#<- not rlly. askpilled?
kaeyapilled · 1 year
I've been running Kaeya and Diluc together for nearly 2 years, and I like to think their builds are pretty good. Team comps and rotations are just as important for good damage as character builds are (eg, with a good team set up, my Kaeya hits for 60k. With a bad one, he hits for 10k at most)
If you have him, Bennett is an excellent team mate for Kaeya and Diluc. If not, Barbra with thrilling tales of dragon slayers works.
As for the 4th slot, this one's pretty flexible. An anemo character like Sucrose or kazuha is best. Another cryo character like rosaria is also an option, especially when trying to boost Diluc's damage. Another pyro character like xiangling would work to boost Kaeya's damage. Sucrose is the best f2p friendly option here though.
When it comes to rotations, if Diluc is the one triggering melt he's gonna be doing the most damage. If Kaeya is triggering melt he's the one doing the damage.
Diluc's build is really straightforward. 4 piece crimson witch is basically always best (the set was designed for him). He wants crit, atk% and EM. An atk%, crit or em claymore will be good on him (although crit claymores are hard to come by f2p)
Kaeya's build is more complicated. One of his strengths is how flexible he is as a character. But that makes it more difficult to find out the best way to build him for how you use him.
Burst DPS - melt: 4 piece emblem of severed fate or 2piece blizzard and 2piece nobeless. He needs crit, Energy recharge, EM and atk%.
Burst DPS - freeze: 4 piece blizzard. He needs far less crit rate with this build, especially if you have any constalations. He needs crit DMG, energy recharge and atk%
Sub-DPS/cryo applicator - his personal damage is less important here. He just needs enough ER to get his burst back consistently. Artifact set is also less important, but 4 piece embalem would probably be best.
Physical DPS - 2 piece bloodstained and 2 piece pale flame. Or 2 piece Phys set (like pale flame) and 2 piece atk set (like gladiators final). Or (weirdly) 4 piece blizzard. If running with blizzard, he only really needs crit DMG and atk%. If using another set combination, he needs crit rate and crit DMG as well as atk%
Atk% weapons are the best bet for Kaeya as a f2p. EM may work better for a melt Kaeya, and if you have any crit swords then it makes it easier to balance crit ratios. But 5* weapons are not needed, and weapons banner is a scam.
Anyway this was really long. I'm a bit of a try hard when it comes to character building and combat lmao.
okay this is a lot of info im gonna save this for future reference.
i got bennet recently! i have him c2 i think? i haven't gotten around to building him though. i think he's still lvl 1 actually. as for barbara i have her on my team for healing and hydro support so i can freeze the enemies,, my 3rd slot (barbara is 4th lmao) is kujou sara because i wanted a bow character. even though im aware anemo would be a good choice here augh,,,,,,,,,, and rosaria! i had her on my team for a while but switched her out because i just. needed to shoot things sometimes? and wanted more elemental reactions i guess idk the thought process and i was low ar (not like im super smarter now but.. good excuse nonetheless)
+ i have a phys dmg % sword on kaeya and it works i think but i like throwing ice not just stabbing people</3 i want to give him one with the stats u said but it'll take soooo long for me to get my hands on one.
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