#<- i guess? i never know what counts as syscourse and what doesnt
Could you please explain why you think endo systems are valid? I'm genuinely curious and would like to see your point of view as someone who is on the opposite side of that argument
[I'm mixed on it. I have little information on the topic and would like the thoughts of someone who is pro-endo before I make a decision!]
I'm not the best at wording things so this might not be very coherent, but I'll try my best :)
I'd say the main reason is that I have no place to tell people what's going on inside their head. Or how anything in their mind works. The only person who can know those things for sure is the person themself. A person's lived experiences aren't something to argue about.
I know some people are going to get mad at me for comparing plurality to queerness (because thats a sin for some reason /s), but I find it to be a good analogy. If some guy says that he's gay, who am I to try and debate him on that? Who am I to say that he might be bi or straight and just not realize it yet? I would be an asshole! The way I see it, the same applies to plurality. Who am I to tell someone that they're wrong about their own identity and how they chose to label it? If they end up being wrong, then that's fine! Being wrong is apart of self discovery, after all.
Not to mention, accusing people of lying does more harm than good. And saying that everyone who considers themselves endogenic is actually mistaken and that they secretly have some big trauma? I can't see how that is in any way helpful. Worst case scenario is that the system does have some severe trauma, and went searching for it before they were ready to handle it. Let me just say, that fucks you up.
We also consider ourselves to be mixed origins (trauma definitely played a part in our plurality, but it wasn't the sole cause) so it'd be hypocritical of us to not be pro-endo /lh
I hope this makes at least some amount of sense 😅 If not, I'd recommend checking out this post instead! Its a massive list including studies and (more coherent) community responses!
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