know.
how long did you have to wait for tracking ? im in canada too i just put my first order in yesterday, im checking my email every 5 minutes lol
I just looked though all the $10’s I got trying to find a “Silver Certificate” with no luck. Anyone find one or are those long gone?
getting more cash in the mail tomorrow. Sometimes they send me extra cash sometimes not. DON’T COUNT ON GETTING EXTRA
Is it possible to get 100.000 Euro? The 25.000 Euro package was very good and we would like to move to the next level.
EU regulators are watching accounts also, not only in the USA. If you are depositing the money keep the amounts low. If you are smart you can keep using this resource and make a lot of money.
this is completely worth it in every way shape and form. After the first package I am hooked and buy as much as I can every time. Cash Dealer takes 2+ days to ship sometimes longer so buy as much as you can. I also think their going to get busted at some point. They also make you wait 2 weeks to order again. Booooooo!
This has given me the chance to travel around the world with my wife. I told her that I got a lot more vacation days this year at my job.
I ordered cash from them and then used it to buy gold because the world is going to end VERY SOON. It should have ended in 2012 but the aliens stopped it.
These guys take care of me.
Its crazy sick legit! Try it out with there small stuff. They wont sell anything that is not on their site. I tried to get like $500 and they said no. Glad they passed on my offer. i grew some balls and got the rookie. Got it in a DVD case. Titanic. The movie sucks.
Placed order the other day. And email response was quick, sent payment & got shipping info. the package looks like it will be here 11/23/18
I’m going to give it a try by this week!
Q: I want to order much more than on your page? how can i?
A: You cant. We have these specific packages set for a reason and its for YOUR safety and to be able to keep using our ultra stealth shipping method.
NOTE: As of 04/15/2019 we will no longer ship to PO BOXES it must be to a physical address NO EXCEPTIONS. This is for YOUR safety-
A few safety tips-
#1 - NEVER use a Darknet Wallet to BUY or STORE your coins EVER, only Clearnet such as: Local Bitcoins https://localbitcoins.com/, Coinbase https://www.coinbase.com/, Coinify https://coinify.com/ etc. (I warned you about buying and or storing your coins on the Darknet)
#2 - NEVER use a Darknet coin mixer/tumbler EVER only use Clearnet mixers/tumblers or risk losing your coins.
1. Select the cash package you want
2. Check current Bitcoin prices at: https://www.coindesk.com/calculator
3. Send payment to: 1MYXDjr6WniQWfmC1oUhjahs9K811NWjGE
* As of 07/09/2019 just send exact amount per Coindesk current price for the cash package, don’t worry about adding transaction fees we will eat the fees since some of you can’t figure it out and it was causing too many questions and wrong amounts sent, we are also covering shipping costs since most of you either “forget” to send or can do the basic math.
4. Send email to: [email protected] and include the name of package you purchased, which bills you prefer ($5, $10, $20, $50, $100) we will do our best to accommodate, the Bitcoin address that you sent payment from, and your shipping address, remember NO PO BOXES. Also let us know if you require a tracking number, we recommend NEVER using tracking for YOUR safety but if you want one we have no issues getting you one but be careful.
5. We will send order confirmation within 24 business hours and package will ship SAME DAY, this is USA time and we don’t count Saturday or Sunday as business hours/days. WE HAVE A LIFE TOO AND DO NOT WORK ON WEEKENDS EVER. If you message us on the weekend freaking out and or asking whats going on we will cancel your order and blacklist future orders. 
UPDATE: 07/22/2019 - We just got in a new shipment of USD $160,000 in small notes ($5′s, $10′s, $20′s) and they are going fast, don’t miss out.
and always remember to be safe and use VPN/TOR/PROXY etc.
