#<i should start tagging my headcanons as this methinks
tea-and-tickles · 1 year
hear me out. what if haruka is an incredibly shy ler (especially with minori). what if haruka cannot get over how pretty minori’s smile is and gets all nervous and blushy. what if haruka’s worried about doing it ‘right’ and making sure minori’s ACTUALLY smiling and not just doing it bcs shes being tickled yk. do you see my vision
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For the WIP Game! (I went and updated the original post so it has links to all the answers, if folks want to check those out. Sometimes my brain good!)
@you-remind-me-of-the-babe asked me about the WIP called Will suck dick for books! 😆😆 I did not anticipate that folks would ask about works in fandoms they are not familiar with but I am LIVING FOR IT~~
I'm also going to go ahead and tag @fatalfangirl here because (methinks??) you have partaken of the Haikyuu. Going to also tag @thewesterndoor because YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID lolol jkjk who got me into Haikyuu and whose Take/Ukai fics I ADORE.
Fandom background: Haikyuu!! is an earnest and hilarious volleyball anime where everyone is gay and chaotic and loveable. It's SO SO GOOD and like all sports anime, it is not necessarily just about sport but about FEELINGS~
Pairing background: Takeda Ittetsu/Ukai Keishin
Takeda (Take-chan): looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you, English teacher, glasses nerd, his superpower is bowing at like 1000 km/h, head coach but he knows nothing about volleyball at the beginning of the series (he just stepped in to fill a void b/c he a good human), cries easily, tries to use poetry to motivate high school athletes, terrifyingly good at holding his liquor, in my headcanon he's a beast in the sack
Ukai: looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll, Reformed Gangster Vibes, in his late 20s but his energy is always Kids Get Off My Lawn, lightweight, easily manipulated by cute English teacher into coaching a high school volleyball team even though he has full time jobs running a convenience store and helping out w/ the family farm because (in this fic) he's Weak for Dat Ass
The fic: a canon-adjacent and canon-compliant take on (some of) the events in the series, but focused on the relationship between Takeda/Ukai, these baby adults who have somehow accidentally co-adopted 14 chaotic teens.
There's fake dating, nerding out about books, soft boyfriends being super soft and domestic, dating/married even if they don't realize it, and a backstory involving writing your phone number in the back of a book, lending it to a hot stranger, and somehow running into them seven years later.
U want a snippet? here's a snippet. I has lots of snippets. (This bad boy is sitting at like 75% in my drafts folder):
"Look, are you going to buy something or not?"
"Are you going to coach the boys' volleyball team?"
"No. You should try a meat bun, they're pretty good." 
The Nice New Teacher buys a pizzaman, which is kind of adorable. "I'll come back," he says, but it's hard for him to sound threatening around a mouthful of steamed bun. 
And another, a little later on:
Keishin's gotten used to being accosted by the Nice New Teacher every few days, so he's a little weirded out by a sudden radio silence. In that time, he reviews the store inventory, decides to implement a new organization system for the frozen foods, and even washes the windows. It's a slow couple of days, okay? 
He literally just finishes throwing GunGun bars at a couple of punks from the volleyball team - the one with the shaved head catches the protein bar in his teeth, what the hell is Take-chan teaching them - when the store phone starts ringing. 
"Lo, Sakanoshita Market." 
"Ukai-kun!" Take-chan exclaims. He sounds breathless and excited, as if he's been eager to talk to Keishin all day, which is kinda adorable and - weird, Keishin corrects himself, weird, and not adorable, and definitely not a little bit charming. 
"You again," Keishin sighs, as if he's got about fifty million other things that he could be doing with his time, instead of re-reading One Piece. 
And then later, after Keishin's ass is well and truly Trapped:
"Er, thanks," Takeda says, flushing.  "I, ah, as you can see, I… I have a lot of books." 
"Do I need to stage an intervention, Sensei?" 
Takeda scratches the back of his head. "My mother was a librarian," he says, laughing a little. "So I come by it honestly." 
Keishin finds himself squinting at a silver flask resting between a bunch of cookbooks. There's writing on it in English, in fancy Gothic lettering, and he manages to just make out Will suck d- before Takeda suddenly materializes there, his smile very bright. 
"Hope you don't mind red pepper, there's a lot of it in the yakisoba!" Takeda says, his voice a bit higher than usual. "We should eat!"
