#<-said inb4 2023
spoopers-bloopers · 2 years
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Icons I made for Celeste mods again! 
Including an icon for Twilight Cove, two stickers for Strawberry Jam, and an icon for Celeste Secret Santa 2022!
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lakehare · 1 year
I’m sorry but I think the idea of racism, transphobia, and bigotry and such not ‘belonging’ in pagan communities is such horse shit. I know that sounds off, but hear me out - because you may feel that way and hold those values, you may denounce fascists, but like… I know first hand my experience with progressive and leftist pagan and spiritual spaces have been anything but devoid of bigotry and microaggression, if not outright aggression, and I am not the only one. Spiritual and religious spaces in 2023 will claim to be progressive and leftist in one breath and with the same one say you are too sensitive.
They sleep in the middle - they follow political trend. I have rarely met a pagan or spiritual person who truly knows themself or their politics enough to not enact some sort of bigoted violence against me or my kin, whether out of ignorance or malice, and then be unwilling to learn better and insist upon your guilt because you dared point it out - no matter the manner you did it in. Firm or gentle - you are being aggressive. And I know I am not the only one with this experience. So saying “fascism / bigotry has no place” is great and all, but a bit of an empty statement, and I only wish to see MORE come from it. Perhaps a denounciation of the falsity of all of this, of the liberalism, an encouragement of self reflection and how you treat others. It’s why I gave up on a large scale, and fight the big fights quietly - I can change no one who doesn’t want to, and I don’t need to, nor is it my job nor my business. I don’t actually want or need people looking at me for guidance, as some authority figure. I don’t need people looking at me as the new herder for their political slogan to parrot without actually making meaningful change within themselves, the slogan this time being “fascism/bigotry has no space in pagan spaces”.
I don’t need centrist/liberal, puritanical, democrat neo-spiritualists parading and masquerading as the most progressive leftists on the market to help me boot fascism out when they are unwilling to stop sleeping in the same bed as them or attempt to change their own ways, or do anything helpful towards the communities they’re in or even towards their IRL communities.
(Disclaimer inb4 bad faith - sure, some pagans and neospiritualists get this and do try. But they are not who I’m talking about here).
Calling out fascists changes nothing about how people act. Changes nothing about transmisogynistic, racist, sexist microaggressions (which is what actually reminded me of my position on this topic - given that it’s NOT the first time I’ve said this before, that just saying uwu there’s no place for bigotry in MY paganism) if you want a good example of what I’m speaking of, the best connection I can give you, this post by my mutual can inform you of performativity in regards to community acts against transmisogyny while snubbing trans women (and doing nothing of value for them) & maybe give a little insight into what I mean.
It does not stop people from lugging their own religious and spiritual baggage into the space and spewing it around to all who will hear, and those are really the things that I think should be focused on, not public smack downs in order to laugh and giggle with your buddies about such a serious thing. Clowning privately is one thing, I think clowning to thousands in order to get praise for your wit and cunning is quite another.
You can only change your actions and show others how to act by how you act in these spaces - and of course, I do not know others nearly as well as I know myself. But I, as a younger person, did the whole righteous crusade against bigoted people, in order to feel like I was doing something significant. And YES. Fascism needs to be pushed out of pagan spaces! I agree, allowing them to get a foothold in any country in any manner but especially a wide scale is NOT acceptable.
But the way it seems virtue signaling to me, the way it seems to push yourself into a space of authority, and rankles me, as someone who realized the exact issues with what I was doing. It is quite an ego boost when people listen to what you have to say and get to defend your moral and ethical stances, yes? And I was on an even smaller scale than some of these (now) BNPs.
I’m not saying people have to do their good deeds quietly, that’s Christian bullshit. But the manner of which I see a lot of (now) Big Name Pagans do this ruffles my feathers in an unnerving way. I can’t quite articulate exactly the way this is unnerving and unnecessary and how there are other ways and middle grounds (at the moment - I took an anxiety pill last night and I’m surprised at my coherency here) that don’t involve the grand standing, but if the lines are read between in good faith I have hope that my point comes across clear.
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thedysphoriadiaries · 2 years
Entry 13 - Progress - 27 February 2023
Well, here's a little something to bring some light into the gloomfest this page has become.
I know what I'm not, or at least, what I don't want to be.
Have you ever had difficulty deciding what you wanted for a meal? Yeah, me too. Turns out, it'll be easier to decide on what you DON'T want to eat, and narrow your options down from there. It was always easier that way. Whether it's right remains to be seen.
I suppose it isn't the biggest thing in the world, but, I suppose it's some measure of progress.
After taking a look at others who identify as men, my thoughts and feelings, and my personal opinions about being male, I'll just say that I don't want to be a man.
great now i'm questioning that statement and the validity of my being trans. haha. dismantling instincts go brrrrrr
Still, some questions remain, those being:
What am I? What is it like to be myself?
I don't know for now, but... I can at least tell myself that I, for now, don't want to be a man, and actually believe that (as if the discomfort at being called ‘bro’ isn't already telling).
Haha. Watch me dismantle this tomorrow, but, still. Let it be said that I know (for now) that I don't want to be a man.
inb4 people telling me that it's a choice.
hElLo if I had a choice I'd rather not have a stupid (admittedly somewhat crippling) amount of envy over women and wanting to be one of them in terms of body and socializing-
ok that's all the good news from me (am I a girl? remains to be seen) for today; goodnight 🙃
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