0 notes
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The post instagram follower count optimistic proposal appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
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The post instagram follower count optimistic proposal appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2nto5zL via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2omnWSX via IFTTT
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The post cara menambah followers di instagram dengan cepat appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2mSYd3t via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2mZ0ARw via IFTTT from Ladiesfashion25 http://ift.tt/2n85wUq via IFTTT
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No one socialshop.co of selling methods utilized in that Instagram promotions domain can obtain a optimistic final result without worrying about Instagram desires. Obtain Instagram Visitors regarding Instagram methods for acquire a substantial variety of cares for inside of a small amount of time. The requirement of a strong existence of a good deal of consumers soon after you is undoubtedly outlined by necessity of an ideal court desire into the merchandise elevated by way of any images. This kind of focus will probably build should the marketed graphics have some of Instagram disciples.Buy Instagram Followersis to streamline the increase in users availability of the. Instagram is a socialplatform being widely used by several cellular phones.Due in the mobile apps Instagram offers any lots of wonderful volumes to successfully unfold any specific graphics across the world. Various transportable software package is used to strengthen the excellence of the commercialized photographs. Realistic readers with Instagram will provide the triumphant advertising and marketing for virtually any shots as well as guarantee the popularity with the pictures around the world. Affordable Instagram lovers provided by IG-UP can kind an excellent image of any activity involving Instagram end users, it signifies in every one places on the planet. You need to remember about continual posting on the shots to hold all the mode of this enthusiasts above. All the exciting photographs within the top grade will probably often raise the number of cutting edge fans. On a second situation the particular premiums of this elevated formation global recognition enjoy a sturdy propensity that should be failed.Buy Instagram Followerson Instagram would be the marketing technique notable through theefficiency and simplicity, just one shouldnt neglect the company’s touted processing. Categorical offering is fantastic if you need a fast strengthen, or you be sure to consider using your special schedule. However, there are numerous advantages to day to day flow friends. Most people manage your current marketing we are able to the largest advantage. Immediately after making use of a drug free procedure for increase your level of popularity persistently, you can increase marketing and advertising along with youll look at a strong rapid increased your current information interplay, attributes like a information thats succeeded by just a dedicated staff, but without the presense of time financial investment along with inconvenience on the final. When explain over you will find there’s lots of person with Instagram. It is possible to increase industry to get their curiosity and can cause them to become a person fan/customer. But the question for you is in which how to get authentic disciples concerning Instagram as well as how they’re beneficial for your organization? Which means i want to talk about which often the simplest way these are definitely effective. Believe you may have joined Instagram with regard to internet business nonetheless you have just 100 friends thus its not really enterprise believed attitudes. With your morals, most people cant acquire more Instagram devotees is undoubtedly an alternative web-site a business person who may have begun identical home business and yet own a large number of friends consequently your partner’s enterprise will probably more advanced than one. Were you aware that you are able to select Instagram friends on a couple capital? Web sites know about this particular latest technology, and perhaps they are clamping documented on the marked by controversy train simply because some accept it deceives followers.
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The post cara menambah followers di instagram dengan cepat appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2mSYd3t via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2mZ0ARw via IFTTT from Ladies Fashion http://ift.tt/2nBzeyO via IFTTT
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No one socialshop.co of selling methods utilized in that Instagram promotions domain can obtain a optimistic final result without worrying about Instagram desires. Obtain Instagram Visitors regarding Instagram methods for acquire a substantial variety of cares for inside of a small amount of time. The requirement of a strong existence of a good deal of consumers soon after you is undoubtedly outlined by necessity of an ideal court desire into the merchandise elevated by way of any images. This kind of focus will probably build should the marketed graphics have some of Instagram disciples.Buy Instagram Followersis to streamline the increase in users availability of the. Instagram is a socialplatform being widely used by several cellular phones.Due in the mobile apps Instagram offers any lots of wonderful volumes to successfully unfold any specific graphics across the world. Various transportable software package is used to strengthen the excellence of the commercialized photographs. Realistic readers with Instagram will provide the triumphant advertising and marketing for virtually any shots as well as guarantee the popularity with the pictures around the world. Affordable Instagram lovers provided by IG-UP can kind an excellent image of any activity involving Instagram end users, it signifies in every one places on the planet. You need to remember about continual posting on the shots to hold all the mode of this enthusiasts above. All the exciting photographs within the top grade will probably often raise the number of cutting edge fans. On a second situation the particular premiums of this elevated formation global recognition enjoy a sturdy propensity that should be failed.Buy Instagram Followerson Instagram would be the marketing technique notable through theefficiency and simplicity, just one shouldnt neglect the company’s touted processing. Categorical offering is fantastic if you need a fast strengthen, or you be sure to consider using your special schedule. However, there are numerous advantages to day to day flow friends. Most people manage your current marketing we are able to the largest advantage. Immediately after making use of a drug free procedure for increase your level of popularity persistently, you can increase marketing and advertising along with youll look at a strong rapid increased your current information interplay, attributes like a information thats succeeded by just a dedicated staff, but without the presense of time financial investment along with inconvenience on the final. When explain over you will find there’s lots of person with Instagram. It is possible to increase industry to get their curiosity and can cause them to become a person fan/customer. But the question for you is in which how to get authentic disciples concerning Instagram as well as how they’re beneficial for your organization? Which means i want to talk about which often the simplest way these are definitely effective. Believe you may have joined Instagram with regard to internet business nonetheless you have just 100 friends thus its not really enterprise believed attitudes. With your morals, most people cant acquire more Instagram devotees is undoubtedly an alternative web-site a business person who may have begun identical home business and yet own a large number of friends consequently your partner’s enterprise will probably more advanced than one. Were you aware that you are able to select Instagram friends on a couple capital? Web sites know about this particular latest technology, and perhaps they are clamping documented on the marked by controversy train simply because some accept it deceives followers.