THANK YOU for letting me blather about this fic in a fandom other than Carry On, LOLOLOL!!! It's so fun to come back to this and definitely makes me excited to FINALLY FINISH AT SOME POINT THIS YEAR RAWR~
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ganymedesclock · 6 years
Compiling for the meme. Also I want to say as an aro/ace person, for “hotness level” I will merely be evaluating character aesthetics and how appealing I find them, since otherwise everyone would be solidly reading “meh”.
Since these got super long, I’m splitting these up and doing all Voltrons, and then all TFA asks.
@a-trolli​ said:  for the character ask, lotor of course!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
Me, Clockie Radioactivesupersonic, loving Lotor as a character???? The very idea. 
In less mocking news I’ve been pretty much consistently excited about Lotor since pre-s2. I kid you not- my earliest meta on the subject was analyzing the “Weblum Galra” (Acxa’s s2e9 appearance) from the s2 trailer and speculating that was either Lotor or an agent thereof. I did a comic about it. 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
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Whether or not you agree with every decision of VLD’s writing, it’s visually gorgeous and Lotor is no exception. VLD’s offering of Lotor is easily one of my aesthetic favorites- the DDP design is a good contender and the classic poncho is an interesting statement, but, ultimately, the sleek blue-black armor, the added volume to his hair, even personalizing touches like those electric blues and the curl of hair next to his face are very nice touches. The “Mulan” strand in particular does a nice job adding a sense of youthfulness to his design, and AJ LoCascio does such a good job giving him this rolling, statesman’s eloquence. 
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Lotor’s a raven who makes occasional passes at imitating a snake, methinks. He values power and loyalty, can be brash in certain situations, and is quite diligent, but, ultimately what Lotor respects the most is the pursuit of knowledge. Basically every time Lotor’s overcome a wall, it’s because when the going got hard, he hit the books. Given he started studying Altea towards his exile, it raises the clear implication that he responded to feeling bereaved and alone by seeking more information, and used that information to build a sense of belonging.
best quality:
Probably his sense of strategic observation, opportunism, and ambush tactics. It’s just a real delight to watch an effective strategist, especially one like Lotor where he’s not quite a villain so you can actually root for his plans to succeed.
worst quality: 
I mean, the part where he keeps ending up alone after his interpersonal connections spectacularly self-destruct and he cuts them off out of fear, but that’s not exactly mostly on him, now is it HAGGAR.
ship them with: 
Primarily Allura.
brotp them with: 
Did you know that before s4 I had a pet theory that Lotor had met the Generals when they all were children and they’d grown up together. I still think about that. 
needs to stay away from:
beep beep, Honerva it’s child protection services and they’re not impressed with your bullshit excuses about the rift.
misc. thoughts:
I don’t have a lot since I tend to just aggressively pour my Lotor thoughts right into the tag but just once I want to see Lotor get frustrated by something and have a frustrated huff that flutters his single forelock.
@thenorthernphoenix​ said:  For that character thing you're doing: Lance
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
I genuinely deeply love Lance. And not just because I genuinely deeply love Heart aspect characters in general. He totally blindsided me as far as VLD characters- I latched hard onto Keith and Pidge first, then Shiro. Lance took a long, hard time growing on me! (I love Hunk and Allura too, they just didn’t do time as my Reigning Fave before Lotor stole that particular crown)
Which I think is kinda hilarious, since, uh, well, Lance is probably the character out of VLD I think I have the most in common with, and I think leaping to the notion that the rest of the cast is just a little more interesting than Lance is a very Lance thing to do.
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
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I stand by what I said with Lotor, VLD is a nicely designed show, and Lance is cute. You wanna ruffle his hair. I’d say he doesn’t have any particularly striking or eye-catching features. A lot of his appeal as a character is less his physical features or clothing and more the body language with which he wears those things.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Of the Hogwarts headcanons I’ve posted this is one people often fight me on and I think this is because of a differentiation- I think people often sort characters based on who’s good at the particular House’s virtue, and not what they value. Knowledge takes many forms, and Ravenclaw isn’t obligatorily the domain of the most erudite- that would be pursuing a single, narrow facet of knowledge which doesn’t exactly speak to the wisest.
