#<- nver done my own but i think this would be fun cause i have a ton of like stupid sketches and such that i think would be fun to share
thylacid · 4 months
im bored so ask game. for every 🛸 in my inbox ill post an unposted/unfinished drawing of mine
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fckn-ronnie-blog · 8 years
Dissapointment, Deception, Death
Ronnie had laid in bed awake with Pete asleep in her arms all night. She laid there and listened to him breathe, staring at th ceiling and getting lost in her thoughts. She couldnt promise him the Cade wouldnt come here, but she could promise him that h would nver see him if he did. The later into th night and early into the morning hours it got, th more Ronnie wondered if maybe it was naive to think he wasnt going to come here. Or maybe that he wasn’t here already, lurking somewhere. It made sense. Mulci was gone, run off with her new lover, she and Jon and Pete were here, Jasmine, now even Danica. Who did he have left to travel with? Who was keeping him occupied somewhere other than here? iIt was the first time she had thought much about it but now she coudnt stop.
The day had passed quickly and calmly, as if there was nothing off in the air, and nothing to make this day any more significant than any other. But Ronnie was visibly on edge to anyone who encountered her. And once the darkness slipped back over them, marking the begining of another night, Ronnie went out, as if patrolling the campus, taking long walks through every corridor on campus and into the forests that surrounded the place. The hair on her arms bristled as she caught a familiar scent that confirmed her worst suspicions. But what was worse was when a voice rang through the trees, causing her blood to feel like ice in her veins.
“Looking for me Veronica?” His voice put her immediately on the defensive but it only got worse, because the next thing she knew, her brothers hands were on her waist and she, for a moment, had frozen. “Get your hands off of me.” She said, her voice to calm for the situation at hand. But the calmness wavered when he didnt move and in the blink of an eye, she spun, nails clawing at his throat, only enough to break skin before he had thrown her into a tree, her back aching at the impact. 
“Now, Now, V, what’s got you riled up? I expected to ind you happy, darling. Living peacefully with your pet and your long lost lover.” She hated the way his voice sounded, so cruel and joking like it was all something funny. “Did you find him after all? I’d love to have a reunion. It’s been so long after all.” Ronnie’s fangs beared and she stood quickly, racing to him and closing her hand around his throat, rage surging through her body. “Don’t,” She hissed. “You don’t even get to talk about him.” Again, Cade threw her, this time pinning her down to the ground with his own body. “Why? Did you have a fight honey?” He fake pouted, like he was making un of her and her blood boiled. “That’s okay you still have me.” And his lips touched her neck, causing both another surge of rage but also a palpable fear. “Get. Off.” She said, turning the tables and pinning him to a tree, struggling with his strength which was directly equal to her own.
“You know.” he said, seeing the rage in her eyes. “I suppose my secretes are out. You cant be mad though, veronica, you made im mine.” She growled, baring her fangs as a warning, but Cade was clawing into her arms and blood was seeping from them and it was so painful that it took everything not to break the hold, and soon, he was taking the advantage again, knocking her into another tree so thunderously that it snapped, falling with such a sound it couldve been thunder. “You were mine, V. I couldnt let him swoop in and ruin it without a little bit of fun first.” 
Ronnie had had it. She couldnt take it any more, she couldnt listen to it, she couldnt think about it, she couldnt. And this time, when she was finally able to turn the tables again, it was done with such a powerful surge of rage, and such a piercing scream, that it may have just woken the entire campus. And when she slammed her brothers body against the ground, the sharp boulder underneath cracked his spine. But that wasnt enough. For a vampire, there were only two ways for death to be real. She took the opportunity to go for his neck with her fangs, slicing his throat and tearing his head from his shoulders.
It was over.
It was done and he was dead. And Ronnie wasnt sad. But, she was certainly shaken.
“Oh my god.” She said out loud, to herself, sitting down and putting her head in her hands to try and calm herself. She was sore and blood soaked, and not sure where to go from here. So she sat quietly alone in the woods, resting.
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