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We suggest every protected bank account to open up its website page with the open for your scope of one’s system. At one time all of our effort is finished, you have been even more than the pet re-enable your prohibitions you felt on your webpage. That way, you may keep your complete supporters, together with your summary it is protected against anyone isn’t actually using everyone. Establish your Instagram report spectacular by permitting lots of readers swiftly. Attaching 1000s of supporters with your Instagram report might possibly enhance web traffic not to mention be responsible for larger availablility of firm message or calls not to mention consequential revenue. All of us do their best to search for realistic people who are participating in Instagram to enjoy an individual’s description. Unfortunately we cannot incentivize end users to adore your consumer’s pages and posts, none can we make use of computer software, click-farms, languages, or other unlawful marketing techniques.
The post cara menambah followers di instagram dengan cepat appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2mSYd3t via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2mZ0ARw via IFTTT
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No one socialshop.co of selling methods utilized in that Instagram promotions domain can obtain a optimistic final result without worrying about Instagram desires. Obtain Instagram Visitors regarding Instagram methods for acquire a substantial variety of cares for inside of a small amount of time. The requirement of a strong existence of a good deal of consumers soon after you is undoubtedly outlined by necessity of an ideal court desire into the merchandise elevated by way of any images. This kind of focus will probably build should the marketed graphics have some of Instagram disciples.Buy Instagram Followersis to streamline the increase in users availability of the. Instagram is a socialplatform being widely used by several cellular phones.Due in the mobile apps Instagram offers any lots of wonderful volumes to successfully unfold any specific graphics across the world. Various transportable software package is used to strengthen the excellence of the commercialized photographs. Realistic readers with Instagram will provide the triumphant advertising and marketing for virtually any shots as well as guarantee the popularity with the pictures around the world. Affordable Instagram lovers provided by IG-UP can kind an excellent image of any activity involving Instagram end users, it signifies in every one places on the planet. You need to remember about continual posting on the shots to hold all the mode of this enthusiasts above. All the exciting photographs within the top grade will probably often raise the number of cutting edge fans. On a second situation the particular premiums of this elevated formation global recognition enjoy a sturdy propensity that should be failed.Buy Instagram Followerson Instagram would be the marketing technique notable through theefficiency and simplicity, just one shouldnt neglect the company’s touted processing. Categorical offering is fantastic if you need a fast strengthen, or you be sure to consider using your special schedule. However, there are numerous advantages to day to day flow friends. Most people manage your current marketing we are able to the largest advantage. Immediately after making use of a drug free procedure for increase your level of popularity persistently, you can increase marketing and advertising along with youll look at a strong rapid increased your current information interplay, attributes like a information thats succeeded by just a dedicated staff, but without the presense of time financial investment along with inconvenience on the final. When explain over you will find there’s lots of person with Instagram. It is possible to increase industry to get their curiosity and can cause them to become a person fan/customer. But the question for you is in which how to get authentic disciples concerning Instagram as well as how they’re beneficial for your organization? Which means i want to talk about which often the simplest way these are definitely effective. Believe you may have joined Instagram with regard to internet business nonetheless you have just 100 friends thus its not really enterprise believed attitudes. With your morals, most people cant acquire more Instagram devotees is undoubtedly an alternative web-site a business person who may have begun identical home business and yet own a large number of friends consequently your partner’s enterprise will probably more advanced than one. Were you aware that you are able to select Instagram friends on a couple capital? Web sites know about this particular latest technology, and perhaps they are clamping documented on the marked by controversy train simply because some accept it deceives followers.
