#<- im tagging because I know very well it’s racially motivated so I don’t want anybody to see this and get upset
silverpiwon · 4 months
Sports fans are so funny cause any time there’s a kpop group doing anything related to a sports team these people will be absolutely REACHING trying to make fun of the kpop group…
There’s no way I just saw an instagram comment calling piwon “ladies” when they look like this:
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groundramon · 7 years
I know I’ve said this before, but everyone gives white people too much credit
“White people invented the modern world” actually we just buried all the historical POC who invented the modern world and decided to just teach our kids about the white people but ok (not to mention, even if there are “statistically more white people [namely white men] who made significant contributions to history” that’s because 1. you’re not including the pre-industrial age people, because white people didnt exist for a really long fucking time, and 2. of?? course most of your inventors are going to be white men?? when you dont let girls go to school?? and you’re forcing people of any other race to work low-end jobs, either for nothing in return or just for the right to stay in the country??)
Having said that
“White people are intentionally sabotaging opportunities for POC and intentionally put poor minorities at risk” like I can’t speak for the government because honestly fuck the government, but most of us?  We’re just really fucking dumb.  Like I realize my experience isn’t going to be universal, and I’ll never deny the existence of white people who are proud to wear the label “white supremacist”, but most of us just...dont understand racism.  Surely, because we’ve never been discriminated against based on our skin color, nobody else is discriminated against because of their skin color.  Surely, even though i grew up in a middle-class neighborhood mostly surrounded by other white people, the only thing barring minority races in poor areas from making a living for themselves is their motivation.  It’s not like the schools are trash in those areas, thus keeping the children from going anywhere in life.  It’s just a matter of them having to work harder!  That sounds intentionally malicious, but it’s legitimately how white conservatives think, a la my conservative father’s own thoughts.
And when it comes to white liberals, it gets even worse.  Because a liberal is supposed to be adamantly anti-racism, but - with the exception of the fact that they’ve possibly heard more opinions from POC in the past - they’re just as clueless as any other white person.  There’s no such thing as “not being like other whites”, but white liberals dont seem to get that a lot of the time.  They think that because they dont see color, or because they’ve got black friends, or because they just don’t want to be racist, they aren’t able to do racist things.
Which brings me to my next point.  Racism is often subconcious.  Actions have racist consequences when you don’t intend them to.  If a POC comes up to you and says “hey, you’re being racist” they’re saying (or should be saying*) that your actions are racist, not your thoughts.  Because they dont know what’s going on inside your head.  (* = I dont know what’s going on in a person’s head when they call you out for being racist.  They may very well be accusing you of thinking racist things.  But my point is that we should be saying that the actions are racist, because we can’t read each others’ minds and your intentions are irrelevant on a systemic level if you still perpetuate racism.  Also “should” is a bad word because I dont want to police what other people say, but...actually no buts about it.  I dont know how to word myself better, sorry)
Like, this was inspired by some thoughts I’ve had tumbling around my head for a while, but it was namely prompted by my confusion over some things I was reading in the S*U crit tag (asterisk to keep this from popping up in the tag, hopefully anyways).  I dont find it my place to reply to the posts directly because I’d be speaking over POC and that’s not what I want to do at all, but i see a lot of people like...kinda imply the writers themselves are behind the racist implications in SU?  Which...you can’t really accuse someone of being racist when you’ve never heard them talk about racial issues.  I know SU tries to show representation of racial minorities and there’s a lot of debate whether they’re good at that or not (which btw im not going to address in this post; for the sake of this post just assume i agree with all the implications that have been pointed out, because honestly i dont know if i do or not but its not really my place to say “no thats not racist” anyways) but...a television show is created by dozens of people, critiqued by executives.  Saying “Bismu*th and Sugi*lite prove that the crewn*iverse hates black people” just...seems odd to me.  Maybe someone or multiple people working on the show are racists, I dont know, I haven’t met them.  But the implication that every single person on the show is a racist, especially when its much more likely that they’re just misguided allies whose representation had negative consequences, just seems...not right.  It simplifies the issue.  When you say “this person did something that’s racist against black people, so they hate black people” you’re giving white people reason to believe that they could never be racist.  If you equate perpetuating racism with intentionally perpetuating racism, you make it seem like most white people could never be racist, because a lot of white people don’t intentionally perpetuate racism.  So then white people dont learn from their racist mistakes, because they must not be racist if they dont mean to be, right?  (Btw im not saying all S*U crit people think the crewn*iverse is full of racists, but ive seen some posts imply that and im not sure if its just bad wording or an actual statement on their character...?)
Also if it sounds like im nitpicking, speaking on an issue i have no authority over, policing peoples’ words, or anything else, I’M REALLY SORRY.  I want to be very clear that I am a dumb white as well.  I’m exactly the kind of person I’m talking about in this writing, so if something seems wrong or racist or too simple about this post, please let me know.  I’m kinda just philosophizing over here, but even more than that, I’m kinda...saying this for myself.  To remind myself that if I do something, and someone shouts “THAT’S RACIST!!” I shouldn’t just dismiss it.  Because as someone planning to be a television writer, especially one writing for children, I dont want to accidentally perpetuate racism, homophobia, or anything else.  I know I’ll never get it perfect, I know there’ll always be something problematic about what I write, but I never want to forget the fact that people should be allowed to criticize and I should do my best to listen.  My best won’t be perfect, but damn it, I can try, and I can keep myself from getting offended when people call me out when I fail.
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