#<- look at this fool who still hasnt condensed his ask tags into 1 easily searchable tag
gamerism · 5 months
Mr. Gamer(ism):
Would you say that you go looking for inspo or does inspiration find you?
Also umm, when you think of a gifset you're really!! proud of, what's the first that comes to mind?...This may or may not be an opportunity to show off your faves and all.
(of course, every single one is very worthy and you should be proud of them all, but still!)
tysm for the ask! (adding a readmore bcs i decided to add some of the gifs im taking abt)
Inspiration usually finds me (especially for a lot of the gifsets im abt to talk abt). But occasionally I'll go looking for things. But depending on the medium we're talking about I'm kinda hesitant. (Poetry, for instance, is hard to look for inspiration for. Where as gifsets not so much.)
I do actually have a set that always comes to mind first. It has kind of changed over the years as I continue to improve but current it's definitely this one!
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I'm really happy with the colouring and the written part of this one is my own prose.
I aaaam totally gonna mention a few others. lol.
Two general honourable mentions are definitely from my pathologic blog. I've known about the tiled multi-gif thing since like, 2014, and have always thought it was so so cool, so learning how to do that for this gifset was really exciting!!
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The crossfade is so fun. I gotta do this again.
And the theme of this one using quotes from the game about fate kinda just came together in my head like a webweave.
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I was finally able to use some really cool and creative photoshop effects I've known abt for ages for it.
Anyways I've worked hard on getting better at text on gifs this year and both this set and this one really show that, I think!
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(When I did the yakuza 3 one I immediately went "wait how did I do that, iv totally got use this again". It kinda reminds me of 80s horror movie text)
Lastly I'll just quickly mention this set as well because I still really love how colourful it is. And I've been working hard on my colouring too, since I don't use other people's psds off the internet, I just open some layers and start trying things. (also rip me never finishing this series of sets 💀)
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Anyways thank u for indulging me stretching ur question out. I do think a lot about how I've improved and sets I'm proud of and such so guess I've been kinda bursting to talk about it.
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