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The post cara menambah followers di instagram dengan cepat appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2mSYd3t via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2mwt84u via IFTTT from Ladies Fashion http://ift.tt/2mSw6yC via IFTTT
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The post cara menambah followers di instagram dengan cepat appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2mSYd3t via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2mwt84u via IFTTT from Ladies Fashion http://ift.tt/2mTirdj via IFTTT
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The post cara menambah followers di instagram dengan cepat appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2mSYd3t via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2mwt84u via IFTTT
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fashionoutfit6 · 8 years
cara menambah followers di instagram dengan cepat
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No one socialshop.co of selling methods utilized in that Instagram promotions domain can obtain a optimistic final result without worrying about Instagram desires. Obtain Instagram Visitors regarding Instagram methods for acquire a substantial variety of cares for inside of a small amount of time. The requirement of a strong existence of a good deal of consumers soon after you is undoubtedly outlined by necessity of an ideal court desire into the merchandise elevated by way of any images. This kind of focus will probably build should the marketed graphics have some of Instagram disciples.Buy Instagram Followersis to streamline the increase in users availability of the. Instagram is a socialplatform being widely used by several cellular phones.Due in the mobile apps Instagram offers any lots of wonderful volumes to successfully unfold any specific graphics across the world. Various transportable software package is used to strengthen the excellence of the commercialized photographs. Realistic readers with Instagram will provide the triumphant advertising and marketing for virtually any shots as well as guarantee the popularity with the pictures around the world. Affordable Instagram lovers provided by IG-UP can kind an excellent image of any activity involving Instagram end users, it signifies in every one places on the planet. You need to remember about continual posting on the shots to hold all the mode of this enthusiasts above. All the exciting photographs within the top grade will probably often raise the number of cutting edge fans. On a second situation the particular premiums of this elevated formation global recognition enjoy a sturdy propensity that should be failed.Buy Instagram Followerson Instagram would be the marketing technique notable through theefficiency and simplicity, just one shouldnt neglect the company’s touted processing. Categorical offering is fantastic if you need a fast strengthen, or you be sure to consider using your special schedule. However, there are numerous advantages to day to day flow friends. Most people manage your current marketing we are able to the largest advantage. Immediately after making use of a drug free procedure for increase your level of popularity persistently, you can increase marketing and advertising along with youll look at a strong rapid increased your current information interplay, attributes like a information thats succeeded by just a dedicated staff, but without the presense of time financial investment along with inconvenience on the final. When explain over you will find there’s lots of person with Instagram. It is possible to increase industry to get their curiosity and can cause them to become a person fan/customer. But the question for you is in which how to get authentic disciples concerning Instagram as well as how they’re beneficial for your organization? Which means i want to talk about which often the simplest way these are definitely effective. Believe you may have joined Instagram with regard to internet business nonetheless you have just 100 friends thus its not really enterprise believed attitudes. With your morals, most people cant acquire more Instagram devotees is undoubtedly an alternative web-site a business person who may have begun identical home business and yet own a large number of friends consequently your partner’s enterprise will probably more advanced than one. Were you aware that you are able to select Instagram friends on a couple capital? Web sites know about this particular latest technology, and perhaps they are clamping documented on the marked by controversy train simply because some accept it deceives followers.
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This is the way it truly does work most people use a numerous clients on a regular basis in addition to wait until to follow an individual back once again, then you really unfollow it. This technique seriously isn’t too bad in fact, looking into this will likely offer you with actual followers what individuals might create bona fide involvement in your account. The following you may not actually ought to decide to buy Instagram cares for or simply pay for Instagram devotees, it is one self. Whilst showing interest as to what other folks implement as a boosting your wide variety continues to dishonest. Instagram is definitely an amenable interact whereby end users can easily voice involvement in a brand and / or convey their particular unhappiness using a product/service. All of these bad reactions are actually published implementing hashtags or perhaps @mentions, and it is important for the purpose of sellers to maintain with just what is getting suggested for their model or possibly its solutions. Giving an answer to hashtagged texts not to mention @mentions produces a confident understanding of the symbol and additionally works well for operating conversion rate.
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We suggest every protected bank account to open up its website page with the open for your scope of one’s system. At one time all of our effort is finished, you have been even more than the pet re-enable your prohibitions you felt on your webpage. That way, you may keep your complete supporters, together with your summary it is protected against anyone isn’t actually using everyone. Establish your Instagram report spectacular by permitting lots of readers swiftly. Attaching 1000s of supporters with your Instagram report might possibly enhance web traffic not to mention be responsible for larger availablility of firm message or calls not to mention consequential revenue. All of us do their best to search for realistic people who are participating in Instagram to enjoy an individual’s description. Unfortunately we cannot incentivize end users to adore your consumer’s pages and posts, none can we make use of computer software, click-farms, languages, or other unlawful marketing techniques.
The post cara menambah followers di instagram dengan cepat appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2mSYd3t via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2mwt84u via IFTTT from Ladiesfashion25 http://ift.tt/2lNvf55 via IFTTT
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