To me, Lance is a Ravenclaw because he’s motivated heavily by curiosity. He’s earnestly fascinated by people, by the world, by situations. We can tell a lot from the characters by how they respond to their Lion first meeting them- and Lance’s reaction to Blue is basically to just stroll right in and make himself at home. As soon as Blue seems like someone who has something to say, Lance is all ears. 
best quality:
Empathy and compassion
worst quality: 
I mean, it’s not exactly unforgivable but definitely the one that tends to bite him the most often is his tendency to just wildly try things when he’s got no expertise in a given area/ isn’t sure.
ship them with: 
Mostly Keith, but I’m decently amenable to him with Hunk or Allura. 
brotp them with: 
The whole team tbh but I think him and Shiro and him and Pidge are both underrated dynamics. Also, my undying esteem to the first person who writes him and Lotor getting stranded on a planet and having to work their way out with the power of emotional bonding and a lot of sarcasm.
needs to stay away from:
The Langst crowd. In seriousness, can’t think of anybody that’s a Lance-specific hazard and not generally bad for everyone else’s health.
misc. thoughts:
the Lance face from the WINNER flag is still my favicon. as it should be.
@oxfordmodernfairytales asked:  For the character ask thing, Shiro?
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
Shiro’s come through a lot, and, while I think there are some ways he could have been fleshed out more, it’s really good to see him back on his feet again and I’m optimistic about this thing with the IGF Atlas. He really lights up when he’s on the bridge, and it’s nice to see. 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
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Given the amount of thirst art I see about him, it’s fair to say the fan consensus of Shiro is he’s way hot, and I do think he looks very handsome and charming but I don’t quite find him an Unstoppable Stud of a man. Being fair to Shiro this is probably a lot more to do with my sexuality than anything about his looks.
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Josh Keaton aired this as his personal headcanon and, honestly, I’d see it. While Shiro is brave, and can and will challenge things directly that he sees as wrong, his greatest successes as a character are games of endurance. Both of his dry, sarcastic comments- one in s2e2 and one in s7e6- involve a cheerfully recited Long List of things that have failed to kill him so far. And what stands out about him to Keith in s7e1, their first meeting, isn’t the charismatic foot Shiro puts forwards- it’s his refusal to give up on Keith.
best quality:
All of the paladins get angry at cruelty, but Shiro has this particular eviscerating fury that really only comes from someone who passionately, earnestly believes in a good world and cannot tolerate the idea that you’re breaking from it.
worst quality: 
His tendency to put himself second and suffer in silence for long periods. He’s the biggest advocate of teamwork and the last one to open up about drowning, even when the water’s up to his chin.
ship them with: 
Adam, in that... as much as we saw him at a chapter of conflict, I’m a little frustrated at the note it ended on. I think it’d be really interesting to see more out of these guys- their stubbornness, strength of will, and, also, their connection and how much they care about each other.
brotp them with: 
His team, of course, but, honestly, he and Allura make a darn good platonic power couple. Let’s see more situations like s1e10.
needs to stay away from:
misc. thoughts:
his monolids... are not eyeliner.
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lokasenna-tales · 6 years
I swear, browsing for this guy’s nasty messages is like dynamite fishing in an aquarium...
Anywho, after finding out the other day that he didn’t just go after Hiccstrid writers who failed to conform with his specific headcanons but also went after Hiccami fics, I decided to check Heathercup fics next; rather than restrict it to pairings, though, I just did a search for Hiccup- and Heather-tagged fics updated within the last year.
Flame by Yondaime Namikaze didn’t have any in the reviews, but there were a great many mentions of abusive reviews among the remaining comments, so it looked like there had been a cleanup of his bile.  So I checked the AN for the latest chapter and, well...
See for yourself.  
If that isn’t the sort of venting that our favorite Guest inspires, I’ll eat my hat.
Then there were more:
The Wild Crown by @funkytoes had the following:
Guest chapter 1 . Mar 11
Sorry royalty or not, the need to produce an heir or not, no man should take a mistress while he is married. It is going to be hard to respect this incarnation of Hiccup since he has already done that.
Guest chapter 2 . Mar 11
Another fine chapter. You have an elegant style of writing which matches this setting like a well-stitched glove matches a hand. As for why Astrid is convinced that Hiccup is not interested in her, if Astrid is at all aware (rumors, etc.) aware that Hiccup is sleeping with other women does there need to be any other reason?
Guest chapter 3 . Mar 11
It's good to know that Hiccup is at least willing to do the decent thing for the time being and keep both Astrid and his daughter. He seems to have some moral compass and by all accounts he is a reasonably good king. I have to admit, though, that I'm kind of hoping that Astrid doesn't fall in love with Hiccup and that their relationship does not progress beyond being supportive politically mandated partners. IMHO any man, king or not, who has three affairs with four women while being married really doesn't deserve to fall in love and especially not with the woman he's married to. Nor does he deserve to have her fall in love with him.
Guest chapter 4 . Mar 11
Forgot to say earlier, yes I would very much like you to continue this story. It has a gravitas about it that far too few fanfictions possess.
Guest chapter 5 . Mar 11
Methinks that you worry to much. You are truly an excellent writer as this chapter clearly demonstrates.
Not necessarily abusive, but it’s pretty clear that this version of Hiccup is on thin ice with the Guest, and any further deviations is probably going to unlock the torrent of abuse.
A forbidden love by LightningFlare1, while also a Hiccstrid fic, had the following:
Guest chapter 13 . Jul 11, 2017
Actually, Hiccup IS more responsible. His position means that, on the face of it, his and Astrid's relationship is and cannot be an equal one In addition, he IS the adult in this scenario and SHOULD be held to a higher standard. All this being sad, I feel terrible for them . . . and as for Snotlout, don't even ask . . .
Guest chapter 14 . Jul 11, 2017
Have to admire Astrid for her principals and her willingness to stand by them. That being said, Hiccup WAS the teacher. To quote Spider Man, "With greater POWER comes greater RESPONSIBILITY." Hiccup, as a TA, has/had significant "power" over Astrid as she is student in a class where he can affect her grade, etc. Therefore, even though Astrid could, and arguably should have, broken it off, it was still up to Hiccup as the TA to end the relationship whether or not Astrid wanted to.
Guest chapter 15 . Jul 14, 2017
Very, very good chapter. I really appreciate it when an author hold the protagonists in their story responsible for bad choices because in real life bad choice can ruin a relationship or even a life. Obviously I don't know how you plan to end this, but if the title for your next chapter is any indication then this story will end tragically-as most morality tales do. I would feel bad for Hiccup and Astrid, however, they were both adults and knew the potential consequences for their actions and choose to continue their affair. And after all, not all Hiccstrid stories have to end "happily ever after,
While not abusive, it’s pretty clear that he approves of the degree of punishment and consequences and the lack of happy ending.  It’s apparently nearly his ideal fic in that regard.
Another one for Aquariuspower, The Rider And The Beast
Guest chapter 11 . Feb 16, 2017
In two paragraphs, you have demonstrated a better, more mature and nuanced understanding of Hiccup's real treatment by the residents of Berk (at least in the first movie-canon, if you well) as well as his reasons for being willing to forgive them than a significant number of fanfiction authors demonstrate in their writings. In fact, these two paragraphs should be mandatory reading for any would be "vengeful" Hiccup writers.
I find this one interesting, as this is one of the earliest recorded reviews we have from the Guest that I’ve found so far, and it’s a rare template to which we’ll have to add to the templates page--specifically, a fic that jives so closely with his own headcanon that he feels that it should be required for others to read.  Interestingly, this was also one of the behaviors that got this community started, when the Guest aggressively pushed a different fic at @hiccstrid-mansongur saying that this was how Families Are Forged, Not Made should be written, instead of how it was actually being written.
Runaway by Flame of the Dark (Heathercup fic) had this:
Guest chapter 26 . Jan 31
To HeathercupFan: Considering the temper tantrum you just threw in your "review" of Chapter 25, I think I would really reconsider calling any one else "childish" . . . Just saying . . . kind of like "the pot calling the kettle black."
Guest chapter 23 . Dec 7, 2017
You do realize that deleting reviews that you don't agree with or like is censorship . . .
Guest chapter 23 . Oct 1, 2017
But isn't telling an author how a reviewer feels about a particular pairing doing just that and I quote, "share with me what they like/think of it so far." Pairings are, after all, often major parts of stories and the choice of pairing can thus have a major impact on the story's development and integrity. Also what s wrong with a reviewer wanted to understand WHY an author chose a particular pairing over another or even having no pairing at all?
Guest chapter 6 . Jan 24, 2017
So what EXACTLY is your problem with Astrid and Hiccup's relationship. And WHY would you think Heather is an appropriate match? This is so WRONG in so MANY ways.
As usual, we’ll be reaching out to the authors in question and updating the Templates page.  I think that we have another Template in the making (to the tune of “You should write your story like [This other fic that I approve of]”), plus possibly another one for JAQing Off (”Just Asking Questions”, like how he did for Runaway, although that might be more in line with some of the existing templates)
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